In The Light of A Ghost Star 1.5
In The Light of A Ghost Star 1.5
In The Light of A Ghost Star 1.5
Thanks 1
Rules 2
Sample Adventure 3-6
Sample Dungeon 7-8
Location Generator 9
Planet Generation 10
Intelligent Alien Generator 10
Alternate Advancement 10
Space Ship Rules 11
Sample Ship Layouts 12
Ship Sheet 12
Example Of Play 13
Character Sheet 14
Thanks for checking out this game.
It’s totally unoriginal and any clever idea is stolen from other, better games like Jason
Morningstar’s Dungeon Squad, Ben Milton’s Knave, David Black’s The Black Hack, and other
places I can’t remember.
This setting is loosely based on real science. Most likely, the sun will eventually burn up
all its hydrogen, then expand into a helium-burning red giant and eventually become a dim
white dwarf. A white dwarf will burn forever, well, at least for longer than the universe has
existed so far. This timeline is kajillions of years long and any number of technological and
evolutionary changes could happen in that time. So let your imagination run wild, get real
weird with it, and have fun.
Earth was abandoned ages ago during the red giant expansion. Now, dimly lit by the ghost light of a dead white
dwarf, it lies layered with eons of forgotten civilizations. From the warmth of Martian reactor cities, scavengers
hire illegal transportation to Earth to delve into its depths, looking for ancient treasures. There they must deal with
ghosts, machines, and the strange life that has evolved on humankind’s abandoned home planet.
Beacon: Shoots a bright 2 ft wide pillar of light for up to Hologram Generator: Creates a realistic hologram
10 minutes. The light’s color can be changed before anywhere within 40 ft of the user. Hologram must fit
each use. within a 6 ft cube and lasts for 20 minutes.
Cloaking Device: User becomes invisible for 20 minutes Humidifier: Produces a 40 ft cloud of thick fog.
or until attacking another creature. Leech Gun: Does 1d8 damage to a target and heals the
Cocoon Pod: Generates a 10 ft wide domed structure user by the same amount.
of hard chitinous material that disintegrates after 8 Lung Filter: User can breathe underwater, in poisonous
hours. Structure has a single entrance with a lock and atmospheres and low oxygen environments for up to
maintains an internal temperature of 65 F. 30 minutes.
Exo Armor: Black chitin armor grows around the user Mind Control Apparatus: Requires Scientist Roll to use.
giving them +2 on any defensive Fighter rolls. Dissolves On successful use, the target will obey a command from
after 10 minutes. the user that does not directly harm itself.
Glow Orb: Creates a floating ball of light that follows the Motion Negater: Target becomes paralyzed for 10
user for up to 1 hour. Illuminates a 50 ft area. minutes or until making a successful Fighter Roll.
Gravity Mortar: Creates an instant gravity disruption at Plasma Key: Unlocks any mechanical or electric lock.
a point within 60 ft of the user. All creatures within 20 ft
Rewinder: Reverses time by a short moment. If activated
of that point are pushed 20 ft away from the disruption
immediately after an action that required a roll, the die
or pulled to it and take 1d6 damage. The direction of the
may be rerolled.
gravity is up to the user.
Teleporter: User can instantly teleport to a location in
Gravity Reverser: User can reverse the direction of
view within 50 ft.
gravity on themself for up to 20 minutes.
Earth Expedition One
dizzying patterns all along the surface of
This adventure uses the hex map on the the monolith. Humanoid cockroaches dance
facing page. There is no plot or story to the music and eat the strange glowing
that the players must follow. As you, the
mushrooms that grow in the grass around
referee, present the world to them and
they react, a story will emerge. Feel free
the monolith. Near the top of the monolith
to change anything you want about this is a robotic eye that constantly scans the
adventure or make up a whole new one! surrounding area. Any act of violence is
answered with a laser blast (2d4 damage)
from a metal orb that floats above the
Introduction monolith. This strict anti-violence policy
The transport ship lands in the dunes in the generally keeps the apes from Glork away (to
center hex. The pilot tells the scavengers their dismay because they love the music but
she’ll pick them up at the same spot one hate the roaches). The cockroaches here are
week from now. Their job is to explore the either off-duty servants of the Astro-Lich or
area and find as many valuable artifacts as former servants who have gone rogue.
they can before it’s time to leave. Five hexes
have named locations which are described 4. The Black Lake
below. When the scavengers enter a hex This reservoir of thick oily liquid is infested
without a named location, role 1d6. On a with piranha dogs (2HP, 1 damage). A
1-3, there is a random encounter. Use the blinking green light is visible deep below the
encounter table on page 6 to see what they surface. This light has caught the attention
find. It takes one day to travel across a hex. of the Astro-Lich’s cockroach archeologist,
Dr. Quartek, who will give the scavengers 2
Map Locations artifacts if they recover the crate of scuba
1. The Astro-Lich’s Tower gear that a gang of ape raiders recently stole
Nergal the Astro-Lich was once a human from his campsite. The apes are camped in
but through science and magic, they have the woods southeast of the lake. The blinking
become a powerful undead being. Nergal is light is on the control panel of a large bomb,
served by humanoid cockroaches (3HP, 1d4 powerful enough to destroy an entire
damage). Nergal only cares about knowledge map hex.
and will provide scavengers with room and
board in exchange for ancient books or 5. A Foreboding Cave
computer parts. The top of the tower is a In an overgrown mound of ancient rubble, an
detachable flying saucer which the Astro- opening leads down into the earth. Disturbed
Lich plans to fly into a black hole once all the dirt implies something recently traveled
correct calculations are made. through this tunnel. Obscured by vegetation
is a worn sign reading Caddo Ocean
2. Glork City Aquarium. Thick humid air comes from the
The ruined city of Glork is inhabited by tunnel. This passageway leads to The Sunken
militant apes who worship a giant space Temple Of The Whale Prophet described
slug they call Glork the Great, God Slug of on page 7.
Destruction. The apes send scouting parties
out to find creatures, preferably humans to Weather
feed to Glork. They often clash with the Roll a d12 on this table when the Scavengers
Astro-Lich’s cockroaches and are planning enter a hex to determine the weather.
a siege of the Astro-Lich’s Tower. The city 1-3) 20°F. Sky is overcast with pink clouds.
is full of ancient artifacts that the apes 4-5) -15°F. Clear sky, neon aurora borealis.
don’t care about. 6-7) 30°F. Strong winds. Swirling blue clouds.
8) 45°F. Light rain from glowing clouds.
3. The Cybernetic Monolith 9) 15°F. Small hail falls from maroon clouds.
Loud thumping music plays from large 10-12) 60°F. Perfectly circular clouds move
speakers and multicolored lights flash in independently of wind direction.
The following are some of the prominent NPCs (non-playable characters) in this region.
Dr. Quartek
Nergal’s chief archeologist, the humanoid cockroach Quartek,
is trying to find out what’s at the bottom of the black lake. His
camp is occupied by another 4d4 cockroaches. Dr. Quartek is
affable and disposed to making puns. 6 HP, 1d4 damage.
Warlord Ruzar
Ruzar is the leader of the apes of Glork. She hates Nergal and
wants to destroy the Astro-Lich’s tower and rule over all the
cockroaches. Ruzar will let the scavengers freely explore Glork
City if they help her destroy the tower. But she is not easy to
negotiate with and will normally attack humans before talking to
them. Ruzar knows the space slug Glork is just a dumb slug but
pretends it’s a god to keep the other apes in line.
Room 5
Secret Door
A skeleton of a great white shark is on display
in the center of the room. Clamshell-shaped Unlocked Door
benches line the walls.
Locked Door
D12 Location Generator
Roll a d12 on each of the following lists to
generate some more strange encounters that
your scavengers might come across.
1. A desolate shopping mall
2. A crashed spaceship
3. An ancient ruined amusement park
4. A skyscraper, somehow still standing
5. An underground train station
6. An obsidian pyramid
7. A massive tower, made of a strange organic
shifting material
8. A labyrinthine trash dump
9. A shantytown floating on a black lake
10. A glowing crystal castle
11. A haunted trailer park
12. A thick forest of blue barked trees with large
black leaves
Occupied by
1. Jovial humanoid squids
2. Churlish humanoid insects
3. Sentient telepathic snails
4. Children with completely black eyeballs
5. Bulbous oozing humanoids and their
spider steeds
6. Posh talking apes
7. Malodorous, sentient, carnivorous vegetation
8. Chipper workbot tribe
9. Deranged martian scavengers
10. A Tribe of human outcasts
11. Fungal star goblins
12. A congregation of robot monks
Seeking to
1. Trade organic material for ancient
earth artifacts
2. Sing to a strange deity
3. Enslave all living things
4. Tell and hear jokes
5. Eat humans
6. Sacrifice a human to a strange deity
7. Travel to Mars
8. Protect their territory from strangers
9. Shoot a nuclear missile at the moon
10. Challenge adversaries to intense
breakdance competitions
11. Feed human brains to angry imprisoned
space slug
12. Witness the long-awaited blooming of
giant star flower
Planet Generation
1. Rocky- No atmosphere, extreme temperatures, unhabitable.
2. Gas giant- Ship shredding superstorms, unhabitable.
3-5. Breathable atmosphere with 1d4 biomes. 4-in-6 chance of intelligent life.
6. Unbreathable atmosphere with 1 biome. 2-in-6 chance of intelligent life.
D44 BIOMES Roll a d4 for the one’s place and another for the ten’s place
11. Tidal Ocean- A large body of water with gravity-induced wave patterns.
2 in 6 chance of daily massive tidal waves
12. Mega Rainforest- Frequent heavy rain. Massive trees up to 700 feet tall.
13. Dune Sea- Desert of massive sand dunes.
14. Archipelago- A cluster of d20x10 small islands in a salty ocean.
21. Swamp- Muddy, forested wetlands.
22. Salt Flats- Vast plains of salt.
23. Glacier- Massive bodies of dense ice that occasionally shift and crack under
their own weight.
24. Petrified Forest- Ancient trees now fossilized into multicolored stone.
31. Fungal Forest- Giant mushrooms, foggy spore-filled air.
32. Coral Forest- Massive interconnected coral colonies, in many shapes and colors,
with a 2-in-6 chance of being sentient.
33. Glass Desert- Massive shards of glass with occasional smooth glass hills.
34. Geometric Grasslands- Perfect geometrically shaped hills: pyramids, cubes,
hemispheres, cones, cylinders. Covered in grass.
41. Wasteland- Rocky soil with no nutrients. Pools of toxic liquid.
42. Volcanic Swamp- Hot rocky land with pools and streams of lava.
43. Shrubland- Rocky hills covered in bushes, cacti, and short trees.
44. Floating Archipelago- A cluster of d20x10 small islands floating above a sea of clouds.
Beneath the cloud layer is another biome.
Goal Advancement
Planetary Exploration-
Eat people Gain a level upon visiting
10 new planets.
Piracy- Gain a level
Proselytize upon stealing 2000 x
level credits or cargo of
Genetic research
equivalent value.
Showing Up- Gain a level
Summon “God” upon attending 5 game
Destroy planets
Narrative- Gain a level
Hybridize upon completing training,
education, or a character
Trade milestone.
Spaceship Rules
Spaceships can be purchased, stolen, or found abandoned.
Basic ships cost 2000 credits and start with 15
HP (Hull Points), 20 inventory slots, 6 fuel crystals,
a Scrap Cannon, and a unique visual emblem for
identification. Choose one of the following systems to
be functional, the other two are deficient.
Fighter (attacking)
Explorer (stealth, navigation)
Scientist (scanning, communications)
Deficient- rolls have disadvantage.
Functional- rolls are neither advantaged nor disadvantaged
Competent- rolls have advantage.
Increase a system rating: 1000 credits
Increase HP by 5: 1000 credits
Restore HP: 50 credits per Hull Point
Increase Storage: 100 credits per Inventory Slot.
Scrap Cannon- d6 damage
Rail Gun- d10 damage, costs 600 credits
Quantum Ray- d12 damage, costs 1000 credits
Torpedo- 2d12 damage, costs 300 credits each,
takes up 1 inventory slot, single use.
Once airborne, ships can generally generate
enough solar power to travel about the gravity
fields of any given solar system. But to take off
from a planet or jump to another start system
requires a fuel crystal. Fuel crystals cost 300
credits and take up 1 inventory slot. Taking
off from a space station or established space
sport does not use up a fuel crystal.
When using a ship’s systems to perform a task
that requires a roll, a character uses their own
stats but may have advantage or disadvantage
depending on the quality of the ship’s system.
The scavengers find a derelict space station. Chordak uses their ship’s scanner to find
signs of life. The ship has a deficient Scientist rating so Chordak rolls their d8 Scientist
die twice. They get an 8 and a 5. They take the lower result which is still a success. They
detect a large unknown lifeform on board the station and two human lifeforms. They also
detect that the station’s oxygen level is dwindling. They decide to dock and explore further.
Sample Ship Layouts
no adjustment
advantage total
1._______________________________________ 11. _____________________________________
2. ______________________________________ 12. _____________________________________
3. ______________________________________ 13. _____________________________________
4. ______________________________________ 14. _____________________________________
5. ______________________________________ 15. _____________________________________
6. ______________________________________ 16. _____________________________________
7. ______________________________________ 17. _____________________________________
8. ______________________________________ 18 _____________________________________
9. ______________________________________ 19. _____________________________________
10. _____________________________________ 20. _____________________________________
Example of Play Scavenger Devik: I want to gauge our position and
determine the direction to our rendezvous point.
Referee: From far down the tunnel behind you, the Referee: That will be an Explorer roll.
howls of the mutants let you know they are still Scavenger Devik: Oh, and I have a compass in
pursuing you. An open mechanical portcullis ahead my inventory.
of you leads to a staircase that leads upward, you Referee: Great, then have advantage on this roll.
can see the dim light of the sun spilling down from Scavenger Devik: *rolls 2d8* It’s a 2 and 5!
above. 5 succeeds!
Scavenger Devik: The surface! Let’s go! Referee: Using your compass and looking at the
Scavenger Rose: I want to try to close that position of the stars you are able to determine that
portcullis behind us. your basecamp is to the east. East is to your right.
Referee: There is a broken control panel on the wall Scavenger Rose: Well, let’s go that way, quickly.
next to the portcullis, you see wires sticking from Referee: The road leads out of the ruined city and
behind it. Make a Scientist roll to attempt to wire eventually disappears under dirt and rock as you
it to close. You hear the howling mutants getting enter a rocky forested area. You recognize the
closer. strange rock formations and the short trees with
Scavenger Jen: I ready my heavy blaster and keep large flat black leaves and realize you are close to
watch on the tunnel behind us. camp. You hear noises up ahead, coming from just
Scavenger Rose: Ok, I have a d8 in Scientist. beyond a line of trees, from the position of your
*rolls d8* I got a 5! base camp and rendezvous point.
Referee: Success! The wires spark as you touch Scavenger Devik: I sneak towards the sound to see
them together and the portcullis begins to slowly what it is. *makes Explorer roll* I got a 6!
descend. Suddenly, two mutants leap from the dark Referee: Through the trees, you see a dozen apes
tunnel and are rushing towards you, you hear more in crude battle armor inspecting your former
approaching in the darkness behind them. What do campsite. A large gorilla in a red spiked helmet
you do? grunts and says “Smells like humans, IN MY
Scavenger Jen: I fire my blaster at the closest KINGDOM! Find the trespassers and feed them to the
mutant. I have a d6 in Fighter *rolls d6* A 4! mighty Glork!” Four more apes enter the clearing
Referee: That hits! Roll damage. pulling chains attached to a large worm-like
Scavenger Jen: *rolls d6* 3 damage. creature with a wide circular maw full of razor-
Referee: You drop a mutant. Devik, Rose, What do sharp teeth. “Find them!” the Gorilla yells at the
you do? The portcullis is about halfway down and other apes. She then turns to the worm creature
the other mutant looks like it’s about to leap at you. and says “We will offer these humans to you, O Glork
You can make out more shapes approaching from the Great, as a sacrifice to nourish you! Hail Glork,
the dark tunnel. God Slug of Destruction!” The other apes say “Hail
Scavenger Devik: I grab the portcullis and try to Glork!” in unison and break into groups of 2 to
pull it down quicker. begin their hunt for humans. 2 apes start walking
Scavenger Rose: I shoot my pistol at the mutant. in your direction. You are still hidden behind the
Referee: Ok, those are both Fighter rolls. trees, what do you do?
Scavenger Devik: *rolls d6* I got a 4! Scavengers: ...
Scavenger Rose: *rolls d4* I rolled a 1. Referee: What?
Referee: Rose’s shot misses the mutant as it leaps
towards her with its long nasty claws ready to
strike. Fortunately, Devik pulls the portcullis down
the rest of the way before the mutant reaches you.
The mutant begins beating on the other side of
the portcullis and is soon joined by more mutants.
The door shakes and bends against their strikes. It
doesn’t seem like it will hold for long.
Scavenger Jen: Let’s go up.
Referee: The stairs take you up to the surface.
You emerge on a sidewalk. You see the ruined and
toppled remains of an ancient earth city around
you. A street littered with smashed old earth
vehicles, parts of destroyed buildings and other
debris stretches off to your left and right.
2. ___________________________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________________________
4. ___________________________________________________________________
5. ___________________________________________________________________
6. ___________________________________________________________________
7. ___________________________________________________________________
8. ___________________________________________________________________
9. ___________________________________________________________________
10. __________________________________________________________________
11. __________________________________________________________________
12. __________________________________________________________________
13. __________________________________________________________________
14. __________________________________________________________________
15. __________________________________________________________________
16. __________________________________________________________________
17. __________________________________________________________________
18 ___________________________________________________________________
19. __________________________________________________________________
version 1.5