D2 Lecture 3
D2 Lecture 3
D2 Lecture 3
Ravi Raghunathan
Department of Mathematics
The derivative
The rigourous definition of a limit of a function
Definition: A function f : (a, b) → R is said to tend to (or
converge to) a limit l at a point x0 ∈ [a, b] if for all > 0
there exists δ > 0 such that
|f (x) − l| <
Again, we will not prove Theorem 11, but will use it quite
often. Note the contrast with open intervals. The function 1/x
on (0, 1) does not attain a maximum - in fact it is unbounded.
Similarly the function 1/x on (1, ∞) does not attain a
minimum, although, it is bounded below and the infimum is 0.
Exercise 5: In light of the above theorem, can you find a
continuous function g : (a, b) → R for part (i) of Exercise
1.11, with c ∈ (a, b)?
The function sin x1
Let us look at Exercise 1.13 part (i).
Consider the function defined as f (x) = sin x1 when x 6= 0, and
f (0) = 0. Is this function is continuous at x = 0.
How about x 6= 0? Why is f (x) continuous? Because it is a
compostion continuous functions (sine and 1/x).
Let us look at the sequence of points xn = 2/(2n + 1)π.
Clearly xn → 0 as n → ∞.
For these points f (xn ) = ±1. This means that no matter how
small I take my δ, there will be a point xn ∈ (0, δ), such that
|f (xn )| = 1. But this means that |f (x) − f (0)| = |f (x)|
cannot be made smaller than 1 no matter how small δ may be.
Hence, f is not continuous at 0. The same kind of argument
will show that there is no value that we can assign f (0) to
make the function f (x) continuous at 0.
You can easily check that f (x) has the IVP. However, we have
proved that it is not continuous. So IVP 6⇒ continuity.
Sequential continuity
The preceeding example showed that in order to demonstrate
that a function f (x) is not continuous at a point x0 it is
enough to find a sequence xn tending to x0 such that the value
of the function |f (xn ) − f (x0 )| remains large. Suppose it is not
possible to find such a sequence. Does that mean the function
is continuous at x0 ? Yes.
Theorem 12: A function f (x) is continuous at a point a if and
only if for every sequence xn → a, limxn →a f (xn ) = f (a).
A function that satisfies the property that for every sequence
xn → a, limxn →a f (xn ) = f (a) is said to be sequentially
continuous. The theorem says that sequential continuity and
continuity are the same thing. Indeed, it is clear that a
continuous function is necessarily sequentially continuous. It is
the reverse that is slightly harder to prove.
The first man to think about limits?
f (y ) − f (c)
lim .
y →c y −c
The expression inside the limit obviously represents the slope
of a line passing through (c, f (c)) and (y , f (y )), and as y
approaches c this line obviously becomes tangent to y = f (x)
at the point (c, f (c)).
Exercise 1.16: Let f : (a, b) → R be a function such that
|f (x + h) − f (x)| ≤ C |h|α