Sem-Iv-Trade Law

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CBCS/LL.1\{./4th Sem./Non-Specialisation/GE 4.



LL.M. 4th Semester Non- Specialisation Examinatio n, 2022

Tnq,DE LAw

PaprR Coon: LL.M. GE 4.2

Time Allotted:4 Hours Full Marks: 100

The questions are of eqtnl value.

Thefigures in the margin indicatefull marks.

Answer anyfo urquestions

1. Give a detailed account for the emergence and evolution of GATT i.e., 25
General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade. Also state its aims and objectives.

2. Discuss the salient features of Foreign Exchange Manhgement Act, 1999 25

(FEMA). Explain hoy does it helps in managing the foreign exchange market

J. Explain the concept of Intellectual Property Rights in Foreign Trade. Discuss 25
the various forms of Intellectual Properties that can be protected by member .

nations under the TRIPS (Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual property

Rights) Agreement.

4. India's Foreign Direct Investment Policy has been changing over the years. 25
Discuss the FDI Policy adopted by tndia in recent times and also bring out the
economic benefits incurred by India due to a liberal FDI policy.

5. critically examine the concept of Trade & Foreign Trade in India along with a. 25
special referenee tb the.importance of Foreign Trade in India.

6. The economic policy in India since 1991 eomprises various policy measures 25
and changes. In this light critically discuss India's curent foreign trade policy.

7. The establishment of wro in 1995 was a milestone in the history of 25

multilateral trade dialogue. In this context discuss the developments leading to
the establishment of wro, 1995 and discuss the differencis between wlo
and GATT.

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8. Answer any rr+o oftlre

(a) Explain the concept of
urder WTO.
(b) Discuss the hris Conventhn t885 arrd trace
their importanc€ in Righis.
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(c) Explain the funption*., a

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