Facilities Layout

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: (078) 377-0682
CAGAYAN STATE Email Address: [email protected]
Facebook Page: CSU-CAHS Nutrition
UNIVERSITY and Dietetics
Caritan Sur, Tuguegarao City, Cagayan
FACILITIES LAYOUT 2. Food Preparation Area
 Includes: Prep counters, cutting areas,
What is a Kitchen? and designated sinks for washing
 A kitchen is a room or part of a room vegetables, thawing meats, and other
used for cooking and food preparation. food preparation activities.
 A stove, a sink with hot and cold running  Location: Located close to both the
water, a refrigerator and kitchen storage (for easy access to ingredients)
cabinets arranged there. and the cooking areas.
 The main function of a kitchen is Examples:
cooking or preparing food but it may  Hospital Kitchen: Food preparation in
also be used for dining, food storage, hospitals often involves creating special
entertaining, dishwashing. diets for patients with dietary restrictions
(e.g., diabetic, low-sodium, or pureed
Six Components of Commercial Kitchen meals). Multiple prep stations are
1. Clean/Wash Area common, ensuring food safety and
 Includes: Three-compartment sinks (for minimizing cross-contamination between
washing, rinsing, and sanitizing dishes raw and cooked foods.
and utensils), pre-wash sinks for  Hotel Kitchen: In large hotels,
scrubbing or soaking, and industrial especially those offering room service or
dishwashers. buffet meals, the food prep area is
 Location: Positioned near the entrance divided by function. For instance,
of the kitchen for easy drop-off of dirty separate stations for chopping
dishes from the dining area. vegetables, marinating meats, and
Examples: preparing bakery items are common to
 Hospital Kitchen: Hospitals prioritize ensure a smooth workflow.
sanitation due to the critical need for  Fast-Food Chains: Chains like KFC
hygiene in serving patients. The DO NOT COPY

have prep areas focused on assembling

clean/wash area may include pre-cooked items like chicken
commercial dishwashers capable of sandwiches, salads, and wraps.
sanitizing utensils and trays used for Ingredients are pre-portioned for
patients. Hospitals may also have consistency and speed, with prep
specialized washers for medical trays to stations close to the fryers and grills to
ensure thorough disinfection. maximize efficiency.
 Hotel Kitchen: In a hotel, especially  Restaurant: Restaurants often have
with banquet facilities, large dedicated food prep stations for each
dishwashing areas are necessary to section of the menu (appetizers,
handle a high volume of dishes after entrees, desserts). In busy restaurants,
events or meals. This area is close to staff will prepare certain items in
the banquet halls to ensure quick advance (like sauces or garnishes) to
turnaround. reduce preparation time during service.
 Fast-Food Chains: In fast-food chains 3. Cooking Area
like McDonald's, the clean/wash area is  Includes: Cooking appliances like
compact but efficient, with dishwashing stoves, ovens, grills, fryers, microwaves,
equipment designed to clean fry and specialized equipment like panini
baskets, trays, and utensils rapidly to presses or tandoor ovens.
keep pace with high customer turnover.  Location: The cooking area is typically
 Restaurant: Fine-dining restaurants located next to the prep area for a
often have a designated dishwasher for smooth flow from preparation to
delicate items like glassware and cooking. It should also be near storage
cutlery. High-end restaurants also have for quick access to ingredients.
separate areas for washing pots and Examples:
pans to avoid disrupting the flow of other  Hospital Kitchen: In hospital kitchens,
kitchen activities. there are often multiple cooking areas to
REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES Tel. No.: (078) 377-0682
CAGAYAN STATE Email Address: [email protected]
Facebook Page: CSU-CAHS Nutrition
UNIVERSITY and Dietetics
Caritan Sur, Tuguegarao City, Cagayan
accommodate different cooking methods and produce, as well as temperature-
(steaming, boiling, grilling). Special controlled wine or cheese storage areas
dietary needs (e.g., soft or pureed for upscale dining services.
foods) require equipment like steamers  Fast-Food Chains: Chains like Subway
and specialized ovens. Meals are often store fresh vegetables, sauces, and pre-
cooked in bulk and then portioned for portioned meats in refrigerated units
patient trays. near the assembly line for easy access.
 Hotel Kitchen: Hotels often feature a Freezers store frozen ingredients like
range of cooking stations for room breads and desserts, ensuring a steady
service, buffets, and banquet events. supply for the day’s service.
They may have stations for grilling,  Restaurant: Fine-dining restaurants
roasting, and sautéing dishes to often have walk-in refrigerators and
accommodate high-end dining options. freezers to store fresh ingredients like
 Fast-Food Chains: In chains like seafood, meats, and dairy. Dry storage
Burger King, the cooking area is holds pantry staples like spices, grains,
streamlined with broilers, fryers, and and oils. Some upscale restaurants also
griddles arranged for quick assembly of have a dedicated wine cellar or cheese
burgers, fries, and other items. Fast- cave.
food kitchens rely heavily on pre- 5. Service Area
programmed cooking equipment to  Includes: Food drop-off counters,
ensure consistency across locations. warmers (to keep food hot), and sneeze
 Restaurant: Restaurants typically have guards (to protect food from
a more varied and sophisticated cooking contamination).
area, often broken down into specific  Location: Close to dining areas or food
stations like grilling, frying, sautéing, and pick-up counters, depending on the type
baking. For example, an Italian of establishment.
restaurant might have a dedicated pizza DO NOT COPY

oven area, while a seafood restaurant  Hospital Kitchen: Hospitals have
would prioritize grilling and steaming service areas where patient trays are
stations. assembled with individual meals that
4. Storage Area correspond to each patient’s dietary
 Includes: Refrigerators, freezers (for restrictions. The trays are then delivered
cold storage), and shelving units (for dry to patient rooms by hospital staff.
storage). Cafeterias within hospitals have service
 Location: Ideally placed near delivery lines where employees and visitors can
areas to allow quick storage of choose meals.
perishable and non-perishable items.  Hotel Kitchen: In hotels, especially
Examples: those with banquet facilities, the service
 Hospital Kitchen: Hospitals require area is where food is plated and kept
significant cold storage for fresh fruits, warm before being taken to event halls
vegetables, dairy, meats, and special or dining rooms. Buffets in hotels have
medical dietary products (e.g., tube warmers and chafing dishes to keep
feeding formulas). There are also food at the correct serving temperature.
separate dry storage areas for bulk  Fast-Food Chains: Chains like
ingredients like rice, flour, and canned Wendy's use pass-through windows
goods. Food items are labeled and where completed orders are held briefly
dated to ensure safety and adherence to in heated compartments before being
patient dietary needs. handed to customers. Service stations
 Hotel Kitchen: Hotels often maintain are organized to quickly wrap, bag, and
large storage facilities to cater to serve food for both dine-in and takeout
multiple outlets (restaurants, room customers.
service, banquets). They might have  Restaurant: In restaurants, the service
separate cold rooms for meats, seafood, area is often a “pass” where food from
REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES Tel. No.: (078) 377-0682
CAGAYAN STATE Email Address: [email protected]
Facebook Page: CSU-CAHS Nutrition
UNIVERSITY and Dietetics
Caritan Sur, Tuguegarao City, Cagayan
the kitchen is plated and checked by the Below are some key support spaces, including a
head chef before being taken to the detailed section on garbage disposal.
dining room. In a busy restaurant, this
area includes heat lamps to keep dishes  Toilet Rooms: Toilets for employees
warm until they are served to guests. must be located within a 200-foot
6. Delivery Area distance from the kitchen or food
 This area is where goods are received preparation areas, ensuring easy access
and often includes cold storage or dry without compromising hygiene. While in
storage close by to facilitate easy smaller establishments, these may be
stocking of ingredients. shared by both staff and patrons, it is
Examples: critical that access routes to toilet rooms
 Hospital Kitchen: Hospital kitchens do not cross into areas where food is
have strict protocols for receiving being prepared or stored. Maintaining
deliveries, ensuring that perishables are separate and clean facilities helps to
immediately stored in cold storage and meet health and safety regulations.
dry goods are properly inspected for Proper handwashing stations with soap,
quality. They might also have a sanitizer, and disposable towels must be
designated area for sanitizing delivery available near toilet exits.
crates and boxes. o Example: In a typical restaurant
 Hotel Kitchen: In large hotels, setting, restrooms are often
deliveries come in through a separate placed near the dining area to
loading dock area. Bulk items like frozen allow staff to use the facilities
goods, cleaning supplies, and without needing to walk through
beverages are delivered daily or weekly. the kitchen. This prevents cross-
The delivery area is close to the storage contamination and ensures
rooms to facilitate quick stocking of compliance with local health
perishable and non-perishable items. DO NOT COPY

 Fast-Food Chains: Chains like Taco  Janitor Room: A designated janitor or
Bell have dedicated delivery bays for utility room is necessary for maintaining
bulk ingredients such as tortillas, pre- cleanliness and hygiene in the
cooked meats, and sauces. The delivery foodservice establishment. This room
area connects directly to the cold and should include a mop sink (for washing
dry storage areas to keep operations mops and other cleaning equipment)
efficient. and storage for cleaning supplies such
 Restaurant: Restaurants typically as detergents, disinfectants, mops, and
receive deliveries in the early morning or brooms. This room should be separate
late at night, often through a back from food storage and preparation areas
entrance. Perishable ingredients are to prevent cross-contamination of food
inspected and quickly transferred to cold products with cleaning chemicals.
storage, while non-perishables are  Example: In hospitals, janitor rooms
organized in dry storage. Special are typically located in service
attention is paid to ensuring freshness corridors, separate from kitchen and
for seafood, meats, and dairy. food storage areas. Proper
ventilation and shelving are
SUPPORT SPACES essential in these rooms to store
Support spaces in foodservice institutions are chemicals safely and reduce risks of
essential to maintaining operational efficiency, spillage or contamination.
sanitation, and regulatory compliance. These  Employee Storage: Employee
areas are crucial for ensuring that foodservice belongings, such as bags, coats, or
employees have the proper facilities to carry out shoes, should be stored in a
their tasks while minimizing the risk of designated area to prevent
contamination and ensuring smooth workflows. contamination of food and food-
contact surfaces. Providing lockers
REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES Tel. No.: (078) 377-0682
CAGAYAN STATE Email Address: [email protected]
Facebook Page: CSU-CAHS Nutrition
UNIVERSITY and Dietetics
Caritan Sur, Tuguegarao City, Cagayan
or secure shelving near the entrance corridor. This allows staff to
of the kitchen or staff area ensures dispose of waste efficiently
that employees have a convenient without passing through
place to store their personal items food prep zones.
without bringing them into food 2. Waste Segregation:
preparation zones. This is also Garbage disposal systems must
important in maintaining proper include separate bins for different
hygiene standards, as personal types of waste, including food
items can harbor bacteria or scraps, recyclables, and hazardous
allergens. waste (such as broken glass, used
 Example: Many large kitchens, like chemicals, or grease). Implementing
those in hotels or hospitals, have color-coded bins or labels ensures
employee locker rooms or that staff can easily and quickly
designated storage spaces outside dispose of waste correctly, adhering
the kitchen areas. This allows staff to local environmental laws and
to store their personal effects sustainability goals.
securely while ensuring they change o Example: In restaurants or
into clean, hygienic uniforms before hospitals, there are typically
entering foodservice areas. separate bins for
 Proper disposal of waste is critical in biodegradable waste (such
maintaining a clean and hygienic as food scraps), recyclables
foodservice environment. A well- (such as plastic bottles and
organized Garbage Disposal Area cans), and hazardous
helps prevent the accumulation of materials (such as cleaning
waste, which could attract pests, create agents and used oil). This
odors, and pose serious health hazards setup not only complies with
if not managed properly. The area DO NOT COPY

local environmental
should be strategically placed near the regulations but also
kitchen for convenient access but far promotes eco-friendly
enough from food storage and practices.
preparation areas to avoid cross- 3. Sanitation and Pest Control:
contamination. The following The garbage disposal area must be
considerations should be taken into regularly cleaned and sanitized to
account for designing and maintaining prevent odors, bacterial growth, and
the garbage disposal area: pest infestations. All garbage
1. Location and Accessibility: containers should be covered with
The garbage disposal area should tight-fitting lids to prevent access by
be easily accessible from the pests such as rats, flies, and
kitchen to streamline waste disposal cockroaches. Drains should be
without disrupting the flow of kitchen properly installed to allow the easy
operations. However, it must be removal of wastewater from
physically separated from food cleaning processes. Regular
preparation and storage zones to inspections should be carried out to
prevent contamination. In many ensure the area remains hygienic.
establishments, garbage is disposed o Example: In a hospital
of through a back door or in a foodservice setting, the
designated outdoor area to avoid garbage disposal area is
odors and pests inside the facility. sanitized daily, with waste
o Example: In a large hotel bins regularly emptied and
kitchen, waste is typically cleaned with disinfectants.
disposed of in a designated Pest control measures, such
outdoor area connected to as bait traps or pest
the kitchen via a back
REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES Tel. No.: (078) 377-0682
CAGAYAN STATE Email Address: [email protected]
Facebook Page: CSU-CAHS Nutrition
UNIVERSITY and Dietetics
Caritan Sur, Tuguegarao City, Cagayan
repellents, are often  Hotel and Restaurant kitchens also
installed around the area to follow strict sanitation requirements,
prevent infestations. often using durable materials like
4. Waste Reduction and Recycling stainless steel for walls and quarry tiles
Initiatives: for flooring to ensure easy cleaning and
Foodservice institutions are safety.
increasingly adopting waste  Fast-food chains typically use slip-
reduction strategies, such as resistant tiles in the kitchen area and
composting organic waste or stainless steel surfaces near grills and
partnering with organizations that fryers to facilitate quick cleaning.
collect food scraps for recycling or  Ceilings: Ceilings should be easy to clean
animal feed. Implementing such and made from materials that resist moisture
initiatives can help reduce the and grease, like semi-gloss paint or suspended
amount of waste that ends up in panels.
landfills, thus promoting  Example: In many quick-service
sustainability. Kitchen staff should restaurants, semi-gloss paint is applied
be trained on waste reduction to the ceiling for easy maintenance.
techniques, such as portion control,  Countertops: Stainless steel countertops are
proper food storage to reduce preferred due to their durability, smooth surface,
spoilage, and recycling protocols. and resistance to bacterial growth.
o Example: Many high-end  Example: In fast-food kitchens,
hotels and restaurants in stainless steel counters are common for
urban areas now have food assembly stations, ensuring a
composting programs in clean and durable surface for handling
place, where organic food.
kitchen waste is collected by
local composting facilities. DO NOT COPY

This reduces their overall Adequate lighting is crucial for food preparation
environmental footprint and areas. Light fixtures should have protective
aligns with sustainability coverings in case of breakage, preventing
goals. contamination.
 Hospital kitchens require bright lighting in all
MATERIALS prep and cooking areas to ensure food safety
 Walls: Walls in a commercial kitchen must be and reduce the risk of accidents.
easy to clean and resistant to moisture, heat,  Hotel kitchens may have mood lighting in
and grease. Stainless steel or ceramic tiles are the service area (e.g., in an open-kitchen
common choices, especially behind stoves and concept), but the prep and cooking areas require
fryers. task lighting for precision.
 Example: In a restaurant’s cooking line,  In fast-food chains like Chick-fil-A, lighting
stainless steel wall panels are installed is bright but utilitarian, ensuring workers can see
behind fryers and grills to make grease clearly when preparing and serving food quickly.
removal easier.
 Flooring: Must be durable, non-slip, and KITCHEN LAYOUTS
resistant to spills and stains. Common materials In foodservice facilities, kitchen layouts are
include quarry tiles or slip-resistant vinyl. designed to promote efficiency, safety, and ease
Walls and Flooring: of movement during food preparation. A well-
 In hospital kitchens, walls must be planned kitchen layout organizes the different
made of smooth, washable materials work areas into stations and arranges them to
like stainless steel or ceramic tiles to reduce unnecessary movement, which saves
maintain hygiene standards. Flooring is time and energy.
typically non-slip to prevent accidents,
especially in areas where spills are The three primary kitchen work stations
common. which create the work triangle are:
REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES Tel. No.: (078) 377-0682
CAGAYAN STATE Email Address: [email protected]
Facebook Page: CSU-CAHS Nutrition
UNIVERSITY and Dietetics
Caritan Sur, Tuguegarao City, Cagayan
1. The food storage station
This station includes areas for storing SEQUENCE FOR KITCHEN LAYOUT
ingredients such as the refrigerator, Workplace → sink → workplace →workplace →
freezer, and pantry. It is crucial for refrigerator
keeping raw ingredients fresh and
accessible during food preparation. An efficient kitchen layout follows a logical flow,
Proper organization in this area helps ensuring tasks are completed smoothly from one
reduce food spoilage and wastage, step to the next. A typical sequence includes:
improving food safety and cost-  Workplace (Prep Area) → Sink →
effectiveness. Workplace → Workplace →
2. The preparation/cooking station Refrigerator
This is where the bulk of food This flow allows food preparation to proceed
preparation takes place. It includes the naturally from washing (sink) to cutting and
counter space for chopping, mixing, and prepping (workplace) to storing ingredients
assembling ingredients, as well as the (refrigerator). Interruptions or inefficiencies in
cooking appliances like stoves, ovens, this sequence can slow down the kitchen's
grills, and microwaves. Proper operation, especially in high-demand
placement of equipment ensures a environments like hospitals, hotels, or
smooth workflow and prevents restaurants.
overcrowding, improving productivity in
3. The clean-up station If the sink, refrigerator and range are too far
The clean-up area involves the sink, apart, the work triangle will be exhausting.
dishwasher, and trash disposal. It is The work triangle refers to the layout between
designed for washing dishes, utensils, three key kitchen components:
and cookware, as well as discarding  Sink
waste. Keeping this station efficient DO NOT COPY

 Refrigerator
helps in maintaining sanitation  Range (Cooking Area)
standards and reduces downtime Ideal Work Triangle:
between cooking sessions.  The work triangle should be compact,
allowing the cook to move easily
WORK TRIANGLE DEFINED between these three points. The triangle
The "work triangle" connects these three should be neither too tight nor too wide.
stations in an efficient layout, minimizing the Poorly Constructed Work Triangle:
distance between them to promote seamless  When the sink, refrigerator, and range
movement. The idea is to create an are too far apart, it results in excessive
uninterrupted flow from food storage to walking, making the cooking process
preparation/cooking and finally to clean-up, with tiring and inefficient. This is especially
minimal walking distances to reduce fatigue and problematic in a busy kitchen setting like
improve productivity. a hospital, where time and energy are
critical to ensure prompt meal
● An invisible triangle formed by the sink, preparation for patients.
stove and refrigerator. Examples:
● The work triangle concept refers to an  Fast-food chains design their work
invisible triangle formed by the sink, triangles tightly to minimize worker
stove, and refrigerator. It reduces movement, maximizing efficiency when
unnecessary movement and increases assembling items like burgers or fries.
efficiency.  In a restaurant setting, the work triangle
● Example: A poorly designed work should allow chefs to swiftly switch
triangle in a restaurant kitchen, where between prep, cooking, and refrigeration
the sink is far from the stove, will result areas without disruption to their rhythm.
in wasted time and energy moving
between stations.
REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES Tel. No.: (078) 377-0682
CAGAYAN STATE Email Address: [email protected]
Facebook Page: CSU-CAHS Nutrition
UNIVERSITY and Dietetics
Caritan Sur, Tuguegarao City, Cagayan
DETERMINING YOUR KITCHEN’S LAYOUT • Not good for multiple cooks .
There are six primary kitchen layout shapes:
1. U-Shaped 3. Island
Named for the "U" shape it resembles, Islands are extremely popular in homes
this kitchen is popular in large and small today and are most often seen in L-
homes alike. Shaped kitchens.
 Perfect for families who use their  Islands can not only keep work areas
kitchens a great deal traffic-free, but also create a wealth of
 Provides plenty of counter space extra counter and storage space.
 Efficient work triangle  An island can be an indispensable food
 Can convert one cabinet leg into a preparation station or act as a butcher
breakfast bar block area.
Advantages:  The island is also an ideal place to add
• Efficient for a small, medium or large an extra sink or an island grill.
kitchen space
• No through traffic to disrupt work zones 4. G-Shaped
• Wide "U" can support a kitchen island Built very much like the U-Shaped with
• Lots of cupboard space. the addition of an elongated partial wall,
Disadvantages: the G-Shaped kitchen offers a great deal
• Not efficient for large kitchens without of space.
an island  Ideal for larger families needing extra
• Bottom corner cabinets are difficult to storage space
access  Plenty of counter and cabinet space
• Unsuitable for narrow kitchens i.e.  Multiple cooks can function well in this
below 10” wide. layout
 Can convert one cabinet leg into a
2. L-Shaped DO NOT COPY

breakfast bar or entertaining area

This kitchen shape is one of the most
flexible and most popular, providing a 5. Parallel/Gallery
compact triangle. This style kitchen makes the most out of
 Very flexible layout design a smaller space.
 Major appliances can be placed in a  Great for smaller kitchens
variety of areas  Appliances are close to one another
 Work areas are close to each other  Easy for one cook to maneuver
 Can easily convert to a U-Shape with a  Can easily convert to a U-Shape by
cabinet leg addition closing off one end
Advantages: Advantages:
• Great for corner space • Excellent use of the kitchen triangle
• Efficient for a small and medium kitchen • Lots of workspace and cabinets on
space either side
• Can adjust to any length • Great for small apartments with limited
• Can easily divide the kitchen into space
multiple work sites • Great for small kitchens
• No through traffic to disrupt work zones • Great for one cook to move around
• Can use one side of the kitchen as a Disadvantages:
wall divide • Can be difficult for through traffic
Disadvantages: • Needs good lighting as can be dark-
• The corner of the L can be problematic lights may need to be added under
if the corner is taken up by a cupboard overhead cabinets
because unless fitted by a special 6. Single Wall shaped
angled corner cupboard, the corner
spaces will be inaccessible and wasted. FACTORS TO CONSIDER WHEN PLANNING
• Not efficient for large kitchens. THE LAYOUT OF THE KITCHEN
REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES Tel. No.: (078) 377-0682
CAGAYAN STATE Email Address: [email protected]
Facebook Page: CSU-CAHS Nutrition
UNIVERSITY and Dietetics
Caritan Sur, Tuguegarao City, Cagayan
● Organization of cooking areas  A hotel kitchen serving multiple
 The kitchen should be divided into outlets (banquets, room service, and
distinct areas for prep, cooking, restaurants) needs a well-planned floor
washing, and service. Each area should layout to avoid overcrowding.
support a specific function, ensuring an ● Type of services
efficient workflow.  The type of food service offered
 In hospital kitchens, for example, influences kitchen design. Fast-food
there are dedicated spaces for preparing chains need compact layouts that allow
special dietary meals. Organizing the for speed, while restaurants need more
cooking areas to accommodate multiple space for prep and cooking.
tasks simultaneously is essential.  Catering kitchens, such as those in
● Layout of equipment hospitals or event-focused hotels,
 Equipment should be placed in the require large prep spaces for preparing
order of use. The positioning of ovens, meals in bulk.
ranges, and refrigerators must support ● Type of Business
the kitchen’s flow. ● Whether the kitchen serves a
 In fast-food chains, fryers and grills hospital, restaurant, hotel, or
are placed near the service area for fast-food chain, the business
quick preparation and delivery. model will influence equipment
 In restaurants, specialized needs, kitchen size, and the
equipment like a pizza oven or wok overall layout.
burner should be positioned based on ● Fast-food chains like
the menu. McDonald's prioritize speed
and consistency, while hotel
● Size of the kitchen kitchens need flexibility for
 The size of the kitchen influences the different types of cuisine and
layout. Small kitchens might favor a DO NOT COPY

single-wall or galley layout, while
larger kitchens could benefit from U-
shaped or island layouts.
 In hotel kitchens, a larger size is
needed to accommodate various
stations for different cuisines or meal
● Location of the kitchen (close to the
dining areas and easy access to the
 The kitchen should be close to the
dining areas and have easy access to
outdoor loading docks or delivery
 In restaurant kitchens, proximity to
the dining room is key to maintaining
food quality during service.
 In hospitals, kitchens are often
located near the patient wards to ensure
quick delivery of meals.
● Floor Plan
 The floor plan needs to consider the
number of employees, type of
service, and space available. A flexible
floor plan allows for easier movement
between stations.

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