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Proceedings On Engineering Sciences: H. C. O. Unegbu D.S. Yawas B. Dan-Asabe

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Vol. 04, No. 2 (2022) 143-156, doi: 10.24874/PES04.02.


Proceedings on Engineering



H. C. O. Unegbu1
Received 20.12.2021.
D.S. Yawas Accepted 14.02.2022.
B. Dan-asabe UDC – 005.941

Construction Projects; A typical construction project has associated key players whose inputs are needed to improve
Key Players; Structural project management effectiveness. The project performance of these key players is impacted
Equation Model; Project by a number of dynamic factors which may be tangibles or intangibles. This research study
Performance assessed the impact of the project management knowledge areas on the project performance
of construction industry’s key players. A questionnaire was administered to 250 selected
project management personnel from 10 randomly selected companies in the construction
sector in the North Central Zone of Nigeria operating over the last decade. The valid responses
obtained from the respondents were 213. Altogether, 12 latent variables and 52 manifest or
observed variables were used for the data analysis after the preliminary data analysis to check
the validity, reliability and reduce the number of variables using the average variance
extracted (AVE), the Cronbach’s alpha test, the composite reliability test and exploratory
factor analysis in Microsoft Excel and the statistical package for the social sciences (SPSS)
respectively. The result of the structural equation model (SEM) in linear structural relationship
(LISREL) software used to test 29 hypotheses indicates that skillfulness in the utilization of the
project management knowledge areas by the key players in construction projects improves
their project performance. This is because 23 of these hypotheses were validated and only 6
were rejected because of unacceptable path coefficients. It was identified that the strongest
relationships exist in the interaction of the client and quality management, the client and cost
management, the client and communication management, the consultant and communication
management and the project manager and quality management in the order of their path
© 2022 Published by Faculty of Engineeringg

1. INTRODUCTION increasing the output, income and employment (Unegbu

et al., 2020a). As such, the number of construction
All over the world, the construction industry is viewed as projects undertaken in a nation is a measure of the rate of
one of the economic derivers of a nation’s economy development. This demands that the project participants
because of its contribution to national growth by should be highly effective at their job because their

Corresponding author: H. C. O. Unegbu
Email: [email protected] 143
Unegbu et al., The impact of the project management knowledge areas on the performance of the key players
in construction projects

performance is linked to the performance of the national activities, involving several disciplines and constrained
economy. The contemporary business environment is by certain factors. It also gave room for flexibility in the
very dynamic, thus, necessitating the need for the nature of the output by referring it as agreed deliverables.
construction industry globally to continually evolve One of the most acceptable definitions viewed a project
means of managing their projects effectively in the midst as engagement taken to produce a unique product, result
of increasing demand for quality to satisfy the or services (PMI, 2017). Looking at this definition of a
multifaceted expectations stakeholders (Jeremiah and project, it could be said that it is characterized by
Kabeyi, 2019). Construction projects generally involve transiency (a definite start and completion time),
different categories of project participants of which the multidisciplinary nature, unknown elements which
key players have been identified as the client or project creates risks, a change, problem solving or utilization of
owner, the consultant, sub-contractors and contractor opportunity, utilization of limited resources, achievement
whose activities greatly determine or influence project of set goals and objectives, uniqueness of product,
success (Jin et al., 2017). It therefore implies that the service or result, and novelty in the way the interrelated
extent to which these participants are grounded in the set of activities are completed (Unegbu et al., 2021).
concepts, processes and procedures of project
management will positively impact project success According to Prabhakar (2008), a project could be
because according to the Project Management Institute in classified on the bases of complexity, size, level of risks
their Guide to the Project Management Body of in the project, and the level of involvement of customers.
Knowledge, PMBOK Guide, skillfulness in the Thus, a project could be complex, large, high risk or
application of the project management practices by the customer focused as the case may be. Every project has a
project participants greatly improves project outcomes life cycle comprised of different phases through which
(PMI, 2017). the project must pass through to completion (PMI, 2017).
Different categories of project phases exist which is often
Based on the foregoing, it is imperative to develop a determined by the kind of industry, size of project, the
strategic framework that experimentally examines the nature of the output, and such like, but the most popular
factors that impact the key players of construction is that contained in Kerzner (2003), consisting of
projects and to identify the impacts of their skillfulness conceptual, planning, testing, implementation or
in the project management knowledge areas as contained execution and closure. This sequence of project phases is
in the PMBOK, on their project performance. The main aligned to that contained in PMI (2017) which are:
focus of this study is to identify the strength of the impact initiating, planning, monitoring and controlling,
of the knowledge of the project management practices on execution and closing processes.
the project performance of the key players in construction
projects and on overall project performance. It is 2.2 Project Management
assumed that the rating of the multivariate used for the
study will vary across the respondents based on their There are different views and perspectives of the
experience, number of projects handled and complexity definition of project management, but the most
of projects previously undertaken (Unegbu et al., 2020). commonly accepted definitions are those from
This also translates to the fact that the knowledge and professional bodies. The Association of Project
expertise of the key players in the utilization of the Management viewed project management from the
project management practices in managing projects perspective of the process that is followed in order to
varies. By achieving the above-mentioned objectives, the achieve the desired output of a project which include
key players in construction projects will gain more planning, execution, monitoring and control and closure
insight on the impacts of the knowledge and application (APM, 2016). This implies that project management is
of project management practices on their project targeted at how best to approach the project so as to
performance. This will in addition motivate them to gain achieve the desired expectations of the stakeholders.
more knowledge and expertise in this aspect in order to Project management is viewed as the utilizations of tools,
improve their project performance. methods, techniques and skills in implementing the
activities of a project with the aim of actualizing the
2. CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK stakeholders’ expectations (PMI, 2017). This in their
perspective demands that a project should pass through
2.1 The Project as a Concept five phases consisting of a series of activities from the
start to completion. It is concerned with how best to
The concept of project has gained a wide range of implement project activities so as to attain optimal
attention in literature resulting in different perspectives performance
of the definitions. The International Project Management
Association (IPMA) defined it as an organized effort The origin of project management could be traced to the
aimed at achieving a predefined output which is exposed military defense industry in their attempt to effectively
to constraints (IPMA, 2015). This is a very detailed respond to national security needs (Chou & Yang, 2012).
definition that recognized the characteristics of a project Since then, project management has developed over the
as unique, transient, consisting of organized interrelated years to become a fully recognized discipline with tools,

Proceedings on Engineering Sciences, Vol. 04, No. 2 (2022) 143-156, doi: 10.24874/PES04.02.005

techniques and methods that improve the management of concerning the project supersedes the expectation of
project activities and resources to achieve the defined others. This implies that the realization of the
outcomes of projects (Unegbu et al., 2021). Thus, performance expectation as defined in the project
effective project management has become an imperative objectives depends on the effectiveness of these key
in project-based industries like construction, players, which in turn is determined by their level of
manufacturing, and many other industries basically exposure to the management of construction projects
because it facilitates the realization of project (Unegbu et al., 2020a). It is therefore imperative to assess
deliverables (Isik et al., 2008). The most widely accepted the factors which potentially impact the activities of
of these guides is the Guide to the Project Management project key players and ensure that their performance at
Body of Knowledge (PMBOK Guide) which is an projects is optimally maintained in order to consistently
initiative of PMI that consist of ten knowledge areas realize project objectives.
which are integration, stakeholder, procurement,
communication, time, cost, human resource, quality, 2.4 Review of Related Literatures
scope and risk management (PMI, 2017). It contains best
practices that has the capacity to enable business Unegbu et al. (2021) investigated the relative importance
organization to achieve the much-needed results in of the project management practices to construction
managing their projects. Therefore, it is believed that the projects and the relationship between the project
right applications of the practices, tools and methods management knowledge areas using the relative
contained in these knowledge areas to project activities importance index and structural equation model. Their
will result in improved effectiveness and efficiency of research finding showed that the utilization of the project
project management and achievement of the expectations management practices in the construction industry
of project stakeholders (Chou & Yang, 2012). According resulted in improved project performance. The structural
to Zwikael (2009), a good knowledge and right equation model indicated that the management of
applications of the practices contained in the PMBOK communication has a positive impact on the rest of the
Guide enhances the performance of project managers and project management knowledge areas with the strongest
project team, and promotes project success. relationship existing between communication
management and procurement management. Alwaly and
2.3 The Key Players in Construction Projects Alawi (2020) identified the factors affecting the effective
implementation of the project management knowledge
Construction project management is multidisciplinary in areas contained in the PMBOK Guide in the construction
nature because of the diversity of the project activities industry in the developing country Yemen. The result of
which demand expertise from professions such as their data analysis which was focused on identifying the
Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Quantity level of implementation of the PMBOK Guide showed
Surveyor, Architecture, and Civil and Structural that the construction companies sparsely applied the
Engineering (Chua et al., 1999). These professions project management practices in managing construction
constitute the different components of construction projects with quality management and closing processes
project (Hwang & Lim, 2012). Apart from these emerging with highest ranks. It also attributed this
professionals, there are individuals, group or outcome to lack of qualification and poor training of the
organizations which have been identified as being at the project management professionals in contemporary
center of every project based on their level of trends in project management, hence, they recommended
involvement and concern for the project outcome. These the need for regular training and project management
are referred to as the key players which are the project certification to be emphasized by the project
owner or client, the consultant and the contractor (Jin et organizations. Unegbu et al. (2020b) studied the
al., 2017). The owner or client is an entity, individual or relationships existing between the critical success factors
organization that initiated the project and provides the and the project performance measures for construction
funding (CIOB, 2016), and in addition, demonstrates projects using structural equation model. Their research
great control over the project. The contractor is an result revealed that factors connected with the consultant
individual or organization with the expertise required to have the highest level of impact on project performance.
complete a project, whose services is engaged by the This was followed by the factors connected with the
client or owner for this purpose (Farmer, 2016). On the project manager, contractor and client in the order of
other hand, a consultant is an individual who provides decreasing path coefficient. (Kog & Loh, 2012)
advice professionally in a specific field with the aim to
identify problems, offer solutions and in some cases help Hwang and Lim (2013) studied the factors critical to the
in the implementation of the solution (Consultancy.uk, success of the key players in construction projects based
2018). on different objectives of construction projects (quality,
schedule and budget performance) using analytic
They are considered because their level of involvement hierarchy process (AHP). The key players considered in
and commitment to the project outcome is higher than the study were the contractor, consultant and client or
that of the rest of the participants in construction projects. owner. Their research findings revealed that the
Therefore, the attainment of their expectations satisfaction of project owners was the most important

Unegbu et al., The impact of the project management knowledge areas on the performance of the key players
in construction projects

factor for the consultants for both quality, schedule and part of the key players because of the key role they play
budget performances. It also indicated that the for the contractor in the management of construction
contractors rated schedule performance above quality projects. This study is focused at finding the level of
and budget performances. In other words, the impact of skillfulness in the utilization of the project
performance of schedule is preferred by the contractors management knowledge areas contained in the PMBOK
over the performance of quality and budget. Examining Guide on the performance of the client or project owner,
the impact of project management knowledge on the consultant, contractor and the project manager in the
performance of construction projects, Chou and Yang management of construction projects
(2012) carried out an empirical research study using
structural equation model. This research was focused at 3. RESEARCH METHODS
investigating the potency of the project management
tools, techniques, methods and skills with respect to the This study adopted a quantitative research approach in
implementation of building and infrastructural projects. which questionnaire was used for data collection. The
The data analysis results indicated that the application of most critical aspect of the research study was the
the project management practices contained in the identification of the variables and constructs used for data
PMBOK Guide to construction projects improves project collection. In order to do this, an extensive review of
performance, project success and customer satisfaction. literatures was conducted which resulted in the selection
of the variables and constructs used for designing the
The foregoing literature review indicates that though a questionnaire. Altogether, 70 variables and 12 constructs
reasonable level of research has been carried out on the were identified and selected from Unegbu et al. (2020a &
impact of the utilization of project management practices b) and the PMBOK Guide (PMI, 2017) and are labelled
in construction projects, there was none that focused on as shown in Table 1. This was followed by the
the impact of the project management knowledge areas development of the hypothetical model Figure 1 which
on the performance of the key players in construction was used for data analysis. The hypothetical model was
projects. This research therefore focuses on examining developed after consultation and brainstorming with ten
the impact of skillfulness in utilizing the project selected professionals in project management with not
management knowledge areas on the key players in less than ten years of experience in the construction
construction projects. The study identifies the key players industry.
as the project owner or client, the consultant and the
contractor. In addition, the project manager was added as

Table 1. The Key Players and Project Management Practices

S/N Construct Variables Label
1. Client (CLT) Client’s performance was positively impacted by project finance Y31
2. Client’s performance was positively impacted by confidence in the project team Y32
Client’s performance was positively impacted by the experience of construction
3. Y33
project organization.
Client’s performance was positively impacted by response to the needs of other
4. Y34
5. Client’s performance was positively impacted by demand and variation Y35
6. Client’s performance was positively impacted by top management support Y36
7. Client’s performance was positively impacted by the right award of bids. Y37
8. The nature of the client impacted his performance Y38
9. Consultant (CONS) The performance of the consultant was positively impacted by his competence Y41
The performance of the consultant was positively impacted by adequate design
10. Y42
details and specification
The performance of the consultant was positively impacted by cooperation in
11. Y43
solving problems among project stakeholders
The performance of the consultant was positively impacted by the involvement
12. Y44
of all stakeholders in minor issues
13. The performance of the contractor was positively impacted by his competence Y51
The performance of the contractor was positively impacted by the
14. Y52
implementation of effective safety programs
The performance of the contractor was positively impacted by the
15. Y53
implementation of effective quality assurance programs
The performance of the contractor was positively impacted by the supervision of
16. Y54
the work of the sub-contractors
The performance of the contractor was positively impacted by the use of skilled
17. Y61
The performance of the contractor was positively impacted by emphases on high
18. Y62
quality workmanship

Proceedings on Engineering Sciences, Vol. 04, No. 2 (2022) 143-156, doi: 10.24874/PES04.02.005

Table 1. The Key Players and Project Management Practices (continued)

The performance of the contractor was positively impacted effective monitoring
19. Y63
of budget
The performance of the contractor was positively impacted by adequate site
20. Y64
Project Manager
21. Related Factors The performance of the project was positively impacted his experience Y65
The performance of the project manager was positively impacted by the
22. Y66
adaptability of changes in the project plan
The performance of the project manager was positively impacted by effective
23. Y67
leadership and adequate authority
The performance of the project manager was positively impacted by his early
24. Y68
and continuous involvement in the project
Scope Management Scope management was positively impacted by scope management plan
25. X11
26. Scope management was positively impacted by scope requirement collection X12
27. Clarity in scope definition positively impacted scope management X13
28. Scope validation positively impacted scope management X14
29. Alternative’s identification positively impacted scope management X15
30. Work breakdown structure (WBS) positively impacted scope management X16
31. Analysis of variance positively impacted scope management X17
Time Management Schedule planning positively impacted time management
32. X21
33. Activities’ definition positively impacted time management X22
34. Activities’ sequencing positively impacted time management X23
35. Resource estimation for activities positively impacted time management X24
36. Activities’ duration estimation positively impacted time management X25
37. Schedule development positively impacted time management X26
38. Schedule control positively impacted time management X27
Cost Management Planning of cost positively impacted cost management
39. X31
40. Estimation of project cost positively impacted cost management X32
41. Budget determination positively impacted cost management X33
42. Cost control positively impacted cost management X34
Management of Analysis of cost-benefit positively impacted quality management
43. X41
Quality (QM)
44. Estimation of cost of quality positively impacted quality management X42
45. Utilization of cause-effect diagram positively impacted quality management X43
46. Utilization of the control chart positively impacted quality management X44
47. Quality assurance performance positively impacted quality management X45
48. Utilization of statistical sampling positively impacted quality management X46
Risk Management Risk management plan development positively impacted risk management
49. X51
50. Risk identification positively impacted risk management X52
51. Qualitative risk analysis positively impacted risk management X53
52. Quantitative risk analysis positively impacted risk management X54
53. Risk response planning positively impacted risk management X55
54. Risk control approaches positively impacted risk management X56
Communication The technology used for communication positively impacted communication
55. Management management X71
Analysis of communication requirements positively impacted communication
56. X72
The models and methods used for communication positively impacted
57. X73
communication management
Utilization of information communication system positively impacted
58. X74
communication management
59. Performance reports positively impacted communication management X75
Procurement Utilization of make-or-buy analysis positively impacted procurement
60. Management management X81
61. Conduction of market research positively impacted procurement management X82
62. Evaluation of proposals positively impacted procurement management X83

Unegbu et al., The impact of the project management knowledge areas on the performance of the key players
in construction projects

Table 1. The Key Players and Project Management Practices (continued)

Performance of procurement review positively impacted procurement
63. X84
Conduction of inspection and audits positively impacted procurement
64. X85
The management of records and payment system positively impacted
65. X86
procurement management
Stakeholder Analysis of stakeholders positively impacted stakeholder management
66. Management X91
Planning of stakeholder management and approaches positively impacted
67. X92
stakeholder management
Utilization of communication methods positively impacted stakeholder
68. X93
Interpersonal and management skills positively impacted stakeholder
69. X94
Utilization of information management system positively impacted stakeholder
70. X95

This research involved 10 construction companies with hypothetical model. The aim of the hypothetical SEM
at least five active projects in the North Central Zone of was to identify the impact of skillfulness in the project
Nigeria. A sample size of 250 was selected from the management knowledge areas on the performance of the
population of these companies randomly using simple key project players. The result of the brainstorming
random sampling technique. The sampled professionals session with the 10 selected professionals managing
include 55 clients or project owners, 75 consultants, 90 construction projects is 28 hypotheses that showed
contractor personnel and 30 project managers. All the positive impact of the project management knowledge
project management professionals sampled have not less areas on the key construction project players as shown
than ten years of experience in construction project below.
management. 1 Time management positively influences the
performance of the client.
The questionnaire was divided into two parts for effective 2 Cost management positively impacts client’s
data collection. Section 1 was structured to collect data performance.
on the demography of the respondents while section 2 3 Quality management positively impacts client’s
collected information on the identified variables for the performance.
key project players (client, consultant, contractor and 4 Communication management positively
project manager) and the project management knowledge impacts client’s performance.
areas used for the study. The respondents were requested 5 The project consultant positively impacts
to rate 70 identified variables on a five-point Likert scale client’s performance.
in which 1 represents undecided, 2 represents strongly 6 Scope management positively impacts the
disagree, 3 represents disagree, 4 represents agree and 5 consultant’s performance.
represents strongly agree. To ensure that a thorough work 7 Cost management positively impacts the
is done by the respondents, a representative was selected consultant’s performance.
for each construction company and a sample of the 8 Quality management positively impacts the
questionnaire was filled with them under the guidance of consultant’s performance.
the researcher. This sample was now used by them to 9 Communication management positively
guide others in their respective companies. In addition, impacts the consultant’s performance.
the researchers deemed it important to ensure that the 10 Stakeholder management positively impacts the
respondents understood the purpose of the questionnaire consultant’s performance.
before response. This was done by attaching a cover letter 11 Contractor positively impacts the consultant’s
to the front page of the questionnaire which explained the performance.
purpose of the research and the research objectives. 12 Scope management positively impacts the
performance of the contractor.
3.1 Hypothetical Model 13 Quality management positively impacts the
performance of the contractor.
The hypothetical SEM (Figure 1, see Appendix) was 14 Risk management positively impacts the
developed using the eight identified project management performance of the contractor.
knowledge areas and the four identified key players in 15 Communication management positively
construction projects. The eight project management impacts the performance of the contractor.
knowledge areas were used as independent latent 16 Procurement management positively impacts
constructs, while the key players were used as dependent the performance of the contractor.
latent constructs. For the sake of convenience of drawing, 17 Stakeholder management positively impacts the
the observed or measured varies were not captured in the performance of the contractor.

Proceedings on Engineering Sciences, Vol. 04, No. 2 (2022) 143-156, doi: 10.24874/PES04.02.005

18 The consultant positively impacts the PM = CM RM COM TM PROC SKM QM CONS SM

performance of the contractor. CONS =SM QM CONT SKM COM CM
19 The project manager positively impacts the CONT =SM QM RM COM PROC SKM CONS PM
performance of the contractor. Y32 Y33 Y34 Y35 Y37 =CLT
20 Scope management positively impacts the Y41 Y43 Y44 =PM
performance of the project manager. Y51-Y54 =CONS
21 Time management positively impacts the Y61 Y64 Y65 Y66 Y68 =CONT
performance of the project manager. X13-X16 =SM
22 Cost management positively impacts the X21 X22 X23 X26 X27 =TM
performance of the project manager. X31 X32 X33 X34 =CM
23 Quality management positively impacts the X41 X42 X43 X44 =QM
performance of the project manager. X51 X52 X55 X56 =RM
24 Risk management positively impacts the X72 X73 X74 X75 =COM
performance of the project manager. X81 X82 X84 X85 X86 =PROC
25 Communication management positively X91 X92 X94 X95 =SKM
impacts the performance of the project manager.
26 Procurement management positively impacts 4. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
the performance of the project manager.
27 Stakeholder management positively impacts the 4.1 Responses
performance of the project manager.
28 The consultant positively impacts the Out of the 250 questionnaires a total of 213 valid
performance of the project manager. responses were utilized for the data analysis which
indicates 85% response rate. 57% of the respondents
3.2 Method of Data Analysis were Civil and Structural Engineers and the mean work
experience of the respondents is 5 years as recommended
Data analyses was carried out in Statistical Package for by Hwang and Lim (2013).
Social Sciences (SPSS), Microsoft Excel, and Linear
Structural Relationship (LISREL). Firstly, the 4.2 Preliminary Data Analysis
demography of the participants was analyzed using
descriptive statistics in SPSS. Secondly, the number of The result of the exploratory factor analysis which was
variables utilized for subsequent analyses was reduced carried out to reduce the number of variables used for the
using exploratory factor analysis in SPSS in which the SEM is shown in Table 2. From the 70 identified
variables with factor loadings less than 0.6 were variables, 18 were eliminated with factor loadings less
eliminated from the SEM (Unegbu Et al., 2020b). than 0.6. This resulted in 52 observed or manifest
Thirdly, the data was analyzed for reliability and validity variables being used to measure the 12 latent variables
using the composite reliability test (CR), the Cronbach’s used in the hypothetical SEM with each construct being
alpha test and the average variance extracted (AVE) measured by at least three observed or manifest variables.
respectively. Values greater or equal to 0.6 was taken as The reliability and validity tests were acceptable for all
acceptable for both the reliability and validity tests (Chou the latent variables (Table 3) with values greater or equal
& Yang, 2012). Finally, the developed hypothetical to 0.6 as recommended by Karl et al. (2016).
model was tested in LISREL using SIMPLES syntax
method as shown, and the model was modified and Table 2. Exploratory Factor Analysis
validated based on the values of six goodness of fit (GF) S/N Variable Factor Loading
indices. The GF selected for the analysis which
1. Y31 0.551
accounted for absolute fit, comparative fit and parsimony
adjusted fit include the goodness of fit index (GFI)., the 2. Y32 0.718
Chi Square-Degree of Freedom ratio, the comparative fit 3. Y33 0.674
index (CFI), the non-normed fit index (NNFI) or Tucker 4. Y34 0.679
Lewis index (TLI), the root mean square error of 5. Y35 0.71
approximation (RMSEA) and the root mean square 6. Y36 0.443
residue (RMSR). The cutoff value used for the GF 7. Y37 0.716
indices were as stipulated by Karl et al. (2016).
8. Y38 0.456
9. Y41 0.62
Raw Data from file 'C:MARIS SCHOOL.psf' 10. Y42 0.496
Latent Variables CLT CONS CONT PM TM SM CM 11. Y43 0.71
RM QM 12. Y44 0.715
COM PROC SKM 13. Y51 0.704
Relationships 14. Y52 0.707
CLT = CM CONS COM QM TM 15. Y53 0.649

Unegbu et al., The impact of the project management knowledge areas on the performance of the key players
in construction projects

Table 2. Exploratory Factor Analysis (continued) 43. X41 0.76

16. Y54 0.622 44. X42 0.682
17. Y61 0.716 45. X43 0.732
18. Y62 0.362 46. X44 0.78
19. Y63 0.465 47. X45 0.535
20. Y64 0.752 48. X46 0.463
21. Y65 0.768 49. X51 0.718
22. Y66 0.683 50. X52 0.723
23. Y67 0.548 51. X53 0.555
24. Y68 0.701 52. X54 0.439
25. X11 0.445 53. X55 0.716
26. X12 0.423 54. X56 0.759
27. X13 0.681 55. X71 0.487
28. X14 0.696 56. X72 0.759
29. X15 0.709 57. X73 0.782
30. X16 0.701 58. X74 0.741
31. X17 0.588 59. X75 0.822
32. X21 0.737 60. X81 0.812
33. X22 0.755 61. X82 0.705
34. X23 0.699 62. X83 0.439
35. X24 0.545 63. X84 0.734
36. X25 0.453 64. X85 0.756
37. X26 0.733 65. X86 0.69
38. X27 0.74 66. X91 0.682
39. X31 0.719 67. X92 0.724
40. X32 0.67 68. X93 0.668
41. X33 0.637 69. X94 0.682
42. X34 0.733 70. X95 0.717

Table 3. Validity and Reliability tests

1 Client related factors (CLT) 0.863 0.703 0.609
2 Consultant related factors (CONS) 0.777 0.703 0.6825
3 Contractor related factors (CONT) 0.905 0.751 0.863
4 Project Manager (PM) 0.780 0.608 0.7602
5 Management of scope (SM) 0.768 0.516 0.8793
6 Management of time (TM) 0.855 0.520 0.8836
7 Management of cost (CM) 0.855 0.503 0.8609
8 Management of quality (QM) 0.839 0.508 0.8602
9 Management of risk (RM) 0.877 0.603 0.8825
10 Management of communication (COM) 0.859 0.584 0.8752
11 Management of procurement (PROC) 0.856 0.528 0.8694
12 Management of stakeholders (SKM) 0.807 0.620 0.8905

4.3 Testing of the Hypothetical SEM the paths SKM-CONT, SKM-CONS, PROC-PM and
SM-CONT to arrive at the modified SEM (Figure 3)
The result of the testing of the hypothetical SEM is resulting in a better GF statistic (Table 4) based on the
shown in Figure 2. Although the result of the recommendation of Karl et al. (2016), Kline (2005) and
experimental model was acceptable based on the GF Chou and Yang (2013). The accepted and rejected
statistics, further refinement was carried out by removing hypotheses alongside their path coefficients are shown in
Table 5.

Proceedings on Engineering Sciences, Vol. 04, No. 2 (2022) 143-156, doi: 10.24874/PES04.02.005

Table 4. Goodness of Fit Statistics

SN GF Initial SEM Modified SEM
1 GFI 0.67 0.74
2 X2/df 2.6 2.3
3 CFI 0.644 0.84
4 NNFI or TLI 0.61 0.81
5 SRMSR 0.073 0.064
6 RMEA 0.085 0.08

0.63 X13

0.47 X14

0.62 X15

0.61 X16
0.34 X21

0.63 X23
0.81 SM
X28 0.67
0.62 Y32 0.46
0.55 X27
TM 0.74 Y33 0.44
0.36 X31
1.25 0.75
Y34 0.52
0.40 X32 0.80 CLT 0.69
0.77 167.57 0.68 T35 0.53
0.48 X33 0.72 0.29 0.63
0.76 CM 39.64
Y37 0.61
0.42 X34 2.26
10.70 0.12 Y51 0.44
0.48 X41 9.38 0.75
0.72 -0.12 -0.01 CONS
0.67 QM 0.65 Y52 0.52
0.55 X42
0.70 -0.16 0.68
0.68 -0.12 0.63 Y53 0.54
0.52 X43 -0.18 0.81
Y54 0.61
0.54 X44 0.25
0.76 -0.12 CONT 0.76 Y61 0.43
0.42 X51 0.77 14.49 0.11 0.81
0.74 0.46 Y64 0.34
0.41 X52 0.82 -0.17 0.84
0.67 Y65 0.25
COM 1.71
0.45 X55 2.62 0.66
-0.017 0.55
0.68 -0.12 Y66
0.34 X56
1.37 Y68 0.56
X72 0.82 -0.19 PM
0.81 PROC 0.74
0.19 Y41 0.45
0.43 X73 0.65
0.76 Y43 0.56
0.32 X74 0.79
0.77 Y44 0.42
0.34 X75 0.74 SKM
0.37 X81 0.65

0.40 X82
0.46 X84
0.51 X85 0.58

0.57 X86

0.55 X91

0.43 X92

0.62 X94

0.66 X95

Figure 2. Initial SEM

4.4 The Impact of the Project Management the impact of cost management on the client (H2) with a
Knowledge Area on the Client path coefficient of 167.87. This implies that the
knowledge of quality and cost managements highly
The first four hypotheses focused on the impact of the impact the project performance of the client and as such
project management knowledge areas on the should be paramount to them since they provide the
performance of the client. All the four hypotheses (H1- project fund and are directly impacted by the quality of
H4) were validated with the strongest impact existing the project outputs. It also indicates the need for the
between quality management (H3) and the client with a project contractor and project manager to pay more
path coefficient of 199.66. This was followed closely by attention to quality and communication management in

Unegbu et al., The impact of the project management knowledge areas on the performance of the key players
in construction projects

order to satisfy the client’s expectations. The impact of while remaining (H13 and H14) two were rejected based
time and communication managements knowledge areas on poor path coefficients. The validated hypotheses are
(H1 & H4) on the client’s performance in the that quality management, risk management,
management of construction projects were also communication management and procurement
significant with path coefficients of 4.21 and 39.64 management positively impact the project performance
respectively. This emphasizes the need for effective of the project contractor. In addition, it was found that
communication and time management throughout the both the consultant and the project manager’s
lifecycle of a construction project. As pointed out by performance also have positive impact on the contractor.
Unegbu et al. (2021), communication management is at Though the path coefficients for these relationships are
the center of the rest of the project management small compared to the previous ones, their level of
knowledge areas since it positively impacts their significance and distribution are highly significant and
performance. It was also discovered that the client’s acceptable. Thus, an improved mastery of the project
performance was influenced by the performance of the management tools, methods and techniques by the
consultant (H5). It then means that the effectiveness of contractor will enhance their effectiveness in managing
the consultant in managing construction projects will no construction projects.
doubt improve the performance of the client. Thus, the
project management knowledge areas positively impact 4.7 The Impact of the Project Management
the project performance of the client. Knowledge Areas on the Project Manager
4.5 The Impact of the Project Management In project management, the project manager is viewed as
Knowledge Areas on the Consultant the key personnel of the contractor who is responsible for
the project and maintains leadership over the project
Out of the six hypotheses (H6-H11) used to assess the team. The project manager exercises authority over the
impact of the project management knowledge area on the project and accounts for its success or failure. Based on
performance of the consultant in the management of this, nine hypotheses (H20-H29) were used to test the
construction projects, four were validated and two were impact of the project management knowledge areas on
rejected. The validated hypotheses (H7 and H9) are that the project manager’s performance. Eight of these were
scope management, cost management and validated (H20-H25 and H27) which are that scope
communication management positively impact the management, time management, cost management,
performance of the consultant. In addition, the hypothesis quality management, risk management, communication
that the performance of the contractor positively impacts management and stakeholder management positively
the consultant was validated. The strongest of these impacts the performance of the project manager. In other
relationships exist between communication management words, the performance of the project manager depends
and the consultant with a path coefficient of 10.7, which highly on his mastery of the tools, techniques and
further points to the criticality of communication methods in almost all the knowledge areas. In addition,
management in project management. This was followed the impact of the contractor on the project manager was
by the impact of cost management on the consultant with also found to be significant and validated. This is to be
a path coefficient of 9.38. This implies that the stillness expected since the project manager needs the support of
of the project consultant in the usage of cost and the contractor in order to succeed in the project. The
communication management tools, techniques and strongest relationship exists between quality
methods as stipulated in the PMBOK Guide are the key management knowledge area and the project manager
determinants of their effectiveness in project with a path coefficient of 12.49. This could be interpreted
management. Hypotheses H6, H8, H10 and H11 were that the performance of the project manager depends to a
rejected because of poor path coefficients. large extent on the ability to deliver on quality which is
key determinant of project success. The only rejected
4.6 The Impact of the Project Management hypothesis is that procurement management positively
Knowledge Areas on the Contractor impacts the project manager. This is valid given that the
responsibility of procurement management to a great
Since the contractor is the main executor of construction extent rest on the contractor (PMI,2017) who may assign
projects, eight hypotheses (H12-H19) were used to assess a procurement personnel over it. Thus, skillfulness in the
the impact of the project management knowledge areas project management knowledge areas positively impacts
on their performance in managing construction projects. the performance of the project manager in managing
Six of these hypotheses were validated (H12, H16-H19) construction projects.

Proceedings on Engineering Sciences, Vol. 04, No. 2 (2022) 143-156, doi: 10.24874/PES04.02.005

0.63 X13

0.47 X14

0.62 X15

0.61 X16
0.34 X21

0.63 X23
0.81 SM
X28 0.67
0.62 Y32 0.46
0.55 X27
TM 0.74 Y33 0.44
0.36 X31
4.25 0.75
Y34 0.52
0.40 X32 0.80 CLT 0.69
0.77 167.57 0.68 T35 0.53
0.48 X33 0.72 0.63
0.76 CM 199.66 39.64
Y37 0.61
0.42 X34 2.26
12.45 0.12 Y51 0.44
0.48 X41 9.38 0.75
0.72 0.12 CONS
0.67 QM 0.65 Y52 0.52
0.55 X42
0.70 -0.16 0.68
0.68 0.63 Y53 0.54
0.52 X43 10.70 0.81
Y54 0.61
0.54 X44
0.76 -0.12 CONT 0.76 Y61 0.43
0.42 X51 0.77 14.49 0.11 0.81
0.74 0.46 Y64 0.34
0.41 X52 0.82 0.84
0.67 Y65 0.25
COM 1.71
0.45 X55 2.62 0.66
-0.01 0.55
0.68 -0.12 Y66
0.34 X56
1.37 Y68 0.56
X72 0.82 PM
0.81 PROC 0.74
0.19 Y41 0.45
0.43 X73 0.65
0.76 Y43 0.56
0.32 X74 0.79
0.77 Y44 0.42
0.34 X75 0.74 SKM
0.37 X81 0.65

0.40 X82
0.46 X84
0.51 X85 0.58

0.57 X86

0.55 X91

0.43 X92

0.62 X94

0.66 X95

Figure 3. The Modified SEM

Table 5. Validated Relationships

Hypotheses Key Player Validated Rejected Path Coefficient
1. Client or Project Owner Yes 4.21
2. Yes 167.87
3. Yes 199.66
4. Yes 39.64
5. Yes 2.26
6. Consultant Yes 0.12
7. Yes 9.38
8. Yes -0.01
9. Yes 10.7
10. Yes -0.001
11. Yes 0.84
12. Contractor Yes 0.253
13. Yes -0.18
14. 0.11
15. Yes 0.11
16. Yes 0.46
17. Yes 0.17
18. Yes 2.28
19. Yes 1.71

Unegbu et al., The impact of the project management knowledge areas on the performance of the key players
in construction projects

Table 5. Validated Relationships (continued)

20. Project Manager Yes -0.015
21. Yes 0.12
22. Yes 10.7
23. Yes 12.49
24. Yes 0.12
25. Yes 2.62
26. Yes -0.19
27. Yes 0.19
28. Yes 1.37

4. CONCLUSION and the project manager in managing construction

projects. Thus, the need for the key players in
This research study has assessed the impact of the project construction projects to be well knowledgeable and
management knowledge areas on the performance of the trained in their utilization in order to improve their
key players in the management of a construction project. performance in construction projects. This also points to
Based on literature review, a hypothetical structural the fact that you cannot claim to be a project management
equation model (SEM) was developed consisting of professional without acquiring the necessary skills and
twenty-nine hypotheses. After using exploratory factor certifications. It will therefore be a good practice for
analyses to minimize the number of variables used for the regulators in the construction industry to ensure
SEM model, the experimental SEM model was obtained compliance to this by all professionals in the industry.
which was refined to improve the goodness of fit
statistics. The relationships were then validated using the The result also shows that the activities of the consultant
strength of their path coefficients. Out of these twenty- positively impact the client, the contractor’s activities
nine hypotheses used for the analyses, twenty-three were positively impact the project manager and the
accepted having path coefficients greater or equal to 0.1, consultant’s activities positively impact the contractor
while six were rejected with path coefficients less than and vice versa. Thus, the need to regularly expose the key
0.1. players to project management practices through
trainings and certifications as the case may be and the
The strongest relationship exists between the client and need for more harmonious working relationship among
quality management, the client and cost management, them when managing project for improved effectiveness
and the client and communication management with a and efficiency.
path coefficient of 199.66, 167.87 and 39.64 respectively.
Thus, emphasizing the importance of carrying the client This research was carried out for the key players involved
along throughout the project’s lifecycle. These were in the construction project management in Nigeria, a
followed by the relationship between the project manager developing country. As such the research findings may
and quality management, the consultant and only apply to countries with similar economic, political
communication management, and the client and time and socio-cultural background. This implies that the
management with path coefficients 12.49, 9.39 and 4.21 findings of this study may not be applied to developed
respectively. The result also indicates the need for an countries. Similar studies are therefore recommended to
improved harmonious relationship among the key players be carried out in countries with diverse economic,
as shown by the positive impact of the performance of political and socio-cultural background (developed
the consultant on the client’ performance, the countries) and comparisons be made with this study. A
performance of the contractor on the project manager’s further study in the subject matter is recommended to
performance and the performance of the contractor on the focus on the impact of the project management
consultant’s performance, hence, the need for a high level knowledge areas on a broader perspective of key players
of collaboration and cooperation. in construction projects such as the government’s
regulatory agencies and the end users of the project.
The result of this study confirms that skillfulness in the
application of the tools, techniques and methods Acknowledgement: The authors sincerely acknowledge
contained in the project management knowledge areas as the contribution of the professionals in the sampled
stipulated in the PMBOK Guide positively impacts the construction companies who took their time to complete
performance of the client, the consultant, the contractor the survey on schedule.

Proceedings on Engineering Sciences, Vol. 04, No. 2 (2022) 143-156, doi: 10.24874/PES04.02.005


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H. C. O. Unegbu D.S. Yawas B. Dan-asabe

Ahmadu Bello University, Ahmadu Bello University, Ahmadu Bello University,
Zaria, Zaria, Zaria,
Nigeria Nigeria Nigeria
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Unegbu et al., The impact of the project management knowledge areas on the performance of the key players
in construction projects


Figure 1. Hypothetical SEM Model


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