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Assignment #
3-1 Newtons Laws PPT Study Guide

Slide 2
1. What does Aristotle say is an objects natural state of motion? Resting places
2. How did Aristotle describe the motion of objects on earth? He believed that the motion
of the object is parallel to the ground.
3. How did he describe the motion of objects in outer space? All motion in the heavens
(outer space) is curved
Slide 3
4. When did Newton write the book principia of mathmetica? English translation
5. List the 3 laws of motion 1. An object at rest will remain at rest 2. Unless acted on by an
unbalanced force 3. An object in motion will continue with constant speed and direction
unless acted on by unbalanced force.
6. Watch the video and take 6 notes
a. .
b. .
c. .
d. .
e. .
f. .
Slide 4
7. What is a force?
8. What are the units that measure force?
9. What must be applied to an object to change its state of motion?
Slide 5
10. What is a newton equal to?
11. Define mass?
12. What gives an object its mass?
Slide 6
13. Define inertia
14. What property gives an object its inertia?
15. What is newtons first law?
16. Explain the relationship between mass and inertia
17. Watch the video and take 6 notes
a. .
b. .
c. .
d. .
e. .
f. .
Slide 7
18. What unit measures mass?
19. How many pounds is 1kg of mass on earth?
20. Does mass change for an object?
21. Look at the picture – if the force acting on an object are balanced, will the object change
its motion?
Slide 8
22. Look at picture A and B. If both vehicles are stopped, explain which one will be harder
to push and why.
23. Apply newtons first law of motion to picture C, why does the box not stop when the car
stops? (use the term mass, force, and inertia in your answer)
Slide 9
24. What is newtons second law?
25. How does force affect acceleration?
26. How does mass affect acceleration?
27. What is the force equation?
28. Define acceleration.
29. What is velocity?
30. Pick one of the two videos and take notes on it
a. .
b. .
c. .
d. .
e. .
f. .
g. .
h. .
Slide 10
31. What is newton of force?
32. Use the formula triangle, what is the equation if solving for mass?
33. Use the formula triangle, what is the equation if solving for acceleration?
34. Look at the picture of the wagons…if the same force used to pull wagon A is applied to
wagon B, will wagon B have the same acceleration as A?
a. Yes or No?
b. Explain why or why not
Slide 11
35. What is net force?
36. If forces acting on an object are balanced, what is the value of the net force?
37. Can an object be in motion and still have a net force of 0? Yes or no?
a. Explain why yes or why no.
38. What is equilibrium?
39. Watch the Freebody diagram video and take notes
a. .
b. .
c. .
d. .
e. .
f. .
Slide 12
40. Study the freebody diagram pictures and answer – give the net force and direction of
acceleration (Left, right, up, down)
a. Net force= ___direction of acceleration=___
b. .
c. .
d. .
e. .
f. .
g. .
h. .
Slide 13
41. What is newtons 3rd law of motion
42. Watch the video and take notes
a. .
b. .
c. .
d. .
e. .
f. .
Slide 14
43. Apply newtons 3rd law and explain the skateboard and wall picture
Slide 14
44. Describe the action/reaction forces for walking or pushing a skateboard. (consider this…
if you move forward, which way is your foot pushing the ground? How is the ground
pushing you)
Slide 16
45. Name this cartoon character.

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