Sem-Iv-Trade Law
Sem-Iv-Trade Law
Sem-Iv-Trade Law
Tnq,DE LAw
J. Explain the concept of Intellectual Property Rights in Foreign Trade. Discuss 25
the various forms of Intellectual Properties that can be protected by member .
4. India's Foreign Direct Investment Policy has been changing over the years. 25
Discuss the FDI Policy adopted by tndia in recent times and also bring out the
economic benefits incurred by India due to a liberal FDI policy.
5. critically examine the concept of Trade & Foreign Trade in India along with a. 25
special referenee tb the.importance of Foreign Trade in India.
6. The economic policy in India since 1991 eomprises various policy measures 25
and changes. In this light critically discuss India's curent foreign trade policy.
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