Mysore Narasimhachar Srinivas - Religion and Society Among The Coorgs of South India-Clarendon Press (1952)
Mysore Narasimhachar Srinivas - Religion and Society Among The Coorgs of South India-Clarendon Press (1952)
Mysore Narasimhachar Srinivas - Religion and Society Among The Coorgs of South India-Clarendon Press (1952)
Tradition and modernity in Coorg dress (Photo: T . S. S.
«> 1952, 1965 M. N. SRINIVAS
To the memory
my brother
Shri H. Tirumala Char, B.A., B.L., and his family for their
hospitality to me in Mercara ..
I am very grateful to the Carnegie Research Fund for a generous
grant which enabled me to pursue my studies at Oxford. I thank
Dr. A.A. Bake, and the Films Division of the Ministry ofInforma-
tion and Broadcasting, Government of India, for the loan of some
of the photographs reproduced in this book.
My friends Mr. R. G. Lienhardt, Mr. K. O. L. Burridge, and
Dr. Kathleen Gough have helped me by critically reading the type-
040rd M. N. S.
April 1951
Note to Second Printing xiv
Appendix 243
Glossary 248
Bibliography 251
Index 253
ferns and the useful rattan cane creeper and ~'i5te reeds are
also found close to the mountain streams flowing in these
Coorg fauna is the same as that of the rest of south India. In its
forests are found elephant, tiger, bison, panther, boar, bear, porcu-
pine, deer, and wild dog and jackal. The extensive clearing of the
mountain-sides for coffee and orange plantations, the general love
Df hunting, and the possession of firearms have resulted in the
decimation of wild life in Coorg.
All the important languages spoken in Coorg are Dravidian,
with the exception of HindustMni and English. Again, detailed
figures are available only for 1931 when 62,769 spoke KannaQa,
44,585 Ko<;lagi, the dialect of Coorgs, 14,914 Malaya}am, 14,275
Tulu, and 10,026 Yerava, the dialect of the Yerava tribe. There
were 3,007 Tamil-speakert-" fewer in fact than the speakers of the
Indo-Aryan Janguage, Hindusthani, who numbered 4,378. 3
Professor M. B. Emeneau considers that 'the Dravidian language
spoken by Coorgs is an independent language, and shows charac-
teristics that in part connect it closely with KannaQa, in part with
the languages of the Malabar coast, especially Malayalam'.4
Coorgs make use of the Kanna<;la script on those occasions when
they wish to reduce Ko<;lagi into writing. Such occasions are not,
however, very common. Kanna<;la was the court and official lan-
1 Census afIndia, 1931, vol. xiii, p. 7. 3 Ibid., p. 38.
2 Ibid., pp. 41-42. 4 In a Jetter to the author.
guage of Coorg under the Lingayat Rajas, and nowadays it is the
medium of instruction in schools. Besides, every Coorg is able to
speak it.
Educated Coorgs are usually trilingual, knowing KOQagi, Kan-
na9a, and English. Ko<;lagi is used in the home, Kanna<;la in talk-
ing to most non-CoDrgs excepting Malayans, and English in official
matters, and occasionally in conversation with strangers. English is
popular with Coorgs, and even womcn, especially those under
thirty, have some acquaintance with it.
In 1931 there were 44,585 KOQagi-spcakers though the total
number of Coorgs was only 41,026. This discrepancy is due to the
fact that several castes and tribes have taken over the language of
Coorgs, who have throughout been the dominant group in Coorg.
In fact, only a few castes havc escaped the temptation to imitate
Coorgs in dress, customs, and manners. In the past some families
of WynaQ Chettis, Kanna\la Okkaligas, Tulu Gau\las, and others
did succeed in entering the Coorg fold. Even no\v some non-Coorgs
aspire to be Coorgs. For instance, during the 1931 Census, a num-
ber of Kanna\la Okkaligas and Tulu Gau\las in north Coorg suc-
ceeded in getting themselves enumerated as Coorgs as they had
been described as 'Jamma K04agas' in the title-deeds conferring
on them the right to hold land under the concession tenure of
jamma (see pp. 16-17). The enumerators, in spite of their strict
instructions to check all doubtful cases thoroughly, had to enu-
merate such persons as Coorgs. It is presumed, however, that their
number did not exceed a thousand. 1
Coorg enters history in the ninth century A.D., but the informa-
tion we possess at present about the period between the ninth and
seventeenth centuries is very little indeed. We do know, however,
that ever since the period for which we have any information, the
fortunc~ of the powerful south Indian Kingdoms in the east have
had effects on Coorg. In the ninth and tenth centuries the Chan-
galvas, who ruled some parts of Coorg, were feudatory to the
Gangas of Talka4 in Mysore. The Changalvas (Kings of Changa-
nac;1) ruled certain areas to the west of Mysore city and the eastern
and northern parts of C"org excluding E!usavirashlme H6bji, at
1 Census of India, 1931, vol. xiii, p. 42
During the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries the Vijayanagar kings had bestowed
on, or confirmed to, vassal chiefs bearing various titles, sundry tracts in Mysore,
on the condition of paying tribute and rendering military service. Those in the
north were controlled direct from the capital. The southern chiefs were under a
viceroy, termed the Sri Ranga Rayal at Seringapatam. After the disaster of
Talikota, although nominal allegiance continued to be paid to the viceroy,
such of the chiefs as had the power gradually declared their independence. 1
having lured most of the Coorgs to meet him at Tala Kaveri, under the pretence
of peaceable intentions and conciliatory measures, he suddenly seized them,
and hunting out their families, drove them, altogether about 70,000 souls,
like a herd of cattle to Seringapatam, where all the males were forcibly cir-
cumcised. Coorg itself was partitioned among Musalman Landlords, to whom
the slaves of the country were made over, and additional labour provided
from Adoni in Be!!ary District. The only condition laid on the new owners
was that they were to search out and slay all such Coorgs as might have escaped
his vengeance, as he was resolved on their extermination. The country was
held by garrisons in four forts, at Mercara (Jaifarabad), Fraserpet (Kushalnagar),
BhagamanQla and Beppuna<,l; and on account of the accessions he had made
to the faith Tippu now assumed the title of Badshah (kingp
1 Imperial Gazetteer of India, vol. xi, p. 13. The slaves referred to above were
the Poleya servants of Coorgs and other high-caste masters. The number of
Coorgs who were driven out of Coorg into Seringapatam by Tippu is variously
estimated. Lewis Rice, for instance, estimates it at 85,000 in Mysore and Coorg,
vol. iii, Bangatore, 1878, p. 111. Shri N. Chi17l;lappa estimates it at 110,000,
Pat Ie Pa/lIme, p. 45.
\ '\.')1) .
Seringapatam and the British occupied that island, 'about 5,000
Coorgs who had been carried away by Tippu, with their wives and
children, altogether about 12,000 souls, made their escape in the
confusion that ensued and returned to their native country'.1
Their old homes and lands were restored to the returning exiles,
and they seem to have been accepted back into the Coorg fold
without difficulty.
Vira Raja ruled till 1809 when he died, leaving behind only
daughters. This gave rise to the inevitable succession disputes in
which, in the end, Linga Raja II, younger brother of the dead king,
emerged triumphant in 1811. He ruled till his death in 1820 when
he was succeeded by his twenty-year-old son Chikka Vira Raja
(Vira Raja V). The latter was an incompetent and sensuous tyrant,
and in 1834 he was deposed by the British who annexed Coorg.
The rule of the Lingayat Rajas had come to an end.
Lewis Rice tells us that Coorgs formed the bulk of the armies of
the Rajas. 2 He writes:
(lnd 'Ylten f
I' eVen nQw h 10 land tenure under which most Coorgs held
t ,was an here,r old) land was the basis of their military tradition.
t h Jsreas ~ltary r' l. '~h ..
0ll call d ' 19l1t passmg lram fat er to son, and was lor
means 'bhth' Ie ]anlfna, a corruption of the Sanskrit janma which
OkkaIi ,t II
_ , gas, Tu) as not, however, confined to Coorgs. Kanna<,ia
Map~!la ill1n/ Gaudas, smiths (Airis), potters (Kumbaras), and
prcstlge of hOl~:alltS from Malabar enjoyed the privilege and
offe~ed iaihl1Ja t Lng land on jamma tenure. The Rajas occasionally
;radmg caStes f tnure as a bait both to induce certain artisan and
ocal peoPle t f0ll] Outside to settle down in Coorg and to induce
The'Jaih11z 0 recta'lln forest or waste land,
bClJ1g a tenll
Only g re Was a very light one in terms of money,
hundred JiVe ,
b bhQ1f' rupees or a hundred bhat{ls of wet land, A
d undred bh~;:s of Wet land mc:ans an area of land producing a
lice that a~'zs of paddy. The area of land required to pro-
and arable I oU!)t varies according to the fertility of the soil,
and IS' clas"ified into seven grades for purposes of
Along ,
f 1 Wlth th
Q and: one C assessed rice-field went two unassessed stretches
cl~thed With ~as blb;e, the highland adjacent to the rice-field and
ta1l1ed its sUp J~llg1e from which the cultivator's joint family ab-
was barz'ire, loP YOf fuel, timber, and forest produce; and the other
LegallY,j(l] W-IYing pasturage for the cultivator's cattle.
S~blet Withotl~ltzQ land was impartible, inalienable, and could not be
a l' peOPle h (the permission of the Raja, and, most important of
ca led 0 d' , '
, up fo l?g land on the Jamma tenure were hable to be
jamma rYOts r 111[litary service. Richter writes in 1870 that 'the
°nutward ag g (CUltivators) are still liable to be called out to repel
a p}' re'
E a ICe. and SSIan or quell internal disturbances, and to furnish
very fa", 'I treasure-guards, escorts, &c" in time of peace'.l
f or fift
, cell <"11 d Y holdmg ' Jamma
. land had to perf arm guar d d utles '
, , ' necI ays'In t 1le year, dunng ' W1lIe
' htIme
' t h e guar d s were
; JOInt fal11.i~,t j)ublic expense though not paid. Not all the men of
Oille Were 1Y Were employed on guard duties at the same time.
post~d "'ft
t: on g" '- free to look after land, and even those who were
Q te
LIard d Ulles ' were posted near thelr , fi eId s.
lOp, C;t" f) !lUre conferred a double prestige on the holder in
. 402
yalam. They were also Lingayats, who are staunch vegetarians and
:teetotallers, and possess a powerful and highly organized church of
their own. Fifty-seven Lingayat n/a(has or monasteries, some of
them heavily endowed, existed in north Coorg during Richter's
time. 1
The religion of the Rajas left its mark on the general population,
and especially on Coorgs. The latter constituted the aristocracy
.under t he Rajas, and a number of them held important posts at the
Rajas' courts. Members of the royal family occasionally married
Coorgs. The close contact which Coorgs enjoyed with the Rajas
certainly helped in the spread of the culture and religion of the
Many Coorgs even today adorn their foreheads with three
horizontal, finger-wide, stripes of vibhuti or sacred ashes, a mark
used by devotees of Shiva in all parts of India. Coorg folksongs
frequently refer to a man or woman praying to Shiva soon after
getting up in the morning. Most of the important temples visited
by Coorgs are Shaivite in character.
not be sold apart from the land on which they worked, and when~
land was sold, they went with it automatically. The personil
slaves, on the other hand, could be sold or mortgaged" and had to
move with the masters wherever the latter went. Tliey were, in
fact, the movable property of the masters.
The proprietors of the okkalu jal11l1lada alu in Coorg have the power of setting
them [the slaves], but not to a person who will carry them outofthe country,
unless the slaves themselves consent. The rights of slaves consist'in receiving
subsistence and protection for themselves and their families from their masters,
who are bound to observe the custom of the country with respect to the quantity
of food and clothing given to them. Three seers of rice for a male slave, two
for a female, and one and a half to a boy or girl, are given by their master,
independently of salt and curry stuff which are supplied by them, sometimes
monthly, and at other times daily. The slaves are likewise entitled to a load of
grain once a year, at the time when the crops are reaped. This quantity is called
horay, which varies in different narjs. The slaves reside in houses provided
for them by their masters in the small village, and a piece of land is appropriated
to their use in which they usually grow vegetables or tobacco. Besides the
subsistence given to the slaves, and the allowance above-mentioned at the
time of the harvest, they are supplied by their masters with clothing twice
a year, first, when the seed is sown, and secondly, when the crops are
In regard to the treatment of slaves by their masters, it is said that the culti-
vators in Coorg, activated by self-interest, if not a better motive, pay much
attention to their comfort. Aware as they are that any act of severity on their
part will induce their slaves to abscond, a circumstance which would subject
them to much trouble and inconvenience, they protect and treat them with
kindness as forming a part of their family. The proprietors in Coorg possess
no power to inflict severe punishment upon their slaves but they have authority
to chastise them moderately for any faults they may commit .... The wealth
of a cultivator is generally estimated by the number of his slaves, as in pro-
portion to the number he has lands under cultivation .... 2
Aiyappan, in 1937, gives a scale of distance pollution for several castes: a Nayar
must keep 7 ft. from a Nambudri Brahman, an Iravan (llavan,Izhuvan, Tiyan)
must keep 32, a Cheruman 64 and a Nayadi 74 to 124. The respective distances
between these lower castes are calculated by a simple process of subtraction:
the Iravan must keep 25 feet from the Nayar and Cheruman 32 feet from the
Travan. 1
Caste ties cut across territorial ties, and members of the same
caste living in different villages have a great deal in common.
This type of solidarity has been called in this book 'horizontal
1 G. Richter, Castes alld Tribes found in Coorg, Bangalore, 1887, pp. 21-22_
2 R. A. Cole, Manual of Coorg Law, 186], secs. 3, 5, 6.
3 Ibid., sec. 3; Richter, Castes and Tribes found in Coorg, pp. 21-22.
Coorgs and other Coorgs were not very frequent. Sal)l)a Coorgs
looked down upon BOQQu Coorgs whose customs and manners were
somewhat different from their own: differences between cognate
groups as to minute points of custom and ritual frequently come
to stand for the identity of each of them as against the others.
This is a common feature of caste.
A point which needs stressing because it is not very typical of
the caste system is the comparative ease with which Coorgs
admitted into their fold non-Coorgs belonging to fairly high castes.
Moegling wrote in 1855, 'strangers are received among them and
naturalised without difficulty, and such as have been excommuni-
cated are received without much ado'. 1 Richter, writing sixteen
years later, says that 'even within the memory of the present
generation strangers were received by and incorporated with the
Coorgs. There is now a dispute pending about six families in
KiggatniiQ, who ten years ago were, by the Head Sheristedar
Nanchappa, received as Coorgs, but after his death were expelled
from the clan [caste] by the rest of the people. The settlement of
the dispute will perhaps be only a matter of time ... .'2 Formerly
some families of WyniiQ Chettis, KannaQa Okkaligas, and Tulu
GauQas were received into the Coorg fold. The complete absorp-
tion of recruits from other castes naturally took some time, and till
it was accomplished the conservative Coorg families did not freely
intermarry with the new recruits. Even now one hears a Coorg
elder saying, 'such-and-such a family are really KannaQa Okkaligas
who called themselves Coorgs 50 or 60 years ago. Until recently
Coorgs would think twice before inter-marrying with them.'
There are more than forty main castes and tribes in Coorg, but
Coorgs come into intimate contact with only a few of them. A
very brief account of their relations with each of these castes will
now be given. It is important to add that the duties mentioned
against each caste might frequently be performed by similar castes
of equivalent status: for instance, it might be either a Tulu Brahmin
or Malabar Brahmin who performs the priestly duties at a village
temple, and the Tulu Brahmin is again split up into ShivaHi and
1 Coorg Memoirs, p. 55.
II Manual ofCoorg, pp. 231-2.
The KalJiyas are another caste with whom Coorgs come into
intimate contact in ritual contexts. They are astrologers and magi-
cians from Malabar who have settled in Coorg for a long time, and
their hold on Coorgs was very much greater in the past than it is
Every important task must be begun in an auspicious moment,
or it will fail. Only the Kal)iya knows the auspicious and in-
auspicious moments, and this is revealed to him by his knowledge of
astrology. The first ploughing of the rice-fields, the first sowing,
and the cutting of the sheaves have all to be performed during
auspiciolls periods. A wedding has to be performed on an auspi-
cious day and at an auspicious hour, and if there are horoscopes for
the boy and girl, they are examined to find out if they are mutually
compatible. But not all Coorgs have horoscopes, and marriages
are frequently arranged without resorting to the Ka:t;liya astrologer.
Coorgs formerly resorted to the Ka:t;liya on every conceivable
occasion. If an ox strayed, or if someone was ill in the house,
lOp. cit., pp. 56-57. 2 Moegling, op. cit., pp. 56-57.
the Kal)iya was consulted. It was believed that he was able to
tell, by consulting the planets, whether the strayed oX would re-
turn and whether the patient would recover. Sometimes he
suggested the performance of some rite which would enable,
for instance, the ox which had strayed to return home and the
patient to recover. Perhaps a minor deity or spirit like Gulika, or
an ancestral spirit, was annoyed because it had not received the
necessary attention from the members of the particular joint
family. The Kal)iya would then suggest the performance of appro-
priate propitiatory ritual.
The Bal)l)a and Pal)ika are two low castes, originally from
Malabar, who are very similar to each other and who actually
perform the ritual which the Kal)iya prescribes for his Coorg
client. These two castes stand in a relation similar to the one in
which the dispensing chemist stands to the doctor in the Western
world. The Kal)iya says, for instance, that the ancestors of his
client are angry because they have not been propitiated for a long
time, and he suggests the performance of the karm;avatere which
is an elaborate propitiation of ancestors lasting over a day. The
Bal)l).a (or Pal)ika) actually performs the elaborate ancestor-
propitiation at which the ancestors of the Coorg joint family
possess the Bal) oracle,1
Each Bal)l)a family serves a group of villages which they are
under an obligation to serve. Besides ancestor-propitiation and
other occasions when their services are wanted by families, Bal)l)as
play very important parts at the festivals of village-deities where
they are oracles, dancers, and cutters of the sacrificial animals.
Coorgs come into contact with the blacksmith, carpenter, and
goldsmith usually in non-ritual contexts. The blacksmith and
carpenter make the agricultural implements and domestic articles,
and also help in building the massive houses of Coorgs. Some of
the articles made by them, like the bier and palanquin, are used on
ritual occasions.
The goldsmith, in addition to making the gold and silver orna-
ments, ritually bores the ears of boys and girls. Formerly, the
ritual boring of a boy's ears was an important initiation rite, mark-
ing his transition from boyhood to adulthood.
The clothes washed by the washerman (Magivaja) are not only
1 Richter's Manual of Coorg, pp. 169-70, contains an example of the kind of
service which the Kal)iya performed with the aid of the Bal)l)a.
clean but ritually pure (magi), and ritually pure clothes should be
worn on ritual occasions. The washerman's services are necessary
on every ritual occasion. For instance, at a Coorg wedding he has
the duty of supplying clean cloths for the bridal pair to walk on, and
cloths to cover the ceiling above the bridal seat. He has similar
duties at the festival of the village-deity. He also acts as the ritual
purifier when a birth or death occurs in a Coorg house. But some
Coorgs, especially those in Kiggatna<;l, resort to the Brahmin for
ritual purification.
Contact with a barber defiles a Coorg, and every Coorg has a
purificatory bath after being shaved by a barber. Such a bath is
necessary in order to restore the shaved person to normal ritual
status. The barber's services are, however, indispensable at a
wedding and a funeral, and shaving is an essential preliminary act
for men on ritual occasions.
The Meda occupies a very low position in the caste hierarchy.
He makes artifacts like baskets, fish-traps, and receptacles of cane,
vote reed, and bamboo. He is indispensable at a Coorg festival,
dance or hunt, where he beats his tom-tom. The M eda is a byword
for stupidity in Coorg folklore.
The strength of the bond prevailing between the Coorg master
and his Poleya servant expressed itself in ritual. Formerly, one or
two members of the Poleya servant-family observed ritual mourn-
ing for their dead master or mistress. On the day their mourning
terminated they were given gifts of cloths and provisions by their
masters. The Poleya servants (men) also performed a mourning
dance (anga ka!i) in front of the master's house before the corpse
was removed to the burial-ground.
At a Coorg wedding,just as the bridal pair are about to leave the
bride's house for the groom's, a Poleya servant of the bride's
family comes forward, holding a torch in his left hand, while he
spreads a cloth before them. The groom throws money, equivalent
to a pa1)a (about three annas), on the cloth. The Poleya then re-
moves the cloth, thus enabling the bridal pair to proceed: contact
with a cloth touched by a Poleya defiles a member of a high
Sometimes ritual occasions stress the structural distance that
prevails between the higher castes and Poleyas. For instance,
Poleyas may not come out of their huts during the first eighteen
days of the biennial festival of the deity Ketrappa at Bengur. It is
believed that they will suffer some misfortune if they come out and
see the festival-priests (kavukaras) going about their sacred work.
Quite the opposite attitude prevails towards Poleyas at the
festival of the Bhadrakaji of Kunda. The Poleya oracles have many
duties at the festival, though they are not permitted to enter the
temple of Bhadrakaji. They may not touch a high caste person, but
they have the right of barring anyone from entering the temple.
They stopped me presumably because they considered my dress-
I was wearing a suit-improper, and they let me in only after a
Coorg friend had explained who I was.
Ritual occasions might either emphasize the structural cleavages
that normally exist bet ween high and low castes, or they might
tend to minimize them. The former leads, among other things, to
the exclusion of the lower castes from ritual, while the latter leads
to their inclusion. But inclusion does not mean that structural
distance is abolished totally for the duration of the ritual occasion.
What happens may be more accurately described by stating that
certain individuals belonging to the low castes have ritual roles
which place them temporarily in a superior position vis-a-vis the
high castes.
At an ancestor-propitiation in a Coorg house, a Bal)l)a acts as
oracle: he is possessed by each of the ancestor-spirits in turn, and
while the possession lasts, he is identified with the particular
ancestor possessing him. As the temporary vehicle of the spirit of
an ancestor he is entitled to say and do things which he normally
would not dream of saying and doing. As ancestor, he might cen-
sure the head of the joint family for not attending to his duties
Nowadays young Coorgs who are sceptical about their traditional
beliefs tend to see the Bal)T,Ia oracle at an ancestor-propitiation as
an actor playing several roles in a play, and not as the vehicle of
the spirits of their ancestors. A young Coorg told me that he had
seen a Bal)l)a oracle saluting a big official while he was alleged to be
possessed by an ancestor-spirit, and this was proof to him of the
fact that 211 possessions were just make-believe and not real.
Another Coorg youth told me that while he was witenssing an
ancestor-propitiation at a friend's house, the Bal)l)a oracle, address-
ing him, said 'bd kllnyi' (come, child). My informant, incensed at
being called a 'child' by a low-caste Balfl)a promptly slapped him.
The term 'child' is normally used by an elder towards a youth, but
only an elder of the same or equivalent or superior caste is en-
titled to this privilege, and not an elder of a low caste. My infor-
mant regarded the oracle as a BaI)l)a, and not as the ancestor of a
friend: he had projected the normal structure into the ritual con-
text. Needless to say he did not belieye that a Coorg ancestor
possessed a BaIwa oracle at an ancestor-propitiation.
The BaI)I)a normally occupies a low position in the hierarchy,
but the fact that he is the master of the complicated technique of
ancestor-propitiation, and that he is possessed by these spirits
during the propitiation, temporarily put him in a high position.
The contemporary decline of belief in ancestor-spirits, as well as
the increasing lack of appeal of the mode of propitiation adopted
by the BaDl)a, have tended to confine him to the position normally
occupied by him in the caste structure.
The Brahmin occupies the highest position in the hierarchy and
is also the master of a highly complicated ritual technique. But in
spite of this there is frequently a certain inconsistency between the
positions occupied by him in ritual and secular contexts respec-
tively. In secular affairs power is actually possessed by the man who
has wealth and a large following, whatever his caste might be.
But even he has to accord the Brahmin the highest place in ritual
contexts. The complex relation prevailing between a wealthy and
powerful Shiidra Hindu and his poor Brahmin priest comes to
mind: the Brahmin is in the Shiidra's pay and protection, but still
he has to be respected as a Brahmin and especially in ritual contexts.
Where the Brahmin priest is also a scholar or holy man there does
not seem to be any inconsistency between his ritual and secular
Caste has a tendency to stress horizontal ties. It unites members
of the same caste living in different villages and distinguishes
them from other castes in the same village. It is extremely unlike
the village community in which members of different castes are
united by certain common values and are marked off from other
villages. The existence of feuds between villages in the past
emphasized the solidarity of the village and offset the separating
influence ofcaste.
The solidarity prevalent between the various castes in a village
(or mit;!) finds ritual expression during putri, the harvest festival of
Coorgs. On this occasion, the representatives of the priestly,
artisan, and servant castes living in the village (or naej) visit the
house of every Coorg in their area, and either give a gift or per-
form a service characteristic of their caste. They are given in
return gifts of provisions like rice, rice-flour, pepper, salt, jaggery,
coconut oil, coconuts, and a giant yam (putri gelJasu) which is
harvested during putri.
The local Brahmin priest visits, in turn, each Coorg house in his
village (or niit;l). He purifies the house by sprinkling it with a little
consecrated water which he carries in a ritually pure vessel. He
also gives each member of the house a tiny spoonful of consecrated
water to drink. The priest is sent away with a gift of provisions.
Like the priest, the Kal}iya astrologer visits the various Coorg
houses in his village (or niit;!). He informs the head of each house
when the rites of nere kattuvudu (see pp. 230-1) and cutting the
paddy sheaves should be performed. These rites are performed
only during auspicious periods.
The members of the artisan castes follow the Kal}iya. The
Tachchayiri or carpenter brings with him a gift of a new wooden
ladle with which to stir the festival curry made with all the vege-
tables grown at this time of the year. He also brings a bamboo
receptacle (kutti) in which the severed paddy sheaves are brought
home. The Kolla or blacksmith brings a new sickle with which the
sheaves are cut. The Meda brings a new harvest basket (putri
pachchiya) which is used in the festival. The Kumbara or potter
brings a new pot in which the harvest curry is cooked. Finally,
the Poleya brings a new mat which is used in the festival.
The harvest festival is the biggest of the various calendar festi-
vals of Coorgs, and on this occasion each of the several castes with
whom Coorgs live in close and intimate contact does some service,
or brings some gift, characteristic of it. Gifts are given in return to
each of them. The exchange of gifts strengthens the bonds preva-
lent between Coorgs and other castes.
At the harvest festival each of several interdependent castes
living in a village performs some essential service which cannot be
performed by another, and this fact is brought home to the
villagers on a ritual occasion. If the institution of caste has a
tendency to Jay stress on 'horizontal unity', the harvest festival
tends to counterpoise it by stressing the unity of the village.
drinking, chewing betel, and talking. The women rarely visit the
veranda. 1 Similarly, men rarely join the women who are all
presumably sitting in the kitchen, or in one of the inner rooms.
Men and women dine separately, the women dining after the
When relatives visit a Coorg house, the men guests join the
men hosts in the veranda, whereas the women guests join the
women hosts in an inner part of the house. During the harvest
festival and festival of the village-deities the men sing and dance
while the women watch them from a distance. Usually the men
playa more active part in the festivals than the women. There is
an oracle in the festival of every village-deity, and the oracles are
usually men. Women oracles are indeed rare, but where they func-
tion they are important.
Women are expected to observe a stricter code of conduct than
men. For instance, formerly, a Coorg woman who had committed
adultery with a low-caste man was summarily thrown out of caste,
whereas a lapse on the part of a man was not treated with equal
seriousness. Again, there was some difference in the punishment
meted out to a man and woman: a man was liable to be fined or
excommunicated, whereas excommunication was the only punish-
ment for a woman.
Different ideals are held up for men and women. Strength, skill
in fighting and hunting, and courage are admired in a man. A
proverb states, 'men should die on the battlefield, and women
should die in child-bed'. The killer of a tiger or panther and
mother of ten children were both accorded the honour of a
mangala ceremony. (See Chapter III.)
Formerly women seem to have enjoyed greater freedom than
they do nowadays. Elderly informants remember that even as
recently as fifty years ago women used to sing and beat cymbals in
public on festive occasions. Coorg folksongs tell us of women who
killed tigers and beld assemblies of men to ridicule. In some folk-
songs it is the woman. who takes the initiative in a love affair and
seduces the man with whom she falls in love.
The general impression one gets from the folksongs is that women
enjoyed much greater freedom in the past than they do today. It is
1 Frequently a Coorg house has a separate entrance which enables the women
to move in and out of the house without being seen by the men who are gathered
in the veranda.
probable that in the last 200 years Coorgs have orientated them-
selves more and more towards the patrilineal Kanna<Jigas and
moved away from the matrilineal Nayars. This was accompanied
by denying women active roles at the caste dances and festivals,
and the home was seen more and more as their proper sphere of
But nowadays, under the influence of Western ideas, the Coorg
woman is once again coming to the fore. Education is more wide-
spread among Coorg women than among the women of other
castes, including Brahmins. They are nurses, teachers, and doctors,
and do not hesitate to live outside Coorg. The economic position of
Coorgs and the fact that they marry comparatively late are some of
the factors responsible for the greater spread of education among
Coorg women. The greater ease with which Coorg women have
'emancipated' themselves is probably because they have not been
as long under patriarchal ideas regarding womanhood as their
sisters in the eastern part of the Peninsula.
cousins and elders. The boys walked, with their arms folded across
their chests, several yards behind the elders.l They took care to
speak in a low tone and to avoid laughing aloud. Young people had
to behave very circumspectly in the presence of their elders: they
were forbidden, for instance, to cross or stretch their legs before an
A senior, let alone an elder, has to be addressed by the appropriate
kinship term. It shows disrespect to address him by name. Even
when one meets a senior who is not related he is addressed by a
suitable kinship term. For instance, a very old man is addressed
as 'grandfather', whereas someone only a few years senior to the
speaker is addressed as 'elder brother'. An elder usually addresses a
younger person by name, or by some term like 'child'. Two people
address each other by name only when they are approximately
equal in age and when there is some familiarity between them.
There is an important exception to the rule that an elder may
address a younger person by name: a woman may not address her
husband's younger brother by name, even if the latter is her
junior by many years. In such a case the ancient Coorg rule, 'even
a seventy-year-old woman should salute a seven-year-old boy',
applies. Leviratic unions are preferred in Coorg, and this means
that a woman's husband's younger brother might one day be her
husband. And a husband may not be addressed by name. A man's
wife uses the honorific plural towards him, whereas he uses the
singular towards her.
Relatives who are placed in a position of respect are not addressed
by name, but by the suitable kinship term. This is because calling
a person by name is not regarded as consistent with putting him in
a position of respect. A woman is required to show respect to her
husband and to his younger brother who is her potential husband.
She calls him bava (brother-in-law).
Respect for seniority of age is so deep-rooted in Coorgs that
whenever they want to place a person in a position of honour they
endow him with artificial or social seniority. There is the classic
instance of Kaiyandira Appayya who saved the honour of his niirJ
and its temple by defeating and killing the fighter Kullachenda
Chondu. A grateful niig decreed that none, not even elders to
Appayya, may address him by name. He was not permitted to
1 Both the folding of the arms across the chest and walking behind the elders
show the respect the younger people have for the elders.
walled and winding lane (olJi) leads up to it. From the windows in
the upper story one usually obtains a fine view of the surrounding
country. Formerly, in the days when feuds, or kwjupi (kurjippaka
in Malayalam), between joint families were common, and a
surprise raid (ka!la parje) from a hostile okka was always a pos-
sibility, anyone coming with unfriendly intentions exposed him-
self to view from the windows of the ancestral house. The house
was built like a fortress and was able to stand a siege for several
The ancestral estate usually includes an extent of jungle, some
grazing land, and valleys in which rice is grown. The jungle
provided the household with the necessary timber and fuel. A
part of the jungle is reserved for burying or cremating the dead
members of the okka. There is a kitchen-garden near the main
building. A well or pond provides water for domestic purposes.
Every house includes an ancestor-shrine or ancestor-platform.
Uncarved stones, representing cobra-deities, are planted on plat-
forms built around the trunk of a milk-exuding tree. There may
also be other uncarved stones representing minor deities like
Puda and Gulika.
According to Lewis Rice,l in the seventies of the last century
the Coorg okka frequently consisted of twenty or thirty, and occa-
sionally even fifty members, all residing under one roof. He further
tells us that previous to the invasion of Coorg by Tippu Sultan in
the later half of the eighteenth century, it was not uncommon to
find in a house thirty or forty adult male relatives living together.
Many okkas seem to have had 120 to 150 people, allliving in the
ancestral house.
Nowadays the okka commonly consists of two or three genera-
tions of agnatically-related males, their wives, and their children.
Girls born in the okka go out on marriage as residence is patrilocal,
but it sometimes happens that a woman remains unmarried for a
variety of reasons. In such a case she stays in her natal okka. An
okka also includes the widow of a deceased member. As mentioned
earlier, leviratic unions are preferred amongst Coorgs, and a widow
of marriageable age marries a younger brother of her dead husband.
Even if she does not do so, she stays in her husband's okka looking
after the children. She goes out of her conjugal okka only if she
marries a member of a different okka.
1 Mysore and Coorg, Bangalore, 1878, vol. iii, p. 329.
All the members of an okka are descended from a common an-
cestor. The spirits of the dead ancestors (kiirm;avas) are regarded
with great reverence and propitiated periodically. It is believed
that they continue to take an interest in the affairs of the okka.
They expect the surviving members to look after the property
and interests of the okka, to observe the rules of the moral code,
and to show piety towards the various deities and themselves.
They have the power to reward those who are pious and to punish
with disease and misfortune those who are impious.
The eldest male member of the most senior agnatic branch is
the head (koruvukara or pat/Mara) of the okka whose properties
he looks after and whose affairs he administers. The younger male
members are called kikkararu and they have to obey the head in
all matters concerning the okka as a whole. The head of the okka
is usually also the eldest male member of it, and this union of
headship and seniority in the same person results in his enjoying
a great amount of power in domestic matters. Personal qualities
such as hard work, sobriety, chastity, pie:ty towards manes and gods,
unselfishness and impartiality increase the headman's powers.
The headman's powers are balanced by his duties: he has to see
that the expenses of the household are met, the members of the
okka do not quarrel with each other, the ancestral lands are pro-
perly cultivated, and so on. He has always to weigh in his own
mind how every act of his is regarded by the adult men in the okka.
It is not known whether formerly every okka had a council composed
of the adult men in it, but it is known definitely that when a head-
man proved himself very incompetent all the adult men in the
okka met together and proceeded to elect a new headman. In the
last seventy years the Karavan<;la okka twice elected new headmen
to replace the existing ones. The right to replace an old but in-
competent headman with a young and competent man is sanc-
tioned by the Coorg law (palanjol =old saying), 'ariyuvavane
periyavan', which means 'the wisest is the eldest'. We call
attention here to the equation of wisdom with seniority, an
equation which is used even in repiacingan old man by a young one.
Until the beginning of the last century the immovable pro-
perty of an okka was regarded as impartible, and property de-
scended from one generation to another without being split up in
the process. In this respect Coorgs differed from other Hindus and,
consequently, Coorg agriculture escaped the two great drawbacks
In a sense, only men are full members of the okka, but such
rights as women do possess in it are of paramount importance to
them, and the granting of these rights in the bridegroom's okka is
the crucial point in the marriage ritual. The granting of rights to
the bride in the groom's okka is accompanied by the severance of
her connexion with her natal okka. But such severance is not com-
plete and irrevocable. The entire process is symbolized in the
transference of twelve pebbles from the bride's natal okka to her
After marriage, then, a girl is a member of her conjugal okka,
and her membership does not become extinct even if she becomes
a widow. She is entitled to stay in her conjugal home and to be
maintained out of its income. She has also the right to be buried
after death in its burial-ground.
The bride is given membership in the groom's okka, and not
rights in the groom's share in the ancestral property of his okka.
The entire idea of an individual having a share in the ancestral
property of his okka is a comparatively recent introduction into
Coorg law. Traditionally, the immovable property of an okka
was both inalienable and impartible. But when partition did actu-
ally take place, it was done with the consent of all the members.
Nowadays, occasionally, a Coorg widow who is marrying her dead
husband's younger brother is given rights anew in the okka of her
new husband. This novel custom proceeds from the idea referred
to above, that the bride is only given rights in her husband's share
The wife of the headman of the okka is the mistress of the house-
hold. She is called 'manepm;ikiirti' (house-work-woman). Ideally,
all the women in the okka have to work under her guidance. The
relationship between the various women in the joint family is
frequently one of conflict. There is first of all the relationship
between the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, which is cele-
brated in Coorgand other South Indian folklore as one of conflict.
In a society where the sexes are segregated even inside the house-
hold and where elders are very highly respected, the mother-in-law,
at least in the first few years of marriage, is a much more important
relative for a girl than even her husband. And this relationship is
basically one of conflict. A girl is also in a relation of conflict with
her husband's sisters, married as well as unmarried, and with her
husband's brother's wives.
The conflicts between the women in the patrilocal okka strike
atits solidarity. Elsewhere in south India where partiti~fi~
lead to division of the joint family. But in COO!g wneJ.e-'t1ieokka
is a very strong entity, and where partition is legally f))rbidden,
they make the harmonious working of the okka extremely difficult.
Besides the conflicts mentioned above, certain lines of cleavage
in the okka are 0 bvious. The distinction between the sexes, which
is present in the whole of the society, is also presen,t in every unit
of it. So is the distinction between members of different genera-
tions. Enormous emphasis is laid on seniority, and this is visible
not only between members of different generatio~. bU,t ,also
between members of the same generation. The younge'r member
has to behave deferentially towards the older.
Before the introduction, in however grudging a form, of the
principle of partition, and of the new ideals associated with in-
dustrialization and Westernization, the elementary family was not
a powerful unit. It .obtained only a grudging recognition in ritual,
which was quite consistent with its relative lack of emphasis in the
total structure. A tendency of recent times is the strengthening of
the elementary family at the expense of the okka. The elementary
family is increasingly becoming the real residential, commensal,
and economic group with certain ties with the okka from which it is
emerging, or has just emerged.
The existence of these divisions inside the okka did not prevent
it from acting as a unit in relation to other okkas. The okka was the
basic unit of society, and certain offices like the headman ship of
the village, nar;l, and the local temple traditionally ran in certain
okkas. Again, contribution to collective tasks was on the basis of the
okka. For instance, each local high caste okka had to send at least
one man and one woman for every Coorg wedding in the village.
Similarly, it had to send representatives to the festival of the village-
deity, and for repairing roads and building bridges. All the adult
men in an okka were required to attend a collective dance or hunt.
Individual responsibility was not entirely ignored, however. An
old usage lays down the maximum fine that could be levied on a
guilty man l (as distinct from the okka of which he was a member)
as nine annas and three bhattis of paddy. Again, when a person was
guilty of a grave offence even his okka joined with his caste in
excommunicating him.
1 It is likely that the fine was paid out of the private funds of the guilty man,
and that where he had none, his okka came to his rescue.
IN A.Q 1850
(Aeeordi"9 to Rir.hter)
twelve kombus, and gives a list of the eight simi-headmen and four
appellate courts. A caution should be entered here against treating
this song as evidence of the system as it actually existed. The
picture it presents is too tidy and systematized, and it is not im-
probable that it sacrifices accuracy for ncatness and order.
It is likely that before Coorg was conquered by the Lingayat
Rajas the biggest territorial unit was a group of two or three or
more niicjs led by a chief who called himself Nayaka. The chiefs
constantly fought among themselves, and this made it easier for
the Lingayat Rajas to conquer them and extend their authority
over the whole of Coorg.
Two or three naifs seem to have also come together for purposes
of defence against a common enemy, for hunting, and for hearing
appeals from the decisions of lower assemblies like the village-
assembly and naif-assembly. It is interesting to note, however,
that while folklore contains occasional references to an appeal to
an assembly composed of the men of two or three nacjs, there is no
reference to an appeal to a patti, one of the four appellate courts
mentioned in the desha keft pat .
EVERY society has a body of ritual, and certain ritual acts form-
ing part of the body of ritual repeat themselves constantly.
Not only ritual acts, but also ritual complexes, which are wholes
made up of several individual ritual acts, frequently repeat them-
selves. Several such ritual complexes and some individual ritual
acts might be together knit into a still wider ritual whole which
repeats itself occasionally.
Salutation is an individual ritual act. It might be of two kinds,
either elaborate as that adopted by a young person towards an
elder on a ritual occasion, or simple, like that prevailing between
two equals. In the former case the younger person thrice touches
the older man's feet with both hands, and after each touch he takes
the hands to his forehead where he brings them together. In the
simpler form of salutation which prevails between equals, each
person folds the palms before his chest, and as he does this he
moves his head slightly to indicate a bow. The folding of the palms
and bowing of the head are the most important parts of the ritual
act of salutation.
Salutation of the elaborate kind is only one of several ritual acts
in the ritual complex of miirta (vide infra), and miirta is again part
of mangala. Formerly there were several kinds of mangalas and the
narrowing down of mangala to mean marriage exclusively is a
fairly recent phenomenon.
Formerly mangala was performed to mark the attainment of
social adulthood by a boy when his ears were ritually bored by the
goldsmith. This mangala, the first to be performed for a boy, was
called kemmi kutti mangala, or 'the mangala at which the ears are
bored'. The wearing of ear-rings was symbolical of the attainment
of social adulthood. One who was physiologically an adult, but
who had not undergone the ear-boring mangaia, did not count as
an adult for ritual and social purposes.
The counterpart of the ear-boring mangala for a girl was the
mangala performed when she attained puberty. This was called
'pole kancJa mangala' or 'mangala performed on the sighting of
defilement'. The menstrual flow was regarded as defiling, and
formerly a woman observed seclusion for three days during her
periods. Mangala was also performed when a woman became
pregnant for the first time (ku/iyamme mangala). A woman who
had given birth to ten children, all of whom were alive, was entitled
to a form of mangala known as paitiincJek alapa.
A man who kIlled a panther or tiger had the right to nari mangala
or 'tiger mangala' being performed in his honour. Marriage
increased a man's status, and a bachelor was regarded as socially
and ritually inferior to a married man. Mangala was performed to
a bachelor's corpse before burying or cremating it, presumably in
order to raise the status of the soul of the dead bachelor.
A man who had lost two wives in succession was ritually married
to a plantain tree before marrying his third wife. The marriage to
the plantain tree was called 'biilf'k mangala', or 'plantain mangala',
and the tree was cut down soon after the mangala.
The number three, in certain contexts, is considered very
unlucky everywhere in south India. When a man has lost his first
two wives in succession, and intends marrying again, the third wife
is considered certain to share the fate of the first two. The per-
formance of 'bii/ek mangala' and the cutting down of the tree soon
after frees the human wife from the fate which would have other-
wise overtaken her.
Formerly when a man built a new house he performed 'mane
mangala' or 'house mangala'. Mangala was performed for the head
of the house on this occasion. Another form of mangala which has
entirely disappeared now is 'ettu mangala' or 'ox mangala'.
The ideal and usual marriage in Coorg is for a virgin to marry a
bachelor and this is called 'kanni mangala' or 'virgin mangala'. The
marriage rites are fullest when a virgin marries a bachelor, and
they are abbreviated to some extent when a widower marries a
virgin. They are still further abbreviated when a widow marries a
widower, and many old Coorgs would even refuse to accord to
such a marriage the name of mangala.
The ritual that is performed at the 'marriage of a virgin' may be
divided into two parts, one which might be called the mangala part,
and the other the non-mangala part. The mangala-part of marriage
is considered in this chapter while the non-mangala part is con-
sidered in Chapter V.
There are, then, several mangaias, of which marriage is one, and
at each of these mangalas, miirta is performed. J'yfiirta may be
regarded as a typical ritual complex. The ritual complex of miirta
consists of several ritual acts, and it is proposed to discover the
meaning of each of them by the application of the three rules
formulated by Professor Radcliffe-Brown. (1) 'When the same or
similar custom is practIsed on different occasions it has the same
or a similar meaning in all of them.'! (2) 'When different customs
are practised on one and the same occasion there is a cornman
element in the customs.'2 (3) 'If two rites are found associated with
one another on different occasions then there is something in
common between the different occasions.'3
The central figure of a rite is referred to in this book as the
subject. But the subject of miirta is referred to as the 'subject of
mangala' as milrta is always a part of rnangala. The term has been
retained even where the rite in question is peculiar to marriage, as
marriage is also a mangala, and the term 'subject' is applicable to
the bride as well as the groom. It is only when a rite is performed
by either the bride or groom exclusively that 'subject' is discarded
in favour of either of the former, more specific terms.
the sacred central hall (nellakki nagubage), where all rituals ought
to take place, ideally speaking. In the central hall is the sacred
tripod stool (mukkdli =three-legged) on which the subject sits,
and on either side of the stool stands a bell-metal lamp (kuttum
bo!icha). The subject thrice walks round the tripod stool and lamps,
and then salutes the lamps and the tripod stool before sitting down
on the latter. Circumambulation is clock-wise in auspicious ritual
and anti-clockwise in mourning.
1 The subject sits on the floor fully clothed while the women relatives pour
vesselfuls of hot water on him.
except the kitchen, central hall, and south-western room. If, how-
ever, they have to come in to perform their duties on certain
occasions like a marriage or an ancestor-propitiation, then the house
is purified after their departure.
The sacredness or ritual purity of the ancestral house was better
preserved by the fact that a woman was not allowed to stay within
it during her periods. Such a woman is in a defiled condition and
defilement is contagious. It also cuts off the person affected by it
from normal participation in social life.
Every ancestral house has an outhouse called iile pore in which
a woman stayed for three days during her periods. She attained
normal ritual status only on the fourth day after taking a bath.
During her periods she had to avoid going near people and objects
in a condition of normal ritual status.
The death of even an unrelated adult in the house defiles it and
the members of the particular household. After the corpse is
removed, both the house and the members of the household have
to be purified.
Certain parts of the ancestral house are more sacred than the
others. The central hall is very sacred. In the western wall of the
central hall is a niche in which burns an earthen or metal lamp.
The container is fillcd with oil, and there is a cotton wick, one end
of which comes through the lamp's lip while the rest trails in the
oil held by the container. The wick is lit just beyond the lip, and
the lamp burns with the lip facing east, the sacred direction. This
lamp is called nellakki bo!uk (central-hall lamp). It is lit every
morning and evening by a woman of the house who salutes it after
lighting it. It will be referred to as wall-lamp throughout this book.
A bell-metal lamp, hung from the ceiling of the central hall, is a
common sight in Coorg houses. It is called fag boluk or hanging
lamp, and it is saluted on 0.11 ritual occasions. Shri K. J. Chengappa
considers the wall-lamp to be the more ancient and more sacred
of the two lamps.
The south-western room (kanni kombare kOlJe) and the kitchen
(umbala mane') are very sacred parts of the ancestral house. The
south-western direction is a sacred direction, and the south-
western pillar (kanni kamba) in the central court of a quadrangular
house receives ritual respect. On certain occasions like an ancestor-
propitiation, a lamp is lit in the south-western room. The kitchen
is sacred as food is cooked there: food ought to be cooked in a pure
place and care is taken to see that impure persons and objects do
not get into the kitchen. Sometimes the periodical offerings of food
to dead ancestors, which are made in every Coorg house, are made
in the kitchen alone instec.d of in the ancestor-shrine or anywhere
There are two types of houses in Coorg, one which has an open
quadrangle in the middle and the other in which there is no such
open quadrangle. In the former type, the four corners of the open
quadrangle are supported by four pillars, and four planks (aimaras)
connect the four pillars at a height of about 2t feet from the
ground. These planks are regarded as sacred: none may step across
them, and no woman may sit on one ofthem.
Planks are affixed to the top of the parapet wall in the veranda.
One of these planks is called the 'ancestors' plank' (kiira~1GvaTJda
aimara), and it is regarded as sacred. None may sleep on it. I have
beard tbat anyone sleeping on tIle 'ancestors' plank' ill tbe bouse
of the Karavan<;la okka is thrown down to the floor by the spirits of
the ancestors.
Women very rarely visit the veranda (kaiyiile), and when they
visit it they may not sit on one of the planks there. Nor are they
allowed to sit on the planks in the central hall, though very old
women occasionally take the liberty of doing so when the senior
males are away. On the second day of marriage the bride sits on a
plank in the veranda of the groom's house, and this is part of the
ritual of admitting her into her husband's house.
At some distance from the main building is a shrine (kaimacJa)
devoted to the worship of the ancestors. During the periodical
ancestor-propitiations (kiira1Java tere), small figurines representing
the ancestors are kept in the shrine and worshipped. During
festiva1s, a lamp is lit in the shrine, and cooked food is placed
beforc the lamp.
Kaimarjas or ancestor-shrines seem to be a recent phenomenon,
and before they became popular the dead ancestors were repre-
sented by unhewn stones fixed in earthen platforms which were
built round the trunks of milk-exuding trees. These platforms were
called' kiirmJava tare' or 'ancestors' platform'. Even today in Kig-
gatna<;l there are only ancestor-platforms and no ancestor-shrines.
Like the ancestors, cobra-deities are represented by unhewD
stones and fixed in platforms built round the trunks of milk-
exuding trees. The vegetation growing near a cobra-platform is
considered sacred, and it is not permitted to cut it down. A woman
in her periods is not allowed to go near the platform as cobra-
deities are considered to be specially sensitive to defilement. If this
rule is not respected, she, and probably the okka of which she is a
member, will suffer misfortune. The cobra is a sacred creature and
he who kills it will suffer from a skin disease like leucoderma.
There is an attitude of ritual respect towards the ancestral rice-
field. This is specially noticeable when the crop is standing: a man
may not wear sandals while walking through it, or hold an umbrella
over his head, or whistle.
The rice-field is divided into a number of ridged-up plots and
the central plot of the rice-field is regarded as particularly sacred.
Formerly it was the custom to bury the umbilical cord of the eldest
son in the central plot. A man is supposed to have a special affinity
to the place where his umbilical cord is buried. If a Coorg boy is
found going to a particular place frequently, his elders twit him,
<Is your umbilical cord buried there?' Nowadays the umbilical
cord is buried in the yard of the palace of Mercara, or in a school-
compound, because Coorgs want their sons to do well in examina-
tions and become high government officials.
A part of the ancestral estate is used for burying or cremating the
dead members of the okka. The part where corpses are buried is
called kekala while the adjoining part llsed for cremation is called
!u!angala. 2 It is sacred, but in an undesirable way: the term
'bad-sacred' has been used to denote such a ritual condition. (Bad-
sacredness includes within itself both 'defilement' and <inauspi-
ciousness'.) A visit to the burial-ground defiles a person and a bath
is necessary to restore him to normal ritual status.
The burial-ground for children may be near the house, whereas
that for adults must be as far away as possible. The ghosts of adults
are harmful, while children's ghosts are comparatively harmless.
An adult has a social personality, whereas a child does not have one.
An adult occupies a social role or several social roles. The ghost of
1 Minor deities like Piida and Gujika are also represented by similar stones,
and occasionally found alongside stones representing cobra-deities.
2 Amongst Coorgs, the corpses of elders and important people are cremated,
while the corpses of children and unimportant people are buried. The Brahmins,
however, cremate all dead persons except infants, and in many parts of south
India castes which want to rise in ~tatus give up burial for cremation.
a headman or a hero or a particularly evil man is more powerful
than that of an ordinary man. The mourning-period also varies
according to age and social importance of the deceased.
It is not only places which have ritual value, but also points of
the compass. East is a sacred direction because the sun rises there,
and Hindus in all parts ofIndia regard the sun as a deity.
The ancestral house faces east and so does the ancestor-shrine.
The lip of the sacred wall-lamp in the central hall faces east. The
subject of a mangala ceremony sits facing east.
On getting up from his bed in the morning a Coorg salutes the
wall-lamp and the sun. The cultivation of rice is accompanied by
ritual at every stage, and on all these ritual occasions the subject of
the rites begins by saluting the sun.
South is an inauspicious or bad-sacred direction. A corpse is
buried or cremated with its head towards south. In Sanskritic
Hinduism, south is the abode of Yama, the god of death.
Coorgs, like Hindus in other parts of India, regard east as a
good-sacred direction and south as a bad-sacred direction. East is
associated with Churiya (sun-god), and south with Yama. Both
these deities have an All-India spread. Coorgs worship these two
deities along with other Hindus all over India. The possession of
common values binds people together and Coorgs form a single
community with Hindus all over India when they worship the same
1 All over south India devotees of the god Shiva mark their foreheads every
morning with three horizontal stripes of vibhUti or sacred ashes.
• Orthodox Brahmins frequently keep a cloth which they dip in water and
squeeze dry and tie round their waists while performing certain rites. This
is tied round her head. She wears bangles, necklaces, ear-rings, and
also ornaments on her ankles, feet, and toes.
The best man and matron of honour hold a white cloth umbrella
over the groom and bride respectively.1
Nowadays, the black, woollen, half-sleeved gown is coming into
fashion. Every Coorg who can afford it sports it at festivals, dances,
and weddings. It has become a mark of wealth and status, and the
white cotton gown which has superior ritual status is becoming
almost a symbol of poverty. But even now the subject of a mangala,
as distinct from others who are not as important, wears a white
gown. Any suggestion that he should discard the white gown in
favour of the black would meet with opposition from one and all.
It may be mentioned here that the hero Kaiyandira Appayya, to
whom reference has already been made, was prohibited from doing
a number of things which an ordinary Coorg did, such as handling
a plough, eating bamboo shoots, and wearing a black gown. He was
required to wear a white gown always.
The corpse, which is in some respects treated as similar to the
subject of a mangala, is dressed in a white gown, but with the
underside on top if it is going to be cremated, and with the left
side over the right if it is going to be buried.
Formerly, mourners also wore the white gown, but in a particular
way: the right hand did not pass through the right arm of the gown,
but instead it was allowed to hang limp from the right shoulder.
The gown was secured at the waist by a black sash instead of a
red one.
The white gown is worn on all important ritual occasions.
Ritual occasions are either auspicious or inauspicious, and there is
need to differentiate between them. Hence, though the subject of
mangala, corpse and mourner, are all dressed in a white gown, the
mode of wearing it is different in each case. The subject of mangala
wears it in the normal way, while in the case of a corpse it is
reversed, and in the case of the mourner the right arm drops loosely
from the shoulder.
1 Round about Mercara the bride and groom both wear a red silk veil during
mlirta. In the southernmost part of Coorg, however, the veil is not worn by
either party. Between Mercara and the Wynaq border, in Kiggatnaq, only the
bride wears a veil, and the groom removes her veil prior to consummating the
marriage on the second night. The veil is generally uncommon among Hindus in
south India and is worn only by the women of the ruling castes. It is likely
that the women of the royal families in pre-British Coorg wore the veil regularly.
Nowadays, however, all active mourners wear a white waist-cloth
(mumju) and shoulder-cloth (tun(lu). In the case of women mourners,
two of the four corners of the shoulder-cloth are tied in a knot in
front in such a way that the breasts are covered. A waist-cloth
and shoulder-cloth are normally the ritual dress of Hindus in
Red colour seems to have greater ritual value than white, and
silk greater ritual value than cotton. For instance, at a wedding
the ceiling of the sacred central hall is covered with white cloths,
except for the part just above the bridal seat which is covered with
red clothes. All the bride's clothes are of red silk, and according to
the ancient marriage song the groom wore a red silk gown and red
silk turban.
When a man (or woman) dies his relatives have to carry gifts
of white cotton cloths to him. But the dead man's sisters' children,
or dead woman's brothers' children, have to carry gifts of red silk
cloths. Those who bring gifts of red silk cloths are considered to be
closer relatives than those who bring white cotton cloths. It is
those who bring red silk cloths who take part, along with the dead
man's eldest son and widow, in the important pot-breaking rite
(ko(la kukkuva) which ritually severs the dead man's connexion
with his living relatives.
The ritual preference of silk to cotton is widespread all over
peninsular India among Brahmins, and it is very likely that Coorgs
borrowed the use of red silk from the Brahmins of the west coast.
The use of red silk in ritual is not very clearly defined-at least it
is not as clearly defined as the use of the white gown.
The turban is worn OJ:! very important auspicious occasions like
a wedding. On less formal occasions a Coorg ties a scarf round his
head. Both men and women tie a scarf round their heads out of
doors. But no form of head-dress, turban, scarf, or cap, is worn
inside the house. When a kinswoman comes into the house the
hostess removes her scarf. Failure to do so would be an insult, as it
would amount to treatipg the kinswoman as a stranger. Absence
of head-dress indicates the intimacy that prevails among the mem-
bers of a household. It is presumably for this reason that everyone,
including the senior mourners, has to remove his scarf and
sandals before the corpse. Such removal shows that the dead man
• and mourners are members of one household. They are kindred,
and kinship is intimacy. When two people are able to appear before
each other without scarves they are intimate, they are members of
the same household. It is an expression of the solidarity prevalent
between the two.
There is a great social and ritual elaboration of the distinction
between a married woman and a widow. A married woman or
garati is one whose first and only husband is alive. Remarried
widows and divorcees have a slightly higher status than widows,
but this does not entitle them to be classed as garatis.
The Coorg widow's dress consists of a white cotton sari, a white
cotton blouse, and a white cotton scarf. None of these clothes may
have a coloured border. The corpse of a widow, too, is dressed in
clothes without a coloured border. The corpse of a married woman,
on the other hand, is dressed in a coloured sari with a coloured, or
silver, or gold, border.
The distinction between a widow and married woman is abso-
lutely fundamental in every part of south India. Married women
have a great number of privileges, whereas widows have a great
number of ritual disabilities. A married woman is auspicious, she
is everywhere welcome, whereas a widow is inauspicious, and she
is unwelcome everywhere. This deep cleavage expresses itself in
the matter of dress also.
okka and this fact finds ritual expression. When a member of the
okka is dead and it is decided to cremate his body, the funeral pyre
is fired with a torch lighted from embers from the kitchen stove.
The torch is made with twigs collected from the domestic burial-
The belief in the protective power of teli nir is again the result of
a ritual attitude towards the kitchen stove. A few embers from the
kitchen stove and a few grains of cooked rice from a vessel on the
stove are put into a dining-dish. Water is poured on the embers and
rice, and a thick, ashy liquid is formed in the dining-dish. This
liquid is teli nir, and great protective powers are attributed to it. The
mourners returning home on the eleventh day after performing the
rites in the burial-ground, a daughter-in-law returning to her
conjugal home with her baby born in her natal home, a member of
the house returning from a long journey, and a newly bought calf
are all sprinkled with it.
In the foregoing instances teli nir removes some inimical or
dangerous power in the person or object that is coming into the
house. People who are 'strangers' to the okka have this power in
them. A child of a male member of the okka born in its mother's
natal house, a newly bought calf, a member long absent from home,
and a mourner are all 'strangers' for purposes of teli nir. Mem-
bers of the okka enjoy its protection and strength while persons
and objects outside it do not do so. Things that stand for the okka
represent its strength and protective power, and the kitchen stove
is an appropriate object to stand for the okka. The embers and
the cooked rice are both taken from the kitchen stove. The kitchen
stove and the dining-dish also stand for commensality which is a
basic feature of the okka in every part of India. In fact, commen-
sality is a legal criterion of 'jointness'. Commensality denotes the
unity and strength of the okka. Commensality is an act of solidarity.
Absence of commensality indicates division. In a country like
India where all kinds of ritual rules surround eating, commensality
assumes even greater importance than what it would have in
another society.
The domestic lamp, as long as it is burning, indicates that the
protective power of the okka is active, and its going out indicates
the withdrawal of such protective power. Such withdrawal spells
dangers to the members of the okka. The domestic lamp led to a
consideration of the significance of the kitchen stove, and this in
turn led to a consideration of fire generally and the sun. In
Sanskritic or All-India Hinduism, Agni is the god of fire and he
is related to SaviUir or Surya, the sun-god. Agni and Surya are
deities in the Vedas and they are known and understood all over
Hindu India. The local phenomenon of the attribution of sacred-
ness to the domestic lamp and kitchen stove is absorbed into the
All-India worship of Agni and SiIrya. 1 Coorgs are drawn into an
All-India ritual idiom which is mainly Sanskritic in character.
The sprinkling of rice on a person or thing is a common ritual
act in Coorg, and it is one of the several acts which together form
the ritual of miirta. An instance of the ritual sprinkling of rice will
be considered now with a view to discovering its meaning.
Birth results in pollution for the mother, the new-born infant,
and the okka of which the mother is a member. While the other
members of the polluted okka attain normal ritual status on the
twelfth day of birth, the mother herself remains polluted till the
sixtieth day. On that day, after a bath which ends her long period
of pollution, she performs a certain ritual which signifies her
resumption of her normal, pre-pollution duties.
One of her normal duties is the bringing of water from the
domestic well into the kitchen, and the resumption of this particular
duty is dramatized in 'Ganga puja' (worship of Ganga or Ganges).
The confined woman has a bath, after which she changes into
ritually pure garments. She then goes to the domestic well accom-
panied by two married women. First of all she salutes the sun by
throwing some rice grains into the air, and this is followed by
putting small quantities of rice thrice into the well. She then drops
a few betel leaves, with the smooth side on top, into the well, and
also empties the milk of a slit coconut into it. Finally, the confined
woman and, after her, her two companions draw water from the
well in vessels and carry the latter into the kitchen.
During the later stages of pregnancy, and for two months after
the birth of the child, the confined woman has been freed from all
domestic duties. The resumption of her domestic duties on the
jugal home, her mother-in-law combs her hair and gives her rice
mixed with milk to eat. The latter dish is considered a great delicacy.
Milk is used not only on good-sacred occasions but also on bad-
sacred occasions. When an infant dies, a coconut-shell contain-
ing milk from its mother's breasts is placed over the grave; and
if it is a few months old, rice mixed with milk is placed there
On the day after the cremation of a corpse, the dead man's son
goes to the burial-ground, and on the spot where the dead man was
buried he pours successively a vessel of water and a vessel of milk.
Milk is a very valued commodity, and the ritual giving of milk
indicates that solidarity is, or ought to be, prevalent between the
giver and the recipient. It is also a symbol of pleasure, luxury, and
happiness, and consequently mourners abstain from it while they
offer it to the spirit of the departed person. The mourners also
abstain from other valued objects like curd, honey, mushrooms,
meat, and betel leaves and areca-nut, which are again offered to
the dead person's spirit.
A kinsman who drank milk during the mourning period would
be guilty of impiety towards the dead person. In the neighbouring
KannaQa country it is considered a very bitter abuse to tell a
person, 'I will drink milk when you die.'
The use of milk is extended from solidarity rites to other rites
which have either no reference to solidarity at all or at best only a
very indirect one. While ordinarily water is used in shaving a man,
milk is used while shaving a bridegroom. The dish containing the
milk and the shavings is later emptied at the foot of a milk-exuding
tree like the jack tree (artocarpus integrifolia). The placenta is
similarly buried at the foot of a milk-exuding tree. One of the five
pillars of a marriage pandal has to be a branch of a milk-exuding
tree. After a corpse has been cremated the bones are consigned
either to a river or buried at the foot of a milk-exuding tree. At
mourning, leaf-cups made from the leaves of the jack tree are used
to offer food to the spirit of the departed person.
All mangalas except marriage have either become defunct or so
rarely performed that nowadays mangala is almost synonymous
with marriage. The ritual performed at marriage may be divided
into two parts, one part being mangala, and the other concerned
with the jural aspect of marriage. Only the former part has been
analysed in this chapter. By means of this analysis it is hoped to
give content to the concept of ritual idiom and to understand the
THE external world is divided into two parts, the sacred and
non-sacred. The term 'sacred' is used in its wider sense as in-
clusive of 'good-sacredness' as well as 'bad-sacredness'. Good
sacredness includes all forms of ritually desirable states and
conditions like auspiciousness and purity, while bad-sacredness
includes all forms of ritually undesirable states and conditions
such as inauspiciousness and impurity.
'Ilhe Ko<.lagi term for ritual purity is ma(ji, and this term is found
in all other Dravidian languages except Malayalam; and pole,
which means ritual impurity, is found in all Dravidian languages
except Telugu.
Pole is used in Kogagi in two senses: one, in which it means
ritual impurity generally; and another in which it means certain
specific forms of ritual impurity. In the latter cases it is usual to
add the necessary prefixes: for instance, kururju pole (blind pollu-
tion) or tinga pole (monthly pollution) refers to the impurity of a
woman in her periods, and petta pole or pururju 1 pole refers to
birth pollution.
The pollution resulting from the death of a person is called tike.
Tit in Tamil means death-pollution, while tit in Ko<.lagi means
faeces. A house in which an adult has died is referred to as tike
mane (polluted house) till the end of ritual mourning. On the day
ritual mourning ends, in the afternoon, after the mourners have
returned from the burial-ground, the family friend says, 'Until
now mourning, from now on festival' (indiika~1e tamme inya pinya
namme). Tamme is used to mean mourning, while namme is used
to mean festival.
All over India there is a ban on a member of a higher caste
1 Purulju which means the pollution consequent on birth occurs in all Dravi-
dian languages excepting MalayaJam.
touching, or coming very close to, a member of a lower caste. This
is specially so where the structural distance between the two castes
is very great. In Malabar and Coorg the ban on contact between
different castes has been elaborately systematized. People belong-
ing to two different castes have to maintain a certain minimum
distance between them, and failure to do so results in the member
of the higher caste being polluted. TintJu pate means the pollution
that results from the failure to maintain the requisite distance
between two people belonging to different castes.
A man is in a condition of ritual impurity in relation to a member
of a higher caste while he is in a condition of ritual purity towards a
member of a lower caste. The concepts of ritual purity and impurity
systematize and maintain the structural distance between different
castes. Caste hierarchy, on the other hand, makes these concepts
relative, except with reference to castes at either extreme. The
Brahmin is in a condition of purity in relation to all other castes,
while the Untouchable is in a condition of ritual impurity to them.
One of the most important Untouchable castes are the Poley as
(pote+ya). Holeyas are an important Untouchable caste of the
Kanna<;la country, and Pulayans of Malabar. The names of each of
these contain the local term for pollution.
Events like birth and death result in polluting the okka in which
the event has occurred, and certain other relatives. The pollution
resulting from birth is milder than the pollution consequent on
death. But in both cases pollution affects only the concerned
kindred, and it is the means by which concern is defined and made
known to everyone.
A woman is in a condition of pole for three days during her
periods, and she becomes pure only on the fourth day after a bath
in the morning. Formerly, the women of an okka had to live in an
outhouse, at a little distance from the main building, during their
periods. They had to maintain a certain distance from other
members of the okka, and from other people in a condition of
normal ritual status. They were specially required to keep away
from the ancestor-shrine and from the cobra-platform. The cobra-
deity was specially sensitive to defilement, and it was believed that
if a woman approached the cobra-platform during her periods,
the wrath of the deity would descend on the okka of which
she was a member.
Coorg women do not nowadays observe any restrictions during
nail and hair are all ritually impure. 1 As such they are inconsistent
with a condition of ritual purity. It is obvious that in the above
instances physical dirt has been identified with ritual impurity.
Purification consists in taking a bath and wearing pure clothes.
Dirt, then, is seen as ritual impurity, and cleanliness as ritual
purity. It is necessary, however, to stress that they are ritual and
not natural states.
Birth and death both result in ritual impurity for the entire
household for several days. This ritual impurity will not disappear
even if the impure person has a dozen baths a day. But, once the
prescribed period is over, the individual attains his normal ritual
status after a bath. It is necessary to stress that ritual purity is
fundamentally different from cleanliness, though they overlap
frequently. A simple association of ritual purity with cleanliness
and ritual impurity with dirtiness, would be a neat arrangement, but
it would falsify the facts. One comes across ritually pure robes
which are very dirty, and snow-white clothes which are ri.tually
A corpse is ritually impure and contact with it results in pollu-
tion. The crow, which is a scavenger bird, and is everywhere
associated with death, is also impure. The spirits of dead ancestors
?ssume the forms of crows on certain ritual occasions when they
are propitiated. The conclusion of funeral rites is marked every-
where by the offer of balls of rice to the dead man's spirit. These
balls are kept either on the roof of the house or on the ground at
some distance from the house. If the crows fall to these balls soon,
it is believed that the dead man is satisfied. Delay in the arrival of
the crows indicates that the dead man is dissatisfied.
If the crows perch on a roof and caw, the death of someone
under that roof is presaged. A man who sees two crows mating
will die soon after unless he sends a false message announcing his
death to his kinsmen. Nowadays it is not unusual for a person who
has seen two crows mating to send a telegram announcing his
death to his kinsmen. 2 The mating of crows means their increase,
and the man who sees it L likely to die. The way he can counteract
this is by announcing his death as soon as he has seen the crows
mate. The ends of justice are met by such an announcement.
1 The natural functions of the body are a great source of pollution, and this
idea is at the bottom of the asceticism which is present in Hinduism.
2 Needless to say, this causes the unfortunate kinsfolk a considerable amount
of worry and suffering.
If a crow's droppings fall on a person, he or she will have to dip
in a tank or river a thousand times. This is extremely inconvenient,
and so the person in question sits under a sieve while water is
poured on him through it. The sieve has a few hundred holes,
and every time a vessel of water is poured into it the person under-
neath has a few hundred baths. When the proper observance of a
ritual rule or prohibition involves great trouble and inconvenience,
there come into existence ritual mechanisms which take the edge
off the rules.
It has been mentioned earlier that there is an opposition between
good-sacredness and bad-sacredness. This implies that macji which
is good-sacred and pole which is bad-sacred are opposed to each
other. In concrete terms, a man who is in a condition of pole or
tike may not go to a ritually pure place like the temple and village
green. Conversely, a person who is in a condition of macji like the
man who is chosen to cut ritually the paddy sheaves at the harvest
festival may not come into contact with a man enjoying normal
ritual status, still less with someone in a condition of pole. A
person in macji avoids a person inpole.1
There are exceptions to this rule, however. Kaiyandira Appayya,
the boy-hero who saved the honour of Ka~iyetna~, was showered
with honours and privileges by a grateful nacj. One of the privileges
permitted him to visit the temple even when he was suffering from
pole. A similar privilege is even today enjoyed by the Bellitan<;la
okka in the temple of Byturappa in north Malabar. Byturappa, a
form of Shiva, is the patron-deity of a number of okkas in south-
west Coorg. The Bellitan~a okka have the special privilege of being
able to send offerings to their patron-deity even while under pote.
This is because a pregnant woman of the Bellitan~a okka who was
fleeing from Tippu's troops sought and found sanctuary in the
Byturappa temple. She gave birth t6 a boy in the temple and the
boy spent sixteen years in the temple before returning to his okka
in Coorg. There is thus a special bond between the BellitancJa okka
The ritual concepts of macji and pote are intimately related to the
social structure. A member of a high caste is in a condition of macji
in relation to a member of a low caste,andthelatter isin a condition
of pote in relation to the former. There is a ban on contact between
castes belonging to different strata.
It is interesting to note that when a low-caste man touches a
high-caste man, the latter is defiled and the former is not purified.
It is argued by some that this is astructural necessity as the essence
of a stratified society consists in maintenance of the structural
distance between various castes, and this distance would be
destroyed if contact between two men belonging to different castes
led to the lower being purified instead of the higher being defiled.
This argument ignores that egalitarianism is reached not only when
everyone attains purity but also when everyone is defiled. In any
case, normally the change of ritual status consequent on members
of differcnt castes coming into contact with each other is only
temporary. It does not lead to a permanent change of ritual status.l
A high-caste man is no doubt in a condition of ritual purity in
relation to a low-caste man. But considered by himself, his normal
ritual status is mailige, which is a mild form of impurity. He attains
purity on certain occasions, and pote and tike on certain other
occasions. Similarly, the low-caste man, considered by himself, is
mailige normally, and pole and macji only occasionally.
One last point needs to be made before completing our account
of the relation between pote and macji. Thc mourner who is in a
use a leaf instead. He may not ford a river. A silver chain is wound
round his left wrist, and in his left hand he holds a knife.
The miida ceremony frees all mourners from ritual mourning,
but not, however, the first-grade mourners, who are only freed at
the dikshe uttuva ceremony, which is performed long after the
mada. Until then, honey and milk may not be consumed, orna-
ments and coloured cloths may not be worn. A woman mourner
has to wear the mourning uniform of white shoulder-cloth and
waist-cloth. A man mourner may not have his face or head shaved.
The offer of food to the spirit of the departed person is a domi-
nant motif in Coorg funeral ritual. When the corpse is still seated
in the paved yard of the house, one of the mOUrners carries
some cooked rice on a plantain leaf and places it at the bottom of
the lane Ieading to the house. He aIso places on the plantain leaf
a lighted cotton wick on a piece of coconut: this serves as a lamp.
As he does this, double shots are fired from a gun. He salutes the
leaf as he would a corpse, and other mourners follow him in
saluting the food-offering and lamp.
The family friend places a food-bundle on the grave directly
above the spot where the corpse's head rests. In case of crema-
tion, the bundle is placed at the spot where the head lay before
On the second, third, and fourth days, the first-grade mourners
offer raw, uncooked rice to fish in a pond or lake, and this is called
'water sacrifice' (nir beli). On the fifth, sixth, and seventh days,
'shore sacrifice' (kare beli) is performed: the first-grade mourners
go to the pond or lake, and each of them cooks a little rice on an
improvised stove on the edge of the pond or lake. No vessel may
be used for cooking this rice. A flat bit of a broken pot is used
instead. This rice is then removed on to a plantain leaf which is
kept on a purified spot near the stove.
On the eighth, ninth, and tenth days food is offered to crows.
A sacrificial post (beli mara) of wood is erected in the yard before the
mourning-house. A plank is fixed horizontally to the top of the
post. The dead person's spouse cooks rice and prepares vegetable
curry, and these are mixed and placed on a plantain leaf. The leaf
is then kept on the plank on top of the post. As he (or she) keeps
this, he claps his hands and shouts 'hi, kd' (in imitation of the
cawing of crows).
On the eleventh (pannand) day, each of the second-grade
mourners attains partial freedom from mourning after he has
offered rice mixed with ghi, curd, and plantain to the spirit
of the departed person. The food is carried on a plantain leaf to
the sacrificial post, where it is placed to be eaten by crows. As each
.)f them comes into the house from the sacrificial post the family
friend gives him (or her) a few betel leaves and areca-nut. The
mourner chews the leaves and nut for a while, and then takes
the chewed stuff out of his mouth and throws it on the roof.
The chewing of the leaves and nut on the eleventh day is one
of the ritual acts symbolizing the end of mourning.
On the mdda day curried meat, rice, arrack, water, and betel
leaves and areca-nut are offered to the dead person's spirit. A
plantain leaf on which some curried meat and rice are heaped is
placed at each of the three spots where the corpse was rested en
route to the burial-ground. At the burial-ground itself the surviving
spouse and two other mourners sprinkle water on the spot where
the dead person was buried or cremated. Above the spot where
the corpse's head rests are kept three leaves, each containing curried
meat, and rice, and three leaf-cups (chal/e) containing arrack, water,
and betel and nut respectively. Each of the mourners takes a betel
leaf and nut from the leaf-cup in which they are kept, and chews
Food is offered to the dead ancestors of the okka at the periodical
ancestor-propitiations. It is also offered to them as a body on the
last days of Taurus and Cancer, and on the tenth of Libra. Besides,
at every festival celebrated in the house, food is offered to the
an~estors before the members of the household sit down to their
The idea of offering food and drink to the dead person has a
very important place in funeral ritual. The departed ancestors of
the okka are remembered constantly, and food and drink are
offered to them. They are also saluted and prayed to every day.
Some of the ritual acts performed and practices observed at
mourning are obviously reversals or inversions of the acts and
practices performed on good-sacred or auspicious occasions. For
instance, the corpse is made to lie on a mat spread with the under-
side on top. It is true that like the subject of mangala the corpse is
dressed in a white gown but the latter is reversed in some way: it
is worn with the underside uppermost, or with the left end of the
gown coming on top of the right end. On auspicious occasions the
proper side has to be on top, and the right end should rest on top
of the left.
After the corpse has been laid in the grave, the surviving spouse
throws three handfuls of earth into the grave. He (or she) twists
his (or her) hand (terangai =twisted hand) while throwing the earth
into the grave. The eldest son and other rclativesfollow the surviv-
ing spouse. If the corpse is going to be cremated instead of being
buried, the surviving spouse sets fire to the pyre by thrusting a
firebrand into it. Again, he employs the twisted hand while setting
fire to the pyre (terangolli = twisted firebrand).
In ritual circumambulation, movement in the clockwise direc-
tion is prescribed for auspicious occasions, while anti-clockwise
movement is prescribed for inauspicious occasions. The groom
goes round the sacred tripod stool clockwise. A devotee goes round
the temple clockwise. But the mourners go round the funeral pyre
in the anti-clockwise way. Similarly, the bier is thrice carried
round the paved yard before the mourning-house, the bier-carriers
moving anti-clockwise.
There is an interesting little problem here: while clockwise
1 Tne restrictions observed during the village-deity's festival vary from village
to village. As regards the food restrictions observed on the fast day the general
idea seems to be to avoid everyday diet and to starve oneself as far as possible.
In some festivals only roots and boiled plantains are allowed. Steam-baked
pudding (putt), a favourite dish of Coorgs, is prohibited in some places. Green
grampiiyasa (liquid dish) is generally allowed except in a few villages.
movement is restricted to auspicious occasions and anti-clockwise
movement to inauspicious occasions, on both kinds of occasions
the subject goes round thrice. That is to say, both the mourner
as well as the groom goes round thrice. How is it that the principle
of 'reversal' operates in some instances while 'identity' operates
in some others? If the principle of 'reversal' had been consistently
carried out in the above instance, the mourners should have gone
round an even number of times.
Whire rice grains are used in auspicious ritual, whereas rice
grains yellowed with turmeric powder are used in inauspicious
ritual. This is not the same as 'reversal' though akin to it. It is
called 'confinement' here : certain ritual acts are confined to
mourning and they may not be performed on auspicious occasions.
A mango or pavili tree which is growing in the burial-ground,
and green, is cut down for the funeral pyre. The entire tree has to
be used for cremating the corpse. If a branch or twig remains over,
a chicken is killed and cremated with it. It is inauspicious not to
use up the entire tree. Similarly, if a.grave which is being dug has
to be abandoned and another has to be started, a chicken is buried
in the former. Otherwise there will be another death in the house
in the near future.
The leaves of the baine palm (caryota urens) are associated with
death: on the day before mada a panda! is put up before the
mourning-house and the roof of the pandal is covered with baine
leaves. The corpse is fanned with a fan of baine leaves. Again,
when a man without relatives wants to have his obsequies per-
formed during his lifetime alone, a pandal of baine leaves is put up
before his house.
While baine leaves are used exclusively in funeral ritual, toddy
is used on all kinds of ritual occasions. Systematization has not
been carried to the extent of confining all products of the baine
palm to funeral ritual.
Rice yellowed with turmeric is sprinkled all along the way from
the mourning-house to the place where the corpse is buried.
Usually a man sprinkles the rice with his hands as he accompanies
the funeral procession to the burial-ground. Sometimes, however,
the rice is put into a bag and loaded on a pack-builock. Two tiny
holes are bored in this bag and the bullock is driven behind the
corpse to the burial-ground. The bullock may not be used for any
other purpose subsequently.
Formerly every Coorg okka had one or more Poleya or other low-
caste families attached to it as slaves. This was again an hereditary
relationship, and between families and not between individuals.
1 Cross-cousin marriage makes it easier for the girl to be absorbed into her
vessels. These remain her property, and in the event of her divorce
she brings them back to her natal okka.
A person's rights in his or her okka are represented by twelve
pebbles, euphemistically called 'twelve pieces of gold' (pannaran-
4achchi pon). At marriage a girl loses most of her rights in her natal
okka and obtains them in her conjugal okka instead. The bride's
family friend transfers eleven pebbles to the groom's family friend.
Eleven pebbles are transferred and not twelve. One pebble is re-
tained by the girl's natal okka and this is because the bride retains
some rights in her natal okka. She never loses them entirely. She
has always a home from home. Her natal home is called td mane
(mother's home ?), and a woman always feels tenderly towards it.
A woman has 8_ right to be maintained out of the funds of her
conjugal okka. She is expected to do her share of domestic work
under the guidance of the mistress of the house (manepalJikiirti).
Not infrequently the mistress of the house is also her mother-
A woman is entitled to cultivate a patch of ground for ginger and
turmeric, and to raise fowl and pigs, and the income from their sale is
entirely her property which she may hold even against her husband
or children. But she may work on this patch only after doing her
share of domestic work for the day.1
The preference for leviratic unions helped in the assimilation of
a woman with her conjugal family. The Coorg saw, 'I will not come
down the steps I have climbed up', refers to the fact that once a girl
entered her conjugal home she usually stayed there for good,
marrying one of the brothers of the husband in the event of the
death of the latter. A girl on marriage becomes a member of her
husband's okka and widowhood by itself does not alter her legal
status. She continues to be a member of her conjugal okka. In fact,
if there are no heirs to her dead husband's okka she might be called
upon to raise up seed for it by entering into 'okka parije' or 'makka
parije' alliance. She is not permitted, however, to raise up seed for
her natal okka. There was an instance of this in Nalknac;l. many
years ago and it resulted in bitter hostility between the widow's
natal and conjugal okkas.
Rights in a joint family are referred to as sammanda, and sam-
1 The term '{lyira Matti bhrimi', or 'land which yields 1,000 Mattis of paddy
is a conventional term and only means that the groom's okka is rich.'
2 A kanqa is a plot of land of a certain size.
S Rice is cultivated usually in small ridged-up fiats or plots. It is very necessary
at various stages in its cultivation to stand water for days, if not weeks, in the
measure used for measuring rice, in the bell metal dish leaning
against the wall, in the wa1l-lamp, in the stock of salt, in the kitchen
stove, in the buried treasure, in the stock of thread, in the piece of
cloth used for extracting thread, in the piece of iron used for making
needles, in the tiny chunrjekka 1 fruit, and in brief, in everything
from one to one hundred, will you give her rights (sammanda)?'
Groom's Family Friend: 'We give.'
Bride's Family Friend: 'On the marriage of our child into your
okka our servants will carryon their heads goods worth a thousand
birdns 2 in a box worth five hundred birdns. If this goes, who is the
family friend to be held responsible for the loss ?'
Groom's Family Friend: '1.'
Bride's Family Friend: 'Who are you ?'
Groom's Family Friend: 'I belong to Chiranqa okka, and I am
the family friend of Malchira okka.'
Bride's Family Friend: 'Are you the fmnily friend attached to
their soil (malPJaruva), or have you been hired with gold for the
occasion (ponnaruva)?'
Groom's Family Friend: 'I am both the traditional friend
and the family friend hired with gold for the occasion.'
Bride's Family Friend: 'Here, take these twelve pieces of
'Pieces of gold' is only a euphemism, however: the groom's
family friend is actually given pebbles. He is given only eleven
pebbles, one pebble being retained as already mentioned.
Groom's Family Friend: 'I have received eleven pieces of gold.
If your innocent child, the girl who is married to our boy, com-
plains that the rice is too hot, or that the curry is too pungent, or
that her father-in-law is abusive, or that her mother-in-law is
niggardly, or that her Husband is impotent, or that she cannot stay
in her husband's house, or that her husband's people are poor, and
thus complaining, she goes back to her natal okka and sits there, who
is the person to be held responsible for telling her what is right and
repairing the wrong, and for providing us (who have gone to fetch
her), for our return journey, with servants for company and torches
to light our way?'
1 ChullrJekka is a tiny fruit growing on a bushy plant used for hedging. It is a
vegetable, and in the above context it means a thing of small value, or a con-
temptible thing.
2 Birtin is a corruption of varaha, an ancient Indian coin worth about
Rs. 3-50.
The transfer of pebbles is an essential part of sammanda. Accord-
ing to an old saying, 'the weight of a person in gold is twelve pieces'
(ponnu tuka manushya pannaranrjachchi). The totality of rights
which a person has in the okka of which he is a member is repre-
sented by twelve pebbles referred to as 'pieces of gold'. At marriage
the bride's family friend gives eleven pebbles to the groom's
family friend as most of the rights which the bride had in her r:atal
okka have been given up and acquired in the groom's okka instead.
One pebble is retained because the bride's connexion with her
natal okka is too deep and fundamental to be totally destroyed. In
fact, if the bride happens to be divorced later, she has a right to
return to her natal home. As the old saying has it, 'when a girl falls
upon evil days, she goes back to her natal home'.
Some Coorgs have taken the theory of the estimation of the
value of the rights of a person in his (or her) okka rather literally.
They argue that each 'piece of gold' represents the traditional
estimate of the price of a part of the ancestral property and at the
marriage of a virgin the bride's relatives buy up her rights in her
natal okka and pay her the price. The bride buys llerself member-
ship of the groom's okka with the money she has acquired.
Pieces of gold do not seem to have been used in the past instead
of pebbles. The use of pebbles is clearly symbolic and it enables
the persons concerned to understand the legal implications of
The groom's family friend who receives the eleven pebbles
hands them over to the matron of honour who ties them up in a
bundle. She ties the bundle to the frontal breast-knot (molekat) of
the bride. Just before the bride leaves for the groom's house this
bundle is put into the box containing the bride's trousseau.
Nowadays it is not usual for the pebbJes to be kept for any length
of time. Neither do Coorgs regard these pebbles as sacred. But
elderly informants consider t.hat the pebbles ought to be kept in the
groom's house and returned in the event of divorce or widow-
When a woman is returning to her natal okka on being divorced,
or when a widow is returning to her natal okka preparatory to
marrying someone who is not a member of her late husband's
okka, the divorcee's or widow's connexion with her conjugal okka
is ritually severed. This is referred to as 'giving up the pebbles
(kallumbara kaipa).l The bride's family friend and groom's family
friend break the connexion in set fmmulas which are the same as
those used in marriage but for certain necessary alterations.
In the sammanda ritual performed at the 'marriage of a virgin',
the emphasis is on the fact of the bride obtaining rights in the
groom's okka, and not on her losing her rights in her natal okka.
When a widow or divorcee is returning to her natal okka, the
sammanda ritual that is performed severs her connexion with her
conjugal okka. In both cases, however, the loss of membership of
an okka is accompanied by gaining membership of another. The
difference in emphasis however leads to the one being described as
the 'conferring of sammanda' and the other as the 'giving up of
pebbles' .
Children normally belong to their father's okka, and they remain
in their natal home even when their mother leaves her conjugal
house on widowhood or divorce. Very young children, however,
accompany their mother to her natal or new home, but they return
to their father's house on attaining their third or fourth year.
1 The same ceremony is also referred to as 'kal mara kaipa', i.e. 'giving up
stone and tree'. Stone and tree are said to stand for the estate of the okka in
question. See N. ChiJ;u;lappa, op. cit., p. 508.
Coorg marriages are very stable, and divorce is not at all com-
mon. In fact, an exceptionally able and well-informed elder
could not recall more than seven cases of divorce in the last fifty
years. The niost frequent ground for divorce seems to be adultery
on the wife's part. Incompatibility between the husband and wife,
impotence of the husband, cruelty, and lack of thrift on the wife's
part are also grounds for divorce, though these seem to have been
very rare. A wife was expected to obey the husband in most
matters, and she worked under the supervision of the mistress of
the house in matters of domestic economy, and consequently
incompatibility and lack of thrift became significant only in rare
Where a Ccorg woman committed adultery with a member of an
Untouchable caste she was summarily thrown out of caste.
Adultery with a Coorg man was not as serious a matter, but still
far from trivial. In the latter case, her husband was certain to turn
her out of his house and her natal okka would be not at all friendly
to her. If, however, her parents were alive, they would offer her
shelter even though they strongly disapproved of what she had done.
The attitude of the public towards a divorcee is different from
that towards a widow. Widowhood is a misfortune, decreed by
1 Shri K. J. Chengappa tells me that where the widow has children by her
first marriage and it is decided to allow these children to remain in their late
father's okka, all the widow's goods are not removed to her natal okka. A good
part is left in the late husband's okka because of the children. She takes to her
second husband's house only a small part of her original trousseau.
God or the result of karma, whereas divorce reveals a serious flaw
in the divorcee's character. This is natural enough if the woman
has been divorced for adultery, or lack of thrift, or incompatibility.
It is a woman's duty to adjust herself to her husband and his okka,
and failure to do so renders her suspect. It is fairly easy for a widow
to secure a husband, while there is great reluctance to marrying
a divorcee. Again, a widow is permitted to marry after a minimum
period of six months have elapsed after the death of her husband,
while a divorcee may remarry only after a year has elapsed since
the granting of divorce. A widow is entitled to visit her children
in their father's house, whereas a divorcee is not entitled to do so.
Finally, a widow who has returned to her natal okka may marry
again into her late husband's okka, whereas the doors of the former
husband's okka are for ever shut to the divorcee. 1
But the divorcee and widow are alike in this, that neither has
a husband, and a woman, normally speaking, should not be with-
out a husband. An unattached woman is a threat to the stability of
existing social relations and to the moral code of the community.
The widow and divorcee are both regarded with a certain amount
of suspicion.
believed to be a dangerous and critical affair, and it is considered best for the
girl to have her mother and other relatives of her natal home with her at this
During the fifth or seventh month of a girl's first pregnancy, her mother and
other relatives go to their affines carrying with them all the provisions of a
dinner, barring salt and mustard. The salt and mustard are provided by the
affines. The affines and members of the affines' village are invited to this dinner
which is called kill beppa (keeping food). After the dinner has been given,
the girl's relatives take the girl to her natal home.
The implications of marriage, its rights and duties, are made
clear at the performance of sammanda ritual. Most of the rites
performed subsequent to sammanda dramatize the transfer of the
girl from her natal okka to her conjugal okka.
To begin with, the groom goes to the bride sitting alone in the
kitchen of her natal house, performs murta to her, and presents her
with a purse containing coins (chila pa7;la). The groom ties the
purse to the frontal breast-knot of the bride's sari, but before
to do every day for the rest of her life. She ritually takes up her
duties in her husband's house, and frequently on ritual occasions
two people accompany the subject in the tasks he or she performs.
-"uc reed-baskets are left at the field for Poleya servants of the
grcpm's okka to collect. The water in the well is worshipped before
takmg a vesselful into the kitchen. (It was seen earlier that the
confined woman similarly worshipped the well before resuming
her contact with it after an absence of several months.)
At night, on the same day, the bride is given a new name by the
women members of the groom's okka. This may be the name of
a dead woman of the groom's okka. Even when the bride is not
given a totally new name, some change is effected in her old name.!
If the bride is divorced later, or if she becomes a widow and wishes
to return to her natal house, at the ceremony in which her con-
nexion with her conjugal okka is severed, the family friend of her
natal okka refers to her by the name given to her in her natal
house, while the family friend of the groom's okka refers to her by
the name given to her at marriage. Thus the giving of a new name
marks a change in the bride's social personality: she loses her
membership of her natal okka and becomes a memebr of the
groom's okka.
Soon after the bride has carried water from the domestic well
into the kitchen, the groom's mother gives her a cup of milk to
drink, or a dish of rice and milk sweetened with sugar. In some
parts of Coorg she also combs the daughter-in-law's hair on this
In the patrilocal okka the relationship between mother-in-law
and daughter-in-law is very intimate and important. One might
say that in the first few years of marriage it is even more important
than the husband-wife relationship. The fact of social segregation
of the sexes operates against the young husband and wife spending
any considerable time together before bedtime. Again, it is not
thought proper for the young husband and wife to spend too much
time in each other's company. Such a couple will be 'talked about'.
A young man must attend to his work, must not encourage his wife
to be indifferent to her share of domestic work, and must be
linked to the dead person's by the fact that the dead person was
a sibling of the 'cross-nephew's' parent.
Husband and wife constitute a legal, economic, ritual, and
moral unity among Coorgs, and the sense of this unity is so great
that the surviving spouse plays an even greater part in funeral
rites than the eldest son, who represents the dead person's okka.
The 'cross-nephew' stands for the solidarity of a man with his
Close relatives of the dead person bring gifts of white cloths
(muri). These cloths are carried by women and are received by a
woman member of the mourning okka who keeps them folded
behind the corpse's head. They are used for certain purposes at
various points in the mourning ritual: for instance, the mourners
of the first and second orders use them for the mourning uniform
of waist-cloth and shoulder-cloth; they are used to cover the
corpse while it is lying in the house; if it is decided to cremate
the corpse, it is stripped of the white gown and then the body
is covered with white cloths; and, finally, some cloths are given
in charity to beggars and servants of the Coorg okka.
Relatives who bring gifts of cloth are usually accompanied by
their band consisting of horn, pipe, and drum. They also bring
a rifle with them. As they near the lane leading to the mourning
okka, all the relatives junior to the dead person dress themselves
in a waist-cloth and shoulder-cloth. In addition, the women
mourners unplait their hair and allow it to fall loosely over the back
and shoulders. They keep the gift-cloths on their heads and they
perform certain stylized movements with their hands which are
suggestive of the beating of breasts and head, a common symbol of
mourning all over India. As they come up the lane leading to the
mourning house, a member of the party fires double shots. The
band, rifle, and gifts of cloth are collectively referred to as kella!i.
Relatives who brought ketiime gifts at marriage are required to
bring kellari at death. The obligations of kinship require the bring-
ing of such gifts at marriage and death, and such obligations are
usually mutual between groups of kindred. In addition, the
bringers of these gifts are honoured according to the traditional
ritual idiom and given small gifts of cooked meat and sweet dishes.
These gifts are not equivalent in economic value to the gifts
brought, but still they embody the principle of reciprocity.
Reciprocity does not mean equivalence of return on every
occasion: equivalence is usually achieved over a long period
of time.
While other relatives bring white cloths, the dead person's
'cross-nephew' or 'cross-niece' has to bring a gift of a red silk cloth
(kendanolli). Red silk is more sacred than cotton, and the bringers
of gifts of red silk are more important than those who bring cotton
cloths. The 'cross-nephew' or 'cross-niece' is required to bring
a gift of red silk cloth. The funeral song, however, tells us that both
'he who took and he who gave [daughters in marriage]' (kon¢avanu
kot;ltavanu) brought gifts of red silk cloths. The divergence between
current usage and ancient custom can be explained by the sup-
position that cross-cousin marriage was widespread in the past.
The custom of cross-cousin marriage leads to the overlapping of
different kinds of kinship-bonds; and what was to begin with
a cognatic bond becomes later an affinal bond.
When a man marries, his sister's husband acts as his 'best man'
(bojakal'a), and when a woman marries, her brother's wife acts as
her matron of honour (bojakdrati).l This no dou bt gives importance
to affinal kindred, but ultimately it may be looked upon as one of
the numerous expressions of the solidarity prevalent between
brother and sister. Again, it may also be an instance of the over-
lapping of several kinds of kinship-bonds, as the sister's husband
or brother's wife might have been a cross-cousin before marriage.
Sameya gifts are brought by affines at death. These gifts consist
of coconuts, coconut oil, puffed rice (pori), cooked meat, rice
yellowed with turmeric, and three kajjayas (a sweet dish) fried in
castor oil. Mourners going behind the corpse scatter the sameya
articles all the way from the mourning house to the burial-ground.
When a man is dead, representatives of his mother's natal okka
have to bring sameya, and when a woman is dead, representatives
of her natal okka have to bring sameya. Sameya is also prepared in
the mourning house.
Sameya gifts stress the importance of the natal okkas of the
women who have married into the mourning okka. They may also
be regarded as giving importance to cross-cousins, as an affine is
frequently also a cross-cousin.
Affines, when they are not already related to each other, are
expected to be extremely formal towards each other. At marriage
1 I attended a wedding n which the b6jakarati was the bride's mother's
sister's daughter, but I was told this was Dot very usual.
1 All over south India village-deities like Mari are frequently represented by
rough unhewn stones. The Coorg instance is only a part of a wider phenomenon
spreading over south India, but there are other features which link up Coorg
especially with Malabar and South Canara.
1 This incident makes it clear that a grave offence against the ethical code
results in the ending of the otfender's ckko. It is surprising to note, especially in
view of the existence of special customary devices like okka parije and makka
A of X was induced to enter the Raja's service by his father, who
was a renowned magician feared by all on the Wynacj side ofTanQra
river. At the ancestor-propitiation mentioned above, the Bal)J)a
possessed by the son (A of X) accuses the Ba1wa possessed by the
father of being the real cause of the former's death, for, but for the
father's pressure, the son would not have entered the service of the
Raja. 'Father' and 'son' start fighting with swords, and blood is
drawn. The descendants of the X okka who are lookin;; on inter-
vene and stop the fight.
Sometimes the oracle, possessed by a particular ancestor,
inquires into the state of the ancestral estate. He asks the members
of the okka to take him to the paddy-fields, and he might even
sharply criticize them for not paying sufficient attention to the
ancestral estate. He might inquire after the welfare of the members
of the okka. It is said that sometimes these oracles point out
treasure troves.
The living members ask the oracle questions concerning the
various matters affecting them. 'Will my child recover from ill-
ness?' 'Why is a son not born to me?' And so on.
Before a particular ancestor leaves him, the oracle goes to the
ancestor-shrine, where one of his party sacrifices a fowl or pig.
Liquor, parched rice, coconut, and plantains are all offered to the
ancestor represented by the oracle. The latter eats the parched rice
and drinks the liquor, after which the ancestor who is possessing
him leaves him. He gets ready to impersonate the next ancestor
named by the head of the okka.
The last ancestor to possess the oracle is the Founder, in whose
honoUl the oracle wears the upper part of his tim! equipment.
A pig is usually sacrificed to the Founder. The head of the okka
requests the Founder to bless the descendants.
On the next morning the sacrificed animals are cooked and the
entire village is invited to dinner. Thus an ancestor-propitiation is
also an occasion for the expression of the solidarity of the Village.
The Bal)l)aS get as their perquisites the heads of the animals
sacrificed, provisions, some cooked meat, and also a little cash.
This is in addition to the fixed amount of paddy they are paid
annually at harvest. The Bal)1)as in a village serve the Coorg okkas
in that village or nth} during ancestor-propitiations and other occa-
sions when their services are required, and in return for this they
receive a certain amount of paddy annually. The relationship
between a Ba1)I)a family and a Coorg okka has a certain continuity
and members of the former are well acquainted with the history of
the latter. The Ba1}I).a family almost becomes the repository of the
traditions and history of the Coorg okkas it serves.
The Bar,u;a oracle is identified with the ancestor who is possessing
him, and his acts and words are considered to be the ancestor's
acts and words. In fact, an oracle is always identified with the
ancestor or deity whose mouthpiece he is believed to be. But
unbelievers are quite common among Coorgs, and an old man of
sixty-five had not seen a single ancestor-propitiation, which he
described as 'nonsense imported from Malabar'.l A sub-inspector
of police considered both ancestor-propitiation and the worship of
village-deities to be 'superstition'. Several educated Coorgs have
told me they do not believe in ancestors and village-deities. The
worship of fierce deities with pigs and arrack does not find favour
with many, both Sanskritic and Western influences being opposed
to it. Such opposition to propitiation of ancestors and village-
deities frequently goes with a preference for Vedanta of a kind.
But still one comes across elders like Kllttayya who tell you, 'they
(the people) continue to disbelieve in ancestors till they get a knock
on the head'. Repeated failure or illness makes a man go back to
his old beliefs. Sometimes the KaI)iya astrologer who is consulted
says that the trouble is due to the failure to propitiate ancestors.
Sometimes a man or woman is possessed by an ancestor or
ancestress, and while possessed, he or she might demand merely
an offering of meat and liquor, or a full-fledged ancestor-propitia-
tion with oracles, sacrifice of animals, &c. A person is identified with
the spirit or deity possessing him, and consequently the demands
of the person possessed by an ancestor are treated as the demands
of the ancestor who is possessing him.
The offer of meat and liquor to ancestors as well as the elaborate
ancestor-propitiation are non-Brahminical and non-Sanskritic
modes of propitiation involving the offering of non-vegetarian food
and liquor. Also no Brahmin priests are present and no Sanskrit
mantras are chanted. The non-Sanskritic modes of propitiation of
ancestors contrast with the Sanskritic which consists in the offer
1 This particular person was very irreligious. He had not even gone on pil-
grimage to the source of the Kiiveri.
of pinqa, or balls of rice or rice-flour, under the guidance of a
Brahmin priest.
Amma Coorgs, the highly Brahminized section of Coorgs, do
not make offerings of curried meat and liquor to their ancestors.
Instead, on a certain day in the year they offer balls of rice to the
ancestors, and this resembles the annual propitiation of ancestors
with purely vegetarian offerings and Sanskrit mantras, which pre-
vails among Brahmins and other high castes all over India.
Both the Sanskritic and non-Sanskritic modes of propitiation
exist cheek by jowl as far as the bulk of Coorgs are concerned.
The more inquiring of the men see the two modes of propitiation
as mutually inconsistent, but such an inconsistency does not
seriously trouble anyone. All over India Sanskritic and non-
Sanskritic customs, often involving beliefs regarded as mutually
inconsistent, are found existing together. Usually, the non-San-
skritic custom either drops out or is transformed to suit the
Sanskritic custom, but this process takes a very long time. There
is also no doubt, however, that the non-Sanskritic customs of every
caste as well as those of sects and peripheral groups are con-
tinually being Sanskritized. This has been happening for over 2,000
years all over India.
Splinter groups like Amma Coorgs are decades, if not centuries,
in advance of their parent-groups: the former have solved their
problem by Sanskritizing their customs entirely while the latter
are more conservative. Sometimes the splinter groups are so far in
advance of their neighbours that they incur the wrath of everyone.
They might even be ostracized by the other castes.
It has already been mentioned that every okka has a mita, which
is a platform where unhewn stones representing cobra-deities are
embedded. Vegetation is allowed to grow freely around this plat-
form. There is a ban on women approaching the cobra-platform
during their periods as the cobra-deities are extremely sensitive to
impurity of any sort. Though women no longer observe seclusion
during their periods, they are even now afraid of going near the
cobra-platform because of the belief that its defilement would
result in some misfortune to their okka. The angered cobra-deity
may be roused to bite a member. This is clearly seen in the ancient
saw, 'The deceit of women is very great, 0, Snake, please do not bite
us' (pommakkar/a maya mannaya pambe, ariyafe tiriyate koriyate
pambe): a member prays to the cobra-deity not to bite even though
it has been angered by women going near the cobra-platform
during their periods. Women are likely to conceal such violations
from others, especially males. If they are frank enough to tell what
they have done, purificatory and expiatory rites could be performed
to appease the cobra-deity.
Among Hindus all over India, cobras and the ant-hills in which
they live are worshipped on certain occasions. In south India there
is a belief that a cobra lives to a very great age, and that as it gets
older its tail becomes shorter. During the last period of its life it
is said to develop wings. Coorgs share these beliefs, and some of
them assert that a cobra-platform is built above the spot where
a cobra ended its earthly existence.
Allover India there is a reluctance to kill the cobra even though
it is a dangerous creature. Coorgs abstain from killing cobras
found in temples and believed to be harmless, whereas they do not
hesitate to kill cobras found outside temples.
The following incident is significant: A's brother did not con-
sider it a sin to kill cobras. He one day found two cobras copulating
and shot one of them dead. Several years passed without A's
brother obtaining a son. Some Brahmins told him that he had
committed a great sin in killing a sacred creature like the cobra and
that he would not have a son till he had performed the necessary
expiatory ritual. They further told him that the sin was so great
that even after he had performed the expiatory ritual no more than
one son would be born to him. He duly performed the necessary
expiatory ritual under the guidance of Brahmin priests, and later
he made a pilgrimage to the great cobra-shrine of Subramal;tya in
the Tulu country. Sometime afterwards his wife gave birth to a
son, and together with his wife and son he again visited the shrine
of Subramal;tya to express his gratitude to the deity.
Formerly, in the month of Scorpio, lamps were lit before the
cobra-platform every evening. In addition, in a few Coorg okkas,
a Brahmin priest visited the platform and worshipped the cobra-
deity, using Sanskrit mantras.
In the cobra-worship of Coorgs are to be found certain elements
which are common to Hindus all over India, others confined to
Hindus in Pninsular India, and yet others which are found only
in Malabar, South Canara, and Coorg. The worship of cobras
takes certain forms in Malabat which are very similar to those in
Coorg: in the former area it is common to find in the hOllses of
high-caste Hindus a shrine for cobras in the south-western corner
of the large compound round the ancestral house. The cobra-
deities in a house are intimately associated with it. The vegetation
growing around a cobra-platform may not be cut down, and no one
in a condition of ritual impurity may approach the platform.
In the KannaQa, Tamil, and Telugu countries, on the other
hand, cobra-worship has a different orientation. In each village or
locality, a platform is built round a peepul-tree (ficus religiosa) and
on this platform are kept sculptured images of single snakes, or of
two intertwined snakes. Such a platform is worshipped by all the
people in the locality.
Cobra-worship among Coorgs has the same orientation it has in
Malabar but for one important difference: in Malabar the deity
SubramaI)ya does not seem to be connected with cobras, whereas
everywhere else in south India cobras are identified with Subra-
mal).ya, the second son of Shiva. Shrines dedicated to Subramal).ya,
some of them well-known centres of pilgrimage, are commonly
found in south India.
The identification of cobras with Subramal).ya demonstrates the
way in which Sanskritic Hinduism operates. The worship of
cobras is very popular among all Hindus, and the identification
of cobras with Subramal).ya provides a door for the entry of
Sanskritic Hinduism. People who until then had only been wor-
shipping cobras came to know about Subrama1)ya, the son of
Shiva. They also learn of the story of Subramal).ya's birth, which
is a tiny slice of Hindu mythology; and of Shiva, his relation to
other gods like Vishl).u and Brahma, and so on. Pilgrimages to
shrines dedicated to Subramal)ya became popular, and these
shrines again are a source for the further spread of Sanskritic
Hinduism. There are usually myths about these shrines and each
such myth tells the pilgrim a little more about Sanskritic Hinduism.
Stones representing Puda and Gulika are frequently found in
the compound of a Coorg's house. P-uda is the Tamil corruption of
the Sanskritic bhitta, which means a spirit. P-uda is frequently one
of the deities in a village temple.
GuJika in the Tamil country is the name of one of the eight
serpents supporting the earth in Hindu mythology. In Malabar
this dance is performed on several days both at the temple and on the dancing-
green. In this the essential performers are a male member of each sib [okkaj
in the village, carrying each a kogi or staff surmounted by cloth tied in the form
of two cones with their bases together and the apex of one pointing upward.
Each performer has the right arm bare and a fold of the turban hanging down
his back. If all the male members of a sib should be unable to dance because
of age or infirmity, the korji must be carried by a member of another sib along
with that of his own sib. It is the sibs that are represented at the perforrnance and
individuals who dance in the line after the men carrying the staffs are a non-
essential part of the performance, carry no stays, do not wear their dress in the
distinctive manner of the sib-representatives, and may at any time drop out
of the dance which is forbidden for the staff-carriers.'
festivals, but their position in the social hierarchy excludes them from certain
positions and tasks. The principle of stratification modifies the idea of the unity
of a village.
1 'Kinship and Marriage among the Coorgs', F.R.A.S. (Bengal), iv, 1938
lack of any real neighbourhood in a village in Coorg Proper. But
isolated as a Coorg okka was, it was not completely without neigh-
bours. Only they were not the right kind of neighbours. The
Poleya or other low-caste servants of the Coorg okka lived in huts
near by, but the few small Poleya families could not give effective
help in beating off a raiding party from another village; and their
caste prevented them from participation in the ritual of a Coorg
house. They could only do menialjobs and carry messages.
The relationship between a Coorg okka and its servant families
has been considered earlier. The economic part of the relationship
was certainly very important, but it was only a part of a total rela-
tionship which had several aspects. In Coorg folklore there are
instances of a servant's great loyalty to his master, and of the
latter's great affection for the former. Achchu Kotta, a Poleya
servant of Kalluma<;la AyyaDDa, threw himself on the funeral pyre
of his master. AyyaDDa was very ill when a caravan from Bengiir
set out for Malabar, and Achchu Kotta joined this caravan against
his master's wishes. Before the caravan had crossed into Malabar,
Achchu Kotta heard that his master had died. Torn with grief and
remorse, Achchu Kotta ran back to B engiir only to see the flames
of the funeral pyre consuming the body of his dead master. With-
out a second thought Achchu Kotta jumped into the fire. The
members of the Kalluma<;la okka erected a stone in memory of
Achchu Kotta outside their ancestor-shrine. When an ancestor-
propitiation is held in the Kalluma<;la okka, offerings of food and
drink are made to Achchu Kotta's stone.1
Formerly, a man and woman from the servant family or families
observed ritual mourning for their dead master or mistress. The
bond between master and servant was strong enough to find
expression in ritual.
The de facto abolition of slavery by the opening of coffee
plantations in the middle of the last century, and the great changes
of the last hundred years, have contributed to the weakening of the
bond between the master-okka and the servant families. But even
now, when a Poleya does a piece of work, the mistress of the house
gives him a small quantity of castor oil in addition to the wages
(kochchi), paid in paddy. The application of castor oil to the head
is supposed to have a 'cooling' effect on the entire body. Hard
work, especially in the sun, brings about 'heat' in the body which
1 PaffJie Pall/me, p. 364.
Where the
subject had Where
Serial Subiect of rights /lOW
No. Occasion tfte rights originally given Remarks
Where the
subject had Where
Serial Subject of rights now
No. Occasion the riglzts originally given Remarks
tances, it is in- okka, and only
tended to give under excep-
the chiidren of tional circum-
the widow or stances are
divorcee mem- they trans-
bership of their ferred to their
mother's natal mother's natal
okka. okka. Such
transference re-
quires the un-
animous con-
sent of the
adult males of
both the con-
cerned okkas.
5. Legitimization of
a pre-or extra-
marital liaison:
(a) bendu par(ie, The The In the okka
when both the woman woman is of the genitor.
parties are alive. concern- a member
ed and of her
her chil- natalokka,
dren. whereas
her child-
ren do
not have
ship any-
Where the
subject had Where
Serial Subject of rights nOw
No. Occasion the rights originally giren Remarks
6. (a) Okka parije. Son-in In his natal In his wife's (a) The consent
law. okka. natalokka of the son-in
law and of all
the adult males
in his okk a is
necessary to eff-
ect the transfer.
(c) Adoption. The boy In his na- In the Only when there
to be tal okka. adoptive are no agnati-
adopted. okka. ca lly-re la ted
males may a
stranger be ad-
opted to con-
tinue the okka
t h rea t e ned
with extinction
owing to lack
of heirs. The
adopted son
loses his mem-
bership of his
natal okka and
becomes a
member of his
adoptive okka.
The consent of
all the adult
males of the
natal okka of
the adoptive
son, and the
consent of the
caste-elders is
necessary for
the adoption
to be valid.
1 Frequently the songs tell us that a group of deities set out from the mythical
Milk Sea. It is interesting to note that in such cases they reach some town on the
Malabar Coast first and then proceed to Coorg.
historical records. Contradictions occur quite frequently in them.
And it is also clear that they are Coorg attempts at 'explain-
ing' the fact of the existence of a number of deities in the villages
with which they deal. These various deities and their festivals are
brought into relation with each other, and one of the deities made
out to be the leader of the rest. In another song this leadership
might be claimed for a different deity in a different village.
It is clear from these songs that not only do Coorg, Malabar, and
South Canara share certain common cultural and ritual forms, but
that some of these have come from Malabar and South Canara
into Coorg. The fact that Tu!u-speaking Brahmins from South
Canara are priests at very many temples in Coorg, and that Coorgs
had (and have) considerable respect for them, helped the spread of
Tu!u and Sanskritic cultural and ritual forms in Coorg. Similarly,
the Kal}iya (astrologer) and Bar,lI)a and Pal)ika were responsible for
the spread of Malayajam and Sanskritic cultural and ritual forms
in Coorg. This does not mean that Malaya!am and Tu!u areas do
not have some cultural forms in common. Nor does it mean that the
cultural and ritual forms found among Coorgs should always, or
even in the majority of cases, be attributed to diffusion from
Formerly, Coorgs used to go to Malabar to learn medicine and
magic, and such Coorgs, on their return, seem to have exercised
considerable influence and power over their countrymen. The
ancestor of the Ajjikuttira okka, Kaliyatanc;Ia Ponnappa (alias
Ajjappa), and Chendappanc;Ia Kungu are all reputed to have learnt
magic and medicine in Malabar, and after their death they became
culture-heroes. It should be remembered in this connexion that
formerly a few Coorgs from every village in south-west Coorg
went annually in caravans to Malabar to sell their rice in exchange
for goods which they wanted. These trade expeditions also re-
sulted in the spread of cultural forms from one area to another.
A deity is commonly known by reference to the village in which
he has a shrine. For instance, Pannangalatamme is the 'Mother cf
the village PannangaIa', Pahirappa is the 'Father of the village
PaIur', Tumbemaledera is the 'Lord of the Tumbe hill', and so on.
Even where a deity is referred to by his or her name, a prefix is
usually added stating to which village the particular deity belongs:
for instance, Povvedi ofBallatnac;I is usually referred to as Ballatnac;I
Povvedi, Bhadraka!i of Kunda is referred to as Kundat Bhadrakaji,
1 The po!iya box is a box of plaited cane, containing an odd number of meas-
ures of rice, odd number of coconuts, plantains, jaggery cubes, and betel leaves
and areca-nut. It is carried by a married woman on auspicious occasions such
as marriage.
[J 81r6t1f'lltlli
Shr'll. •
~ 3 /t,lly" Of'4Clo~
~i dlfl(;ohere
IStone pole
1 At the Ketrappa festival the immigrant PattamiiQa okka now perform all the
duties which once belonged to the Ayyan9a okka. The latter died out and the
Pattama9a bought their lands and settled down in Bengur.
1 Any other okkas which have vowed to make offerings of 'horses' also join the
2 The Brahmins usually receive material goods in exchange for the ritual
services they perform. Every okka in the village annually gives the local Brahmins
a certain amount of paddy and straw during harvest. This is in addition to pay-
ments for specific services. During the festival the Brahmin gives the members of
the village some cooked food which has been earlier consecrated by being
offered to the deity.
1 They are alike in that both are excluded from the activities of the middle
castes. Extreme purity excludes the Brahmin while extreme impurity excludes
the Untouchable.
1 Collections are also made on the ninth and eleventh days. The expenses of the
festival are met out of the money raised at the collections. Rs 110 was collected
on the tenth day.
2 This custom prevails all over south India.
a It is known that formerly between 300-400 animals were annually sacrificed
to Bhadrakali. The number has fallen off very greatly now. A very small section
of Coorg opinion would like to do away with animal sacrifice altogether.
the immense fire that is burning several yards from the Bhadrakali
tere. The chicken and a little toddy are offered to the tere repre-
senting Bhadrakali.
The Pal)ika dancer gets ready for his performance which begins
an hour later. He wears tiny bells (gaggaras) round his ankles,
paints his face red and yellow, wears a turban, and ties an elaborate
red skirt round his waist. He stands there waiting for the Bhadra-
kali oracle to arrive and give him permission to place the circular
tere on his head. The tere is kept flat 011 the head and held by one
hand while the Pal)ika dances and sings a song in praise of Bhadra-
Three Poleyas, oracles of deities worshipped only by Poleyas,
also wait for the Bhadrakaji oracle to arrive. The latter rushes into
the Nandiyan<;la threshing-yard, stamps on the roaring fire with
bare feet, and then touches the Bhadrakali tere, signifying that the
Pal)ika may now place it on his head. He then rushes to the temple,
where he starts dancing a very vigorous dance before the shrine of
A change is noticeable in the Poleya oracles as soon as the
Bhadraka!i oracle rushes in. The deities of the Poleyas are regarded
as subservient to, and dependent upon, Bhadrakali, who is the
deity of the higher castes. And the oracles, who are Poleyas of the
deities of the Poleyas, are also regarded as inferior to, dependent
upon, the oracle of BhadrakaJi, who is a Coorg. Thus the struc-
tural distance between Coorgs and Poleyas expresses itself in every
Two Poleya oracles run to and fro, with swords in their hands,
while the third, the oracle of the deity Piida, writhes on the ground
and groans, while the Bhadrakali oracle is stamping on the fire with
bare feet. He stops groaning and writhing as soon as the Bhadra-
ka!i oracle leaves the threshing-yard.
The villagers place the tere on the Pal)ika's head. The latter
starts singing a song in Maylaya!am in honour of Bhadrakaji. The
entire body of villagers, headed by the Poleya oracles marching
with their face'> to the crowd, then run to the temple. The Poleyas
stop outside the temple while the others go in. The votive sheep
also may not go in, and they remain outside the temple. They are
later sacrificed outside the temple.
The villagers go into the temple and walk round the shrine
thrice. The village goat heads the procession inside the temple.
Once the third round is completed, the Pal)ika dances before the
shrine. The villagers let off fireworks, the Marayas beat drums,
and there is general tumult and shouting.
The Bhadraka!i oracle executes a vigorous dance for about forty-
five minutes before the shrine. After the dance is over he selects
two swords out of a number offered by the Brahmin priest and then
proceeds to the roofed platform at the entrance to the temple,
where he declares how many of the votive animals may be sacri-
ficed to the Poleya deities. Then he proceeds to place one sword on
his head and hit it with the other. Soon his head is covered entirely
.with blood. The Poleya oracles gash themselves following the
Bhadraka!i oracle. The latter then proceeds to the veranda of the
shrine, whcre he gashes himself more. This gashing is called
narahuti (human sacrifice). After the oracle has stopped gashing
himself he answers questions. He orders the Pal)ika to cease danc-
ing and remove the tere. The Brahmin priest then offers him con-
secrated water which he drinks. The l1riest begs the oracle,
identified with BhadrakaJi, to pardon the lapses which might
have occurred through ignorance and to leave the village without
inflicting any harm. The oracle orders those present to conduct the
festival properly, and then the possession ceases.
The oracle is completely identified with the deity supposed to be
possessing him. Even the Brahmin priest believed that the oracle
of Bhadraka!i was really the deity herself. It was temporarily
forgotten that he was a Coorg by caste. There was a look of fear on
the priest's face when he was requesting the deity (the oracle) to
leave the village without harming anyone. But though the oracle is
identified with Bhadraka!i, he does not enter the innermost room
where Bhadrakali's image is kept. That is to say, the implications
of the identification of the oracle with Bhadrakali are not fully
worked out. Only the priest may go into the innermost room, and
this rule is not relaxed in favour of the oracle who is temporarily
identified with Bhadrakali.
After the Bhadrakali oracle returns to his normal condition, the
priest shuts the door of the shrine and goes home. Women,
children, and a good many spectators also leave. Only the festival-
priests and other functionaries remain, along with those who have
brought the votive animals, to witness the decapitation that follows.
The Pal)ika, whose duty it is to sacrifice the animals brought by
. devotees, makes a small incision in the little finger of his left hand
before decapitating the animals. As soon as a few drops of blood
drip from his finger, he sacrifices the 'village fowls'. Then he
decapitates the 'village goat' before the shrine. The decapitation of
the other animals takes place only after the decapitation of the
'viIIage fowls' and 'village goat'. The PmJika receives as his per~
quisite the heads of the 'village goat' and of all the fowls.
After all the animals have been cut, the assembled villagers turn
their backs on the scene of carnage and remain silent for a few
minutes. This is to enable the deity to consume the essence of the
sacrificed animals in peace. They then turn round and sing the
dnanda pd! (the song of joy), after which the villagers depart for
their homes with the headless carcasses. The headless 'village
goat' is tied to a high branch of the deva kmJiga!e (oleander) tree
ncar the temple. It remains suspended there till noon of the twelfth
day, when it is taken down and cooked for the communal dinner.
It is said that vultures and kites do not touch the carcass of the
'village goat', nor does the flesh go bad as it normally would in
the heat of summer. This is attributed to the power of Bhadraka)i.
Like the village and okka, the ndij is a real social unit and not a
mere administrative division imposed from above by the Rajas. In
fact, before the political integration of Coorg by the Rajas, the
maximum political unit seems to have been a union of two or three
nat}s under a chief called Nayaka, who was usually at feud with
other similar chiefs. For some time even after the country had
been effectively brought under the control of the Lingayats Rajas,
feuds between ndt}s continued to occur.
The play of Kungu which is enacted in the south-western parts
of Coorg during the harvest festival gives us a picture of Coorg in
the days when inter-nat} feuds were common. Maradalri (feud)
was prevalent between Beppuna<;l and Kadiyetnii<;l, and it was so
bitter that there was no intermarriage between them. 'they con-
ducted raids on each other constantly. In one of these raids an
arrow from a Beppuna<;l man lodged itself in the body of a
Ka<;liyetna<;l man. The injured fighter was carried by his friends to
Chendappan<;la Kungu, a famous doctor in E<;lenalkna<;l. Kungu
agreed to treat the injured man because E<;lenalkna<;l and Ka<;liyet-
nag were friendly to each other. But Kungu's mother was born in
Beppuna<;l and she persuaded her son to neglect the injured man,
who belonged to a nat} which was the traditional enemy of her natal
niit}. The injured man died as a result of Kungu's neglect.
It was common for deities to be identified with their nat}s.
Temples were always chosen for attack. The story of Chengettira
Appa1)l).a stealing the wooden pins belonging to the see-saw of the
Bengur Povvedi temple has already been narrated. The most
successful way of rousing the wrath of a nat} or village was by
attacking one of its temples.
A patriot was also a devotee. The story of Kaiyandira Appayya
brings out this point clearly. Appayya, a mere boy, whose ear-
boring mangala had not yet been performed, was cut to the quick
when he learnt that the well-known fighter, Kullachen<;la Ch6ndu,
had tried to prevent the offer of worship at the temple of Ch61i
Povvedi in Arapat village in Ka<;liyetna<;l. Appayya persuaded the
elders of Ka<;liyetnaq to permit him to fight ChOndu, whom he
killed by resorting to unfair means. Appayya's action, instead of
meeting with disapproval, earned him great rewards. Mangala
ceremony was performed for him, and a number of privileges were
conferred on him by a grateful ndt}. These privileges later became
hereditary in the Kaiyandira okka.
When a hero was born in a hostile nat}, all the people in the nat}
suffered from headache. The tower of its most important temple
was damaged, guns hanging from the roof fired of their own accord,
babies sleeping in cradles suddenly woke up, frightened, and so on.
When the fortunes of a nih} were at a low eob, the elders of that'
niif}went on a pilgrimage to the patron-deity of the niif} and prayed
to him for the birth of a hero in their midst.
Legends grew up about a hero. Chcgettira Appa:tfl)a is supposed
to have accomplished everything he did before he was sixteen days
old. The hero had power to curse. After he died, he became a
powerful spirit, a bira.
The boundary of a lldf} obtains importance on some ritual occa-
sions. A groom passing in state through a ndf} to the bride's
village is given the 'plantain honour' at the boundary of the
Richter describes a custom which brings out the ritual impor-
tance of the niif}- boundary:
There is no social unit among Coorgs which is without a head.
Every okka has a headman and the headman's wife is the head of
the womcn in the okka. A temple has a headman with a number of
officials under him. A village has a village-headman, and above the
village is the niif}, and every niif}has at least one niif}-headman, and
frequently more than one. The highest category of headmen are,
however, the headmen of simeor desha, of whom there are eight inal!.
Coorgs have a keen sense of discipline, which is associated in
their minds with leadership and precedence. In their folksongs, not
only a group of men, but also a herd of cattle and a bunch of
1 Manual of Coorg, p. 170.
flowers have tl:reh,· leaders. And there the usual epithet by which
_. a headman is" referred to is mupayanda, which means 'having
precedence'. Th~,' sense of precedence js ubjquitous: formerly,
"when caravans bom every niigwent to Malabar every summer, the
senior headman's pack-bullocks marched ahead of the pack-
J:}unocks o(y.:.e others.
l;,t;jrleas.&ut precedence are expressed on ritual occasions. For
instance, most festivals of Coorgs include the sport of shooting
at a target (kuri): a coconut and, on either side of it, a plantain
spathe are tied to the high branch of a tree, and the competitors
have to shoot at the coconut from a distance. The headman of the
village has the right to shoot first at the target. Again, at the village
dance held during the harvest festival, the village-headman, or an
expert dancer selected by him, leads the dance. The temple-head-
man comes next after the village-headman.
At the nac;l dance, which is held a day or two after the village
dance, precedence is very important. The dancers of each village
forming part of the nag gather together at their headman's house,
whence they proceed to the nag green with band. When the senior
ndc;l-headman arrives with his men everyone present has to stand
up. A mat is spread for him, and others may sit down only after
him. If nag-headmen from other nags come to the dance, they sit
to the left of the host nac;l-headman, observing a strict order of
seniority between them. Every dancer is provided with a pair of
sticks. The host nag-headman leads the dance, with the guest nac;l-
headmen occupying positions immediately next to him. The
temple-headman comes after the guest nag-headmen, and the
various village-headmen who are gathered there take up positions
after the temple-headman.
The guests are received with band when they arrive, and after
the dancing and sports are over, they are given refreshments
which nowadays consist of coffee, soft drinks, fruits, and betel
leaves and areca-nut. Each guest nac;l-headman pays a palJa to the
hosts before leaving. The hosts accompany each guest a little
distance, the host's band proceeding ahead of the party, When all
the guests have left, the villagers conduct their own nd{i-headman
in state to his house. They dine in his house, after which they
During the harvest festival a party of villagers go from house to
house, and at each house they visit they sing the 'house song',
which gives an account of the ancestors of that house. After the
song is sung, the singers are treated to refreshments and given
gifts of money.
The singers are required to visit the village-headman's house
iirst. Similarly, the people who put on fancy dress during the
harvest festival have to visit the village-headman's house first.
For a week before the beginning of the harvest festival all the
adult males in the village gather together at the village-headman's
house every evening before proceeding to the green to practise the
dances and play some games. The guests are treated to a light
repast, after which the headman asks someone to take up a dU(;li
(small drum) and sing. The person who is asked to sing may not
refuse, and refusal is punishable by fine. Even the temple-headman
is not exempt from this rule.
At the Kundat Bhadrakali festival, the villagers frequently move
about in processions during the last few days of the festival. At the
head of these processions walks the na{i-headman's wife carrying
a dish-lamp. A dish-lamp has ritual value, and it is essential on
every ritual occasion, and it is the privilege of the naif-headman's
wife to carry it at the festival of Kundat BhadrakaJi.
The political 'ind economic forces set in motion in the last 120
years have been responsible for certain structural inconsistencies
coming to the surface during festivals. It was not always the
headman's okka which benefited from the new economic and
educational opportunities. The okkas which benefited from the
latter could ignore with impunity the headman's position and
authority. Frequently the headman accepted the changed situation,
and this not only failed to solve the conflict for supremacy between
him and the newly rich okkas but instead accentuated it. The
latter, having secured wealth and official positions, tried to secure
headmanship too. Disputes became frequent.
The breakdown of the traditional economy meant that fre-
quently the headman could not fulfil the duties of hospitality
periodically required of him; and when the headman was unable
to perform his duties, he found it difficult to insist on others
performing their duties towards him. People began to gravitate to
the new centres of power, the officials and rich men.
Formerly, people used to take their disputes to their headman
on the occasion of the festival of the local village-deity. Such a
festival ensured the presence of a large number of elders, a fact
J' fighter,' fu((gician, and doctor, whose apotheosized spirit is nowa-
days worshipped by Coorgs in every part of Coorg.
k' t. The story of K.aliyatanQa Ponnappa is not entirely fictitious, but
, ,has a basis of fact. He was a descendant of the Kaliyat okka in
"l' \ Kunjala vill.age in NalknaQ, and very early in his life he seems to
':"'; have gone to Malabar to study medicine and magic. After his
~eturn to KlJllJala he became famous for his magical powers: he was
sai~'"fo have under his control the 'ten spirits of the underworld'
(puttu kilt patara) which did what he wanted them to do. He was
also a fighter, and he actually died while fighting the soldiers of
Kara1).embahu, the chief 0 f Bhagaman<,1lanaQ at that time. His
friend and companion Boltu committed suicide after Ponnappa's
The spirit of Ponnappa caused headache in everyone. A famous
magician was sent for and he had the spirits of Ponnappa and
BoJtu and the 'ten spirits of the underworld' 'imprisoned in a
conch-shell. The conch-shell was buried under a stone in Malabar.
But some time later an accident released the spirits from the
conch-shell, and subsequently the spirits of Ponnappa and Boltu,
and their common friend Kuttapala Mayila, all found shelter in
the well-known temple of Sartavu (Ayyappa) of Makki.
Ponnappa and his companions have found shelter in several
temples in south-west Coorg. There are Ponnappa's oracles every-
where in Coorg Proper, but none may practise as an oracle unless he
has been authorized by the chief oracle ofPonnappa in Makki.
People in every part of Coorg vow to make offerings to Ponnappa
when they are suffering from bodily aches. It is believed that
Sartavu (Ayyappa) has conferred on Ponnappa the power to cure
aches. There is an annual festival in honour of Ponnappa at the
Sartavu temple in Makki.
Educated Coorgs point out that Ponnappa is not a deity, but
only the very powerful spirit of a great magician and doctor who,
in addition, died while fighting. The spirit of Ponnappa was, to
begin with, guilty of anti-social conduct, giving headaches to every-
one. That was the reason for its imprisonment in a conch-shell.
After its release, it sought and obtained the protection of Sartavu of
Makki. It then no more caused headaches, but cured them instead.
It was subordinated to a well-known deity before being worshipped.
It is important to remember that Sartavu is Ayyappa, the son
of Shiva an d Vishl).u in the form of M6hini. The lawless spirit
of a magician-cum-fighter is tamed by making it subordinate to a
deity who has been completely Sanskritized.
The rites and beliefs of the castes occupying the lower rungs
of the caste-ladder as well as the rites and beliefs of outlying
communities hidden away in the forest-clothed mountains of
India have been subjected to Sanskritization. The presence of
completely Sanskritized worship of rivers, trees, and mountains
in Hinduism, and their incorporation in the vast mythology of
Hinduism, make easier the assimilation of the ritual and beliefs of
the lower castes and of communities remaining outside Hinduism.
Hinduism is not static. Like every living religion it has contin-
ually reacted to the political and social forces of the time, both
influencing them and being influenced by them. In the last
hundred years it has produced reformist movements like the
Brahmo Samaj, Arya Samaj, and the Ramakrishl)a Mission.
Mahatma Gandhi himself in his fight against Untouchability and
in the many other reforms he advocated provides us with an
instance of the dynamic nature of Hinduism.
While the intellectual has all along concentrated on the Upani-
shads, Bhagavad Gita, and the Philosophical Systems, to the
ordinary Hindu the innumerable feasts, fasts, vratas (rites and
austerities performed to achieve certain ends), pilgrimages, and
occasional visits to nearby temples constitute the stuff of religious
life. The puriilJas (stories illustrating the works and powers of the
gods), itihiisas (consisting of the two epics, the RamayalJa and
Mahabharata), and stories about local saints and the songs sung
by them, all have a conspicuous place in day-to-day living.
India itself exhibits some unity when viewed in relation to the rest
of the world. Certain ritual and cultural forms are found widespread
over peninsular India: the tii!i or marriage badge tied by the groom
to the bride is found everywhere except among Coorgs. A married
woman wears a vermilion mark on her forehead, and only she is
entitled to a necklace of tiny black beads and black bangles and
to wear flowers in her hair. The cult of the village-deities too is
broadly similar.
Coorg Proper forms a 'Region' along with MaJabar and South
Canara. The three areas mentioned have many similar rites, beliefs,
customs, and habits. But within this 'Region', Coorg Proper seems
to have more in common with Malabar than with South Canara.
The ritual forms which Coorg shares with Malabar and South
Canara, and the deities worshipped by them, usually come under
Regional Hinduism, while the ritual forms and deities shared in
common with Kanna4igas and Tamilians usually come under
Peninsular Hinduism.
Local Hinduism has a more restricted 'spread' than Regional
Hinduism. The people of a village or na¢ share a great many ritual
and cultural forms in common, though membership of a caste
frequently cuts across these alinements in the case of the top and
immigrant castes. Castes like the Bal)l)a, Pal)ika, and Kal)iya share
certain ritual and cultural forms with not only their counterparts
in Malabar but with all Malayalis. Similarly with castes like the
Poleyas and Medas who are immigrants from the Kanna4a country.
The length of the period of residence of an immigrant caste, and
its position in the caste system, are factors which influence the extent
to which it has preserved its traditional culture.
The River Kaveri is a manifestation of Parvati, the wife of Shiva,
and the devout refer to it as Mother Kaveri in certain contexts.
Coorgs regard the Kaveri as their patron goddess: the Kaveri
Myth associates the river specially with Coorgs. Coorg women
pleat their saris at the back instead of in the front as in the rest of
India, and this feature of their dress is attributed in the Myth to
the force of the floods which pushed the pleats of the assembled
Coorg women to the back. This happened when Parvati first
assumed the form ofa river, and Coorgs, men and women, were
waiting for their patron goddess to appear at Balmuri, a few miles
from the source.
Regional Hinduism often contains some Sanskritic elements, in
which case it directly stresses Regional ties and, indirectly , All-India
ties. The identification of Subramal)ya with cobras in Coorg, and
in the TuJu, Telugu, and KannaQa countries is a case in point.
Subramal)ya or Skanda, the warrior-son of Shiva, is a Sanskritic
deity having an All-India spread. Cobras are reverenced through-
out India by Hindus and their worship takes different forms in
different parts of the country. But the identification of cobras with
SubramaI;ya is confined to certain areas in peninsular India, and
such an identification marks them offfrom other areas. At the same
time such an identification draws the Regional phenomenon into
the All-India complex:
A linguistic area is a culturally homogeneous area, relatively
speaking. All the castes in such an area possess in common certain
cultural and ritual forms. This type 0 f 'spread' has been called
'vertical spread'.
The upper castes in every part of India have a certain amount
of Sanskritic ritual in common, and this has been called 'horizontal
spread'. Thus a Brahmin in Coorg will have a certain amount of
Sanskritic ritual in common with a Brahmin in Kashmir.
Every caste in practically every linguistic area in India shares
in both horizontal and vertical spreads. Generally speaking, the
higher castes have more of the former than the lower, and the
lower castes share more of the latter than the upper castes.
The systematic reconstruction of Indian history which has
taken place in the last seventy years, the all-round improvement in
communications, newspapers, radio, films, and books have all
contributed to greater and greater Sanskritization of Hinduism.
The various reformist movements in Hinduism, while conducting
propaganda for the removal of what they considered to be 'defects'
in Hinduism, tended to stress the value of Sanskritic Hinduism.
The greatness of Sanskrit literature and the vitality of Indian
philosophical thought in Sanskrit have also contributed to the
increasing importance of Sanskritic Hinduism.
Sanskritic Hinduism has a plasticity which enables it to absorb
local religious phenomena. Sanskritic deities frequently undergo
changes in the process of being localized. An example will make
The members of the okka then eat a dish of cooked harvest yam
(putri gel)asZl, which ripens at the time of the harvest festival)
mixed with honey and ghi.
At the auspicious time fixed by the astrologer, the sheaf-cutter
leaves the house carrying the bamboo vessel in his hand. Before
him goes a girl carrying a disll-lamp. A band marches farther
As soon as he reaches the rice-field, the sheaf-cutter salutes the
sacred eastern direction and the fie1d. He ties a leaf-roll to the
bottom of a rice plant and pours a little of the contents of the bam-
boo vessel on it. Everyone shouts 'poli, poli, deva' (increase,
increase, 0 god), and a shot is fired from a gun. The sheaf-cutter
cuts a number of plants, taking care to see that each time he cuts
an odd number.
After the party reaches home, the sheaf-cutter's feet are washed,
and he is given milk to drink. He deposits the bamboo vessel in
the kitchen.
He then prepares ye!akki putt (seven rice-pudding), kneading
together a quantity of rice-flour, a few plantains, some milk and
honey, and seven of each of the following: new rice grains from the
sheaves, gingelly grains, tiny stones, and bits of coconut, ginger,
and green rattan cane. Small balls are made of this mixture and
offered to the lamps in the south-western room and ancestor-shrine.
Later everyone eats a little of the mixture.
Leaf-rolls (ned) and sheaves are tied to every part of the house.
The sweet, liquid dish, piiyasa, is prepared and into this are put
seven new rice grains.
The rites performed at the harvest festival stress, directly or
indirectly, the great value of rice to Coorgs. The astrologer decides
not only when the sheaves should be cut but who should be chosen
for this important task. New articles are used for this ritual. Elabor-
ate taboos surround the person of the sheaf-cutter, and solidarity
rites, in which valuable articles like milk and honey are used, are
performed towards the sheaves before cutting them.
Some of the rites performed, like tying plants and creepers locally
prolific to every part of the house, and uttering a prayer for increase
before cutting the sheaves, express a desire for plenty. The ritual
eating of the new rice, and the eating of the yams and vegetables
which ripen at this time, are another aspect of the harvest
On New Year's Day a clod of ploughed earth is brought home
and deposited in the granary. When a man sees paddy in the ear
for the first time, he goes home, stands before the granary, and
says, 'I saw paddy in the ear, I saw paddy in the ear, do 110t be
startled, do not be astonished, 0 granary.' He tells the granary
that there is going to be a. bumper harvest, a harvest that will burst
the granary. At the Kaveri festival, pilgrims carry home a handful
of rice from the granary (called' akshaya plitra', the mythical vessel
of increase) in the BhaganQeshwara temple. This rice is put into
the domestic granary to ensure a bumper harvest.
Rice is essential to the Coorg's survival, and formerly it was
also the chief source of wealth. Its cultivation is the most important
activity in which the okka, the nuclear unit of Coorg society, is
engaged, and the axis round which revolve other activities. A long
drought as well as excess of rain is likely to ruin the crop. Rain is
a friend only if it comes when wanted and keeps away when not
wanted. Proper rains in sufficient quantities mean a good crop, and
abundance of rice means food, wealth, and the ability to make
sacrifices to ancestors and festivals in honour of deities. It gives
one the means with which one can get one's sons and daughters
married, to keep one's servants, to give the feasts which have to be
given, and to perform other obligations. It is because of its enor-
mous social importance that rice, and everything associated with
it in any way, receives ritual attention.
a festival in your honour every year on the first of Aries. They will
perform a dance, and offer you fowls. You possess them, and grant
children to the childless.' The sister was inconsolable, and said
that she could not bear the smell of Poleyas. But the eldest brother
was adamant, and the reluctant sister closed both her eyes and
assuming the form of a. crane flew away to Pannangala. In the latter
village s1le possessed the Poleya servant of the Kartanqa okka who
tried to catch the crane. This deity is now known as Pannanga-
latamme (amme means 'mother').
The eldest of the three brothers settled down on a mountain
near the Pa<,iitora Pass, and he is known as Iggutappa. It is said that
on the first of Aries, when the festival of Pannangalatamme is
being observed, Iggutappa's hill is covered with clouds, and it
rains a little on the hill. Iggutappa, it is said, is very sorry for his
poor sister who was forced to become a deity of the Poleyas, and
he sheds tears for her fate. (Iggutappa is identified by educated
Coorgs with Subramalfya.)
The elder of the two remaining brothers settled down in
Paliir and is known as Paliirappa. He is identified with Vishl).u.
The last of the brothers settled down in the southern frontier
of Coorg in Tirnelli and he is known as Tirnelli Pemmayya.
He guards the frontier from Mari, the goddess presiding over
epidemic diseases, and from thieves. He, too, is identified with
Certain features of this myth may be noted. (1) The deities
setting out from Malabar are related as brothers and sister. (2)
They have a sense of seniority, common to both Malabar and
Coorg. (3) As soon as the brothers and sister cross over into Coorg,
conflict arises between them. The sister proves supreme, but the
brothers manage to defeat her in the end by adopting unfair means.
(4) The sister's defeat expresses itself in the caste idiom-a
familiar idiom in Coorg folklore. (5) The transition from matri-
lineal Malabar to patrilineal Coorg results in the overthrow of the
sister by the brothers. The brothers adopt unfair means to over-
throw the sister, but having overthrown her, are not happy about
her degradation. Iggutappa's mountain is covered with clouds
which dissolve into rain on the first of Aries: the tears he sheds are
not crocodile's tears, as the situation is essentially ambivalent.
(6) Finally, the brothers all undergo Sanskritization. The eldest of
them is identified with Subramalfya, while the two younger brothers
are identified with Vishl).u. This is no doubt inconsistent, but.
Sanskritization frequently produces inconsistencies.
Pannangalatamme is only one of several instances of deities'
losing their caste. KHrappa (m.) and Povvedi Cf.) of Bengur lost.
their caste too. The case of Povvedi of Bengur is interesting as her
namesake in Balmavti, a village three miles away, retains her caste,
has a Brahmin priest, and accepts only offerings offruit and flowers.
The ubiquity of the caste idiom deserves notice: the deities of the
lowest castes like Poleyas and Medas are not worshipped by the
higher castes, and these deities bear the same relation to the dei.ties'
of the higher castes which the lower castes themselves bear to the
higher. The habits of some deities are occasionally explained by
reference to the caste idiom. A deity who accepts animal-sacrifice
and liquor has lost his original high caste; and sometimes such an
explanation enables a Sanskritic deity to become the deity of castes
which consume meat and liquor.
THE myth woven round the River Kiiveri forms part of the Skiinda Puriil)a. 1
in 18M· the Kaveri Myth, called Kereri Maht'itmya or 'the greatness of Kaveri'.
was translated into Kannaga from the original Sanskrit by one Srinivasa Iyengar
at the instance of an influential Coorg official, Nanjappa, of the Biddan<;\a of,_ka.
The Myth has also been translated i;]to Kodagi, presumably from the Kannada
translation of the Sanskrit original.
The Kiivcri M{lhiitmya as it is found in the Skiind,2 Pura(w is an extremely
complicated story, containing many stories within it after the manner of purriilic
tales. it is inconsistent in many places, but then a pllrii(Ja is intended for the
faithful laity who have no disbelief to suspend. Richter, exasperated by the
inconsistencies of the Kaveri Mdhatmya, has written,
1 • "The Skiinda Purii?1a is that in which the six-faced deity (Skanda) has
related the events of the Tatpurusha Kalpa, enlarged with many tales ... Tt is
said to contain 81,800 stanzas ... " "it is uniformly agreed," says Wilson, "that
the Skiinda PUrii!Ja, in a collective form, has no existence; and the fragments, in
the shape of Sanhitas, KhanQas, and Miihatmyas, which are affirmed in various
parts of India to be portions of the Puraf,la, present a much more formidable mass
of stanzas than even the immense number of which it is said to consist." 'J.
Dowson, Hindu Classical Dictionary, pp. 300-01.
• Op.cit.,pp.216-17.
Richter is right in saying that few Coorgs could have understood a purci(la
written in a mixture of Sanskrit and literary Kunnacja. He could not have
foreseen that it would become a folksong several decades later.
The Kaveri Mahatmya describes the story of the divine origin of the river,
enumerates the sacred bathing places along its course from source to estuary,
and some of the temples on its banks. It deals with Coorg, the country in which
the river has its origin, and Coorgs, who are its most distinctive, numerous,
and important inhabitants. It gives the story of the origin of Coorgs.
Long ago, Kavera Muni, a sage, retired to Brahmagiri (the present source
of the River Kaveri) mountain in order to meditate on Brahma, the Creator.
Kavera's devotion was so great that in the end four-headed Brahma appeared
before him and asked him what he wanted. Kavera told Brahma that he wanted
.children. Brahma replied that Kavera could not have any children of his own
because of sins committed in a previous life, but as Kavera had shown excep-
tional devotion, Brahma presented him with Lopamudre, Brahma's adopted
daughter, and a manifestation of Parvati. The sage was pleased with the boon.
Lopamudre informed Kavera that she regarded herself as his daughter, and
that she wanted to become a holy river, a bathe in which would rid people of their
The girl lived with her foster-parents, Kavera and his wife, till they both died.
Some time after their death she met a great sage Agastya,l who had gone to the
Brahmagiri mountain in order to meditate on Shiva. Agastya fell in love with
Kaveri, as the foster-daughter of Kavera was called, and asked her to marry
him. She agreed on condition that she would leave him for good if she was
ever left alone even for a little while.
One morning Agastya wanted to bathe in Kanake, a river which rises in the
Brahmagiri mountain, a mile from the source of the Kaveri. He put his wife
into a vessel and handed the vessel to his young Brahmin disciples for safe
keeping during his absence. Kaveri, annoyed at being left alone, made the boy
carrying the vessel stumble and fall. The vessel rolled on the ground and Kaveri
escaped from it and flowed away as a river. The disciples then stopped the
river which promptly went underground. (The Kaveri flows underground
from the source till Bhagamandla, where the Kanake joins it.)
Agastya returned from his bathe and learnt of what had happened in his
absence. He ran after his wife who was swiftly flowing away as a river. He
caught up with her and expressed his regret at having left her alone and begged
her forgiveness. As a result of his entreaties, Kaveri decided to split herself into
two halves, one half flowing away as the River Kaveri, and the other half be-
coming Lopiimudre, the wife of Agastya. Agastya then told the river-half the
course it should take to the sea, and enumerated the centres of pilgrimage
along the course.
1 Agastya is a famous rishi, the son of the Vedic gods Mitra and Varul)a by
Urvashi. He is said to have been born in a water-jar, and was very short of
stature. He once drank up the oceans, and compelled the Vindhya mountains to
prostrate themselves before him. Tradition accords him a great place in Tamil
literature, and also credits him with the introduction of Sanskritic Hinduism
and Sanskrit literature into the South. He is also associated with mountains.
Long ago a Brahmin sage named Suyajnya settled down on the Brahmagiri
mountain and meditated upon Vishl)u with great devotion. His devotion was
so great that Vishl)u appeared in person before him and asked him what he
wanted. Suyajnya replied that he wanted children, and Vishl)u gave his own
daughter Sujyoti to the sage. The deity asked the sage to take the girl to Kanake,
servant of Indra, living on top of the Agni Mountain, near the source of the
Kaveri. Suyajnya did as Vishl)u had instructed him, and took Sujyoti to Kanake.
The two girls decided to meditate together. They did so for several centuries,
giving up food and water. At last Indra appeared before them, and he at once
fell in love with Sujyoti. He married her.
Some time after marriage Sujyoti informed her friend Kanake that she was
dissatisfied with the life she was leading, and that she wanted to do good to
mankind. She suggested to Kanake that both of them should become rivers
and join the KflVeri. Kanake fell in with Sujyoti's suggestion and the two flowed
away as rivers. Indra became indignant when he saw that his wife had left him
to become a river. He cursed her, 'You have become a river without my per-
mission. May your waters dry up.' Sujyoti was so distraught with grief when
she heard the curse that lndra felt sorry for her and modified his curse, 'You
will flow without water till you join the Kaveri at Bhagamanc,Ua, and then in the
company of Kiiveri and Kanak<~ join the sea. '
The Rivers Kaveri and Kanake meet at Bhagamangla, and to these two which
actually meet there the Kavcri Mahafmya adds a third, Sujoyti, which is said to
meet the two unseen. Apropos of this Richter writes, 'The story of the invisible
river Sujyoti,joining the Kanake and Kaveri is a lame imitation of the northern
tale, that Saraswati, a stream of great renown among the Brahmins, is not lost,
as it seems, in the desert sands, but joins the Jumna and Ganges at Prayaga
(Allahabad)." The Kaveri Mahatmya is an attempt to produce a southern
parallel to the northern model. Here again is an instance of the way in which the
Sanskritic idiom extends over the whole of India.
Another, and a very important, part of the Kaveri Mahatmya brings the river
Kaveri, the country of its origin, and the most distinctive inhabitants of the
country, Coorgs, all into relation with each other. A special and intimate bond
is created between the three.
Siddhaxta, the King of Matsyadesha, had four sons, the youngest and most
gifted ofwhom was Chandravarma. Some time after he had come of age Chandra-
varma left his father and went on a pilgrimage to various holy places in south
[ndia. In the course of his pilgrimage he went to the Brahmagiri mountain
where he meditated on Parvati, the wife of Shiva. When the goddess presented
herself before Chandravarma and asked him what he wanted, he replied that
he wanted a kingdom, a wife of Kshatriya caste who would bear him children,
and a place in heaven after death. Parvati told him that owing to sins com-
mitted in a previous life, he could not have children from a wife belonging to
his own caste, but would have to be content with children from a Shtidra wife.
The goddess herself presented him with a Shiidra bride, and told him that his
wife would bear him eleven sons, who would be called ugras. They would be
courageous and righteous, and respectful to Brahmins. They would be equal
to Kshatriyas in every respect except one, viz., they would not be entitled to
the performance of Vedic ritual. They would be devoted to the worship of
Shiva and Parvati.· The goddess assured Chandravarma that she would be
born in course of time as the River Kaveri, and confer prosperity and other
blessings on the children (Coorgs) of Chandravarma. She asked him to go
forth and clear the land of Mlechchas (Muslims). She gave him a victorious
sword, a white horse quick as the wind, and an army to drive the Mlec:hchas
out of the country.
C11andravarma overcame the Mlec:hc:has and married a woman of his own
caste according to Vedic rites. The coronation ceremony was performed by
Brahmins to whom he gave houses and lands. He invited other castes to settle
down in Coorg, called Matsyadesha after the country ruled by his father. He
had ekven sons from his Shudra wife, and Vedic rites were performed for each
of them on occasions like the conferment of name, performance of tonsure,
and investment with the sacred thread. In this respect they were treated like
Kshatriyas and other twice- born castes.
When they came of age, the eleven sons married the hundred daughters of
the King of Vidharbadesha, the eldest son Devakanta marrying twenty girls,
the second son, sixteen, the third, twelve, and so on.
Chandravarma retired with his two wives to the Himalayas to meditate
on Shiva and ParvatL Before his departure he told his children that Piirvati
would be reborn in Coorg as the River Kiiveri and that they would be happy
as long as they continued to worship Shiva and Parvati, and the Brahmins.
Each of the sons of Chandravarma had more than a hundred sons. They were
all very strong men, with nails as sharp and powerful as the tusks of boars.
With their nails they levelled the ground and tore up the forests, and generally
reclaimed land.
'Then they settled themselves anew in the country, the face of which they
had changed by the strength of their own arms. Around them they planted
houses and families of Brahmins and other castes. Because this re-establish-
ment of the country resembled the renowned deeds of the varahavatdra (the
boar-incarnation of Vishl)u),l the country of Chandravarma's sons was
henceforth called Krodadesha, and its inhabitants 'KrOda people'. The
word Kr6da is said to have been changed and corrupted by degrees in to
K09agu, which is the present, and probably was the original name of thl"
country. '2
Two days before the first of Libra, when the Kaveri festival is celebrated
annually, Parvati appeared in a dream to Devakanta, the King of Coorgs, and
ordered him to assemble his people in a place called Balmuri, where she would
lOp. cit.,p. 216.
2 The Skiinda Pural,1a, of which the Kareri Miihiilmya is only a part, has a
Shaivite orientation. The River Kaveri is identified with Lopamudre, a mani-
festation of Parvati.
meet them. Accordingly, all Coorgs assembled there to greet Parvati in the
form of a river. The river came rushing down the valley, and the violence of the
flood pushed the frontal knots of the women's saris to their b?cks, and even
now Coorg women push the frontal knot to the back in memory of their first
bathe in the Kaveri. Parvati appeared in person before the assembled Coorgs,
and told them to ask a boon of her. Coorgs asked for children, wealth, a king-
dom for themselves, and a priest, and Kaveri granted them everything they
asked for.
H is dear from the brief summary of the Ktireri Mtihtitll1ya given above that
it is Brahminical in origin. Brahmins are praised in it, conferred wealth and
other privileges, and Coorg kings are told that they should 'establish holy
Brahmins' in their Jand.
The Kal'eri Mahtitmya brings the River Kaveri and its worship into the main
stream of the puralJas which have an .b"lI-lndia spread. It also makes Sanskritic
deities and ideas familiar to the inhabitants of Coorg. A special and intimate
relation is established between Coorg, Coorgs, and the river as a result of it.
A distinctive feature of the dress of Coorg women is associated with the Kaveri.
Coorgs regard the Kaveri as their patron goddess. At least one in ten girls is
named Kaveri.
The account of the origin of Coorgs in the Kiil'eri MahiilJilya is an mlempt
to reconcile certain facts which are not easy to reconcile. While it is true that
Coorgs are a wealthy and powerful group with a martial outlook, they do not
perform certain Vedic rituals which are performed by Kshatriyas elsewhere
in India, and their dietary includes domestic pork and liquor. The myth finds
a way out of the difficulties by suggesting that they are Ugras, the descendants
of a Kshatriya father and Shiidra mother.
1 A demon named HiralJ.yaksha dragged tIle earth to the bottom of the sea.
Vishl}u assumed the form of a boar (val'aha) and rescued the earth after slaying
1he demon at the end of a contest lasting a thousand years.
2 Op. cit., p. 224. Krodha means 'anger, wrath, and passion'.
Afmara. One of several sacred benches in the outer veranda or central hall
of a Coorg house.
Aruva. Family friend. Traditional relationship of friendship, frequently mutual,
between twookkas.
Baine palm. Caryo/a urens. Palm from the spathe of which toddy is drawn by a
Kudiya, or low-caste man, for the consumption of himself and others, including
Bhiira(1i. Offering of cooked meat, liquor, puffed rice, &c., to village-deity or
Bhatti. Measure equal to eighty seers. A rice-field was taxed according to the
numberof Ma!!is it yielded annually.
Bira. Spirit ofa man dying a violent death.
Dikshe ultHl'a. Ritual, usually performed a few weeks after the death of a person,
which completely frees the first-grade mourners from mourning.
Ganga puja. \Vorship of the sacred river Ganges. Water in any river, pond, or
well is identified with the Ganges on certain ritual occasions.
Jaggery. Crude brown sugar made from the juice of sugar-cane, or the saps of
various palms, either in the form of square blocks or small round cakes.
Jagir. An assignment of the king'S or government's share of the produce of a
village or several villages to an individual for services rendered.
Jamma. Concession tenure under which Coorgs and certain others held land.
A jamma landholder was formerly liable to be called up for military and
other service by the state whenever necessary.
Jangama. Lingiiyat priest who wears ochre robes. Occasionally, a mendicant.
Jail. Subcaste. One of the innumerable, tiny, endogamous, and occupational
groups which constitute the effective units of the caste system. A j(lti has
only a regional application while var!lll has an All-India application.
Kailpo!ud. Festival of arms.
Kaimatja. Ancestor-shrine near the ancestral house of a Coorg.
KaralJal'a. The apotheosized spirit of the dead ancestor of a Coorg akka.
KaralJavanlja aimara. Literally it means 'ancestors' bench '. One of the benches in
the outer veranda, or a portion of it, so called. It is regarded as more sacred
than other benches in the veranda.
KaralJava kola or KtiralJava tere. The elaborate propitiation of the ancestors
ofa Coorg okka. Translated in the bookas 'ancestor-propitiation'.
Karanava tare. Raised platform round the trunk of a milk-yielding tree, in which
stones representing ancestors are embedded. Translated in the book as 'an-
cestor-platform' .
Kavukara. One of several high-caste okkas having well-defined rights and duties
at the festival of the local village-deity. Translated as 'festival-priest' in the
K€kanga!a. Portion of the ancestral estate where the dead members of the okka
are buried. When it is decided to cremate a dead person, an adjoining portion
of the estate, called t uranga/a, is used.
Tinga pate, see under Pate and Pollu- Vibhuti (sacred ashes), 83, 226.
tion. Vijayanagar Kingdom, 11-12.
Tippu Sultan, 13-5, 17, 50-2, 108. Village (Or), viii-xi, 7-8, 17, 57, 59-
Tirchembarappa (deity), see under 64, 66, 68, 93, 111, 125, 165,
Village-deities. 178, 184, 198, 200-204, 2e8-9,
Tirne!li Pemmayya (deity), see under 211,218, 229, 231, 234, 239, 240.
Village-deities. - assembly, 45, 57, 59-60, 62-64,
Tirumala Char, Shri. H., xiv. 202.
TirlH'a{kara, see Oracles. -and caste, 29, 31,32, 43-4, 61-2,
Tike mane, see under Mourning. 64.
TlIII;lu pole, see under Pule and Pollu- - co-operation between villages, 180,
tion. 187.
Tit, 102. - green, 101,240.
TriveJ;li sangamQ at Prayaga, 216. - and akka, 170, 172.
Tulu, 7-8,168,183, 217, 219, 225; - ritual purity of, 115-9.
solar calendar prevails in Tulu - stressing of the unity of, 97-9.
area, 189. -- iirorme (village harmony), 98,
Tulu Brahmins, see uilder Castes. 203.
Tulu Gau<;las, see under Castes. - nru patti (village dinner), 98.
Tumbemaledeva (deity), see ullder Village-deities, x-xi, 161 n., 166,
Village-dei ties. 170, 177-213, 218, 226-8, 234-7:
Turban, see under Ritual garments. Appanagiriyappa, 208.
Tug namme (torch festival), see under Ayyanar, 181.
Bhadrakali of Kunda. Ayyappa (Sartavu or Shasta), 177-
Twelve pebbles, see under Okka. 8,182,209,210,224-5,240; Makki
Twice-born castes, sec wIder Caste. Sal'tavu, 182, 184,210.
-- Hariharaputra, 224.
Ugadi, lunar New Year's Day, see Ballatna<;l Povvedi (Bhagavati), 6B,
Ritual calendar. 178,183,237.
U gras, see under Castes. Bendruk6lappa, 234.
University of Bombay, xiii. Bengur Povvedi (Bhagavati), 68,
University of Oxford, xiii. 178,204,237.
Untouchables, see under Castes. Bhadrakali, 39, 177, 184.
Upanishads, see under Hindu philo- Bhadrakiili ofKaravalebac,lga,171-2.
sophy. Bhagavati (Povvedi), 39, 178, 182,
Or (vi!lage), Ororme, and Orupatti, 184-5,209,226,228,234.
see under Village. Biredevaru, 181.
Byturappa, 109.
Vaishyas, see under Castes. Chamundi or Chaunc,li, 178, 182,
Vanza, see under Caste. 184,209.
Vedas, 24-5, 33, 91. Choli Povvedi (Bhagavati), 67, 204.
Vedic deities, 224; indra, 245; Mitra Ellama, 181.
and VaruJ:la, 244 n.; see also Kshe- Iggutappa, 236.
trapala. Kakk6t Achchayya, 108 n., 211,234;
Vedic Jndex, 224 n. Kakk6\ Akkavva, 211, 234.
Vedic Mythology, 224 n. Ka!i, 181-2, 209.
Vedic rites, 30, 221, 226, 246, 247. KarIn Kali (Black Ka!l) , 184; see
Vegetarianism, see under Caste, and also KuHatamme.
Offerings. Kanyaratappa, 234.
Veil, see under Marriage. Ketrappa or Kshetrapala, 41, 104,
Venka!achala, temple of, 217. 161, 182, 185, 209, 215, 224-6;
Vertical spread, sce under Spread. festival of, 62, 115-6, 178-9,
Vedanta, see under Hindu philosophy. 182,187,211-2,237.
Village-deities (colltd.) with, 236; Varalziivatiira (boar-in-
Kocjli Povvedi (Bhagavati), 211 . see carnation) of, 247.
also Ketrappa. ' - VaishIJavism, 185 n.
Kshetradevi, 211; see also Ketrappa vtrarajpet, 8, 162, 187.
Kuttatamme, 184-5; in Kundat Vratas, 214.
BhadrakaJi temple, 177.
Maderappa, 184.
Waist-cloth and shoulder-cloth see
Madeva (Mahadeva), 178, 184,209, IIllder Ritual garments. '
Wall-lamp, see under Domestic lamps
Mari, 161 n., 181-2, 205 227 (Lamps).
236. ' ,
Western influence: on dress, 80-81.
Pannangalatamme, 183, 236-7. - and elementary family, 55.
Pattu Kilt PiitaJa, 177, 182, 210. - and headman's authority, 207-8.
Palilrappa, 183; identified with - on length of mourning-period, 122.
VishIJu, 184, 236; see also under - on religion, 166.
VishIJu. - and Sanskritic Hinduism, 219.
Rakteshwari tidentified with Cha- -and women, 47, 144n., 167.
muneji), 178.
Widow (and surviving spouse), 88-9,
Tirchembarappa, 234. 110-5, 118, 128-9, 131, 135-41,
Tirnelli Pemmayya, 236; see also 137-8, 142 n., 144, 150-51 158
under VishIJu. 175. ' ,
Tumbemaledeva, 183.
- children of, 129.
Village-deity's temple, 180-81, 184-5. _- excluded from auspicious ritual,
- co-operation between sev(.'ral tem- 73-4.
ples, 178.
- and leviratic unions 48 "0
_ and feuds, 204. - marriage of, 53-4,100. ' ~ .
_ organization of, 185-6.
- - banned in Sanskritic Hinduism
- - cheng6la, 186. 159. '
- - devatakka (temple headman), - - status of remarried widow 158
186,198,202,206-7. - rights of. 53. ' .
- - J/lukkati, 186. Widower (~nd surviving spouse), 82,
- - neramncJa, 186. 110-5, 118, 149-51; marriage of
- several deities in one, 177. 100. '
Village-deity's festival, 7, 55, 63, 115-
Witness-money (stikshi pa~la), 95, 135.
8, 170-72, 177-212, 229, 233. 138,141. . .
- band necessary at, 97. Woejeyars of Mysore, 11.
- and BalJIJas, 40. Women, 103-4, 127, 141, 143, 157·
- disputes settled during , 207-8. 9,160n.
- and festival-priests (kclvuktiras) 42. - and Kaveri river, 218, 246-7.
104:116,186-7,201; at Ketr;pp~ - l7langa/as exclusively for, 71.
festIVal, 179; at Kundat Bhadrakali -position of, 45-7, 91, 93.
festival, 191, 196. .
- and rights in the okka, 53-4, 126·
- and Poleyas, 61.
- and ritual restrictions, 63.
- unattached women, 139.
- - tappaqaka at Balmavti Povvedi's
- and veranda, 77.
festival,68-9. .
Wyna<,i Chettis, see IInder Castes.
- and women, 45.
VishIJu, :210. 221, 224, 233,245,247'
Achchaiah identified with, 234; as: Yama,79.
sumes form of Mohini, 210, 224, Yerava, 8, 22.
240: Piiliirappa identified with 184 Yelakki Put!, see under Harvest festi-
236; Tirnelli Pemmayya ide~tified val.