Experiences With Commissioning Testing of HV & EHV Cable Systems: The Influence of Voltage Level and Duration For Identifying Life Limiting Defects
Experiences With Commissioning Testing of HV & EHV Cable Systems: The Influence of Voltage Level and Duration For Identifying Life Limiting Defects
Experiences With Commissioning Testing of HV & EHV Cable Systems: The Influence of Voltage Level and Duration For Identifying Life Limiting Defects
Abstract- Over the last decade and a half, thousands of kilometres Partial discharges are a high frequency phenomenon.
of installed XLPE HV and EHV cable systems have been subjected Fundamentally, whenever a partial discharge occurs internal to
to after-laying commissioning testing prior to energization. The a cable section or a cable joint, a charge – and consequently a
commissioning test usually consists of a combination of AC HiPot high frequency current - is induced on the cable conductor
& Partial Discharge (PD) testing. PD testing, in particular, has
(high voltage electrode) and the cable shield (grounded
gained acceptance as a valid diagnostic tool for condition
assessment of cable insulation. It is well known and understood electrode). The magnitude of a measured partial discharge
that the results obtained from a partial discharge test depend not signal depends partly on the magnitude of the partial discharge
only on the conditions under which the test was performed but also current itself, i.e. the higher the actual partial discharge current
on the test equipment itself including the type of sensor used and its the higher the induced currents, and partly on the radial
location. Relying on experienced gained with AC Withstand and proximity of the partial discharge location relative to the cable
PD commissioning testing of more than 2,100 km of HV & EHV conductor, i.e. the closer to the cable conductor, the higher the
cable systems the paper examines the influence of voltage source induced current on the conductor [2, 3]. The relationship
and withstand duration of the withstand test for successfully between the induced charge on the high voltage electrode and
identifying life limiting defects in newly laid HV & EHV Cable
the actual discharge itself may be evaluated by the lambda-
systems both in terms of breakdown and also in terms of detection
of partial discharge sources from the same defects. The paper function [2, 3]. The rise-time of the induced partial discharge
further provides statistical summary of tests performed on more current is similar to the frequency of the actual partial
than 2100 km of HV and EHV cable systems including failure rates discharge current itself whereas the fall time of the induced
of accessories and PD occurrence rates. The paper also provides current is dependent on the impedance of the measuring
several case studies of PD detected in cable accessories during AC system itself [2]. In this case, the impedance of the cable
HiPot commissioning testing. system is defined not just by the series impedance of a PD
sensor and monitor but also in the impedance of the part of the
I. INTRODUCTION cable system a given PD pulse must travel through prior to
being detected. The rise-time of the partial discharge current
Partial discharges occur in the bulk of high voltage itself depends on path and velocity of the partial discharge
insulation materials where local electrical field conditions are (avalanche) and, consequently, the frequency depends
sufficiently high to sustain PD activity. In the case of primarily on (1) the strength of the electrical field in the void
extruded cables (EPR or XLPE cables) partial discharges (the higher the strength of the electrical field the higher the
typically occur in cavities at the conductor shield, cavities in velocity of the avalanche itself, the faster the rise time of the
the insulation due to shrinkage or gas-formation, near defects PD current and the higher the frequency of the PD current)
in the insulation shield, near loosely bound solid particles in and (2) the size of the void relative to the direction of the
the insulation, at protrusions, at splinters or fibers or near electrical field (the longer the void, the longer the duration of
contaminants in the insulation shield. In cable joints or the PD pulse, the longer the rise time of the PD current and the
terminations, partial discharges typically occur along dielectric lower the frequency of the PD current). Also, local conditions
interfaces, along stress interfaces, in cavities near the in the void such as gas pressure, temperature, void surface
conductor or insulation shield due to, for instance, conductivity has an impact on the partial discharge behavior.
misalignment during installation or thermal movement as a
result of normal operation. Finally, partial discharges may In addition, as the induced PD currents propagate through the
also occur within the cable insulation itself around cable towards the cable ends, they are subjected to primarily
mechanically degraded spots and or impurities resulting in the attenuation and, to a lesser extent, dispersion [10]. In
formation of electrical trees. addition, it should be noted that the magnitude of high
frequency currents propagating along the coaxial cable line
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further deteriorates as a result of impedance mismatch due to
joints and cross bonding. Q inj V inj 1
K= = C inj = V inj C inj (2)
It can thus be intuitively seen that for shorter cable runs V meas V meas V meas
induced currents as a result of partial discharge activity may
be readily detected via a terminal measurement, i.e. via a This approach involves three major assumptions:
capacitive or inductive sensors connected to the conductor or
shield at the end of a cable. For longer cable runs, attenuation A. The test objective is a pure, lumped capacitance
will prevent the measurement of induced currents related to B. The duration of the injected pulses is such full
PD activity occurring from the far end of the cable and thus a polarization is achieved (for the injection capacitor)
distributed PD measurement must be performed. A distributed C. All of the charge on the capacitor is transferred to the
PD measurement refers to the scenario where sensors are terminal of the cable under test.
connected to joints and splices throughout the length of the
cable. Often, external clamp-on radio frequency current With respect to (A): No cable objective is purely capacitive.
transformers are placed around the bonding lead connecting a Even for shorter lengths of cable systems, for instance
joint to the link box (cross-bonding box). Also, in some subjected to type tests in the laboratory, the inductive
instances, joints may be equipped with integrated partial component plays a factor with respect to HF pulse
discharge sensors. Lastly, it was previously concluded that a propagation.
framework for performing a meaningful sensitivity assessment
on a field installed transmission class cable would fulfill the With respect to (B): If a capacitor is driven with a time-
following criteria [11]: varying voltage that changes rapidly enough, then the
polarization of the dielectric cannot follow the signal. As an
1. Does not attempt to correlate discharge pulses measured example of the origin of this mechanism, the internal
in mV or mA to charge associated with the partial microscopic dipoles contributing to the dielectric constant
discharge current itself. cannot move instantly, and so as frequency of an applied
2. Does not rely on averaging to increase the signal-to-noise alternating voltage increases, the dipole response is limited
ratio. and the dielectric constant diminishes. Thus, at higher
3. Does not rely on narrow band-pass measurements to frequencies, the change in dielectric constant, referred to as
increase the signal-to-noise ratio. dielectric dispersion, should be considered.
4. Does inject pulses that have rise times and magnitudes
similar to the currents induced by typically partial With respect to (C): If the impedance of the cable under test is
discharge pulses. significantly higher than the impedance of the injection
capacitor, nearly full charge transfer is achieved. If not, the
In response, it is suggested that a sensitivity assessment be equivalent circuit acts as a voltage divider and the charge
based on so-called “sensitivity by construction” via laboratory division needs to be considered accordingly.
experiments involving injecting known, fast partial discharge
like signals into a cable assembly using matched impedance With respect to (4): PD is a high frequency phenomenon. It is
and measuring the response at a joint and a termination with a well understood that the typical waveform injected on the
sensor similar in design and manufacture to that used in the terminal of a cable assembly is slower and of higher
field for the same joint and termination design [13]. magnitude than a typical partial discharge pulse.
III. THE MEASUREMENT OF APPARENT CHARGE Lastly, In addition, it should be understood that an IEC 60270
style calibration relates only to the apparent charge on the
It is well understood that IEC 60270 applies to a narrow-band, cable terminal for a pure, lumped capacitive test object. Due
low frequency partial discharge measurement performed on a to attenuation of high frequency pulses traveling through
HV component acting as a lumped capacitance [10]. Voltage coaxial conductors, the apparent charge on the sheath or
signals may be injected via a coupling capacitor thus conductor at the discharge spot will be higher than the
providing a relationship between actual, detected pulse measured apparent charge on the terminal [10, 11].
magnitude as measured in mV and apparent charge as
measured in pC. When injecting a voltage of magnitude Vinj Lastly, an installed sectionalized transmission class cable
through a coupling capacitor of value Cinj, the charge injected, constitutes a distributed capacitive load and not a lumped
Qinj, into the system can be calculated via the well known capacitive load. For a lumped capacitance, it can be assumed
capacitor formula that the difference in apparent charge as measured on the
terminal and apparent charge at the location of the PD source
Qinj = Vinj ⋅ C inj (1) is minimal. For a distributed capacitance, the difference
between apparent charge as measured on the terminal and
apparent charge at the location of the PD source will be further
with the calibration constant K being calculated as
amplified due as a result of signal losses due to stray
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Where RPD is the restive input impedance of the PD monitor
(typically 50 Ohms) and t1 and t2 define the beginning and end
time of the peak associated with the apparent PD pulse itself.
t1 t2
To preserve the waveform of a PD signal thus preserving
information on the type and nature of a PD source, modern
partial discharge systems make use of broadband acquisition
QP technology and not narrow band technology. Consequently,
IEC 60270 does not apply for field measurements performed
on installed transmission class cables with broad band partial
discharge measurement systems.
Figure 1: Example evaluation of apparent charge Previously, it was shown that any a assessment on any system
provide only for a normalization of the sensor and partial
capacitances, grounding etc. Thus, for distributed capacitive discharge monitor as defined by
systems, such as field installed cables, to ensure optimal H PD.Sensor ( s ) ⋅ H PD.Monitor ( s ) as loaded into the test
sensitivity, PD measurements should be performed at each impedance and does not provide any meaningful information
accessory. Thus, the apparent charge may be measured at or on the sensitivity of the PD measurement itself [12].
very close to the PD source location itself. Should a system Furthermore, it was shown that for broadband PD
allowing for measurement and storage of individual signal measurements, the frequency response of the system should be
waveforms the apparent charge of a PD signal may be characterized for the entire frequency domain for which the
evaluated by integrating up the appropriate area underneath PD sensor and PD instrument is able to detect signals. In
the PD signal - See Figure 1 other words, the injection pulses used for the sensitivity
1 assessment should match the frequency response of the sensor,
Q PD = ∫R
t1 PD
VPD (t ) (4) the frequency response of the partial discharge monitor used
and match the frequency content of partial discharge pulses
from known partial discharge sources [12].
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Rat. PD But No PD But No
AC HiPot Only AC HiPot & PD No of Failures
Voltage Failure Failure
[kV] Phases Term. Joints Phases Term. Joints Term. Joint Phases1 Joints Term. Joint
66/69/72 0 0 0 54 108 0 0 1 0 0.0% n/a 0.9% 0.0%
110/115 12 12 69 25 62 48 1 0 0 2.7% 0.9% 0.0% 0.0%
132/138/161 67 134 333 44 76 161 2 1 1 1.8% 0.4% 1.3% 0.6%
220/230 15 30 210 153 270 1,338 14 13 11 8.3% 0.9% 4.8% 0.8%
345/400 12 24 60 36 112 894 1 4 0 2.1% 0.1% 3.6% 0.0%
Table 1: Failure Rates & PD Occurrence Rates for HV & EHV Cable Systems. 1 Phases refers to terminated and
jointed cable conductors.
For the 15 years or so, a combination of AC HiPot & Partial As can be seen from Table 1 and 2 a number of observations
Discharge Testing has gained ground as an after-laying can be extracted:
acceptance test for XLPE cable systems. Cables are subjected
to an AC HiPot withstand in according to IEC 60840 and IEC (1) No failures of terminations have been observed during any
62067. Often, during the AC HiPot test, a partial discharge of the commissioning tests performed.
test is performed. For transmission class cable systems, due to
the issues related to attenuation, reflection at joints and signal (2) The PD occurrence rates for joints is approximately similar
loss due EM coupling, a distributed PD test is often for cable systems rated 132 kV to 230 kV and the failure rate
performed. is within the same range. This suggests AC HiPot testing alone
only detects about half of all life limiting defects in newly laid
Table 1 provides a quantitative summary of AC HiPot & PD cable systems and therefore addition of partial discharge
tests performed on a XLPE cable population rated 115 kV and monitoring technically adds to the validity of an after laying
above containing approximately 2,100 km of XLPE cable commissioning testing.
rated 69 kV and above, 418 individual phases, 3,113 joints and
828 terminations is given in Table 1. All tests constitute (3) The failure and PD occurrence rates for 345/400 kV cable
commissioning tests performed on newly laid cable. systems is significantly lower than for cable systems rated 230
Maintenance tests on field aged cable systems are not included kV and below. Also, the test levels for cable systems rated
in this survey. For this study, only partial discharge tests 230 kV and below are significantly higher than those for
performed at over-voltage are included. For some cable 345/400 kV cable systems. This suggests the test levels used
systems, partial discharge testing was performed after a for 345kV/400 kV cable systems are not high enough for
successful AC HiPot test at rated line-to-ground voltage (U0). identifying life limiting defects in said cable systems.
For this study, these cases are treated as a withstand-test only.
As can be seen from Table 1, the database distinguishes (4) The number of accessories for 66-72kV and 110/115kV
class cable systems is
likely not sufficient to Rat. Voltage Workmanship Issue
Rat. Voltage Avg. Test Level % Population
form any statistical [kV] Phases Accessories
[kV] [U0] Phases Term. Joints trends. 66/69/72 1.9% 0.9%
66/69/72 1.73 13% 13% 0% Assuming the 110/115 2.7% 0.5%
110/115 1.90 9% 9% 4% individual components 132/138/161 3.6% 0.6%
132/138/161 1.60 27% 25% 16% delivered prior to 220/230 22.6% 2.1%
220/230 1.69 installation have
40% 36% 50% 345/400 10.4% 0.5%
passed factory quality
345/400 1.11 11% 16% 31%
control and assuming Table 3: AC HiPot Test Level vs.
Table 2: AC HiPot Test Level vs. Cable Rating the factory quality Cable Rating
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1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Cable Rating [kV] 220.0 220.0 220.0 230.0 230.0 138.0 138.0 400.0 230.0 220.0 132.0 225.0 225.0 225.0 220.0
Rated Volt. U0 [kV] 127.2 127.2 127.2 132.9 132.9 79.8 79.8 231.2 132.9 127.2 76.3 130.1 130.1 130.1 127.2
Test Level [kV] 216.0 216.0 216.0 180.0 180.0 128.0 136.0 260.0 226.0 216.0 130.0 221.0 221.0 221.0 221.0
Test Level [U0] 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.4 1.4 1.6 1.7 1.1 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7
Test Current [Amp] 109.2 109.5 n/a n/a n/a 41.5 33.2 140.5 126.0 n/a 53.8 n/a 110.6 76.4 84.8
Test Freq. [Hz] 38.87 38.77 n/a 84.10 84.10 30.32 40.30 23.81 35.24 n/a 23.75 n/a 39.26 39.31 43.15
Failure Volt. [kV] 216 216 216 180 180 128 136 260 226 171 103 171 221 151.2 186.8
Failure Volt. [U0] 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.4 1.4 1.6 1.7 1.1 1.7 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.7 1.2 1.5
Time to Failure [sec] 70 367 n/a 1,260 8 1,260 1,851 n/a 38 n/a 9 n/a 3,480 n/a n/a
No of Cycles1 2,721 14,229 n/a 105,966 673 38,203 74,595 n/a 1,339 n/a 214 n/a 136,625 n/a n/a
Failure ID [Cable,
Joint Joint Joint Joint Joint Cable Joint Cable Joint Joint Joint Joint Joint Joint Joint
Joint, Termination]
control has been effective in identifying life limiting defects it therefore vary from test to test depending on the capacitive
can be assumed the failures and PD occurrence rates load of the cable under test. A more accurate measure of time-
experienced during on-site testing constitute installation to-failure may thus be number-of-cycles to failure. As can be
related defects. Table 3 provides a statistical break-down of seen from Figure 4, the 50 percentile for cycles to failure is
installation related defects per accessory (terminations plus 26,216 cycles and therefore 50 % of the failures experienced
joints) for the various classes of cable systems. As can be occur within the first 26,216 cycles. This cumulative
seen, the number of accessories subjected to installation distribution function for cycles-to-failure thus indicates the
related defects range from 0.5% to 2.1 %. It should be importance of test duration: To effectively identify
considered that 220/230 kV class cable systems constitute the installation related life limiting defects a large number of
majority of the database and, thus, the statistical breakdown cycles, at over-voltage, should be applied to the cable system.
for this cable class is likely the most representable. Based on Furthermore, when comparing the curve shapes for the
the data provided in Table 4, the Cumulative Probability cumulative probability density functions in Figure 4 it can be
Density Functions for Time-to-Failure and Cycles-to-Failure seen the shape of the density function for cycles-to-failure
may be calculated and plotted (see Figure 4). As can be seen, shows linear proportionality between percentage failures and
the 50-percentile for Time-to-Failure is 219 seconds and thus number of cycles after the 40th percentile and shows no
50% of the failures experienced occur within the first 5 indications of an asymptotic value towards the 100th percentile
minutes of the AC HiPot tests. However, the AC HiPot tests as the number of cycles goes towards infinity. As the majority
included in this study are performed primarily with fixed of data consists of tests performed on long cable systems, at
inductance, variable frequency test sets and the test frequency thus at lower frequencies, the data presented here may suggest
that the set time duration of 60 minutes may need to be
10,000 1,000,000 adjusted upwards when testing at lower frequencies (higher
loads) in order to effectively identify all life limiting defects in
an HV and EHV cable system.
Table 4 provides statistics on the individual failures
experienced. As can be seen from Table 4, all failures
Time to Failure [Sec]
Cycles to Failure
Cycles to Failure
Of the 17 failures experienced, 10 occurred at the withstand
1 1
level whereas 7 occurred while ramping up to the withstand
20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
voltage. For the failures which occurred at withstand voltage,
Test Frequency the number of cycles to failure varies from 214 cycles to
136,625 cycles. When plotted against test frequency it can be
Figure 3: Time-to Failure and Cycles-to-Failure vs. seen there is no correlation between time-to-failure or cycles-
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to-failure relative to the test frequency – see Figure 3. This is magnitudes, an evaluation of the severity of a PD source is not
expected as the time-to-failure will depend on the type and determined on the measured PD level alone. As can be seen
nature of the specific defect as well as its location within the from Figure 2, when a PD source is detected, the Partial
accessory relative to the cable conductor and outer sheath. Discharge Inception Voltage (PDIV) and Partial Discharge
Extinction Voltage (PDEV) are measured. In addition, phase
For the PD tests performed at over-voltage, these fall in to two plots of the source are obtained so the PD magnitude and
categories: (A) Joint-Hopping and (B) Continuous Monitoring. intensity can be quantified. Furthermore, the AC HiPot is
Joint-Hopping refers to the case where PD testing is allowed to continue and thus the dynamic behavior of the PD
performed periodically at over-voltage using mobile PD test source can be assessed and in most cases quantified.
crews. Continuous Monitoring refers to the case where all
accessories are monitored continuously during the ramp-up to Though no standard for PD pass/fail criteria exists, the guiding
the AC HiPot Test, during the AC HiPot Test and during the principle for the tests performed on the cable systems as part
Ramp Down for the AC HiPot Test. of this study has been that the accessories should be PD free –
to the sensitivity level of the PD test – at the voltage test level.
When PD testing was performed, the testing followed the However, for the 220/230 kV cable systems, in three out of ten
decision schedule outlined in Figure 2. In the absence of instances where PD activity was detected in the joint or
clearly defined PD pass/fail criteria, when PD is detected, the termination, the accessory was not replaced but conditionally
decision process with respect to component replacement accepted by the end client. In all of these cases, the PDIV was
involves discussion between the various stakeholders (end higher than 1.4U0 and the PDEV was higher than 1.2U0.
client, installer, equipment manufacture, test service provider Furthermore, in these instances, follow-up maintenance testing
and third party consultants). Due to the issues related to PD was mandated by the end client 3-5 years after
commissioning. In all other instances where PD was detected,
the accessory affected was replaced or rebuilt and a full AC
Percentile: Time-to-Failure [Sec] HiPot & PD retest was performed.
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Segment Wav ef orm
Ch 3 Segment Waveform
V olts (mV)
100 Ch 3
Volts (mV)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Time uSec -150
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Time uSec
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