(FREE PDF Sample) Sensory Modulation and Environment Essential Elements of Occupation 3rd Edition Tina Champagne Ebooks
(FREE PDF Sample) Sensory Modulation and Environment Essential Elements of Occupation 3rd Edition Tina Champagne Ebooks
(FREE PDF Sample) Sensory Modulation and Environment Essential Elements of Occupation 3rd Edition Tina Champagne Ebooks
Design of Machine Elements 3rd Edition V. B. Bhandari
Acknowledgements ·----····· ···--···--··· ···-·... ·-··· ···-···.... . ... ..... ·-·. ·-···-···.... ... ...... .... . . . .... .. . " ... .iv
Contents v
Mental Health and Sensory Modulation Approach Suggestions ····-·. ·-··.... . ... . ·-··.. ·-·. ·-·.. 143
The Art of Integrating Therapeutic Approaches and Techniques .. ······-·· .... . ····-·. ·-·. . ·-·._ 148
Integrative Group Ideas .. ... .. ·-·-·-·-·--· ·---·--·····-···". . . � ............. ...... .... ·-····. ·-· ···-· ·--·.. ·-·. ·--···-151
Chapter V-Staff Training and Caregiver Education ·-··· ·-· ....... ....._.199
Training for Professionals ·-·-·-·.... ··· ···-···-··-·........ ....·······-··· ·-·. ·-· ·--· ·-· ·-· ·-· ·-·-·........... . ···-···--·--·····.. 201
Caregiver Education for Families, Friends and Significant Others _ ·--···-·. ·-·. · ·-·. . ···-··· .... 202
The Sensory Modulation Program: Training Tool . .... ... . . ·-·. ·-· ·-·. ·-· ·-· ·-· ·-·... . . ... ·-·-··. . . .... . . ... 221
A Therapist's Quick Reference to the Sensory Modulation Program Goals . ... ·-·.. ·-·. 228
Figure List
Figure 1: TheMathematical and Scientific Roots of theStudy of Complex AdaptiveSystems --·.. ···-·. .. .... 6
Figure 2: The Circular Causality of Attractor Strengthening ·· -·-··· .... . .... ... . . . ......... . . . . . _ ...... . .... ·-· ___ 11
Figure 3: Spirit-Mind-Body-World .... . . .. . .. .. ........ . .... ........ ... _ 20
Figure 4: Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD): An Umbrella Term-··-· ·-···. . ...... ·-····· . . ............ .... . .... ... . ·-··-··-···---.39
Figure 5: A Continuum of Hypo- and HypersensitivityTendencies ·-·.. . ............... . . .............. . ..... 49
Figure 6: Autonomic Nervous System Arousal Patterns and Correlations toSensory Modulation
and theWindow of Tolerance Scales . . ............. . .... ·····-·. ...... . . ........ ·-·. ·-·. ·-· ·-·. .... .. . . 56
Figure 7: Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD): An UmbrellaTerm -·............... ········-·······. ____....... ... .... ..... ·-·-··· ·-· ·-·.97
Figure 8: Sensory Rooms: An Umbrella Term · .... . ·-··-···............. ··-·. .. .... .. . ............. .... . 167
Figure 9: Example of Escalation of Anxiety . ·-·. ····-·..... .................. ...... ········-· ·-· ...... . . 196
Occupation: product vs. process Occupational experience as process giving rise to product, 1
which through circular causality becomes new process _J
Shallow Ecology vs. Deep Ecology
In the 1970s, in addition to general systems theory, the Norwegian philosopher Arne Naess
distinguished between shallow and deep ecology {Capra, 1996}. Shallow ecology, according
to Naess, views human systems as separate from all other living systems within the larger,
dynamic context of the natural environment. This suggests that there are boundaries between
human systems and all other living and nonliving things, leading to the fundamental view
that human beings are autonomous in nature.
Conversely, deep ecology does not separate human beings or anything that is within the
environment as being totally distinct from it. Deep ecology considers all that is of the world,
including human beings, as a network of phenomena. According to Capra (1996), "all living beings
are members of ecological communities bound together in a network of interdependencies.
When this deep ecological perception becomes part of your daily awareness, a radically new
system of ethics emerges" (p. 11}. Ultimately, "linked", if you will, dynamic human systems are
viewed as fundamentally semi-autonomous. This heightened awareness validates the need
to recognize the potential influence of the physical environment, all verbal and nonverbal
interactions, and other therapeutic interventions. All of these variables may significantly
influence individuals, no matter how brief, complex, significant or seemingly insignificant the
environmental exchanges may seem. Consider the potential applications to practices in mental
health and to healthcare services in general. Such a view helps to support the importance of
exploring mind-body and integrative therapies and the influence of the physical environment,
to name a few. Consequently, the potential scope of the studies of cognition, sensory processing,
and mental health issues and therapies becomes considerably broadened, and the dynamic link
to occupation can be more deeply appreciated and potentially validated.
"Self-organization and change" refers to the emergent structures, patterns and properties
arising in the brain and is a fundamental characteristic of the brain (Abraham, Abraham &
Shaw, 1990; Freeman, 1995; Haken, 1983; Kauffman, 1995; Kelso, 1999). According to nonlinear
science, this process is not externally controlled (Gleick, 1987; Lorenz, 1993); rather, the
process of self-organization may be influenced. According to the study of neurodynamics,
one of the ways that self-organization is evident is in the process by which local interactions
of neural activity create dynamic states of global order and coherent behavior (Abraham,
Abraham & Shaw, 1990; Freeman, 1995; Haken, 1983, 1984). Further, self-organization and
positive change are typically viewed as helpful to the system and apparent in the process of
self-healing, when learning a new skill, or in the ability to shift one's emotional state. Self
organization in human systems, however, can also be viewed as negative in nature, as seen in
addiction or in the growth and spread of cancer. Hence, it is necessary to underscore that the
process of self-organization in living systems can lead to what is viewed as either positive or
negative change in a system's health and quality of life. In occupational therapy, the charge is
to facilitate the process of self-organization and positive change.
It is also important to emphasize that when applying a nonlinear dynamic scientific approach,
occupation is viewed as both process (e.g., neurodyamics) and product (e.g., human behavior,
task performance, engagement in purposeful activities). In this view, occupation emerges
from chaotic interplay that is open, embedded in the world, self-organizing, sensitive to
initial conditions and always "becoming" (Freeman, 1995, 2000a; Lazzarini, 2004; Nicolis &
Prigogine, 1989).
Chaos theory also deeply promotes the interdependence and interconnectedness of living
systems and is applied in the physical and life sciences (Capra, 1996; Gleick, 1987). Due to
this interrelatedness, "chaos" and "nonlinear dynamics" are terms that are sometimes used
Figure 1: The Mathematical and Scientific Roots of the Study of Complex Adaptive Systems
Lazzarini et at. (2007); adapted from Lazzarini (2004). based on Freeman (2000a).
Butterfly Power
As practitioners trying to influence some sort of movement or positive (healthful} change
within and among dynamic human systems, it is necessary to utilize philosophical and
theoretical approaches that embody the dynamic nature of human systems and therapeutic
exchanges. Hence, combining concepts from nonlinear frameworks affords the ability to
more deeply understand and research human occupation and change. In this way, a deep
and robust appreciation emerges of how cooperation, coordination, pattern formation,
flexibility and butterfly effects are some of the key variables in all therapeutic exchanges
and throughout one's long, life-journey of learning (e.g., sensorimotor learning, academic
learning, recovery process).
"Physici.sts like to think that all you have to do is say, 'These are the conditions.
Now, what happens next?"'
- Richard P. Feynman
.. Habitual
• •••••••••••••
Experience •····················· Habitual
People become dependent upon habits because they provide subjective feelings of familiarity
and the neurodynamical boundaries that "support our daily patterns of occupational
engagement" (Zemke, 1994, p. 5). Little effort is required to engage in habitual tasks unless
an unforeseen issue or novel influence arises. Moreover, trying to change a habit may feel
uncomfortable and typically requires conscious effort on the part of the learner.
Nervous System Influenced Influence Examples
(PNS) Branches
Ventral • Myelinated branch • Inhibitory input • Social engagement
Parasympathetic of the vagus nerve to the viscera, and affiliation
Branch of the Vagal including heart rate
Nerve • Originates in the • Levels of
nucleus ambiguous • Influences the consciousness and
Phylogenetically of the brainstem following muscles: alertness
newest; most • eyelid
sophisticated; only • Facilitates
found in mammals • facial occupational
• middle ear performance and
• mastication participation
• laryngeal
• pharyngeal
• head turning,
head tilting
_, __
Dorsal • Unmyelinated • Inhibitory input to • Main function:
Parasympathetic branch of the vagus the viscera: Survival
Branch of the Vagal nerve • heart rate
Nerve • Protection
• Originates in the • respiration rate
Phylogenetically older; dorsal motor • Energy
most primitive nucleus of the conservation
brainstem • Immobilization
In addition to many other variables, the degree and duration of the threat impacts ANS
arousal modulation patterns, as well as the overall complexity or flexibility of the dynamic
human system, in the moment and over time. For example, when talking to a co-worker
about an incident you were involved in at work, you might begin the conversation in a
relatively relaxed manner, with your ventral vagal PNS leading the modulation pattern of
ANS response. If you begin to feel as though you are being wrongfully accused of not doing
your job effectively, this might (in some cases) be enough to trigger the SNS response (the
next in the phylogenetic order of evolution).
Having a flexible, resilient nervous system supports the ability to engage socially and
functionally in meaningful daily life roles and activities, and to cope with general life
stressors. Ayres (1972, 1979) and Kinninburgh, Blaustein, Spinnazola and van der Kolk
(2005) have developed theoretical and visual models representing the dynamic interplay
between attachment formation and sensory integration in infancy and childhood, and the
development of the ability to self-regulate (e.g., affect and sensory modulation) and attain
competence in higher-level skills (e.g., executive functions). Both demonstrate how sensory
integration and affect regulation impact higher-level skills.
According to many of the authors on attachment, one of the cornerstones to having a
flexible, resilient nervous system is having strong attachments in infancy and childhood
(Bowlby, 1988; Shore, 2008a). Evidence-based literature on the effects of trauma supports
the view that having prolonged, chronic stress or trauma experiences, and being over
exposed to environmental toxins, contribute to structural changes and decreased flexibility
in the developing nervous system. These variables often negatively influence the adult
nervous system as well, yet when encountered in childhood one's entire sense of self and
neurophysiological and relational systems are developing, and so pervasive effects often
emerge (e.g., sensory processing disorders, learning disabilities, defensive patterns) (Felitti,
Anda, Nordenburg, Williamson, Spitz, Edwards, et al., 1998; van der Kolk, 2005, 2006).
According to Shore (2003a), "if attachment is the regulation of interactive synchrony, stress
is defined as the asynchrony in an interactional sequence, and, following this, a period
of reestablished synchrony allows for stress recovery and coping" (p. 242). Shore (2003a)
further asserts that the fundamental building blocks of attachment security include affect
synchrony and resiliency.
Ayres (1964, 1972, 1979) initiated, created and promoted sensory integration theory,
evidence-based assessment tools, and an array of interventions to help facilitate adaptive,
integrative responses in order to support development, affect regulation, resiliency and
occupational participation (e.g., self-care, rest/sleep, education, play, leisure, and social
participation). Her work has been expanded upon over time and continues to grow in its
application. Many of the approaches outlined in this book have been taken from or inspired
by her work, and the works of others, in order to help individuals with attachment disorders,
trauma histories, mental health symptoms and sensory processing issues reclaim their lives
through the recovery process. In addition, Ayres' sensory integration theory, assessments and
interventions are being used by skilled occupational therapists specifically to target trauma
and attachment issues with children and caregivers. Modifications to Ayres' framework and
tools are also being used to collaborate with other disciplines to target attachment and
trauma-related issues impacting meaningful roles, occupational participation and recovery.
A greater understanding of the complexity of homeostasis, and the advent of new methods
of exploring nonlinear dynamics, have made it possible to take a more dynamic approach
to exploring the concept. The term "static", or "stasis", refers to a system that is not moving
or changing; one that is fixed in space and time. Linear systems are able to reflect such a
state. Human systems are nonlinear and always changing, and therefore, "dynamic" is a
more fitting term to accurately reflect the dynamic and complex nature of human systems.
Miller (2003) proposed the term "homeodynamics" as a more accurate way to promote and
comprehend the process of homeostasis and the host of possibilities of the spirit-mind-body
world relationship among dynamic systems. He promotes the view that homeodynamics
requires a "continual reformulation of part-to-whole relationships in an open system that
is always responsive in one way or another to the continual changes in input from both
internal and external stimuli" (p. 57). It is important to point out that Miller is speaking here
with the understanding that internal and external stimuli are not separate entities, further
substantiating the homeodynamic viewpoint. Miller further elaborates: "continually responsive
feedback among an organism's parts results in changes that are simultaneously physical and
psychological .. . governed by consciousness" (p. 58). He also refers to the primitive nature of
homeodynamics as instinctual, in that the system is able to coordinate the flow of energies
and biological mechanisms without the need for conscious awareness. Ultimately, in this view,
the spiritual, emotional, mental and biological components are all intimately involved in the
entire process and cannot be considered as being in any way separate.
Although the human system initially receives information from the world as sensory
stimulation or input via a relatively linear process, that information is dynamically processed
and perceived by means of a very nonlinear process (e.g., multiple feedback loops). While
Canon was referring primarily to the involuntary nervous system responses when talking of
psycho physiological responses, we now know that a plethora of factors influence how people
perceive and respond to stress. Further, it is well recognized that, in some cases, people
create (consciously or unconsciously) their own stress. Additionally, repression of stress
can lead to severe mental, emotional, physical and spiritual symptoms {e.g., occupational
deprivation). Miller (2003) further states: "when effective homeodynamic interactions of
a system are frustrated or diminished beyond an acceptable range they provide warning
signals involving sickness and dysfunction" (p. 61). Hence, it is often the goal of therapy
to help the individual recognize the source of their stress and in doing so help them move
toward a more dynamic state of health, rather than illness. Thus, decreased fragmentation,
and ultimately the increased flexibility and restoration of the coordination between the
spirit-mind-body-world, affords the ability to experience the universal flow state necessary
for feelings of coherence and well-being.
Figure 3: Spirit-Mind-Body-World
It is also necessary to point out that in chaos theory it is understood that movements
between order and chaos are fundamental to living systems, growth and the change process.
In complexity theory, order and chaos are also said to coexist, like yin and yang, as opposites
along an energetic continuum. Additionally, in complexity science, the phrase "complex
adaptive systems" is used to describe living systems, such as human beings, and to explore
the complex nature of system change. Nonlinear scientific approaches must be used to
further support the validation of the spirit-mind-body-world interconnectedness and
interdependence, which could have monumental effects on the way society views therapeutic
systems of care, therapeutic interventions and the human system change process.
The next decade promises an explosion in the advancements of science and mathematics.
Likewise, these advancements hold promise for new models and research methods capable
of more deeply capturing the dynamics of the process of self-organization and positive
change in dynamic human systems. This will have a significant impact on all healthcare
professions, occupational therapy included. Thus, it is an exciting time as we move closer
to the development of models and research methods that will ultimately provide the ability
to capture the deep essence of human dynamics and emergent change processes. Nonlinear
approaches will not only help to demonstrate the complexity and dynamics of change; they
may also help to substantiate the essence of occupational therapy and its interrelatedness
and interconnectedness with occupational science, which is necessary to demonstrate its
authenticity. In this way, we may be able to fully validate the nonlinearity of the profession
and its deeply authentic, historical roots.
"You cannot solve a problem with the same consciousness that created it."
-Albert Einstein
Facilitating Change
We can learn a great deal from consumers if we choose to listen actively and to engage with
them in co-creating assessment processes, treatment plans, and therapeutic environments
that afford diverse, meaningful and sensory-rich therapeutic opportunities (Champagne,
2005; Hasselkus, 2002). The use of an initial interview, as well as formal and informal
approaches and techniques, may help to obtain a more comprehensive initial evaluation.
In addition to the host of performance areas explored during the initial evaluation, it is
important to (minimally) explore some of the questions listed below when helping consumers
Cognitive Evaluation
From a nonlinear scientific perspective, some of what is assessed by occupational therapists
includes the variability of dynamic human systems, the ability to coordinate both mind
and matter, and the sensitivity to initial conditions. These dynamic pattern variables,
observed in context and over time during occupational performance, provide an increased
understanding of the degrees of freedom (flexibility) of dynamic human systems. Allen and
Blue (1992) have long expressed the importance of recognizing a person's global abilities,
and of the need to adjust our expectations and provide adequate levels of support-or
the "best fit" -for people with cognitive limitations. Over the years, many therapists have
used a variety of cognitive assessment tools to help determine an individual's best ability to
function, appropriate levels of support and realistic treatment goals, within a given context
in time. Some of the cognitive models and tools used in occupational therapy, however, lack
a fundamental nonlinear scientific premise. As reviewed in Chapter I, it is necessary to use
scientific approaches that support the complexity and dynamic nature of the system(s) being
studied. The current application of dynamic systems theory (DST) in the fields of physics,
mathematics, neuroscience, rehabilitation and many others suggests a paradigm shift and
emphasis on applying DST within the physical and life sciences. It is a promising shift, which
will have a tremendous impact on all aspects of rehabilitation services and future research.
Therapeutic exchanges:
• 24-hour total care
• Positioning and range of motion
• Sensory stimulation
• Palliative/comfort care
• Meaningfulexchanges
• Limited energy exchanges with the physical environment: increasing entropy (stasis)
• Microscopic does not sustain macroscopic states
Therapeutic exchanges:
• 24-hour total care
• Positioning and range of motion
• Sensory stimulation
• Palliative/comfort care
• Meaningfulexchanges
• Extremely limited exchange in the flow of information (e.g., communication)
• Demonstrates increasing tolerance for range of motion with assistance
• Meaningful stimuli often sustain limited actions
Therapeutic exchanges:
Considering the individual's threshold of consciousness:
• Positioning to limit contractures and prevent skin breakdown
• Providing appropriate forms of sensory and motor stimulation to elicit positive emotional/
behavioral responses
• Environmental modifications and considerations
• 24-hour total care
• Palliative or hospice care: providing gentle, comforting and meaningful interactions
• Lack of balance due to decreased proprioceptive, vestibular and tactile feedback (e.g.,
often demonstrates gravitational insecurity during transfers)
• Can overcome gravity, although often unsafe (e.g., rollover, sit, stand, walk)
• Orientation to self becomes more apparent
Therapeutic exchanges:
• Providing 24-hour care and assistance for safety, comfort, companionship and meaningful
• Providing maximal assistance for all areas of care
• Providing support for gravitational insecurity (fear responses) during movement,
positioning and transfers
• Environmental modifications and considerations providing appropriate forms of sensory
stimulation to prevent sensory deprivation and/or overstimulation
• Providing a safe walking and exploratory environment
• Increased awareness of energy exchange with physical environment; increased order
• Increased consistency in orientation to self and to meaningful people and objects (e.g.,
familiar caregivers, self-care items}
Therapeutic exchanges:
• 24-hour supervision is required
• Meaningful exchanges and therapeutic activities
• Providing caregiver education and enabling occupation by offering a sensory supportive
environment; scaffolding
• Generally attentive to: material objects and/or people within the person's visual field,
food, exterior surfaces of objects, exits
• Providing meaningful/familiar forms of stimulation: gadgets, pictures, pets, music, foods,
daily engagement in movement/ exercise and reminiscing
• Redundancy tends to increase a system's iteration at this cognitive level
• Environmental considerations: providing a consistent and safe environment and
decreasing the possibility of overstimulation and/or sensory deprivation. (Generally,
decreasing environmental variability and increasing reliability of informational exchange
facilitates order.)
• Increased awareness of temporal and spatial orientation
• Engages in activities versus actions on objects
• Limited or no awareness of/insight into illness, safety concerns or cognitive limitations
• Concrete and limited flow of informational exchanges
• Little to no awareness of future consequences of actions
• Not consistently aware of the "greater whole"
Therapeutic exchanges:
• Providing concrete and goal-directed activities
• Engaging in meaningful exchanges and therapeutic activities
• Using positive reinforcements {heavy social scaffolding)
• Providing environmental enhancements and modifications to facilitate self-organization
• Minimal caregiver assistance is required for general activities of daily living
• Moderate to minimal caregiver assistance is required for: medication and health
management, time management, money management, home management and
• Providing safety and prevention safeguards
• Providing caregiver education
• Greater longing for kinship and an increased ability and desire to engage in purposeful
exchanges with meaningful people and in meaningful roles and activities
Therapeutic exchanges:
• Providing social scaffolding to sustain performance until it becomes a learned (habitual)
experience {e.g., deep attractor)
• Providing clear and concrete social rules of engagement and ongoing reminders, as
• The individual may need assistance with understanding why things need to be done in
specific and/or structured ways, and for follow through
• Providing meaningful choices for structured and supported occupations and heavy social
• Providing assistance with all independent activities of daily living
• Providing ongoing education regarding the purpose and importance of medication and
treatment compliance
• Providing education and reinforcing new skills regarding functional performance, health
and wellness, prevention, educational opportunities, social and coping skills
• Significant complexity/coordination of neurodynamics
Therapeutic exchanges:
• Wellness, maintenance and prevention
Occupational Crises
Occupational crises are dynamic responses of the system and may be described as the
response of a system facing certain environmental perturbances (Lazzarini, 2004; Tschacher
& Brunner, 1992). There are many different types of crises and reasons for the occurrences
of crises. Variables that influence the emergence of occupational crises may arise from
within the person (feelings, thoughts) and/or from within the physical environment (hearing
an alarm or a person screaming). These triggers influence system-wide changes in one's
dynamic state, which includes emotion. Recognition of the complex, dynamic nature of
occupational crises is particularly necessary when engaging with persons experiencing acute
or distressing symptoms and/or situations. Thus, a more embodied approach to cognition,
and occupation (as process and product), is not exclusive to occupational therapists working
in mental health; rather, it is essential to all practitioners and practice settings.
Problems with sensory processing may occur across any one, or a combination, of sensory
systems, and people may or may not be aware of having such problem(s) or of how sensory
processing issues affect their lives. It is important to include the screening of sensory processing
related client factors and performance skills, in addition to other areas assessed, as part of
the OT process. Consequently, a more comprehensive approach to assessment will help in
identifying a person's occupational patterns, and assist in developing their ability to better cope
,,vith and/ or change those patterns when warranted. In this way, facilitating the identification
of functional and meaningful strategies in order to enhance a person's ability to engage in the
world in a more effective and comfortable way becomes a very meaningful and fundan1ental
part of the overall collaborative assessment and intervention planning processes. This belief
is evident in the work of Ayres (1979), who emphasized the influence of sensory processing
on cognition and psychosocial development, and ultimately on occupational performance
patterns and participation.
A New Taxonomy
A new taxonomy has been established regarding sensory processing disorders within the
field of occupational therapy (Miller & Lane, 2000; Miller, 2006; Miller et al., 2006). The aim
of the new taxonomy is to distinguish between the Ayres' Sensory Integration® framework,
sensory-related disorders and therapeutic interventions (Ayres, 1979). This movement is also
part of an attempt to develop a classification system for sensory-related disorders, which are
currently referred to as dysfunctions. "Sensory processing disorder" (SPD) is the umbrella
term used for the identification of sensory modulation disorders, sensory discrimination
disorders and sensory-based motor disorders (Miller & Lane, 2000) (see Figure 4).
"Sensations are nourishment for the nervous system." -A. JeanAyres (Ayres, 1979)
Sensory integration is part of the whole, Sensory integration is the foundation for the
necessary for the emergence of more complex emergence of more complex behaviors (Ayres,
behaviors; dynamic process of action 1974, 1979)
perception-action cycles through IMP (Freeman,
2000a, 2000b; Lazzarini, 2004)
Environmental relationship: includes internal and Environmental relationship: internal and external
external as interdependent and interconnected can influence each other (interactive) (Ayres,
1979; Miller, Reisman, McIntosh & Simon, 2001)
(Capra, 1996; Gleick, 1987)
Circular causality (Freeman, 1991, 1995, 2000a, Circular causality (Ayres, 1979)
2000b; Kelso, 1999) Spiral causality (Bundy, Lane & Murray, 2002)
One of the primary goals of therapy is increased One of the primary goals of therapy is
complexity (fitness/degrees of freedom) increasingly complex patterns of behavior
(Champagne et al., 2007; Lazzarini, 2004, 2005) (Ayres, 1979)
Occupation as emergent process: both means Mixed views in the SI literature on occupation
and ends (Champagne et al., 2007; Royeen, as means and/or ends; proposes that behaviors
2002; Lazzarini, 2004, 2005) are emergent
-····-·-·"' ,_.... ....
, ----
Sensory Discrimination
"Sensory discrimination" refers to the ability to differentiate between the qualities of different
kinds of stimulation and gain awareness (e.g., temporal and spatial) (Ayres, 1972). Sensory
discrimination is essential to the ability to perform tasks and to feel comfortable in what at
times can be a very overwhelming world. Imagine being a young child and having difficulty
with temporal and spatial discrimination. Challenges such as climbing stairs, walking down
a sidewalk, catching a ball and riding a bicycle can be overwhelming and anxiety producing.
Problems with tactile discrimination can lead to difficulty recognizing the differences betvveen
qualities such as size, shape and textme. Imagine the potential impact of difficulty with sensory
discrimination on a person's ability to perform the following activities: buttoning clothing
or differentiating between objects without looking, tying shoes, washing dishes, cutting up
vegetables to make a salad, and driving. These examples demonstrate how sensory processing
is not totally separate from occupation when viewed as process and product.
Degrees of Severity
The symptoms experienced and behaviors demonstrated by people \Nith sensory processing
dysfunction may differ significantly given the type and severity of the problem. The following
list is very general and is not all-inclusive. It is meant to serve only as a guide.
• Mild: refers to mild symptoms influencing a person's ability to self-organize and
functionally perform meaningful and purposeful activities, which may result in anxiety,
tension and/ or problems with mood and emotion regulation. This often impacts the type
aml l_lUalHy of Ll1e µersuri's imerauiurn, aml/u1 [heir abiliL-y rn comfunably parlicipc:1le in
activities of daily living. The person may or may not recognize it as a problem, and it may
or may not interfere vvith self-actualization, self-esteem and mental health issues.
• Moderate: refers to moderate symptoms influencing a person's ability to self-organize and
functionally perform meaningful and purposeful activities. People experiencing moderate
levels of severity may demonstrate any combination of the following behaviors: more
severe anxiety responses, rigidity, obsessive and/or compulsive behaviors, outbursts and/or
isolation. Problems with mood and emotion regulation are typically apparent. The impact
on the person's ability to function becomes more easily recognizable, although the reasons
for such behaviors or responses may not be understood until explored. Thus, coexisting
mental health issues, self-esteem and the ability to self-actualize are often impacted.
• Severe: almost every aspect of an individual's ability to function is significantly influenced
when symptoms are in the severe range. It often becomes extremely difficult to engage in
meaningful and purposeful activities in a functional manner. These individuals often carry
numerous diagnostic labels, and may have difficulty with developing and maintaining
close relationships, and with feeling purposeful. Self-esteem is often low, and quality of
life tends to depend largely upon the quality of services the person receives, and whether
or not they have appropriate levels of assistance and supportive relationships.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
The use of self-rating tools is often very helpful to individuals who are assessing and learning
about their system tendencies and to staff and caregivers trying to understand the individual's
needs and provide optimal supports. Increasing self-awareness is one of the first goals of the
sensory modulation program (discussed in the next section), and self-rating tools may be
used as part of the program with individuals capable of using them. The resource section of
this manual provides a host of self-rating tools to use during group or individual sessions.
These tools are labeled with a variety of titles so that the san1e tool can be used for a number
of therapeutic purposes. It is important to adapt self-rating tools to match the ability levels
and needs of the individuals using them. Many of these tools were created with consumer
input over time. Examples of how to use some of the different self-rating tools are provided
in the Chapter III of this manual.
Nate To give.
Nie A sail of a boat.
Niouniou A jonquil.
Pai Periagua.
Paia Enough.
Papa Wood, chair, end every piece of
furniture of wood.
Papanit To shut, to stop up.
Paoro A shell, mother-of-pearl.
Parouai Dress, cloth.
Patara Grandfather.
Patiri Thunder.
Picha Coffer, trunk.
Pirara Fish.
Piropiro Stink of a fart, or of excrements.
Pirioi Lame.
Piripiri A negative, signifying a covetous
man, who gives nothing.
Po Day, (light.)
Póe Pearl, ornament for the ears.
Poi For, to.
Poiri Obscure.
Poria Fat, lusty, of a good stature.
Porotata Dog-kennel.
Pouaa Hog, boar.
Pouerata Flowers.
Poupoui Under sail.
Pouta Wound.
Poto Little, minute.
Taitai Salted.
Taio Friend.
Tamai Enemy, at war.
Tane Man, husband.
Tao-titi Name of the high priestess, who
is obliged to perpetual
virginity. She has the highest
consideration in the country.
Taoa-tane Married woman.
Taporai To beat, abuse.
Taoua-mai Physician.
Taoumi Gorget of ceremony.
Taoumta Covering of the head.
Taoura Cord.
Tata Man.
Tatoue The act of generation.
Tearea Yellow.
Teouteou Servant, slave.
Tero Black.
Tetouarη Femme barée?
Tiarai White flowers, which they wear
in their ears instead of
Titi A peg, or pin.
Tinatore A serpent.
Twa Strong, malignant, powerful.
Tomaiti Child.
Toni Exclamation to call the girls.
They add Peio lengthened, or
Pijo softly pronounced, like
the Spanish j. If the girl slaps
her hand on the outside of the
knee, it is a refusal, but if she
says enemoi, she thereby
expresses her consent.
Toto Blood.
Toua-pouou Hump-backed.
Touaine Brother or sister, by adding the
word which distinguishes the
Toubabaou To weep.
Touie Lean.
Toumany Action of fencing; this they do
with a piece of wood, armed
with a point, made of harder
materials than wood. They put
themselves in the same
posture as we do for fencing.
Toura Without.
Toutai To make the natural
Toutη Excrements.
Toupanoa To open a window or door.
Touroutoto A decrepit old man.
Toutoi-papa Light or fire of the great people;
niao-papa, light of the
common people.
Atai One.
Aroua. Two.
Atorou Three.
Aheho Four.
Erima Five.
Aouno Six.
Ahitou Seven.
Awarou Eight.
Ahiva Nine.
Aourou Ten.
Names of Plants.
Amiami Raisins.
Oporo-maa Pepper.
Pouraou Cayenne-rose.
Toroire Heliotropium, or tournesol.
They have a kind of article answering to our articles of and to (de
& à). This is the word te. Thus they say parouai te Aotourou; the
clothes of or (belonging) to Aotourou; maa-te-eri, the eating of
5. Not from the discoverer, but from the ship Eendraght (Concord).
9. La flûte.
11. Land-fall, atterage, the first land a ship makes after a sea-
voyage. See Falconer’s Marine Dictionary. F.
12. It is now certain, that the animal, here called tyger, is the
Couguara or Brown (tyger) Cat, of Penn. Syn. quad. p. 179. a very
large animal, and very fierce in hot countries. F.
13. These balls are two round stones, of the size of a two-pound
ball, both enchased in a strap of leather, and fastened to the
extremities of a thong, six or seven feet long. The Indians, when on
horseback, use this weapon as a sling, and often hit the animal they
are pursuing, at the distance of three hundred yards.
14. The Paulists are another race of robbers, who left Brasil, and
formed a republic, towards the end of the sixteenth century.
20. The work which I now publish was already finished, when the
History of a Voyage to the Malouines, by Dom Pernetty, appeared,
otherwise I should have omitted the following accounts.
31. This species seems to be the white and dusky grebe. Br. Zool.
2. p. 397, and vol. 4. f. 17. F.
32. Becs-scies.
40. The author certainly has the noted fable of the antients in
view, according to which, the alcyons had a swimming nest, and
brooded at sea at a time in winter, when the weather was calm. The
few calm days during which these birds were employed in brooding,
were therefore called alcyonia. F.
41. The two petrels here mentioned seem to be the little, and the
sea-swallow or frigat; the first of which is described, Br. Zool, vol. ii.
p. 434, and represented, vol. iv. t. 82. The second, or swallow petrel,
or frigat, is to be met with in Rochefort’s Voyage, t. 135. Dr. Linnæus
calls the first procellaria pelagica, the latter the fregatta, and, if I am
not mistaken, the third kind here mentioned, is, the fulmar, Br. Zool,
vol. ii. p. 431. and vol. iv. t. 82. Dr. Linnæus’s Procellaria glacialis. F.
44. Glayeuls.
45. The animal here mentioned as the true sea-lion exceeds the
sea-lion described in Lord Anson’s Voyage; for this is twenty-five feet
long, and that in the isle of Juan Fernandes only twenty. See Voyage
aux Isles Malouines, par Dom Pernetty. F.
49. Debouché.
50. Intendant.
51. Capitainie.
53. Buccarelli.
55. Chambekin.
56. Chambekins.
59. Cap des Vierges, called Cape Virgin Mary by Lord Anson and
Sir John Narborough. F.
60. 74° 25′; Paris being 2° 25′ E. from London: vide Ferguson’s
Tables. F.
61. From Cape Virgin, till to the entrance of the first goulet, we
may reckon 14 or 15 leagues; and the straits are in every part of this
interval, between five and seven leagues wide. The north coast, as
far as Cape Possession, is uniform, but little elevated, and very
healthy. From this cape onward, one must be careful to avoid the
rocks, which are situated in a part of the bay of the same name.
When the hillocks, which I have named the Quatre fils Aymond,[62]
only offer two to sight, in form of a gate, you are then opposite the
said rocks.
62. These rocks are called Ass’s Ears, by Sir John Narborough. F.
63. When one intends to enter the first gut, or narrow passage in
the straits, it is proper to coast within a league of Cape Possession;
then to steer S. by W. taking care not to fall off too much to the
south, on account of the rocks which extend N. N. E. and S. S. W.
from Cape Orange, more than three leagues.
64. The first gut lies N. N. E. and S. S. W. and is not above three
leagues long. Its breadth varies from a league, to a league and a
half. I have already given notice of the ledge of rocks at Cape
Orange. At coming out of the first gut, you meet with two lesser
rocks, extended on each of its extremities. They both project to S.
W. There is a great depth of water in the gut.
65. This is to be understood in French measure, in which the
French foot exceeds the English by ,788 of an inch; accordingly, in
French measure, 5 feet 6 inches = 5 feet, 10,334, inches English;
and French 5 feet 10 inches are = 6 feet, 2,5704, inches English. F.
67. The distance between the W. point or end of the first gut, and
the entrance of the second, is about six or seven leagues, and the
breadth of the straits there is likewise about seven leagues. The
second gut lies N. E. by E. and S. W. by W. it is about a league and a
half broad, and three or four long.
72. From the end of the second gut, to the N. E. point of the isle
of Elizabeth, the distance is about four leagues. Elizabeth island
extends S. S. W. and N. N. E. for the length of about three leagues
and a half. It is necessary to keep this shore on board, in passing
through the above channel.
From the S. W. point of Elizabeth island, to Cape Noir, the distance
is not above a league[73].
73. This Cape Noir is not mentioned in M. de B’s. map; but should
be carefully distinguished from Cape Noir, or Cabo Negro, seen by
lord Anson upon Terra del Fuego, in about 54° S. lat. F.
74. From Cape Noir the coast runs S. S. E. to the northern point of
Bay Duclos; which is about seven leagues distant from it.
Opposite Bay Duclos, there is a prodigious inlet in Terra del Fuego;
which I suspect to be a channel, disemboguing eastward of Cape
Horn. Cape Monmouth forms the north point of it.
76. The distance from Bay Duclos to Point St. Anne, is about five
leagues; and the bearing being S. E. by S. there is nearly the same
distance from Point St. Anne to Cape Round, which bear respectively
N. N. E. and S. S. W.
77. From the second gut to Cape Round, the breadth of the straits
varies from seven to five leagues; they grow narrow at Cape Round,
where their breadth does not exceed three leagues.
78. From Cape Round, to the Isle of the Observatory, the distance
is about four leagues; and the coast runs W. S. W. In this distance
there are three good anchoring-places.
81. From the isle of the Observatory, Cape Forward is about six
leagues distant, and the coast runs nearly W. S. W. The strait is
there between three and four leagues broad.
82. In the space of about five leagues, which are between Cape
Forward and Cape Holland, there are two other capes, and three
creeks, of little depth. I know of no anchorage there. The breadth of
the straits varies from three to four leagues.
84. Bay Fortescue is about two miles broad from one point to the
other, and not quite so deep, from its entrance, till to a peninsula,
which, coming from the west-side of the bay, extends E. S. E. and
covers a port, well sheltered from all the winds. This is Port Galant,
which is a mile deep towards the W. N. W. Its breadth is from four
hundred to five hundred yards. There is a river at the bottom of the
port, and two more on the N. E. side. In the middle of the port there
is four or five fathoms of water, bottom of ooze and shells.
91. A Mecklenburger, who, with his father, had been in the Dutch
service. F.
96. Reaumur’s.
97. The people of Otahitee, or as our author wrongly calls it, Taiti,
are not idolaters, according to the last published account, and
therefore it is certain, that Mr. de B. took some ornamental figures
for those of their divinities. Had this circumnavigator made a longer
stay in this island, had he thoroughly studied the language of the
country, and looked upon many things with a more philosophical, or
less prejudiced eye, his account would have proved less subject to
the mistakes it abounds with. The English, more used to
philosophical enquiries, will give more faithful accounts in the work
that is going to be published, of the great discoveries made by the
British nation in those seas. F.
98. Rayés.
99. The cocoa-nuts, or the fruit of the cocos nucifera, Linn. is too
well known to want any description. The plantains, or fruit of the
musa paradisiaca, Linn. is likewise well known to all navigators, as
the produce of hot countries. The bread-fruit is a production of a
tree not yet described by Dr. Linnæus; Lord Anson found it upon the
isle of Tinian; Dampier and the great Ray take notice of this very
useful and curious tree. Yams are the roots of a plant known under
the name of dioscorea alata. The okra is the fruit of the hibiscus
esculentus, Linn. The curassol is one of the annonas or custard-
apples. In general it must be observed that the botanical knowledge
of our author is very superficial, and though he enumerates these
fruits as the growth of the isle of Otahitee, it cannot be ascertained
with any degree of precision, whether our author is right or wrong;
and the new light in which, by the indefatigable industry of our
philosophers, the natural history of these countries will be placed,
makes us the more ardently wish for the publication of their great
discoveries. F.
105. In the French theatre there is, in the door of each box, a
small window or hole, where people may peep through, which made
it possible to Aotourou to enjoy even in the galleries the sight of the
dancers. F.
108. Pilotes-côtiers.
111. Aides-pilotes.
112. Valentyn and others say Heemskirk. See Dalrymple’s
Historical Collection of Voyages in the South Pacific Ocean, p. 83.
113. Tobia, the man who went away from Otahitee, on board the
Endeavour, according to the published Journal of a Voyage round the
World, gave our circumnavigators accounts of many more islands in
these seas, some of which were really found by our people; but
many more were known only from his narrative of an expedition of
these islanders to the west. As the number of these isles seems to
be so considerable, it would certainly deserve another expedition to
discover them all; and though at present the advantages seem to be
of no great consequence, which might be reaped from an
intercourse with these islanders; it is however certain, that the same
objection might have been made to the first discoverers of America;
and every body is at present sensible of the benefit accruing to
these kingdoms from its American settlements. F.
116. Ouessant.
117. Raz (or rat, a race or whirlpool) is a place in the sea where
there is some rapid and dangerous current, or where there are
different tides. Such a rat is commonly to be met with in a strait or
channel, but sometimes likewise in the high seas. See the
Dictionnaire Militaire portatif, 12mo. 3 vols. 1758. Paris. F.