Physics Project - Anish
Physics Project - Anish
Physics Project - Anish
Project by Anish Chandrasekar
Introduction to Space Telescopes and JWST's
1. The Evolution of Space Telescopes
Project by Anish Chandrasekar
Spitzer, launched in 2003, was designed to observe the infrared universe.
It helped astronomers study everything from dust clouds in the Milky Way
to distant galaxies and exoplanet atmospheres. However, Spitzer’s limited
resolution and relatively small mirror size ultimately led to the
development of JWST, which is capable of far superior infrared
Understanding the origins of the universe: JWST aims to explore the very
beginning of the universe, tracing the formation of the first galaxies, stars,
and black holes. Observing the universe’s earliest moments will help
scientists understand the Big Bang and the subsequent evolution of
matter and energy.
Project by Anish Chandrasekar
Expanding our understanding of dark matter and dark energy: Dark
matter and dark energy are two of the biggest mysteries in modern
physics. JWST’s infrared capabilities may help shed light on these elusive
phenomena by observing the formation of galaxies and the behavior of
supermassive black holes.
JWST’s significance lies not only in its ability to address these fundamental
scientific questions but also in its ability to inspire future generations of
scientists and engineers. The telescope is designed to work in concert
with other observatories, such as ground-based telescopes and other
space missions, to provide a more comprehensive understanding of the
JWST will complement other ongoing space missions, such as the Event
Horizon Telescope (which studies black holes) and NASA’s Lucy mission
(which studies asteroids). Together, these missions will create a multi-
faceted picture of our universe, from studying the birth of galaxies to the
study of exotic objects like black holes and asteroids. Moreover, JWST’s
infrared observations will provide new data that can help refine our
understanding of phenomena observed by other telescopes.
The success of JWST will also likely inspire the development of new space
missions, as scientists and engineers continue to push the boundaries of
space exploration. As we learn more about the early universe, the birth of
stars and planets, and the potential for life beyond Earth, JWST will remain
a pivotal instrument in unlocking the mysteries of the universe.
Project by Anish Chandrasekar
History and Development of JWST
1. Origins and Conceptualization of JWST
The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) was born out of the desire to
push the boundaries of astronomical observation beyond what was
possible with the Hubble Space Telescope. By the late 1990s, astronomers
recognized the limitations of Hubble’s observation capabilities in certain
wavelengths, particularly infrared. The next logical step was to develop a
telescope that could observe the universe at infrared wavelengths,
allowing scientists to study cooler and more distant objects, such as the
first stars and galaxies that formed after the Big Bang.
The idea for JWST began in 1996 when NASA, the European Space Agency
(ESA), and the Canadian Space Agency (CSA) came together to design a
telescope that would revolutionize space observation. JWST was conceived
as the successor to the Hubble Space Telescope, but with the added
advantage of infrared capabilities, making it possible to explore areas of
the universe that had been previously obscured by cosmic dust or distant
Project by Anish Chandrasekar
2. Defining the Mission and Goals
Understanding the early universe: JWST was designed to observe the first
galaxies and stars that formed after the Big Bang, providing insights into
the origins of the universe.
Exploring star and planet formation: The telescope would study how stars
and planetary systems are born, particularly in regions that are hidden
from view in visible light.
The scientific community was united in its excitement for the possibilities
that JWST offered. However, designing and building a telescope that could
achieve these objectives was no simple task.
Size of the Telescope: One of the biggest design challenges was the size of
the primary mirror. The primary mirror of JWST is 6.5 meters (21.3 feet) in
diameter, far larger than Hubble's 2.4-meter mirror. Due to size
constraints during launch, the mirror had to be made up of 18 hexagonal
segments that would unfold after launch and align in space.
Project by Anish Chandrasekar
Infrared Observations: The telescope needed to operate in the infrared
spectrum, which requires extremely low temperatures to avoid
interference from the telescope itself. To achieve this, JWST was equipped
with a sunshield the size of a tennis court, designed to protect the
telescope from the heat of the Sun, Earth, and the Moon, keeping it at
temperatures as low as -233°C (-388°F).
JWST’s development was not just an American effort. It was the result of a
global collaboration between NASA, ESA, and CSA. Each agency
contributed to various parts of the telescope:
CSA designed and built the Fine Guidance Sensor/Near InfraRed Imager
and Slitless Spectrograph (FGS/NIRISS) instrument, which plays a crucial
role in stabilizing the telescope and ensuring accurate observations.
This collaboration was critical to the success of JWST, as the expertise and
resources provided by each space agency were necessary to tackle the
immense technical challenges involved.
Project by Anish Chandrasekar
1996: The initial concept for JWST is officially launched, and a team of
engineers and scientists begins to develop the mission's framework.
2002: The project’s design phase officially begins. The scientific objectives
are finalized, and engineers start work on the primary mirror and other
essential components.
2007: JWST’s primary mirror design is completed. The mirror will consist of
18 hexagonal segments, each coated with a thin layer of gold to improve
infrared reflection.
2016: The integration phase begins as the mirror and instruments are
integrated into the spacecraft bus. At this stage, the telescope starts to
take shape, and final tests on the individual components are conducted.
2021: After multiple delays and setbacks due to the complexities of the
mission and the COVID-19 pandemic, the James Webb Space Telescope
was successfully launched on December 25, 2021, aboard an Ariane 5
rocket from French Guiana.
2022: JWST reaches its destination at Lagrange Point 2 (L2) and begins its
deployment sequence. The deployment was incredibly complex, with the
mirror segments and sunshield slowly unfolding over the course of several
While these delays were frustrating, they ultimately ensured that the
telescope was fully tested and calibrated before launch. The long wait
made the eventual success of the mission even more remarkable.
innovations include:
Project by Anish Chandrasekar
Advanced Detectors: JWST's detectors are designed to operate at
extremely low temperatures, enabling them to capture infrared light from
the faintest objects in the universe.
In the early universe, shortly after the Big Bang, galaxies were much
farther away, and their light was stretched (or redshifted) due to the
expansion of space. As the light traveled through the universe, it became
stretched into the infrared part of the spectrum. Therefore, to study the
universe's first galaxies and stars, JWST must be capable of detecting this
redshifted light. The telescope’s infrared sensitivity allows it to look
further back in time than any previous observatory, revealing the
formation of the first stars and galaxies.
Project by Anish Chandrasekar
To achieve the large size necessary for JWST’s scientific goals, the primary
mirror is composed of 18 hexagonal segments. These segments are made
from beryllium and coated with a thin layer of gold to enhance their ability
to reflect infrared light. Each segment is carefully aligned in space after
the telescope's deployment, working together to form a single, cohesive
mirror that functions as one.
The individual segments of the mirror are also adjustable, which allows for
precise alignment. This adjustability ensures that the mirror can be
focused with great accuracy once it is deployed in space. The precision of
the mirror is critical because even tiny misalignments can result in blurry
images or the inability to detect faint signals.
One of the most crucial aspects of JWST's design is its sunshield, which
protects the telescope from the heat of the Sun, Earth, and the Moon.
Since JWST is designed to observe in the infrared spectrum, it must
operate at extremely low temperatures to avoid interference from its own
heat. The sunshield blocks the heat from these sources by reflecting
sunlight and providing a barrier to prevent the telescope from heating up.
The sunshield is made up of five layers of Kapton, a material known for its
strength and resistance to heat. These layers are thin but effective,
keeping the temperature of the telescope’s instruments as low as -233°C
(-388°F). This extreme cooling allows the telescope to detect faint infrared
signals without being overwhelmed by its own radiation. The sunshield is
about the size of a tennis court, with a total area of about 22 meters by 12
meters (69.5 feet by 46.5 feet), making it one of the largest deployable
structures ever built for space.
Project by Anish Chandrasekar
5. Optical Design and Instruments: How JWST Sees the Universe
JWST is equipped with four key instruments that allow it to observe the
universe in a variety of ways, all while relying on the fundamental
principles of optics and spectroscopy.
Project by Anish Chandrasekar
MIRI is capable of detecting objects that emit at wavelengths much longer
than those visible to the human eye, allowing scientists to observe the
birth of galaxies and stars in far greater detail.
The Fine Guidance Sensor (FGS) plays a crucial role in stabilizing the
telescope, ensuring that it remains aligned with its targets during
observations. The NIRISS component, on the other hand, is a versatile tool
for imaging and spectroscopic observations of exoplanets, galaxies, and
star-forming regions. The fine guidance system and its imaging
capabilities work together to ensure that JWST delivers sharp, precise
images and data.
One of the core principles behind JWST’s mission is its ability to observe
extremely distant objects. As light travels through space, it gets stretched
out due to the expansion of the universe. This phenomenon is known as
redshift. The farther a galaxy or star is, the more its light becomes
redshifted, shifting from the visible spectrum into the infrared range.
JWST’s sensitivity to infrared light allows it to observe galaxies that are
billions of light-years away, capturing images of objects that formed only a
few hundred million years after the Big Bang.
In addition to observing distant galaxies, JWST will also play a critical role
in studying the light curves of stars and planets. Light curves are plots of
how an object’s brightness changes over time, and they are used to study
phenomena such as exoplanet transits (when a planet passes in front of
its host star) or supernovae (exploding stars). By analyzing these light
Project by Anish Chandrasekar
curves, astronomers can determine the size, composition, and orbit of
exoplanets, as well as the properties of distant galaxies and stars.
JWST’s infrared
imaging and
capabilities allow
it to peer deep
into space, far
beyond the reach
of other
telescopes like
Hubble. The light
from the earliest
galaxies took
billions of years to
reach us, so when
JWST observes
distant galaxies, it
is essentially looking back in time. By studying these galaxies,
astronomers can gain insights into:
The chemical composition of early galaxies and how it changed over time.
Project by Anish Chandrasekar
The rate of star formation and how it evolved across the first few billion
years after the Big Bang.
The effects of supermassive black holes in the centers of galaxies and how
they may have influenced galaxy formation.
JWST will be able to detect faint infrared light emitted by early galaxies,
which is crucial since much of the light from these objects has been
redshifted due to the expansion of the universe. By studying the early
universe, JWST will help scientists answer one of the most profound
questions in cosmology: How did the first galaxies form, and what did they
look like?
Project by Anish Chandrasekar
The initial stages of star formation and the process by which stars are
born from collapsing clouds of gas.
The feedback processes that occur as stars form and influence their
surrounding environments.
The formation of stellar clusters and how these systems evolve over time.
In addition to studying the birth of stars, JWST will also investigate stellar
evolution by observing older stars in the later stages of their lives. It will
observe how stars evolve, and ultimately, how they end their lives as
white dwarfs, neutron stars, or supernovae.
JWST will also allow scientists to study the explosive deaths of massive
stars, known as supernovae. These explosive events play a crucial role in
enriching the universe with heavy elements. By studying supernovae in
distant galaxies, JWST will provide valuable data on the origins of the
elements that make up planets, life, and everything else in the universe.
JWST will also contribute significantly to the study of dark matter and dark
energy—two of the most mysterious phenomena in the universe. While
these elements cannot be directly observed, JWST can provide critical
data on their influence on galaxies and galaxy clusters.
One technique JWST will use to study dark matter is gravitational lensing.
This occurs when the gravitational field of a massive object, such as a
galaxy or cluster of galaxies, bends the light from objects behind it. This
allows scientists to map the distribution of dark matter in galaxy clusters,
helping to shed light on its elusive nature.
JWST will also study the effects of dark energy, the mysterious force
responsible for the accelerated expansion of the universe. By observing
distant supernovae and galaxy clusters, JWST will provide valuable data
on the rate of cosmic expansion and help refine our understanding of dark
The science conducted with JWST will not only address specific research
questions but also revolutionize our understanding of astronomy as a
whole. The telescope's ability to gather high-resolution infrared data will
Project by Anish Chandrasekar
contribute to numerous fields of science, including planetary science,
solar system exploration, and cosmology. As the successor to the Hubble
Space Telescope, JWST will enhance our knowledge of the universe in
ways that were previously unimaginable.
The data collected by JWST will likely serve as a foundation for future
research for decades to come. The wealth of information about galaxy
formation, star evolution, exoplanet atmospheres, and dark matter will
likely catalyze numerous new fields of study. Researchers will continue to
analyze JWST’s observations for years after its launch, potentially leading
to unforeseen discoveries.
Project by Anish Chandrasekar
Challenges Faced During the Development and
Launch of JWST
The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) is one of the most ambitious and
complex space observatories ever built. Its development spanned nearly
two decades, and throughout this time, the project faced numerous
scientific, engineering, financial, and organizational challenges. The
success of the mission, despite these difficulties, highlights the resilience
and determination of the teams involved. In this section, we will explore
some of the significant challenges faced during the development,
construction, and launch of JWST.
The design of JWST was particularly challenging due to its sheer size,
complexity, and the extreme conditions in space. Unlike the Hubble Space
Telescope, which was launched in a relatively simple configuration, JWST
required intricate folding and unfolding mechanisms due to its large mirror
and sunshield.
Project by Anish Chandrasekar
The Folding Mirror and Sunshield
The sunshield, which is the size of a tennis court, was another challenge.
The sunshield needed to be constructed from a special material called
Kapton, which could withstand the heat of the Sun while providing the
necessary cooling to keep the telescope’s instruments at optimal
operating temperatures. The sunshield’s five layers had to unfold perfectly
to block heat and sunlight while allowing the telescope to function
The entire deployment process was thoroughly tested on the ground using
scaled models to simulate the conditions in space. However, the
complexity and unknowns of operating such a massive instrument in
space left engineers with significant challenges to overcome.
From the outset, the JWST mission faced budgetary constraints and
timeline delays, which were driven by the ambitious nature of the project.
Originally estimated to cost around $500 million when it was first
proposed in the late 1990s, the cost of the mission ballooned over the
years due to a combination of factors. By the time of the telescope’s
launch in December 2021, the total cost of the project had exceeded $10
Project by Anish Chandrasekar
Factors Contributing to Budget Increases
Delays in Development
The development of JWST was initially slated for completion in the early
2000s, but delays in key components, such as the mirror and sunshield,
pushed the launch back by more than a decade. Each delay added to the
costs, but ultimately, the telescope was launched successfully in
December 2021.
JWST had to be tested under the harsh conditions it would face in space.
These tests were critical to ensuring that the telescope could survive the
extreme temperatures, vacuum, and radiation of space while maintaining
its sensitive instruments at the required operating temperatures.
One of the most crucial tests was the thermal vacuum test, in which JWST
was subjected to a vacuum chamber that simulated the conditions of
space. The telescope was placed in a vacuum environment with extremely
low temperatures to ensure that its systems would function in the near-
zero gravity of space. The goal was to confirm that the mirror,
Project by Anish Chandrasekar
instruments, and sunshield would perform as expected under the cold
conditions of space, with temperatures reaching -233°C (-388°F).
One of the most daunting challenges for the JWST mission was ensuring
that the telescope’s 18 mirror segments could align perfectly after being
deployed. Each segment of the mirror was carefully constructed and
tested on Earth, but in space, the mirror would need to be adjusted with
extreme precision to form a single, continuous reflective surface.
Project by Anish Chandrasekar
tests were crucial in refining the alignment process and reducing the risk
of errors once the telescope reached its final orbit.
As the project extended over nearly two decades, there was increasing
scrutiny from both the public and political figures. With the soaring costs
and repeated delays, some began questioning whether the investment in
the mission was justified. The NASA budget was under pressure, and some
critics even called for the project to be canceled or scaled back.
Despite the challenges, there was strong support for the mission from the
scientific community, which recognized that JWST would be a game-
changer in the study of astronomy. The telescope's potential to answer
some of the most profound questions about the universe provided enough
justification to push through the obstacles and delays.
Political backing from both NASA and other government entities was
crucial in ensuring the telescope’s completion. The international
collaboration between NASA, the European Space Agency (ESA), and the
Canadian Space Agency (CSA) played a significant role in maintaining the
momentum and ensuring that JWST’s mission objectives were met.
After years of delays, technical hurdles, and financial challenges, the JWST
was successfully launched on December 25, 2021, aboard an Ariane 5
rocket from French Guiana. The launch itself was flawless, and after a
month-long journey to Lagrange Point 2 (L2), the telescope began its
intricate deployment process.
Post-Launch Challenges
Project by Anish Chandrasekar
Although the launch was a success, the post-launch deployment was not
without its challenges. The sunshield had to unfold perfectly, and the
mirror segments required months of fine-tuning. Each part of the
telescope’s deployment had to be completed with high precision to ensure
Project by Anish Chandrasekar
atmospheres will allow astronomers to detect signs of habitability or even
biosignatures, bringing humanity closer to answering the profound
question of whether life exists beyond Earth. The telescope’s work on
stellar evolution will shed light on how stars are born, live, and die,
revealing the mysteries of stellar nurseries and the life cycles of various
stellar types.
JWST will also make significant strides in understanding the nature of dark
matter and dark energy by studying their effects on galaxies and cosmic
structures. These discoveries could revolutionize our understanding of the
fundamental forces that govern the universe.
Overall, JWST’s legacy will not only redefine the field of astronomy but
also inspire future generations of scientists. Its open-access data will
foster global collaboration, ensuring that its discoveries will shape the
The telescope will also enhance our understanding of the nature of dark
matter and dark energy, two of the most profound mysteries in physics.
Moreover, JWST’s groundbreaking ability to study the birth and evolution
of stars, the chemistry of distant worlds, and the structure of distant
galaxies will redefine the possibilities for future discoveries in astronomy.
In summary, the legacy of the James Webb Space Telescope will be one of
discovery, expanding the horizons of human knowledge. As it unravels the
mysteries of the universe, JWST will inspire generations of scientists and
explorers to continue pushing the boundaries of what we can learn about
the cosmos, leaving a profound impact on science and human
1. NASA. (2023). James Webb Space Telescope: Overview. NASA.
Retrieved from
Project by Anish Chandrasekar
3. Space Telescope Science Institute. (2022). JWST’s Mission and
Capabilities. Space Telescope Science Institute. Retrieved from
5. Gardner, J. P., et al. (2006). The James Webb Space Telescope. The
Astrophysical Journal, 144(4).
Project by Anish Chandrasekar