Sports Drinks

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Behind the hype:

Sports Drinks
What are sports drinks?
Sports drinks were designed for use by endurance athletes as a convenient way to replace fluid, glucose
and electrolytes (such as sodium, potassium and magnesium) lost during endurance activity.1 Sports drinks
usually contain water, sugar (although sugar-free alternatives are available), sodium, potassium, artificial
colours and flavours.

Why is this an issue?

Sports drinks can be a concentrated source
of sugar and energy. Depending on the brand,
some contain up to 22.4 grams of sugar per
250ml.2 Sports drinks are often sold in large
In a nutshell
sizes so can contribute significant amounts
of energy to the diet. For example, a 750ml
bottle of sports drink may contain 67 grams (16 Sports drinks are not necessary. Water is
teaspoons) of sugar.2 the best choice before, during and after
most physical activity.
Sugary drinks are a main source of sugar
for New Zealand adults and children.3,4 Many sports drinks contain sugar and
Consumption of sugary drinks is associated with energy similar to other sugar-sweetened
tooth decay, increased risk of unhealthy weight drinks, so they can cause weight gain
gain, type 2 diabetes and gout.3 Sports drinks and tooth decay.
also add unnecessary sodium to the diet. High
intake of sodium is associated with elevated Most people participating in physical
blood pressure, a risk factor for cardiovascular activity will not have additional nutrition
disease and stroke.5 Estimates suggest sodium or fluid-related requirements other than
consumption in New Zealand exceeds dietary the food and nutrition guidelines.

While sports drinks are marketed for those
playing sport, most people do not exercise
enough to burn the energy in one sports drink,
or need to replace lost electrolytes. For most
people drinking water before, during or after
activity provides sufficient hydration.
What is the best choice of drink for my activity?
Water is the best choice before, during and after most physical activities. Some examples are given below.

Activity Best drink Advice

15-year-old boy playing cricket – both Water Drink water regularly throughout the game. Although
fielding and batting cricket games can last for several hours, the activity is not
continuous or of high intensity.

Gym session for about an hour – mix Water Drink water before, during and after the workout to replace
of cardio and weights (adult female) fluid lost as sweat.

3-hour bike ride (adult male) Water Drink water before, during and after to avoid dehydration.
Even on a three-hour bike ride, sports drinks are not
needed. Water provides sufficient hydration and regular
snacks (such as bananas) can help meet energy

Adult female running with friends – Water Drink water before and after the workout to replace fluid lost
medium to fast pace for 40 minutes as sweat.

Primary school-aged girl playing Water Drink water before, during (at half time) and after the game.
netball or rugby in the weekend for
age-group rep team

Long, hot day at the beach and Water Drink water regularly throughout the day before you get
feeling really thirsty thirsty.

More information References

1. Burke I, Read S (1993). Dietary Supplements in sport.
The food and nutrition guidelines are available at: Sports Medicine 15(1) 43-65. 2. The New Zealand Institute for Plant and Food Research
wellness/nutrition/food-and-nutrition-guidelines Ltd and the Ministry of Health (2014). The Concise New
Zealand Food Composition Tables, 10th Edition. Retrieved
The Health Ed resource ‘Eating for Healthy Adults’
has information on fluid intake: 3. University of Otago and Ministry of Health (2011). A Focus
on Nutrition: Key Findings of the 2008/09 New Zealand Adult Nutrition Survey. Wellington, Ministry of Health.
pakeke 4. Ministry of Health (2003). NZ Food NZ Children Key
Results of the 2002 National Children’s Nutrition Survey
How much sugar do you drink? (infographic) Wellington Ministry of Health.
available at:
5. National Health and Medical Research Council (2006).
Nutrient Reference Values for Australia and New Zealand Including Recommended Dietary Intakes. Canberra,
Department of Health and Ageing.
NPA047 ǀ May 2014

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