D&D - 5.0 - SGL - The Wondrous Tome of Wands

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A sincere thank you to everyone that has

Credits purchased this supplement or backed the

Lead Designer: T.A. Gray Kickstarter campaign. We couldn’t have
brought these wands to life without your
Layout: Sven Truckenbrodt support, and I will be forever grateful. I hope
Editing: Kai Linder you have as much fun using the Wondrous
Tome of Wands as I did writing it!
Cover Art: Gun Gunawan
—T.A. Gray
Interior Illustrations: Renan Moraes, Dmitry Founder, Scoundrel Game Labs
Yakhovsky, Danílo Estéban Valdéz, Vagelio,
Mindplaces, Mortoon, Dean Spencer, Daniel What You Need to Use
Comerci, Ekaterina This Supplement
Wand Art: Ellen May, Grim Press, Mateus This collection of magical wands is perfect
Pegoraro, Samantha Darcy, Direquest for any campaign. While many of these
wands are ready to use straight from the
Introduction page, some allow their wielder to cast
spells. These spells are italicized, and
’ve had a fascination with magical their full details can be found in the

wands for as long as I can Basic Rules for fifth edition, which are
remember. As a child, I was drawn available for free online.
to the magical wands and rods
described in Greek mythology,
such as the magical tools wielded by Circe
and Athena. The world of Harry Potter
further bolstered this interest. Then I made
my first foray into the world’s greatest
roleplaying game, and I was
drawn to wands more than any
other magical items. Starting
with second edition, I enjoyed
the impact these items could
have not only on casters, but
on the entire party.
When I returned from a long
break and immersed myself in
the fifth edition rules, I quickly
noticed just how few magic wands
existed in official material. As I
prepared for my own campaigns, I
found myself making more and more
of these items on my own. Creations
like the wand of delectable pastries and
Professor Rakestraw were important
parts of my campaigns. Over time, I
realized this could be a project worth
sharing. All of you wonderful people have
made this idea a reality.

Credits & Introduction

Introduction.......................... 1 Wand of the Crystal Prison.14 Dathomir’s Vile Bone Shiv...28
Wand of the Hidden Vault....15 Denier.......................................28
Chapter 1. Uncommon Wand of the Ostrich..............15 Demon’s Lament....................29
Wands................................ 3 Wand of the Rising Sun.......15 Lazariah’s Wand of
Unnerving Wand...................... 4 Wand of the Seeker................16 Resurrection.......................29
Wand of Acid Arrow................. 4 Wand of the Trained..............16 Scorching Wand.....................29
Wand of Butterfingers............. 4 Wand of Uncovering..............17 Timebreaker............................30
Wand of Dancing Lights......... 5 Wand of Zastruga...................17 Wand of Big Emotions..........30
Wand of Delectable Winsome Wand of Wand of Geodes.....................30
Pastries.................................. 5 Charming............................17 Wand of Opposing Forces....31
Wand of Feather Fall............... 5 Wand of Second Life.............31
Wand of Moonbeam................ 5 Chapter 3. Very Rare Wand of Spell Stealing.........31
Wand of Payback...................... 6 Wands..............................18 Wand of the Coral King........32
Wand of Regrowth................... 6 Antimagic Wand.....................19 Wand of the Transformed.....
Wand of Scorching.................. 6 Bonded Soul Wands..............19 Wand of Tranquility................32
Wand of Snowballs.................. 7 Cinderwand............................20 Wand of Undead
Wand of the Baneful................ 7 Cloning Wand.........................20 Command...........................33
Wand of the Dire Wolf............. 7 Graverobber’s Wand..............20 Wand of Wilting......................33
Wand of the Feeble.................. 8 Ironmind..................................21
Wand of the Watchful.............. 8 Wand of Divergence..............21 Chapter 5. Cursed
Wand of the Wind.................... 8 Wand of Flowers....................21 Wands..............................34
Wand of Thought Injection.... 8 Wand of Incendiary Faith.....22 Scorpion’s Sting.....................35
Wand of Thunderwave............ 9 Wand of Residual Magic......22 Wand of Demonic
Wand of Uncontrollable Wand of Telekinesis...............22 Vengeance...........................35
Flatulence............................. 9 Wand of the Auroras.............22 Wand of the Burnscarred.....35
Wand of Waking Dreams....... 9 Wand of the Believer..............23 Wand of the Jealous Mage....35
Wand of the Minstrel.............23 Wand of the Rock Giant........36
Chapter 2. Rare Wands..... 10 Wand of the Flamewalker....23 Wand of the Unlucky..............36
Rot Wand................................. 11 Wand of the Mirage...............24
Sandblaster Wand................. 11 Wand of the Seeing Eye.......24 Chapter 6. Sentient
Shadowshroud....................... 11 Wand of the Spectral Wands..............................37
Stupefying Wand.................... 12 Orchestra............................24 Blackfrost................................38
Wand of Dying Wand of Tornadoes................24 Professor Rakestraw.............38
Declarations....................... 12 Wand of the Worthy...............25 Wand of the Proper
Wand of Exuberant Gentleman..........................40
Celebration......................... 12 Chapter 4. Legendary Wand of the Cloud Prince....40
Wand of Misdirection............ 13 Wands..............................26 Zindra, Death Incarnate.......41
Wand of Spell Catching........ 13 Astral Wand.............................27 Creating Sentient Wands.....41
Wand of Springtime.............. 13 Cursegiver...............................27
Wand of Storms..................... 14 Cataclysm................................27 Appendix A. Loot Tables...43
Wand of the Astral Shifter.... 14 Creepcaller..............................28

Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Uncommon Wands
Uncommon Wands

ncommon magical wands are

intended for parties of all levels,

and are the highest tier of magical

item designed for parties of level

1-4. Uncommon wands don’t

typically grant the wielder the power to cast

spells above 1st-level. Uncommon wands


are typically priced at 500 gp. Wands of this

rarity are available for sale in most shops

that carry magical items.

Unnerving Wand

Wand, uncommon (requires attunement)

The unnerving wand is formed from warped,

twisted steel. Sickly green veins run through

the surface of the wand. There’s something
off-putting about the wand, making it difficult
to look directly at it.
This wand has 2 charges. While holding
it, you can use an action to expend 1 of its level version of the spell. You can increase
charges and point it at a creature you can the spell slot level by one for each additional
see within 30 feet of you. The target must charge you spend.
make a DC 13 Wisdom saving throw. If the The wand regains 1d6 + 1 expended
creature fails its saving throw, it is turned for charges daily at dawn. If you expend the
1 minute or until it takes any damage. wand’s last charge, roll a d20. On a 1,
A turned creature must spend its turns the wand melts into a pool of acid and is
trying to move as far away from you as it can, destroyed, and you take 2d4 acid damage.
and it can’t willingly move to a space within
30 feet of you. It also can’t take reactions. Wand of Butterfingers
For its action, it can use only the Dash action Wand, uncommon (requires attunement)
or try to escape from an effect that prevents
it from moving. If there’s nowhere to move, The wand of butterfingers is made from a
the creature can use the Dodge action. warm yellow wood. When wielded, it leaves
The wand regains all expended charges a faint scent of fresh cream in the air around
daily at dawn. you.
While holding the wand, you can use
Wand of Acid Arrow an action to point it at a creature you can
Wand, uncommon (requires attunement) see within 30 feet of you and shout the
command word “butterfingers”. The target
The wand of acid arrow is a finely crafted must succeed on a DC 13 Constitution
wand with a green hue and an emerald saving throw or have butter seep from their
affixed to the tip. hands for 1 minute. While seeping butter, the
This wand has 7 charges. While holding it, target has disadvantage on weapon attacks
you can use an action to expend 1 or more of and Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) checks.
its charges to cast the acid arrow spell from Once you have used the wand, it can’t be
it (+5 to hit). For 1 charge, you cast the 2nd- used again until the next dawn.

Chapter 1: Uncommon Wands

Wand of Dancing Lights

Wand, uncommon (requires attunement)

The wand of dancing lights is a pliable wand

made from an undistinguishable yellow


While holding the wand, you gain a +1

bonus to spell attack rolls.

Distracting Lights. As a bonus action, you

can cause the wand to emit vibrant yellow

lights that flash and dance across the wand
for 1 minute. During this time, you have
disadvantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks,
and all ranged attacks against you are made
with disadvantage. You can use your bonus
action to cause the wand to cease flashing.
Once you have used the wand in this way,
you cannot do so again until the next dawn.
creature has eaten a pastry, they can’t gain
Wand of Delectable Pastries any additional benefits from eating another
Wand, uncommon (requires attunement) one until the next dawn.
The pastries lose their potency if they have
The wand of delectable pastries is a plain not been consumed within 24 hours of the
wooden wand carved from a well-used casting of this spell.
baker’s spoon. By spinning the wand, you The wand regains all expended charges
can conjure delicious pastries that can both daily at dawn.
sustain you and boost your health.
This wand has 10 charges. While holding Wand of Feather Fall
it, you can use an action to expend 1 of its Wand, uncommon (requires attunement by a
charges to cause a pastry to appear in your spellcaster)
hand. A creature can use its action to eat one
pastry. Eating a pastry restores one hit point, The wand of feather fall is a vibrant green
and the pastry provides enough nourishment wand tipped with a round emerald. Attached
to sustain a creature for one day. Once a to the wand is a single green feather.
This wand has 7 charges. While holding
it, you can use a reaction when you fall to
expend 1 of its charges to cast the feather
fall spell from it.
The wand regains 1d6 + 1 expended

charges daily at dawn. If you expend the

P f

last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the wand

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crumbles into ash and is destroyed.

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Wand of Moonbeam
Wand, uncommon (requires attunement)

The wand of moonbeam is a thin, smooth

wand carved from cream-colored crystal.
The wand emits a soft glowing light when
wielded in darkness.

Chapter 1: Uncommon Wands

This wand has 7 charges. While holding The wand regains 1d4 – 1 charges each
it, you can use an action to expend 1 or morning at dawn.
more of its charges to cast the moonbeam
spell from it (save DC 13). For 1 charge, you Wand of Scorching
cast the 2nd-level version of the spell. You Wand, uncommon
can increase the spell level by one for each
The wand of scorching is a black obsidian
additional charge you spend.
wand with a red gemstone on the top. At all
The wand regains 1d6 + 1 expended
times, the wand is warm to the touch.
charges daily at dawn. If you expend the
While holding this wand, you can use an
wand’s last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the
action to blast a line of roaring flame in a
wand crumbles to dust and is destroyed.
direction you choose. The line of flame is 30
feet long and 5 feet wide. Each creature in
Wand of Payback the line must make a DC 13 Dexterity saving
Wand, uncommon (requires attunement)
throw. A creature takes 3d8 fire damage on
The wand of payback is a thin, cylindrical a failed save, or half as much damage on a
iron wand with a red glowing rune on the tip. successful roll. The wand can’t be used this
This wand has 2 charges. While it, when way again until the next dawn.
you are damaged by a creature you can see
within 60 feet of you, you can use your reac-
tion to expend 1 of its charges to force that
creature to make a DC 13 Strength saving
throw. On a failed save, the creature takes
2d10 force damage and is knocked prone.

On a successful save, the creature takes half

as much damage and isn’t knocked prone.

The wand regains all expended charges
daily at dawn.

Wand of Regrowth

Wand, uncommon (requires attunement)


The wand of regrowth is carved from a thick,

living tree branch. The handle is sanded
smooth, but the wand becomes progressively
more natural towards the tip. Leafy plants
grow from the tip and hang below the wand.

This wand has 3 charges. While holding it,


you can use a bonus action to expend 1 of its


charges and choose a living creature within


30 feet of you that has 0 hit points. A cocoon


of roots and ferns bursts from the ground,


enveloping the creature. The creature


becomes stable and gains 15 temporary hit



The cocoon disappears when the

temporary hit points are gone, the creature
regains at least one hit point, or you use your
action to dispel it.

Chapter 1: Uncommon Wands

Wand of the Dire Wolf
Wand, uncommon (requires attunement by a


b al
The wand of the dire wolf is a smooth,
tapered wand carved from solid bone. It
sports an intricately carved dire wolf head on
the handle.

You can use an action to speak the wand’s


command word and throw the wand to the


ground within 10 feet of you. The wand

becomes a dire wolf under your control and
acts on its own initiative count.
On your turn, you can mentally command
the dire wolf if it is within 60 feet of you
and you aren’t incapacitated. You decide
Wand of Snowballs what action the dire wolf takes and where it
Wand, uncommon (requires attunement) moves during its next turn, or you can issue
The wand of snowballs is a smooth, gray- it a general command, such as to attack your
green wand with glowing snowflake runes enemies or guard a location.
near the handle. The tip emits blue light and If the dire wolf is reduced to 0 hit points, it
is cold to the touch. dies and reverts to its wand form. The wand
This wand has 5 charges. This wand has then shatters and is destroyed. If the dire
5 charges. While holding it, you can use wolf reverts to wand form before losing all
an action and expend 1 charge to launch a its hit points, it regains all of them.
magical snowball from its tip. The wand is a As a bonus action, you can speak the
magical ranged weapon with which you are command word again to return the wand to
proficient. It has a normal range of 20 feet its normal form in a space formerly occupied
and a long range of 60 feet. It deals 1d4 cold by the dire wolf.
damage on a hit, and scores a critical hit on
a roll of 19 or 20. If you score a critical hit
with the snowball, the target is blinded until
the end of its next turn.

The wand regains 1d4 + 1 expended


charges daily at dawn.


Wand of the Baneful


Wand, uncommon (requires attunement)


The wand of the baneful is an ornate magic


wand carved from solid wood that has been


charred black.
This wand has 7 charges. While holding it,
you can use an action to expend 1 charge to
cast the bane spell from it (save DC 13).
The wand regains 1d6 + 1 expended
charges daily at dawn. If you expend the
wand’s last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the
wand crumbles into ashes and is destroyed.

Chapter 1: Uncommon Wands

Wand of the Feeble Wand of the Wind
Wand, uncommon Wand, uncommon (requires attunement)
The wand of the feeble is a thin wand carved The wand of the wind is a surprisingly
from seemingly brittle human bone. It lightweight wooden wand carved from the
includes an ornate handle that tapers to the branch of a maple tree.
tip of the wand. Gusting Force. As an action, you can
While holding this wand, you can use an cause the wand to emit a blast of air at a
action to cast the ray of enfeeblement spell target within 30 feet of you. If you target an
from it (+5 to hit). The wand can’t be used object that weighs less than 5 pounds, it’s
this way again until the next dawn. pushed up to 10 feet away from you. If you
target a Medium or smaller creature, it must
Wand of the Watchful succeed on a DC 13 Strength saving throw
Wand, uncommon (requires attunement) or be pushed up to 5 feet away from you.
Spells. The wand has 3 charges, and
The wand of the watchful has an ornate
regains 1d4 – 1 expended charges daily
wooden handle. Held within three metal
at dawn. While holding it, you can use an
prongs on the tip is a blue marble that glows
action to expend 1 of its charges to cast the
faintly while the wand is in use.
gust of wind spell from it (save DC 13).
While holding this wand, you can enter
an inactive, motionless state, rather than
sleeping. You appear inert, but aren’t
Wand of Thought Injection
Wand, uncommon
unconscious, and you can hear and see
as normal. While in this state, you have The wand of thought injection is carved from
advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks rough oak, and a ring of bright red beads is
that rely on sight, sound, or smell. embedded above the handle.
As an action, you can place this wand
against your temple to create a telepathic
link with a humanoid creature within 500
feet of you. An unwilling creature can make

a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw, blocking


the link on a success. If it fails, the link


is established. A creature may repeat


the saving throw at the end of each of


their turns, breaking the connection on a

successful save.








Chapter 1: Uncommon Wands

alternating green and yellow grooves. The

simple decoration of the wand belies the

mischief it can create.

This wand has 2 charges. While holding

it, you can use an action to expend 1 of its

charges and target a humanoid you can

ou see within 30 feet of you. The target must
succeed on a DC 10 Constitution saving

throw or develop uncontrollable flatulence


for 1 minute. During that time, the target has


disadvantage on Charisma checks.


The wand regains all expended charges


daily at dawn. If you expend the wand’s

last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the wand
disintegrates with a hissing sound.

The telepathic link remains for as long as Wand of Waking Dreams

you maintain concentration. While you are Wand, uncommon (requires attunement)
telepathically linked with a creature, you and The wand of waking dreams is a roughly
the creature can speak telepathically as long hewn wand carved from black obsidian. It’s
as you share a common language. infused with the power of nightmares and
You can create this link with a creature can be used against an enemy to put them
that’s behind a solid object or barrier if you into a dreamlike state where they are easily
are familiar with the target and know it is manipulated.
beyond the barrier. This wand has 7 charges. While holding it,
you can use an action to expend 1 charge to
Wand of Thunderwave cast one of the following spells from it (save
Wand, uncommon (requires attunement by a DC 13): bane, command, or sleep.
spellcaster) The wand regains 1d6 + 1 expended
The wand of thunderwave is carved from the charges daily at dawn. If you expend the
root of a blackened tree that was struck by wand’s last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the
lightning. wand crumbles into ash and is destroyed.
This wand has 7 charges. While holding
it, you can use an action to expend 1 of its
charges to cast the thunderwave spell from it

(save DC 13).

The wand regains 1d6 + 1 expended

ce ol

charges daily at dawn. If you expend the

en tr

wand’s last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the

ul on

wand crumbles into ashes and is destroyed.

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Wand of Uncontrollable


Wand, uncommon

The wand of uncontrollable flatulence is

a thin wooden wand painted lime green.
The handle resembles a honey dipper with

Chapter 1: Uncommon Wands

Chapter 2: Rare Wands
Rare Wands
are magical wands are intended

for parties of level 5 and above. Wand, rare (requires attunement)
They generally allow the wielder
to cast spells up to 6th level. Shadowshroud is an ominous arcane object
Rare wands are typically priced carved from strange purple wood. The tip
between 501 and 5,000 gp. Wand of this of the wand branches out like tentacles,
rarity can generally be found in larger cities grasping a pink gemstone.
and specialty magic shops. While holding this wand, you gain a +2
bonus to spell attack rolls.
Rot Wand While holding the wand, you can use your
Wand, rare (requires attunement) action to cause an aura of shadows to swirl
around you. This shroud remains present
The rot wand is made from a long piece of for one minute. While the shroud is present,
thick, knotted tree root. While wielding the you are heavily obscured a 20-foot sphere
wand, it emits a faint green mist from the tip. of darkness centered on you. In addition,
This wand has 3 charges and can be you gain darkvision up to 120 feet and are
used as a magical club by the wielder. On resistant to radiant damage.
a hit, you can expend 1 charge to deal an Once you have used this ability, you can’t
extra 1d10 necrotic damage to the target. If do so again until the next dawn.
the target is a nonmagical object that isn’t
being worn or carrier by a creature, it takes
maximum damage from the attack.
The wand regains 1d4 – 1 expended
charges daily at dawn.

Sandblaster Wand d
Wand, rare (requires attunement)

The sandblaster wand is carved from sun-


bleached driftwood.
While holding this wand, you gain a +1
bonus to spell attack rolls.
Create Sand. As an action, you can cause
the wand to create up to 50 lbs of sand. The
sand flows from the tip of the wand at a rate
of 10 lbs per round. When 10 lbs or more
cover any non-magical fire in a 5-foot area,

the fire is extinguished.


Sandblast. As an action, you can cause


a concentrated cone of sand to erupt from


the tip of the wand. Each creature in a 20-

foot cone must make a DC 15 Constitution

saving throw. A creature takes 4d8 magical

slashing damage on a failed save, or half as
much damage on a successful one. Once this
property is used, it can’t be used again until
the next dawn.

Chapter 2: Rare Wands

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CR rating or character level. On a success,
Stupefying Wand you access the memories of the dead
Wand, rare (requires attunement)
creature from the 24 hours preceding its
The stupefying wand is a finely carved wand death. While viewing these memories, you
covered with a purple lacquer. Small rings of understand all languages the deceased
gold adorn the handle. creature knew in life.
This wand has 7 charges. While holding The wand can’t be used this way again
it, you can use an action to expend 1 of its until the next dawn.
charges to cause a thin white ray to streak
from the wand’s tip toward a creature you Wand of Exuberant Celebration
can see within 60 feet of you. The target Wand, rare (requires attunement)
must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution
The wand of exuberant celebration is a glass
saving throw or be stunned for 1 minute. At
wand that shimmers with the colors of the
the end of each of the target’s turns, it can
rainbow. The wielder of this wand is the life
repeat the saving throw, ending the effect on
of the party.
itself on a success.
You have advantage on Charisma checks.
The wand regains 1d6 + 1 expended
Grand Finale. As an action, you can point
charges daily at dawn. If you expend the
the wand at a 5-foot cube within 30 feet.
wand’s final charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the
Colorful but harmless fireworks spring from
wand crumbles into ashes and is destroyed.
the tip of the wand and explode in the target
area. The fireworks continue until you use a
Wand of Dying Declarations bonus action to stop them.
Wand, rare
Spells. This wand has 7 charges, and
The wand of dying declarations is carved regains 1d6 + 1 expended charges daily
from a human femur. at dawn. While holding it, you can use an
As an action, you can touch the tip of the action to expend one or more charges to cast
wand to the forehead of a humanoid corpse the following spells from it (save DC 17):
that has been dead less than 24 hours. While hallucinatory terrain (4 charges), illusory
holding the wand to the corpse, make an script (1 charge), major image (3 charges),
Intelligence check and add your proficiency minor illusion (at will), or programmed
bonus. The DC is 10 plus the dead creature’s illusion (6 charges).

Chapter 2: Rare Wands

While holding this wand, you can cast
any spell stored in it. The spell uses the slot

level, spell save DC, spell attack bonus, and

spellcasting ability of the original caster, but

it is otherwise treated as if you cast the spell.

The spell cast from the wand is no longer
M stored in it, freeing up space.
Reactive Magic. As a reaction, you can

use the wand to cast counterspell without


expending a spell slot (use Intelligence if


you don’t have a spellcasting ability). When

casting counterspell in this way, the wand
absorbs the spell as described in the Spell
Storing property. If the wand can’t hold the
spell, the energy is harmlessly dissipated.
You can’t use the wand this way again until
the next dawn.
Wand of Misdirection
Wand, rare (requires attunement)
Wand of Springtime
The wand of misdirection is an artfully craft- Wand, rare (requires attunement by a
ed wand with a distinctly engraved handle. spellcaster)
This wand has 10 charges. While holding
The wand of springtime resembles a living
it, you can use an action to expend 1 of its
branch, with thick green leaves sprouting
charges to cast the following spells from it
from its forked tip. With each use of the
(save DC 15): disguise self, illusory script, or
wand, the leaves shrivel and fall away only to
silent image.
grow back again at dawn the following day.
The wand regains 1d8 + 2 expended
The handle of the wand is wrapped in golden
charges daily at dawn. If you expend the
string threaded with dried purple berries.
wand’s last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the
This wand has 7 charges. While holding it,
wand crumbles into ashes and is destroyed.
you can use an action to expend one or more
charges to cast the following spells from it
Wand of Spell Catching using your spell save DC conjure woodland
Wand, rare (requires attunement)
beings (4 charges), entangle (1 charge), or
The wand of spell catching is a plain wooden plant growth (3 charges).
wand, save for tiny veins of silver that spread
across its surface.

While holding this wand, you gain a +2


bonus to spell attack rolls.


Spell Storing. This wand stores spells


cast into it, holding them until the attuned


wielder uses them. The wand can store up to


5 levels worth of spells at a time.

Any creature can cast a spell of 1st

through 5th level into the wand by holding


the wand while the spell is cast. The spell


has no effect, other than to be stored in the

wand. If the wand can’t hold the spell, it is
expended without effect.

Chapter 2: Rare Wands

The wand regains 1d6 + 1 expended While holding this wand, you gain a
charges daily at dawn. If you expend the +1 bonus to spell attack rolls, and your
wand’s last charge, roll a d20. On a 20, the movement is unaffected by difficult terrain.
wand crumbles to ash, forever destroyed. In addition, magic can neither reduce your
speed nor cause you to be paralyzed or
Wand of Storms restrained.
Wand, rare (requires attunement)
The wand of storms is a rough-hewn arcane
Wand of the Crystal Prison
Wand, rare (requires attunement)
focus carved from driftwood. It smells of
salt water and gives a slight static discharge The wand of the crystal prison is carved
when a person touches it for the first time. from a jagged piece of light blue crystal. The
As an action, you can cause a small storm edges of the wand are sharp enough to draw
to spring forth from the wand. The storm blood from anyone that carelessly picks up
forms a 20-foot-radius sphere centered on the wand while not attuned to it.
the wand, and it lasts for 1 minute. Each While holding this wand, you gain a +2
creature in the sphere when it appears or bonus to spell attack rolls.
that ends its turn there must succeed on a This wand has 3 charges. While
DC 17 Strength saving throw or take 2d6 holding it, you can use an action and
bludgeoning damage. The sphere’s space is expend a charge to summon a
difficult terrain, and creatures within 30 feet cage of jagged crystal around a
of the sphere have disadvantage on Wisdom
(Perception) checks that rely on hearing. You
are immune to these effects of the storm.
While the storm is present and you are
holding the wand, you can use a bonus
action to cause a bolt of lightning to strike

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one creature of your choice within 60 feet
lP ft
of the storm’s center. Make a ranged spell
ta o

attack with a +7 bonus to the attack roll. You

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have advantage on the attack roll if the target

Cr Wa

is in the sphere. On a hit, the target takes

4d6 lightning damage.
Once you have used the wand to summon
forth a storm, you can’t do so again until the
next dawn.
if he

Wand of the Astral Shifter

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Wand, rare (requires attunement)

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The wand of the astral shifter is a unique

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arcane focus made from a pliable, unknown

material. The wand is light pink, with
a series of lines and swirls covering it
from one end to the other. Its unusual
connection to the Astral Plane allows the
wielder to move across the Material Plane

Chapter 2: Rare Wands

As an action, you can trace a 3 by 2

foot rectangle on the ground with the tip

of the wand. The ground dissolves away,

revealing a chest-sized pocket dimension

that is 2 feet deep and can fit up to 12 cubic

of feet of nonliving material. You can dispel
this effect with a bonus action, causing the

extradimensional space to disappear. Any


objects placed into the space are held within


the pocket dimension.

n If the wand is destroyed or your
attunement to it ends, all items stored within

the extradimensional space appear in an


unoccupied space within 5 feet of the wand.


Wand of the Ostrich


Wand, rare (requires attunement)


The wand of the ostrich is a black wand with


silver feathers embossed on the handle.


Your speed increases by 10 feet.

While holding this wand, you gain a +2
bonus to spell attack rolls and the saving
throw DCs of your spells.
As an action, you can point the wand at
a creature you can see within 300 feet of
creature within 30 feet of you. The creature
you. The target must succeed on a DC 15
must make a DC 17 Dexterity saving throw.
strength saving throw or its flying speed
On a failed save, the creature suffers 3d8
(if any) is reduced to 0 for 1 minute. An
slashing damage and is restrained as it
airborne creature affected by this spell
becomes encased from head to toe in jagged
descends at 60 feet per round until it
crystal. On a success, the creature takes half
reaches the ground or the effect ends.
damage and is not restrained.
A restrained creature can use an action
to repeat the saving throw. On a success,
Wand of the Rising Sun
Wand, rare (requires attunement)
the creature takes 3d8 slashing damage
and is no longer restrained. On a failure, The wand of the rising sun has two
the creature takes half damage and remains intertwining brass rods tipped with an
restrained. ornate brass star with a ruby in the center.
The wand regains 1d4 – 1 charges at The wand has 7 charges. While holding it,
dawn each day. you can use an action to expend 1 or more of
its charges to cast one of the following spells
Wand of the Hidden Vault from it (+5 to hit with spell attacks): dancing
Wand, rare (requires attunement) lights (at will), daylight, (3 charges), light (at
will), or scorching ray (2 charges).
The wand of the hidden vault is a wooden
The wand regains 1d6 + 1 expended
wand with a dull red lacquer. It allows its
charges daily at dawn. If you expend the
wielder to create a small vault in a pocket
wand’s last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the
dimension that can be accessed at their
wand crumbles to ash, forever destroyed.

Chapter 2: Rare Wands

Wand of the Seeker
Wand, rare (requires attunement)
The wand of the seeker is made
from solid adamantine, and a
single ruby is embedded in the
tip. The wand is a favorite among
arcanists that spend their time
searching ruins for long-lost
artifacts or valuable materials.
This wand has 4 charges.
While holding it, you can use
your action to cast locate object
from it. When casting the spell in
this way, the range is increased
to 1 mile. Additionally, the spell
can detect an object even if the
path is blocked by any thickness
of lead.
The wand recovers 1d4
expended charges each day at

Wand of the Trained

Wand, rare (requires attunement
by a wizard)
—Designed by Matthew
The wand of the trained is a
simple wand carved from oak. It‘s
covered in dings and scratches
that show it has seen significant
use over the years. The handle of
the wand is wrapped in bandages
similar to those used by pugilists.
You can use this wand to focus
your arcane knowledge into
spectral fists that can brutalize
opponents at a distance. While
wielding the wand, you can use
an action to make a melee spell
attack against one creature you
can see within 30 feet of you. On
a hit, the target takes 2d6 force Wand of the Trained
damage. The attack’s damage
increases to 3d6 if you have 8 or
more wizard levels, and to 4d6 if
you have 12 or more wizard levels.
Chapter 2: Rare Wands
Wand of Uncovering level version of the spell. You can increase
Wand, rare (requires attunement) the spell slot level by one for each additional
charge you spend.
The wand of uncovering is a thin, flexible The wand regains 1d4 + 1 expended
wand made from spruce. This unassuming charges daily at dawn. If you expend the
arcane focus offers the wielder significant wand’s last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the
divination powers. wand melts into water and is destroyed.
As an action, you can cause the wand to
transform into a spyglass. While looking Winsome Wand of Charming
through the spyglass, you have advantage on Wand, rare (requires attunement by a
Investigation checks. spellcaster)
Spells. The wand has 5 charges, and
regains 1d4 + 1 expended charges daily The winsome wand of charming is an unas-
at dawn. While holding it, you can use an suming wand carved from red mahogany.
action to expend 1 of its charges to cast the While holding this wand, creatures within
following spells from it (save DC 17): find 10 feet of you detect a memorable scent
traps (2 charges), identify (1 charge), locate from their life that gives them some measure
object (2 charges), or scrying (5 charges). of comfort. It could be the smell of a favorite
meal, the rain on a summer day, or of an old
Wand of Zastruga childhood toy.
Wand, rare (requires attunement) The wand has 10 charges. While holding
it, you can use an action to expend 1 of its
The wand of Zastruga is a pliable, ice-white charges to cast one of the following spells
wand carved from pine. It is cold to the from it, using your spell save DC: animal
touch and gives off the soft sound of wind friendship, charm person, or command.
blowing. The wand regains 1d6 + 2 expended
The wand has 5 charges. While holding it, charges daily at dawn. If you expend the
you can use an action to expend 1 or more of wand’s last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the
its charges to cast the ice storm spell from it wand crumbles into ashes and is destroyed.
(save DC 15). For 1 charge, you cast the 4th-
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Chapter 2: Rare Wands

Chapter 3: Very Rare Wands
Very Rare Wands
ery rare magic wands are While holding the wand, you can use your

intended for parties of characters action to cast antimagic field centered on the
that are level 11 and above. They wand. The field lasts for 1 hour, and ends
generally allow the wielder to cast early if you fall unconscious or are no longer
spells up to 8th level. Very rare holding the wand. You can also dispel the
wands are typically worth between 5,001 field as a bonus action. The wand can’t be
and 50,000 gp. In reality, these are rarely for used this way again until the next dawn.
sale to the public.
Bonded Soul Wands
Antimagic Wand Wand, very rare (requires attunement)
Wand, very rare (requires attunement)
—Designed by Polandrius the Spell Lord
The antimagic wand is an arcane focus
A bonded soul wand always comes with
carved from light brown wood. Anyone that
a mate, and can come in many different
touches the wand while not attuned to it
shapes and sizes. These wands are made
experiences a harmless electrical shock.
by splitting two different wands in half, then
You have advantage on all Intelligence,
combining a half from each to make two new
Wisdom, and Charisma saving throws
identical wands. Thus, each bonded soul
against magic.
wand appears as two halves of the original
wands used in their creation.

Bonded Soul Wands







While holding this wand, you gain a +1
bonus to spell attack rolls and the saving
While holding this wand, you can use
throw DCs of your spells.
your action to cast clone from it. The clone
The wand has 12 charges. While you are
instantly grows to full size and maturity. The
within 30 feet of a creature that is attuned
wand disintegrates after using it in this way.
to this wand’s mate, you can use an action
to cast a spell from this wand that is known Graverobber’s Wand
by that creature. Casting a spell in this way Wand, very rare (requires attunement)
expends a number of charges equal to the
level the spell was cast at. The graverobber’s wand is a long, thin
The wand regains 1d12 expended charges metallic object that ends at a sharp point.
daily at dawn. Speared onto the end of the wand is a tiny
skull with horns curling from its forehead.
Cinderwand The wand has 7 charges for the following
Wand, very rare (requires attunement) properties. It regains 1d6 + 1 expended
charges daily at dawn. If you expend the
Cinderwand is a smooth wand carved from
wand’s last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the
fire-scorched wood.
wand crumbles into ashes and is destroyed.
You have resistance to fire damage.
When the wand is destroyed, each creature
While holding this wand, you can use your
within 10 feet of the wand must make a DC
action to cast incendiary cloud (save DC 17)
15 Constitution saving throw. On a failed
from it. The wand can’t be used this way
save, it takes 3d6 necrotic damage, of half as
again until the next dawn.
much damage on a successful save.
Necrotic Resistance. You have resistance
Cloning Wand to necrotic damage.
Wand, very rare
Spells. While holding the wand, you can
The cloning wand is a macabre arcane focus use an action to expend some of its charges
made from a human femur bone, which has to cast one of the following spells from it
been carved in the shape of a tiny human (+5 to hit with spell attacks): raise dead (5
skeleton. charges) or ray of enfeeblement (2 charges).

Chapter 3: Very Rare Wands

Corpse Stride. Once per turn while wand that forks into two pointed tips.
wielding this wand, you can use 10 feet of Between the tips rests a glass eye enclosed
movement to magically step into a corpse in a metal structure.
within 5 feet of you. You instantly know the While holding this wand, when you cast a
location of all other corpses within 100 feet spell that targets only one creature, you can
and, as part of the move used to enter the target a second creature in range with the
corpse, can either step out of the corpse same spell. The wand can’t be used this way
you’re in or another one within 100 feet. You again until the next dawn.
appear in an unoccupied space within 5 feet
of the corpse you exit from. You can only Wand of Flowers
enter and exit corpses that are the same size Wand, very rare (requires attunement)
as you or larger.
The wand of flowers is a thin, blue arcane
focus with a beautiful flower on its tip.
Ironmind Creatures within 5 feet of the wand detect
Wand, very rare (requires attunement)
the pleasant scent of fresh flowers.
Ironmind is a thin, tapered wand crafted This wand has 10 charges. While holding
from polished adamantium. It emits a soft it, you can use an action to expend one or
hum that is audible to anyone who is not more of its charges to cast the following
attuned to it. spells from it (save DC 17): barkskin (2
While holding this wand, you gain a +3 charges), control weather (8 charges), create
bonus to spell attack rolls and the saving or destroy water (1 charge), druidcraft (at
throw DCs of your spells. will), giant insect (4 charges), goodberry (1
Impenetrable Mind. You are immune charge), plant growth (3 charges), speak with
to psychic damage, any effect that would plants (at will), or spike growth (2 charges).
sense your emotions or read your thoughts, The wand regains 1d10 expended charges
divination spells, and the charmed condition. daily at dawn. If you expend the wand’s last
charge, roll a d20. On a roll of 1, the wand
Wand of Divergence crumbles into flower petals and is destroyed.
Wand, very rare (requires attunement)
The wand of divergence is a wicked-looking s













Chapter 3: Very Rare Wands

Wand of Incendiary Faith Wand of the Auroras
Wand, very rare (requires attunement by a Wand, very rare (requires attunement)
cleric or paladin)
The wand of the auroras is a thin wand
The wand of incendiary faith is cherry wood made of inky black material. Dimly lit stars
wand with a series of glyphs carved around stretch across the wand, slowly shifting on
its base. their own.
While holding the wand, you can use an The wand has 7 charges. While holding it,
action to cast incendiary cloud from it (save you can use an action to expend 1 or more of
DC 17). This version of the spell creates its charges to cast the following spells from
a swirling vortex of divine energy instead it (save DC 17): dancing lights (at will), faerie
of hot smoke, and deals radiant damage fire (1 charge), light (at will), or sunburst (6
instead of fire damage. The wand can’t be charges).
used this way again until the next dawn. The wand regains 1d6 + 1 expended
charges daily at dawn. If you expend the
Wand of Residual Magic wand’s last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the
Wand, very rare (requires attunement) wand crumbles to ash and is destroyed.
The wand of residual magic is a smooth
wand carved from cream-colored
While holding the
wand, you gain a +3
bonus to spell attack
rolls and the saving
throw DCs of your spells.
Substitute Magic.
When you cast a spell
with a material component
that costs gold, you can
replace the cost of these
components with residual
magic stored in the wand. The
wand can replace up to 1,000 gp worth
of material components. Once the full
amount is used, the wand crumbles to
sand and is destroyed.

Wand of Telekinesis
Wand, very rare (requires
The wand of telekinesis is crafted
from clear glass. It’s long and thin,
tapering slightly near the tip.
While wielding this wand, you can
cast the telekinesis spell at will from it,
targeting only objects that aren’t being worn
or carried.

Chapter 3: Very Rare Wands

Wand of the Believer

Wand, very rare (requires attunement by a

cleric or paladin)

The wand of the believer is carved from

gleaming white wood.
While holding this wand, you gain a +3

bonus to spell attack rolls and the saving

throw DCs of your spells.

Empowered Channeling. You can use

your Channel Divinity feature without

expending a use of that feature. Once this
property is used, it can’t be used again until
the next dawn.

Wand of the Minstrel

Wand, very rare (requires attunement
by a bard) Wand of the Flamewalker
The wand of the minstrel is a beautifully Wand, very rare (requires attunement)
crafted object reminiscent of a conductor’s The wand of the flamewalker is an ornate
wand. The handle is made from dark oak, wand made of solid gold. It has an intricate
while the shaft of the wand is made from a handle with decorative flames on the tip.
lighter wood. While hold this wand, you gain a +3 bonus
While holding this wand, you gain a +3 to spell attack rolls and the saving throw
bonus to spell attack rolls and the saving DCs of your spells. In addition, when you
throw DCs of your spells. cast a spell that requires a spell attack roll
Inspiring Performance. You can use your and deals fire damage, you make the attack
Bardic Inspiration feature without expending roll with advantage.
one of its uses. Once this property is used, it Flame Form. As an action, you can
can’t be used again until the next dawn. surround your body with flames, shedding
bright light in a 30-foot radius and dim light
for an additional 30 feet. This effect lasts for
one hour, or until you use a bonus action to
end it. While it is active, you have immunity

to fire damage and resistance to cold


damage. When a creature moves within 5


feet of you for the first time on a turn or ends


its turn there, it takes 1d10 fire damage.


While surrounded by these flames, you


can use an action to create a line of fire 15


feet long and 5 feet wide extending from the


tip of the wand in a direction of your choice.


Each creature in the line must make a DC

17 Dexterity saving throw. A creature takes
4d8 fire damage on a failed save, or half as
much damage on a successful one.
Once you have used this ability, you can’t
do so again until the next dawn.

Chapter 3: Very Rare Wands

Wand of the Mirage Spectral Conductor. As an action, you can
Wand, very rare (requires attunement) summon orchestral music from an unseen
source. This music can be quiet or loud, at
The wand of the mirage is a yellow arcane your discretion, and lasts until you dismiss it
focus seemingly crafted from compressed (no action required).
desert sand. Spectral Performance. With the spectral
While holding the wand, you can use your violin in hand, you can give an enchanting
action to cast mirage arcane from it. When performance. If you play uninterrupted
you cast the spell in this way, the casting for 1 minute, all creatures of your choice
time is an action and the duration is 30 days. that can hear you must make a Charisma
The wand can’t be used this way again until saving throw against your spell save DC.
the next dawn. On a failure, they are charmed by you for
24 hours. If they succeed, they cannot be
Wand of the Seeing Eye charmed by you for 7 days. Once you use the
Wand, very rare (requires attunement) wand in this manner, you can’t do so again
The wand of the seeing eye is a carved from until the next dawn.
smooth, white wood. The wand is pliable,
with a crude drawing of an eye scratched Wand of Tornadoes
into the base of the wand. Wand, very rare (requires attunement)
While holding the wand, you can use The wand of tornadoes is a made from an
an action to cast see invisibility from it, unnatural blue-green wood. When a person
targeting up to 10 willing creatures. The that is not attuned to the wand touches it, a
wand can’t be used again this way until the gust of wind swirls around them.
next dawn.
Mind’s Eye Illumination. As an action, you
can cause the wand to generate a glowing
aura that sheds bright light for 60 feet and
dim light for an additional 60 feet. This light
is only visible to creatures of your choice
within 10 feet of you. l
Wand of the Spectral Orchestra
ra ct

Wand, very rare (requires attunement

st pe

by a bard)
he e S

The wand of the spectral orchestra is white

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with a gold handle, and covered in carved

O ft

musical notes tip to handle. When wielded,


the tip of the wand emits a soft blue light.


While holding the wand, you can cause a


spectral violin to appear in your free hand.

Using the wand as a bow, you can play the
spectral instrument. You are proficient
with the instrument and have advantage on
Charisma (Performance) checks made while
using it.

Chapter 3: Very Rare Wands

Gentle Wind. As an action, you can com-
pel the wind to do your bidding. You can
create a gust of wind that can move one
object that isn’t being held or carried and
that weighs no more than 5 pounds. The

object is pushed up to 10 feet away from you.

It isn’t pushed with enough force to cause

damage. A Medium or smaller creature tar-

geted by this effect must succeed on a 17 DC

Strength saving throw or be pushed 5 feet.

Call Tornado. While holding the wand,

you can use an action to call a tornado at

a point you can see within 300 feet. The

tornado is a 5-foot-diameter, 100-foot-high
cylinder. The tornado remains for up to 1
minute or until you use a bonus action to
dispel it.
While the tornado is present, you can use
your action to move the tornado up to 30 feet
in any direction. Medium or smaller objects
that are not worn or carried by a person are Wand of the Worthy
sucked into the tornado. Wand, very rare (requires attunement by a
Creatures that enter or begin their turn good-aligned character)
in the area of the tornado must make a DC The wand of the worthy is carved from warm
17 Dexterity saving throw. A creature takes yellow wood and wrapped from end to end
10d6 bludgeoning damage on a failed save with golden decorative thread. It was created
and half as much on a successful one. with the intention of aiding in the battle
A Large or smaller creature that fails the against evil.
save must succeed on a DC 17 Strength While holding the wand, you gain a +3
saving throw or become restrained in the bonus to spell attack rolls.
tornado until the effect ends. When a crea- Power of Honesty. The true nature of the
ture starts its turn restrained by the tornado, wand prevents those in its presence from
the creature is pulled 5 feet higher inside it, being untruthful. The wand emits a magical
unless the creature is at the top. A restrained aura that extends 15 feet from it in every
creature moves with the whirlwind and falls direction. A creature that enters the aura
when the spell ends, unless the creature has for the first time on a turn or starts its turn
some means to stay aloft. there must succeed on a DC 17 Charisma
A restrained creature can use an action to saving throw or become unable to speak a
make a Strength or Dexterity check against deliberate lie while in the radius. You know
a DC of 17. If successful, the creature is whether a creature succeeds or fails on its
no longer restrained by the tornado and saving throw.
is hurled 3d6 × 10 feet away from it in a Spells. The wand has 7 charges, and
random direction. regains 1d6 + 1 expended charges daily at
Once you have used the wand in this dawn. You can use an action to expend 1 or
manner, you can’t do so again until the next more charges to cast the following spells
dawn. from it (save DC 17): detect evil and good (1
charge), dispel evil and good (5 charges), and
protection from evil and good (1 charge).

Chapter 3: Very Rare Wands

Chapter 4: Legendary Wands
Legendary Wands
egendary magical wands are

for parties that are level 17
and above. These powerful
magic wands can utilize spells
of any level. Legendary wands

are worth as much as 500,000 gp or more.

The opportunity to purchase these items is

exceptionally rare.

Astral Wand
Wand, legendary (requires attunement)
The astral wand is made of a translucent,
glasslike material. Within the wand is a
faintly glowing purple, swirling miasma.
While holding this wand, you gain a +3
bonus to all spell attack rolls and the saving
throw DCs of your spells. Additionally, you

can use your action to cast astral projection

from it. The wand can’t be used this way

again until the next dawn.

Cursegiver Ca
Wand, legendary (requires attunement)
Cursegiver is a wand made from a dead
branch, with its handle loosely wrapped in
gray thread.
The wand has 3 charges. While holding it,
you can use your action to expend 1 charge
and place a curse on one creature you can
see within 30 feet of you. The creature must
succeed on a DC 18 Wisdom saving throw Spell attacks made using this wand deal
or suffer disadvantage on all Intelligence, an additional 1d10 force damage on a hit.
Wisdom, and Charisma-based ability checks, As an action, you can use this wand to
attack rolls, and saving throws. All attacks cause a cataclysmic event centered on your
against the cursed creature are made with person. All creatures and structures within
advantage. This curse lasts for 1 minute. 30 feet of you must make a DC 18 Dexterity
The wand regains 1d4 – 1 charges daily at saving throw. They take 20d10 force damage
dawn. on a failed save, or half as much damage on
a successful one. The sphere deals double
Cataclysm damage to structures. All living plant mate-
Wand, legendary (requires attunement) rial and non-magical objects not being worn
Cataclysm is an ominous-looking wand or carried by a creature are disintegrated,
made from twisted wood. At its tip is a blue leaving a small crater. Once this feature has
gem surrounded by a crown of thorns. been used, the wand can’t be used this way
again until dawn the next dawn.

Chapter 4: Legendary Wands

Creepcaller While holding this wand, it can be used as
Wand, legendary (requires attunement) a magical dagger that grants a +3 bonus to
attack and damage rolls made with it. On a
Creepcaller is a jagged mandible that once hit, it deals an extra 1d12 necrotic damage.
belonged to some type of massive insect. The wand has 7 charges, and regains
While holding this wand, you gain a +3 1d6 + 1 expended charges daily at dawn.
bonus to spell attack rolls and the saving While holding it, you can use an action and
throw DCs of your spells. expend 1 or more of its charges to cast one
Additionally, you can use your action to of the following spells from it (save DC 18):
cast incendiary cloud from it, using your animate dead (1 charge), blight (2 charges),
spell save DC. This version of the spell has create undead (4 charges), raise dead (3
a range of 300 feet, summons a cloud of charges), or speak with dead (1 charge).
locusts instead of embers, and cannot be
dispersed by wind. The cloud of locusts Denier
deals magical slashing damage instead of Wand, legendary (requires attunement by a
fire damage. The wand can’t be used this spellcaster)
way again until the next dawn.
Denier is a curved wand carved from rich
Dathomir’s Vile Bone Shiv mahogany.
Wand, legendary (requires attunement) While holding this wand, you gain a +3
bonus to spell attack rolls and the saving
—Name and Art Design by Kory Beatty throw DCs of your spells.
Dathomir’s vile bone shiv is the severed The wand has 5 charges. You can expend
skeletal arm of a lich named Dathomir. 1 charge to cast the following spells from
Anyone not attuned to the wand feels it: counterspell (use Intelligence if you don’t
nauseous in its immediate presence. A have a spellcasting ability) or antimagic field.
jagged, sharp finger extends from the hand The wand recovers 1d4 + 1 expended
at the tip of the wand. charges daily at dawn.

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Chapter 4: Legendary Wands


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Demon’s Lament way, you take 4d6 psychic damage and one
Wand, legendary (requires attunement) rusted ring disappears from the wand’s
demon hand. When the fourth rusted ring
—Designed by KasenB disappears, the wand explodes, dealing 2d12
Demon’s lament is an intricate wand carved fire damage to each creature within 30 feet.
from charred bone. Above the handle a
carved demon hand clutches an orange gem. Lazariah’s Wand of Resurrection
Each of its four fingers is adorned with a Wand, legendary (requires attunement)
rusted ring. —Designed by Nathan Subyak
While holding this wand, you gain a +1
Lazariah’s wand of resurrection is a brown
bonus to spell attack rolls, and a +2 bonus to
wooden wand with a smooth shaft and a
damage rolls that deal fire damage.
handle that resembles tree roots growing
Fiendish Sensitivity. Whenever you take
around a large diamond.
damage from a fiend, you must make a DC
While holding this wand, you gain a +3
15 Constitution saving throw. On a failed
bonus to spell attack rolls and the saving
save, you take 4d6 psychic damage and fall
throw DCs of your spells. Additionally,
unconscious. On a successful save, increase
you can use an action to cast the true
an ability score of your choice by 3, and the
resurrection spell from it. The diamond
wand’s bonus to spell attack rolls becomes
embedded in the handle serves as the
+3 and its bonus to fire damage rolls
material component for the spell. Once you
becomes +5. These effects last for 1 hour.
use the wand in this way, it disintegrates into
Spells. While holding the wand, you can
dust never to be found by the caster. At some
cast speak with animals at will from it. You
point in the future, the wand reforms itself.
can also cast foresight from it. Once you
have used the wand to cast foresight, you
can’t do so again for 7 days.
Scorching Wand
Wand, legendary (requires attunement)
Rings of the Demon. While holding
the wand, you can use an action to cast The scorching wand is made from a roughly-
one of the following spells from it, using hewn branch that is warm to the touch.
your spell save DC and spell attack bonus: The wand is tipped with a glowing orange
meteor swarm, storm of vengeance, or true crystal that emits small magical flames when
resurrection. After casting a spell in this wielded.

Chapter 4: Legendary Wands

You have resistance to fire and lightning and it has disadvantage on all skill checks
damage. and saving throws. This effect can only be
While holding this wand, you can cast undone by a greater restoration or wish
scorching ray from it at will, using your spell spell. The wand can’t be used this way again
attack bonus. until the next dawn.

Timebreaker Wand of Big Emotions

Wand, legendary (requires attunement) Wand, legendary (requires attunement)
Timebreaker is a curious wand crafted from The wand of big emotions is carved from
adamantium. In its center is a clockwork white wood. The hilt is adorned with a
contraption that turns and rotates on its teardrop-shaped jewel, and the handle has a
own. The wand gives its wielder the power to decorative carved leaf.
bend time itself. You have advantage on Charisma checks.
You add a d8 to your initiative at the start The wand has 7 charges, and regains
of every combat. 1d6 + 1 expended charges daily at dawn.
Spells. This wand has 3 charges, and While holding it, you can use your action
regains 1d4 – 1 expended charges daily to expend 1 or more of its charges to cast
at dawn. While holding it, you can use an the following spells from it (save DC 18):
action to expend 1 charge to cast one of the calm emotions (2 charges), charm person (1
following spells from it (save DC 18): haste charge), compulsion (4 charges), or heroism
or slow. (1 charge, gain 5 temporary hit points).
Ravage. Using this wand, you can ravage a Additionally, while holding the wand,
creature with the sands of time. As an action, you can use your action to cast antipathy/
you can force a creature you can see within sympathy from it. The wand can’t be used
90 feet of you to make a DC 18 Constitution this way again until the next dawn.
saving throw. On a failed save, the creature
takes 10d12 necrotic damage, or half as Wand of Geodes
much on a successful save. If the creature Wand, legendary (requires attunement)
is humanoid, a failed save also causes the
The wand of geodes is a beautiful creation,
target to age to the point where they only
crafted from an enormous pink and white
have 30 days to live. While in this aged
geode. Raw geode is exposed at the base
state, the creature’s walking speed is halved
of the wand, and its handle has decorative
carvings that taper to a point.
While holding this wand, you can cast
fabricate and meld into stone at will.








Chapter 4: Legendary Wands

Wand of Second Life
Wand, legendary (requires attunement)
The wand of second life is a cherry wood
wand with white lace wrapped around the


You have resistance to necrotic damage.

Spells. While holding the wand, you can
in cast gentle repose and spare the dying at
will. The spells have a range of 30 feet when

cast this way.


Resurrection. As an action, you can snap


the wand in half to cast true resurrection


from it. The wand then crumbles to ash and


is destroyed.

Wand of Spell Stealing

Wand, legendary (requires attunement by a
The wand of spell stealing is made from oak
and has rounded, bulbous features.
You have advantage on saving throws
Wand of Opposing Forces against spells.
Wand, legendary (requires attunement) While holding this wand, you can use your
The wand of opposing forces is a decorative reaction to absorb a spell that is targeting
wand carved from yew. Strangely, the wand only you and not with an area of effect. The
can be balanced on its tip, even if it is on spell’s effect is cancelled, and the energy
an uneven surface. While attuned to the of the spell is absorbed. You regain one
wand, you can cause tremendous harm or expended spell slot of a level equal to or
incredible healing. lower than half the absorbed spell’s level
Word of Harm. While holding the wand, (rounded up).
you can use your action to speak the Spells. While holding the wand, you can
command word “harm” and compel one cast the following spells from it at will: detect
creature you can see within 60 feet of you to magic, knock, light, and mage hand.
instantly die. If the target has 100 hit points
or fewer, it dies. Otherwise, the spell has no

effect. The wand can’t be used this way again


until the next dawn.


Word of Health. While holding the wand,

you can use your action to speak the com-

mand word “heal” and emit a wave of heal-


ing energy at a creature you can see within


60 feet of you. The target regains all its hit


points, and if it is suffering from disease or is


paralyzed, poisoned, or stunned, those condi-


tions end. This spell has no effect on undead

or constructs. The wand can’t be used this
way again until the next dawn.

Chapter 4: Legendary Wands














Wand of the Coral King
Wand, legendary (requires attunement) Wand of the Transformed
The wand of the coral king is carved from Wand, legendary (requires attunement)
driftwood and covered in petrified barnacles. The wand of the transformed is a heavy
Anyone within 5 feet of the wand can smell wand made from polished brass. The handle
the ocean. is adorned with an intricate carving of a
You can breathe underwater, and gain seahorse.
a swimming speed equal to your walking While holding this wand, you can use your
speed. You are also immune to cold damage. action to cast shapechange from it. While
Spells. This wand has 7 charges, and under the spell’s effects, you have advantage
regains 1d6 + 1 expended charges daily on Constitution saving throws you make to
at dawn. While holding it, you can use an maintain your concentration on a spell. Once
action to expend 1 or more of its charges to you use the wand in this way, it can’t be used
cast one of the following spells from it (save again until the next dawn.
DC 18): control water (3 charges), create
or destroy water (1 charge), ice storm (2 Wand of Tranquility
charges), or wall of ice (3 charges). Wand, legendary (requires attunement)
Call Elemental. While holding the wand,
—Designed by Arioch Morningstar
you can use an action to conjure a water
elemental to serve you. It remains for one The wand of tranquility is a plain shaft of oak
hour, or until you use a bonus action to that tapers into a raven’s claw grasping an
dismiss it or it is reduced to 0 hit points. emerald.
The elemental is friendly to you and your While holding this wand, you gain a +3
companions, and acts on its own initiative. It bonus to spell attack rolls and the saving
obeys any verbal commands that you issue to throw DCs of your spells.
it (no action required). If you don’t issue any Sphere of Tranquility. While holding the
commands to the elemental, it defends itself wand, you can use your action to activate
but takes no other actions. The wand can’t the Sphere of Tranquility. When activated,
be used in this way again until the next dawn each other creature within 30 feet of you that

Chapter 4: Legendary Wands

is holding one or more weapons or arcane Wand of Wilting
focuses must make a DC 20 Strength saving Wand, legendary (requires attunement)
throw. On a failed save, weapons and focuses
held by the creature are pulled from their The wand of wilting looks like little more
grasp and levitate in the air 15 feet above than a gnarled piece of long-dead tree root.
their head. They levitate there for 5 minutes, While holding this wand, you gain a +3
or until you use a bonus action to end the bonus to spell attack rolls and the saving
effect. As an action, a creature that can reach throw DCs of your spells. Additionally, you
a weapon or focus can retrieve it with a can cast chill touch at will (+9 to hit).
successful DC 20 Strength check. Cube of Wilting. While holding the wand,
you can use an action to draw the moisture
Wand of Undead Command out of the area around you. You create a
Wand, legendary (requires attunement) 30-foot cube centered on a point that you
can see within 150 feet. Each creature in
The wand of undead command is made that area must make a DC 18 Constitution
from flexible, rotting wood. The handle is saving throw. Constructs and undead aren’t
wrapped loosely with bandages that give off affected, and plants and water elementals
an odor of decay. make this saving throw with disadvantage.
You have advantage on spell attack rolls A creature takes 12d8 necrotic damage on
against undead creatures, and undead have a failed save, or half as much damage on a
disadvantage on attack rolls against you. successful one. Nonmagical plants in the
Additionally, you are resistant to necrotic area that aren’t creatures, such as trees and
damage. shrubs, wither and die instantly. Once this
This wand has 5 charges. While holding it, property is used, it can’t be used again until
you can use your action to expend 1 or more the next dawn.
of its charges to cast the following spells
from it (save DC 18): blindness/deafness (2
charges), dominate monster (5 charges, can
only target undead), false life (1 charge), or
speak with dead (3 charges).
The wand regains 1d4 + 1 expended
charges daily at dawn.








Chapter 4: Legendary Wands

Chapter 5: Cursed Wands
Cursed Wands
ursed wands carry powerful While holding this wand, you gain a +1

hexes that are typically hidden bonus to spell attack rolls.
from the wielder until it’s too Curse. The wand is haunted by the spirit
late. These wands can be any of a vengeful demon. A creature that casts
rarity, and often carry a mixture detect evil and good notices a strong aura
of harmful curses and helpful effects. Cursed of evil coming from the wand. Attuning to
wands can be any rarity level. They could it curses you until you are targeted by a
be easily available or difficult to come by remove curse or greater restoration spell. As
depending on whether its cursed nature is long as you remain cursed, you can’t willingly
easily ascertained. part with the wand and keep it with you at
all times. While attuned to the wand, you
Scorpion’s Sting have advantage on spell attack rolls that deal
Wand, rare (requires attunement) necrotic damage. Whenever you miss with a
spell attack, you take 1d4 necrotic damage.
Scorpion’s sting is a rough-hewn wand with
Targeting the wand with a banishment
a dead scorpion lashed to the tip with twine.
spell banishes the vengeful demon, removing
Those within 5 feet of the wand can hear a
the curse from the wand entirely. The wand
slight humming sound.
then becomes a +1 wand with no other
Spells. The wand has 7 charges, and
regains 1d6 + 1 expended charges daily
at dawn. While holding it, you can use an
action to expend some of its charges to
Wand of the Burnscarred
Wand, very rare (requires attunement)
cast the following spells from it (save DC
17): cloudkill (5 charges), magic missile The wand of the burnscarred is a wooden
(1 charge, deals poison instead of force wand that leaves the wielder’s hands covered
damage), poison spray (at will), or prismatic in soot each time they handle it.
spray (7 charges, always green ray). Each While holding this wand, you gain a +2
spell is cast at its lowest level, and you can bonus to spell attack rolls.
expend additional charges to increase the Curse. While attuned to this wand, you are
spell slot level by one for each additional deathly afraid of fire. While you can see a fire
charge you expend. larger than a campfire within 100 feet of you,
Curse. Becoming attuned to the wand you suffer the frightened condition. Whenev-
extends its curse to you. Each day at dawn, er a creature you can see casts a spell that
you must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution deals fire damage, you become frightened of
saving throw or suffer 1d12 poison damage that creature for the next minute.
and become poisoned for 24 hours. You are unable to part with the wand
The curse on you can be ended by a wish or end your attunement to it until you are
spell, or by a remove curse spell cast on you targeted by a remove curse or greater
while you are being doused in antitoxin or restoration spell.
other liquids that can remove the poisoned
condition. Wand of the Jealous Mage
Wand, legendary (requires attunement
Wand of Demonic Vengeance by a wizard)
Wand, uncommon (requires attunement)
The wand of the jealous mage is a beautifully
The wand of demonic vengeance is a purple crafted instrument made of dark green
wand with an intricate design. Strange runes wood. It has a handle that features a
are carved roughly into one side. checkerboard pattern of light green and gold.
Chapter 5: Cursed Wands
While holding this wand, you gain a +3 Wand of the Rock Giant
bonus to spell attack rolls and ignore half Wand, very rare (requires attunement)
cover when making a spell attack.
Spells. This wand has 9 charges, and The wand of the rock giant is a thick arcane
regains 1d10 – 1 expended charges daily focus carved from smooth stone. Creatures
at dawn. While holding it, you can use an not attuned to the wand feel a creeping
action to expend some of its charges to cast sense of unease while they are within 5 feet
the following spells from it (save DC 18): of the wand.
false life (1 charge), fireball (3 charges), You are immune to the petrified condition.
mage armor (1 charge), meteor swarm (9 Spells. While holding this wand, you can
charges), or sunbeam (6 charges). use an action to cast the following spells
Curse. This wand was crafted by a from it (save DC 18): stone shape (three
powerful archmage that was constantly times per day) and flesh to stone (once per
jealous of the achievements of other day). The wand regains all expended uses
spellcasters. Determined to limit his daily at dawn.
competition, the archmage developed this Curse. This wand is cursed. When you use
wand to knock some of his peers down a this wand to cast flesh to stone on a creature
peg. Attuning to this wand causes its curse to and it succeeds on its saving throw, your
extend to you. attunement to the wand ends and you must
At the end of each long rest, you must succeed on a DC 18 Constitution saving
make a DC 17 Intelligence saving throw. throw or become instantly petrified.
On a failed save, you suffer the effects of the
feeblemind spell until the end of your next Wand of the Unlucky
long rest. Wand, uncommon (requires attunement)
Once per day, you can attempt to break the The wand of the unlucky appears to be a
curse. As an action, you cause glowing runes wand of the war mage, +1 to anyone who
that only you can see to appear on the wand. casts identify on it, and it confers that item’s
You must make a succession of Intelligence properties while on your person.
checks against DCs of 18, 22, and 24. Three Curse. This wand is cursed. While it is
successes breaks the curse and causes your on your person, you make all ability checks
attunement to the wand to end. A single and savings throws with disadvantage. You
failure ends your chance of breaking the are unable to part with the wand or end your
curse, and you can’t try again until dawn the attunement to it until you are targeted by a
following day. Alternatively, the curse can be remove curse spell or similar magic.
lifted using a wish spell.

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Chapter 5: Cursed Wands

Chapter 6: Sentient Wands
Sentient Wands
hile all wands are conduits A greater restoration or wish spell can end

of arcane magic, some are these effects.
something more. Sentient Cold Immunity. While attuned to and
wands have personalities and carrying the wand, you have immunity to
motivations of their own, and cold damage and the effects of extreme cold.
can serve as powerful allies or complicated Spells. The wand has 12 charges and re-
foils for any party. gains 1d12 expended charges daily at dawn.
While holding the wand, you can use an
Blackfrost action to expend 1 or more of its charges to
Wand, legendary (requires attunement by a cast one of the following spells from it (spell
spellcaster) save DC 17, +9 to hit with spell attacks):
flesh to ice (6 charges, as flesh to stone ex-
Buried for centuries in a glacier, the sentient
cept that the target turns to solid ice with the
wand known as Blackfrost no longer
density and durability of stone), ice storm (4
remembers its origin. It knows only its
charges), ray of frost (at will), sleet storm (3
purpose: to unleash a perpetual winter upon
charges), spike growth (2 charges, the spikes
the world. The wand is carved from jagged
are made of ice), wall of ice (6 charges).
wood, with an oval blue crystal mounted on
Sentience. Blackfrost is a sentient neutral
the tip. Blackfrost is cold to the touch, but
evil wand with an Intelligence of 18, a
the cold fades when attuned to the item.
Wisdom of 14, and a Charisma of 17. The
While holding this wand, you gain a
wand has hearing and darkvision out to 120
+3 bonus to spell attack rolls. It has the
feet. It communicates telepathically with its
following additional properties.
wielder and can understand and speak any
Creeping Influence. Blackfrost works
languages the wielder knows.
tirelessly to bend its wielder to its will. At
Personality. Blackfrost has only one
the end of each long rest, you must make
purpose: cover the world with eternal winter.
a DC 11 Wisdom saving throw. If you fail
The wand cannot remember its origin, but
three of these saves in a row, your alignment
this desire has been constant throughout its
changes to neutral evil and you gain the
memory. While its goal is ultimately chaotic,
wand’s goal of bringing endless winter to
Blackfrost understands that achieving
the world. While this effect is in place, your
it will require finesse. The wand is cold
attunement to the wand can’t be removed.
and calculating, and adapts itself to the
personality of the wielder in an effort to gain
its trust.

Professor Rakestraw

Wand, very rare (requires attunement)


Professor Rakestraw is a simple wooden


wand that holds memories of a long-


dead arcanist of the same name. Shortly


before his passing, the original Professor

Rakestraw transferred his consciousness
into the wand so that he could continue his
studies even in death.

Chapter 6: Sentient Wands

Rakestraw’s Radiant Reliquary. Over the detect magic (1 charge), dispel magic (3
course of his lifetime, Professor Rakestraw charges, +9 modifier when attempting
meticulously documented every piece of to dispel spells of 4th level or higher), or
useful information he came across and enhance ability (2 charges).
stored those countless tomes in a permanent Sentience. Professor Rakestraw is a
pocket dimension known as Rakestraw’s sentient wand of neutral alignment with
Radiant Reliquary. If the wand believes the an Intelligence of 20, a Wisdom of 18,
wielder to be worthy, it invites them to enter and a Charisma of 10. It communicates
the Reliquary and allows them to perform telepathically with the wielder through any
research there. language the wielder understands, and
The wand can use an action to transport can speak, read, and understand Abyssal,
you to the Reliquary. You can resist the Celestial, Common, Draconic, and Elvish.
attempt with a successful DC 15 Wisdom
saving throw. If the wand fails to pull you
into the Reliquary, it cannot attempt to do so
again until the next dawn.
The Reliquary is a circular library with
shelves of books along walls that reach
higher than the eye can see. Time is slowed
in Rakestraw’s Radiant Reliquary. For every
day that passes in the Reliquary, only an hour
passes on the material plane. If you willingly
travel to the Reliquary you may leave at
any time. If you are there unwillingly, you
can use an action to make a DC 15
Wisdom saving throw, escaping on
a success. This saving throw
may only be attempted
once for every 24
hours that has elapsed
within the Reliquary.
While in the Reliquary,
the disembodied voice of
the wand can speak to you
and assist you in utilizing the
Reliquary’s resources. Intelligence
checks related to history or arcane
magic made within the Reliquary gain
a +9 bonus to the roll. Unseen servants in
the Reliquary bring you tomes and journals
containing information that is useful to
your research.
Spells. The wand has 7 charges and
regains 1d6 + 1 expended charges daily
at dawn. While holding it, you can use
an action and expend 1 or more of its
charges to cast one of the following spells
from it: comprehend languages (1 charge),

Chapter 6: Sentient Wands

Spells. The wand has 7 charges and
regains 1d6 + 1 expended charges daily at
dawn. While holding the wand, you can use

an action to expend 1 or more of its charges

le e
nt th
to cast one of the following spells from it

Ge f
(spell save DC 17): alter self (2 charges),
r o
pe and
disguise self (1 charge), polymorph (4
charges), prestidigitation (at will), mending
ro W

(at will), or minor illusion (at will).

Sentience. The wand of the proper

gentleman is a sentient, lawful good item

with an Intelligence of 16, a Wisdom of 12,
and a Charisma of 18. It has hearing and
vision out to a range of 120 feet. The wand
can speak, read, and understand Elven and
Personality. The wand of the proper
Personality. The wand cares for little gentleman is a pleasant companion with a
else than the expansion of its knowledge, keen sense of style that is driven to help its
particularly of the arcane, so its personality wielder and their friends look and feel the
varies depending on whether it feels best they can. It speaks in an exuberant,
the wielder might be of use. The wand joyful voice. The wand offers positive
is generally pleasant and often answers style tips and suggestions to the party and
questions for the wielder, but it quickly frequently issues compliments to characters
loses interest if the wielder is not well-read. with a sense of style. While it cares about
Professor Rakestraw pushes its wielder style and appearance, it’s also keen on
to take any degree of risk if it could reveal helping the wielder with disguises. The
interesting or arcane knowledge. wand is loyal to its wielder as long as the
wielder treats it with kindness and respect.
Wand of the Proper Gentleman
Wand, rare (requires attunement) Wand of the Cloud Prince
Crafted centuries ago by an archmage with Wand, legendary (requires attunement)
a particular sense of style, the wand of the The ethereal wand of the cloud prince was
proper gentleman is the ultimate image once the prized possession of an aasimar
consultant and personal attendant. The demigod, until the time of his banishment.
wand is made of a rounded wooden shaft The wand allows its wielder to master the
and adorned with gemstones and ringed skies as its creator once did. It is intricately
with gold. carved from white stone, and adorned with
Gentleman’s Confidence. You can imbue glyphs of clouds seemingly shaped by the
yourself or an ally with the sheer power wind.
of the perfect gentleman’s confidence. As While holding the wand, you gain a +3
an action, you can touch the wand to the bonus to spell attack rolls.
forehead of a willing creature, granting them You can use the wand as a magical club
advantage on all Deception and Persuasion that grants a +3 bonus to attack and damage
checks for the next hour. Once you use this rolls made with it. The wand deals an extra
property, you can’t use it again until you 2d12 thunder damage on a hit.
finish a long rest. Call Elemental. While you are holding the
wand, you can use an action to conjure an

Chapter 6: Sentient Wands

air elemental. The elemental acts on your

initiative and follows your commands (no

action required). The elemental remains

until you use an action to dispel it, it is

reduced to 0 hit points, or at dawn the next

day. Once you use this property, you can’t use

it again until you finish a long rest.

Spells. The wand has 10 charges and

regains 1d10 expended charges daily at

dawn. While holding the wand, you can use

an action to expend 1 or more of its charges
to cast one of the following spells from it
(save DC 18): fly (3 charges), fog cloud (1
charge), gust of wind (2 charges), lightning
bolt (3 charges), wind wall (3 charges), or
wind walk (6 charges).
Sentience. The wand of the cloud Whenever a good-aligned creature attunes
prince is a sentient, lawful good item to Zindra, Death Incarnate, that creature
with an Intelligence of 16, a Wisdom of must make a DC 17 Constitution saving
12, and a Charisma of 16. It has hearing throw. The creature takes 6d8 necrotic
and vision out to a range of 120 feet. The damage on a failed save, or half as much
wand communicates telepathically with its damage on a successful one.
wielder and can speak, read, and understand While you are attuned to the wand, it can
Celestial and Common. be wielded as a magical mace that grants a
Personality. At its core, the wand of the +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made
cloud prince seeks adventure. After spending with it. You are considered proficient with
most of its life serving its creator, the wand the weapon, and it deals an additional 1d12
has grown to love exploring the world and necrotic damage on a hit.
doing battle against the forces of evil. It’s Devour Soul. Whenever you use the wand
used to regular action and is happiest when to reduce a creature to 0 hit points, the
flying. While nothing satisfies the wand of wand slays the creature and devours its soul,
the cloud prince like entering battle or per- unless it is a construct or undead. When the
forming a feat of heroism, the wand is con- soul is devoured, Zindra, Death Incarnate
tent if it regularly flies with its wielder. When grants you temporary hit points equal to the
it gets bored, it makes low, whistling noises slain creature’s hit point maximum.
that only the wielder can hear. If the wand Spells. The wand has 10 charges and
goes unused for too long, conflicts may arise. regains 1d10 expended charges daily at
dawn. While holding the wand, you can
Zindra, Death Incarnate use an action and expend 1 or more of its
Wand, legendary (requires attunement) charges to cast one of the following spells
Once a lich, Zindra’s magical essence from it (spell save DC 17, +8 to hit with spell
was stored in this wand when a band of attacks): animate dead (3 charges), blight
adventurers destroyed her body. Now she (4 charges), chill touch (at will), or circle of
seeks vengeance against all living things. death (6 charges).
Zindra, Death Incarnate is a thick wand Sentience. Zindra, Death Incarnate
molded of rusted iron. At its tip is a clawed is a sentient chaotic evil wand with an
hand with four fingers. Intelligence of 17, a Wisdom of 10, and
a Charisma of 19. It has hearing and

Chapter 6: Sentient Wands

darkvision out to a range of 120 feet. The Personality
wand can read and understand Common,
and it can communicate telepathically with The personality of a sentient wand is
the wielder using any language the wielder what truly sets these magical items apart.
knows. While attuned, the wand also Personality goes well beyond the wand’s
understands any language you know. alignment, it includes its attitude and its
Personality. Zindra, Death Incarnate lives temperament. Sentient wands can be
only to consume and destroy. It hungers for ruthless or pleasant, easy to read or quick to
living souls and cares for little other than manipulate.
causing destruction. The wand speaks with
an authoritative tone, making demands and Purpose
giving orders to its wielder. Its thirst for Not every sentient wand will have a purpose.
bloodshed is relentless, and it expects the While some have a singled-minded drive to
same from its wielder. If the wand goes three achieve something, others are content to
days or more without consuming a soul, a simply exert their power when they have the
clash between it and its wielder occurs at chance to do so. You can create a purpose for
the next sunset (see “Sentient Magic Items” your wand or roll from the following table.
chapter 7 of the Dungeon Master’s Guide).
If a wielder refuses to comply, the wand can Sentient Weapon Purpose Table
end its attunement.
d10 Purpose
Creating Sentient Wands 1 Power. The wand hungers for arcane
power and won’t stop until it gets it.
Developing a sentient wand for your party 2 Vengeful. The wand has been wronged,
is a different process compared to creating
and only vengeance can make it right.
most magical items. While the properties
of a sentient wand are important, what sets 3 Ally. The wand is designed to be a fierce
them apart are the wand’s personalities, ally of its wielder.
abilities, and purpose. 4 Hunger. The wand only desires to be fed.
Souls, energy, misery, or whatever else it
Properties seeks.
A sentient wand has magical properties just 5 Rage. The wand seeks to destroy
like any other item. While these properties everything in its path.
are central to most wands, they can take a 6 Manipulator. The wand cares little for the
backseat to the personality and roleplaying affairs of the living, but derives joy from
possibilities that come with a sentient wand. meddling.
Many wands include a number of charges 7 Glory. The wand dreams of glory and
and a variety of spells that can be cast using hopes to be a famous artifact known
these charges. It is common for a spell to worldwide.
expend a number of charges equal to its 8 Destroyer. The wand is driven to destroy
spell level. its enemies, whether they are good or
9 Release. The wand is tired of serving
Each sentient wand has its own ability others and only wishes to be destroyed.
scores. Your creation should have a score for 10 Seeks Creator. The wand serves only its
Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma. creator, and its primary goal is to reunite
with them.

Chapter 6: Sentient Wands

Appendix A. Loot Tables
Tier 1 Adventurers Loot Table Tier 2 Adventurers Loot Table
d20 Wand Page d20 Wand Page
1 Wand of Butterfingers 4 1 Unnerving Wand 4
2 Wand of Delectable Pastries 5 2 Wand of Acid Arrow 4
3 Wand of Regrowth 6 3 Wand of Butterfingers 4
4 Wand of Payback 6 4 Wand of Feather Fall 5
5 Wand of Snowballs 7 5 Wand of Regrowth 6
6 Wand of the Feeble 8 6 Sandblaster Wand 11
7 Wand of the Dire Wolf 7 7 Stupefying Wand 12
8 Wand of the Watchful 8 8 Wand of Misdirection 13
9 Wand of the Wind 8 9 Wand of Springtime 13
10 Wand of Thought Injection 8 10 Wand of the Astral Shifter 14
11 Wand of Thunderwave 9 11 Wand of the Crystal Prison 14
12 Wand of Uncontrollable Flatulence 9 12 Wand of the Hidden Vault 15
13 Wand of Waking Dreams 9 13 Wand of the Seeker 16
14 Wand of the Baneful 7 14 Wand of the Trained 16
15 Wand of Acid Arrow 4 15 Wand of Zastruga 17
16 Rot Wand 11 16 Winsome Wand of Charming 17
17 Shadowshroud 11 17 Cinderwand 20
18 Wand of Exuberant Celebration 12 18 Wand of Divergence 21
19 Wand of the Rising Sun 15 19 Professor Rakestraw 38
20 Wand of Demonic Vengeance 35 20 Scoprion’s Sting 35

Appendix A. Loot Tables

Tier 3 Adventurers Loot Table Tier 4 Adventurers Loot Table
d20 Wand Page d20 Wand Page
1 Wand of Acid Arrow 4 1 Wand of Butterfingers 4
2 Wand of Thunderwave 9 2 Wand of Feather Fall 5
3 Unnerving Wand 4 3 Wand of Waking Dreams 9
4 Wand of the Crystal Prison 14 4 Wand of Storms 14
5 Wand of the Ostrich 15 5 Wand of Zastruga 17
6 Wand of the Rising Sun 15 6 Wand of the Seeker 16
7 Wand of the Hidden Vault 15 7 Winsome Wand of Charming 17
8 Wand of the Trained 16 8 Antimagic Wand 19
9 Wand of Uncovering 17 9 Cinderwand 20
10 Wand of Flowers 21 10 Cloning Wand 20
11 Ironmind 21 11 Wand of the Believer 23
12 Wand of the Flamewalker 23 12 Astral Wand 27
13 Wand of the Mirage 24 13 Cursegiver 27
14 Wand of the Seeing Eye 24 14 Creepcaller 28
15 Wand of the Spectral Orchestra 24 15 Denier 28
16 Wand of the Worthy 25 16 Scorching Wand 29
17 Wand of Geodes 30 17 Timebreaker 30
18 Timebreaker 30 18 Wand of Opposing Forces 31
19 Wand of the Rock Giant 36 19 Zindra, Death Incarnate 41
20 Wand of the Cloud Prince 40 20 Wand of the Jealous Mage 35

Appendix A. Loot Tables

The following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, and/or You have sufficient rights to grant the rights conveyed
Inc. and is Copyright 2000 Wizards of the Coast, Inc by this License.
("Wizards"). All Rights Reserved. 6. Notice of License Copyright: You must update the
1. Definitions: (a)"Contributors" means the copyright COPYRIGHT NOTICE portion of this License to include the
and/or trademark owners who have contributed Open exact text of the COPYRIGHT NOTICE of any Open Game
Game Content; (b)"Derivative Material" means copyrighted Content You are copying, modifying or distributing, and You
material including derivative works and translations must add the title, the copyright date, and the copyright
(including into other computer languages), potation, holder's name to the COPYRIGHT NOTICE of any original
modification, correction, addition, extension, upgrade, Open Game Content you Distribute.
improvement, compilation, abridgment or other form in 7. Use of Product Identity: You agree not to Use
which an existing work may be recast, transformed or any Product Identity, including as an indication as to
adapted; (c) "Distribute" means to reproduce, license, compatibility, except as expressly licensed in another,
rent, lease, sell, broadcast, publicly display, transmit or independent Agreement with the owner of each element of
otherwise distribute; (d)"Open Game Content" means the that Product Identity. You agree not to indicate compatibility
game mechanic and includes the methods, procedures, or co-adaptability with any Trademark or Registered
processes and routines to the extent such content does not Trademark in conjunction with a work containing Open
embody the Product Identity and is an enhancement over Game Content except as expressly licensed in another,
the prior art and any additional content clearly identified independent Agreement with the owner of such Trademark
as Open Game Content by the Contributor, and means or Registered Trademark. The use of any Product Identity
any work covered by this License, including translations in Open Game Content does not constitute a challenge to
and derivative works under copyright law, but specifically the ownership of that Product Identity. The owner of any
excludes Product Identity. (e) "Product Identity" means Product Identity used in Open Game Content shall retain all
product and product line names, logos and identifying rights, title and interest in and to that Product Identity.
marks including trade dress; artifacts; creatures characters; 8. Identification: If you distribute Open Game Content
stories, storylines, plots, thematic elements, dialogue, You must clearly indicate which portions of the work that
incidents, language, artwork, symbols, designs, depictions, you are distributing are Open Game Content.
likenesses, formats, poses, concepts, themes and graphic, 9. Updating the License: Wizards or its designated
photographic and other visual or audio representations; Agents may publish updated versions of this License. You
names and descriptions of characters, spells, enchantments, may use any authorized version of this License to copy,
personalities, teams, personas, likenesses and special modify and distribute any Open Game Content originally
abilities; places, locations, environments, creatures, distributed under any version of this License.
equipment, magical or supernatural abilities or effects, 10. Copy of this License: You MUST include a copy of
logos, symbols, or graphic designs; and any other trademark this License with every copy of the Open Game Content You
or registered trademark clearly identified as Product identity Distribute.
by the owner of the Product Identity, and which specifically 11. Use of Contributor Credits: You may not market or
excludes the Open Game Content; (f) "Trademark" means advertise the Open Game Content using the name of any
the logos, names, mark, sign, motto, designs that are used Contributor unless You have written permission from the
by a Contributor to identify itself or its products or the Contributor to do so.
associated products contributed to the Open Game License 12 Inability to Comply: If it is impossible for You to
by the Contributor (g) "Use", "Used" or "Using" means to comply with any of the terms of this License with respect
use, Distribute, copy, edit, format, modify, translate and to some or all of the Open Game Content due to statute,
otherwise create Derivative Material of Open Game Content. judicial order, or governmental regulation then You may not
(h) "You" or "Your" means the licensee in terms of this Use any Open Game Material so affected.
agreement. 13. Termination: This License will terminate
2. The License: This License applies to any Open Game automatically if You fail to comply with all terms herein and
Content that contains a notice indicating that the Open fail to cure such breach within 30 days of becoming aware of
Game Content may only be Used under and in terms of the breach. All sublicenses shall survive the termination of
this License. You must affix such a notice to any Open this License.
Game Content that you Use. No terms may be added to or 14. Reformation: If any provision of this License is held
subtracted from this License except as described by the to be unenforceable, such provision shall be reformed only
License itself. No other terms or conditions may be applied to the extent necessary to make it enforceable.
to any Open Game Content distributed using this License. 15. COPYRIGHT NOTICE
3. Offer and Acceptance: By Using the Open Game Open Game License v 1.0 Copyright 2000, Wizards of
Content You indicate Your acceptance of the terms of this the Coast, Inc.
License. System Reference Document 5.1 Copyright 2016,
4. Grant and Consideration: In consideration for agreeing Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Mike Mearls, Jeremy
to use this License, the Contributors grant You a perpetual, Crawford, Chris Perkins, Rodney Thompson, Peter Lee,
worldwide, royalty-free, non-exclusive license with the exact James Wyatt, Robert J. Schwalb, Bruce R. Cordell, Chris
terms of this License to Use, the Open Game Content. Sims, and Steve Townshend, based on original material by
5. Representation of Authority to Contribute: If You are E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.
contributing original material as Open Game Content, You END OF LICENSE
represent that Your Contributions are Your original creation


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