REPORT by J & K PCB in O.A No. 543 of 2024 Titled Raja Muzaffar Bhat Versus MOEF & CC

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Jammu and Kashmir Pollutaon Control Committee

Parivesh Bhavan. Forest Complex ll Sitt factory Roao
Transport Nagar, Jammu, '180 006 ll Ralbagh, Srinagar, 190 008
Tel - 0191-2476927; riail - rnernbeEecrehryjkspcb@gmail com

The Consultant Judiciat,

Hon'bte NationaI Green Tribunat,
Principat Bench,
New Dethi.

No: JKPCC/NGT/OA 5q3/ '+L> Date:-D-08-2024

Sub:- Hon'bte NGT order dated 15-05-2024 in OA No.54312024 titted "Raja

Muzaffar Bhat Versus MoEF".

ln comptiance to the directions of Hon'ble NationaI Green Tribuna[, Principat
Bench, New Dethi order dated 15-05-2024inOANo.543/2024, the Compliance Report

of the J&K Pollution ControI Committee is submitted herewith.

It is therefore, requested that the Compliance Report may kindty be taken on

record and placed before the Hon'ble NGT for consideration.

Your faithfutty,

Encl:- As Above

Member Secretary 2?. g. lI
Copy to the:-
1) Sh. Parth Awasthi, Government Standing Counsel for UT of Jammu and
Kashmir, New Dethifor information and necessary action.
Before the Hon'ble Nationat Green Tribunal
Principat Bench, New Dethi
Originat Apptication No' 543 ol 2024

IN THE MAfiER OF Raja Muzaffar Bhat Versus MoEF.

Compliance Report of the Jammu and Kashmir Pollution Control

Committee in comptiance to the Orders of the Hon'ble Nationa[ Green
Tribunat dated 15-05-2024in oA No. 543 ol 2024titted "Raja Muzaftar
Bhat Versus MoEF".


That the Hon'bte Nationat Green Trlbunat vide order dated 15-05-2024 in

OA No. 543 ol2024 inter-alia issued fottowing directions :-

"9. To ascertain the correct factual situation, we constitute a

loint committee comprising of the representative of the
Member Secretary CPCB, the representative of National
Wetland Committee, MoEF & CC, Deputy Commissioner,
Srinagar and Member Secretary, J & K PCC. The Deputy
Commisslone r, Srinagar will act as nodal agency.

10. The loint Committee will visit the site, asceftain the
correct ground position and the extent of pollution caused by
the iLlegal dumping at the landfill site in question,
consequential health hazard created by it and also suggest
remedial measures including setting up of waste processing
facilities to zero down landfill and submit the report before
the Tribunal within eight weeks e-mail at [email protected]
preferably in the form of searchable PDF/OCR Support PDF
and not in the form of lmage PDF."
Page 1of 14

ln comptiance to the aforesaid directions of Hon'bte NGT' matter
was taken up with Centrat Pottution Controt Board' New Dethi

the joint
requested for nomination of representative of CPCB as member of
committee, vide this office Ietter No. JKPCC/NGT/OA-543/258-259'
01-O7-2024 (Copy enclosGd as Annexure-1)'
Simitarty, Joint Secretary, Wettand and Lakes, Ministry of
Environment and Forest, Ctimate Change, Gol was atso requested for
nomination of their representatives as a members of the Joint Committee
constituted by the Hon'bte Nationat Green Tribunat vide this office
No. JKPCC/NGT/O A-5431262-263 dated 02-07-2024' (Copy enctosed

The Centrat PoLtution Controt Board, New Dethi vide emaiL dated

Juty 2024 nominated Dr. Narender Sharma, Director/Scientific

Chandigarh (Copy enctosed asAnnexure-3)' SimitarLy, the Govt of lndia'

Ministry of Environment, Forest and Ctimate Change, nominated Professor
as a
Sanjay Deshmukh, Department of Life Sciences, University ot Mumbai

representative of Nationat Wetta nd Committee to be a member of the Joint

Committee vide Office Memorandum No. W6/2024-WTL dated 05-07-
2024 (Copy encLosed as Annexure-4).

Accordingty, the site inspection was conducted on the scheduted date

i.e 15-07-2024 notified by the Deputy Commissioner, Srinagar (Nodat
Agency in terms of the Hon'ble NGT Orde0 vide
No. DCS/DDMA/Thql24t2655-62 dated 08-07-2024 (Copy enctosed as

Page 2 of 14

1 E Y N

The Members of the Joint Committee constituted by the Hon'bte

Nationat Green Tribunat visited the Achan Landfitl. site on 15-07-2024.
Besides, fottowing officers atso accompanied the Joint committee during
the visit to the Landfit[ site:
1. Mr. Zahoor Ahmad, Additionat District Devetopment
Commissioner, Srinagar.
2. Regionat Director, J&K PotLution Controt Committee, Kashmir'

3. Mr. Aijaz Ahmad Shah, Assistant Commissioner (Revenue)

4. Mr. Nazir Ahmad Baba, Chief Sanitary Officer of Srinagar

MuniciPaI CorPoration.

5. Mr. Fiaz Ahmad, Divisionat Officer, Pottution Control Committee,



Srinagar cltywith an area of 246 Sqm ls targest city of Union Territory

of Jammu and Kashmir and ties at average elevation 1586 mtrs f rom the
sea [eve[ on the bank of River Jhetum. The poputation of the Srinagar city

is 12J3 tacs as per 201'l census. The current estimated poputation of

Srinagar city is approximatety 15.50 tacs. Some of the important Water
Bodies and Lakes in and around the Srinagar city are Dal Lake, Nigeen
Lake, Anchar Lake, Khushal sar, Gilsar and Hokersar.

The current waste generation in the Srinagar city is around 600 TPD.

The waste composition as per the reports of SMC is wet waste = 60% (360

TPD and drywaste 4Oo/o (24OrPDl.

g6@*- Page 3 of 14
Co-ordinates of DumP Site:

Latitude : 34 "5'24" North Latitude. 74o47'24" East Longitu de

The Landfitt Site Achan tocated at a distance of 10 kms from the

centre of the srlnagar city was estabtished in the year 1 985 after attotment
Land Measuring 517 Kanats and 16 Martas vide Govt. Order No. Rev' (NDK)
'l02 of 1985 dated 27-03-1985 for mechanicaL compost and dumping of

city refuge.
The LandfitL site consists of three cetts 1, 2, and 3. The Status of the

3 cetls at the tandfitt site is as under:

Cett No. 1 : Comprised of 40 kanats of [and was operationat from
the year 201 1 to 2013 and ctosed / capped in 201 3. 1 .80 tacs MT waste is
dumped in this cetl..
Cett No. 2: Comprised of 60 kanats of tand was operational from
2013 to 2017. Temporarity capped in 2017. Now again put in operation.
About 8.00 tacs MT waste is dumped in the cett.
Cett No. 3: Comprised of 30 kanats of [and, was in operation during
2017-2018 and is capped. About 2.00 lacs MTwaste is dumped in the cett.


The daity waste generation in Srinagar city is approximatety 600 MT

per day. Approximatety, 5% of the totaI waste generated is segregated at

the source by the househotds and retained in the form of vatuabtes. 100
MT waste is segregated manuatty at the site and remaining approximatety
475 MT mixed and unsegregated waste is dumped dail.y at the site.

Page 4 of 14

Therefore, approximatety 14.00 tacs MT (365x475x8) the Legacy waste is
dumped at the s ite.
The Srinagar Municipat Corporation has prepared an Action Plan
for Bio- remediation / Bio-mining of Legacy waste for 11.00 Lacs MT to
be completed in 2027 with an estimated cost of Rs. 60.50 crores @ Rs.

550 per MT.



The J&K Pollution Control Committee (as a member of the joint
committee) during the site inspection observed as under:-

1) The daitywaste generation in Srinagar city is approximatety600

MT per day. Approximatet!, 50lo of the totaI waste generated is

segregated atthe source bythe househotds and retained in the

form of vatuabtes. 100 MT waste is segregated manuatty at the

site and remaining approximate[y 475 MT mixed and

unsegregated waste is dumped daity at the site. Therefore,

approximatety 14.00 [acs MT (365x475x8) the tegacy waste is
dumped at the site.
2) The fottowing waste processing facilities estabLished at the site
were found non-functionat during the site inspection by the
joint committee.
i) Mechanica[ Segregator of 100 TPD (Presentty manua[
segregation being done) is non- functionat.

ii) Three [eachate p[ants of 120 KLD capacity (60 KLD + 30

KLD + 30 KLD) are non-f unctionat for quite some time.

iii) 3 Borewelts for testing the quatity of ground water not

functioning property.

Page 5 of 14
iv) FecaI Sewage Treatment Ptant (FSTP) of 130 KLD is non-

v) Septage Treatment Ptant estabtished at the site was
atso found non-functionaI and defunct.

3) There was no arrangement found for cotlection of leachate

waste at the site as the leachate treatment facitity estabtished
at the site was found non-functionat and teachate was

observed to be ftowing in the drain teading to Anchar [ake,

which is located around 500 meters from the dumping sites.
4) The green bett provided at the slte was found inadequate and
the condition of the road tinking to the dump site was also not
found good.
5) During the site inspection of the joint committee, some locat
residents, especiatty, Sociat Wetfare Committee, Zoonimar
Srinagar submitted a memorandum pointing out therein that
the dumpsite is posing a severe risk to the residents of
the area and requested for addresslng the issue by immediate
remediation of the tegacy waste and taking of measures for
abatement of water and air pottution being caused by the
dumping of waste at the site (copy enclosed as Annexure -6).



Consent to Estabtish (Fresh) to the pLant was granted by the J&K

Pottution Controt Board on 30-06-2017, vide Consent Order No. SPCB 416

ot 2017 dated 30-06-2017,Ior a period of one year in the Red Category for

waste processing facil.ity at the site:-

1) 300TPD segregation ptant
Page 6 of 14

2) 2OO MTR refused dryfuet(RDF and Materiat Recovery)
3) 200 TPD compost ptant.

Land measuring about 902 kanat 10 Martas attotted / transferred to the

Srinagar Municipat Corporation, Srinagar as per the detaits given
S. Quantum of land Purpose Order No. dated
No. attotted /
1) 517 Kanal 16 For mechanical No. REW NDK)/102
martas composts and dumPing of 1985 dated 27-3-
off city refuse. 1 985

2) 385 kanal and 13 For expansion and 30-03-2011 by the

marta modernization of Deput
garbage dumping site at Commissioner,

Achan Srinagar

The CTE (Fresh) to the SMC Srinagar for operation of the waste
processing facil,ities at the site was granted on 30-06-2017 for a period of

one year in the Red Category which was vatid up to 30-06-2018.

Thereafter, SMC Srinagar initiatty apptied for renewat of the CTO, vide
apptication No. 539399 on 04-08-2018, but the consent cou[d not be
granted / renewed to the SMC, Srinagar on account of the fottowing
deficiencies: -

a The segregation ptant was functioning for only 100 TPD

against the input of 450 TPD. Rest of the 350 TpD of waste
was fitted in Cett No. 02 without segregation.

Page 7 of 14
a The MRF was found functional' but, the air pottution control
system was found defu nct.
a The teachate treatment ptant estabtished at the site was
found defunct.

The SMC again apptied for consent to operate (Fresh) on 27 -01-2021

for renewat. However, after site inspections by the team of the J&K PCC,
the teachate treatment ptant and air pottution contro[ system at the site
were found defunct and the facitity remained continuously in the
viotations under different provisions of water (Prevention and controI of
Pottution)Act, 1974 and Air (Prevention and ControI of Pottution)Act, 1981
as a resutt, the cTo (F) coutd not be granted.



The Water Quatity anatysis in and around the Achan Dump site was

atso got conducted by col.l.ecting samptes of water from various locations

from nearby nattah of Achan Dumpsite, as atso from the tube wett tying
within the premises of Achan Dumpsite. The samptes of water cottected
were analysed for various physico-chemicaI and micro-biotogicaL
parameters on 12-08-2024.

The Anatysis of water samptes cottected from nearby natlah at

different locations indicate that the quatity of water in at[ monitoring
locations does not meet the prescribed permissibLe timit for Ctass B

(outdoor bathing organised) criterla in terms of parameters viz Dissotved

Oxygen, Biochemicat Oxygen Demand and Faecal and total coliform
Organisim which indicate inferior water quatity in the who[e stretch
mon itored.

Page 8 of 14
The J&K Pottution Controt Committee is continuousty monitoring
Anchar take on monthty basis at 5 designated monitoring locations' The
testanatysis reportsforthe month of )uly2024 revea[sthata[[ 5 locations
do not meet the prescribed permissible timit for Ctass B (Outdoor
The ground water samptes was atso collected from the Tube wetl

tying within the premises of Achan Dumping site. The water quatity
anatysis reveats that the ground water is contaminated near the dumping

site (Copy of water analysis report is enclosed as Annexure 7).


The J&K Pottution Controt Committee have conducted
inspections of the dumping site from time to time in the past and
have pointed out deficiencies and directed to rectify/improve in
the functioning of the waste processing facil.ities estabtished at
the site to the SMC and also issued legaI notices as mandated
under the Water (Prevention and Control of Pottution) Act, 1974
and the Air (Prevention and Control of Pottution)Act, 1981 to the

Srinagar Municipat Corporation (SMC) for compliance of the

Hon'bte NGT orders as wetl as provisions of EnvironmentaI
Protection Act, 1986 and Rules made thereunder, but SMC has
not been abte to functionatize even basic waste processing
facitities estabtlshed earlier. The detaits of tegat notices issued
by the J&K PCC to the SMC are given as under:-

l. lssuance of legat notices:

a) Legat notice by the RegionaI Director, PCC Kashmir to
Commissioner, SMC vide No. SPCB/ROK/LS/171183-87 dated
04-02-2017(copy enctosed as Annexure 8).

Page 9 of 14

b) A Legat notice by the Regionat Director PCC Kashmir to the
Commissioner, SMC vide No' SPCB/ROK /LS/ 17 / 282-84 dated
27-04-2017 (copy enctosed as Annexure 9).
c) Legat Notice by Member Secretary, J&K PCC to the

Commissioner, SMC vide No. SPC/NGT111l17/391-92 daled

1 7-06-201 I (copy enctosed as Annexure 10).

d) Legat Notice by Regionat Director, PCC Kashmir to

Commissioner, SMC vide No. PCC/RDK/PS/CA/003 dated 17-
03-2022 (copy enctosed as Annexure 11).

e) Legat Notice by Regionat Director, PCC Kashmir to

Commissioner, SMC vide No. PCC/RDK/PS/20221453-455
dated 17-1 0-2O22(copy enctosed asAnnexure 12)'


ACT 1986 BYTHE CPCB, New Dethi DATED 27-01-2021:

a) The J&K Pottution Controt Committee have submitted

department wise detaits of information for remediation of
tegacy waste dump site to the CPCB, New Dethi vide tetter

No. JKPCC/LSJ/338/1479-80 dated 16-08-2021 (copy

enctosed as Annexure 13)'
b) The J&K Pottution Controt Committee have atso advised all
the Deputy Commissioner's to ensure integrating Sotid

Waste Dumpsite on site Emergency ptans with the existing

offsite District Disaster Management Ptan in the Districts
prepared by the Locat Authorities in comptiance with Rute
14 of the Manufacture, Storage and lmport of Hazardous

*LQk*e- Page 10 of 14
c) Chemicat Rutes, 1 989 vlde N o. J KPCC/LS )I 22/ 338/ 27 9-302

dated 25-06-2o22. (copy enctosed as Annexure 14)'

d) The J&K Pottution Control' Committee have atso submitted
the status of Bio-mining of Legacy waste as received from
the respective Municipat Corporations Jammu/Srinagar
and Direictor of Urban Locat Bodies, Jammu/Srinagar TO
the CPCB vide this office tetter No. JKPCC/LS/538/352-53
dated 1 3-07-2 0222 lcopy enclosed as An nexu re 1 5)'



The Commissioner, Srinagar Municipat Corporation was requested

to share the Action PLan prepared by sMC for Bio-remediation of the

LegacyWaste accumutated at the site and atso steps and measures being
taken for functionatization of exlsting waste Processing Facitities / setting

up of additionat waste Processing Facitities at the site to zero down the

tandfitt. Vide this officer tetter No. JKPCC/NGT/24/1447-51 dated 23-07-
2024 (Copy enctosed as Annexure 16).

The Joint Commissioner, SMC Srinagar, has submitted a copy of the

Action Ptan for Bio-remediation of the Legacy Waste at the dumpsite and
dail.y waste of SMC Srinagar vide his office letter No. SMC / CSO /
SWMO/1282-83 dated 06-08-2024. (copy enctosed as Annexure- 17).

Page U of 14


simil.arl.y, Deputy commissioner, srinagar was atso requested


share the fottowing information vide No. JKPCC/NGf n4l452-56 dated 23-

07-2024 (Copy enclosed as Annexure-18):-

1) The totat tand allotted to the SMC for establishment of waste management
2) Number of the villages falting adiacent to the site, their names and number
O) Ihestatus of the auotted tand to theSMC as recorded in the Record of Rights
(RoR) and Annual Records of the said vitlage atong with revenue record '

The Deputy Commissioner, Srinagar has submitted a report vide

his No'

DCS/ARA( gO1 ) I 2024I 37 1 dated 24-08-2024 (co py e n c [o sed a s An n exu re- 1 9)

As per the report of Deputy commissioner, srinagar, the dumpsite

is tocated in vittage Syedpora, District Srinagar and 5 vil'tages are

adjacent/around the tandfitt site Achan:-

The name of the vil.l.ages, atong with numbers of famities and
poputations residing in these 5 vitl,ages is given as under: -

Name of vittage No. of Famities Poputation residing in these

Saidapora Achan 1 300 6352

Sangam 700 33s6

Zoonimar 35s8 17548

Dedmaribagh 190 973

Shungtipora 311 1479

60s9 29708
Page t2 of L4

As per the Revenue papers, copy of the Record of Rights (RoR) for
the year 1979-80 BK and Jamabandi of the year 1993-94 (AD), tand
measuring 517 Kanat 16 martas comprising Khasra No. 1088/417 is
recorded with description Khatsa Sa'kar in the ownership cotumn and
with description M akbuza Sarkar in the cuLtivation coLumn. (Copy of thB

report along with Revenue abstracts of the tand enclosed as Annexure


Final.Ly, the directions have been issued by the J&K Pottution Controt

Committee to the Commissioner, Srinagar Municipat Corporation (SMC)

for viotation of Sotid Waste Management Rutes, 2016 vide No
JKPCC/NGT/3264-72 daled 18-05-2024 (copy enclosed as Annexure-
21). The Commissioner, Srinagar Municipat Corporation has been
directed to:
i) Submit status of Consent and Authorization under the
specified Acts and Rutes, for operation of the Achan tandfitt
site immediatety and to submit a comprehensive report on the
quantity of sotid waste col.tected, segregated, treated and
disposed per day and atso submit the quantity of Ieachate
generated and discharged per day.

ii) Submit an Action Ptan for ensuring imptementation of the

Rutes as per the tlme frame prescribed under RuLe 22 ot the

Sotid Waste Management Rutes, 2016.

iii) Submit the Annuat Report in Form-lV as prescribed under

Rutes 24 of the Sotid Waste l'4anagement Rutes, 2016.

iv) Submit a tist of officiaLs of Srinagar Municipat Corporation,

who are responsibl.e for continuous viol.ation of Sotid Waste

Page 13 of 14
Management Rutes, 2016 for their prosecution under the
Environment (Protection) Act, 1 986'
v) Furnish quantity of sotid waste generated in the jurisdiction of
Srinagar MuniciPat Corporation.
vi) Furnish the quantity of soLid waste processed daity in Srinagar

Municipat Corporation and disposal thereof.

ln the premises, it is therefore respectfutty prayed that the

Nationat Green Tribunat for consideration.

(Ghansham Singh)JKAS
Member Secretary 2).6 .a4

PaEe 14 ol L4
() i;ffi*'^[i:Tr:ffi'J:3T,o,3;llillLffi 1?,Loni,.,,,0o,u
a T el . 0191.2476927; mait . mcmborsecrotary.itsf,[email protected]

The Member Secretary,

Centratpoltution ControtBoard, \\
Parivesh Bhawan, East Arjun
New Dethi
No: JKPCC/NGT/OA s4s/asB - g Eg
Date:- ol-oz-zozq
Sub:- Hon'bte NGT order
dated ts'os'2o2'in o.A No.s43t2024ti*edRajaMuzattarBhatvrs
Ministry of Environment, Forest
and ctimate change (MoEF&cc).
Kindty refer to the subiect
captioned above and to submit that
the Hon,ble NGT, principat
Dethi in the aforesaid oA
vide its order dated 75-05-2024issued
.liijll;xl- fouowing

"9'To oscertoin the correct

factual situation, we constitute a Joint Committee
comprising of the representative
of the Member secretary cpcB, the representotive
of National wetland committee,
MoEF & cc, Deputy commissioner,
Member secretdry, J & K PCC. The srinagar and
Deputy commissioner, srinagor will
agency. act as nodal

10' The Joint committee witt visit

the site, ascertain the correct ground position
the extent of potlution coused by the ond
iltegat dumping at the tondfilt site in question,
consequential heolth hazord created by
it and olso suggest remediol measures
including setting up of woste processing
facitities to zero down tandfill and suhmit
the report before the Tribunal within eight weeks
e-mail ot [email protected]
preferably in the form of seorchabte PDF/ocR
support pDF and not in the
form of
lmage PDF."
It is therefore, requested to nominate representative of the
centrat pottution controt
Board, New Delhi, as a member of the joint committee constituted
bythe Hon,bte NGTand name
& contact no' of the said officer may kindty be communicated
to this office so that date for joint
visit with a Deputy commissioner, srinagar coutd be finatized.

Your faithfutty,

MemberSecretary I n ->+
Copy to the:-
7. The Deputy Commissioner, Srinagar for information.
Jammu and Kashmir porution contror committee
Parrvesh thavan Forest Complex Sitr Factorv
Transport Nagar, Jammu. 1g0 006 ll n"fOrgh.-S'r,"a"gar.
ll t90 00g
Iel. 0191-242692/. ma, " [email protected]

Joint Secretary,
Wettands and Lakes,
Ministry of Environment crnd Forests, Climote
Governrnent of lndio.
New Delhi

No:IKPCCiNGT/OA5$:26L- 262 oate:f _07_2024

sub:' Hon',bte NGT order dated t5-05-2a24in
o.A No. 54it/2024 titted Raja Muzaffar Bhat
v/s Ministry of Environment, Forest and crimate
change (MoEF&cc).
Ktndty refer to the subiect captioned
above and ro submit that the Hon,bte NGT,
Principat Bench, New Dethi in the aforesaid
oA vide its order dated 7s-05-2o24issued
fottowing directions:-

"9' To ascertain the correct

foctuol situotian, we constitute o loint committee
comprising of the representative ol the
Member secretory cpcB, the
representotive of Nationot Wetlond Committee,
MoEF & CC, Deputy
commissioner, Srinagor and Member secretory,
J & K pcc. The Deputy
Commissioner, Srinogar wiil act os nodolagency.
70' The Joint committee witt vlsit the site,
oscertoin the correct ground position
ond the extent ol poltution caused by the
illegol dumping ot the tandfiil site in
question, consequentiat heolth hozard
created by it ond olso suggest remediol
measures including setting up of woste processing
locitities to zero down landfil
and submit the report before the Tribunal
within eight weeks e-moil at judictol-
ngt@gov'in preferably in the
form ol searchable pDF/ocR support pDF ond not
in the form of tmage pDF.,

It is therefore, reguested to kindty

nominate representative of the National
commiftee' MoEF & cc, as a member of the joint
commiftee constituted bythe Hon,bte NGT
and name & contact no. of the said
officer may ptease be communicated to
this otfice so that
date for joint visit with a Deputy commissioner,
Srinagar coutd be finatized.

your faithfutty,

,.Ht:.retary a .7 .
Copy to the:- 4
1 The Deputy Commissioner, Srinagar
for information
712124, 2:27 pNA
S*t Gmail Member Secretary <[email protected]>

Fwd: Nomination in the NGT Matter

of OA No. 543/2 024; Raia MuzattarBhat
MOEF&CC Versus
1 message

Member Secretary <[email protected]>

I o: anuradha pcb <anuradhapcoOg;11i.;;;r=
2 July 2024 at 11:56

_---- Fonvarded message

From: Nikita Grover <nikr69.6pc51egov
Date: Mon, 1 Jul2024 at 1g:b5

3iffi?X"Jf;"#:ffiffIilla;,,,f'rgmt #p::1""#:x:i::flT.;:r6bersecretaryjkspcb@smaircom>,


This has reference to the NGT

Order datec
s43tzo24, iil;rrar ,i# Bhat,";;,lilotffiTi:,iff1il,:,ffffifl itff#:lE:1J.",,Jffik1if,:T::ili"
committee comprising.oltlq t"pr"r"rtriir"
of the Memb"i's'"Jr"trrv
weuand committee, illoEF & ce,
D6;v'crrrLrl;;;; #dar andglcB, the representative of National
Member Secretary J & pCc.
ln this regard' I am inform
you that Dr. Narender sharma, Director/Scientist,F,,
(Mobile: 9811004377; Email; cpcB, RD Chandigarh
'"t;";;;;;in,1.:r.u.tgo, in ji" nominated as the representative
of Member
i".T::TI;::3il: lffi:,nic;;;itte"e
constitutuorv inu rio"'o,r" r,"i[;;;n;;;;llnory
ue contacted direcry ror

Nikita Grover
C e n tra I Po I I u t io n Con tro I B o a rdAfrq q-fluf F{TUI EtC
Re g ion a I D i recto ra te, Chand i g a rh/qlfiq htqlrdq
copy to: Member Secretary, J&K Pollution
please. control committee, Jammu, for kind information
and necessary action

-l 9:A. No. 543_2024.pdf

- 341K

https ://mail. goo

mailI u/0/?ik=976eg6gSbe&view=pl&search=a
8033g0 1 3 53g1 58457g%7Cmsg-a:r248g
'&permthid=thread-f:'r 49342342367 1t1
145 ---{

File No. W1612024-V{IL

Government of lndia
Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Ghange
(Wetlands Division)

lndira Paryavaran Bhawan

Aliganj, Jor Bagh
New Delhi -110003
Date: 05.07.2024


Subject: OA No. 543t2024; titled as Raja Muzaffar Bhatvs. MoEF, before NGT'
Principal Bench, New Delhi -Constitution of Committee regarding.

This has reference to the order of National Green Tribunal (NGT) dated 1Stn May 2024
(a copy is enclosed). ln the said order, it is directed that'

Toasceftain the conect factuat situation, we constitute a Joint

Committee comprising of the representative of the Member Secretary
)PCB, the representative of National wetland committee, MoEF & CC,
Deputy Commissioner, Srinagar and Member Secretary, J & K PCC. The
Deputy Commissioner, Sinagar will act as nodal agency.
The Joint Committee witl visit the sife, ascertain the conect ground
position and the extent of pollution caused by the illegal dumping at the
landfill sile in question, consequential health hazard created by it and
a/so suggesf remedial measures including setting up of waste processing
facilities to zero down landfill and submit the reporl before the Tribunal within eight
weeks e-mail at [email protected] preferably in the form of
searchable PDF/OCR Support PDF and not in the form of lmage PDF.

2. ln view of above, Prof Sanjay Deshmukh has been nominated as representative of

National Wetlands Committee (NWC) as the member of the Joint Committee.
This is issued with the approval of the competent authority.

(Rajasekhar Ratti)
Scientist D

Page I of 2
146 finnefu:*5
'-- ',t$ s
Email: 4qsgf-jp.,tnlq.J-n, Phone No. O194-2477033 I 2472580

Meetin / Site lnspection Notice

Sutr:- Hon'hlc NGT Ortter tJatcd l5-05-2024 in O.A No. 543/2024 titled Raja Muzaffar Bhat
V/s NIinistr,r, of Environment, ['orest and Climate Change (tVtoEF&CC). Notification
for d:rtc of thc nrccling und sitc inspcclion - thcrctlf.

Whcrcas, the l-lon'ble NGT, Principal llcnch, Ncrv Delhi in thc aforesaid OA vide
ordcr datcd l5-05-2024 dircctcd as under:-
,,9.To a.scerlain the correcl luctuol sitrtatiott, we constitute a Joint committee
fuIenther Secrelary CPCB' the representative
contprisittg of fhe represertlalive of tlte and
Deputy Commirsioner' Srinagar
,\,uti,nul ll,etlu,(l ()orrrntittee, lioEf & CC, will act os nodal
Deputy Conrtnissioner' Srinagor
,llemher Secretury" J & K PCC' The
0ge,tc)'. position and the
Joint Comtnittee n,ill visit the site, ascerlain the correcl graund
10. The
dumping at the landfilt site in
extent of pollutiott carrsetl by ttte itlegal
meo:tures including
by it ond also sttggest remedial
consequcrrtisl lrcalth huzortl c:reatcrl
sefiirtg, up of wasle processing focililies
to zero clo|tt landfitl antl submit the report
at preferably in lhe
Trihurtal witlin eigfu weeks e-mail iurliciat-ng@gov-in
heJbre the
whercas, the rnatter was taken up with
the central Pollution control Board'
of their representatives
I)e rrri ancr committee, MoEIr&cc {br nomination
Nationar wetrand
irs rne nrbr:rsrhr .l()int (lrlnmittec constitutcd by thc Hon'ble

New Delhi' vide mail dated I't July

Whcrcas, thc Central Pollution Clontrol Board,

202.1 nominatc6 Dr. Narentler Sharma,

Director/Scientist F, CPCB, RD Chandigarh as
Board' New Delhi and Govt' of lndia'
the representative of Central Pollution Control
dated 05-07-2024 nominated
MOEF&CC, werrand Division vide No. wr6r2a24-W"tl
Deshnrukh, l)epartment of Life Sciences, University of Mumbai as
[)rrf. Sanjay
as members of thc Joint committee.
representntive of the National wetlantr Comnrittee
t'o a$cnd
Accortlingly, follorving members of joint committee are requested

at 12:00
rneeting in the office of the Deputy commissioner, srinagar on ls-0?-2024


n*o,it 'rbc lbllorvccl by a sitc visit ol'thc.ioint committcc at Achan l-andfiil,Site, Srinagar,
as dircctccl in thc tlirrcmcntionctl orclcr of thc I-lon'blc NGl".

1 ProL Saniav Deshmukh, Department of Lifb Sciencc, Mumbai University.

2 Sh. Ghanslrirm Singh. Member Sccretary, J&K Pollution Control Committee.
3 f)r. Narcndcr Sinsh. Dircctor/Scierrtist Ir, CPCIJ. RD Chandigarh.

--'- a7' d\-7\

Deputy Commissioner,

No: - DCS/DDIIA/Thqi21le6\S- 6]
Dated: -d

C o pv to the :-
I Chairman J&K, Pollution Control Committee for information & necessary action.
2 Commissioner SMC, Srinagar for favour of inlormation
-) AII Visiring nrernbcrs lbr inlbnnation and necessary action.
4 SS[' Srinagar, for lavour of infbrmation and necessary action.
5 Iehsildar Eidgah, lor lavour <lf information and with the directions to prepare a
brief regarding the site for ready reference of the visiting committee.

EP curnscanner
A n[a+alhJr-- L
Regd.No.- J&K. 190071. zodibol cons,ituency, ward 8

aqno.....€..h..--..3.H.C/Z.z! ooted...i....C ry


National Green Tribunal
The Joint Committee Framed by Hon'ble

io a tocai-itv living within 10 Km
Causes Tremendous hi;"iih"E;rOs

Respected Members of Joint Committee'

to bring to your immediate attention the pressing issue of
I am writing
is posing severe health
illegal garbage dumping'in- Atnh'n "r.11^:l'th
complaints' proteits which turned
risks to the residents' Despite numerous
the situation remains unchanged'
uolv and killed two .noinrltJO n'"4p99
tn" io'"'n'ent takes prompt action to address this
it'ii imperative that
H;'fi;iiit! tn" site ti some feasible location because:

Selection of thi s DumPing site itself is unscientific because no

into garbage dump.
law allows conversion of a wetland
of anY area to dumPing site lsp ossible onlY if the
The conversion
land is barren / w aste land and
wate rtable is
below 10 meter' the
that the dumPing site tsp laced in mid
away from residential area' "Also
the grou nd water and so ilmaki ng it unfit for
agncu Itural land that toxicates
cultivati on and other activities'

O getoszgts4
Y [email protected]

ct74.clt111t l loo6tLt\fi6t

I t- sociolwelforecommitteezoonimot
e'h r'!?
Regd. No. J&K. 79@77, Zodibol Constituency, Wotd I

*a*,..5.u*.s.N.e f*t ooted.....l.

Bagh-- i - Shugufa which

The dumPi ng site is originally a heritage site
been oiote&eo and preserved undei
Ancient monuments
should have
and archaeological sites and remains act 58
* -'-
lllegal garbage dumping i1.Acha.n ha1 l-ed to a significant increase

&ses Ino other hlatth problems among residents'

* because^it is on
The dumping slte cannot be properly managed site The Seepage
weiland and does not tuitif tfte pt"-t"qri"it"t
ior dumping
into the water bodies like Anchar sar,
coming out from tn" g#";"-,ior"i
;;Ji" sweet water lake the wolar lake as
sind --
River to Jhetum famous
;;ii ii ."r""" pollution and environmental hazards
t"'l""ii"g dcontaminated water from the site which
rendered waste due
passes in to this land.
of disease-carrying insects
contaminated *"t"t .otlt""" ani ut"eOing
but have never been heard'

Our Simple Demands in this regard are


garbage dump'
# lmmediate closure and removal of the
# Provisionofalternativewastemanagementsolutionsforalready
accumulated waste.
laws and regulations'
# Strict enforcement of environmental

Y [email protected] I 9U4528154

rg 9810528154
o 'zoon,mor
@ socialwellorecommilteezoonimor
4ed 150
Regd.No. t&K. 790077, Zddibol Constituency, Word I
Rq.N o..Slv.
-,}Nt c l.o't Doted. ,1..:t..,t t

We request a prompt response and action plan to.address. this

inform us
issue. pleasb acknowledge receipt of this memorandum and
about the steps taken to resolve this mafter'

Sincerely yours

O gstoszats4
Y sociolwefforecommilteezoonimor@gmoil,com
(\, 9gt0s2st54
@ so c i o I w e llo re co m m ilte e z o o n i m o r
151 finrte*rrt --V

J & K Pollution Clontrol Comrnittee

Shickh-ul-Alrrrn ('omplcr Raihagh Kashnrir

Watcr oualitr sment in n nrl arorrn rl ,,\Clt I)u n1 nins Sitc

In conrpliance to thc dircctions r.vatcr sarnples were ctlllcctcd on n/A812A24

frott:t vat'ious ltlcatiort li'orlt ncar by nallah r:rf Achcn Durnping Sitc 'The
description of sanrllling location.r is as ulldcr:-

I .S l:Up strcan't ol- Airva Bridgc

3.Sf =Ncar dischargc lroirrl ol'pumpirlg station

3.S3:f)ou,t: strcatn of Aitva Ilridgc I)ri()r its crrtry irrto Anchar lakc: '
trvator quellty rnolnlodnB locallon ln .nd around Aclr*n dumplng rlttr

, a T

,) &

"l-he uiater samplcs ol: t6e aforcnrcntioncd locations \\'crc llnalYSed t't:r verir-rtts

physico_crrernicar ancr Microbiorogicar pararnetcrs. The \\'$rcr qurlity unullsis d;r:r

is enctose<i as Anncxure-l'

.l-hc arrulysis ol.sar,plcs cullcctccl lrorrr Nuirr [r.\' Nirlltttr lrt ,.lit'ti'rcnt lttcittiutts

indicatc rhat water ill all Mointoring

loentiolls tlocs not lllt'ct tht prescribed
,crlrrss rI, (out cloor llrrthing orgrr,.isr:tl) r.'riteria in rcnns
permissirrrc limit lbr
permissible limit for 'Class B' (Out door Bathing
Organised) uiteriain terms
of parameters viz Dissolved Oxygen
,Biochemical Oxygen demand and feacal
and total coliform Organisms which indicate
inferior water quality in the whole
stretch monitored .This can be attributed
to addition of deleterious waste into
the water body' It is noteworthy to mention
here that during the inspection the
drain emerging from Achen durnping site carying
leachate was plugged as new
drain is under construction.

Besides J&K Pollution Control Committee

is Continuously monitoring Anchar
lake on Monthly basis at five designated
monitoring locations . The test analysis
report for the Month of July,2024 is enclosed
herewith as Annex ure 2. The test
analysis report reveals that all five location
do not meet the prescribed permissible
limit for'Class B' (Outdoor Bathing Organized) .

The ground water sample was also collected from

the tube well lying within the
premises of Achen dumping site .Water quality
analysis annexed herewith as
Annexure 3 report reveals that the ground water is contaminated
near the dumping

submitted for favour of information and further necessary action.

NO : - PCC/ROli/Lab -Co ord/A D sitet 24 -25/ 3 g


Lab Coordinator

,lctl( I'ollution Control Committec Anroe-r- l
Sk- kr.rb
\!IJ!ri,, llujlxr glr, Srin n ga r I(nshmir

l.Locntiolr Ncar Achan Sitr,

2.Dutr of .Snnrlllc t2 2024
Down Stream
Near of Alwa Bridge
s,No Parameters Up Stream Discharge Prior its entry
of Aiwa Point of Pump nAry queltay
into Anchar lor lhthing (
Brid e Station Lake cla ss

I Air Tcnr turc oc 3r.s 30 3l

rttcr enl pcratu r0
) c
() 23.2 26.2 26
1 pIl 7.t5 7.t 7.12 6.5 .8.5
Concluctivity I

4 ps/cm3
139 18t 133
5 20t 22$ 198
6 Dissolvetl Oxvgcn t.l
1,2 t.6 >5mg/l
7 C.O,D 88 96 80
8 B.O.D 14.8 t7.2 <3mg/l

9 Phosphate ( Po4-P) 0.722 4.867 0,814

IO Nitrogc,n 6.09 6,4$2 5.568
ll Sulphatc 3t.66 3r.ul 32.11
t2 Nitratc Nitroge n 1.116 r.896 1.432
r3 Hardness I80 184 160
Id Calciunr 41.68 47.29 45.69
t5 Magnessiunr r 8,46 r 6.05 tt.t7
I6 TotalAlkalanity 168 t7a 168
t7 Chloride 30 36 30
r8 Turbidirv NTU t2 29 t5
After 2,1 hrs s2000 74000 6l 000
l9 CFt)/100m
Feacal coliform
500 Desirable
count Afte r 24 hrs 21000 32000 26000
2500 Maximum
20 CF I i/l00ml
i All values are in rngl/l Except pH ,tenrperature .TLrrbidity and conductivity.
i Feacal and Total Coliforrn done by Bio Lab.
} Cround Water samples were also collected from the Tube well lying within the premises of Achan
Drunping Site.

Sampl es collected by

Analyzed -A"oO
by t *;#.
154 \tn *q*- r ffi

J&K Pollution Control committee

Office of The Regionat Director - kashmir
=-ffi=- Shickh-ul-Alrnr Conrplex Rnjbagh Kashmir
Analysis Report
Physico Chemical Characteristics of Anchar Lake for the Month of ,July,2024
Date of 7t2024
= o

, vI' 3
o </, - c) =
t) 9r c) {
{ o e {o o c)
o ID
o D
D @
= 6- (,
5 {
a: ct o (f o E
E' E_
-' o
: :1
t 3 s. o 3 C
't o 3
< =
s =
s4\iO Sampling spols
Anchar lake: Near ?o oo
2s.9 23.6 7.1 451.0 ?25.0 1.2 1't5.38 14.8 0.179 1.602 170.0 39.27 17.49 180.0 34.0 5.0
t Sangam:4045
Anchar lake:
77.1 23.6 7.23 43'1.0 211.0 4.9 59.22 6.2 0.075 4.362 47.41 150.0 42.48 10.69 180.0 24.0 4.0
2 Central Anchar:
Anchar Iake: Sindh
27.4 18.1 7.27 453.0 226.0 3.0 30.76 4.8 0.145 1.344 46.359 152.0 36.87 22.s 194.0 22.0 5.0
3 Entrr':4043
Anchar lake: Near
25.6 23.5 7.1 478.0 239 0.5 138.45 1s.6 0.751 5.202 33.39 180.0 36.87 21.38 206.0 40.0 3-0
4 Jenab Sahab: 4041
Anchar lake: Near
2s.3 23.6 7.13 448.0 227.0 0.9 76.92 7.200 0.635 2.?26 36.36 168.0 40.08 16.52 170,0 40.0 9.0
5 SKIMS Soura: 4046
Primery wxter qualit) criteria for >5mgll <3mgll
Bathing 1 class B)

--*AIl Values are in mgll except pH, ,turbidify & Temperature.

I/C Water fab
Samples collected by Analyzed by

M ,h-q
155 Nn*elr5
-,,,*x J&K Pollution Control Committee
a'q- <.
Rajbngh,srinagar Kash m ir

l.Location G rouncl Wntcr within Achan Dum Site

2.Date of Sanr le tz-08-2024
!s10500 (20 I 2) Tolerence limlt
Parameters Test llesult Desirable Maximum for Class A

t Air Tenr ture oc 28

., oc
Water re r8
J pH 6.83 No Relaxation
6.s- 8.5 6,5-8.5
{ Conduc cnt3 1057.0
5 T.D.S 528. 500 20a0 500
6 Dissolved l.I of mofe
7 C.O.D 96,0
I B.O.n 19.4 ?mell or less
9 Phosphate ( Po1-P) 0.516
r0 Ammonical Nit 7.620 0.s No Relaxation
II Sul 15.45 200 400 400
t2 trate Ni ll 2.05
l3 Hardness 466.0 200 600 300
l{ Calciunr 96.79 /5 200 200
I J\{agnessium 53.94 30 00 100
16 Total Alkalan 602.0 200 600
17 Chloride 14.00 250 1 000 250
I Tu NTU 57.00 1 5
A rs
l9 CFU/l 00nr 28000
A r
I 2000 500 2500
r9 hrs CFL/t00ml
z All values are in rngl/l Except pl-{ .ternperature.J"urbidity and conductivity.
i The Maximum permissible lirnit is given in case the alternative source is not available.
Y Feacal and Total Coliform done by Bio Lab,

Samples collected by Arrallzed

Lab Coordiriator

^€-t- g
156 )
r_e. [{ Governrment of Jarmrmu & Kashrn!r
ffiffi J&K State Follutlon Contnol Boand
office of the R.egional Director Kashnnlr
Sheikh-ulk-Alom Complex, Rojbogh, near Government Silk Foctory, Srinagar-190008
www.ikspcb,in (emai.f : [email protected]) (Tel 0194-2135911/telefax 23tl84?l

1. Cornmissioner,
Sninagar M unicipal Corporation,
Karan ltlaEar, Srlnagar.
2, Chief Sanitation Officer, Srinagar Municipal Officer,
3. M/s Khalari Infra Structure Pvt, Ltd,, Srinagar.

No: SPCB/ROWLiI L7 Ii 0't.-87 Dated: oq-oz-Lel]

Subjectl Malfunctioning'of Municipal Solid Waste dumping site at at Achen,



o Whereas, no unit can be put in operation without the necessary Pollution control
measures/devices as envisaged under Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act,

1974 and Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1981.

o Whereas, it is mandatory for Srinagar Municipal Corporation to take adequate measures

for control of Pollution from its own sources within the premises of Landfill site at Achen,
o Whereas, it is mandatory for Municipal Corporation to ensure that no air, polluUon

problem or any nuisance is created in the area due to discharge of the emission from the

Landfill site.

Whereas, Municipal Corporation is bound to achieve the quality of effluent discharge

within the prescribed permissible norms.

{} Whereas, it is mandatory for Municipal Authority to provide adequate arrangements for

accidental leakagesidischarge of any'pollutant that has adverse irpact on Environment.

o Whereas, during the inspection of the site by undersigned along with Scienlist and
$r District officer Srinagar on 1't February 2017 and following observations were made:
i 1) That, good housekeeping practices were not adopted at the site as the waste
dumped at cell 2nd is not covered with thjn layer of soil at the end of each working

day which results in bad odour at the site'

2) That, out of three leachate treatment plants only two LTPs were 1'ound functional

resulting large qap of leachate generation aird treatment as CItle 60 KLD E-TP

vuas forsncn e1efumct, therr:by seriously corrtpromising the capability of the said

3) That, huge quantity of leachate was also found oozing from the 2nd cell in an

uncontrolled manner which gets discharged into premises ultimately flnding its
way into public drainage which otherwise should go into leachate treatment plant
for treatment, Hence is a serious potential health hazard.

4) That, n0 green belt of suitable plant species has been raised

5). That, Methane Gas Flare installed in the 1't cell to prevent the emission of

methane gas into the atmosphere was found defunct thereby becoming a serious

threat to public health

6) That ground water pump near dumping site was found defunct, due to
the reason the ground water sample could not be collected from the site,

Therefore, in light of the above, you are directed to explain as to why legal action as

warranted under law should not be initiated within week's positively,

Regional ? \k

Copy to:

1, Chairman J&K SPCB Jammu for information,

2. Member Secretary l&K SPCB Jammu for information

Test Metho d/ Standand Range of Testing/

S"No" Product/Material Specific Test Performe d against which tests are Limlt of Detection
of test performed
AP (2 n; ZSto - e' 2-54 lo 2- 1
Cond uctivity pmhos/cm
1 Waste Water 55. 2012
-,2-66 Ed 150O0 mg/l
HA 2540 to 2 7
Total SusPen ded Solids

I to
APHA n) 2540 B, 2-64".2012 1

Total S olids
itioon) 2 540 c,2-6 5'.2012

APHA (22
Total Disso lved Solids o
5-17 lo 5-1 Ed
APHA 5220
Chemical Oxygen Demand 2012
E' 1 0 a E,_6 to 5- 0 Ed QO mg/L
l l
- ch emical OxYgen Demand
Bio 4- 20 to 4 40 22
I 2012,4500 OC
days at 20"c Ed 2A12
I l5-3025 Part 44:1993 Bio - Chemical

t 3 days al27'c Oxygen Demand

HA 4500 - IB A-lZ to q-tZ,
C hloride Ed 2012
P APHA 45OO - P D , 4-154 lo 4-
PhosPhate - Ed.2012
B, 5-40: 12 to
AP A (22 )5
& Grease
APHA 45 00 H B. 4-92 to
P Ed.2012

H.-N AP 45Oo NH3 - B&c,4- O lo 4-112,

22"d Ed,2012
AP aSOO Cr - e' 3-69 to 3-7O,22

| ",*E
Ann edkrv--1


>t . tt. L4tl
,'-1 :' "'

'-^,' '_ "i

.'i'1 .'|'i -i '

itii: llii
flnne4-uu'A -
Government of Jammu and Kashmir
J&K State Pollution Control Board
I i!. r\ Su m mer Office : MaY-October
Winter office: November-APril She i kh -u I -Ala m Ca m Pus,
Partvesh Bhawan, Gladni, Behind Govt. Silk FactorY,
Transport Nagar, Narwal, Ratbagh, Srinagar (l&K) 190008
)ammu. (l&K) 180006' Ph./Fax. O 194-23 1 1 165'

The Cornmissioner,
Srintrgar MuniciPal CorPoration,

No.: SpcNcr/lvl 7 - qL Dt' : / 7t06t201e

Treatment Plants (LTPs) at Achen Landfill
Subject :- Non operation of Leachate

Kashmir vide his letter No'
It has been repo(ed by the Regional Director
of the Board at site
defr-urct for qr-rite a long time and advisories issued by the field oftlcers
properly responded as LTPs continue to
tbr makilg the same functional have not been
without treatment' '
ciefunct. resr"rlting in discharge of Leachate
water body of Anchar Lake and any laxity
The Achan duniping site is nearby to tl-re
the environment adversely in general
in proper treatment of wastes is bor"rnd to effect
the water bodY in Parlicular'
functional within 2 to 3 days and
You are therefore, directed to make the LTPs
action warranted under law' including
repofi compliance, failirig which furll-rer
Corporation shall be taken i1 light of
of epvironmental cost upon Srinagar Municipal
risk and cost'
Hon,ble National Green Tribunal
(NGT) directions in o.A. 606 at your own

Yours faithiullY

L l1
ber SecretarY'

Copy to the :-
and to get the site inspected
Regional Director, SPCB Kashmir for information
agal, and subn-rit report within weeks time'

frnn"fLtLA -1 /

i:.i- Govsrnnltnt tf Janrmu * Neihmlr

ffi .]&R pollutls,l C$ntrol Conrfi"tittEa. .
*tto F*(trry, irlsaflEr"l'r$(i{e
Suetlrt-*l-Alaor Csmtll?!. nBJbegh. n*.r {;orcrn "i"ri,
C{1r }t rr}issia'ncl
SIIC, Srinnxrr
rJl {'3 zr- * '-'
i\'i - , '
. -.-;-...
. 1. "-.'
,r.J ./.: rl /.{.{*i
' !

+f trl/l Lnnr! flll Site 5i{{l-

!,;b,ir.:t.. i"*tiscnl lrt Oprrnl* iFi in f*-ri:ur
R*i ^ \'r.,.tr i]l.Iint A1-'plit*ritil No i'iQI{}'i dt'U'i't}8-?01ti.

Sir" r _:r...
- - -- citerl atrove it is to inlirnate t}1at yorrr *srlin*
\{i& r*Sar,l t* rli* subject alil refereru-'e

:ippiiixtir:n sisr:ds exirain*d arrd it has be*n

cr:cciiied ufidcr Solid \\'ustc irlmagdlu'nt
i .,'"' *"c _'I-
Kulcs' if iu' rr 1ililnI,-
-:r s -rr:!
rrn<ier referettci cirn i}nly
l}e procmsed $lrbis{tt{i
}rrtl]-i, advi:*iI tlral t!i*. snline applie:rt.i*n
oflic*rl iJ{ $iarer
out by coticcmed Disaict
.^,'rii.sti,u rrl rJeiicielicies ali has bee* p*inierl|*iiingrthic}:yourapp}icatiorrsh*iiberecomIrlslldedforclosureandlegalactronas
levying of Euvir*aur**al
rr?rl;.!^rltd uniicr ru!*s shali
fotlorv' rvhich ttta; f sv** inetr!"ld*

:,.- r'.,nr r"rrv
- rr-(tril.L.+ LL'tjY i-rilius*d

rt I rtl,u, fUU' t\tilftfiUf
:i 11.'r 'i '

163 Ann"H/r* -tL

{i*;'*t'r:rlret:t ci Itxshmir

r:.. t



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i.}\ j'( I
s 'i'fu{' l1$t}liri* *.irirlll ilut Ir{irt} ,i,i !'1_ll

${,*rtil}'-}.$ ;ill *r'**ltrl th* larrtl llli sir* in*}uttitlgt'h* ,ii,ri::n :lli,l Ilrr, {r1}rr'r ;.il-u:!

..r:.r..,.t r.:i '.i:i 1I'!rr!Illir!11 i!: !trllal;li ! ililll

..--.i :-.:..-1.:r,.,,,-
,r,.r_-.'\ r

. .. ...r .. j:.,,',,.,. r!.- : ,\r:,: !:rj:i ,rili i,l' i',ili:ri '1, ,ti l;11'rif ii 'iii


rtilh* tt{ xs irts a rl}' ctr v u r'

Pr*s*ni srri i d',+xst* riisptts*i .$i'ts

a t--{,
L'{irr.ttlCl I*achate I is--r.,-
nne/rr-r*- 13
Govurnnrctt! oJ-Jomnu and Kashnir

.Irt K Pollution Control Cornmittee

:: Jantntu
S wnnu OIrtce : l I a! -O ctobe t
--JgS : tlitttcr ofJice: Novcntbertlpril
Pori h Bl tuwan. G I tilt t i, Sheikh-ul -Alo m Can pus,

'l'ransporl Nogar, Nanwl, Behind Govt. Silk Foctory,

Jan nnt. (.1 tY K ) I ti( )0( )6.
Ph.. l;ar. ll I I l -2 17692 5

Enrail: nlclnbct'sccretarlrjl<[email protected]
Ilqibagh, Srinagar (J&K) 190008
Ph.:l'ax. 0 I 91-2 3 I I I 65.

The Mernber Secretary,

Central Pollution Control Board,
Delhi - 110032.

No:- JKPCC/ LsJ/338/ llt?1-&o Date:- | 6 -Ot-ZOZt.

Sub:- Direction under Section 5 of the Environment (Protection) Act, L986 for
enlbrcement of Provisions of Sqlid Waste Management (SWM) Rules -
Ref:- i) No. ti- I I 01 I /U PC- ll/M SW (Directio n) 2020-2Ll 4135 dt. 30-07-24n.
ii) No. ti-l t0l l/Llpc-lr/vrsw (Direction) 2020-21115329 dt. 27-01-2021
Kindly refer Central Pollution Control Board communication numbers under
referenae regarding subrnission of intonnation on biomining of legacy waste as per

in this regal'd, the inlbnratiou on the prescribed format of CPCB is herewith
enclosed, as received frorn Housing and Urban Development Department J&K, for
favour of intbnlation and nece ssary action, please.

Yours faithfully,

Encl:- Format as received lroru Htll)D. ]|tt

tt b
(8.M. ) rFS
Mernber Secretary
&K PCC, Jamrru

Copy to the:- P,A tq Cl-rairmarr Ibl infbnnation of the Chairman, J&K PCC, Jammu.

Housing ond Urbon Deveropment
Direclion under Seciion 5 0f the
Environme'nt (Protection) Acr,
1gg6 for enforcemenr of provisions
Monogement (swM), Rures-20'r6 regording of sorid woste
bio-mining of regocy woste.
Deporrrnent wise informotion for
remediotion of regocy woste dumpsites

Is fresh
waste still Ifyes, Has disposal of
Departrnent Narne of Durnpsite Quantity of Has remediation of If Y/under
being Quantity of legacy waste I{as leachate
the City Ioca tion waste al Iegacy waste done
durnped at waste being consideration- been planned in
durnpsire (TJ (yes/No/under ,naItagement
the durnped please Attach accordance with
consideration) system been
dum (TPD) Action Plan CPCB guidelines provided (y/N)
Under consideration.
The DPR prepared
Srinagar by SMC has been
Municipal Srinagar
sent to Chief
Achan 9,50 lac MT 400-450 Engineer,
Corporafion Yes Enclosed as
MT/day Mechanical for Annexure A Yes Yes
technical vefting,
before accord of
Municipal Jammu Bhagwati 1.20Lac
C ration Nagar Ton No No In Progr-ess Nil Yes No Leachate
Directorate oi Urban Local Bod ies, Jammu
Katra Tan-Talab 69000 Yes Under
consideration Yes Yes
Director, Sanrba Mandhera 21s00 Yes Under
Urban Local Yes
Bhaderwah Yes
Bodies, Dhranga 5000 Under Action Plan
Yes 1.5
Jamrnu con sideration enclosed as Yes
n Yes
Kathua Annexure - A2
5000 Yes Under
consideration Yes Yes

Page [ 1

Directo rate of Urban Local Bodies, Kashmir

Anantnag Doni pawa 50000 Yes s0 NA Yes No

Bijbehara Yes l5 t5
(Zirpara) NA Yes No
Pahalgarn Sarbal I 500 NO 0 NA Yes No
Baramulla Khawajabagh 20000 Yes 30 NA Yes No
I)irector W. No.2l
Urban Near Sumo
Local Kunzer Sland r500 Yes J Yes, DPR has NA Yes
Kunzer No
Bodies, been formulated
Kashmir Lirrow
Kulgam Kulganr I5000 Yes t8 NA Yes No
Parnpore 10000 Yes 12 NA Yes No
Shopian near DC I 0000 Yes 20 NA Yes No
Total r23000 148

Page | 2
Governmenl o!Jammu ond Kashmir 4"""- --tg
J&K Pollution Control Committee
J&K Wiatet oficc: NovcmberAgll
S u m me r Ofl lce : M oY'Octobcr
Pari ws h Bhurt'an. Gl o.lni.
SlEt*bul-Alffi CanPw.
'liMpoil Nagon Nwal, Bt h ttr, Gov t. Stl k F& t*Y,
Jamu. (J&K) l8tN06. Rojtogl. Simgor (J&Q /,900W
Ph.,FN.0l9l-2176U5 Ph.,Fs.0191-23III65-

qil: mem

District Collector,
(Deputy Commissioner)
No: JKPCC/LSv22lLltl tat-3o). Dt5-s6-2a22'
Sub:- Directions under Section 5 of Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 for
implementation of the solid waste Management Rules' 2016 - regarding Fire
Incidents at MSW DumPsites.

Ref.:- CPCB directions no. CP-99I14312021-[]PC-II-HO-CPCB-HO/1569 dt'26-5'2022

you are
Kindly refer to CPCB directions dt. 26h May 2022 on the referred subject,
advised to ensure integrating solid waste dumpsites on-site Emergency
plans with the fiisting

off-site District Disaster Management Plans in respective Districts prepared by local

Import of Hazardous
authorities in compliance with Rule 14 of The Manufacture, Storage and
Chemical Rules, 1989.
Matter Urgent.

Encl: CPCB directions dt. 26rr' M;ay 2022

(Dr. MK)
\, Member Secretary
\Yrr Pollution Control Committee

Copy to :

1. The Commissioner/Secretary to Govt., Forest, Environment and Ecologl'

Department, Civil Secretariat, Jammr:/Srinagar'
Z. Regional Director, PCC Jammu/Kashmir'
3. PA to Chairperson for kind information of the Chairperson JKPCC
Governmettl oJ Jamma and Kashmir
v *;:*; J&K Polluti1f;X'*' committee

tnnrur"Ilice: ttovember'At'rtt !i:',:l;":i!;::,"'1:l;:'':'""'

y*:-fu;r lttte * lihotror, Olaelnt. hrhntl ( l.d(rr\
fXHl! /rdrrr.,rr;\bgrrr. r!'anJ'o/, 1.,bngh, Srinu*ur (,t&it t,,\n/rS
\f,/ i:,i'';;^'iifi-!iW' Yi .u otet-'lrtttn:
t,n"rrt t"'qttt"'
a) Commissioner,
Jammu MtrniciPal CorPoration'
b) Comrnissioner,
Srinagar MuniciPal CorPoration'
c) Director,
LIrban Local Bodies,
d) Director,
Llrban Locarl Bodies'

No: rKpcc/Lslnzfarxl xt-}]8 Dt:)soo-zozz'

(Protection) Act' 1986 for
Sub:- Directions under Section 5 of Environment d'ules, 2A16 regarding Fire
imptementafi; of the Solid Wasi" Mrn"g"*ent -
Incidents at MSW DumPsites'

to immediately acldress the
5 of Environment (Proteetion) Act 1986. You are advised
issues within your jurisdictions'
ffirtto*ing prepare
\ L Conduct Comprehensive risk assessment studies and accordingly
located within jurisdiction
detailed on-site Emergency Plan for each dumpsite
addressing the following issues:'
plan to cover potenliat risks / emergencies iue fire'
a) The onsite emergency
veclor borne diseases' rodeflts' bird
o) ohnoxious /fiammable emissions, odoar,
winter / monsoon (rainy searun) ond
nuisance, seusonal affects i,e, sumnrer /
all other polential risks at the dumpsites'
Y b)Theonsiteemergencyplanstoaddresstheworstpossiblecosescenarios
preferably usittg appropriate risk assessmenl softwares
covering anj: ot all ol

the potential emergency issues / scenatios

cited obove'

& tn ancl aruwul the
geographical area inctuding poputation' flora fauna

flll rrtdlu roltuf,l{1n GCflf f,n
(^Iir.'i,'!i'f U)
%re a

172 measures both
d) The on-site emergency plan lo contain detailed remedial
hardware and software based for mitigaling various emergency sitttutions'

which shoutd ftnatly be available wlth respective cot'trol rooms and on-site
emergencY notice hoards'
2. lmplementation on priority interim meosures ltsted below till the
tinu on'site

alf site Emergency plans are prepared and implemented"

where bio'remediation is being
a) Fresh wasle natto be disposed auhe dumpsite
mar*et etc" indaslrlol
unttertaken. organic wastefrom slaughter hoase,lish
indusrrial waste / E-waste I Lithium batrery is not dumped at the site,
that is the sire should be examined visuatly lor potential
being unloaded at
with cover matertal
fire sources wlten tocated, shoald be neatralized
provided lo sel oside frant the
immediately, Emergency tipping area to be
of material known b be on
immediate working area where incoming loads

minimize farmntion 'af air or
Adequate compacting of waste to be done to
at site so thilt drut
b) Methane Gas Detectors (on downwind side) to be installed
and preventive octlon be
with high methane concenlration ciln he identified
circumstances) and records be maintainedfor
tempeftilare xnder covlD
Treated leachate / water lo be sprayed on
lhe waste when rise in tempernture
to be in place'
ls obsewed at the bioremediation site, suitable mechanism
of &
of ccTY caftteras nt the sire and provision fencing frequent
ta be avoided' Isolation
incident is reported, usage of waster for clousing lire
with sail lo be done for
and allowing rapict natnral hurnout or smolhering
sre to be depated'
exlinguishing media) ancl adeQuote fire s&fety ffieosures
withftre extinguisher
place. Alt mobite equipment or vehiclcs should belined

and sPark arresler,
Workers to be fiainedfor
at the site ond checked belore entry to the dumpsite'
case of tlre' Periodic
detection of lire and necessary action to be taken in
PPE's, Health
training of workers be conducted in sale handting of lYaste,
& SafetY issues efc.
e) Periodic mock drilts to be canducted to prevent fire accidents at dumpsiles'
Emissions Audits to be conducted'
Quarterly, Fire sofety and Hazardous
w.r't biomining of legacy
Further, you are requested to fumish updated information
r,vaste vtz.:-

a) List of legacy waste dumpsites in local bodies / corporations'

fuel)' fine earth
b) Analysis of various screened fractions i.e. RDF(Refuse Derived
/ bio earth etc. prior to its disposal / utilization'
of screened fractions
c) Preparation of Action plan for utilization / disposal

d) Adequate provisions for leachate treatment'

of the RDFs or
e) Maintenance of records / documents fbr disposal / utilization
find earth and other material'
Encl: CPCB directions dt. 26th May 2022'
JK Polluti on Control Committee
\v 17"-

Copy tbr information and necessary action to:-

East Arjun Nagar'
The Member secretary, central Pollution conaol Board,
lt Regional Director, PCC Jammu/Kashmir'
and preparation of
Iil. Environmental Engineer, JKpCC Jammu for information
lv ps to Principal secretary to Gofi. Housing and urban Development
Civil Secretaiiat, Jammu/Srinagar for information of
and Ecology
P.S to commissionerisecretary to Govt., Forest, Environment
vl. PAtoChailpersonforkindinformationtoChairperson,JKPCCJamtnu.
Anne*t cr*- lS

Jgll-= Gove rnnrcnt of Jarnnru ancl Kashmir

. [8sEr$a
v c.:
J&K Pollution Corrtrol Committee
Wi nter oftjc.i: Nover;tber-April
Parivcslr Bliawan, tlltdini,
Summer offi ce: May-October
Trauspcri Nagar, \anval,
Sheikir-ul-Alam carnnus,
Behind Govt. Silk tirctory,
Jirmorir- l80006
Rajbagh, Srinagar (J&K)-
?h, / F ax.0!9L- i.,fi rt92S
Ph./Fax.0194-2311165 I 90008
Fm l: member.,p ksocb@smail.

Menrber Secretary.
Celttral Pullution Control Boarrl,
Pirrir.esh Bharvan, East Arjun Nagar,

JKPCC/LSi:.-":j,.,, i.r :";- -.,,t .'

Sub: Directions intter
Date: lr 07-z0tz
Section 5 of Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 for implementation
of the Solid Waste Management Rules, 2016-regarcling Fire incidents at MSW
Dumpsitcs- Regd. Updated information w.r.t. Bio_mining.
ILef: GPCB letter No. cp-99/ 1 4 3/202 1 -upc -II-Ho-cpcB-Ho ; at ; z o_o s_zoz z.

Apropos to the subject and reference quotecl above, updated information w.r.t
dated 27.1.21 regardillg status of Biomining of legacy waste
as received lrom respective
Ivlr'[iiciprl Corporations and Deparlment of Urban Local Bodies,
Jammu / Kashmir is enclosed
herer,vith in rhe pr-escribed format.

Encls: i.s zrbo,,'e

Yours Sincereiy,

(K. Rarnesh S
\3 urr\r+-
\, Mcnr cfflrY
Copy to PA to chairperson JKpcc for infornration of the chairperson,
Direction under Seclion 5 of the Environment (Proteclion) 175
Act' 1986 for enforcemenl of P rovisi'-.
of Solid Woste Monogemenl (SWM)' Rules-2O16
regording bio-mining o f legocY woste.
Tobulo led informotion fo r reme dioti on of leqo
cy woste dump sites

Has rernediation of If Y/u der Has disposal of Has ienchate

Name of Dumpsite QuantitY of Is i'resh ll YeS'
Iegacy waste rnan agcnlen t
Departntent Iegacy waste done co nsi derati o
the city waste at waste still Quantity of been planned in system been
rvaste being (1,es,No/under please Attach
dumpsite (T) being
Action Plan accordance vilh provided (YA{)
dumped at dumped consideration)
CPCB guidelines
the (TPD)
dum Yes No Leachate
No Yes N.A
Bhagwati 1.20 Lakh No found
Jammu Jammu
Municipal N MT Anached Yes Yes
Yes 460 TPD Under consideration
Corporation Kot Bhalwal 3.90 Lakh
dumpsite MT
(Estimated) Yes Yes
4OO TPD Under consideration Aftached
Achan 12.00 lac MT Yes
Srinagar Srinagar
ivtu rricipai Saidpora,
Corporation Srinagar

Directora te of Urbarr Local Bod Jarnrnu

Work Order for Yes N/A
Yes J6 Under consideration
Urban Local Katra Tan-Talab 65000 biorernediation of Yes N/A
Yes 9 Under considerat ion
Bodies, Samba Mandhera I 6500
Katra legacY waste Yes N/A
l)lrran r 000 Yes ) Un der consideration
Yes N/A
Jamlnu Bhaderr.vah site allofied, and
Yes 32 Under considerat ion
Kathua Berain Pattan 50000 taken uP.
Tendering lor rest of Yes N/A
5000 Yes -/- ) Und er consideration
udh Sui Chakhar I local bodies is under Yes
Yes 10 Under consideration
Doda Akramabad 7500 process.
I 111
t) recto r:l te of U rb:t Local Bod Kash til I r
No Action Plan N/A NiA
Y ES 60 U I1 d er consideraf ion
Url;an Local Ananfn Dani wa r 9060 N/A N/A
No N/A Under consideration
llcCies. P 2451-1.1 N/A N/A
No NiA Llnde r consideration
K-ashmir Sho an Sofanaman | 5163.2 N/n N/A
No N/A Under consideration
B Kerkadal 9336 N/A NiA
i\o NiA Un der consideration
Pahal atn Sarbal _i li-16.4 N/A t.jlA
No 8.5 Undei consi,joratioll
Tral Takya 4589.6
Raazaq Shah
Traii Rala
L-- 68-s
I Tot:i! "{l)70
Page i rL

176 ftnnept+t-e - tC
Jarnmu and Kashmir Pollut ion Control Comm
Panvesh Bhavan. Forest ComPlex ll Srrx Factory Road
Transport Nagar Janrrnu 180006 ll RalUagh Srinagar 190 C08
Tol - C'l91-2476927: marl - m€mbersecretaryikspcb@gmai!.com

The Commissioner,
Srinagar Municipat Corporation,

No.;KPCC,*e/Z Dt.:)'o7'2a24.
lgg l*yZ-S-l
Sub;- Hon'bte NGT order dated 15-05-2024 in O.A. No. 543/2024 titted Raja
Muzaffar Bhat V/s Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change


Ptease refer the subject captioned above. ln this connection, lam to say that
in compl.iance to the directions of Hon'tlte NGT dated 15-05-2024, fottowing
members of the Joint committee constituted by the Hon'ble NGT visited the Achan
Landfitt site on 15-07-2A24 scheduled date for the visit :

1) Prof. Sanjay Deshmukh, Department of Life Sciences, Mumbai University.

2) Ghansham Singh, Member Secretary, JK Pottution Controt Committee
{undersigned )
3) Dr. Narinder Sharma, Director/Scientist 'F' CPCB, RD Chandigarh.

Mr. Zahoor Ahmed, Additionat District Devetopment Commissioner Srinagar,

Mr. Aijaz Ahmed Shah, Assistant Commissioner (Revenue) Srinagar (Representative
of DC Srinagar), and Mr, Nazir Ahmed Baba, Chief Sanitary Officer of SMC Srinagar
(representative of Commissioner SMC), atso accorltpanied the visiting members of
the committee at the site.

The Chief Sanitary Officer of SMC Srinagar, Mr. Nazir Ahmed Baba briefed the
visiting members of the committee about the status of action being taken by the EMC
for disposal of the waste at the site. The Chief Sanitary Officer of SMC apprised at
the site that a detail.ed Action Ptan has lreen prepared by the SMC for Bio-
remediation of the tegac5, waste accumuiateci ar the site as wett as for disposat of
daity generated waste of the srinagar city brought at the site. He f urther
apprised that
efforts for functional.ization of the 1 MRF/Segregator, 2 Leachate Treatment ptants
and 1 Septage Treatment Ptant, which are non-functionaifor quite
some time at the
site are atso under way.

Page 1 of 2
wetfare committee, Zoonimar srinagar, atso subnritted
a memorandum to the
in which the said wetfare committee
visiting members of the Committee at the site
site is original^ty a heritage site
among other issues also pointed out that the dumping
of the representatlon
i.e. Bagh-i,shagufa and the area is actuatty the wettand {copy
share the Action Ptan prepare d
ln this connection, yoLl are requesteci to kindty
by SMC for Bio-remediation of the tegacy
waste accumu[ated at the site as also steps
existing waste processing
and measures being taken for functionatization of the
f acitities / setting up of additionaL
waste processing facirities at the site to zero down
Report to be submitted to Hon',ble
tandfitt as the same is required for finatization of
NGT in the afCIresaid 0'A'

Yours farthf u[tY,

(Ghansharn Singh)IKAS
Mcmber SecretarY ".:,. ,

1) Financiat Commissioner iAdditionat Chief Secretary), Forest' Ecotogy
Environment department, Civit Secretarlat, J&K, Jammu/Srinagar
for kincl
2) The Commissioner/SecretarY t o Government, Housing and Urbarr
DevetoPment DePartment, Civit Secretariat,.J&K, for favour of

3) The DivisionaI Commissioner, Kashmir for favour of information
4) The Deputy Cornmissioner, Srinagar f or information'

Page 2 cf .l
sRINA(ir\ It Mt
rN I('ll'Al' ('oRPoRA'l"lolr
t:tv ry
\tq,\r a(w\atlm\
()FFt(fr orT H; (:(TMMISSI(rNi:R'
gov' i n
Ktlmn Nrtgrr. Srinugtr. li'mnil ' r'omm issioncr-smcrrljk'



I'hc Memtrer Secretary'.

.lanrntu & Kashnrir Pollution Contcrl Committee,

Subject: Hon'ble National Green Tribunal order dated 15/5/2024 in OA No'

543/2024 titled Raja Muzaffar Bhat v/s Ministry of Environment,
Forcst and Climate Change (MoEF&CC)

Reference: Your No. JKPCC/NGT12411447-51 dated 231712024 followed by No.

JKrcCNGT /24 13 593 -97 dated 3 /EDA24.

Apropos to the subject cited above and as desired, a detailed report along
uith requisite annexures is attached herewith for favow of firrther course of action
into the matter.

Y faithfully.

Srinagar Municipal Corporation.

Copy to:

I. Commissioner, SMC for information.

YI'rw.'lr rR 'lfl ,'i4
t-ir i.,

ilcxtrplirrnee i{.*p*rt: liolitl Wrste Flanagcrrrent Acti{rn Plan Srintgar illunicipat

{.. *rp**"*f Eeru { $&'$C} :

1. Executive Summary

This report outlines the comprehensive action plan prepared by Srinagar Municipal
Corporation (SMC) to address legacy waste remediation at the Achan dumpsite and
functionalization of existing and proposed waste processing facilities. The plan aims to
achieve 100% scientific processing of municipal solid waste in alignment with Solid
Waste Management Rules 2016 and Swachh Bharat Mission 2.0 guidelines.

2. Current Scenario

2.I Population and Waste Generation

- Current estimated population (202\:15.50 lakhs

- Projected population (2026): 16,69,168

- Current waste generation: 600 Tonnes Per Day (TPD)

- Projected waste generation (2026):918.04 TPD

- Per capita waste generation: 550 grams/day

2.2 Waste Composition

- Wet waste: 60% (360 TPD currently, projected 459.02 TPD by 2026)

- Dry waste: 40% (240 TPD currently, projected 459.02 TpDby 2026)

2.3 Existing Processing Capacity

- Total processing capacity: 150 TPD

- Wet waste processing: 50 TPD (Composting)

- Dry waste processing: 100 TPD (Material Recovery Facility)

Implementation Phase: Proposal for out sourcing existing Wet waste processing and
Dry waste processing is been and being shortly tendered.

l}lrg* 1"15
r Itr E!91I r?
'I r.
r r;.t:r r :: .

3. Legacy Waste Remediation at Achan Dumpsite

3.1 Site Assessment

- Total quantity of legacy waste: 1 I lakh MTs

3.2 Action Plan

a) Preparatory Phase:

- Contour survey completed with assistance from NIT Srinagar

- DPR prepared for estimating quantity, volume, and waste characterization (Copy of
DPR attached as Annexure A)

b) Implementation Phase:

- Estimated cost: Rs. 60.50 Crore (@ Rs. 550/MT for 11 lakh MT)

- Technology: Bio-mining/Bioremediation

c) Current Status:

Tendered (Tendered opening on 06 Aug2024 (Copy RFP and tender document attached
Annexure B)
- Timeline: To be completed by 2027

4. Additional Proposed and approved waste processing Facilities under SBM 2.0

a) Proposed Plant or Upgrades: Composting Plant

- Target capacity: 459.02 TPD

- Estimated cost: Rs. 52.79 Crore

- Timeline: May 2026

- Current status: DPR under Process

4.2 Material Recovery Facility (MRF)

a) Proposed Upgrades:

- Target capacity: 459.02TPD

- Estimated cost: Rs. 39.02 Crore

Page 2l5
181 tt*
YIT ?rl I'i+i r'|
ts( 't.

- Technology: Advanced sorting and recycling equipment, RDF production unit

b) Current Status:

- DPR under Process

4.4 Scientific Landfill
a) Existine Infrastructure:

- 3 landfill cells at Achan site (2 capped, I operational)

b) Proposed New Cell No.4:

- Capacity: 5 lac MTs

- Estimated cost: Rs. 29.50 Crore

- Technology: Engineered sanitary landfill as per SWM Rules 2016

c) Current Status:

- Letter of Intent (LoI) under process

(Copy RFP and tender document attached Annexure C)

4.5 Garbage Transfer Stations (GTS)

a) Proposed Facilities:

- Number of GTS: 12

- Total capacity: 367.22TPD

- Estimated cost: Rs. 16.56 Crore

b) Current Status:

- Tender for 3 initial GTS tendered and Letter of Intent (Lol) under process

(Copy RFP and tender document attached Annexure d)

4.6 Construction & Demolition (C&D) Waste Processing Facility

a) Proposed Facility:

- Capacity: 125 TPD

- Estimated cost: Rs. 7.5 Crore

b) Current Status:

- DPR under preparation

182 r*,
t\ ",
:l tl ts{ rl tl ;:r.

5. Establishment of Composting Shed: To establish a composting shed for efficient

windrow composting in Srinagar, ensuring the process is not hindered by the region's
climatic conditions. (copy of work order attached Annexure E)

6. Anti-Odour Measures at Achan Landfill Site

The Srinagar Municipal Corporation (SMC) is utilizing anti-odour substances to control

and mitigate bad odours at the Achan landfill site.

(Copy of purchase order attached Annexure F)

7. Additional Measures for Improving Waste Management

- Installation of 3000 color-coded litter bins

- Deployment of 13 underground bins

- GlS-based Integrated Waste Management System

- GlS-based Integrated Waste Management System

8. Enforcement and Compliance

8.1 SWM Rules & Bye-laws Enforcement

- Offences compounded to date: 396

- Amount recovered: Rs. I 1.50 Lakh

8.2 Waste Collection

- Current status: I00% Door-door waste collection

- Target: Achieve 100% segregated waste collection by october 2025

- Strategy:
x Intensive awareness campaigns

* Incentives for compliant households/commercial

* Penalties for non-compliance

The successful implementation of this action plan will transform the solid waste
management scenario in Srinagar, ensuring 100% scientific processing of

P,*ge 415
183 rl*
':r tF aq'| rP SRINAGAR
t ,.
J rt'ts{ :ql' t 't

solid waste by 2026. Regular monitoring, timely fund allocation, and stakeholder
engagement will be crucial for achieving the set targets.

Acchan landfill Site:

Name of Dumpsite Acchan

Co-ordinates of Dumpsite Latitude: 34.123938

Longitude: 74.785424

Distance from the town l0 km. (Avg.)

Area of dumpsite: 123 acres.

Start date of dumpsite l 985

Category Open dump site

Incoming waste quantity 600 MT/day

Accumulated waste quantity I I lakh MT Approx. (Now at Achan)

Weighbridge available at dumpsite I

Access road Yes

sanction for Land rransfer for waste Management Facilities:

The transfer of state land measuring 5 16 kanals and 27 marlas, identified as No. 417,
located at Saidapora Achan, Tehsil and District Srinagar, from the Revenue Department
to the Srinagar Municipal Corporation (SMC) for the installation of mechanical
composting facilities and the dumping of city waste, has been sanctioned as per Order
No: REV(NDK)102 of 1985.

Additionally, an extra 385 kanals and 13 marlas of land have subsequently been
transferred to the SMC for the same purpose.

(Copy land transfer documents attached Annexure G)

$)*ge 515
frnne/q<t-< - ry
Jammu and Kashmir Pollution Control CommitEE_-
Parivesh Bhavan, Forest Complex lI Sitx Factory Road
Transpo( Nagar Jammu 180 006 ll nalUagn Srinagar' 190 008
;sr 0191'?476927 nrari - !1'el]:Drrsecletavksocb@gmarl com

The Deputy Commissioner,


No.IKpCC tf.qt"l l)q1 'a.,I 9t Dt.i* -07-2A24.

Sub;- Hon,bte NGT order dated 15-05-2024 in O.A. No.543/2024titted Raja

Muzaffar Bhat V/s Ministry of Environment, Forest and Ctirnate Change

Ptease refer the subject captioned above. ln this connection, I am to say

that in compl.iance to the directions of Hon'bte NGT dated 15-05'2024,
members of the Joint committee constituted by the Hon',bte NGT visited
Achan Landfitt site on 15-A7-2A24 scheduted date of the visit:

1) prof . sanjay Deshmukh, Department of Life sciences, Mumbai university.

2) Ghansham Singh, Member Secretary, lK Pottution ControI Committee
3) Dr. Narinder Sharma, Director/Scientist'F'CPCB, RD Chandigarh'

Mr. Zahoor Ahmed, Additional. District Devetopment Commissioner

Srinagar, Mr. Aijaz Ahmed Shah, Assistant Commissioner (Revenue) Srinagar
(Representative of DC Srinagar), and Mr. Nazir Ahmed Baba, Chief Sanitary
Officer of SMC Srinagar (representative of Commissioner SMC), and Mr. Abhijeet
Joshi, Regionat Director JKPCC Kashmir atso accompanied the visitin$ members
of the committee at the site.

The Chief Sanitary Officer SMC Srinagar apprised the visiting members
that tand measuring about 902 kanats was al.totted to the Srinagar Municipat
Corporation in the year 1986 for estabtislrrnent of Waste Treatment Facitity at
Achan and attotted Land is currentty tn use and occupation of SMC.

During the visit of the Committee, some [oca[ residents as atso the Sociat
Wetfare Committee, Zoonimar Srinagar, atso submitted a memorandum to the
visiting members of the Committee at the site in which the said wetfare
committee among other issues atso pointecl cut tilat the dumping site is originaity
a heritage site i.e. Bagh-i-Shagufa and the area is actualty the wettand (copy of
the representation enctosed).

Page 1 of 2

q$k -

You are therefore, requested to ask the Assistant Commissioner
Srinagar / SDM concerned to furnish the fotlowing information

The totat tand aLlotted to the SMC f or estabtishment of waste

facitity at Achan LandfitL site as per the revenue record.
2. Number of the viftages fatting adiacent to the site, their narnes and
3. The status of the attotted I'and to the SMC as recorded in the Record of
Rights (ROR) anci Anrtuai Recorcls of ll-re seiicl 'r;llage along
wrth revenue

Yours faithfuttY,

(Ghan$frbm.Singh) JKASf
MemberSecretary .*I.
4 t,' ;"? "r,
Copy to :-

1) Financiat commissioner {Additionat chief secretary), Forest, Ecotogy and

Environment department, civit secretariat, J&K. Jammu/sr!nagar for

2) fhe Divisionat Commissioner, Kashmir for favour of information'
3) The Commissioner, Srinagar MunicipaL Corporation for favour of

Page 2 of 2
A n^e+14,.- 11



Government of Jammu and Kashmir

Office of the Deputy Commissioner / District Magistrate Srinagar
(Amar Niwas Complex Tankipora Srinagar) - -
Em aii: dcsq r-ik@n ic. n, Ph. F ax: 0194-247 7 033 12452182

Pollution Control Committee,

No:- DCS/ARA(go1 )2024t i? I Dated:- Lq t)812024

Subject: Hon'ble NGT order dated: 15.05,2024 in O.A. N0,543/2024 titted Raja Muzaffar
bhat Vs Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEF&CC).

Ref : No. J KPCC/NGT 124I 452-56 d ated : 23 .07,2024

Apropos the subject and referece cited above, the requisite information as received
from tehsildar Eidgah vide No. 676/OQff EGl24 Dated: 12.08.2024 is hereby enclosed for
your kind perusal.

You f aitntully

De Commissioner
^i,t )

EB cr.scanner
Covernment of Jammu and Kashnrir

The DePutY Commiesioner

Dated: -[ -ott-zo:+
Nrt -{?l loQffrrc,lp4

- Foresiand climate change ( IvtoEF&cc)'
vs Ministry of Environment ,
tn reference to your office lettcr No. DCS/ARA/(gol\2o2.4.14'u":y,'^-Dated:
desired is as under:
illA7 2024, the point wisi reply to tfr. requisite information as
Covt ordcr No' Rev (NDK) 1O2
1. 516 Kanat O7 Marlas under Khasra No 417 vide
1985 Dated: 27/A3/ 1985 vide mutation No' 563'

No of Villages falling adjacent to the sitc

Name of No. of Families PoPulation rcsiding in titese


Saidapora 1300 6352


Sangarn 7AO 3356

Zoonimar 3558 17548

190 s73
Shunslipora 311 1479

3. Status of land as per ROR and as perJamabandi is $tate l-;ind. ( E.xtriu.ts F)ni ir>sc<l!

{- Hence for favor of further necessary action.


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GB cu,rscanner
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Jammu and Kashmir Pollution Control Committee
Partvesh Bhavan, Forest Conlplex ll SItx Faclory Road
Transporl Nagar. Jamnru 180 006 lJ Ratbagtr Srinagar' 190 008

Municipal Corporation,
No: JKPCC/NGT/ . i. - ' : ot: ii-os- 2a?4
Subject: Violation of Solid Waste Management Rules, 2015 by Srinagar
Municipa I Corporation.
Ref: O.A No. 239 of 2024 titled ""What Challenges Are l(ashmiri Wetlands
Facing?" appearing in Kashmir Life dated 02.A2.2024.

1 Whereas, disposal of Solid Waste is primarily regulated under the following

Rules / Act:
a. Solid Waste Management Rules, 2016
b. Plastic Waste Management Rules, 2416
c. J&K Non-biodegradable Material (Managenrent, Handling and Disposal)
A,ct, 2007

2 Whereas, Rule 15 of the Solid Waste Management Rules, 2016 prescribes

the duties and responsibilities of the local authorities and village
Panchayats of census towns and urban agglomerations which are
reproduced below:

1"5. Duties ond responsibilities of local outhorities and village Panchayats of

census towns and urban ogglomerations, - The local authorities and
Panchayats shall,-
(a) prepare a solid wastc n.ranagenrent pl.rn as pcr state polrcy and
strategy on solid waste management within six months from the
date of notification of state policy and strategy and submit a copy
to respective departments of State Government or Union
territory Administration or agency authorised by the State
Government or Union territory Admi nistration;
(b) arrange for door-to-door collection of segregated solid waste
' from atl households including slr.rms and informal settlements,
commercial, institutional and other non-residential premises.
From multi-storage buildings, large cornmercial comprexes, mails,
housing complexes, etc., this may be collected from the entry
gate or any other designated location;

(c) establish a system to recognise organisations of waste pickers or
informal waste collectors and promote and establish a system for
integration of these authorised waste-pickers and waste
collectors to facilitate their participation in solid waste
management including door to door collection of waste;
{d) facilitate formation of Self Help 6roups, provide identity cards
and thereafter enccurage integration in solid waste managernent
including door to door collection of waste;
{e) frame byelaws incorporating the provisions of these rules within
one year from the date of notification of these rules and ensure
timely implementation;
til prescribe from time-to-tirne user fee as deemed appropriate and
collect the fee from the waste generators on its own or through
authorised agency;
{g} direct waste generators not to litter i.e throw or dispose of any
waste such as paper, water bottles, liquor bottles, soft drink cans,
tetra packs, fruit peel, wrappers, etc., or burn or bury waste on
streets, open public spaces, drains, water bodies and to
segregate the waste at source as prescribed under these rules
and hand over the segregated waste to authorised the waste
pickers or waste collectors authorised by the local body;

th) setup material recovery facilities or secondary storage facilities

with sufficient space for sorting of recyclable rnaterials to enable
informal or authorised waste pickers and waste collectors to
separate recyclables from the waste and provide easy access to
waste pickers and recyclers for collection af segregated
recyclable waste such as paper, plastic, metal, glass, textile from
the source of generation or from material recovery facilities; Bins
for storage of bio-degradable wastes shall be pairrteci green,
those for storage of recyclable wastes shall be printed blue and
those for storage of other wastes shall be printed black;
(i) establish waste deposition centres for domestic hauardous waste
and give direction for waste generators to deposit domestic
hazardous wastes at this centre for its safe disposal. such facility
shall be established in a city or town in a manner that one centre
is set up for the area of twenty square kilometres or part thereof
and notify the timings of receiving domestic hazardous waste at
such centres;

(j) ensure sa{e storage and transportation of the dornestic
haeardous waste ttl the hazardous waste disposal facility or as
may be directed by the State Pollution control Board or the
Pollution Control Committee;
(k) direct Street sweepers not to burn tree leaves collected fronr
street sweeping and store them separately and handover to the
waste collectcrs or agency authorised by local body;
tr) provide training on solid waste management to waste-pickers
and waste collectors;

{m} collect Waste from vegetable, fruit, flower, n1eat,

poultry and fish
market on day to day hasis and promote setting up of
decentralised compost plant or bio-rnethanation plant at suitable
locations in the nrarkets or in the vicinity of markets ensuring
hygienic conditions;
(n) collect separately waste from sweeping of streets, lanes and by-
lanes daily, or on alternate days or twice a week depending on
the density of population, commercialactivity and local situation;
(oi set up covered secondary storage facility for temporary storage
of street sweepings and silt removed frorn surface drains in cases
where direct collection of such waste into transport vehicles is
not convenient. Waste so collected shall be collected and
disposed of at regr"rlar intervals as decided by the locaI body;

{p) collect horticulture, parks and garden waste separately and

process in the parks and gardens, as far as possible;
(q) transport segregated bio-degradable waste to the processing
facilities Iike compost plant, bio-methanation plant or any such
facility. Preference shall be given for snsite processing of such

{r) transport non-bio-degradable waste to the respective processing

facility or rnaterial recovery facilities or secondary storage facitity;
(s) transport construction and demolition rvaste as per the
provisions of the Construction and Demolition Waste
Management Rules, 2016;
tr) involve communities in waste management and promotion of
home composting, bio-gas generation, decentralised processing
of waste at community level, subject to control of odour and
maintenance of hygienic conditions aroulnd the facility;

(u) phase out the use of chemical fertilizer in two years and use
wherever possible in other places under its jurisdiction'
lncentives may be provided tc recycling initiatives by informal
waste recycling sector.
(v) facilitate construction, operatton and maintenance of solid waste
processing facilities and associated infrastructure on their own or
with private sector participation or through any agency for
optimum utilisation of various components of solid waste,
adcpting suitable technology including the following
technologies and adhering to the guidelines issued by the
Ministry of urban Development from time to time and standards
prescribed by the Central Pollution Control Board. Preference
shall be given to decentralised processing to minimize
transportation cost and environmental impacts such as-
i) bio-methanation, microbial composting, vermi-
composting, anaerobic digestion or any other appropriate
processing for bio-stabilisation of biodegradable wastes;
ii) waste to energy processes including refused derived fuel
for combustible fraction of waste or supply as feedstock to
solid waste-based power plants or cement kilns;
(w) undertake on their own or through any other agency
construction, operation and maintenance of sanitary landfill and
associated infrastructure as per Schedule l for disposal of
residual wastes in a manner prescribed under these rules;
(x) make adequate provision of funds for capital investments as well
as operation and nraintenance of solid waste management
services in the annual budget ensuring that funds for
discretionary functions of the local body have been allocated only
after meeting the reqr.rirenrent of necessary funds for solid waste
management and otlter obligatory functions r:f the iocal body as
per these rules;
(v) make an application in Form-l for grant of authorisation for
setting up waste processing, treatment or disposal facility, if the
volurne of waste is exceeding five metric tonnes per day including
sanitary landfills from the State Pollution Control Board or the
Pollution Control Committee, as the case may be;

{z) submit application for renewal of authorisation at least sixty days

before the expiry of the validity of authorisation;
{za) prepare and submit annual report in Form lV on or before the
30thApril of the succeeding year to the Commissioner or Director,
Municipal Administration or designated 0fficer;
{zb} the annual report shall then be sent to the Secretary -in'Charge
of the State Urban Developrnent Department or village panchayat
or rural development department and to the respective State
Pollution Control Board or Pollution Control Corrnritttle by the
31st May of everY Year;
{zc) educate workers including contract rvorkers and supervisors for
door to door collection of segregatecl waste and transporting the
unmixed waste during primary and secondary transportatiCIn t0
processing 0r disp0sal facilitY;
(zd) ensure that the operator of a facitity provides personal protection
equipment including uniform, flirorescent jacket, hand gloves,
raincoats, appropriate foot wear and masks to all workers
handling solid waste and the same are used by the workforce;
(ze) ensure that provisions for setting up of centres for collection,
Segregatign and storage of segregated wastes, are incorporated
in building plan while granting apprgval oi buildrrrg plarr oi a
group hor.rsing society or market complex; arrd
(zf) frame bye-laws and prescribe criteria for levying of spot fine for
persons who litters or fails to comply with the provisions of these
rules and delegate powers to officers or local bodies to levy spot
fines as per the bye laws framed; and
(zg) create public awareness through information, education and
communication campEign and educate the waste generators on
the followi ng; namely;-
(i) not to litter;
(ii) rninimise generation of waste;
(iii) reuse the waste to the extent possible;
{iv) practice segregation of waste into bio*degradable, non-
biodegradable recyclable and combustible), sanitary waste
and domestic hazardous wastes at source;

{vi practice home composting, vermi-composting, bio-gas

generation or community level composting;

ivi) wrap securely used sanitary waste as and when generated

in the pouches provided by the brand owners or a suitable

Page 5 of 11
wrapping as prescribed by the local body and place the
same in the bin meant for non-biodegradahle waste;

{vii} storage of segregated waste at source in different bins;

tviii) handover segregated waste t0 waste pickers, waste
collectors, recyclers or waste collection agencies; and
{ix} pay monthly user fee or charges to waste collectors or local
bodies or any other person authorised by the local body for
sustainability of solid waste management'
(zh) stop land filling or dumping of mixed w,tste soon after the tirrreline
as specified in rule 23 for setting up and operationalization of
sanitary landfill is over;
tzii allow only the non-usable, non-recyclable, non-biodegradable,
non-cornbustible and non-reaCtive inert waste and pre-
processing rejects and residues from waste processing facilities
to go to sanitary landfitl and the sanitary landfill sites shall meet
the specifications as given in Schedule*|, however, every effort
shall be made to recycle or reuse the rejects to achieve the
desired objective of zero waste going to landfill;

izj) investigate and analyse all old open dumpsites and existing
operational dumpsites for their potenti;rl of bio-rrirlii'rf, srtci bro-
remediation and where so ever feasii:le, take necessary actiorls
to blo-mine or bio-rernediate the sites;
(zk) in absence of the potential of bio-mining and bio-remediation of
dumpsite, it shall be scientifically capped as per landfill capping
norms to prevent further damage to the environment.
(zl) collect and transport biodegradable, non-biodegradable, and
domestic hazardous waste from households including slums and
informal settlements, commercial, institutional and other non-
residential premises, rnulti-story buildings, large commercial
complexes, malls, housing complexes and the like in
compartmentalised and covered vehicle to the respective
processing facility.
J Whereas rule ZZ of the Solid Waste Managenrent Rules, 2016 prescribes
the time frame for implementation of the said rriles which is reproduced

22. Time frame for

implementation.-hlecessary infrastructure for
implementation of these rules shall be created by the local bodies and other

own, by directly or
concerned authorities, as the case may be, on their
engaging agencies within the time frame specified

ActivitY Time limit

from the
date of
of rules
(3) I

(1) I
{2} I

1 ldentification of suitable sites for setting up 1 1" year

solid waste rocesSln facilities
1 year
2 ldentification of suitable sites for setting up
common regional sanitary landfill facilities
for suitable clusters of local authorities under
0.5 million population and for setting up
common regional sanitary landfill facilities or

standalone sanitary landfill facilities by all

local authorities having a population of 0'5 i

million or more
Procurement of suitable sites for setting up 2 years
solid waste processing facility and sanitary
landfill facilittes . __,_** *_ . l

4 Enforcing waste generators to practice / vears

'l I

segregation of biodegradable, recyclable,

combustible, sanitary waste domestic
haza rdous and inert solld wastes at source

5 Ensure door to door collection of segregated 2 years

waste and its transportation in covered
vehicles to rocessing or dis al facilities

6. Ensure separate storage, collection and 2 years

transportation of construction and
demolition wastes
1 Setting up solid waste processing facilities 2 years
by all local bodies having 100000 or more


- -t
8 Setting up sotid waste processing facilities by 3 years
local bodies and census towns below 100000

p0 lation
I Setting up cornmon or standalone sanitary
landfills by or f<rr all local bodies having 0.5
million or more population for the disposal of 3 years
only such residual wastes from the
processing facilities as well as untreatable
inert wastes as permitted under the Rules

10 Setting up common or regional sanitary

landfills by alt local bodies and census towns 3years
under 0.5 million population for the disposal
of rmitted waste under the rules
j i

Bioremediation or capping of old and

11 I
5years I

abandoned dum sites

4 Whereas section 9 of the Jammu and Kashmir Non-biodegradable Material

(Management, Handling and Disposal) Act, 2007 provides as follows:

Section g -
Prohibition to throw biodegradqble and non-biodegradable
garbage in pubtic drains, nuturql or monmade lakes, wetlands.- (l-) No
persory by himsetf or thraugh another, shall knowingly or otherwise, thraw
or csase to be thrown, in ony drain, ventilatian, shaft, pipe ond fittings,
connected with the privote or public drainoge works, natural or mqnmode
lokes, wetlsnds any non-biadegrodable gurbage or coustructiort de'brrs or
any biodeqrodable garbage by placing rn s non-biodegradable bog or
contoiner likely to-

injure the drainage and sewage system;

ii interfere with the free flow or affect the treatment and
disposal of drainage and sewage contents;
iii be dangerous or cause nuisance or be prejudicial to the
public health; and
iv damage the lakes, rivers or wetlands.

(2) No persan sholl, knowingly or otherwise, place or permit to be

placed, except in accordonce with such proceclurc ond ofter
complying with such safeguards as may be prescribed, any
biodegradable or non^biodegradable garbage in any public place
open to public view unless-
Page B of 11
(a) the garboge is placed in any receptacle; ar

{b} the gorbage is deposited in o lacation designated

by locol
outharityt having iurisdiction in the *rea for the disposal of
such garbage'

5. whereas, Srinagar Mtrnicipal corporation is in [rreach of waste

Managernent Rules / Act referred to above. A Report received from
Regional Director, J&l( PCC, Kashmir is enclosed herewith'
6. Whereas, the matter of Kashmir Wetlands is being heard Suo-Motto by
Hon'ble NGT in oA 73g/2A24 titled "what challenges are Kashmiri
Wetlands Facing?" which appeared in a news item in Kashmir Life dated
02/0?17024. The next date of hearing irr the case is on 22"d May 2024'

7. Whereas, transportation and dumping of un-segregated solid waste was

observed at different un-fenced collection centres at the landfill site Achan,
which is in contravention of provisions of the Environment {Protection} Act,
19g6, Rules, orders and directions issued there under and is punishable
under the said Act, and this includes contraventions by Government
Departments as well,

B. Whereas, the leachate which is generated at the Achan Dumping Site is not
being treated and the leachate plant was found defunct on inspection by

g. Whereas, the drainage system for storm water around the dumping site is

nCIt properly built, resulting in mixing of leachate and rain water.

10. Whereas, the segregator and compasting plant installed were found non

LL. Whereas, the STP was also not functioning properly.

12. Whereas, the Achan dunrping site is operating without valid Consent and
Authorization of J&KPCC.

L3. Whereas, there are 3345 residential and 55L conrmercial establishments
within 200 mts of Dal and Nigeen Lake, besides, 3786 Dal dwellers located
within the nctified area of Dal Lake, as per the joint survey carried out by
J&K PCC and LAWDA in 2019.

L4. Whereas, the quality of water at24 stations of Dal Lake was monitored and
none of the locations qualify for class B criteria.

Page I of 11
and only O2 locations qualify for class B criteria'

Now therefore, in view of the above position

of law, the deficiencies that persist
in the implernentation of the water (Prevention &
contr:1 of. Pollu.tion) Act'
Act, i"981' the Solid waste
!g74, the Air (Prevention & control of Poltution)
Environment {Protection) Act 1986, Section 33-A
of the water (Prevention &
& control of Pollution)
control of Pollution) Act, l-974 and 3L-A of Air (Prevention
issued to:
Act, 1981, the following directions are hereby
The Commissioner, Srinagar Municipal Corporation
i. Ensure that solid waste is collected, processed, treated and 2016,
of in accordance with the Solid Waste Managenrcnt Rules
Janrmu and Kashmir
Plastic waste lVlanagement Rules 201"5 and the
Non-biodegradable lVlaterial (Management, Handling and Disposal)
Act, 2007.
ii. Ensure that no waste, whether bio-degradable
or non-biodegradable,
from dorrrestic or c mmercial establishments on either side of Dal
Lake and Anchar Lake finds way into the Lakes in
violation of the
water (Prevention and control of Pollution) Act, 1974 and sectiOn
Act, 2007'
{Managerne nt, Handling and Disposal)
iii. Notify the waste collection schedule and method of collection for
segregated bio-degradable and non-biadegradable waste and collect
waste in accordance with the schedule and rnethod so notified.
iv. Enforce performance of duties by the waste generators as prescribed
under rule 4 of tlre solid waste Management Rules, 2016.
v. Direct waste generators not to litter i.e. throw or dispose of any waste
Such as paper, bottles, cans, tetra packs, fruit peel, wrappers, etc., or
burn or bury waste on streets, open pubtic spaces, drains, water bodies
and to segregate the waste at source as prescribed under these rules
and hand over the segregated waste to authorised waste pickers or
waste collectors authorised by the local body.
vi. Submit status of Csnsent and Authorization, under the specified Acts
and Rules, for operation of the Achan Landfill site immediately and to
submit a comprehensive report on the quantity of Sotid Waste
collected, segregated, treated and disposed per day. Submit the
quantity of leachate generated and discharged per day.

Page 10 ot 11
vii. Submit an action plan for ensuring implementation of the Rules as
the time frame prescribed under Rule 22 of the solid waste
Management Rules, 2016.
viii. Submit the Annual Report in Fornr lV as prescribed under Rules 24 at
the Solid Waste Management Rules, 2016'
ix. Submit a list of officials of Srinagar Municipal Corporation, whCI are
responsible for continuous violation of Solid Waste Management
Rules, 2016 for their prosecution under the Environment (Protection)
Act, 1986.
x, Furnish quantity of solid waste generated in the Jurisdiction of
Srinagar MuniciPal CorPoration'
xi.Furnish the quantity of solid waste processed daily in Srinagar
Municipal Corporation and disposal thereof'
Further, the Commissioner, Muriicipal Corporaticin, Srirragar, shali
acknowtedge the receipt of these directions within one week of their lssuance'
The response of Srinagar Municipal Corporation must reach J&K Pollution
Control Conrmittee by or before lOtL June 2024

Encl: leaves.

-?-1 {Vasu Yadav)

U-\{. chairman
Copy to:
L. Financial Commissioner (Addl. Chief Secrctary), Forcsts, Ecology ancJ
Envir,onrnent Department, Civil Secretariat, Jammu / 5rinagar.
?. Commissioner/Secretary to Govt. Housing and Urban Development
Department, Civil Secretariat, Jammu I Srinagar.
3. DivisionalCsmmissioner,Kashmir.
4. Deputy CommissionerlDistrict Magistrate, Srinagar.
5. Regional Director, J&l( pCC, Kashmir.
6. Wild Life Warden Wetlands, Jammu & Kashrnir.
7. Scientist 'B' ln charge MSW, J&K PCC.
8. Divisional Officer, PCC, Srinagar.

Page 11 of 11
* lrl

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(invrrnrtrnl of ,Infi$fl & Knrhnir
,l& K l{)t,t"t!'t' t(}N ('(}N't'lro t . ('(]M M rr r.r
(Ir'F'lCl.: OrnlF Rti(;t{)NAt. t}trr[( 't()R . K^sHMrR
.\*ri\l;ul {/artr(itrtlrtrr.rtrr,,i,rrfh.wttt. li!}1t,r.unyrtl \tll,lttttry.t \/t)}(}(tttN
\\\tujl-$f-(rh,itt l.rrrral \'{t,,trtliltr(tt,otkmrqgn,ttl rtnt lrl lurl)1,}l,t.ll!x,t}

Mcmber Sec.relaq,
.lK Pollurion Contrcl Committec

No:- PCCiRDK/pS13034/..h.k" p5 Dated:- 0Y -OEZaW

Subject:' l{on'ble NGT directions daled l3-03-20?4 in Suo Motu matter in re: News
itents appearing in Kashnrir Life clated 02-02-7A24 entitled
"Whal challenges are kashnriri wetlands facing"?

Reference:- JKPCC/SC loL-nqft024/999-90 1 dt. 30-03-i024.

with regard to the subject and reference cited above, the repl,v to the
observations is given here as under:
Water Quali$ Monitoring report of wetlan<ls submitted by Incharge Warer Lab
is auached as annexure 'A'
2. Status of Monitoring done by concerned Divisional Officer and factual report
lv.r.t. solid waste dumping etc is given here under:-

of monitoring of solid rvaste _dumpigg_

rlping of' un segrcgared Soliil Waste \\as seen ar d i licru rr t

2 []udgam

-1 (iandcrbai 'l'h* dumping

ol'un segreguted and un lrsatsd Solir:l Waste at Kohistan
Colony Snfirpnr:a hy tlte snnccrncd l.l l-tllAurho rity hns been witnessed
which is approxinratel y tine kilonrexer tioni thc Mansbal
lake. Bcsicles.
a I'urv durnps nf' untrttended soliilr.rastcs ncar Jlror.aku parl
trrr thr Ilank
o1'thc l\4ansbat iake ot Rltlrcr ftlolinlla llso scen.-l'he sciuntilic srrlici
wa:!.l9"ll,l..lful$!lilg_r]t is laekins in rhc
i a! {gliirre{ !f
ti,.-"rjqjd"l_."itf,, ]
crlndurtitlir in,.i,,, 11,,rr, tl{t'1,'.1r crc l{}ted {11\ ;trrrt{": \ ilrf
.{ llurtrliprrnt


r l{t:1',r11 enC6sCti as 0nncr*r€ 'l ' i,

: l{i'it ,tiliull{l I)uritg the inspce iilu:!,al iri ll!iti*i
tinn txr mlid waste durnp and o-ere
seen in srcfl o{ $ctland heccuse }i/atgr le'rel ol area is very high.
il li r

Submittcd fhr inltrmration and ncccssary action.

Yours faithfully

Copy to the:-
I . PA to Chairman. JK PCC Jamntu for information of the rvonhv Chairman.


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