Advances in Civil Engineering - 2022 - Wang - Numerical Simulation and Application of Zero Thickness Contact Surface
Advances in Civil Engineering - 2022 - Wang - Numerical Simulation and Application of Zero Thickness Contact Surface
Advances in Civil Engineering - 2022 - Wang - Numerical Simulation and Application of Zero Thickness Contact Surface
Research Article
Numerical Simulation and Application of Zero-Thickness Contact
Surface Element with Variable Shear Stiffness on Pile Foundation
Received 8 January 2022; Revised 29 April 2022; Accepted 12 May 2022; Published 15 June 2022
Copyright © 2022 You Wang et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
In this study, a contact surface constitutive model with zero-thickness unit and variable shear stiffness was improved based on the
statistical damage constitutive model. The model parameters were derived by means of the shear stress-shear displacement curve
of the pile-soil contact surface, and the model parameters under different normal stresses were obtained by the linear interpolation
method. At the same time, the influence of the interpolation interval range on the model parameters was explored. The shear
stiffness adjustment factor was introduced, and the improved pile-soil contact surface constitutive model was applied to the
numerical simulation of pile-soil contact surface shear calculations using the fish language embedded in FLAC 3D, and the
variation of monopile bearing characteristics and ultimate bearing capacity were investigated and analyzed. The results show that
the improved contact surface constitutive model is able to reflect the nonlinear variation of shear stiffness, and that different
normal stresses correspond to different fitting parameters, demonstrating the depth effect of the model. The accuracy of the model
parameters reduces as the interpolation interval increases, and the interpolation results are more accurate when the interval range
is smaller. The numerical model accurately simulates the pile-soil contact surface shear calculation and the monopile bearing
calculation, and the simulation results of the ultimate pile bearing capacity are closer to the results computed by the equations in
the Chinese code. At the same time, the variation law of pile axial force and pile lateral frictional resistance along the depth
direction and the variation of pile ultimate bearing capacity under different working conditions are reasonable, which shows the
validity of the contact surface principal structure model and the reasonableness of numerical calculation in this study.
affect the contact surface. Shi et al. [21] utilized large cyclic application. At the same time, to facilitate modeling and
load direct shear tests to evaluate the shear characteristics of computation, the model and contact surfaces are typically
the contact surfaces of red clay and concrete under a dif- simplified by using the software’s built-in model and setting
ferent number of cycles. Xiong et al. [22] conducted a shear the shear stiffness of the pile-soil interface to a constant value
test at the concrete-frozen soil interface and found that the [50–52]. However, the contact surface shear stiffness is not
initial moisture content and temperature had a substantial constant in practice, which significantly impacts the accu-
effect on the shear behavior of the frozen pile-soil interface. racy of the pile-soil numerical simulation. )erefore, it is
In addition, experimental studies on pile-soil contact surface necessary to develop new contact surface intrinsic structure
shear have been undertaken to determine the soil particle models.
size [23, 24], roughness [25], shear rate [26], and shear path In order to accurately simulate the pile-soil contact
[27]. surface unit and its interaction, the effect of contact surface
According to the stress-strain relationship during shear, thickness is eliminated, which accounts for the nonlinear
several conventional contact surface instantiation models variation of shear stiffness at the pile-soil interface. )is
have been developed, including the hyperbolic model [28], study develops a new contact surface constitutive rela-
the elasto-plastic model [29], the rigid-plastic model [30], tionship independent of the contact surface thickness using
and the damage model [31]. In response to the results of the statistical damage constitutive model proposed by Yang
contact surface experimental studies, the contact surface and Liu [41]. )e first section of the study reviews the lit-
element theory was proposed to better explain the me- erature and analyzes pile-soil contact surface tests, as well as
chanical behavior of contact surface shear. )e contact the constitutive model and the pile-soil interface. In the
surface element theory is mainly divided into two types: second section, mathematical treatment is used to get the
contact surface element without thickness [32] and element improved contact surface constitutive equations. )e fol-
with thickness [33]. Numerous scholars have proposed the lowing section describes the calculation of the model pa-
contact surface constitutive models under a variety of rameters. )e fourth section programs the improved contact
conditions based on the early investigations [34–37], and surface constitutive model using the FISH language in
numerous studies on contact surface units have been done FLAC3D and applies it to pile-soil contact surface shear
[38–40]. With the help of continuous strength theory, Yang numerical simulations. Ultimately, the case study in Section
[41] developed the statistical damage constitutive model of 5 simulates the monopile bearing and analyzes the pile
the soil-structure interface from the randomness of the bearing characteristics as well as the final pile bearing ca-
internal damage distribution. )is study will expand on the pacity under a variety of working conditions.
research using this model.
With the advancement of measurement technology and
test equipment, related scholars have conducted in-depth 2. Improved Constitutive Model of Pile-
studies of the pile-soil contact surface [42–45]. Aldaeef and Soil Interface
Rayhani [46] introduced a roughness factor to study the
characteristics of the pile-soil interface in permafrost and 2.1. Contact Surface Shear Band and *ickness. Under the
found that the residual strength of the interface was pri- extrusion of the adjacent soil, normal stress will exist be-
marily due to residual interfacial friction and that the tween the pile surface and the soil particles, and the two will
roughness factor decreased with decreasing temperature. be in close contact. After the load is applied to the top of the
Zhang et al. [47] employed direct shear tests to determine the pile, it tends to move downward, generating static friction at
mechanical properties of the pile-soil interface in clay soils. the pile-soil contact surface. When the pile top load grad-
)ey found that roughness, water content, and shear rate ually increases and exceeds the maximum static friction, the
were the main influencing factors. For the precast concrete pile will generate downward displacement with respect to
pile-hydraulic soil interface friction problem, Zhao et al. [48] the soil; at that point, the static friction is transformed into
found that the interface friction capacity is highly dependent sliding friction and shear occurs between the two. During
on the hydraulic soil strength. Additionally, numerical the shearing process, shear stress is applied to the soil along
simulations have become a critical tool for investigating pile- the contact surface, casing, and the soil particles to be
soil contact surfaces [49–52]. For example, Wang et al. [53] compressed, dislocated, and slipped amongst one another,
developed a finite element model based on shear test data to before being reorganized and finally reaching a stable
explore the effect of thermal loads and the pile-soil interface condition. )erefore, the soil region adjacent to the contact
on the thermo-mechanical behavior of piles. González et al. surface is referred to as the shear band, as illustrated
[54] developed a BEM-FEM equivalent linear model to schematically in Figure 1.
analyze the horizontal load response of piles in the case of )e contact surface thickness is difficult to measure since
pile-soil interface degradation. the shear mechanical behavior of the contact surface is af-
)e majority of the literature on the above-mentioned fected by numerous factors, including normal stress
research focuses on the factors influencing the mechanical roughness soil properties. On the relatively smooth surface,
properties of the pile-soil interface [46–48, 53, 54], whereas shear stress is minimal, and the range of soil influence is
the thickness of the contact surface itself receives less at- small, resulting in a thin contact surface. However, for rough
tention. In addition, it is difficult to determine the thickness surfaces, the contact surface thickness is typically greater.
of the contact surface, which complicates practical )e schematic diagram is shown in Figure 2.
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Advances in Civil Engineering 3
Load Load
t Shear band t Shear band
thickness thickness
Static friction
Sliding Friction
Soil Soil
Pile Pile
Rough Smooth
surface surface
(a) (b)
Figure 2: Schematic diagram of contact surface thickness. (a) Broad shear band. (b) Thin shear band.
Y In−In . (6)
ksi ⊿ model established in this section is not directly related to the
contact surface thickness, and because the contact surface
Therefore, all that is required is to find the initial stiffness thickness has no direct effect on the shear stress and shear
ksi and to combine it with the points on the contact surface stiffness, this study referred to it as the “zero-thickness
shear test-curve to determine C and D in equation (3). The element.”
parameters m and F can be expressed in terms of C and D, According to equation (9), shear stiffness varies con-
respectively: tinuously with shear displacement, which can be utilized to
λ characterize the nonlinear fluctuation of contact surface
m D, C mIn . (7) shear stiffness, and is thus will more accurate. In addition,
F the shear stiffness-shear displacement relationship in
Substituting equations (5) and (7) into equations (2) and equation (9) is programmatically calculable, which forms the
(4) yields basis for the numerical computation of the monopile bearing
characteristics that will be performed in this study.
τ ksi ⊿ exp−⊿D exp C, (8)
3. Methodology for Calculating
ks ksi exp−⊿D exp C − ksi D⊿D exp C exp−⊿D exp C. Model Parameters
3.1. Pile-Soil Contact Surface Shear Test. To evaluate the
From equations (8) and (9), it can be seen that ksi will accuracy of the improved pile-soil contact surface intrinsic
have a large effect on the fitting effect of the shear process, so model presented in the previous subsection, this section uses
in order to ensure the validity of the fitting results, an ap- the data from Yang et al.’s contact surface shear test [56],
propriate solution must be chosen to calculate the initial which includes the following pertinent information:
shear stiffness ksi. Considering the presence of slip between The test apparatus was modified based on a powered
the pile and soil and the fact that the shear stiffness at the single shear apparatus. The lower box of the shear apparatus
pile-soil interface does not vary uniformly, a solution ap- was a precast concrete slab to simulate the concrete pile, and
proach proposed by Alonso [55] was borrowed. As shown in the shear stress was directly applied through the right
Figure 3, in the τ−Δ curve, the slope of the initial tangent line weight. The contact circle diameter between the soil sample
is the initial shear stiffness: ksi τ ult /Δau , and in order to and the concrete slab was raised from 61.8 to 88 mm, and the
calculate Δau , the parameter χ Δu /Δau is introduced to shear area was doubled, reducing stress concentration at the
establish the link between Δu and Δau so that the relationship edge of the soil sample and the effect of oblique shear.
between the initial shear stiffness ksi and the ultimate shear Figure 4 illustrates the schematic diagram of shear test.
stress at the pile-soil interface can be established Soil samples were taken from yellow clay excavated from
ksi χτ ult /Δu . In the above equation, the ultimate shear the foundation pit of a new university building. Prior to the
stress τ ult and the ultimate shear displacement Δu can be test, the soil samples were air dried and then sieved to a
derived from the experimental shear curve. fineness of 0.5 mm. The redesigned soil samples were then
The proposed procedure successfully obtains the initial taken according to the geotechnical test procedure, and the
pile-soil shear stiffness ksi, which in turn results in an im- dry density was maintained at 1.63 g/cm3 for 1–2 days by
proved constitutive model of the pile-soil contact surface and stratified compaction. The loading control standard is as
the shear stiffness ks during shear. This method produces ksi follows: (1) the shear displacement is stable under the action
directly by deriving the displacement Δ in equation (2) and of this stage load; (2) the displacement is not stable, but the
calculating its value without regard for the contact surface load of this stage has been applied for 2 minutes and the next
thickness. This means that the contact surface constitutive load is applied at this time; (3) if the shear displacement
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Advances in Civil Engineering 5
Force transferring lever 80
Figure 4: Contact surface shear test schematic diagram. Table 1: Initial shear stiffness values under different normal
Normal stress (kPa) 22 55 88 107
continues to develop under the current load, the soil sample Initial shear stiffness (Mpa/m) 135.9 141.03 167.4 234.28
is regarded as destroyed. The contact surface shear stress-
shear displacement curves for various normal stresses are
shown in Figure 5. After obtaining the values of the parameters at the four
nodes, the next step is to request the values of the parameters
at remaining normal stresses. The normal stress range of
3.2. Calculation of Model Parameters under Different Normal 22–107 kPa is divided into three intervals: 22–55 kPa,
Stresses. First, the initial shear stiffness ksi is determined 55–88 kPa, and 88–107 kPa, with the respective intervals of
from ksi χτ ult /Δu , where Δu is not greatly affected by the 33 kPa, 33 kPa, and 19 kPa. Because the range of each in-
normal stress and Δu is uniformly taken to be 2.5 mm. To terval has a minor difference, we may obtain the relevant
ensure the accuracy of the simulation results, the error model parameter values under various normal stress con-
analysis coefficient R2 is introduced to determine the pa- ditions by performing linear interpolation computation on
rameter χ, and the expression is as follows: the node parameters.
To prove the effectiveness of the linear interpolation
yi − fi
R2 1 − 2, (10) method, this section examines the normal stress of 42 kPa
yi − y that is included in the range 22–55 kPa, and the corre-
sponding model parameter values are listed in Table 3. Also,
where yi is the experimental stress value, fi is the simulated the simulation curve for 42 kPa normal stress may be ob-
stress value, y is the average value of the experimental stress. tained, and the comparison with the shear test curve ob-
By fitting the experimental data from the literature [56], tained in reference [56] is displayed in Figure 6.
selecting suitable parameters χ to make the fitting results Figure 6 reveals that the shear stress-shear displacement
closer to the experimental data, and then deriving the initial curves derived from the calculation of the model parameters
shear stiffness ksi at different normal stresses, the results are using the linear interpolation approach fit very well and meet
obtained, as listed in Table 1. the accuracy requirements, indicating that this method is
Then, the data ksi, τ, and Δ are substituted into equation feasible for calculating the model parameter values.
(3) to obtain the model parameters under different normal
stress and the results are listed in Table 2.
Tables 1 and 2 demonstrate that as the normal stress 3.3. Influence of the Range of Normal Stress Interpolation
increases, the initial shear stiffness ksi of the contact surface Intervals on the Parameters. The interpolation interval range
increases; additionally, different pile depths correspond to of the linear interpolation method may affect the accuracy of
different normal stresses, and changes in normal stresses interpolation results. Interpolation calculations are per-
lead to changes in the values taken for the parameters, in- formed on the model parameters corresponding to the
dicating that the constitutive model has a depth effect that normal stress 42 kPa, in the interval ranges 22–55 kPa,
accurately describes the nonlinear variation in contact 22–88 kPa, and 22–107 kPa, and values are 85 kPa, 66 kPa,
surface shear stiffness. and 33 kPa, respectively. The model parameters obtained
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6 Advances in Civil Engineering
Table 2: Model parameter values under different normal stresses obtained by fitting.
Normal stress (kPa) χ Δu (mm) D C Correlation coefficient R2
22 12.5 2.5 0.3648 3.1236 0.9991
55 7.7 2.5 0.4979 3.6888 0.9983
88 6.5 2.5 0.4610 3.4120 0.9992
107 7.8 2.5 0.4350 3.3272 0.9993
Table 3: Model parameter values obtained by interpolation under Table 4: Model parameter values obtained by interpolation using
normal stress of 42 kPa. different interval regions.
Normal stress (kPa) χ Δu (mm) D C Interval range (kPa) χ Δu (mm) D C
42 9.591 2.5 0.44547 3.46615 33 9.591 2.5 0.44547 3.46615
66 10.682 2.5 0.39395 3.21100
85 11.394 2.5 0.38132 3.17151
Shear stress (kPa)
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0
Shear displacement (mm) 0
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0
Simulation curve Shear displacement (mm)
Test curve
Test curve Simulation curve2: 66 kPa
Figure 6: Simulation when the normal stress is 42 kPa. Simulation curve1: 33 kPa Simulation curve3: 85 kPa
Figure 7: Simulation curves obtained using different interpolation
using different interpolation regions for the normal stress
42 kPa are summarized in Table 4.
From the data in Table 4, the corresponding simulation surface as expressed in equation (9), and in order to adapt to
curve can be obtained. The comparison of the simulation the FLAC3D solution method and apply it more accurately
and the test curves at 42 kPa normal stress calculated in to FLAC3D, the shear stiffness adjustment factor is added to
various interpolation areas is illustrated in Figure 7. equation (9) to obtain the following equation:
As can be seen from Figure 7, the accuracy of the
ks,j φksi,j exp−Δj j exp Cj − ksi Dj Δj j
simulation curve varies with the interpolation interval
ranges; from high to low, the accuracy of the simulation (11)
curve is 33 kPa, 66 kPa, and 85 kPa, and its accuracy falls as · exp Cj exp−Δj j exp Cj .
the interpolation area increases. To ensure the accuracy of
the model parameters, it is recommended that the inter-
where ks,j is the contact surface shear stiffness of the jth node
polation interval should be kept below 40 kPa in order to
of the contact surface, Δj is the shear displacement of the jth
obtain a reasonable simulation curve depicting the me-
node of the contact surface, ksi,j is the initial shear stiffness of
chanical behavior of the contact surface.
the jth node of the contact surface, Cj and Dj are model
parameter value of the jth node of the contact surface, and φ
4. Numerical Realization of Improved is the adjustment coefficient for shear stiffness.
Constitutive Model The contact surface fish function embedded in FLAC3D
may be used to acquire the normal stress value corre-
4.1. Numerical Calculation Process Design. Due to the ideal sponding to the contact surface nodes, and the model pa-
elastoplastic model embedded in FLAC3D having a fixed rameters under the normal stress can be derived using the
pile-soil contact surface stiffness, it cannot accurately reflect approach mentioned above for calculating model parame-
the nonlinear characteristics. Considering the characteristics ters. The initial contact surface shear stiffness can be de-
of variable shear stiffness and the depth effect of contact termined by substituting the model parameter values into
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Advances in Civil Engineering 7
normal stiffness of the surrounding unit body was considered Table 6: Adjustment coefficient of shear stiffness under different
to be 292.9 MPa/m based on the numerical calculation ex- normal stress.
perience. Since there is a constant variation in shear stiffness, Normal stress (kPa) Shear stiffness adjustment factor
the contact surface shear stiffness in the interval 22–107 kPa 16 0.99
can be computed using the fitted data from Section 3 and the 22 0.99
interpolation method. The following solution is proposed for 25 1.02
shear stiffnesses in the 0–22 kPa normal stress interval; it is 27 1.02
assumed that when the normal stress value is small, the shear
stiffness in the 0–22 kPa normal stress interval varies simi-
larly to the 22–55 kPa normal stress range, such that the 35
initial shear stiffness in the 0–22 kPa normal stress interval
can be obtained via linear extrapolation.
5.2. Applied Research on Pile Foundation Bearing
Characteristics 4
faster rate of change, whereas the slope of the curve declines Stress on pile top (kPa)
in the lower soil part, revealing a slower rate of change. This 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
suggests that the axial force of the upper part of the pile
drops rapidly, while the lower part slows down and tends to
5.2.2. Numerical Analysis of Pile Side Friction Resistance.
Figure 14 depicts the variation curves for pile lateral friction
resistance under various pile top loads. As the pile top load 3
increases, the pile side frictional resistance increases pro-
portionately, and the pile side frictional resistance caused by 4
the soil at the upper part of the pile perimeter is greater.
During the loading process, the upper part of the pile is 5
compressed, resulting in downward displacement relative to
120 kPa 480 kPa
the soil, while the pile side is also subjected to the upward
240 kPa 600 kPa
frictional resistance of the soil; thus, the pile top load is
360 kPa 720 kPa
transferred to the soil around the pile through the frictional
resistance, resulting in decreasing pile axial stress with Figure 14: Curves of pile side friction resistance under different
depth. pile top loads.
When the load value on the pile top is increased, the load
is transferred from top to bottom, increasing the com- Table 7: Pile bearing capacity parameter values.
pression and displacement of the pile body. The relative
displacement between the pile and the lower soil occurs, and U (m) fi (kPa) li (m) m0 A (m2) [σ] (kPa)
the friction of the lower soil layer of the pile body is gradually 0.6π 38 5 0.8 0.09π 240
exerted. This demonstrates that the lateral friction of the
upper and lower soil layers of the pile is not synchronized,
is the thickness of the soil layer on the side of the pile, m0 is
but that the friction of the upper soil layer of the pile plays a
the discount factor for the support force at the base of the
role first. If the load continues to increase, the resistance at
pile, A is the area of the base of the pile, and [σ] is the
the pile end will begin to play out until it reaches the bearing
allowable bearing capacity of the foundation soil at the base
limit of the bearing layer, and the pile top displacement will
of the pile. Based on the basic parameters of the pile
increase significantly, resulting in damage.
foundation model in this section and the provisions of the
From the above analysis, it is clear that the simulation
code on the relevant coefficients, the above parameters are
results for the variation curves of axial stress and lateral
obtained, as listed in Table 7.
frictional resistance of the pile under vertical load are
By substituting the coefficients from Table 7 into
consistent with the conventional pile foundation load
equation (12), the theoretical value of the ultimate bearing
transfer law, which more accurately simulates the top-down
capacity of the single pile can be obtained. After calculation,
pile top load transfer.
the final bearing capacity is about 233.36 kN, which is then
divided by the pile area to get around 825 kPa. In com-
5.3. Theoretical Calculation of Monopile Bearing Capacity. parison to the numerical calculation result of 760 kPa, the
There are numerous requirements and methods in various theoretical calculation value is 825 kPa, and the discrepancy
codes for calculating the vertical bearing capacity of a single between the two values is stable at 10%. This reveals that the
pile; but in general, the bearing capacity of the pile is divided theoretical calculation results provide a more robust veri-
into two parts: pile side friction and pile end resistance. The fication of the numerical simulation’s correctness.
pile side friction is determined by the different rock layers
traversed by the pile, and different coefficients are chosen,
5.4. Analysis of Influencing Factors of Ultimate Bearing Ca-
but the method of calculation is based on friction theory,
pacity of Single Pile. To facilitate comprehension of the
whereas the pile end resistance is primarily determined by
application of the improved contact surface constitutive
the lithology of the bearing layer and the load transfer
model and to further verify the validity of the model, this
subsection will simulate the ultimate bearing capacity of a
According to the Chinese code—“Code for Design on
single pile with varying pile lengths and soil moduli.
Subsoil and Foundation of Railway Bridge and Culvert” [57],
the axial compressive bearing capacity of a single pile can be
computed using the following equation: 5.4.1. Effect of Different Pile Lengths. In Section 5.1, the
1 length of the pile in the model is 5 m in length and 0.6 m in
[P] U fi li + m0 A[σ], (12) diameter. Keeping the pile diameter constant and changing
the length of the pile, models with pile lengths of 7.5 m, 10 m,
where U is the perimeter of the pile section, fi is the ultimate and 12.5 m, were established to investigate the effect of
frictional resistance of the soil layer on the side of the pile, li varying pile lengths on the ultimate bearing capacity of the
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