Game Thoery Evolution Riechman
Game Thoery Evolution Riechman
Game Thoery Evolution Riechman
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1 author:
Daniel Friedman
University of California, Santa Cruz
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On economic applications
of evolutionary game theory
Daniel Friedman*
Department of Economics, University of California at Santa Cruz,
212 Social Sciences I, Santa Cruz, CA 95064, USA
1 Introduction
Evolutionary games have seized a large and increasing share of the game
theory literature in recent years. But economic applications of evolutionary
game theory remain few and isolated, while a dominant share of the applied
economics literature relies on orthodox game theory. A casual observer
might surmise from these facts that the new evolutionary approach is in-
tractable or not widely applicable, or that its implications are essentially the
same as those of the orthodox approach.
* My thanks to the fellows and sta of CentER at Tilburg University for providing the
stimulating environment in which this paper was originally written, and to K.C. Fung for
his help and encouragement in beginning the project. Vince Crawford, Jorgen Weibull,
three anonymous referees, and audiences at Tilburg, Arizona, UCSC and Florence pro-
vided useful comments on earlier versions. I retain sole responsibility for any remaining
errors and idiosyncrasies.
16 D. Friedman
natural for the genetic mechanism but are less natural for economically
relevant mechanisms such as exit or learning.
(c) A casual reading of most existing literature can easily give the im-
pression that evolutionary games apply only to a single strategically sym-
metric population of agents, that the population must be in®nitely large,
and that interactions must consist of pairwise matches of agents. These
conditions make far more sense in biological applications than in economic
applications. I shall argue that none of these conditions are necessary for
evolutionary game models.
Thus the theoretical literature does not yet provide clear guidance on the
proper application of evolutionary games to substantive economic ques-
tions. But the potential is great. Evolutionary games oer a dierent per-
spective on information conditions than orthodox static complete
information (NE) and incomplete information (Bayesian NE) models.
Evolutionary games also oer a richer set of empirical predictions such as
built-in selection criteria among multiple NE, and predictions of relatively
rapid or slow convergence (or non-convergence) to NE. There is a cost,
however. In addition to the orthodox speci®cation of a payo function (or
game tree), the evolutionary game models usually require speci®cation of
initial conditions (or a slice of history) and sometimes also require detailed
speci®cation of adjustment (e.g. learning) dynamics.
In sum, economists must re-adapt evolutionary theory to economics
before evolutionary game models can become routine and widespread. We
must shed some of the biological adaptations and develop some new ad-
aptations for economics.
The presentation here is based on Friedman (1991) and, despite the patient
eorts of three generous referees, it remains somewhat opinionated. The
reader will bene®t from other perspectives.
Weibull (1992) is a good place to start. It is a self-contained introduction
to evolutionary game theory, written at the advanced undergraduate or
graduate student level; Weibull (1995) is a more complete and more ad-
vanced treatment. Other advanced texts begin with Bomze and PoÈtscher
(1989) and Cressman (1992), and now include Vega-Redondo (1996),
Samuelson (1997), and Fudenberg and Levine (1997). Chapter-length the-
oretical summaries include Eichberger (1992), Robson (1992) and chapter 9
of van Damme (1991). Hofbauer and Sigmund (1988) is a classic book for a
general scienti®c audience. Several game theory textbooks have some ma-
terial on evolutionary games; Binmore (1992) devotes chapter 9 to the topic.
In¯uential early theoretical papers by economists and game theorists in-
clude Binmore (1987) and Fudenberg and Kreps (1988).
Several journals besides JEE carry relevant theoretical articles. Mailath
(1992) introduces a special issue of the Journal of Economic Theory devoted
to evolutionary game theory; and Selten (1991b) is the lead article in a
special issue of Games and Economic Behavior. Crawford (1993) introduces
a special double issue of Games and Economic Behavior on ``adaptive
On economic applications of evolutionary game theory 19
2 Model elements
One possible candidate for reduction to K 1 is a worker-consumer model in which an
individual's ®tness is the simple average of her ®tness as a worker and her ®tness as a
Theorists can't aord to be so casual. See for example Boylan (1992), Maynard Smith
(1982) and Riley (1979) for explication of various theoretical issues arising from ®nite or
countably in®nite populations. Binmore and Samuelson (1995) oer an enlightening in-
tegrated discussion of population size, mutation or error rates, period length and time
horizon. See also the remarks in Section 2C below on local interaction.
On economic applications of evolutionary game theory 21
B. Stage games
The T-superscript denotes the transpose. All vectors are column vectors, but (except in
matrix multiplication) they are written for typographical simplicity as row vectors with the
T superscript suppressed.
22 D. Friedman
The reader should be warned that some of the literature speci®es the transpose BT rather
than B, which can cause some confusion.
On economic applications of evolutionary game theory 23
home country ®rms, so their ®tness depends on both s1 and s2 . The general
linear speci®cation for K 2 and N1 N2 N can be written as
f 1 r; s rT As2 Cs1 and f 2 r; s rT Bs1 Ds2 , where the own pop-
ulation eects are captured in the two additional N N matrices C and D.
Many applications require non-linear state dependence (e.g., Balk-
enborg and Schlag, 1995). Market interaction, whether perfectly or im-
perfectly competitive, produces prices and pro®ts that typically are quite
nonlinear in the population distribution of behavior. For example, in a
simple one-country model of ®rms' choice between two modes of internal
organization, Friedman and Fung (1996) use the Nash-Cournot equilibri-
um for given s to express f r; s as the quotient of fourth degree polyno-
mials in s (with coecients depending on the demand and cost parameters
and the number of ®rms). The work of Blume and Easley (1992) on wealth
dynamics in ®nancial markets provides another example. They express each
individual's expected wealth increment as a nonlinear function of the dis-
tribution of investment strategies in a single population.
Can the ®tness function f r; s be nonlinear in r as well as in s? It is not
required by any application I have seen in economics (or in biology for that
matter).5 An anonymous referee points out that linearity in r can be re-
garded as a simple notational convenience for summarizing the state de-
pendence of each (pure) strategy, and that it underlies the compatibility
speci®cations discussed in the next subsection. Thus I assume unless oth-
erwise stated that ®tness functions are linear in r and continuously dier-
entiable (possibly nonlinear) in s.
C. Dynamics
Nonlinearity in r conceivably could be used to represent risk preferences, but I will
ignore the possibility for three orthodox reasons: analytic convenience, approximate risk-
neutrality for (presumably relatively small) single-period payos, and (when all else fails)
the game theorist's interpretation of payos as ®nal utilities rather than wealth incre-
24 D. Friedman
That is, using the payo dierence D de®ned in Section 3A below, we set F s
D p; D p for 0 < p < 1.
On economic applications of evolutionary game theory 25
Many theorists have accepted the challenge and sought plausible economic underpin-
nings for replicator dynamics. None are completely persuasive but several are interesting
and instructive. Binmore and Samuelson (1995) obtain replicator dynamics as a limiting
case of a complicated process that combines entry and exit, random mutation and aspi-
ration-based imitation. Blume and Easley (1992) get replicator dynamics as a limiting case
of their wealth redistribution process when they directly or indirectly assume that players
try to maximize the growth rate of their wealth, as opposed to maximizing terminal wealth
or present value of consumption utility. BoÈrgers and Sarin (1993) show that transients
(but not necessarily asymptotics) of an individual (but not aggregate) learning model
correspond to replicator dynamics in a limiting case. Unfortunately the learning model is
based on rote learning, not belief learning; for example, the marginal impact of current
information is independent of accumulated information. Finally, Schlag (1994) obtains
replicator dynamics as a limiting case of an imitation process in which players have a
special sort of risk aversion. My point here is that replicator dynamics are a handy
example of compatible dynamics but applied economists should not regard them as ca-
As explained in Friedman (1991), when working with rates of change rather than growth
rates, one should de®ne the relative ®tness in terms of the simple average of non-extinct
strategies rather than the population weighted average. The distinction is vacuous for
speci®cations (b) and (d) but in principle can aect (c) as well as (a).
26 D. Friedman
alternative strategies. See Weibull (1995) for further discussion of (c) and
see Friedman (1991) for further discussion of (d); both versions have
plausible arguments in their favor and also have attractive asymptotic
properties. Appendix B is a brief, unsystematic survey of proposed dy-
namical speci®cations, most but not all of which satisfy compatibility ver-
sions (b±d).
Two further remarks may be in order. An applied economist no doubt
would seek empirical evidence in choosing among the various dynamic
speci®cations. Laboratory data appears the obvious ®rst place to look. The
good news is that laboratory study of adjustment dynamics in games has
become quite popular in the last few years; the bad news is that the work so
far has focused on testing one or a few models in rather special circum-
stances, and a consensus has not yet formed on the most promising general
Finally, note that for most popular dynamics the information require-
ments are quite minimal, often just the history of own payos. Players do
not necessarily need common (or any) knowledge of opponents' types or
distribution of types in order to converge to ordinary NE. This point is
emphasized in the theoretical literature but the implication for applied
models may not have sunk in: so-called complete information NE can evolve
even when players initially are quite ignorant of each others' circumstances.
D. Equilibria
The idea is that the ESS state s resists all possible ``mutations'' x either
because (i) they are less ®t or (ii) they are equally ®t at the current state
(where they are rare) but less ®t when they are prevalent. Using the notation
x 1 s x, one can replace conditions (i) and (ii) by the single
This alternative de®nition is valid for nonlinear ®tness functions and can be
generalized for K 2 models (e.g. Cressman, 1995).
Economists and orthodox game theorists for many years have empha-
sized a somewhat weaker static equilibrium concept called NE, for Nash or
noncooperative equilibrium. For a single population model the de®nition is
On economic applications of evolutionary game theory 27
(10 ) f s; s f x; s:
It is clear from a comparison of the de®nitions that every ESS is a NE; this
relationship also holds for appropriate generalizations to K 2 models.
The intuitive appeal of ESS is that it supposedly ensures that the equi-
librium is stable. A formal de®nition of stability must refer to the dynamic
F, not simply the ®tness function f for the stage game. The standard dy-
namic de®nitions are that s 2 S is a ®xed point if F s 0, and that a ®xed
point s is locally asymptotically stable if every open neighborhood N S of
s has the property that every path starting suciently close to s remains in
N and converges asymptotically to s. Following Hirshleifer (1982), I shall
refer to such a dynamically stable equilibrium point as an EE or evolu-
tionary equilibrium.9 The largest open set of points whose evolutionary
paths converge to a given EE is called its basin of attraction.
What are the general relationships among these static and dynamic
equilibrium concepts? It turns out that even weak compatibility (version
(d)) suces to ensure that every EE of F is a NE of the underlying ®tness
function f.10 Under the same conditions, every NE of f is a ®xed point (but
not necessarily stable) for F. There are various settings (e.g., replicator
dynamics) which ensure that every ESS of f is an EE of F (e.g., Cressman,
1992, 1995), but in general with weak compatible dynamics ESS is neither
necessary nor sucient for EE (e.g. Friedman, 1991).
Which equilibrium concepts are most useful in applications? I personally
favor EE and NE. It is reasonable to suppose in most applications that
behavior evolves over time according to some (not necessarily deterministic)
dynamic. Behavior is most easily observed when it has settled down, i.e.,
when the state remains near a ®xed point. If the dynamic is not too sluggish
or noisy, then most of the time the state should be near an attractor. Some
theoretical literature emphasizes limit cycles and even more complex at-
tractors called chaotic or strange attractors (e.g. Baumol and Benhabib,
1989) but the corresponding behavior will be dicult or impossible to
observe in practice unless it is recorded very frequently and precisely. In
most applications, then, the useable empirical evidence will generally come
from states near an EE.
There are drawbacks to working with EE. Like ESS, they are not
guaranteed to exist, although virtually every normal form applied model I
know has at least one EE for some compatible dynamics. When they do
exist, EE can be dicult to identify analytically; in general, one must fully
specify the dynamic F, not just the stage game f, and use eigenvalue
More generally, a closed set K S is called an attractor of the dynamic F if every open
neighborhood N has the property that every path starting suciently close to K remains in
N and has limit points only in K, and every point in K is a limit point of such a path. Thus
an EE is an attractor that consists of a single point.
Remember that we are dealing with normal form games. The relationship between
evolutionary equilibrium and Nash equilibrium is more complicated for extensive form
games; see for example Fudenberg and Levine (1993).
28 D. Friedman
That is, I usually ignore knife-edge cases because small structural shocks (e.g. small
perturbations of matrix elements) will eliminate these cases. Again, extensive form stage
games require a more complex analysis than I will provide here.
On economic applications of evolutionary game theory 29
Type 3: If D p lies on or above (on or below) the p-axis for all p 2 0; 1,
then the second pure strategy p 1 (the ®rst pure strategy p 0) is dom-
inant. Of course, the dominant strategy is the unique NE (and ESS) and the
unique evolutionary equilibrium for any sign-preserving dynamic F . This
type of game is characterized by a1 a2 0 (and ja1 j ja2 j > 0). The most
interesting example is Prisoner's Dilemma, in which payos decrease as
1 1
dominant strategy becomes more prevalent, e.g. A so
2 0
a1 a2 1.
30 D. Friedman
1. Linear one-dimensional evolutionary games. Notes: For payo matrix
a11 a12
A , de®ne a1 a12 a22 and a2 a21 a11 . The point s p p; 1 p
a21 a22
represents the current evolutionary state for 0 p 1. The current payo dierence
between the two pure strategies is D p 1 pa1 pa2
Recall the square S 0; 12 is a two dimensional state space that arises in
two-population, two-strategy games (K 2; N1 N2 2). In the so-called
asymmetric case ± linear ®tness functions and no own population eects ±
we have 2 2 matrices A and B such that f 1 r; s rT As2 and
f 2 r; s rT Bs1 . De®ne the reduced parameters a1 a12 a22 and a2
a21 a11 as before, and analogously de®ne b1 b12 b22 and b2
b21 b11 . At ®rst it might seem that there are 9 cases of the form x y
where x runs through the 3 cases in the last subsection for the a parameters
and y does the same for the b parameters. However, Appendix A shows that
there actually are only 3 distinct generic cases, illustrated in Figure 2.
Cases 3 y and x 3 (Corner): If a1 and a2 have opposite signs, then there
is a dominant strategy for the ®rst population. The unique EE (and NE and
ESS) is the corner corresponding to the ®rst population all adopting the
dominant strategy and the second population all making the best response
(see panel A of Fig. 2). The same characterization applies whenever b1 and
b2 have opposite signs; of course, then the corner corresponds to the second
population all adopting their dominant strategy and the ®rst population
best-responding. Adaptations of textbook entry deterrence models (e.g.
Katz and Rosen, 1991, p. 581) are easy examples.
Cases 1 1 and 2 2 (Saddle): If all reduced parameters are positive then
there is a completely mixed NE at s p ; 1 p ; q ; 1 q , where
p a1 = a1 a2 and q b1 = b1 b2 . This NE is a saddlepoint of the
On economic applications of evolutionary game theory 31
dynamics. There are two pure strategy NE, both also EE as well as ESS, at
the corners p; q 1; 0 and (0,1) of the square. Their basins of attraction
are separated by the saddlepath to s (see panel B of Fig. 2). If all reduced
parameters are negative then the result is the same except the EE/ESS are at
the corners (1,1) and (0,0). Friedman and Fung (1996) obtain this case when
there is free trade in goods but not in factors.
Cases 1 2 and 2 1 (Center): If ai are both positive and bi both negative,
then s is the unique NE. It is not an ESS. The time path of every other
initial state spirals around s clockwise (see panel C of Fig. 2). Whether s is
asymptotically stable (an EE) depends on the dynamic speci®cation. In
version (a) ± e.g. replicator or linear dynamics ± s is neutrally stable and
the spirals are closed orbits (cycles). Versions (b±d) allow outward spirals
(unstable) or inward spirals (EE). The case in which the parameters bi are
both positive and the ai are both negative is the same except that the spirals
are counterclockwise. This case is illustrated in the basic Buyer-Seller game
in Friedman (1991).
EE, but its two corner NE at p; q 1; 0 and at (0,1) are EE. This is
analogous to behavior in one dimensional games of type 2, not type 1.
Fig. 4. A non-linear one-dimensional game. D(p) here is the vertical distance between
f e1 ; s p and f e2 ; s p
34 D. Friedman
quickly boil down to saying that we have Type 2 models. Hence we can
conclude from the classi®cation scheme that the outcome will be a corner
EE, which in these models means that we have a unique medium of ex-
Perhaps less obvious but equally important, knowing the classi®cation
(and the basic economic structure) enables the applied economist to predict
the qualitative eects of sizeable shocks or regime changes. For example,
Friedman and Fung (1996) rely on the genericity of the classi®cation of
games whose state space is the square to conclude that small changes in
trading costs or supply and demand parameters have no qualitative eect
on their trade model's behavior. However, there is a large shock or regime
shift when trade is opened in factors (capital and labor) as well as in goods.
The classi®cation scheme allows the authors to deduce from behavior at the
four corner states that this shock causes behavior to go from case 1±1 to
case 2±2. The policy implications of this transition turn out to be striking
and perhaps surprising: although lowering trade barriers for goods gener-
ally has benign eects, it can happen that lowering trade barriers for capital
and labor will impair global productive eciency.
To drive the methodological point home, consider Benabou (1993), an
intricate model of location choice by workers of two types. It appears that
the model's qualitative features are isomorphic to those of the Friedman
and Fung trade model, even though the interpretation is quite dierent.
Hence the main results of the analysis could be obtained quite directly from
the classi®cation of games with square state spaces.
My discussion emphasizes applications in which the equilibria do not
depend on the details of the dynamic speci®cation. Economists should not
conclude that dynamics are of little interest. The reason for the emphasis
rather is the current lack of tractable and empirically tested models of
learning and other dynamic adjustment processes. Eventually such dynamic
models should become available and greatly expand the scope of evolu-
tionary game models in economics. In the meantime I hope some read-
ers are motivated to ®nd new applications for the simple models presented
This Appendix ®lls in some analytical details used in Section 3 and else-
where. It relies on elementary methods, the most advanced being eigenvalue
techniques for assessing dynamic stability (e.g. Chiang, 1984, Ch. 15).
Begin with linear games on the square, K 2 and N1 N2 2. Recall
that the ®tness function then has a representation of the form
f 1 r; s rT As2 Cs1 and f 2 r; s rT Bs1 Ds2 , where Y A; B; C; D
are 2 2 matrices yij and the current state s s1 ; s2 can be written
s1 p; 1 p and s2 q; 1 q for p; q 2 0; 12 . De®ne the payo ad-
vantage of the ®rst pure strategy in population i by d i p; q
f i 1; 1; p; 1 p; q; 1 q; i 1; 2.
The dynamics are speci®ed as ordinary dierential equations
(p_ F 1 p; q; q_ F 2 p; q. Trajectories p t; q t, also known as solution
36 D. Friedman
curves or evolutionary paths, are solutions to the ODE with given initial
conditions p 0 po and q 0 qo . I impose the substantive assumption of
compatibility and two technical restrictions to ensure well-de®ned trajec-
tories. Speci®cally I require that the dynamics (i) vary smoothly with the
state, (ii) have trajectories that do not leave the state space, and (iii) are
weakly compatible. For the square12 , these properties can be formalized as
See Friedman (1991) for more general de®nitions.
On economic applications of evolutionary game theory 37
we have d 2 p < 0 so q_ < 0 for any admissible dynamic. Conditions (i) and
(iii) of admissibility then imply that the trajectory must either leave this
quadrant in ®nite time or converge to its SW corner p ; q . Similarly13, a
trajectory starting in the SW corner must either leave the quadrant in ®nite
time or converge to p ; q . On the other hand, trajectories starting in the
SE quadrant have p_ > 0 (since q < q and q_ < 0 for any admissible dy-
namic. Hence such trajectories cannot leave the quadrant. For N any
neighborhood of (1,0) in the square p_ and q_ are bounded away from zero
outside of N and therefore must enter N in ®nite time. Hence (1,0) is an EE
for any admissible dynamic F. The same argument establishes that the NW
quadrant is contained in the basin of attraction for the EE at (0, 1). The
case 1 ) 1 characterization in the text is completed by noting that the sets of
points which leave the NE and SW quadrants are disjoint and separated by
the saddle path to p ; q .
The argument for the case 2 ) 2 characterization is analogous.
Straightforward sign checks on d i show that admissible trajectories in the
SE and NW quadrants relative to p ; q consist of a saddlepath separating
trajectories that leave these quadrants, and that the NW and SE quadrants
lie respectively in the basins of attraction for the EE (1,1) and (0,0).
Cases 1 2 and 2 1 do not permit such de®nite conclusions. In case
1 2 we have p_ < 0 and q_ > 0 in the NE quadrant. A trajectory beginning
in this quadrant must leave in ®nite time and enter the NW quadrant, since
p_ can be bounded away from zero along the trajectory. For analogous
reasons, trajectories beginning in the NW quadrant must exit it in ®nite time
for the SW quadrant, hence to the SE quadrant and back to the NE
quadrant. A straightforward partition-of-unity construction as in Friedman
(1991, p. 664) demonstrates admissible dynamics for which p ; q is the
global EE and other admissible dynamics for which all trajectories diverge
from p ; q . This completes the ``asymmetric'' case characterization.
Next consider the more general linear case with C; D 6 0. Now
d 1 p; q is a general linear function whose slope coecient for p depends
on cij in the same fashion as its q-coecient depends on aij ; similarly for
d 2 p; q. NE (and hence EE ) can occur only at intersections of the edges of
the square and the lines d i p; q 0. Intersections at the edges and corners
can be analyzed using the one-dimensional state space classi®cation. In-
tersections of the lines in the interior of the square are automatically NE for
the same reason as in the asymmetric case. Unfortunately the elementary
sign-checking procedures are insucient to characterize stability because
the lines are not generally vertical or horizontal.
To characterize the stability of an interior NE p ; q , use standard ei-
genvalue techniques. Any admissible dynamic evaluated at this point can be
written p_ ad 1 p; q and q_ bd 2 p; q for some a; b > 0 by admissibility
properties (i) and (iii). Then the Jacobian matrix is
A note for the technically-minded reader. Condition (i) is used to bound p_ or q_ away
from zero outside of a neighborhood of the line q q (or p p , to ensure exit in ®nite
time when not on the saddle path.
38 D. Friedman
@F 1 =@p @F 1 =@q a c 1 c2 a a1 a2
J :
@F 2 =@p @F 2 =@q b b 1 b2 b d1 d2
The characteristic roots (eigenvalues) are the solutions k1 ; k2 to the equation
j J kI j 0. By appropriate choice of the A, B, C and D matrices and the a
and b coecients one can get any desired real or complex-conjugate values
for the ki and therefore every sort of stability behavior14. The two generic
possibilities not yet encountered are ki both real and positive (e.g. A B
((0)) and ci ; di > 0), and ki both real and negative. In the ®rst case, standard
techniques show that p ; q is a source ± all trajectories beginning near it
move away, and that it is a sink (EE ) in the second case. See Hirsch and
Smale (1974), for example, for the well-known but non-elementary analysis.
Some elaboration of this point may prevent confusion. Recall that the
sum of the eigenvalues is the trace of the Jacobian matrix J and the product
is the determinant of J. When det J is negative ± i.e. when cd < ab where
x x1 x2 for x a; b; c; d ± then all compatible dynamics produce saddles.
When the determinant is positive and c and d are both positive, then
tr J ac bd < 0 for all compatible dynamics a; b > 0 so any inte-
rior NE is always an EE ± it is either a sink or a stable center. Likewise,
when c and d are both negative we have tr J > 0, so (when the determinant
is positive) any interior NE must be unstable (a source or an unstable
center). When c and d dier in their signs and the determinant is positive we
have a generalization of the center case ± the sign of tr J is not determined
and careful choice of compatible dynamics can produce sinks and sources
as well as stable or unstable centers. As an example of this generalized
center, choose matrices so that a c d 1 and b 0. Then it is easy
to verify that an interior NE is a source for a b 1 0:1, a sink for
a b 1 10 and a neutral center for a b 1.
Analysis of linear games on the triangle K 1; N1 3 involves a 3 3
matrix A specifying the ®tness function f r; s rT As. Writing
s p; q; 1 p q and r x; y; 1 x y, one can tediously derive a
2 ´ 2 matrix B s.t. f r x; y; s p; q x; yB p; qT , where the components
bij are linear combinations of the aij . The three lines d ij p; q
f ei ej ; s p; q 0 de®ne indierence between each pair i 6 j of the three
strategies. Intersections of the edges p 0; q 0 and p q 1 and
these lines contain the NE. Again analysis of the stability status on edges
reduces to the one-dimensional cases. Analysis of interior NE (intersec-
tions of two of the lines implies a 3-way intersection) again reduces to
®nding eigenvalues of the Jacobian matrix. The matrix components come
directly from A (via B) when replicator or linear dynamics are assumed (see
Taylor and Jonker, 1978, for example). Allowing more general compatible
dynamics only increases the degrees of freedom. Therefore any interior NE
The reader can verify that when C D 0, the characteristic equation is of the
form k2 c. Hence when c > 0 the roots are real and of opposite sign (yielding a saddle)
and when c < 0 the roots are purely imaginary (yielding a center). Thus eigenvalue
techniques lead to the same conclusions as the elementary analysis of the ``asymmetric''
On economic applications of evolutionary game theory 39
Note that the action pro®le a(t) can take occasional large jumps. In ®ctitious play
dynamics one generally gets s_ ! 0 as t ! 1 so inertia holds with respect to beliefs rather
than actions.
40 D. Friedman
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