Progress and Prospects in Magnetic Topological Materials: Review

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Progress and prospects in magnetic

topological materials B. Andrei Bernevig1 ✉, Claudia Felser2 & Haim Beidenkopf3

Received: 8 December 2020

Accepted: 6 October 2021 Magnetic topological materials represent a class of compounds with properties that
Published online: 2 March 2022 are strongly influenced by the topology of their electronic wavefunctions coupled
with the magnetic spin configuration. Such materials can support chiral electronic
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channels of perfect conduction, and can be used for an array of applications, from
information storage and control to dissipationless spin and charge transport. Here we
review the theoretical and experimental progress achieved in the field of magnetic
topological materials, beginning with the theoretical prediction of the quantum
anomalous Hall effect without Landau levels, and leading to the recent discoveries of
magnetic Weyl semimetals and antiferromagnetic topological insulators. We outline
recent theoretical progress that has resulted in the tabulation of, for the first time, all
magnetic symmetry group representations and topology. We describe several
experiments realizing Chern insulators, Weyl and Dirac magnetic semimetals, and an
array of axionic and higher-order topological phases of matter, and we survey future

Topological insulators and topological semimetals, first predicted that are linked to orbital magnetism instead of spin magnetism; we will
15 years ago1,2, can exhibit robust boundary states, quantized bulk defer such discussion to Supplementary Information B.
responses and exotic transport properties. They represent a possible Finally, we will conclude with a brief discussion of the opportunities
route towards manipulating quantum information3, coherent spin for further theoretical exploration and experimental discovery in this
transport4 and high-efficiency catalysis5. Although a myriad of insulat- space, and what they might mean for both fundamental studies and
ing and (semi)metallic non-magnetic topological phases have now been practical applications.
predicted, characterized and measured, magnetic materials have so
far been scarce. The interacting nature of these materials renders their
theoretical prediction more difficult than that of their non-magnetic Theory of magnetic topological insulators
counterparts, yet they are experimentally attractive because magnet- The very first magnetic topological insulator is the (integer and frac-
ism potentially offers greater opportunity for manipulation of topologi- tional) quantum Hall effect, the discovery and theoretical explanation
cal states. In the past three years, theoretical and experimental advances of which resulted in two Nobel prizes, in 1985 and 1998. It was subse-
in topological magnetic materials have precipitated6–11. quently realized12 by Haldane that an applied magnetic field is not neces-
For background, in Box 1 we give an overview of the general steps sary to realize a magnetic topological insulator, and research over the
needed for the high-throughput theoretical screening of magnetic past ten years theoretically uncovered other insulating phases of mat-
topological materials (further technical details are available in Sup- ter, the properties of which are defined by magnetic group topology.
plementary Information A). Once a candidate topological material The quantum anomalous Hall effect (AHE)12 has been realized by
has been synthesized (itself a challenge), various experimental tools opening a magnetic mass gap (by either magnetic impurities13,14 or
must be marshalled to measure their electronic band structures and intrinsic magnetic order10,15,16) in the Dirac cone at the surface of a
their transport properties, and identify topological features: these are thin three-dimensional (3D) topological insulator film. This state is,
summarized in Box 2. however, the axion (higher-order) insulator with a chiral hinge mode,
The main purpose of this Review is to discuss recent theoretical and where the sample has been thinned to quasi-two-dimensional (2D) with
experimental progress in this area by surveying the rich phenomenology magnetism added on the surface; it is not the original, stoichiometric,
predicted and detected in a variety of compounds. We elaborate on two purely 2D Chern insulator12. The magnetic order mechanism in these
examples, one from each of the two main material classes—magnetic samples is under debate13,17 between Ruderman–Kittel–Kasuya–Yosida
topological insulators and magnetic topological semimetals. Specifi- (RKKY) (Mn-doped Bi2Te3)18 and Van Vleck19 (Cr-doped (Bi,Sb)2Te3)20.
cally, we will discuss the characteristic band structure features and The 3D antiferromagnetic topological insulator (AFMTI)21,22 is the
transport phenomena of such systems based on two of the most well only other magnetic topological insulator that has been realized10, in
studied magnetic topological materials: the van der Waals antiferro- MnBi2Te4 in type-IV magnetic space group RI 3c (no. 167.108)23. Figure 1
magnetic topological insulator MnBi2Te4 and the kagome ferromagnetic summarizes the different magnetic topological phases observed and
Weyl semimetal Co3Sn2S2 . Other magnetic topological possibilities exist predicted in MnBi2Te4 and related compounds. An AFMTI is the result

Department of Physics, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, USA. 2Max Plank Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids, Dresden, Germany. 3Department of Condensed Matter Physics, Weizmann
Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel. ✉e-mail: [email protected]

Nature | Vol 603 | 3 March 2022 | 41

Thin samples of MnBi2Te4 produce a quantum AHE expected to be
Box 1 more robust than that of magnetic-impurity-doped topological insu-
lator15,24–26. When a Dirac fermion (exhibiting π Berry phase around the
Prediction of magnetic Fermi surface) is gapped, the resulting insulator has an integrated Berry
curvature—Chern number—C = 1/2; the lower and upper surfaces can
topological materials then either subtract (to lead to C = 0) or add, to lead to C = 1 quantum
AHE. Whether they add or subtract depends on the surface exchange
Wavefunction representations. The framework for classifying field. Even (odd) number of non-magnetic unit cells will experience
and analysing magnetic crystals and their topology is that of opposite (equal) exchange field on the top and bottom surface, giving
the 1,651 magnetic space groups. A complete catalogue of rise to C = 0 (1). Furthermore, the application of a magnetic field can
magnetic space groups and their topological phases is now drive the magnetic moments ferromagnetically. Theoretically, ferro-
available, for the first time, on the Bilbao Crystallographic Server magnetic MnBi2Te4 (with magnetic space group R3m′ (no. 166.101)) is
(BCS; The steps for high-throughput a bulk Weyl semimetal with one pair of Weyl points along Γ−Z (refs. 26,27).
material discovery are: first, an ab initio calculation obtains the In between the two Weyl points, in each kz plane, the Chern number is
electronic wavefunction representations (called ‘symmetry data’) 1 per kz momentum. For a thin-film material of N layers, this momentum
at high-symmetry points for a specific material. Efficient magnetic is quantized in units of 2π/N, which, for small N, gaps the Weyl nodes,
topological quantum chemistry175–177 and related methods39,169,178,179 owing to quantum confinement. Hence the finite-layer thin film of
require only the electronic wavefunctions at a small number of ferromagnetic MnBi2Te4 can exhibit a quantum AHE with a Chern num-
specific, high-symmetry momenta. ber greater than 1. In ref. 28, a quantum confinement 5-meV gap is
Topological indices. Second, the symmetry data are used induced at the Γ point and C = 2.
to compute the topological indices of a set of bands. The The C = 1 quantum AHE state obtained by gapping a thin film of
computation background is complicated and tedious for a large topological insulator is a ‘static’ axion insulator, a state of matter with
number of bands; publicly available codes (Check Magnetic the θ angle—coefficient of the Chern–Simons form of the Berry poten-
Topology, tial A(k)—equal to π (ref. 29). The discovery of higher-order topological can now automate this process. insulators (HOTIs)30 resolved the link between the axion insulator and
Given the information available in the symmetry data of the band, the quantum AHE. T symmetry breaking can drive a 3D topological
the code checks whether a set of bands in the Brillouin zone can insulator into an axion insulator phase with gapped surface states and
form an insulator. If not, they are a topological semimetal. If yes, gapless (chiral) hinge modes29,31–37 which carry the Chern number of
the code further checks whether the insulator can be expressed the quantum AHE. Inversion-symmetric topological insulators can be
as a sum of atomic, trivial insulators. If not, it is topological. axion insulators and at the same time magnetic HOTIs with ‘intrinsic’
Further division of topological class is performed and materials hinge states6,7,37–40 (see Fig. 1). Their bulk topology may be inferred from
are tabulated in a way similar to the spirit of a ‘periodic table’ of the Fu–Kane parity formula31,32,41; all of their surface states and Wilson
compounds. loops are gapped. Gapless hinges provide chiral spectral flow30,42.
Material prediction. Band structures and topological phase A large number of theoretically predicted but experimentally undis-
diagrams depending on Hubbard U interaction are computed covered topological states exist (see Fig. 1). Although the static axion
and posted in the Topological Materials Database (https:// insulator has been observed10,16,43–45, it was predicted46 that a ‘dynami- Despite the cal’ mode of the axion insulator (phason as the dynamical mode) can
results of refs. 6–8, and the recent experimental identification arise from gapping two Weyl nodes spontaneously by charge-density
of novel magnetic topological insulators10,16 and topological wave formation at the wave vector between the nodes. This proposal
semimetals9,110,118, the low number of materials with magnetic remains unrealized, although its time-reversal counterpart
structures measured through neutron diffraction and matched (charge-density wave in a non-centrosymmetric time-reversal-invariant
with magnetic space groups hinders magnetic material discovery. Weyl) has been predicted and discovered in (TaSe4)2I47,48. In magnetic
Neutron-scattering measurements180 for every magnetic space groups, axion insulator phases can be protected by other bulk
compound, coupled with theoretical analysis of the spin-wave symmetries such the product of twofold rotation and T 42,49,50 (see Fig. 1).
spectrum are needed to determine the magnetic space group. The magnetic Möbius topological crystalline insulators51,52 host
Fortunately, the list of compounds for which the magnetic space unpaired Dirac-cone surface states—similar to those of 3D topological
group is determined by the MAGNDATA application on the BCS181 insulators—appearing along surface glide lines and have been predicted
is growing daily, from 500 a year ago6 to 1,000 today. Knowing in MnBi2nTe3n+153–55 with canted magnetic moments. They are the T
the magnetic space group allows for far more accurate ab initio -breaking analogue of the hourglass topological crystalline insula-
calculations of the band structure, which can then be used7 to tors56–59 in KHgSb. Glide mirror on some surfaces allows for a degen-
determine the topological classification of the magnetic materials. eracy along mirror symmetric lines in the Brillouin zone (see Fig. 1).
In total, four different topological phases (three are shown in Fig. 1e)
can be (theoretically) realized in the same compound formula, cor-
responding to different topological classifications: AFMTI (collinear
of turning on the antiferromagnetism in a non-magnetic time-reversal- antiferromagnetic state), high-order Möbius insulator (in canted
invariant topological insulator. Forcing doubling of the unit cell, the antiferromagnetic state) and mirror topological crystalline insu-
symmetry group becomes a combination ({T|00 2 }) of time reversal (T) lators (in-plane ferromagnetism), as well as a ferromagnetic axion
and half a lattice translation ({002 }). Before turning on the antiferro- (out-of-plane ferromagnetism) in MnBi8Te1360. The difference in their
magnetism, the strong topological insulator exhibited a Dirac cone on topological classifications is a clear example of how different magnetic
each surface; the antiferromagnetism gaps the Dirac cone on the sur- symmetry groups give rise to different topology.
face perpendicular to the half lattice translation. On the side surfaces, Magnetic topological states implied by symmetry eigenvalues have
the ({T|00 2 }) enforces Kramers degeneracy at kz = 0 (but not at kz = π). recently been classified7,8, even though material predictions are scarce.
The Dirac node sits at kz = 0 in the antiferromagnetic Brillouin zone, Of these, spinful helical magnetic HOTI phases are related to rotational
irrespective of its location (at kz = 0 or π) in the larger non-magnetic anomalies and exhibit trivial axion angles θ = 0(mod 2π). When termi-
Brillouin zone (see Fig. 1), as previously reported10. nated (see Fig. 1) in nanorod geometries, the helical magnetic HOTIs

42 | Nature | Vol 603 | 3 March 2022

Box 2

Experimental identification of magnetic topological materials

M - Magnetization c d hQ, photon energy
I - Current VB, voltage bias
V - Voltage
T - Temperature
B - Magnetic field V V

Anomalous Hall Anomalous Nernst

e a STM b g I


Quantum anomalous Hall Chiral anomaly


f h T

Topological electro-optics V

Gravitational anomaly
Axion electrodynamics

Box 2 Figure | Band structure mapping, transport and optical properties. or nodal lines93. d, Analogous to the AHE, an anomalous Nernst
a, b, Band structure mapping. Scanning tunnelling microscopy (STM; a) and effect is observed in measurements of heat current, where a
ARPES (b) probe spectroscopic topological fingerprints mainly through the transverse voltage is produced by a temperature gradient and the
concept of bulk–boundary correspondence of the electronic band structure. magnetization orthogonal to each other. e, In extreme cases the
Magnetic Weyl and Dirac semimetals exhibit linear dispersion in the bulk and anomalous Hall response becomes quantized15. f, Whenever the
Fermi arcs at their surfaces, whereas nodal line semimetals host complex magnetization on opposite boundaries has opposite polarity, an
drum head surface states9,110,118,182. In magnetic topological insulators, the axion insulator is formed in which the electrons exhibit axion
main spectroscopic challenge is to image the gapped surface states15,27. electrodynamics. g, The chiral anomaly in topological materials
c–i, Transport and optical properties. Magnetic topological manifests as a negative magnetoresistance in response to parallel
materials that host an enhanced Berry curvature further exhibit electric current and magnetic field. The negative magnetoresistance
extreme responses to external stimuli such as magnetic field, arises from the magnetic-field-induced imbalance in the number of
voltage or current bias, temperature gradient and optical excitation fermions in each pair of Weyl nodes with opposite chirality. h, The
that can be applied in various longitudinal and transverse same experimental set-up with a thermal gradient instead of an
combinations c–i 101,117,119,142,152. c, For observing the AHE, an electric electric field probes the gravitational anomaly. i, Nonlinear optical
current is injected normal to the magnetization. The resulting Hall conductivity components should be enhanced, owing to the large
resistivity of a ferro- or ferrimagnetic compound is then proportional Berry curvature in semimetal and nodal line compounds.
to the magnetization and enhanced close to Dirac and Weyl points

generically exhibit even numbers of massless twofold surface Dirac

cones (see Fig. 1f) on surfaces perpendicular to a rotation axis similar Materials for magnetic topological insulators
to those in ref. 61. On their side surfaces, domain walls between surfaces There are four main routes for turning a topological insulator into a
with oppositely signed masses bind mirror-protected helical hinge magnetic quantum AHE system, sketched in Fig. 2: (1) extrinsic deposi-
states (Fig. 1g). tion of magnetic layers onto the surfaces of the topological insulator

Nature | Vol 603 | 3 March 2022 | 43

a Antiferromagnetism b Out-of-plane ferromagnetism c Canted antiferromagnetism d In-plane ferromagnetism


0.2 2
Energy (eV)

Energy (eV)

Energy (eV)

–0.2 0

–0.4 –1
X –Z Γ Z X
Hinge states
surface state

Möbius (010)
fermion surface
surface states

Fig. 1 | Interplay between magnetic orders and topology. Depending on the together by one-dimensional chiral hinge states, manifesting the higher-order
spin configuration, the MnBi2nTe3n+1 system is predicted to be one of the nature (HOTI) of the system. The surface state is a Dirac cone, whose position is
following. a, For an AFMTI, with a single gapless Dirac cone protected by on the Γ–Z line, and their mirror eigenvalues, proportional to exp(ik z /2), require
{T|00 2 } on the symmetry-preserving (010) (or (100)) surface, whereas the two Brillouin zones (4π) to return to themselves, hence the name Möbius.
symmetry-non-preserving (001) surface is gapped. b, In a thin 2D sample with d, A topological crystalline insulator phase for in-plane ferromagnetism, where
only a few layers, a quantum AHE state with C = 1 (axion insulator) or C = 2, the glide mirror {Mx|00 2 } is promoted to a mirror M x, and now a surface state
depending on the number of layers, and with Chiral edge states. c, A Möbius appears on both symmetry-preserving (010) and (001) surfaces. Parts of a–d
insulator in a canted antiferromagnetic state which respects glide mirror are reprinted with permission from ref. 53 by the American Physical Society;
{Mx|00 2 } symmetry with M x mirror followed by half-lattice translation. The part of a is reprinted with permission from ref. 27 by the American Physical
insulator shows surface states on the symmetry-preserving (010) surface but Society.
not on the (100) and (001) surfaces. Two opposite (010) surfaces are linked

(Fig. 2a); (2) doping the bulk topological insulator with magnetic ele- Recently, a new family of intrinsic antiferromagnetic topologi-
ments (Fig. 2b); (3) interleaving magnetic layers into the topological cal insulators was discovered10,54,55,77 with the general composition
insulator unit cell (Fig. 2c); and (4) identifying intrinsic magnetically MnTe(Bi2Te3)n (Fig. 2e, f). MnBi2Te4 is the first member of the family
ordered topological insulator states (Fig. 2d). The last two may intro- with a Néel temperature TN of 25 K (ref. 10). MnBi2Te4 is a natural het-
duce magnetic symmetries that directly affect the topological clas- erostructure of MnTe and Bi2Te310. The compound topology (band
sification. inversion) is akin to the Bi2Te3 quintuple layer, whereas the magnetism
Several attempts made to fabricate hybrid heterostructures of mag- is related to MnTe. The combined symmetry of time reversal and half
netic overlayers on topological insulator surfaces such as EuS over a unit cell translation protects the Dirac states parallel to the antifer-
Bi2Se362–68 have uncovered intriguing transport properties69, but could romagnetic order from gapping (Fig. 2e) but gaps the surfaces perpen-
not demonstrate quantized anomalous Hall conductance. An alterna- dicular to it. Spectroscopic reports have been thus far inconclusive
tive path13, inspired by semiconductor spintronics70 is doping of the on the formation of a magnetic gap at the surface Dirac points: some
canonical topological insulators Bi2Se3, Bi2Te3 or HgTe with magnetic angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) measurements
ions (for example, V, Mn, Cr, Sm)13,67,71,72, depicted in Fig. 2b. In 201313, the find a gapped surface spectrum10,78, other image gapless Dirac bands
quantum AHE was measured in thin films of Cr-doped (Bi1−xSbx)2Te3 with with weak response to lifting of the antiferromagnetic order above
a quantized Hall resistance ρyx observed up to temperatures of 30 mK. the Neel temperature79. Local spectroscopic mappings in scanning
In 201572 the quantum AHE was demonstrated in V-doped (Bi1−xSbx)2Te3 tunnelling microscopy (STM) visualize a high level of substitutional
with a larger coercive field and in higher temperatures up to 100 mK. Mn atoms on Bi sites, posing a similar challenge to that encountered
Despite promising transport experiments—although limited to cryo- with magnetically doped topological insulators80,81. Thin-film quan-
genic temperatures—the spectroscopic investigation of the energy gap tization was shown to give rise to either a quantum AHE15, or an axion
of the corresponding surface states45,73–76 has so far been inconclusive. insulator82 (Fig. 2g, h, respectively). Accordingly, the MnTe(Bi2Te3)n
Low Curie temperatures, and the risk of inhomogeneous clustering of family will undoubtedly open many new opportunities for magnetic
dopants thus gave way to intrinsic magnetic topological insulators. Weyl semimetals, and beyond.

44 | Nature | Vol 603 | 3 March 2022

a b e 0.2 g
(0001) (1011)

Uyx (h/e2)
E (eV)
0 0

k –10 0 10
H (T)

c d f h

Uyx (h/e2)

E (eV)

–0.1 0 0.1 –8 0 8
k|| (Å–1) H (T)

Fig. 2 | Magnetic topological insulators—realizations and MnBi2Te 4 case predicts the presence of Dirac states on surfaces that preserve combined
study. There are four main approaches for realizing a magnetic topological time-reversal and half-unit-cell-translation operation (right) and massive ones
insulator. a, Deposition of a magnetic layer over a topological insulator surface on those that that break it (left)27. f, Spectroscopic ARPES measurement images
(for example, EuS/Bi2Se3). b, Magnetic element doping of a topological the Dirac surface states with possible induced gap at the Dirac node10. g, The
insulator (for example, Bi2−x CrxTe3). c, Stoichiometrically interleaved magnetic magnetotransport responses show prominent magnetic topological response.
layers within the topological insulator unit cell (for example, MnBi2Te4). h, For even septuple-layer thin film the quantum AHE is observed with
d, Intrinsically stoichiometric magnetic topological insulators (for example, quantized Hall resistance15, whereas for odd septuple-layer axion response is
EuCd2As2). e–h, The AFMTI MnBi2Te4 was recently shown to exhibit quantized found with null Hall response82. e, f are reprinted by permission from Springer
anomalous Hall conductance in the thin-film limit with an exciting dependence Nature, ref. 10; g is from ref. 15, reprinted with permission from AAAS; h is
on parity of layer number. e, Ab initio calculation of its surface band structure reprinted by permission from Springer Nature, ref. 82.

Meanwhile, an increasing number of intrinsic magnetic compounds

(Fig. 2d), are being identified and investigated in transport and spec- Theory of magnetic topological semimetals
troscopy in search of clear signatures of topology induced by bro- More than 100 years ago Edwin Hall realized that all ferromagnetic
ken time-reversal symmetry. These include the ferromagnetic AHE semimetals and metals exhibit an anomalously large Hall effect (AHE).
Fe3GeTe283, the AFMTI EuCd2As2 and the antiferromagnetic topological Because the Hall resistivity versus an applied external magnetic field
crystalline insulator (and possibly a magnetic HOTI) EuIn2As2, which behaves similarly to the magnetization versus the external magnetic
we briefly discuss. Large anomalous Hall and Nernst signals were field, it was concluded that the AHE is proportional to the magnetiza-
detected in the ferromagnetic Fe3GeTe283,84, with a critical tempera- tion. Nowadays it is established that the Berry curvature has an impor-
ture Tc higher than room temperature in the few-layer limit of gated tant role in determining the AHE in ferromagnetic semimetals and
devices85. The anomalous Hall behaviour is believed to originate from metals93. Berry noted that an energy-level crossing leads to a physical
the intrinsic Berry curvature contribution due to gapping of a nodal band crossing that behaves as a magnetic monopole94, the Weyl point.
line semimetallic state83,86. No clear spectroscopic evidence of topo- Magnetic Weyl semimetals are common: every crossing point in the
logical states has been provided yet. EuCd2As2 is predicted87,88 to turn band structure of a ferromagnetic centrosymmetric compound is
from a paramagnetic narrow-gap semiconductor to an AFMTI below related to nodal lines or Weyl points.
TN = 10 K with the easy axis perpendicular to the layers. The combined The simplest topological semimetal, without time-reversal or
non-symmorphic time-reversal symmetry protects the Dirac surface crystalline symmetry is the solid-state realization of conventional
states on the side surfaces that respect it, and the top and bottom Weyl fermions—twofold degeneracies appearing when two singly
facets are gapped forming Chern or axion insulating states87 that degenerate bands cross, at any point in the Brillouin zone, and exhib-
have been reported to exist by ARPES89. EuIn2As2 is predicted88 to iting linear dispersion away from the degeneracy point95–97. Weyl
turn from a paramagnetic narrow gap semiconductor into a type-A fermions carry a nontrivial topological invariant, the Chern number
antiferromagnetic axion insulator90 or rather a magnetic HOTI91 below |C| = 1 evaluated on a sphere at energy EF around the Weyl point. This
TN = 10 K, neither of which is established spectroscopically92. A third invariant renders Weyl nodes locally stable to gapping. The Berry
classification arises when its antiferromagnetic order aligns parallel curvature is concentrated near Weyl nodes giving a large AHE (angle)
to the layers and a magnetic mirror symmetry is restored, classifying σ W = h C11 W in magnetic Weyl semimetals with Fermi level close to
the electronic phase as an antiferromagnetic topological crystalline the Weyl nodes97,98, where 1W is the momentum vector between the
insulator. two Weyl nodes, e is the charge on the electron and h is Planck’s

Nature | Vol 603 | 3 March 2022 | 45

a Co3Sn2S2 c Bulk surface dispersion e Giant anomalous Hall effect g Chiral anomaly
Structure ARPES Fermi arc Transport 100 K Transport
50 K
K′ M′ K 2K 0
M 103

Vyx (Ω–1 cm–1)

Binding energy (eV)

MR (%)

–103 –2

1 nm –0.3 0 0.3 –15 0 15

H (T) H (T)

b Band structure d Fermi arcs f Anomalous Nernst effect h Edge mode

QPI Low High Thermal transport STM
Co3Sn2S2 Co2MnGa Low High
–10 meV MnGe

|SAxy| (μV K–1)

100 (20 K,
B < 14 T) Co

Syx (μV K–1)

Fe/Pt multilayer,
2 10–4

10–3 10–2 10–1 100

P0M (T)
5 nm–1 ΔT|| ab plane
0 –200
0 100 200 300 2 nm
Scattering involving Fermi arcs T (K) Edge mode

Fig. 3 | Magnetic topological semimetals—Co3Sn2S2 case study. The onsets with finite coercive field within the ferromagnetic phase119. g, Strong
ferromagnetic Weyl semimetal Co3Sn2S2 exhibits many of the phenomena negative magnetoresistance (MR) (B ∥ I) is further detected, possibly
associated with magnetic topological matter (see Box 2). a, The atomic signifying chiral anomaly117. h, STM spectroscopic imaging finds an increased
structure contains kagome layers of Co magnetic ions (inset) seen in STM density of states (marked by open arrow) localized next to crystallographic
topography 9. b, Ab initio calculation by density functional theory (DFT) of its step edge (topography in inset) attributed to an edge mode120. Zero-bias
band structure within the ferromagnetic phase finds six bulk Weyl nodes with conductance peak (marked by solid arrow) possibly originates from geometric
Dirac-like dispersion. c, The bulk Weyl bands and corresponding surface Fermi frustration owing to kagome structure123. a, d are from ref. 9, reprinted with
arc states (magenta) are captured by ARPES118. d, Scattering processes permission from AAAS; b, e are reprinted by permission from Springer Nature,
involving Fermi-arc states are also imaged by STM through quasiparticle ref. 117; c is from ref. 118, reprinted with permission from AAAS; h is reprinted by
interference (QPI; magenta)9. e, Transverse magnetotransport (B ⊥ I) finds a permission from Springer Nature, ref. 120.
giant AHE117. f, Also found is a large anomalous Nernst signal (B ⊥ ∇T) that

π3 k 2T
constant). By the Mott relation α W = ( 3 )( eB )dσ W(ϵ)/dϵϵ = EF(kB, Boltz- CuMnAs and CuMnP have been proposed109 to exhibit Dirac points.
mann’s constant), the anomalous Nernst effect is also expected to Their antiferromagnetic order maintains the type-III symmetry IT 23
be large99–102. leading to doubly degenerate bands at each k ∈ Brillouin zone. Two
The ℤ-valued Chern number of the Weyl points reflects the difference pairs of these bands cross and their Dirac degenerate point is protected
1 1
in the Chern number of 2D Brillouin zone planes above and below the by a non-symmorphic {C2z| 2 , 0, 2 }. EuCd2As288 was also proposed as
Weyl point. Each Brillouin zone plane carrying nonzero Chern numbers a Dirac semimetal in a type-IV magnetic space group (D34d ⊕ T ′D34d )23.
projects on surfaces of the crystal to give rise to quantum Hall-like edge Doubly degenerate bands exist owing to I{T|0, 0, 2 }symmetry, and two
states, summing up into surface Fermi arcs spanning the momentum pairs can cross with the Dirac point stabilized by C3v symmetry. When
space between the projections of the bulk Weyl points. Higher-charge threefold rotation symmetry C3z is broken, the Dirac semimetal phase
Weyl points appear when two or more Weyl nodes are pinned together can evolve into the AFMTI phase. Magnetic nodal line semimetals were
by a crystalline rotation symmetry. The first prediction, still unrealized, predicted in the layered system Fe3GeTe286 without spin–orbit coupling
of a C = 2 Weyl node, stabilized by C4 symmetry, was in the ferromag- (SOC). Similarly, in the ferromagnetic Co2MnGa110 with space p group
netic phase of HgCr2Se4103 in the magnetic space group I41/am′d′ (no. Fm3m (no. 225)23, two majority spin bands near the Fermi level cross
141.557)23, in which a strong AHE was reported104. on the mirror planes stabilized by mirror symmetry. The nodal lines
A series of experimentally promising antiferromagnetic topological gap when the SOC is present, although in reality the SOC is negligible.
semimetals has been predicted105–107 on the basis of a search of large AHE Proposals of nodal line semimetals in ferromagnetic phases of LaCl
in Mn3X (X = Sn, Ge and Ir) and on direct ab initio calculations108 in Mn3Sn (LaBr)111 have not been realized; we believe that these materials are
and Mn3Ge with kagome layers Mn atoms. The non-collinear magnet most probably non-magnetic.
Mn3Sn in magnetic space group Cmc′m′ (no. 63.463) is a magnetic Weyl Non-magnetic and magnetic symmetry groups allow 2, 3, 4, 6 and
semimetal candidate with six pairs of Weyl points. Under rigorous 8-fold degeneracy ‘new fermions’112,113 in the Brillouin zone. In (type-I)23
magnetic topological quantum chemistry principles6,7, it was found space groups three-, four- and six-dimensional degeneracies can
that these Weyl points are ‘accidental’: if the six Weyl points reported appear; type-III and type-IV groups23 support112,113 8-fold double Dirac
in ref. 108 in one half of the Brillouin zone were pairwise-annihilated point114 degeneracies. The chiral antiferromagnetic phase of Mn3IrSi
without closing a gap at the inversion-invariant momenta, the gapped is predicted113 to host spin-1 Weyl fermions with 3-fold degeneracies.
phase would either be an axion insulator or a 3D quantum anomalous Mn3IrSi113 and Nd5Si46 are predicted to be chiral magnetic topological
Hall state. semimetal. The 4-, 6- and 8-fold new degeneracies are not protected

46 | Nature | Vol 603 | 3 March 2022

Table 1 | Synthesis methods and anomalous transport properties of magnetic topological semimetals

Compound Synthesis Topology type Magnetism Tc or TN (K) AHC (∼2 K) ANE (µV K−1) Ref.
(Ω−1 cm−1)
GdPtBi Flux Weyl AFM 9 200 – 172
Co2MnGa Bridgeman Nodal line FM 686 1,600 6 (300 K) 101,142,143
Co2MnAl Floating zone Nodal line FM 726 2,000 – 140,173
Co3Sn2S2 Flux, CVT Weyl FM, non-collinear 177 1,130 3 (80 K) 117,119
FeSn Flux Dirac AFM 365 – – 128
Fe3Sn2 CVT Dirac FM 670 1,050 – 129
Fe3Ga Czochralski Nodal line FM 720 610 6 (300 K) 144
Fe3Al Czochralski Nodal line FM 600 460 4 (300 K) 144
Fe3GeTe2 CVT Nodal line FM 220 540 (10 K) 0.3 (50 K) 123
Mn3Sn Bridgeman, Czochralski Weyl AFM, non-collinear 420 0.6 (200 K) – 130,152
Mn3Ge Czochralski Weyl AFM, non-collinear 380 1.5 (100 K) – 131,174
AHC, anomalous Hall conductivity; ANE, anomalous Nernst effect; CVT, chemical vapour transport; FM, ferromagnetic; AFM, antiferromagnetic; –, not measured.

by a Chern number (as in the case of Weyl semimetal) and hence do not signatures include a temperature-independent enhanced AHE up to
exhibit Fermi arcs on surfaces; they are novel higher-order topological room temperature in Fe3Sn2129, and a gapped 2D Dirac band close to
semimetals exhibiting ‘hinge’ arcs115. A simple model for hinge arcs can the Fermi energy by ARPES. A giant spontaneous nematic energy shift,
be expressed as a kz phase transition between a quadrupole insulator larger than any possible Zeeman splitting, hints at strong correlations
in ref. 30 and a trivial insulator. Related arguments show that both Dirac in Fe2Sn3136. To reduce the dimensionality and increase correlations
higher-order topological semimetals and 6-fold degeneracies univer- effects, FeSn—with decoupled iron layers—was identified as an ideal
sally host intrinsic hinge states115,116. kagome lattice128. Flat bands and fully spin-polarized surface states
(confirmed by ARPES) suggest the presence of spatially decoupled
kagome planes. For a summary of the anomalous transport properties
Materials for magnetic topological semimetals of the kagome compounds and the corresponding synthesis methods,
Ferromagnetic compounds see Table 1.
The ferromagnetic Weyl semimetal Co3Sn2S2 in magnetic space group Another large family of half metallic Co2-Heusler compounds holds
R3m′ (no. 166.101) has been extensively explored and characterized great potential as magnetic Weyl candidate materials because of their
for its topological properties. Its crystal structure is composed of A–B tunability. They were proposed in Co2YZ (Y = V, Zr, Nb, Ti, Hf; Z = Si,
stacked triangular layers of Sn and S and kagome layers of magnetic Ge, Sn)137 and Co2MnZ (Z = Ga, Al)138 and can be grown in bulk and
Co ions (Fig. 3, inset) captured in STM topography9. The compound thin films139. A leading magnetic topological semimetal candidate is
hosts one electron more than the semiconducting non-magnetic shan- Co2MnGa, which was verified spectroscopically in ARPES as a nodal line
dite Co3InSnS2. Co3Sn2S2 fully polarized spin (0.29µB per Co; μB, Bohr semimetal hosting drum head surface states110. Strong AHE, indicat-
magneton) leads to a half-metallic ferromagnet with a relative high ing interplay between nodal lines and their partial gapping into Weyl
Curie temperature of 177 K with its spins oriented out of plane117. A points140 close to the Fermi energy, were reported in it and in Co2MnAl138.
single valence and conduction band cross the Fermi energy, leading The AHE in Co2MnGa and Co2MnAl is even larger than that magneti-
to prediction of Weyl crossings, as shown in Fig. 3b. Experimental evi- cally induced in GdPtBi, leading to a Hall angle of 12 %141 and 21 %140,
dence for the bulk Weyl nodes close to the Fermi energy was provided respectively. The synthesis methods, and the transport properties of
by ARPES measurements118 (Fig. 3c), as well as confirmed by STM GdPtBi and Co2MnZ are summarized in Table 1. Additionally, the large
through quasi-particle interference (Fig. 3d). signal of the anomalous Nernst effect is achievable at lower magnetic
Clear magnetotransport signatures of the magnetic topological state fields as it scales beyond the magnetization due to the Berry phase
were reported prior to the spectroscopic verification. These include contribution. In Co2MnGa, an anomalous Nernst effect material with
negative magnetoresistance under parallel current and magnetic field a remarkably high value Seeback coefficient (SAyx) of approximately
(Fig. 3g), potentially signifying chiral anomaly, high anomalous Hall 6.0 µV K−1 at room temperature, (an order of magnitude higher than for
conductivity117 and a much higher anomalous Nernst signal than con- conventional ferromagnetics), was reported101,142,143. High-throughput
ventional materials119 (Fig. 3f). STM further finds presence of linearly searches for large Berry phase contributions close to the Fermi energy
dispersing step-edge modes120 (Fig. 3g), and theory predicts that iso- have identified several magnetic compounds with the naturally abun-
lated Co3Sn sheets will exhibit a quantum AHE121. Furthermore, the kag- dant and low-cost element iron, such as the nodal line compounds Fe3Ga
ome structure of the magnetic Co ions can host flat-band models owing and Fe3Al144. The expected high efficiency of lateral thin film devices
to the line-graph property of the lattice122. Intriguingly, a zero-bias may pave the way for new large-area energy harvesting technology.
conductance peak has been detected in STM (Fig. 3h) on the Co surface
termination, with an unusual response to magnetic field123,124. Bulk Antiferromagnetic compounds
single crystals of Co3Sn2S2 have been even used for a proof-of-concept The first magnetically induced Weyl semimetal was realized in the
investigations of the efficiency towards water oxidation125. antiferromagnetic half-Heusler compound GdPtBi145. GdPtBi and
All these suggest a new direction to search and synthesize magnetic NdPtBi become Weyl semimetals only in applied fields of the order of
topological semimetals in kagome108,117,126 and honeycomb layer of 3d 2 T (refs. 145–147). Strong signatures typical for magnetic Weyl semimet-
transition metal ions127. This family of materials exhibit Weyl and Dirac als were observed in both compounds including the chiral anomaly,
fermions in both ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic materials. Exam- the gravitational anomaly, a large non-saturated negative quadratic
ples so far include FeSn128, Fe3Sn2129, Mn3Sn130, Mn3Ge105,131 and CoSn132, magnetoresistance for fields of up to 60 T, an unusual intrinsic AHE,
as well as the RMn6Sn6 family with R = Tb, Gd, Tm, Lu133–135. Experimental and planar Hall effect145,147–149. In most antiferromagnetic compounds the

Nature | Vol 603 | 3 March 2022 | 47

magnetic ordering is unknown, because large single crystals are needed insulators, and topological semimetals have been computed6–8,39,169, the
for neutron scattering. Considering various antiferromagnetic orders magnetic fragile topological indices remain an outstanding problem170.
enables the construction of a generalized Kane model with a resulting A classification of the magnetic obstructed atomic insulators—phases
rich phase diagram ranging from Dirac, Weyl and nodal semimetal of matter described by bands, which are not topological in the sense
phases, type-B triple-point phases, topological mirror (or glide), and that they admit a localized Wannier description, but whose Wannier
an antiferromagnetic topological insulating phase150. The topological centres do not locate at the atom positions171—is still outstanding.
nature of Heusler half-metallic compounds such as MnPtSb and MnPtBi, A further fundamental breakthrough would be the development of
with a Curie temperature up to139 1,000 K, is still unexplored. a framework to predict crossing points of Weyl semimetals or Dirac
Antiferromagnetic order offers an even richer magnetic phase dia- semimetals that are extremely close to the Fermi energy. The study
gram than does ferromagnetic order. Collinear antiferromagnets with of topological materials that display incommensurate magnetism
a zero net magnetic moment must have a net-zero Berry curvature, is almost non-existent at the present time and should be pursued; it
although crossings can be sometimes observed in the band structure of is unclear if in this case other topological classes besides the Chern
an antiferromagnetic metal. In agreement with this simplified picture, quantum AHE class exists.
the AHE is absent in nearly all antiferromagnetic metals that have zero In parallel, an understanding of the magnetic topological responses
magnetization. The three systems, hexagonal Mn3Sn130, Mn3Ge105,131 must also be developed. Although for non-magnetic systems we under-
and cubic Mn3Ir106 have non-collinear triangular antiferromagnetic stand a series of responses such as chiral and gravitational anomaly,
arrangements, which is the origin of a non-vanishing Berry curvature. quantized photo-galvanic effects in Weyl, and topological defects,
Mn3Sn and Mn3Ge have Weyl points close to the Fermi energy, and show we do not yet understand any specific responses that are unique to
the predicted properties of an AHE even at room temperature130,131 and magnetic systems. A full classification of magnetic topological defects
exhibit complex Fermi arcs in qualitative agreement with theory130. in crystalline topological insulators is absolutely necessary. Predic-
The chiral anomaly was also reported in the anisotropic compound tions of magneto-optical responses are needed, especially in new,
Mn3Sn151 as was a large anomalous Nernst effect152 and magneto-optical rotation-anomaly magnetic topological insulators. Predictions of
Kerr effect153. The strong response of the Weyl semimetal compounds quantized responses are particularly desired.
to external stimuli makes them promising candidates for topologi- The field of magnetic topological superconductivity is also com-
cal antiferromagnetic spintronics154. Another family of compounds pletely open. Magnetic materials already have time-reversal breaking,
exhibiting an intricate antiferromagnetic order and showing promising and so they might exhibit topological excitations such as Majorana zero
experimental signatures in spectroscopy and magnetotransport, such modes without the need for applying a magnetic field, thereby render-
as a singular angular magnetoresistance (SAMR), exceeding 1,000% ing these systems useful for practical applications. Although study of
per radian, is RAlGe with R = Ce155,156, Pr157 and the non-magnetic La158. the types of phases that one obtains by proximitizing the surface of
Lastly, we remark that the pyrochlore irridate family of materials, in non-magnetic topological systems is mature, similar studies for all
which topological Weyl semimetals were first predicted96, has remained magnetic crystalline topological insulators are absent.
largely unexplored. Their tetrahedral spin configuration gives rise The next step is the theoretical introduction of bulk–surface inter-
to rich antiferromagnetic orders159 coupled to magnetic topological actions in topological materials. In the bulk, topological metals can
phases160–162 as well as correlated antiferromagnetic Mott states163–165. give rise to many-body states by tuning interactions. The simplest
Remarkably, metallic modes166 on antiferromagnetic domain walls, example is a Weyl charge-density wave axionic insulator, mirroring
thought to be a precursor of Fermi-arc states167, were imaged within the non-magnetic experiment47. Many-body effects on the surface
the otherwise Mott insulating state. of magnetic topological insulators could give rise to topologically
ordered states of matter.

Future directions 1. Kane, C. L. & Mele, E. J. Quantum spin Hall effect in graphene. Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 226801
Using high-throughput searches , a more systematic search for mag- 2. Bernevig, B. A., Hughes, T. L. & Zhang, S.-C. Quantum spin Hall effect and topological
netic topological materials with high Curie temperatures is important phase transition in HgTe quantum wells. Science 314, 1757–1761 (2006).
3. Kitaev, A. Y. U. Fault-tolerant quantum computation by anyons. Ann. Phys. 303, 2–30
for quantum (computing, sensors) and classical (thermoelectrics, Hall (2003).
sensors, efficient catalysts) applications. These following additional This paper shows how to implement topological quantum computing in magnetic
characteristics should be considered for material selection: (1) topologi- superconducting systems.
4. Pesin, D. & MacDonald, A. H. Spintronics and pseudospintronics in graphene and
cal magnets with high Curie temperatures, which enable a high anoma- topological insulators. Nat. Mater. 11, 409–416 (2012).
lous Nernst effect signal close to room temperature; (2) low magnetic 5. Rajamathi, C. R. et al. Weyl semimetals as hydrogen evolution catalysts. Adv. Mater. 29,
moment for eliminating stray magnetic fields in devices; or (3) hard mag- 1606202 (2017).
This paper represents the first application of a Weyl semimetal for catalysis.
nets favourable for AHE and anomalous Nernst effect at zero magnetic 6. Xu, Y. et al. High-throughput calculations of magnetic topological materials. Nature 586,
field; (4) low-dimensional crystal structure and electronic structures for 702–707 (2020).
quantum confinement; and, finally, (5) frustrated atomic arrangement This paper represents the first high-throughput magnetic topological calculations.
7. Elcoro, L. et al. Magnetic topological quantum chemistry. Nat. Commun. 12, 5965
such as kagome lattices for flat bands and non-collinear spin structures. (2021).
The design of a material that exhibits a high-temperature quantum This paper develops the full theory of topological insulators and metals in magnetic
AHE via quantum confinement of a magnetic Weyl semimetal and its groups.
8. Watanabe, H., Po, H. C. & Vishwanath, A. Structure and topology of band structures in the
integration into quantum devices is desired. Indeed, several magnetic 1651 magnetic space groups. Sci. Adv. 4, aat8685 (2018).
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This paper shows the relevance of the distinct surface potentials imposed by three
tum AHE at room temperature would be revolutionary, overcoming different terminations on the modification of the Fermi-arc contour and Weyl node
the limitations of data-based technologies, which are affected by large connectivity.
10. Otrokov, M. M. et al. Prediction and observation of an antiferromagnetic topological
electron-scattering-induced power losses. This would pave the way to
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new generations of low-energy-consuming quantum electronic and This paper predicts and realizes an antiferromagnetic topological insulator in a bulk
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11. Noky, J., Zhang, Y., Gooth, J., Felser, C. & Sun, Y. Giant anomalous Hall and Nernst effect in
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182. Belopolski, I. et al. Discovery of topological Weyl fermion lines and drumhead surface Peer review information Nature thanks Shuang Jia and the other, anonymous, reviewer(s) for
states in a room temperature magnet. Science 365, 1278–1281 (2019). their contribution to the peer review of this work.
This is the first proof of a ferromagnetic nodal line half metal with surface states that Reprints and permissions information is available at
take the form of drumheads via ARPES in Co2MnGa. Publisher’s note Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in
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Acknowledgements Work from B.A.B. on magnetic topology is mainly supported by DOE
grant no. DE-SC0016239. Further support comes from the Schmidt Fund for Innovative © Springer Nature Limited 2022

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