ABS0386 Raychem (Shows Mil Specs)
ABS0386 Raychem (Shows Mil Specs)
ABS0386 Raychem (Shows Mil Specs)
This specification covers inspection methods, procedures and requirements for high-frequency
and controlled electrical cables.
The temperature rating, when shown on the specification sheet, is based on data obtained from
either testing of the insulation material(s) using the mechanical and electrical integrity of the
product as defined by ASTM D 3032, Section 14, as the basis for the rating, or by industry-
defined standards for the type of material. The temperature rating is not based on possible
changes to the electrical characteristics of the cable which might occur as a result of exposure
to temperature extremes.
The following documents, of the issue in effect on the date of invitation for bids or request for
proposal, form a part of this specification to the extent specified herein.
(Copies of Department of Defense documents may be obtained from the Naval Publications
and Forms Center, Standardization Documents Order Desk, 700 Robbins Ave., Bldg. 4D,
Philadelphia, PA 19111-5094; or at http://assist.daps.dla.mil/quicksearch/.)
The following documents, of the issue in effect on the date of invitation for bids or request for
proposal, form a part of this specification to the extent specified herein.
(Copies of ASQ documents may be obtained from the American Society for Quality,
600 North Plankinton Avenue, Milwaukee, WI 53203; or at www.asq.org.)
E 595 Standard Test Method for Total Mass Loss and Collected Volatile
Condensable Materials from Outgassing in a Vacuum Environment
(Copies of ASTM documents may be obtained from the American Society for Testing and
Materials, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959; or at
C22.2 No. 0.3 Test Methods for Electrical Wires and Cables
(Copies of CSA documents may be obtained from the Canadian Standards Association, 5060
Spectrum Way, Suite 100, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada L4W 5N6; or at www.shopcsa.ca.)
(Copies of ECIA documents may be obtained from the Electronic Components Industry
Association, 1111 Alderman Drive, Suite 400, Alpharetta, GA 30005; or at
(Copies of ISO documents may be obtained from the International Organization for
Standardization; or at www.iso.org.)
WC 27500 American National Standard for Aerospace and Industrial Electrical Cable
(Copies of NEMA documents may be obtained from the National Electrical Manufacturers
Association, 1300 North 17th Street, Suite 900, Rosslyn, VA 22209; or at www.nema.org.)
(Copies of SAE documents may be obtained from the Society of Automotive Engineers,
400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA 15096-0001; or at www.sae.org.)
UL 1581 Reference Standard for Electrical Wires, Cables and Flexible Cords
(Copies of UL documents may be obtained from Underwriters Laboratories Inc., 1655 Scott
Boulevard, Santa Clara, CA 95050-4169; or at www.ul.com.)
The requirements for the individual cables furnished under this specification shall be as
specified herein and in accordance with the applicable specification sheet. In the event of a
conflict, the requirements of the specification sheet shall govern.
Materials not specifically designated herein shall be of the quality and form best suited for the
purpose intended. Unless otherwise specified, the materials shall meet the following
Conductor material shall be as specified in the applicable specification sheet and shall meet
the material requirements for that type as specified in AS29606.
Shield material shall be as specified in the applicable specification sheet and shall meet the
material requirements for that type as specified in WC 27500.
Insulating materials, used for wire insulation or cable jackets, shall be in accordance with the
applicable specification sheet.
Construction of the finished cable shall be as specified herein and in the applicable
specification sheet.
3.3.1 Conductor
Unless otherwise specified in the applicable specification sheet, the conductor construction
shall be in accordance with AS29606.
Prior to dielectric extrusion, elongation and breaking strength of the conductor shall be in
accordance with AS29606 for the AWG, construction, and material specified in the applicable
specification sheet. Other materials not covered by AS29606 shall be in accordance with the
applicable specification sheet.
3.3.2 Shields
The shield shall be constructed so as to meet all physical and surface transfer impedance
requirements of the applicable specification sheet. The shield shall be free of irregularities,
discontinuities, and whole braid splices.
Foil shields and drain wires shall meet the requirements of the applicable specification sheet.
3.3.3 Wraps
Tape wraps, when required, shall be applied with an overlap of 25 percent minimum, unless
otherwise specified, and shall meet the material and construction requirements specified in the
applicable specification sheet. Tape overlap shall be determined in accordance with 4.5.37.
Insulating materials, used for wire insulation or cable jackets, shall be constructed as specified
in the applicable specification sheet.
Finished cable shall conform to the requirements of Table 1 and to those of the applicable
specification sheet.
3.4.1 Blocking
When required by the specification sheet and tested in accordance with 4.5.3, adjacent turns
and layers of the finished cable shall not block. Blocking shall be defined as a transfer of
material between adjacent surfaces when they are separated.
3.4.2 Cabling
The required number of components as specified in the applicable specification sheet shall be
cabled together with a left-hand lay. The lay length of the components, when required, shall
be as specified in the applicable specification sheet.
Prior to shipment, one hundred percent of all finished cable shall be tested for continuity in
accordance with 4.5.7. There shall be no indication of discontinuity in any of the component
wires or shields, as applicable.
Where required, the dielectric concentricity shall be in accordance with the applicable
specification sheet when tested in accordance with 4.5.9.
3.4.5 Flammability
Finished cable shall be tested in accordance with 4.5.17 to the appropriate method as specified
in the applicable specification sheet. Unless otherwise specified, finished cable shall meet the
following requirements:
60 seconds (maximum)
25 percent (maximum) of flag burned
No flaming of cotton
30 seconds (maximum)
3 inches (76 mm) (maximum)
No flaming of facial tissue
70 seconds (maximum)
When finished cable is tested in accordance with 4.5.20, the jacket concentricity shall be
70 percent, minimum, unless otherwise specified in the applicable specification sheet.
One hundred percent of finished shielded and jacketed cable shall pass the impulse test or the
spark test specified in 4.5.21 using the voltage specified in the applicable specification sheet.
Testing shall be performed during the final winding of the cable on shipment spools or reels.
When finished cable is tested in accordance with 4.5.22, there shall be no cracking of the
jacket and, when applicable, no breakdown of the jacket.
When required by the specification sheet, the finished cable outer surface shall be ultraviolet
(UV) laser markable. The mark shall meet a minimum contrast level as specified in the
applicable specification sheet.
When required by the specification sheet and tested in accordance with 4.5.36, specimens of
cable with woven or spiral, round or flat, shielding shall not exceed the weight loss specified.
3.4.11 Workmanship
All details of workmanship shall be in accordance with high grade wire and cable
manufacturing practices. The dielectric and jacket shall be free of cracks, splits, irregularities,
and imbedded foreign material.
The supplier is responsible for the performance of all the inspection tests specified herein.
The supplier may utilize his own or any other inspection facility and services acceptable to the
buyer. Inspection records of the examinations and tests shall be kept complete and available
to the buyer as required.
a. Vendor Control (V): Requirements for raw materials such as conductor and insulation
materials over which the vendor has control and responsibility.
b. Process Control (P): Inspections performed on samples taken from the lots of cable.
Inspections may be performed on finished cable or after the process which establishes the
specified characteristic. The Quality Control Plan establishes the frequency of inspection
based on process control data.
c. One Hundred Percent (100%): Tests performed on the total length of each cable. Tests
may be performed on the finished product or "in process", as applicable.
Unless otherwise specified herein, all test inspection conditions shall be in accordance with the
a. Temperature: 25 ± 10°C
b. Relative humidity: 60 ± 15 percent
c. Atmospheric pressure: 725 ± 76 mm of mercury
Quality conformance inspection consists of a series of tests and inspections that assure that
raw materials and manufacturing processes are consistent and result in products that conform
to specification requirements. Quality conformance tests and inspections are listed in Table 1,
designated as "P", "V", or "100%", and shall be performed on every lot of cable procured
under this specification.
ISO 8402 shall apply for definitions of inspection terms used herein. For purposes of this
specification, the following shall apply: Lot
The inspection lot shall include all cable of one part number subjected to inspection at one time.
Two specimens shall be cut to the length shown in Figure 1 using shear-type cutters to
minimize cross-sectional distortion. The jacket and shield shall be cut and carefully removed
without bending or flexing the cable. The dielectric shall be removed using a razor blade
without disturbing the remaining dielectric.
Conductor Adhesion Stripping Dimensions Apparatus
A test fixture capable of being held in a tensile testing machine and providing a hole for the
conductor to pass through shall be used. Clearance holes for conductors shall be no smaller
than the diameter of the conductor plus 0.002 inch (0.05 mm) and no larger than the smallest
practicable numerical drill size. Procedure
With the conductor passing through the appropriate hole, the conductor shall be clamped in
one set of jaws while the test fixture is held or supported by the other set of jaws. The jaws
shall be separated at a rate of 0.5 inch (13 mm) per minute and the force recorded while the
conductor is pulled out of the dielectric. The maximum force recorded shall be designated as
the strip force and shall meet the requirements of the applicable specification sheet.
The preceding test method is derived from the Adhesion of Conductors test method in
MIL-DTL-17. Specimen
The specimen shall be of sufficient length to exhibit at least 3 dB of attenuation at the lowest
frequency required. The specimen shall be short enough to ensure that the measured signal is
at least 10 dB higher than the measuring system noise floor. If the frequency range is such
that one specimen cannot fulfill this requirement, then an additional specimen of suitable
length shall be used. For coaxial-type cables, suitable connectors shall be attached to both
ends of the cable. For twisted pairs, a connector board with insulation displacement
connectors may be used. Procedure
An appropriate test set shall be used to measure the attenuation of the sample. Calibration and
specimen measurements shall be made in accordance with the analyzer or system procedures.
The attenuation at any frequency shall be determined from the following formula:
Within the frequency range(s) specified in the applicable specification sheet, the attenuation
shall not exceed the specified value. Due to reflections, it may be necessary to perform a
standard regression analysis on the raw data. The regression polynomial used shall be:
A( f ) a1 f a 2 f
f = frequency in MHz
a1, a2 = coefficients determined by regression analysis
A(f) = attenuation in dB/100 feet (or dB/100 m) at frequency (f)
The regression analysis is used to smooth out SWR effects. To determine compliance, the
frequency (or frequencies) listed on the specification sheet shall be substituted into the above
equation, along with the regression coefficients a1 and a2, and the attenuation A(f) calculated.
The preceding test method is derived from the Attenuation test methods in MIL-DTL-17 and
ASTM D 4566.
4.5.3 Blocking
One end of a finished cable specimen of sufficient length to perform the test shall be affixed to
a metal mandrel as specified in the applicable specification sheet. The cable shall then be
spirally wound around the mandrel so at least three turns are in close contact with one another.
The winding shall be continued until there are three layers of turns with each layer in close
contact with one another. The free end of the cable shall be affixed to the mandrel to prevent
unwinding or loosening of the turns. The mandrel and cable shall then be conditioned in an
air oven for the time and at the temperature specified in the applicable specification sheet.
After conditioning, the mandrel and cable shall be removed from the oven and allowed to cool
to room temperature. After cooling, the cable shall be unwound manually and examined for
evidence of blocking.
The preceding test method is derived from the Blocking test method in WC 27500.
4.5.4 Capacitance Configuration
For coaxial and triaxial cables only, capacitance shall be measured with a capacitance bridge
at 1 kHz, unless otherwise specified in the applicable specification sheet. For pair and triad
cables, the frequency shall be 1 MHz, unless otherwise specified. If the frequency specified
for shielded or unshielded pairs or triads is 1 kHz, an appropriate capacitance bridge that
performs measurements in accordance with ASTM D 4566 may be used (i.e. local area
network cables).
For measuring a frequency of 1 MHz, the specimen shall consist of an approximate 10-foot (3-
m) length of finished cable with all shields removed for a distance of 1 inch (25 mm) from
each end and the insulation removed for a distance of 0.5 inch (13 mm) from the end of all
conductors. The length of the specimen shall be the shielded length. For measuring
frequencies other than 1 MHz, the sample shall be prepared as above except that the specimen
length shall be less than 1/40 wavelength. Procedure
The capacitance (C) shall be measured between the inner conductor and outer conductor
(shield) with the outer shield grounded.
The capacitance between the two inner conductors shall be measured by the two-terminal
method. With the outer conductor (shield) connected to the ground terminal of the capacitance
bridge, the mutual capacitance shall be determined as follows:
Ca = capacitance between no. 1 conductor and no. 2 conductor, with no. 2 conductor
connected to the outer conductor
Cb = capacitance between no. 2 conductor and no. 1 conductor, with no. 1 conductor
connected to the outer conductor
Cc = capacitance between no. 1 and no. 2 conductors connected together and the outer
The mutual capacitance (Cm) per unit length for each shielded pair shall be determined using
the following formula:
2(Ca Cb ) Cc
4(Length of specimen)
The capacitance shall be measured by the two-terminal method. With the outer conductor
(shield) connected to the ground terminal of the capacitance bridge, the mutual capacitance
shall be determined as follows:
Ca = capacitance between no. 1 conductor and all other conductors connected to the outer
Cb = capacitance between no. 2 conductor and all other conductors connected to the outer
Cc = capacitance between no. 3 and all other conductors connected together and the outer
Cd = capacitance between no. 1, no. 2, and no. 3 conductors connected together and the
outer conductor
The mutual capacitance (Cm) per unit length for each shielded triad shall be determined using
the following formula:
3Ca Cb Cc Cd
12 Length of specimen
For unshielded pairs, the procedure shall be the same as given for shielded pair cables except
that the overall shield, if any, and all the conductors of the specimen, except the pair under
test, shall be connected together and treated as the outer conductor when making
measurements. The mutual capacitance (Cm) for each pair shall be determined by the formula
specified for the shielded pairs.
For unshielded triad cables, the procedure shall be the same as given for shielded triads except
that the overall shield, if any, and all conductors of the specimen, except those of the triad
under test, shall be connected together and treated as the outer conductor when making
measurements. The mutual capacitance (Cm) for each triad shall be determined by the formula
specified for shielded triads.
The preceding test methods are derived from the Capacitance test methods in MIL-DTL-17,
MIL-DTL-915, and ASTM D 4566.
The capacitance shall be determined in accordance with 4.5.4. The capacitance unbalance (Cu)
in percent shall be determined using the following formula:
400 Ca - Cb
Cu = %
2(Ca + Cb ) - Cc
The capacitance shall be determined in accordance with 4.5.4. The capacitance unbalance (Cu)
in percent shall be determined using the following formula:
200 Ca - Cb
Cu1 = %
(Ca + Cb )
200 Cb - Cc
Cu2 = %
(Cb + Cc )
200 Ca - Cc
Cu3 = %
(Ca + Cc )
Cu1 = percent of capacitance unbalance of conductor no. 1 in relation to conductor no. 2
Cu2 = percent of capacitance unbalance of conductor no. 2 in relation to conductor no. 3
Cu3 = percent of capacitance unbalance of conductor no. 3 in relation to conductor no. 1
The preceding test methods are derived from the Capacitance Unbalance test method in
MIL-DTL-17 and the Capacitance test method in MIL-DTL-915.
Capacitance unbalance between the pairs of a finished cable shall be measured using a suitable
meter or bridge specifically designed for use with telephone cable. The cable sample shall be
connected to the measuring instrument in accordance with the instrument manufacturer’s
procedure. The measurement frequency shall be 1 kHz. The capacitance unbalance of all
adjacent and alternate pairs shall be measured as well as the capacitance unbalance between
the pairs in adjacent layers. A lesser number of measurements may be made if allowed by the
applicable specification sheet. The measured value of the capacitance unbalance for the
particular sample under test shall be converted to an unbalance per 1000 feet (or km) by use of
the following formula:
Cu CuL
Cu = capacitance unbalance in pF/1000 feet (or pF/km)
CuL = measured capacitance unbalance of sample in picofarads (pF)
L = length of sample in feet (or meters)
The preceding test method is derived from the Capacitance Unbalance Pair-to-Pair section of
ASTM D 4566.
Capacitance unbalance between the pairs of finished cable and ground shall be measured using
a suitable meter or bridge specifically designed for use with telephone cable. The cable
sample shall be connected to the measuring instrument in accordance with the instrument
manufacturer’s procedure. The measurement frequency shall be 1 kHz. If a capacitance
unbalance bridge is not available, the pair-to-ground capacitance unbalance shall be calculated
using the following formula:
Cupg Cag Cap Cbg Cbp
Cupg = capacitance unbalance between pair and ground of sample in picofarads (pF)
Cag = capacitance between conductor "a" and ground
Cap = capacitance between conductor "a" and all other pairs in the cable connected
together and grounded
Cbg = capacitance between conductor "b" and ground
Cbp = capacitance between conductor "b" and all other pairs in the cable connected
together and grounded
The measured value of the capacitance unbalance for the particular sample under test shall be
converted to an unbalance per 1000 feet (or km) using the following formula:
Y1 = unbalance corrected to 1000 feet (or km)
Y = unbalance of cable length
X = cable length in feet (or meters)
The preceding test method is derived from the Capacitance Unbalance Pair-to-Ground section
of ASTM D 4566.
This method shall be used for cables whose nominal impedance is within 20 percent of Zref,
where Zref is the impedance of the calibrated reference air line (CRAL). However, if the Time
Domain Reflectometer (TDR) has the capability of displaying ohms at cursor, this method
may also be used for cables whose nominal impedance falls outside 20 percent of the
impedance of the CRAL.
For coaxial cable, attach a suitable connector at one end of the cable. For twisted pairs, the
measurement is made wire-to-wire. Designate one wire as the inner conductor and the other
wire as the outer conductor and attach a suitable connector at one end.
The apparatus shall consist of a TDR with a maximum rise time of 150 picoseconds. A calibrated
reference air line (CRAL) of suitable impedance and suitable connectors shall be used.
Attach the CRAL to the TDR output. If the TDR displays ohms at cursor, follow the
instrument manufacturer’s procedure. If not, designate the resulting trace as Zref and adjust
horizontal magnifier control until Zref extends through at least six horizontal divisions. The
sample cable shall then be attached and the resulting addition to Zref shall be designated as Zc.
With the cable attached, the Reflection Coefficient dial shall be adjusted so that Zref and Zc are
both on the graticule portion of the screen, but as far apart vertically as possible. Record the
setting on the dial as ARC. Determine the vertical spacing between Zref and Zc in vertical
divisions and designate as u. If Zref is higher than Zc, then u is negative. If Zref is lower than
Zc, then u is positive.
The preceding test method is derived from the Characteristic Impedance test method in
This method shall be used for the determination of the characteristic impedance of coaxial
cables only.
The velocity of propagation (Vp) shall be determined in accordance with ASTM D 4566. The
capacitance (C) shall be determined in accordance with 4.5.4. The characteristic impedance
shall be determined from the following relation:
V p (%) C( pF / ft )
The preceding test method is derived from the Characteristic Impedance test method in
Using a 1 MHz bridge, determine the capacitance (C) in accordance with 4.5.4. The end of the
specimen used to determine the capacitance shall then be shorted and the inductance (L) of the
specimen shall be determined using a 1 MHz bridge. Determination of the capacitance and
inductance may also be made at other specified frequencies by use of a suitable bridge. For
determining the characteristic impedance at frequencies higher than 1 MHz, the sample length
should be shortened in order to minimize the effect of resonance. The characteristic
impedance, at the specified frequency, shall be determined from the following relation:
Zo L C
For multi-conductor cables, the capacitance (C) shall be the mutual capacitance (Cm).
The preceding test method is derived from the Characteristic Impedance test method in
This method is appropriate for determination of the characteristic impedance of data bus
(balanced pair) cables at specified frequencies of 772 kHz or higher.
Using an appropriate bridge or measurement system, the open circuit impedance (Zoc) and
short circuit impedance (Zsc) shall be measured. For determining the characteristic impedance
at frequencies higher than 1 MHz, the sample length should be shortened in order to minimize
the effect of resonance. The characteristic impedance, at the specified frequency, shall be
determined from the following relation:
Z o = Z oc Z sc
Zo = complex characteristic impedance in ohms
Zoc = complex open circuit impedance in ohms
Zsc = complex short circuit impedance in ohms
For electrically long lines (more than 1/8 of a wave length), the presence of structural
variations influences the impedance observed at the measured end considerably, so that it is
not actually Zo but rather an input impedance (Zin). For this situation, least squares function
fitting techniques can be used to extract the characteristic impedance from the input
The preceding test method is derived from the Characteristic Impedance test method in
ASTM D 4566.
To establish continuity, 25 volts DC, maximum, shall be applied to both ends of each
conductor and shield of the cable through an appropriate indicator, such as an ohmmeter, light,
or buzzer. The test voltage may be applied to the conductors and shields individually, or in
The preceding test method is derived from the Continuity test method in MIL-DTL-17.
The concentricity of the dielectric insulation shall be determined by first locating and
recording the minimum wall thickness measured on a cross section of the dielectric insulation.
The maximum wall thickness of this same cross section of dielectric shall also be measured
and recorded. All wall thickness measurements shall be made under suitable magnification.
The wall thickness shall be the shortest distance between the outer rim of the dielectric
insulation and the outer rim of the underlying strand of the conductor. The ratio of the
minimum wall thickness to the maximum wall thickness, multiplied by 100, shall define the
percent concentricity.
The preceding test method is derived from the Insulation Concentricity test method in
Specimens of the dielectric insulation or cable jacket, as applicable, shall be carefully removed
and tested for elongation and tensile strength in accordance with AS4373, Method 705, using 1-
inch (25-mm) bench marks, a 1-inch (25-mm) initial jaw separation, and a jaw separation speed
of 2 inches (51 mm) per minute, unless otherwise specified in the applicable specification sheet.
A 5-foot (1.5-m), minimum, specimen shall be cut. The ends of the specimen shall be cut
squarely and the specimen formed into an 18-inch (457-mm) coil. Procedure
Place the specimen in an air-circulating oven at the temperature specified in the applicable
specification sheet and condition for 6 hours. After the conditioning period, remove the
specimen from the oven and condition at room temperature for 4 hours. Measure both ends of
the specimen for protrusion or contraction of the inner conductor.
The preceding test method is derived from the Dimensional Stability test method in
4.5.13 Dimensions
The preceding test method is derived from the Diameter Measurements test method in
All samples shall be examined carefully to determine conformance to this specification and to
the applicable specification sheet with regard to requirements not covered by specific test
Eye pattern shall be tested in accordance with the appropriate method described in the
commercial standard written for the particular cable (i.e. USB 2.0, USB 3.0). The basis for the
height and width of the opening that describes the pass/fail criteria may be contained in a
customer specification.
4.5.16 FEXT
FEXT (far end crosstalk) shall be tested in accordance with the appropriate method described
in the commercial standard written for the particular cable (i.e. USB 2.0, USB 3.0). For
category cables requiring FEXT, the cable shall be tested in accordance with ASTM D 4566,
Section 27.
4.5.17 Flammability
Flammability shall be tested in accordance with one of the following procedures as specified
in the applicable specification sheet.
The test shall be performed within a test chamber approximately 1 foot (0.30 m) square by
2 feet (0.61 m) in height, open at the top and front to provide adequate ventilation for
combustion but to prevent drafts. The specimen holder shall be so designed that the lower end
of a 24-inch (610-mm) specimen is held by a clamp, while the upper end of the specimen
passes over a pulley and can be suitably weighted to hold the specimen taut at an angle of
60 degrees with the horizontal, in a plane parallel to and approximately 6 inches (152 mm)
from the back of the chamber. The test flame shall originate from a Bunsen type gas burner
with a 0.250-inch (6.4-mm) inlet, a needle valve in the base for gas adjustment, a nominal bore
of 0.375 inch (9.5 mm), and a barrel length of approximately 4 inches (102 mm) above the air
inlets. The burner shall be adjusted to furnish a 3-inch (76-mm) high conical flame with an
inner cone approximately 1 inch (25 mm) in length and a flame temperature not less than
954°C at its hottest point, as measured with an accurate thermocouple pyrometer. A sheet of
facial tissue conforming to UU-T-450 shall be suspended taut and horizontal
9.5 inches (241 mm) below the point of application of the flame to the specimen and at least
0.50 inch (13 mm) from the chamber floor, so that any material dripping from the specimen
shall fall upon the tissue.
A 24-inch (610-mm) specimen shall be marked at a distance of 8 inches (203 mm) from its
lower end to indicate the point for flame application and shall be placed in the specified 60-
degree position in the test chamber. The lower end of the specimen shall be clamped in
position in the specimen holder and the upper end shall be passed over the pulley of the holder
and the appropriate weight shall be attached. Weight shall be sufficient to hold the specimen
taut throughout the test. With the burner held perpendicular to the specimen and at an angle of
30 degrees from the vertical plane of the specimen (see Figure 2), the hottest portion of the
flame shall be applied to the lower side of the specimen at the test mark. The period of test
flame application shall be 30 seconds and the test flame shall be withdrawn immediately at the
end of that period. The distance of flame travel upward along the specimen from the test mark
and the time of burning after removal of the test flame shall be recorded; also the presence or
absence of flame in the facial tissue due to incendiary dripping from the specimen. Charred
holes or charred spots in the tissue shall be ignored in the absence of actual flame. Breaking
of the specimen shall not be considered as failure, provided the requirements for flame travel
limits, duration of flame, and the absence of incendiary dripping are met.
Specimen clamped
in place
Flammability, Test Apparatus - Method B, 60° Test, Inclined Burner
The preceding test method conforms to FAR Part 25, Appendix F, Part I, and includes a
provision for the detection of incendiary dripping. Apparatus
The test shall be performed within a test chamber approximately 14 inches (356 mm) square
by 24 inches (610 mm) in height, open at the top and front to provide adequate ventilation for
combustion but to prevent drafts. The chamber shall be equipped with supports 12 inches
(305 mm) apart, designed to hold a 15-inch (381-mm) specimen in a taut, horizontal position
during the test, and located in a plane parallel to and approximately 6 inches (152 mm) from
the back of the chamber. The test flame shall originate from a Tirrill type gas burner with a
0.25-inch (6.4-mm) inlet, a needle valve in the base for gas adjustment, a nominal bore of 0.38
inch (9.5 mm) and a barrel length of approximately 4 inches (102 mm) above the air inlets.
The burner shall be adjusted to furnish a 5-inch (127-mm) high conical flame with an inner
cone approximately 1.5 inches (38 mm) in height. Procedure
position, shall be placed so that the inner cone just touches the underside of the specimen at a
point midway between the two indicator papers. The flame shall be directed against the
specimen for exactly 30 seconds and then removed. After flaming of the specimen has ceased,
the indicator papers shall be examined to determine the maximum distance the flame extended
in either direction from the center point of application of the flame.
The preceding test method is derived from the Flame Retardance Horizontal test method of
CSA Standard C22.2 No. 0.3. Apparatus
A gas burner having a 0.5-inch (13-mm) inlet, a nominal core of 0.4 inches (10 mm), and a
length of 4 inches (102 mm) above the primary inlets shall be used. The gas burner shall be
adjusted to produce a 4-inch (102-mm) gas flame with an inner cone one-half of its height. Procedure
Suspend a 24-inch (610-mm) test specimen in a draft-free chamber such that the specimen is at
a 45-degree angle to the vertical wall of the test chamber. The burner shall perpendicular and
in the plane of the specimen. The tip of the inner cone shall be positioned 4 inches (102 mm)
from the bottom of the specimen. The flame shall be applied to the specimen for 15 seconds.
The afterburn time shall be recorded.
The preceding test method is derived from the Flame Resistance test method in SAE J1128.
Flammability, Test Apparatus - Method D, 45° Test, Inclined Burner
A 4-inch (102-mm) specimen of finished cable shall be suspended for 4 hours in an air-
circulating oven at the temperature specified in the applicable specification sheet. The
velocity of air past the specimens shall not be less than 100 feet (30 m) per minute. After
conditioning, the specimen shall be removed, cooled to room temperature, and visually
examined for evidence of melting or flowing.
Insulation resistance shall be measured on samples of finished cable at least 25 feet (7.6 m) in
length. A DC potential between 200 and 500 volts shall be applied between each conductor or
shield in the cable and all the other conductors and shields. The leakage current shall be
measured after a 2-minute electrification period. However, a stable, or an increasing reading
indicating compliance with the specification requirement obtained before the 2-minute period
shall be acceptable. The insulation resistance of the test specimen shall be calculated from the
following formula:
R = insulation resistance for 1000 feet (or 1 km) in megohms
M = reading in megohms
L = test specimen length, in feet (or meters), measured between outer conductor
The preceding test method is derived from the Insulation Resistance test method in
The concentricity and wall thickness of the cable jacket shall be determined by first locating
and recording the minimum wall thickness measured on a cross section of the jacket. The
maximum wall thickness of this same cross section of jacket shall also be measured and
recorded. The wall thickness shall be the radial distance between the inner and outer rim of
the jacket as measured under suitable magnification. The ratio of the minimum wall thickness
to the maximum wall thickness, multiplied by 100, shall define the percent concentricity.
The preceding test method is derived from the Concentricity test method in WC 27500.
One of the following methods shall be used to determine the presence of jacket flaws.
Finished cable shall be tested in accordance with ASTM D 3032, Section 13, using the voltage
specified in the applicable specification sheet with the shield grounded at one end or both
ends. When specified in the contract or order, jacket failure, untested portions, or portions
which have been exposed to fewer or more than the specified pulses may be marked by
stripping the jacket or by any other suitable method of marking as specified in the contract in
lieu of being cut out of the cable.
Finished cable shall be passed through a chain electrode spark test device using the voltage
specified in the applicable specification sheet at a frequency of 60 or 3000 Hz. For
specification sheets specifying a test frequency of 60 Hz only, 3000 Hz may be used
alternatively. The shield shall be grounded at one or both ends. The electrode shall be of a
suitable bead chain or fine mesh construction that will give intimate metallic contact with
practically all of the cable surface. Electrode length and speed of specimen movement shall be
such that the cable is subjected to the test voltage for a minimum of 0.2 second. Any portion
showing jacket breakdown shall be cut out, including at least 2 inches (51 mm) of jacket on
each side of the failure.
The preceding test method is derived from the Jacket Flaws test method in WC 27500.
One end of a cable specimen shall be secured to a mandrel having a diameter as specified in
the applicable specification sheet and placed in a cold chamber. One full turn shall be
wrapped around the mandrel and the opposite end shall have sufficient weight attached to keep
the cable vertical and tangent to the mandrel during the bending operation. The chamber shall
be lowered to the temperature specified in the applicable specification sheet at a rate not to
exceed 50C per minute. The specimen and the mandrel shall be conditioned at this
temperature for 4 hours. At the end of this period, and while both the specimen and mandrel
are still at this low temperature, the cable shall be wrapped around the mandrel for 180 degrees
without opening the chamber. The time for bending around 180 degrees of the mandrel shall
be one-half minute at a uniform rate of speed. A revolving mandrel operated externally from
the chamber shall be used. The specimen shall then be removed from the mandrel and visually
examined, without magnification, for cracks. After examination of cracks, shielded and
jacketed specimens shall then be subjected to the voltage withstand test (
The preceding test method is derived from the Cold Bend test method in WC 27500.
4.5.23 NEXT
NEXT (near end crosstalk) shall be tested in accordance with the appropriate method
described in the commercial standard written for the particular cable (i.e. USB 2.0, USB 3.0).
For category cables requiring NEXT, the cable shall be tested in accordance with
ASTM D 4566, Section 25.
Partial discharge extinction voltage (PDEV) shall be defined for this test method as the voltage
at which the apparent discharge level falls to 5 picocoulombs or less as the applied voltage is
decreased from a value exceeding the inception voltage.
A length of cable shall be selected such that the sensitivity of the detecting equipment will
permit observation of discharges of 5 picocoulombs or less. The specimen shall be as shown
in Figure 4. Similar preparation should be made on triaxial cables.
Partial Discharge (Corona) Sample Preparation Procedure
Connect the specimen to the voltage source so that the voltage is between the conductor and
the shield. Triaxial cables shall be connected between the conductor and the first braid. In all
cases, the high voltage shall be connected to the conductor or inner shield of the triaxial cable.
The frequency of the test voltage shall be between 48 and 62 Hz. The specimen shall be
connected to the detecting equipment with the specimen ends immersed in oil until the shield
is at least 0.25 inch (6.4 mm) below the surface of the oil. Measurements shall not be made
with air bubbles still visible in the oil. Apply the voltage at a maximum rate of 50 volts per
second to specimens having a specified PDEV of 3 kV or less, and 100 volts per second for
specimens having a specified PDEV above 3 kV. Increase the voltage until partial discharges
are detected by the equipment. Then lower the voltage at the same rate until the partial
discharges cease. This voltage shall be recorded as the PDEV.
The preceding test is derived from the Corona Extinction Voltage test method in
Propagation Delay Skew between pairs shall be calculated using the following formula:
This calculation is to be made either over the frequency range specified in the applicable
specification sheet or, if propagation delay is measured using the TDR method for a
differential pair, it is a singular value. For multi-pair cables, propagation delay skew shall be
calculated for all pair combinations excluding reciprocal combinations (i.e., "Pair A - Pair B"
and "Pair B - Pair A" results in the same values and is thus not required).
A 10-foot (3.0-m) specimen of finished cable shall be subjected to the electron radiation
dosage as specified in the applicable specification sheet at an average rate of between 5 and 10
megarads (50 and 100 kGy) per minute. Following exposure, the center portion of the
specimen shall be wound around a mandrel having a diameter as specified in the applicable
specification sheet. The ends of the specimen shall extend at least 6 inches (152 mm) beyond
the wound portion. Shielded and jacketed specimens shall then be removed from the mandrel
without unwinding and shall be subjected to the voltage withstand test of
Unshielded, jacketed specimens shall be examined for cracks while still on the mandrel.
The percent optical coverage (OC) of the braided shields shall be determined using the
following formula:
OC 2 F F 2 x100
sin 2 L sin
E = number of strands per carrier
= angle of strands with axis of cable
P = picks per inch of cable length
d = diameter of strands (or width, if flat strands are used)
C = number of carriers
L = length of lay of strands along cable
2 ( D +2b)P ( D +2b)
tan= =
b = diameter of strands (or thickness, if flat strands are used)
D = average diameter of cable under shield (see 4.5.13)
The percent optical coverage (OC) of the spiral shield shall be determined using the following
OC Fx100
L sin
E = number of strands
d = diameter of strands
L = length of lay of strands along the cable
= angle of strands with axis of cable
( D + b)
tan =
b = diameter of strands
D = average diameter of cable under the shield (see 4.5.13)
The preceding test methods are derived from the Shield Coverage test method in WC 27500.
A sample of appropriate length shall be tested for skew in accordance with the equipment
manufacturer’s procedure. Skew shall be reported in nanoseconds per unit length at the
frequency shown on the applicable specification sheet.
The specimen shall be of sufficient length to exhibit at least 3 dB attenuation at the lowest
frequency required, unless otherwise specified. The specified connectors shall be attached to
both ends of the specimen and the assembly connected to a TDR that is capable of producing a
step-function rise-time of 150 picoseconds or less. With the far end of the specimen connected
to a matched load, the impedance variation exhibited by each cable connector-cable interface
shall not be greater than the maximum impedance variation permitted for the cable itself. Procedure
An appropriate test set shall be used to measure the structural return loss of the sample.
Calibration and specimen measurements shall be made in accordance with the analyzer or
system procedures. The return loss shall be recorded over the specified frequency range.
Within the frequency range(s) specified in the applicable specification sheet, the structural
return loss shall be not greater than the specified value. (Note: Structural Return Loss is
measured in dB. This measurement may be reported as SWR or VSWR and expressed as a
The preceding test method is derived from the Structural Return Loss test method in
Approximately 4 feet (1.2 m) of the cable shall be prepared in the manner described below.
Any method of shield termination may be used provided the method is shown to produce
results of equal accuracy to that obtained with the method described below.
(See Figure 5). Approximately 3 inches (76 mm) of the cable jacket shall be removed from
one end of the cable and the shield pushed back to expose the insulated conductor. The
insulation shall be removed from the conductor to within 1 inch (25 mm) of the pushed-back
shield as shown in Figure 5, Step 1. For a multi-conductor cable, connect all the conductors
together to form a single "conductor". The shield shall then be pulled forward over the
remaining insulation and soldered to the conductor. The shield shall completely enclose the
insulated conductor, shall be soldered around 360 degrees of the conductor, and all disturbed
portions of the shield shall be well soldered. The conductor shall extend beyond the soldered
joint with the shield and shall be formed and trimmed so as to be able to be soldered into the
center pin of a BNC female-female adapter as shown in Figure 5, Step 2. Excess shield
beyond the solder joint shall be removed, and the center pin of the adapter shall be attached to
the conductor so that the pin is within 0.50 inch (13 mm) of the soldered joint. From the
soldered joint, measure 1 meter and make an appropriate mark on the jacket insulation. A
piece of shrink tubing or other appropriate material shall be applied over the soldered joint to
insulate the joint as shown in Figure 5, Step 3. The adapter pin shall then be inserted into the
BNC adapter as shown in Figure 5, Step 4. A metallic outer braid shall be pulled over the
entire length of cable and shall extend one-third over the BNC adapter. The outer braid shall
then be soldered to the BNC adapter, making sure that a 360-degree solder joint is formed as
shown in Figure 5, Step 5.
(See Figure 6). At the other end of the cable, push back the outer braid over the cable to
expose the mark made 1 meter from the end "A" conductor solder joint. At the mark, the cable
jacket shall be window-stripped for a distance of 0.50 inch (13 mm), 0.25 inch (6.4 mm) on
either side of the mark as shown in Figure 6, Step 1. The outer shield shall then be pulled taut
back over the cable and twisted at the end of the cable to hold the outer braid in place. The
outer braid shall be soldered to the underlying exposed shield for 360-degrees around the cable
at the window cut. Excess outer braid between the solder joint and the end of the cable shall
be removed as shown in Figure 6, Step 2. Shrink tubing shall be applied over the entire length
of outer braid ensuring that the braid is pressed firmly to the jacket as shown in
Figure 5, Step 6. Excess heat shrink tubing shall be removed. The end of the cable shall then
be cut and prepared for termination to the N-male connector such that the distance from the
installed connector to the window in the cable jacket is as close as possible as shown in Figure
6, Step 3 and Figure 6, Step 4. For multi-conductor cables, one conductor shall be prepared
for termination to the N connector, the other conductors shall be floating. (Floating
conductors in a multi-conductor cable is achieved by applying shrink tubing to the exposed
ends of the unused conductors.) Configuration
An appropriate test set shall be used to measure the surface transfer impedance of the sample. Procedure
This measurement procedure is suitable for use with a spectrum analyzer and tracking
generator. The measurement procedure may be modified as needed if other instruments are
used, provided the results are shown to be of equal accuracy to those obtained when the
measurements are performed as described below. With the measuring system configured as
shown in Figure 7, adjust the output of the signal generator to produce a trace on the spectrum
analyzer, which at its highest point is near the top graticule line on the screen. Remove the
specimen and insert a calibrated variable attenuator in its place. Adjust the attenuator until a
trace is obtained which approximates the top graticule on the screen. The position of the trace
shall be recorded either by storage on the screen or in any other suitable manner. Designate
this trace A0, where A0 is the setting of the attenuator in dB. Increase the attenuator setting by
20 dB and record the position of this trace, designated A20, where A20 is the setting of the
attenuator in dB. Increase the attenuator further by 20 dB and record the position of a trace
designated A40. Continue in this manner until the calibration traces have covered the entire
height of the screen. Remove the attenuator and reconnect the specimen as shown in Figure 7.
Designate the resulting trace on the screen as S and record its position. The value of S, at any
frequency, shall then be calculated using the following equation:
S Au 20 dB m
Au = attenuator setting used to produce the calibration trace immediately above
trace S
y = distance on the screen between the traces Au and S
h = distance on the screen between trace Au and the calibration trace immediately
below trace S
The surface transfer impedance Zt, at the frequency chosen, is given by:
Z t 0 P ohms / meter
Z0 = characteristic impedance of the spectrum analyzer and tracking generator
Unless otherwise specified, 100 points uniformly spaced throughout the decade of frequency,
and including the beginning and end of the decade, shall be taken for each decade of frequency
range specified in the applicable specification sheet.
The values of Zt, as determined from measurements made in accordance with, shall
not exceed the maximum specified values of Zt as shown in the applicable specification sheet
in any of the following ways:
b. The maximum value of Zt over a range of frequencies may be specified by a plot of the
maximum value of Zt versus frequency.
c. The maximum value of Zt over a range of frequencies specified by a curve defined by the
maximum value of Zt at given frequencies.
d. The maximum value of Zt over a range of frequencies may be specified from the following
Maximum specified Zt = Az( f ) Bz milliohms/meter
f = frequency in MHz
Az, Bz = Zt calculation parameters specified in the applicable specification sheet
The preceding test method is derived from the Surface Transfer Impedance test method in
WC 61.
Preparation of Cable End A
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Preparation of Cable End B
Generator Detector
10 dB Pad Specimen
Configuration of the measurement system for determining surface transfer
impedance. The letters "A" and "B" refer to the A and B ends of the specimen
as described in paragraph
Time delay (TD), in nanoseconds per foot, shall be determined from the following formula:
TD =
Vp = velocity of propagation as determined by ASTM D 4566.
The following procedure is applicable to coaxial, twinaxial, and triaxial cables. For
constructions that require Velocity of Propagation at a specific frequency or over a frequency
range, testing shall be performed in accordance with ASTM D 4566, section 46.
The sample cable shall be of suitable length, 10 feet (3 m), minimum. At one end of the cable,
the center conductor and shield shall be connected together. For a twisted pair, the conductors
shall be twisted together and the shield left unconnected. At the other end of the cable, one
conductor shall be designated as the center conductor and the other conductor as the outer
conductor. The sample length shall be defined as the length of cable covered by the shield.
For an unshielded twisted pair, tape the components together 0.50 inch (13 mm) from each end
of the cable. The sample length shall be defined as the length of cable between the outside
edges of the tape. The sample length shall be measured and designated as L. Procedure
The free end of the cable shall be attached to a "T"-type connector. One leg of the T shall be
attached to a detector and the other leg to a signal generator. The signal generator shall be
adjusted to a frequency of 1 MHz and the frequency shall then be increased until a sharp
decrease in the detector reading is observed. The frequency generator shall be adjusted until a
minimum in the detector reading is achieved. This frequency shall be recorded to the nearest
0.1 MHz. Designate this reading as f1. The frequency of the signal generator shall be
increased further until another decrease in the detector reading is observed. The frequency of
the minimum detector reading shall be recorded as f2. This procedure shall be repeated until at
least four different frequencies are recorded. Calculations
At each recorded frequency, the frequency in MHz shall be divided by the subscript number
and the results recorded.
f1 /1 = f01
f2 /2 = f02
f3 /3 = f03
f4 /4 = f04
The mean value of all the resulting frequencies shall be calculated and designated as f. The
velocity of propagation (Vp) shall be determined from the following formula:
2Lm f 2Lf f
Vp = or %
299.8 983.6
Lm = Specimen length in meters
Lf = Specimen length in feet
The preceding test method is derived from the Time Delay test method in MIL-DTL-17.
Voltage withstand tests shall be made using an AC source with a frequency of 50 or 60 Hz.
The voltage specified in the applicable specification sheet shall be applied for 1 minute.
Voltage withstand (dielectric) tests shall be performed upon finished cable by applying the
specified voltage between each conductor or shield in turn, and all other conductors and
shields which shall be tied together and grounded. There shall be no dielectric breakdown.
Voltage withstand (post environmental) tests on the outer jacket shall be performed after the
specified conditioning. The finished cable shall be been immersed in a 5-percent, by weight,
solution of sodium chloride in water at room temperature for at least 1 hour and, while the
cable is still immersed, a voltage of 1000 volts (rms) shall be applied between all the
conductors and shields, tied together, and the water bath which shall be grounded.
The preceding test methods are derived from the Dielectric Withstand and Voltage Withstand,
Jacket, test methods in WC 27500.
4.5.35 Weight
The weight of each lot of finished cable shall be determined by Procedure I ( Lots
failing to meet the weight requirement of the applicable specification sheet when tested in
accordance with Procedure I shall be subjected to Procedure II ( All spools or reels
failing to meet the requirements of the applicable specification sheet when tested to
Procedure II shall be rejected. Procedure I Procedure II
The net weight of the finished cable on each spool or reel shall be obtained by subtracting the
tare weight of the spool or reel from the gross weight of the spool or reel containing the
finished cable. The net weight of cable on each spool or reel shall be divided by the accurately
determined length of finished cable on that spool or reel and the resultant figure converted to
the weight per unit length shown on the applicable specification sheet. When wood or other
moisture absorbent materials are used for spool or reel construction, weight determinations
shall be made under substantially uniform conditions of relative humidity.
The preceding test methods are derived from the Wire Weight test methods in AS22759.
A 5-foot (1.5-m) length of shielded cable shall be flush cut and weighed to the nearest 0.001
grams. Prior to weighing, the jacket surface of cables with jackets may be wiped clean with a
suitable low boiling solvent such as isopropyl alcohol to remove any accumulation of debris.
If a wipe is performed, the test specimen should be allowed to re-equilibrate to ambient
conditions for 30 minutes. After cleaning, the sample should be handled using cotton gloves
to avoid any contamination with finger oils. The cable jacket, if any, shall be removed by
longitudinally slitting with a razor blade or a similar tool. After removal, the jacket and
shielded inner bundle shall be wrapped into a loose coil and suspended in a forced air flow
oven at 250 ± 2ºC for 20 minutes. After this conditioning, the collective test specimen shall be
allowed to cool to ambient conditions for 30 minutes and then reweighed to the nearest 0.001
grams. The percent weight loss shall be calculated using the following formula:
The coverage of a tape wrap shall be expressed as the percentage by which one turn of the tape
overlaps the previous turn, and shall be determined using the following formula:
Overlap x100%
a = distance, measured perpendicular to the edge of the tape, by which one turn of the
tape overlaps the next
b = width of the tape
Overlap 1 x100%
c = distance between adjacent visible tape edges measured along the axis of the cable
d = width of the tape measured along the axis of the cable
Unless otherwise specified (see 6.1), the following shall define the standard spooling and
labeling requirements for cable furnished under this specification. Standard shipping tolerance
on ordered quantity shall be ± 10 percent.
All layers of cable shall be wound on spools or reels (see 5.1.1) with sufficient tension to
prevent shifting of layers and creation of crossovers within layers. Finished cable lengths shall
be wound on spools or reels with all ends exposed. There shall be no more than 5 lengths per
spool or reel and no length shall be less than 50 feet (15 m).
Spools and reels shall be of a non-returnable type. Each spool and reel shall have an
appropriate diameter for the respective cable size. In no case shall the barrel of the spool or
reel have a diameter less than 3.5 inches (89 mm). Spools and reels shall be suitably finished
to prevent corrosion under typical storage and handling conditions. Loaded plastic spools
shall not exceed 50 pounds (23 kg). Loaded wooden reels shall have no weight restriction.
5.1.2 Containers
Unless otherwise specified (see 6.1), finished cable shall be delivered in standard commercial
containers so constructed as to ensure acceptance by common or other carrier for safe
transportation at the lowest rate to the point of delivery.
All spools and reels shall be identified with the following information:
Test method derivations contained in test methods are shown for information only.
The following symbols and prefixes are used in this specification and are listed below for
Symbol Name
B bel
Bm bel (relative to 1 milliwatt)
C coulomb
°C degrees, Celsius
°F degrees, Fahrenheit
eV electron-volt
ft. foot
F farad
g gram
Hz hertz
in. inch
m meter
psi pounds per square inch
s second
V volt
Symbol Description
a1, a2 Attenuation formula coefficients
ac Alternating current
A0, A20,… Calibrated attenuator settings, dB
A(f) Attenuation at frequency (f)
Au Calibrated attenuator setting, dB
Az Zt calculation parameter
Bz Zt calculation parameter
C Calculated or measured capacitance
Ca, Cb, Cc, Cd Measured capacitances
Cag, Cbg Measured capacitance, conductor to ground
Cap, Cbp Measured capacitance, conductor to pair
Cm Mutual capacitance, calculated
Cu Capacitance unbalance, calculated
Cu1, Cu2, etc. Capacitance unbalance, %
CuL Pair-to-pair capacitance unbalance, measured
Cupg Pair-to-ground capacitance unbalance, calculated
CRAL Calibrated reference air line
dc Direct current
f Frequency (MHz)
f1, f2,… Resonant frequency (MHz)
h Measurement on spectrum analyzer screen
L Calculated or measured inductance
M Leakage current reading in megohms
P Power ratio
PDEV Partial discharge extinction voltage
R Insulation resistance, calculated
S Calculated attenuation
SWR Standing wave ratio
TD Time delay
TDR Time domain reflectometer
VSWR Voltage standing wave ratio
Vp Velocity of propagation, %
y Measurement on spectrum analyzer screen
Y Pair-to-ground capacitance unbalance, measured
Y1 Pair-to-ground capacitance unbalance per 1000 feet (km)
Zin Input impedance
Zo Characteristic impedance
Zos Open circuit impedance, measured
Zsc Short circuit impedance, measured
Zref Reference characteristic impedance
Zt Surface transfer impedance
Reflection coefficient, calculated
u Reflection coefficient, un-scaled