(2003) - Video EEG Evidence of Lateralized Clinical Features in Primary Generalized Epilepsy With Tonic Clonic Seizures
(2003) - Video EEG Evidence of Lateralized Clinical Features in Primary Generalized Epilepsy With Tonic Clonic Seizures
(2003) - Video EEG Evidence of Lateralized Clinical Features in Primary Generalized Epilepsy With Tonic Clonic Seizures
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Video-EEG evidence
of lateralized clinical features
in primary generalized epilepsy
with tonic-clonic seizures
Leanne Casaubon, Bernd Pohlmann-Eden, Houman Khosravani,
Peter L. Carlen, Richard Wennberg
Krembil Neuroscience Centre, Toronto Western Hospital, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada
Received May 26, 2003; Accepted July 3, 2003
Primary generalized epilepsy (PGE; also idiopathic) is epilepsy. Previous investigations included normal mag-
characterized by seizures showing bilaterally synchro- netic resonance imaging (MRI) of the brain and routine
nous, generalized spike-and-wave activity recorded by EEG reported to show brief episodes of spike-and-wave
electro-encephalography (EEG) with clinical manifesta- activity with a possible left frontal predominance. Formal
tions including some, or all of, absences, myoclonic ab- neuropsychological testing revealed a superior intellect
sences and/or myoclonic jerks, and generalized tonic- and no lateralizing abnormalities. He had been treated
clonic seizures. Whether the cerebral cortex or subcortical with carbamazepine monotherapy for five years with
structures, specifically the thalamus, plays the dominant modest seizure control. On admission to the EMU, J.L. was
role in generating these seizures has been the subject of having 4-6 generalized tonic-clonic seizures per year,
long debate. Thalamic onset of generalized seizures was with increased frequency during periods of stress, and
originally hypothesized, supported by experimental ani- daily morning myoclonic jerks and myoclonic absences.
mal models of epilepsy and some human studies, and Patient 2. S.W. is a 47 year-old woman, whose seizure
provided the initial evidence that primary generalized disorder commenced during early childhood, consisting
seizures were the product of bilateral reciprocal connec- of generalized tonic-clonic seizures and occasional star-
tions between specific thalamic nuclei and a hyperexcit- ing spells. Her mother had rubella during pregnancy, and
able cortex. There is now mounting evidence to support a S.W. was born with significant hearing deficits requiring
focal cortical generator as the initiator of cortical hyperex- hearing aids. There is a questionable family history of
citability and generalized seizures [1, 2]. Reverberating epilepsy in a sister. S.W. was treated with phenytoin and
cortico-thalamo-cortical circuits, through thalamic struc- phenobarbital over many years and had a brief trial of
tures that have a propensity for rhythmic oscillations, valproic acid, which reportedly caused significant moodi-
allow for maintenance of spike-and-wave activity and ness and resulted in its discontinuation. Eventually, she
propagation of the seizure in a generalized fashion. How- was switched to carbamazepine prior to being monitored
ever, evidence for the exact nature and localization of a in the EMU. She was having 10-20 generalized tonic-
focal cortical generator is lacking. clonic seizures per year and up to 2-3 staring spells per
Very few patients with PGE undergo video-EEG monitor- day. During her hospital admission, a brain MRI revealed
ing, likely given the usual clarity of clinical diagnosis and some non-specific white matter changes suggestive of
generally excellent response to monotherapy with valp- microangiopathic disease but was otherwise normal. Neu-
roic acid, and the clinical features of generalized tonic- ropsychological testing revealed no lateralizing abnor-
clonic seizures in PGE are typically based on historical malities.
information alone. Whether these seizures truly have a Patient 3. M.M. is a 34 year-old woman with a 19-year
generalized onset or a focal onset that rapidly secondarily history of generalized tonic-clonic seizures. She also had
generalizes is therefore not clear. Some reports in the other ‘spells’ consisting of subjective dizziness and a
literature have provided evidence to support a focal clini- sensation of choking, peri-orbital swelling, and limb shak-
cal onset in some patients with PGE [3-5]. We report three ing lasting for 30-40 minutes. Over many years she had
patients who underwent video-EEG monitoring whose been tried on multiple AEDs, and was taking carbam-
ultimate diagnosis was PGE based on clinical and EEG azepine, phenobarbital, topiramate, and clobazam on
criteria; interestingly all six recorded generalized tonic- admission to the EMU. She was having up to one to two
clonic seizures commenced with definite lateralizing fea- generalized seizures and several other “spells” weekly. In
tures. hospital, brain MRI was normal and neuropsychological
testing showed above average intellect and no lateralizing
Methods and patients deficits.
Figure 1. Interictal EEG of patient J.L. Sequential pages of the EEG showing generalized polyspike-and-wave activity associated with myoclonic
jerks (note Patient Event marker) just prior to the ictal event in Figure 2; referential longitudinal montage, t9-t10 averaged reference (all figures);
70 Hz high frequency filter (HFF), time constant (TC) = 0.3 sec.
symmetric, early morning myoclonic jerks and myoclonic The EEG demonstrated increasing bursts of generalized
absences. The generalized tonic-clonic seizure com- spike-and-wave and polyspike-and-wave activity leading
menced with a sustained forced head and eye version to up to the ictal event, which consisted of generalized,
the left with extension of the left arm, followed by a initially 3 Hz bilaterally synchronous and symmetric slow
symmetric tonic phase and then bilateral clonic activity wave activity, which increased in amplitude and fre-
(videosequence 1). quency to 3-5 Hz, and then was obscured by muscle
Figure 2. Patient J.L. Ictal EEG onset of the seizure in Videosequence 1; clinical seizure onset at*; 15 Hz HFF to highlight ictal pattern (obscured
by muscle artifact with 70 Hz HFF), TC = 0.3 sec.
artifact. Subsequently, the recording showed a clonic de- subsequent generalized tonic-clonic motor activity (vide-
recruiting response associated with clinical clonic seizure osequence 2).
activity, followed by ictal offset (figure 4). The EEG recordings during the clinically lateralized tonic-
A diagnosis of juvenile myoclonic epilepsy (JME) was clonic seizures showed ictal activity consisting of initially
made, and J.L. was changed from carbamazepine to valp- 3 Hz spike-and-wave activity that merged into lower am-
roic acid with complete cessation of his seizures and plitude faster activity and which ended with a clonic
morning myoclonus, now with over 18 months follow-up. de-recruiting response (figure 5).
Patient 2. Four separate clinical seizures were recorded. A diagnosis of PGE was made, and S.W. was changed to
The first was a typical absence seizure lasting several lamotrigine and phenobarbital with over 90 % seizure
seconds. The other seizures began with a definite reduction. S.W. has not agreed to retry valproic acid
head/eye/torso version to the right followed by a cry and therapy.
Figure 3. Interictal EEG of patient S.W. showing a typical generalized polyspike-and-wave discharge; 70 Hz HFF, TC = 0.3 sec.
Figure 4. Patient S.W. Ictal EEG onset of the seizure in Videose- Figure 5. Interictal EEG of patient M.M. showing a typical general-
quence 2; clinical motor seizure onset at*; 15 Hz HFF, TC = 0.3 sec. ized spike-, and polyspike-and-wave discharge; 70 Hz HFF,
TC = 0.3 sec.
Patient 3. M.M. had one prolonged non-epileptic episode M.M. was taken off all of her admission medications
and two clinical epileptic seizures. The non-epileptic except phenobarbital and was started on valproic acid.
event lasted twenty minutes and entailed hyperventila- She has remained seizure-free (including her non-
tion, followed by trembling of the face and body and epileptic “spells”) for over one and a half years.
finally an arrhythmic shaking of all extremities. The fea-
tures fluctuated over time, and she was able to respond
appropriately to questions from her nurse during the event. Discussion
The clinical seizures both commenced with a forced head
version to the left followed by a leftward fencing posture. Generalized tonic-clonic seizures in primary generalized
The seizures evolved into generalized tonic-clonic motor epilepsy (PGE) are presumed to commence clinically and
activity, which at offset were briefly asymmetric involving electrographically in a bilaterally synchronous and sym-
unilateral clonic movements of the right face and arm metric fashion. The pathophysiologic substrate for these
(videosequence 3). seizures includes reciprocal connections between tha-
No EEG changes were recorded in association with the lamic and cortical neurons; connections that are normally
non-epileptic event. The ictal EEG for the epileptic sei- responsible for oscillating rhythms including sleep
zures showed a generalized, bilaterally synchronous and spindles [1]. At the cellular level, alterations in receptor
symmetric 4.5 Hz spike-and-wave activity with a bifrontal function in the thalamic nuclei have been postulated to be
maximum. The EEG evolved into 4 Hz sharp theta wave involved in the generation of abnormal synchronized
activity before becoming obscured by muscle artifact, rhythmic discharges [7] that correlate clinically with gen-
though at times an 8 Hz rhythmic epileptic discharge was eralized seizures in animal models of PGE. To elucidate
visible (figure 6). whether the initial rhythmic discharges of a generalized
A final diagnosis of PGE was made (as well as non- ictal electrographic event arise from the thalamus, several
epileptic events to account for her prolonged “spells”) and studies using depth electrode recordings within various
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