Powersoft TN011 DampingControl en v1.0
Powersoft TN011 DampingControl en v1.0
Powersoft TN011 DampingControl en v1.0
Damping control
Damping of a 2nd order system and how to implement a feedback loop for electronic damping control
1 Speaker as second order system The under-damped (0 < ζ <1) angular frequency depends
from the damping case with the following relationship:
Some key elements that characterize a speaker are the mass
of the moving parts and the stiffness of the suspension, together
these form a resonant 2nd order system. If the cone is excited at
resonant frequencies the oscillation tends to have a behavior like This formulas means that if the cone is displaced and then
in FIGURE 1 (y = 1 is the steady position of the system). released (with hands or with an electrical signal), it oscillates
across the resting position for several cycles at its natural resonant
frequency; this oscillation will decrease in amplitude and finally
reach a state of rest due to the small amount of damping.
If this under-damped speaker is driven by hands or driven by a
voltage source having a very high internal impedance (to maintain
the under-damped condition), the cone will vibrate at a greater
amplitude at frequencies close to its natural resonance. This action
is similar to pushing a swing or pendulum “in time” with its natural
period so as to obtain large amplitudes. The frequency-response
curve of the speaker under these conditions will show a peaked
output near the cone resonance, usually between 30 and 100
cycles per second.
This kind of oscillation is all distortion, since the cone does not
follow the applied square waveform (or impulse) of depressing and
FIGURE 1: Second order system, various damping behaviors releasing it.
The result is not only
ff Over-damped (ζ > 1): The system returns (exponentially distortion but another effect
decays) to equilibrium without oscillating. Larger values of the is to reduce the SPL produced
damping ratio ζ slower this process. by the diaphragm of the
loudspeaker because of its
ff Critically damped (ζ = 1): The system returns to equilibrium own inertia after the end of
as quickly as possible without oscillating. This is often desired the stimulus. The frequency
for the damping of systems such as doors. of the sound produced with FIGURE 2: Under-damped
this movement is the resonant response example
ff Under-damped (ζ < 1): The system oscillates (with a slightly frequency of the moving system.
different frequency than the undamped case) with the A common term for this phenomenon is “overhang”. In severe
amplitude gradually decreasing to zero. cases this can translate into a “one note bass” behavior.
ζ (zeta) is the damping ratio, defined as: 2 Modelling the Loudspeaker as a Lumped
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ff Equivalent electrical circuit: Re is the resistance of the output connector) and consequently the value of the braking current.
stage of the amplifier and the connection cables; Le is the Remember that the output impedance consists of the amplifier
imaginary part of the voice coil inductance; Revc is the real part plus the cable/connector and it’s the impedance of the entire
of the voice coil inductance. interface that defines the damping of the diaphragm.
There is a damping value at which the cone returns to the rest
ff Equivalent mechanical circuit: modelled with an electrical position in the quickest possible time without further oscillations
equivalent representing the mechanical parameters of the This condition is called the critically damped state. Transient
loudspeaker. Mm, is the electrical capacitance due to the distortion is greatly reduced and the low-frequency response is
moving mass; Cm is the electrical inductance due to the more consistent.
compliance (the inverse of the stiffness) of the moving mass As we will see later the trick is to regulate the voltage and
and R m is the electrical resistance due to the suspension current at the resonance points, changing the resistance seen by
system. the coil on the amplifier.
coils, as seen above, are complex impedances changing with
frequency. In addition, the electrical characteristics of every voice
coil will change with temperature; high power levels will increase
coil temperature and thus resistance. Finally, passive crossovers
(made of relatively large inductors, capacitors, and resistors) that
can be found between the amplifier and speaker drivers also affect
the damping factor, again in a way that varies with frequency.
As a rule of thumb, for audio power amplifiers, this source
impedance Zsource (output impedance) is generally smaller than
0.1 � and from the point of view of the driver voice coil, is a near
a short-circuit.
FIGURE 7: Damping factor vs Distance, best if >50
4 Cable effect
As already told the actual amplifiers has typically a very low
If the problem lies only with the impedance of the amplifier output impedance, this means a high DF, or better, the effect
output stage and a manufacturer could design the ideal output of the amplifier is very little (negligible) in reducing the damping
stage with an output impedance of zero ohm, the consequence factor.
would be a critical damped system (what we ideally want). This Other to the cable loss, another important effect of damping
ideal amplifier becomes an ideal voltage controlled generator. variation is the temperature variation of the coil, causing a change in
Generally the actual amplifiers are very near to be perfect voltage the impedance curve (see the tech note regarding limiters).
generator (there’s always a huge damping factor in the amps
specs), but let’s consider the contribution of cables. 5 Compensate the Damping:
The resistance of a wire increases with the length, decreases Active Damping control
with increased conductor cross-sectional area and it’s frequency
independent (in the audio bandwidth). As the resistance of the A solution to the variable DF mentioned above could be to add
wire increases, the current flowing in the circuit reduces; this leads a negative and adjustable “emulated” resistor, in series with the
immediately to a line loss problem resulting in a drop of the sound output of the amp. In that way It would be possible to compensate
level. the parasitic impedance of the cable and/or hot voice coil effect, in
This partitive effect can be compensated with the good design order to maintain the correct damping factor.
rule of the 5%: use wire with a resistance less than the 5% of the But how to implement this negative resistor? The DSP board
nominal speaker impedance (for a 4 � speaker it’s recommended acquires the output voltage and current signals, with a very low
a cable with less than 0.02 � resistance). latency. A fraction of the output current signal is added to the
signal output by the KDSP.
For example, suppose we add a –2 � virtual resistance, we add 7 Bibliography
a contribution of 2 times the actual current (–R*K = 2 assuming
K=1) to the output voltage. With no load and a 0 V input, we will ff The Loudspeaker Design Cookbook 5th Edition; Dickason,
obtain a 0 V output. If we now sink a 1 A current from the output, Vance., Audio Amateur Press, 1997. [2] Beranek, L.
we will see that the output voltage will raise up to 2 V, thanks to L. Acoustics. 2nd ed. Acoustical Society of America,
the I contribution. We have built a generator which output voltage Woodbridge, NY. 1993.
is dependent from the output current, with a positive resistance,
voltage drops with current, while with a negative resistance, ff Technical Zoom, Tiziano Morganti - Powersoft newsletter,
voltage increases with current. December 2007
As any feedback loop stability problems could arise, for
example if we change the factor from 2 to another value, let’s ff http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Damping_factor
say 4, with a load of 2 ohm the result would be a –2 ohm output
impedance amplifier with a 2 ohm load. ff http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Damping_ratio
Other issues may arise with latency, the DSP is a piece of digital
hardware and as any discrete system there are problem in timing ff http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Engineering_Acoustics/Moving_
and interaction with analog quantity. Most of the implementation Coil_Loudspeaker
effort was taken to guarantee the stability of the system despite
of ADC / DAC and DSP latencies and to manage situations where ff http://www.paulspeltz.com/tomcik/index.html
user settings could cause and unstable behavior, avoiding the
creation of any destructive oscillation... ff http://www.classic-audio.com/marantz/mdampingfactor.html
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