ULP - Q1-Science 10

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Sacred Heart Academy of Novaliches

1155 Quirino Highway, Novaliches, Quezon City, Philippines

FIRST QUARTER – A.Y 2024-2025




Earth and Space This unit is about Earth and Space

In this unit, we will delve into the fascinating world of plate tectonics and its profound impact on Earth’s structure and processes. Understanding plate tectonics is key to unlocking the

mysteries of how our planet’s surface is constantly changing and evolving. From the formation of mountains to the occurrence of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, plate tectonics plays a

crucial role in shaping the Earth we live on.


CONTENT STANDARD Students will develop a comprehensive understanding of Earth's structure and the dynamic processes of plate tectonics. They will explore how these processes shape the planet's surface,
1. The relationship among the locations of influence geological features, and impact life on Earth. By integrating their knowledge of Earth's physical characteristics with tectonic activity, students will be able to explain the formation of

volcanoes, earthquake epicenters, and major geological structures, such as mountains, earthquakes, and volcanoes, and assess their significance in the broader context of Earth's systems.

mountain ranges.

1. In what ways do Earth's geological processes and ecosystems interact to support and regulate the planet's ability to sustain life?

Earth's Dynamic Storytelling Challenge

Materials Needed:
 Large paper or whiteboard
PERFORMANCE STANDARD  Markers, pens, or colored pencils
 Sticky notes or index cards
 Computer or tablet (optional, for multimedia presentations)
 Access to geological maps, images of tectonic features, and videos (optional)

Activity Steps:
 Write a story from the perspective of a geological feature, describing its formation and the changes it has undergone.
1. Demonstrate ways to ensure disaster Students will show their initial answer to the EQ with the use of IRF.

preparedness during earthquakes, tsunamis, INITIAL REVISED FINAL

and volcanic eruptions. Earth's geological processes and ecosystems are

deeply intertwined, each supporting and regulating the

other to create a balanced environment. Geological
2. Suggest ways by which he/she can
processes shape the physical landscape and influence
contribute to government efforts in reducing
climate, while ecosystems maintain nutrient cycles,
damage due to earthquake, tsunamis, and
regulate climate, and provide habitats, all of which are
volcanic eruption.
essential for sustaining life on our planet.


Curriculum Map)

LC1 (A): Describe the distribution of volcanoes, Activity 1: Remember Where the Edges Meet

earthquake epicenters, and major mountain Introduction How will you describe the Earth? You might say, it is big and sturdy. Others might say, it is covered with land and water. It is a place filled with different landscapes and
belts. landforms such as mountains and volcanoes. But do you know how these landforms are developed or how do they relate to earthquake epicenters?

This activity will provide you with information and simple activities that will help you understand plate tectonics based on the distribution of active volcanoes,

earthquake epicenters, and mountain ranges on our planet.

Learning Target(s): Instructions 1. Get a separate sheet of paper for your answers and observation. Do not copy the questions, just write your answers or observations.
1. I can locate and describe the major volcanic 2. Study Map 1 (Distribution of Earthquakes) on page 8 that shows the earthquake distribution around the world. The dark areas are the earthquake epicenters. Take
regions around the world, including the Pacific note of the areas where they are closely situated. Answer the following questions given.
Ring of Fire, mid-ocean ridges, and hotspots. 3. Study Map 2 (Earth’s Major Volcanoes) on page 8. Take note that the dark dots are the active volcanoes.

4. NOTE: To be able to perform this activity, you need cutouts of the maps on page 8. Your subject teacher may or may not be able to send you a photocopy of this page
2. I can recognize and interpret the distribution so you may either ask your home facilitator to photocopy it for you or you may trace each map on a clean sheet of bond paper. Cut your photocopied/traced Map 1 and
of earthquake epicenters globally, including Map 2 along the edges Place Map 1 (Earthquakes) over Map 2 (Volcanoes). NOTE: Remember to place the edges of the continents of each map exactly on top of each
their correlation with tectonic plate boundaries other.
and fault lines. 5. Bring the maps over any of the bright source of light available (ceiling lamp, sunlight, flashlight/cellphone light). Make sure you can see where the dark areas and dots
3. I can identify and describe major mountain 6. Study Map 3 (Mountain Chains), the coarse and darker areas are the mountain ranges of the world.
belts, such as the Himalayas, the Andes, and 7. Cut your photocopied/traced Map 3 along the edges. Place it under Map1 and Map 2. NOTE: Read first the descriptions below each arrow, then cut these maps
the Alps, and understand their formation individually along the dotted lines.
related to plate tectonics and geological 8. Bring the maps over any bright source of light available.
processes. 9. Now that you have seen the location of volcanoes, mountain ranges, and majority of earthquake epicenters, study Figure 1 on page 5 (Map of Moving Plates) once

Success Criteria: In my short response, I am Questions to Answer:
able to: a. How are earthquakes distributed on the map?

b. Where are they situated?

 Explain how tectonic processes (e.g., c. Look at your world map on page 9 and compare the earthquake epicenters. Name the country/ies where earthquakes may not happen.
subduction, hotspot volcanism) d. Why are there no earthquakes on the country/ies you mentioned?
contribute to the distribution of active e. How are volcanoes distributed?
volcanoes. f. Where are they situated?

g. Based on the map, which country/ies will unlikely experience a volcanic eruption?
 Provide clear explanations of the h. How do you compare the location of majority of earthquake epicenters with the location of volcanoes around the world?

tectonic processes that contribute to i. How will you relate the distribution of mountain ranges with the distribution of earthquake epicenters and volcanoes?

the distribution of earthquake j. What do you think is the basis of scientists in dividing Earth’s lithosphere into several plates?

epicenters. Learning Resources/Materials/Handout/Worksheet

 Provide clear explanations of the

tectonic processes that contribute to

the distribution of earthquake

a. The world’s earthquakes are not randomly distributed over the Earth’s surface. They tend
a. They are distributed near the Pacific Ring of Fire.
to be concentrated in narrow zones.
b. Near the Pacific Ring of Fire.
b. Some are located near the edges of the continents, some are in mid-continents, while
c. Earthquakes may not happen in Australia.
others are in oceans.
d. No seismic activity.
c. Answers may vary: large part of the Pacific Ocean, northern most Asia, majority of Europe,
e. They are distributed near the Pacific Ring of Fire.
eastern portion of North and South America, and western Africa.
f. Near the Pacific Ring of Fire.
d. It is important to identify areas which are prone to earthquakes so that necessary
g. Australia
precautions could be done if ever you’re living in one of those places.
h. They have the same location.
e. Volcanoes are not randomly distributed. Majority of them are found along the edges of
i. Mountain ranges have the same location with earthquake epicenters and active volcanoes.
some continents.
j. Their basis lies within the location of earthquake epicenters, volcanoes and mountain ranges.
f. Majority are found along the edges of some continents, particularly in the western coast of

North and South America, East and Southeast Asia.

g. Answers may vary.

h. Earthquake epicenters and volcanoes are both situated at the same locations.

i. Mountain ranges are found in places where volcanoes and earthquake epicenters are also

j. Geologic activities such as seismicity, volcanism, and mountain formation are the basis of

scientists in dividing the Earth’s lithosphere.

Clickable Links: Science10_q1_mod1_Volcanoes-Earthquakes-and-Mountain-Ranges_v2-aug-5.pdf

LC2 (A): Describe the different types of plate Activity 2: Read Me! Understand Me!

boundaries. Introduction Plate tectonics is a theory that explains the surface of the earth is broken into large and small lithospheric plates that are moving constantly and slowly. The size and

position of these plates change as years pass by. They move against each other at their edges causing intense geologic activity, such as earthquakes, volcanism, and

mountain building.
Learning Target(s): Instructions Read the three plate boundaries description and characteristics. Understand what you are reading. After reading, answer the questions below.
1. I can identify the three main types of plate Questions to Answer:
boundaries. 1. What plate boundary is formed by the sliding of two plates?

2. What plate boundary is formed by the moving of two plates apart?

2. I can describe the geologic features 3. What plate boundary is formed by the collision of two plates?
associated with each boundary type. 4. What are the three types of convergent boundaries?

5. Using two arrows (→), draw the direction of the relative motion of the three plate boundaries below:

Learning Resources/Materials/Handout/Worksheet
Success Criteria:

In my answers, I am able to:

 Correctly identify the three main

types of plate boundaries: divergent,

convergent, and transform.

 Classify a given boundary as

divergent, convergent, or transform

based on its characteristics and


 Describe the key geological features

associated with each type of

boundary (e.g., mid-ocean ridges for

divergent, mountain ranges for

convergent, and fault lines for



1. C
1. C
2. A
2. A
3. B
4. A, B, and C 3. B

5. a. Convergent boundary: →← 4. A, B, and C

b. Divergent boundary: ←→ 5. a. Convergent boundary: →←

c. Transform fault boundary: ↑↓ b. Divergent boundary: ←→

c. Transform fault boundary: ↑↓

Clickable Links: Science10_q1_mod2_plate-boundaries_ver2.pdf

LC3 (A): Describe the internal structure of the Activity 3: Scale Model of Earth

Earth. Introduction Earth is the only known planet that can sustain life. It provides liquid water, an oxygen-rich atmosphere, and protection from harmful radiation from the sun. During its

billion years of evolution, the hot Earth cooled down and solidified to a crust. Iron and nickel sank inside Earth while lighter materials such as silicates and water floated

near its surface. Earth has gone through a series of major biological and geological processes such as volcanic eruption, collisions of plate boundaries, and destruction
Learning Target(s): of mountain ranges and sea beds.
1. I can explain the different layers of the Instructions 1. Using the red clay, form a ball with a diameter of about one centimeter.
Earth's interior, including their composition, 2. Use the yellow clay to add approximately 2 cm layer over the red ball of clay. Complete the clay model of Earth by enveloping the yellow layer with the orange clay
properties, and the role each layer plays in approximately 3 cm thick.
geological processes. 3. Sprinkle the sand as evenly as possible on a piece of cardboard. Roll the ball in the sand.

4. Cut the ball in half using a fishing line. Ask them to observe the different layers and compare their thickness.

Questions to Answer:
Success Criteria: Through table completion and 1. How is Earth similar to the clay ball? Use illustrations to support your answer.
short response, I am able to: 2. What do you think is the importance of studying the layered nature of Earth?

Learning Resources/Materials/Handout/Worksheet
 Correctly name and locate the Earth's

main layers: crust, mantle, outer

core, and inner core.

 Accurately describe the composition

(e.g., rock types, metals) and physi-

cal state (solid, liquid) of each layer.

 Relate the structure of the Earth's

layers to observable geological phe-

nomena, such as earthquakes, vol-

canic activity, and mountain forma-


Answers may vary. Answers may vary.

Clickable Links: Science Links 10

LC4 (A): Enumerate the lines of evidence that Activity 4: What To Do: Make a timeline to summarize the development of Plate Tectonics Theory.

support plate movement.

Learning Target(s):

1. I can list and describe the various types of

Introduction According to Plate Tectonic theory, Earth’s outermost layer is fragmented into large and small plates that move on top of a hotter and more mobile material known as
evidence that support the theory of plate
the asthenosphere. Considered a milestone in geological science, plate tectonics has provided humans with a solid framework for interpreting the structure,
composition, and process occurring inside Earth and on its surface.

Instructions Make a timeline to summarize the development of Plate Tectonics Theory. The timeline should include the names of scientists and their contributions to the study of
2. I can explain how the distribution of similar plate tectonics.
fossils on different continents supports plate Questions to Answer:
movement. 1. Who are the scientists who contributed in the study of plate tectonics?

Learning Resources/Materials/Handout/Worksheet

Answers may vary. Answers may vary.

Success Criteria: Through my timeline, I am Clickable Links: Science Links 10

able to:
 Accurately list the main types of

evidence supporting plate movement.

 Provide clear and detailed

descriptions of each type of evidence.


Earth's geological processes and ecosystems are Earth's geological processes and ecosystems are

deeply intertwined, each supporting and regulating the deeply intertwined. Geological processes shape the

other to create a balanced environment. Geological physical environment and influence climate, while

processes shape the physical landscape and influence ecosystems maintain critical cycles, regulate climate,

climate, while ecosystems maintain nutrient cycles, manage water resources, and mitigate natural

regulate climate, and provide habitats, all of which are hazards. Together, they create a dynamic and

essential for sustaining life on our planet. balanced system that is essential for sustaining life on

our planet.


LC1 (M): Explain the different processes that Activity 1: Convergence Between Plates

occur along the plate boundaries. Introduction Identify the geological processes, how and why they take place in the different types of convergent plate boundaries which happen between:
 two oceanic plates

Learning Target(s):  oceanic-continental plates

1. I can describe the various geological  two continental plates

processes that occur at different types of plate Instructions

boundaries (divergent, convergent, and
Questions to Answer:
transform) and explain how these processes
1. If the foams were Earth’s plates, then they are oceanic crusts where one subducts under the other. Explain what happens
shape Earth's surface.
next when there is subduction.

2. From the picture, where does divergence of plates usually take place inland or under bodies of water?

3. As plates move apart, a tension zone is formed. Which between magma and water, rises to the tension zone?
Success Criteria:
4. If the half-cooked yolk solidifies when it cools off, what becomes magma when it cools down? Why did you say so?
Through guided generalization, I am able to:
5.The half-cooked egg yolk oozes out only when it is still hot. In the same manner, the magma on the mantle also rises because of high temperature, in the mantle, or the crust?
 I can describe the various geological
Learning Resources/Materials/Handout/Worksheet
processes that occur at different

types of plate boundaries (divergent,

convergent, and transform) and

explain how these processes shape

Earth's surface.

Answers may vary .


Q1. Dry foam

Q2. Increases its density due to increased mass

Q3. Dry foam

Q4. Wet foam

Q5. Greater density

Q6. Tsunami

Q7. Magma will be formed in the mantle and volcanoes will emerge in the ocean
Q8. They piled up and gather

Q9. Earthquake

Q10. Earthquake; because the ground moves

Q11. No, no subduction, no volcano

What’s New

Q1. Under bodies of water

Q2. Magma

Q3. Widen

Q4. New crust

What’s New

Q11. Sliding past

Q12. Earthquake

Q13. Fault

Clickable Links: DepEd Module (Quarter 1: Module 3)

LC2 (M): Discuss the possible causes of plate Activity 2: Lithospheric Float

movement. Introduction Refer to the worksheet below.

Learning Target(s): Instructions (specific for students to follow even without the teacher)
1. I can identify and describe the key theories
Questions to Answer:
and mechanisms proposed to explain the
Please refer to the worksheet below.
causes of plate movement.
Learning Resources/Materials/Handout/Worksheet
Success Criteria:

Through guided generalization, I am able to:

 Accurately identify and describe the

main theories and mechanisms

proposed for plate movement,

including mantle convection, ridge

push, and slab pull. ANSWERS: POSSIBLE ANSWERS:

Answers may vary. 1. Wood blocks

2. Water

3. Heat from a hot plate

4. Because of convection current

5. Near the bottom-greater density, near the surface lesser density

6. It is the rising of warm water and sinking of cold water due to their differences in


Clickable Links: science10_q1_mod4_earth_s%20mechanism


Earth's geological processes and ecosystems are Earth's geological processes and ecosystems are Earth’s geological processes and ecosystems interact
tiveness, but significant improvement is needed in resource use, cultural sensitivity, and teamwork.
 Needs Improvement (3 point): The participant demonstrates limited understanding and execution, with significant issues in communication, resource use, and adherence to safety

protocols. Improvement is needed in all areas, including engagement and teamwork.

Values Integration and Reflection

Activity Title Reflective Journal

Introduction As we embark on the journey of exploring plate tectonics and the dynamic nature of Earth, this reflective journal serves as a space for personal and intellectual growth.

Understanding the intricate movements of Earth's lithospheric plates and their profound impact on our planet's geological features and ecosystems can be both

fascinating and humbling.

Instructions Write reflective journals about how their understanding of plate tectonics influences their view of Earth's beauty, complexity, and vulnerability. Encourage them to

consider their personal role in environmental stewardship.

Learning Resources/Materials/Handout:

Clickable Links:

Prepared by: Checked by: Approved by:

Maria Danica L. Marcos, LPT Marichu M. Pinat, LPT Maria Paz F. Pupos, LPT, MAEd

Subject Teacher Subject Area Coordinator School Principal

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