Fundamentals of Medical Physiology Harminder - Unlocked - Split - 76
Fundamentals of Medical Physiology Harminder - Unlocked - Split - 76
Fundamentals of Medical Physiology Harminder - Unlocked - Split - 76
gastric contents are squeezed in oesophagus motor activity. Pacemaker cells of BER are interstitial cells
of Cajal. MMC (interdigestive housekeepers) are peristal-
because of reflex relaxation of cardiac end tic waves during interdigestive period showing migrating
of oesophagus. motor activity, starting from oesophagus and travelling
c. Antiperistalsis in oesophagus propels the through whole GIT in regular cycle. In relation to meals,
vomitus in mouth. Antiperistalsis or reverse gastric motility consists of receptive relaxation (vagally me-
diated), mixing movements (peristalsis and reteropulsion)
peristalsis is 2–3 cm/s from ileum to up- and gastric emptying. Enterogastric reflex slows down gas-
wards and leads to distension of duodenum tric emptying and occurs due to stimulation of receptors in
in 3–5 min. duodenal mucosa due to stretching.
Gastric function tests include—Fractional meal test,
d. Soft palate rises and shuts off nasal cavity pentagastrin test, histamine test, augmented histamine
from throat. test, insulin test, barium meal, endoscopy and biopsy.
e. Diaphragm ascends (or relaxes). Damage or disruption of mucosa of pyloric region of
stomach and duodenum leads to peptic ulcer. Main causa-
f. Muscles of expiration and abdominal wall tive organism is H. pylori which liquefies the protective gas-
contract. tric mucosal barrier by releasing digestive enzymes which
cause ulceration in mucosal wall and by releasing vacudat-
Treatment ing cytotoxin (Vac A).
Vomiting is expulsion of gastric or intestinal contents
Following drugs are used in the treatment of from stomach or intestine. Vomiting centre is CTZ.
• 5HT3 antagonists—Ondansetron
• D2 antagonists—Chlorpromazine, haloperidol
• Corticosteroids, benzodiazepines, cannabinoids RECENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS
(chemotherapy induced vomiting)—Alone or IN EXAMINATION
in combination with above drugs. • Functions of gastric juice
• Mechanism of HCl secretion
• Regulation of gastric juice secretion along with
Gastric juice (2–2.5 L/day) consists of water, HCl (secret- • Phases of gastric juice secretion
ed by parietal cells), solids, enzymes like pepsin (precur- • BER
sor pepsinogen is secreted by chief cells of gastric glands), • MMC
gastric lipase, gastric amylase, gastric gelatinase, lysozymes, • Gastric emptying
urease, carbonic anhydrase, mucus (secreted by pyloric • Gastric function tests
and antral glands) and intrinsic factor (secreted by pari- • Pathophysiology and management of peptic ulcer
etal cells).
• Pathophysiology of vomiting and the events
Membrane potential of smooth muscle of GIT is fluctu-
ating between −65 and −45 mV (BER), which maintains
occurring during vomiting
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Liver, Gall Bladder and 47
• Functional unit of liver • Liver function tests
• Functions of liver • Cholelithiasis
• Bile and bile salts • Pancreatic secretion and pancreatic
• Enterohepatic circulation function tests
• Choleretics
Figure 47-1 Hepatic acinus. [Source: Pathologic Basis of Veterinary Disease. 2007. Figure 8-1, Schematic views of the
microscopic and functional organization of the liver. A, Microscopic organization of the liver. A central vein is located in the
center of the lobule with plates of hepatocytes arranged radially. Branches of the portal vein and hepatic artery are located on
the periphery of the lobule, and blood from both perfuses the sinusoids. Peripherally located bile ducts drain the bile canaliculi
that run between hepatocytes. B, Functional organization of the liver. Both the lobule and the acinus are represented. The
lobule is a hexagonal unit with portal areas at the margin and a terminal hepatic vein (central vein) at the center. The lobule is
divided into the periportal, midzonal, and centrilobular areas. The acinus is a diamond-shaped structure with the distributing
branches of the vessels from the portal areas as the center of the structure. Zone 1 of the acinus is closest to the afferent
blood supply, and zone 3 is at the tip of the diamond-shaped structure, close to the terminal hepatic vein. Zone 2 is between
zones 1 and 3.]
CHAPTER 47 — Liver, Gall Bladder and Pancreas 361
Figure 47-2 Structure of hepatic cord. [Source: Textbook of Clinical Embryology. Elsevier; 2012. Figure 14.3, Histologi-
cal components of developing liver. A. Arrangement of hepatic cords. Note, they radiate from central vein towards periphery.
B. Location of bile canaliculi and bile ductule (derivatives of hepatic bud), liver sinusoids (derivatives of vitelline and umbilical
veins), and hemopoietic tissue (derivative of septum transversum);158-167.]