Solutions in Red: Electronic Systems Course 2019 Autumn. January 17, 2020
Solutions in Red: Electronic Systems Course 2019 Autumn. January 17, 2020
Solutions in Red: Electronic Systems Course 2019 Autumn. January 17, 2020
1.- Among the following statements, mark those which are true.
a) X The accuracy of an open loop automatic control system depends on its own calibration.
b) The main drawback of an open loop automatic control system is its connection problems.
c) X In a closed loop automatic control system, the presence of disturbances does not prevent it from to
carrying out its assigned function.
d) In a closed loop automatic control system, the controller is in charge of displaying the information about
the process.
3.- Define what is the resolution of an electronic measurement instrument. Calculate the resolution of a
measurement instrument with 4½ digits and 0.2 V range.
It is the minimum change at the input that is detected.
Number of counts: 20000 (00000 to 19999), 10
4.- What is the purpose of a static electric energy converter ? Explain the conversion that carries out a converter
of the inverter type.
The purpose of the electric energy converters is to maximise the efficiency (thus minimise the energy loss) when changing electric
energy from one format to another. The converters of the inverter type turn DC current into AC current.
The diode of the following figure is described using a first order model, with a threshold
conduction voltage V = 0.4 V and a forward resistance rf = 2 . In the circuit, E = 3 V and R =
10 .
5.- Draw the diode current IAK (vertical axis), with respect to the diode voltage VAK (horizontal axis), also known
as the 'diode I-V characteristics'. On the same graphics, draw the load line of the circuit. Indicate the units of the
axis and the most significant values.
6.- From the graphics, determine the diode current and voltage.
Both plots intersect at the working point, where: IAK = 216 mA and VAK = 0.83 V
8.- Calculate the base current IB and the collector current IC of the transistor.
100 ∙ 10 1000 ∙ 1
∙ 4.67
∙ 1000 ∙
1000 ∙
1088.5 Ω
1088.5 Ω
RC ≤ 1088.5 Ω (10)
The circuit of the figure includes two ideal Operational Amplifiers AO1 and AO2, with output saturation
voltages ±10 V. The passive components are: R1 = 100 kΩ; C = 500 nF; R2 = 50 kΩ; R3 = 100 kΩ
11.- Express the voltage VY at node 'Y' as a function of the voltage VX at node 'X'. Describe the functionality of
the AO1 circuit.
If we assume virtual ground at the inverting input of AO1, the current entering R1 is: I1 = VX / R1
At the capacitor: 0 0 0 0
15 .- Draw the schematics of the circuit of an inverting hysteresis comparator with reference voltage, built with
an Operational Amplifier. You do not need to give values to the components.
We want to design a digital system that implements the following function:
∙ ∙
f C 0 1
00 1 1
01 0 0
11 0 1
10 1 1
17.- Using the map, give the first canonical form (sum of products) and the second canonical form (product of
sums) of the function f, as simplified as possible.
The circuit of the figure represents a digital system whose initial state is Q0 = Q1 = Q2 = 0. Answer the following
three questions:
18.- Indicate if the three 'D' bistables constitute a synchronous or an asynchronous system. Justify the answer.
The figure shows a circuit to be essayed in the laboratory, using a double channel oscilloscope. Vi is a triangular
voltage source of 10 kHz and 2 V peak-to-peak. Vref is a constant voltage source of 2 V.
21.- Draw the trace of channel I of the oscilloscope, if the channel coupling is AC. Indicate the V/div and s/div of
the screen.
22.- Draw the trace of channel II of the oscilloscope, if the channel coupling is DC. Indicate the V/div and s/div
of the screen.
We want to mount an inverting amplifier using an Operational Amplifier, according to the following circuit
schematics, observing the input signal Vi and the output signal Vo in the channels I and II of the oscilloscope,
respectively. (Note: we will not use the function 'offset null' of the Op-Amp)
23 - 24.- Draw all the connections necessary for the embodiment of the project.