Set 1
Set 1
Set 1
1. Materials will be posted per Activity sequence (Data Sheets first then Instruction Sheets in
different dates). Study the Data Sheets, so that when Instruction Sheets are posted it will be
less difficult.
2. An audit engagement is guided by Philippine Standard in Auditing. Be guided by these
standards in accomplishing the task. In addition, your compliance with the Code of Ethics
(applicable concepts – Integrity, Honesty, Confidentiality, and Competence etc.) will be
measured and will have a great impact on your score.
3. Confidentiality doctrine, as if in an actual audit, you are not supposed to divulge information
or circumstances related to the activity. Violation will be subjected to penalty.
4. In this activity, you are supposed to audit, thus its result should be based on the procedures
you implemented and not taken, copied, sourced out from others (a major violation of the
activity rules).
5. You are not allowed to re-produce all materials related to the activity. This is to preserve the
integrity of the activity. Materials are available 24/7, thus there is no reason for reproduction
in any flat form digital or hard copy.
6. Although this activity is a group effort, you will be graded individually.
7. Other info/rules will be posted as the activity is in progress. Please be updated always.
General Information
3. With the emergence of VCD in the late '90's and Videoke machines in the early
2000's the sales of the company tremendiously decreased. To cope up with the changes,
Forever Mfg. Co. shifted to produce Videoke player, a major part of vedioke machine in
4. The composition of the board of the directors were as follows (with affiliated
Rafael - Chairman of the Board (President & CEO of Mega Dev. Bank)
Ariel - Vice Chairman of the Board (Director of Mega Dev. Bank)
Regine - Treasurer (Co owner of Riverside Rural Bank)
Engr. O. Ogie - Director (With construction company under his name)
Mrs. L. Ogie - Director (A CPA & Director of Mega Dev. Bank)
G. Janno - Director (President of Videoke Machines Unlimited)
R. Jaya - Director (Owns Electronic International Supply, a distributor of electonic
Current Assets
Cash on Hand and in Bank 444,393.95 250,625.45
Accounts Receivables 864,107.00 458,417.25
Finished Goods Inventory 278,913.80 378,551.15
Work in Process 150,258.00 175,288.00
Materials Inventory 1,077,155.25 1,686,233.33
total current asset 2,814,828.00 2,949,115.18
Fixed Assets
Building 3,755,174.30 3,755,174.30
Depreciation - building 468,756.84 3,286,417.46 562,508.21 3,192,666.09
Equipment 2,061,792.00 2,061,792.00
Depreciation - equipment 460,579.20 1,601,212.80 552,695.04 1,509,096.96
Furnitures & Fixtures 1,525,800.00 1,525,800.00
Depreciation - fur. & fix. 204,020.00 1,321,780.00 244,824.00 1,280,976.00
Other Factory Equipment 251,620.00 251,620.00
Depreciation - other factory equipment 50,248.00 201,372.00 6,410,782.26 60,297.60 191,322.40 6,174,061.45
Accounts Payable 830,687.53 685,850.58
Loans Payable 2,500,000.00 2,000,000.00
total liabilities 3,330,687.53 2,685,850.58
Stocholder's Equity
Capital Stock 5,011,250.00 5,011,250.00
Retained Earnings 883,672.73 5,894,922.73 1,426,076.05 6,437,326.05
Total Sales 6,730,800.00 8,897,450.00
Total Cost of Sales 3,450,650.00 3,899,073.75
Board of Directors
Chief Operating Officer
Clerks Cashier
Production Procurement Clerk Stockroom clerk Sales Clerks Acct Pay. Production Acct. Rec.
Supervisors Clerk Cost Clerk Billing Clerk
Factory Workers