Pu,,Tounge ReSarch

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Basic Information

 Who is the owner of this water refilling station?

 What is the name of the water refilling station?
 When did this station open for business?
 Where is the water refilling station located?
 What is the official business address?
 Is the station independently owned or part of a franchise?
 How many branches or locations do you operate?
 How would you describe the mission or goal of your water refilling
 What are the business hours?
 Is this water refilling station open every day of the week?

Customer Demographics and Preferences

 Who are your primary customers (e.g., households, businesses)?

 What factors do you think influence customers to choose your station?
 Do customers prefer purified or alkaline water more?
 Are there seasonal variations in customer demand?
 How do you handle special customer requests?

Health and Safety

 How do you ensure that water is free from contaminants?

 What are the specific safety protocols your staff follows?
 How often do health inspectors review your facility?
 Have you ever had a safety incident? If so, how did you handle it?
 What is the most common customer concern regarding water quality?

Water Treatment Process

 What kind of water source do you use, and how reliable is it?
 How many filtration stages does your water undergo?
 18. Do you treat the water for any specific minerals or contaminants?
 19. What technology do you use for purification (e.g., reverse osmosis,
UV treatment)?
 Are there any unique steps in your treatment process?
Quality Control and Standards

 What are the key standards you must comply with in water refilling?
 Do you perform microbial tests on your water?
 How do you monitor and control pH levels in alkaline water?
 How often do you replace filters and membranes?
 What certifications or licenses do you hold to operate this station?

Packaging and Delivery

 What materials are used in your containers (e.g., plastic, glass)?

 How often do you sanitize or replace containers?
 Do customers return containers, or are they single-use?
 How do you ensure containers are free from contamination?
 Are containers durable, or do they require frequent replacements?

Equipment and Maintenance

 How often do you service or replace your filtration equipment?

 What equipment maintenance challenges do you face?
 How much does equipment maintenance add to your expenses?
 Do you face any issues with water supply or equipment downtime?
 Are there any backup systems in case of equipment failure?

 Environmental and Social Responsibility

 What actions do you take to reduce plastic use or waste?
 How do you educate your customers on recycling containers?
 Do you have partnerships for recycling or waste disposal?
 What is your approach to minimizing water wastage?
 Have you considered using renewable energy sources?

Financial Management

 What are your primary cost drivers in this business?

 How do you set your pricing to stay competitive?
 Do you experience seasonal fluctuations in revenue?
 Are you planning any future expansions or upgrades?
 How do economic factors, like inflation, impact your pricing?

Future Plans and Innovations

 Are you planning to expand your business to new locations?

 What are the future trends you see in the water refilling industry?
 Have you considered adding any new types of water or products?
 Are there any new technologies you’re interested in adopting?
 How do you plan to keep up with competitors in the future?

Customer Satisfaction and Feedback

 How do you gather feedback from customers?

 What feedback have customers given about your water quality?
 Are customers satisfied with the delivery speed or availability?
 What feedback have you received regarding your pricing?
 How has customer feedback influenced changes in your operations?

Legal and Regulatory Aspects

 What specific regulations apply to water refilling stations?

 Are there any challenges in maintaining compliance?
 Do you foresee any regulatory changes affecting your business?
 How often are you audited by regulatory authorities?
 How do you stay informed about new regulations?

Competitive Analysis

 How does your pricing compare to competitors in the area?

 What strategies do you use to attract customers from competitors?
 How do you respond to new water refilling stations opening nearby?
 Are there competitors you look up to or consider a benchmark?
 What differentiates your brand from other water refilling stations?

 Risk Management
 What risks do you consider most significant for your business?
 How do you manage the risk of water contamination?
 Do you have insurance to cover potential risks?
 What backup plans are in place for equipment or water supply failures?
 How would you handle a significant increase in operational costs?

Personal Insights and Reflections

 What has been the most rewarding part of running a water refilling
 What advice would you give to someone starting in this business?
 What skills do you think are essential for success in this industry?
 How has running this business changed your perspective on water
 What have you learned about customer needs through this business?

 Closing Thoughts and Vision

 What are your goals for the next five years?
 Do you think the water refilling industry is growing or changing?
 What impact do you hope to have on customers’ health and well-
 What keeps you motivated in running this business?
 If you could make one improvement to the industry, what would it be?

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