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Integral IP MX.

Modular Fire Safety.

Protecting human life and assets.

These high tech devices detect fires at an in Austria and Germany. Strict Austrian
early stage, raise the alarm for people in and European standards and many nation
danger, mobilise the emergency services standards and directives form the set of
without delay and provide them with rules for preventive fire safety. Schrack
the necessary information in an efficient Seconet products generally also greatly
manner. At Schrack Seconet, we develop exceed such requirements. This ensures,
fire alarm systems with a high degree therefore, that Schrack products are
of innovation, which handle all the approved in many countries.
challenges placed upon them, and have
convinced customers in Austria and “Usability Engineering”.
abroad for decades of our expertise as The destruction of data, assets and
manufacturers of systems conforming to business premises by fire can disrupt a
the highest quality standards. Our systems company's ability to conduct business
have already made us market leaders in substantial or even endanger companies.
many countries. We can realise the optimal solution for
you – regardless of the type of building

Preventive Fire Safety – a must!

Fire and smoke have fascinated and
interested people since the beginning of
time. They provide warmth, a feeling of
comfort and can be used in the preparation
of food. However, in their negative sense,
fire and smoke can also pose a serious
threat to human life and valuables. Fire
safety has therefore played a valuable role
ever since people have started living side-
by-side one another. It has taken on
various forms, dependent on the whole on
what technologies were available. The
diligent night-watchman fulfilled his role,
just as construction regulations did, which
were intended to prevent the spread of
fires in a similar way as the first
mechanical fire detectors did. European without compromises. you have to protect! Sensitive production
Investment in research and development areas can be monitored just as successfully
The highest level of fire safety. and co-operation with testing centres and by our systems as buildings in the hotel
Today the task of preventive fire safety is professional bodies within the sector make industry, large production areas and
carried out by fire alarm systems that have a considerable contribution to our shopping malls. We protect historic
been optimized and technologically attaining our goal: to construct the most buildings using particularly aesthethic
developed specially for the task. modern and safest fire alarm systems. A solutions.
new yardstick is set with every generation
of systems. The Integral IP MX fire alarm
control panel is therefore the latest
consequential evolution of the Integral
system. In strict opposition to
globalisation trends that have emerged in
the last few years, we do not purchase our
components from countries where labour
is cheap, and prefer to focus on the “Made
in Europe” hallmark of excellence. Integral
systems are unique in their sector, being
developed and manufactured exclusively
From a vision to reality.

Many technical innovations The Integral IP MX sets

open up new horizons. new trends and standards.
The technology behind it is cutting-edge, The Integral IP MX fire alarm control
the principle has been proven across panel has been optimized to provide
millions of years. In the development of more functions and has been fitted with
our fire alarm systems, we use nature as forward-looking technical features.
our role model. Evolution has developed Integral LAN is the new networking
incredible solutions, and the potential for method, which makes it possible to
optimization from one generation to the connect up to 16 subcontrol units together
next has been unlocked. In this way, into a logical unit in the form of a mesh
the Integral family also improves in network. Network security reaches a new
performance thanks to newly developed level, with optimal availability and
technologies. The Integral IP with all its considerably increased exchange of data
technical innovations is the platform for as well as a flexible and almost unlimited
a breakthrough to a new dimension in topology. The new standard and network
preventive fire safety. operating panel, the Integral MAP,

Growing to meet all requirements.

In the beginning is the vision!
Our remit is to build the safest and most
modern fire alarm systems. All our efforts
are channelled towards achieving this
goal. To do so, a change of paradigm is
necessary, leaving previous schools of
thought behind, as well as adopting new
creative approaches to finding solutions.
The success of this approach is proven
in reality. By striving unstintingly for
quality and by implementing the most
modern technologies, we have succeeded,
time and time again, to set high
standards, and new yardsticks for
the market.

A communications genius extended operability with many new

thanks to the latest technology. functions. Up to 250 devices, a loop
The Integral IP MX uses the principle length of 3,500 metres, considerably
of decentralized intelligence with an shorter start-up times as well as a new
autonomous search for open information control interface are all made possible
channels and more precise, to the point by Integral X-LINE technology.
communication. Modular construction Finally the new Integral software offers
and backward compatibility allow the a completely new user interface and a
flexible and unrestricted adaptation to multitude of new functions.
the size of the building and to existing
systems. Redundancy guarantees
100% system availability. The increasingly
complex requirements placed on
technology have been satisfied by further
miniaturization of components and
increased packing density. To make this
possible, Schrack Seconet also uses the
latest Microvia technology in the
Integral IP.
Unbeatable thanks to double security.

Software redundancy The system’s advantage:

for double performance. backward compatibility.
Software redundancy is the congenial A fire alarm system must be effective and
partner to hardware redundancy. The perform well, but must also be flexible
double level of security forms an important in its construction. We offer the perfect
factor for the monitoring of the system. solution. All systems are forward and
Double performance is only possible if the backward compatible. This means that
system is fully-functional under every all technical components of a system
condition. State-of-the-art technology developed and installed by Schrack
delivers high tech performance on a Seconet can communicate with one
minute by minute basis while in another, even when different parts are
operation. Redundancy increases security, from different generations. The operator
by guaranteeing that the system is always of a system can continue to use his
able to fulfil the necessary tasks as well as existing components while still being






Integral IP MX – MBOK
100% Redundancy as a principle. RESSFMB
A fire alarm control panel’s most SWB


important job is to efficiently detect a
fire at the earliest possible point in time.
Schrack Seconet systems also distinguish RESA

themselves with a unique feature – they

offer 100% redundancy. This means that
all electronic elements and components
are present in duplicate so that the system possible, such as detection, controlling, able to participate in technological
remains fully functional even in the event alarm forwarding, controlling lifts, closing progress. Modernisation on a step-by-
of a fault occurring. fire zones and others. step basis is also possible quickly and
without problems.
Hardware redundancy Unbeatable and fail-proof.
for double security. The more independently a system can
The fire alarm control panel settles the function, the greater the level of security.
issue for itself. And you will not notice it In preventive fire safety, there is the
doing so. As soon as a fault occurs in the issue of how much intelligence can be
active half of the system, the Integral IP integrated into the system. In the Integral
recognises this immediately, and IP system, control panels, detectors and
automatically switches over internally other system components do the
to the system which is ready for use. “thinking” together. Each device chooses
The fault is indicated on the operating the best connection paths in order to
panel, while all functions of the entire ensure seamless communications with
system remain completely available and system partners. This increases the security
unimpeded. Only full redundancy is able by a substantial amount, and reduces the
to guarantee the system’s performance and risk of a system failure substantially.
stability at the highest level.
Reacts safely and quickly.

The Integral IP MX speaks an Attractive and informative.

easy to understand language. The Integral MAP operating panel
The Integral IP MX is not only a fire has a fantastic new design, is extremely
alarm control panel of the highest degree user-friendly and is very resistant against
of precision, but is also a sensitive environmental influences with its plastic
communication device. It gives clear and front. Greater screen contrast improves
simple information and instructions. And the readability and therefore assists
it also speaks to users in their mother when taking reactive action.
tongue. In every one of our foreign The Integral MAP makes suggestions
markets, the required language can be fed for every procedure, as all the buttons
into the system. This has the inestimable and the display offer all the appropriate
advantage that in extreme situations – options and the user then knows
such as ones encountered when the straightaway what is to be done.
alarm goes off, that the system can Freely assignable functions ensure that
communication with the involved it is also possible to customise the
partners clearly and in a focussed way. operating panel accordingly.

Developed for mankind.

Mankind places great value on safety. The
more organised society began, the greater
the desire became for this requirement to
be addressed. The lawmaker took account
of this by among other things putting
together a range of standards which apply
to preventive fire safety. At Schrack
Seconet, we also contribute to making the
world a safer place. We demand that fire
alarm systems must be easy to understand
and simple to operate. Our systems and
solutions are conceived for people and for
increasing their safety. They create
confidence and also are of the highest
technological level. Schrack Seconet
products can be relied upon completely.
Simple and intuitive operation. All incidents and procedures can be
The Integral MAP operating panel can be documented quickly and clearly on
used as a standard or network operating paper using the integrated log printer.
panel, and is used for the easy operation
of the fire alarm system. It offers a
structured overview of all system processes
and is attractive thanks to its high level of
user-friendliness. The operating interface
and display texts are available in more
than 20 languages, and it is possible
to switch between up to four different
languages while the system is in operation.
The simple and intuitive operating guide
makes work for users, expert staff and
the emergency services a lot easier.
The operating panel ensures that required
information is always available and can
also be used remotely.
Intelligently networked security.

Integral LAN with mesh network. Using this network protocol, intelligent
High speed, direct routes, clear systems can be uniquely addressed and
targeting, the highest level of security can connect with one another in a
against failure – all the basic meaningful way. The Integral IP is
requirements placed on a fire alarm equipped with all required interfaces
system. The new Integral LAN mesh and is well equipped for the future.
network fulfils all these requirements.
Its basic principle is to establish multiple Flexibly creating networks.
connections between the individual Various freely definable topologies can
network nodes. Even in the event of be realised with the Integral LAN mesh
multiple – only imaginable in theory – network when setting up the fire alarm
connection faults, every system device system. Network modules with different
still always has one connection to the interfaces such as RS485, optic fibre or
network. This system increases security DSL are all available. The high data
many times over and reduced the risk of transmission speed allows completed
failure to zero, and also creates greater new applications, such is software
updates during ongoing operation.
The redundancy of the systems and
networks by Schrack Seconet is hitherto
without equal. A further milestone was
achieved in the development of fire alarm
systems with the development of the
mesh network.

Direct communication –
simple and clear.
The system offers practically unlimited
possibilities for communication. The
Integral IP MX can also be integrated
into the SecoLOG fire alarm management
system. Then it is easy to have a normal
overview of the entire system. Remote
access to the control panel is also possible
over the Internet and Intranet using
“Remote Access”. It is also possible to
have a virtual operating panel on the PC.
flexibility in building networks and Forward-looking IP architecture. This supports the user and allows the user
forming structures. Up to 16 fire alarm Standards and directives demand exclusively to be kept informed at all times, as it is
control panels can be connected usable networks for fire alarm systems. The possible to control the system and analysis
in the form of such a fail-proof safety of human life and assets has absolute status reports from anywhere.
mesh network. priority. For this reaction notification of
the emergency forces is only permitted over
such a network. It is, however, possible
to incorporate the Integral IP MX in to
the IT infrastructure of a building and to
use existing communications structures.
For this reason, the control panel has
been fitted with IP (Internet Protocol)
technology. IP technology belongs to
the future. IP forms the foundations
for the Internet, and therefore
is the mostly widely spread
technological solution for various
communications tasks.
It grows to the most difficult conditions.

Effective protection and monitoring. Reacts reliably and quickly.

Compatible – customisable – When exposed to extreme conditions,
networkable! These three properties a high level of resistance is required with
characterise the Integral IP MX regard to electromagnetic compatibility
accurately. The Integral family (EMC) and against dust, moisture, or
extinguishing system control panels extreme temperatures. These influences
can be networked to each other and are unable to disrupt the Integral IP MX
incorporated into a fire alarm control fire alarm control panel. Even when
panel network. Such a system solution exposed to such conditions, it remains
within a single unit provides multiple fully functional, since the robust nature
benefits for the user. Users can combine of the system and cabinet ensure that it
both solutions in a single system and is able to withstand the most challenging
can also connect it to an Integral LAN. of conditions. Self-test routines are used
In addition to cost-saving advantages in to ensure than any faulty functioning
the construction process and the fact that does not go undiscovered for long. Any
combined systems requires less space, system state deviating from the norm is
detected and reported very out delay.
trigger Stop button Certified and approved.
Like all preventive fire safety systems
and products Schrack Seconet launches,
the control systems for extinguishing
systems fulfil and exceed the
requirements of all regulations laid out
in national and European standards.
They are approved in accordance with
interface EN 12094, which regulates the
requirements and testing procedures
for automatic electronic control and delay
units, and has been in force since 2004.
The Integral IP system as a whole
conforms to EN 54, which dictates the
requirements, testing procedures and
functions for fire alarm control panels
For integration servicing can also be carried out more for use in fire detector and fire alarm
in every environment. efficiently. All functions and controllers systems installed in buildings.
The Integral IP MX fire alarm control can be freely programmed and networked
panel, with a reputation as one of the with other functions in the system.
safest and most flexible fire alarm Links can be established between
systems on the market, earns this detectors, modules and fire alarm devices
accolade thanks to the many possible over loop circuits, subcontrol units and
additional functions. A matching control fire alarm control panels. The flexibility
system for extinguishing systems can also of the system and the directives for
be integrated. The automatic control and approval allow combined use as a fire
delay system can control all current types alarm control panel and extinguishing
of stationary extinguishing control panels system control panel or use solely
as a single or multizone extinguishing as an extinguishing system
control panel. The system’s redundant control panel.
construction also allows the integration
of up to 32 extinguishing zones in
conformance with standards.
Integral X-LINE – Peripherals without limits.

New routes for peripherals. High flexibility and compatibility.

The newly developed Integral X-LINE The Integral IP MX fire alarm control
guarantees that unlimited peripherals panel excels thanks to its high level of
can be connected, and incorporates all flexibility and compatibility. It can
system components, such as detectors, therefore be extended and upgraded at
fire alarm devices, acoustic alarm any time for purposes required in the
notification devices or other control future, and also be adapted to suit the
mechanisms, allows special detectors individual requirements of the user.
e.g. smoke aspirating systems to be Thanks to the compatibility of our
connected and allows twice as many systems, systems that have already been
devices to be connected, thereby deployed can also be upgraded and
increasing capacity. thereby also benefit from the advantages
of the Integral IP MX. The high degree

Optimizing proven technology. Increased capacity of backward compatibility ensures that

We have optimized our tried and tested for your safety. new system devices can be connected to
technology for you. Larger loop circuit Up to 250 devices per loop, increased existing components without any
lengths allow a greater number of loop lengths of up to 3,500 metres as problem. If necessary, additional required
modules and components to be used, well as very short start-up times bring components can also be subsequently
thereby allowing a further increase in the proven loop circuit technology to connected. This permits an upgrade
capacity and monitoring. This allows us a higher plane of development. of existing systems to the current
to adapt optimally to the building The reliability is proven by complete standard technology at any time
to be protected. transmission security, seamless as required.
monitoring and constant evaluation
of current states. The network-based
co-operation of the individual
components and the harmonious
structure in the system are what
makes the Integral IP MX so
strong and efficient. This sets
it apart from all other fire alarm
control panels.
Reliable servicing included.

Routine Servicing and Support. Made in Europe.

Our services do not end with the We are constantly developing our
installation of a fire alarm system. systems further. They also represent the
Our comprehensive customer service state-of-the-art, and satisfy standards
is available to tackle all kinds of issues. well above those of legal requirements
From inspections to maintenance or even and standards. High quality is a
a complete overhaul - our staff members particular concern of ours, which we
check that systems are working on-site. ensure by not outsourcing manufacturing
In our dedicated training centre in to low-cost countries. The level of
Vienna and in various international development and production is no as
training locations, our customers and high anywhere else in the world as in
partners are trained how to handle the Europe. For this reason, the Integral IP
systems. Technical queries can be MX, like all Schrack Seconet products,
answered around the clock using is developed in Austria and produced
our telephone hotline. in Germany. European quality is
appreciated by customers from every
sector around the globe.
Knowledge and know how.
Schrack Seconet has collected decades of Our customers are the best
knowledge and know how from research possible reference for us.
and development activities in preventive Our company headquarters are located
fire safety. Substantial investments in in Vienna, with customers all over the
research and development have ensured world valuing the excellent quality
that our products not only always mirror of our products. Schrack Seconet has
the state-of-the-art in terms of subsidiaries in Poland, Sweden and
technological development, but allow us Hungary as well as representative offices
to take a pioneering role in working to in Romania, Russia, Slovakia, the Czech
ensuring security of people and assets. Republic and Turkey. In many countries
At the same time, we are also intensively in Central and Eastern
involved in national and international Europe as well as in Asia,
professional associations in the sector, our customers are looked
EU committees for high quality after well by a network
standards and cooperate with technical of local partners.
universities, fire prevention bodies, fire
brigade associations and testing centres
for system certification. The interplay of
experience and the latest technology is a
central aspect of our activities to ensure
the security of our customers.
Fire alarm control panels.
The Integral IP MX system is a modular, decentrally
constructed system, comprising of individual components,
programmed and configured according to the requirements
of the individual system in question.
Each control panel forms an autarchic unit with its own power
supply and battery backup supply, to which external operating
panels, fire brigade control panels, printers etc. can be
connected as well as detector zones and controllers. To ensure
system security, all components and electronic elements are
fitted fully-redundantly (in duplicate).
Depending on the size of the system, up to 16 control panels
can be spread around the building and networked using an
Ethernet mesh network. Free cabling topology allows the
optimum adaptation of the mesh network to prevailing
structural conditions.
Integral IP MX control panels can be directly connected to the
building’s IT infrastructure, with Internet and Intranet access
to them possible at no extra expense. Various parallel indicator
panels or superordinated central indication devices can, as long
as they are not involved in the alarm notification of the
emergency services, also use the existing communications
PC network routes.
The Integral IP MX is available in various types of cabinet -
with or without a log printer, as a black box or with an extra
built-in LED indicator panel.
Dimensions (all types): 600 x 445 x 225 mm (HxWxD)
Case colour: red RAL 3000

Integral MAP external operating panels.

Available with or without log printer for connection to all
Integral IP control panels. Up to 8 external operating panels
can be connected to a control panel via its own data bus, up to
1,200 m away from to the control panel. User interfaces and
display texts are available in 20 languages.
Dimensions (HxWxD): 230 x 445 x 35 mm
or 360 x 445 x 45 mm (with printer).

• Display (6 lines, 40 characters per line)

• Conforms to all options of EN 54-2:2006
• Can be deployed as main network operating panel
• Toggling between up to 4 languages in normal operation
• External data bus connection for additional indicating
and operating devices
• freely-programmable buttons and LEDs
• individual user management
with password and user level
Unlimited possibilities to expand.

Electronic Control and Delay Unit.

Due to the special redundancy concept and the particular
high level of security, ensured for a wide range of uses, the
Integral IP MX system can also be used as an Integral IP MXE
extinguishing system control panel or as an Integral IP
MXF/MXE combined fire alarm and extinguishing system
control panel. Special cabinet and external operating panels
versions are available with an additional LED parallel indicator
tableau. The Integral IP MXE then conforms to the terms of
the standards and directives EN 12094-1 and VdS 2496, and
is also suitable and approved for controlling more than one
extinguishing zone and for monitoring the following fire
extinguishing systems:

• CO2 high & low pressure extinguishing systems

where life is or is not endangered.
• Inert gas and argon extinguishing systems
where life is or is not endangered.
• Water spray and mist water deluge systems
• Pre-action sprinkler systems
• Sprinkler systems
• Chemical extinguishing systems

High End Operating Panel.

The High-End Operating Panel with a VGA colour display
and function keys allows the easy operation of a fire alarm
system and a structured overview of complex SecoNET fire
alarm networks. The user interface and display texts
are available in 20 languages.
Dimensions (HxWxD): 230 x 445 x 35 mm
or 360 x 445 x 45 mm (with printer).

Fire brigade control panels & indicator panels.

In addition to Integral IP operating panels, various other
versions, varieties of fire brigade control panels (e.g. pursuant
to ÖNORM F 3031, DIN 14662, SN054002, etc.), and
LED indicator panels are available.
Detailed information is available upon request.
Subject to technical modifications!

Headquarter Austria: A-1122 Vienna, Eibesbrunnergasse 18 • Tel.: +43-1-81157-0 • [email protected]
Technical support Fire Alarm Systems Tel.: +43-1-81157-570 • Technical support Health Care Systems Tel.: +43-1-81157-525
Branch offices Austria: Czech Rep. • CZ-100 00 Prague 10, V Úžlabině 1490/70 • Tel.: +420-2-74782284
A-6850 Dornbirn, Sebastianstraße 13a • Tel.: +43-5572-51199-0 Hungary • HU-1119 Budapest, Fehérvári út 89-95 • Tel.: +36-1-4644300
A-8055 Graz, Neuseiersberger Straße 157 • Tel.: +43-316-407676-0 Poland • PL-02-583 Warsaw, ul. Woloska 9 • Tel.: +48-22-3300620
A-6021 Innsbruck, Valiergasse 56 • Tel.: +43-512-365366-0 Romania • RO-021723 Bucharest, Sos.lancului nr. 6A, Sector 2 • Tel.: +40-21-6533246
A-9020 Klagenfurt, Feldkirchner Straße 138 • Tel.: +43-463-429362-0 Russia • RU-129626 Moscow, Ul. Staroalexejevskaja 5 • Tel.: +7-495-510 50 15
© Schrack Productions - B-PR-591EN - V 1.0 - 04.2010

A-4060 Leonding-Hart, Kornstraße 16 • Tel.: +43-732-677900-0 Slovakia • SK-83003 Bratislava 33, P.O. Box 31, Odborárska ul. 52 • Tel.: +421-2-44635595
A-5020 Salzburg, Vogelweiderstraße 44a • Tel.: +43-662-887122-0 Sweden • SE-145 84 Norsborg, Botvid Business Center • Tel.: +46-8-680 18 60
Turkey • TR-34722 Kadıköy-Istanbul, Sokak no.: 5/12 • Tel.: +90-216-345 51 99


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