MKTG P302-Lesson 3 Channel Management
MKTG P302-Lesson 3 Channel Management
MKTG P302-Lesson 3 Channel Management
Channel Management is defined as a process where the company develops various marketing
techniques as well as sales strategies to reach the widest possible customer base. It is the process of
recognizing the potential customer, interacting with them and sustaining and continuing to create value
for customers.
For example, the company may have trouble getting franchisees to add new products or to
participate in promotions.
Motivation: Refers to the actions taken by the manufacturer to foster channel member cooperation in
implementing the manufacturer’s distribution objectives.
2. Offering support to the channel members that is consistent with their needs and problems.
Support for channel members refers to the manufacturer’s efforts in helping channel
members to meet their needs and solve their problems. Such support for channel members
is all too often offered on a disorganized and ad hoc basis.
Control must still be exercised through effective leadership on a continuing basis to attain a
well-motivated team of channel members.
Training of channel members- The selected intermediaries must be provided effective and careful
training sessions because the intermediaries are considered as the company by the customers.
Evaluation of channel members- the evaluation of channel members is crucial for determining the
retention, training, and motivation decisions. Through this, necessary information regarding channel
member is attained.
Modifying the channel arrangement- Once the channel members are finalized, the companies usually
do not re-evaluate the intermediaries which causes potential harm to marketing of the firms.
So it becomes necessary for a company to keep modifying the marketing channels as per the changing
needs of the market.
Managing the relationships in channel- one of the key aspects to maximize the revenue and profit is
the management of relationships with the channel members.
It is impossible for a channel to be efficient without coordinating with each other, and
improving cooperation among the channel members is very important.
2. Channel power-can be defined as the capability of a channel member that allow him to control
the decisions of other channel members in the same marketing channel.
3. Channel conflict- refers to a situation when one channel member competes with the other. This
arises when a channel member feels obstructed by another channel member.