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Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction
Formatting Guidelines
Suggested Solutions
Chapter 2: Getting Ready for Python
Integrated Development Environment
Installing an IDE on your computer
Chapter 3: The World of Variables and Operators
Chapter 3: Answers
Chapter 4: Data Types in Python
Chapter 4: Answers
Chapter 5: Making Your Program Interactive
Chapter 5: Answers
Chapter 6: Making Choices and Decisions
Chapter 6: Answers
Chapter 7: Functions and Modules
Chapter 7: Answers
Chapter 8: Working with Files
Chapter 8: Answers
Chapter 9: Object Oriented Programming Part 1
Chapter 9: Answers
Chapter 10: Object Oriented Programming Part 2
Chapter 10: Answers
Project 1
Spelling Out Numbers Part 1
Suggested Solution
Run Through
Spelling out Numbers Part 2
Suggested Solution
Project 2
Finding nth term of sequences
Linear Sequences
Quadratic Sequences
Suggested Solution
Run Through
Learn Python in One Day and Learn It Well (Second Edition)

By Jamie Chan

Copyright © 2019
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced,
distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including
photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without
the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief
quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses
permitted by copyright law.

This book is designed to be the accompanying workbook for the book “Learn
Python In One Day and Learn It Well (2nd Edition)” by the same author.
If you are new to Python, you are strongly encouraged to get the above-
mentioned book and use this accompanying workbook to help you in your
If you are familiar with Python, you can use this book as a standalone
workbook to test and improve your knowledge of the Python syntax, or use it
as a compilation of examples, providing you with a quick reference to the
The goal of this workbook is to help you build your programming skills one
concept at a time before working on bigger projects.
At the end of the book, there are two projects for you to work on to help you
consolidate your learning and see how it all works together.
You can download the source code for the questions, solutions and projects at
Any errata can be found at

Contact Information
I would love to hear from you.
For feedback or queries, you can contact me at
[email protected].
More Books by Jamie

Python: Learn Python in One Day and Learn It Well (1st Edition)

Python: Learn Python in One Day and Learn It Well (2nd Edition)

C#: Learn C# in One Day and Learn It Well


Java: Learn Java in One Day and Learn It Well

CSS: Learn CSS in One Day and Learn It Well


SQL: Learn SQL (using MySQL) in One Day and Learn It Well
Chapter 1: Introduction

Thank you for picking up this book.

This book is designed to be a workbook for the book “Learn Python In One
Day and Learn It Well (2nd Edition)” by the same author. It can also be used
as a standalone workbook for you to test and improve your knowledge of the
Python syntax.
Each question in this workbook is designed to test one or two key concepts.
All solutions are extensively tested by a group of beta readers. The solutions
provided are simplified as much as possible so that they can serve as
examples for you to refer to when you are learning a new syntax.
Once you are familiar with the concepts tested in different chapters, you can
work on the two projects at the end of the book to help you consolidate your
learning. These projects require the application of topics covered in previous
chapters and allow you to see how everything works together.
A few advanced concepts (like recursion and abstract methods) that were not
covered in the main book will also be covered and explained in this book.

Formatting Guidelines
The book uses the following formatting guidelines:
Python code, variable names, values to be assigned, parameters and
arguments will be presented in Monospaced font.
Output that you are required to display on the screen will be presented in
italics in the question section.
User input is presented in italics bold.
File names will be underlined and presented in italics.

Suggested Solutions
Note that the answers provided in this book are only suggested solutions.
Your solution may differ. As long as your solution behaves as described in
the question, chances are your solution is valid too. The desired outputs for
all questions are provided where applicable, either in the question or answer
The answers can be found at the end of each chapter. Some of the code
consists of rather long statements. Hence, some statements may wrap around
to the next line, making them difficult to read.
If you have a problem reading the code, you can download the source code
for the questions, solutions and projects at
Note that this workbook is designed for beginners. If you are an advanced
programmer, this workbook will likely not be as useful.
Chapter 2: Getting Ready for Python
Integrated Development Environment
Before we start coding in Python, we need to install an integrated
development environment.
Python code resembles the English language which computers are unable to
understand. Code that we write in Python has to be “translated” into a
language that computers can understand. This is done using a special
program known as the Python interpreter.
An integrated development environment (IDE) is a software application that
includes an editor for you to type your code and an interpreter to translate the
code. We can also use the IDE to run our code and view the output.

Installing an IDE on your computer

If you have yet to install any Python IDE on your computer, you can
download a free IDE called IDLE.

Please go over to https://learncodingfast.com/how-to-install-python/ for

detailed instructions on how to install and use IDLE.
Instructions are available on the accompanying site of this workbook so that
whenever there are any changes to the IDE, you can find the updated
instructions on the site. This will ensure that you'll always get the latest
installation instructions.
Note that this book uses Python 3. Hence, you will have to run the code using
an IDE that runs on Python 3 (preferably 3.4 and above). If you use Python 2,
some of the code will not run properly.
Subsequent chapters consist mainly of questions and solutions, with
discussions of the solutions where applicable. If you are asked to write some
code, you are strongly encouraged to write the code inside the IDE and
execute your code to see if it produces the desired output.
Ready to start? Let's go!
Chapter 3: The World of Variables and Operators
Question 1
Assign the number 11 to a variable called myFavNumber.

Question 2
Assign the string 'Python' to a variable called myFavWord.
Question 3
Assign the string 'Lee' to a variable called userName and use the print()
function to print the value of userName.

After printing the value of userName, update userName to 'James' and print it
Note: The print() function is a built-in Python function that we use to
display messages, values of variables or results of mathematical operations.
We simply enclose the message, variable name or mathematical expression
inside the pair of parentheses. For instance, to print the value of userName,
we write

Question 4
Determine the output of the following program without running the code:

num1 = 5
NUM1 = 7


Question 5
Explain what is wrong with the following statement:

1num = 7 + 5

Question 6
Determine the output of the following program without running the code:

a = 17

b = 12

a = b

Question 7
Determine the output of the following program without running the code:

x, y = 5, 4



Question 8
Assign the values 12 and 5 to two variables a and b respectively.
Find the sum and product of a and b and assign the results to another two
variables called sum and product respectively.
Find the remainder when a is divided by b and assign the result to a variable
called remainder.
Print the values of sum, product and remainder.
Question 9
Assign the values 13, 7 and 5 to three variables a, b and c respectively. Use
the variables to evaluate the mathematical expression below:
(13 + 5)*7 + 5 – 13

Assign the result to a variable called result and print the value of result.
Question 10
Determine the output of the following program without running the code:

s = 12
s = s - 3

Question 11
Assign the value 5 to a variable called num. Next, add 10 to num and assign the
result back to num. Print the value of num.
Question 12
Determine the output of the following program without running the code:

t = 10
t = t + 1
t = t*2
t = t/5

Question 13
Determine the output of the following program without running the code:

p, q = 12, 4

p += 3

q **= 2

Question 14

Assign the values 11 and 7 to two variables r and s respectively. Add r to s

and assign the result back to r. Print the values of r and s.

Question 15
Think of an integer and assign it to a variable. Perform the following steps on
the variable:
Add 17 to it.
Double the result.
Subtract 4 from the result.
Double the result again.
Add 20 to the result.
Divide the result by 4.
Subtract 20 from the result.
Each step involves operating on the result from the previous step and
assigning the new result back to the variable.
Print the final answer. What number do you get?
Chapter 3: Answers
Question 1
myFavNumber = 11

Question 2
myFavWord = 'Python'

Question 3
userName = 'Lee'
userName = 'James'

Question 4
Question 5
Variable names cannot start with a number. Hence, the name 1num is not
allowed as it starts with the number 1.
Question 6
Question 7
Question 8
a = 12
b = 5
sum = a + b
product = a*b
remainder = a%b

Question 9
a = 13
b = 7
c = 5
result = (a+c)*b + c - a

Question 10
Question 11
num = 5
num = num + 10

Question 12
Question 13
Question 14
r = 11
s = 7
r = r + s

Question 15
number = 10
number = number + 17
number = number*2
number = number - 4
number = number*2
number = number + 20
number = number/4
number = number - 20

Note: You will get back the original number, converted to a decimal number
due to the division.
Chapter 4: Data Types in Python
Question 1
Determine the output of the following program without running the code:

name1 = 'Jamie'
name2 = 'Aaron'.upper()
message = 'The names are %s and %s.' %(name1, name2)

Question 2
Assign the strings 'Python', 'Java' and 'C#' to three variables lang1, lang2
and lang3 respectively.
Use the three variables and the % operator to generate the following strings:
The most popular programming languages are Python, Java and C#.
The most popular programming languages are Python, C# and Java.
Assign the new strings to message1 and message2 respectively and print the
values of message1 and message2.
Question 3
Determine the output of the following program without running the code:

num = 12
message = '%d' %(num)
message = '%4d' %(num)

Question 4
Determine the output of the following program without running the code:
decnum = 1.72498329745
message = '%5.3f' %(decnum)
message = '%7.2f' %(decnum)

Question 5

Assign the values 111 and 13 to two variables p and q respectively.

Divide p by q and assign the result to a variable called result.
Use the three variables and the % operator to generate the following string:
The result of 111 divided by 13 is 8.538, correct to 3 decimal places.
Assign the string to a variable called message and print the value of message.
Question 6
Determine the output of the following program without running the code:

message = 'My name is {} and I am {} years old.'.format('Jamie',


Question 7
Determine the output of the following program without running the code:

message1 = 'My favorite colors are {}, {} and

{}.'.format('orange', 'blue', 'black')
message2 = 'My favorite colors are {1}, {0} and
{2}.'.format('orange', 'blue', 'black')

Question 8
Assign the strings 'Aaron', 'Beck' and 'Carol' to three variables student1,
student2 and student3 respectively.
Use the three variables and the format() method to generate the following
My best friends are Aaron, Beck and Carol.
Assign the new string to a variable called message and print the value of

Question 9
Determine the output of the following program without running the code:

message1 = '{:7.2f} and {:d}'.format(21.3124, 12)

message2 = '{1} and {0}'.format(21.3124, 12)

Question 10
Assign the values 12 and 7 to two variables x and y respectively.
Divide x by y and assign the result to a variable called quotient.
Use the format() method and the variables x, y and quotient to generate the
following string:
The result of 12 divided by 7 is 1.7143, correct to 4 decimal places.
Assign the string to a variable called message and print the value of message.
Question 11
Assign the value 2.7123 to a variable called number. Cast number into an
integer and assign it back to number. Print the value of number.

Question 12
How do you convert the number 2.12431 into a string?
Question 13
Assign the string '12' to a variable called userInput. Cast userInput into an
integer and assign it back to userInput. Print the value of userInput.
Question 14
Given that myList = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], what is the number at index 1
and index -2? Explain why index 6 is invalid.
Question 15
Assign the numbers 10, 11, 12 and 13 to a list called testScores.

Print the numbers at index 3 and index -1.

Question 16
Determine the output of the following program without running the code:

myList = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]

myList1 = myList
myList2 = myList[3:6]
myList3 = myList[:5]
myList4 = myList[2:]
myList5 = myList[1:7:2]
myList6 = myList[ : :3]

Question 17
Assign the values 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 and 20 to a list called q17.
Use a slice to select the numbers 13 to 18 from q17 and assign them to a new
list called sliceA.
Use another slice to select the numbers 13, 16 and 19 from q17 and assign
them to a list called sliceB.
Use the print() function to print sliceA and sliceB.
Question 18
Create a list called emptyList with no initial values.
Add the numbers 12, 5, 9 and 11 to emptyList and use the print() function
to print the list.

Question 19
Assign the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 to a list called q19.

Next, change the third number to 10 and use the print() function to print the

Question 20
Assign the letters 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D' and 'E' to a list called q20.
Remove 'A' and 'C'from the list and print the list.
Hint: It is easier to remove 'C' first. Why do you think that is so?
Question 21
Assign the strings 'Sun', 'Mon', 'Tues', 'Wed', 'Thurs', 'Fri' and 'Sat' to
a tuple called daysOfWeek.

Assign the third element in daysOfWeek to a variable called myDay and print
the value of myDay.
Question 22
What is wrong with the following dictionary?
nameAgeDict = {'John':12, 'Matthew':15, 'Aaron':13, 'John':14,

Question 23
Determine the output of the following program without running the code:
dict1 = {'Aaron': 11, 'Betty': 5, 0: 'Zero', 3.9: 'Three'}
dict1['Aaron'] = 12
del dict1['Betty']

Question 24
The statement below shows one way of declaring and initializing a dictionary
called dict1.
dict1 = {'One':1, 'Two':2, 'Three':3, 'Four':4, 'Five':5}

(a) Rewrite the statement above using the dict() method to declare and
initialize dict1.

(b) Print the item with key = 'Four'.

(c) Modify the item with key = 'Three'. Change it from 3 to 3.1.

(d) Delete the item with key = 'Two'.

(e) Use the print() function to print dict1.

Question 25
Create a dictionary that maps the following countries to their respective
capitals. The capitals are indicated in parenthesis beside the country names
USA (Washington, D.C.)
United Kingdom (London)
China (Beijing)
Japan (Tokyo)
France (Paris)
The country name should serve as the key for accessing the capital.
Next, print the dictionary.
Delete the third country from the dictionary and print it again.
Add the following two countries to the dictionary and print it again.
Germany (Berlin)
Malaysia (Kuala Lumpur)
Chapter 4: Answers
Question 1
The names are Jamie and AARON.
Question 2
lang1 = 'Python'
lang2 = 'Java'
lang3 = 'C#'
message1 = 'The most popular programming languages are %s, %s and
%s.' %(lang1, lang2, lang3)
message2 = 'The most popular programming languages are %s, %s and
%s.' %(lang1, lang3, lang2)

Question 3
In the second statement above, there are two spaces before the number 12.
Question 4
In the second statement above, there are three spaces before the number 1.72.
This results in a total of 7 characters (three spaces, the digits 1, 7, 2 and the
decimal point)
Question 5
p, q = 111, 13
result = p/q
message = 'The result of %d divided by %d is %.3f, correct to 3
decimal places.' %(p, q, result)

In the solution above, we did not specify the total length of result when we
use the %.3f formatter. This is acceptable as the specifying the total length is
Question 6
My name is Jamie and I am 31 years old.
Question 7
My favorite colors are orange, blue and black.
My favorite colors are blue, orange and black.
Question 8
student1 = 'Aaron'
student2 = 'Beck'
student3 = 'Carol'
message = 'My best friends are {}, {} and {}.'.format(student1,
student2, student3)

Question 9
21.31 and 12
12 and 21.3124
In the first statement above, there are two spaces before the number 21.31.
Question 10
x, y = 12, 7
quotient = x/y
message = 'The result of {} divided by {} is {:.4f}, correct to 4
decimal places.'.format(x, y, quotient)

Question 11
number = 2.7123
number = int(number)
Question 12

Question 13
userInput = '12'
userInput = int(userInput)

Question 14
myList has 6 elements. Hence, only indexes from 0 to 5 are valid.
Question 15
testScores = [10, 11, 12, 13]

Question 16
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
[4, 5, 6]
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
[3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
[2, 4, 6]
[1, 4, 7, 10]
Question 17
q17 = [11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20]
sliceA = q17[2:8]
sliceB = q17[2: :3]

[13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18]
[13, 16, 19]
Question 18
emptyList = []

[12, 5, 9, 11]
Question 19
q19 = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
q19[2] = 10

[1, 2, 10, 4, 5]

Question 20
q20 = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E']
del q20[2]
del q20[0]
['B', 'D', 'E']
It is easier to remove 'C' first because if we remove 'A' first, the indexes of
the elements after 'A' will change.
After removing 'A', q20 becomes ['B', 'C', 'D', 'E'].
The index of 'C' changes from 2 to 1.
In contrast, if we remove 'C' first, only the indexes of elements after it (i.e.
'D' and 'E') will be affected. The index of 'A' remains unchanged.

Question 21
daysOfWeek = ('Sun', 'Mon', 'Tues', 'Wed', 'Thurs', 'Fri', 'Sat')
myDay = daysOfWeek[2]

Question 22
“John” is used as the dictionary key twice.
Question 23
{'Aaron': 12, 'Betty': 5, 0: 'Zero', 3.9: 'Three'}
{'Aaron': 12, 0: 'Zero', 3.9: 'Three'}
Question 24
a) dict1 = dict(One = 1, Two = 2, Three = 3, Four = 4, Five = 5)
b) print(dict1['Four'])
c) dict1['Three'] = 3.1
d) del dict1['Two']
e) print(dict1)
b) 4
e) {'One': 1, 'Three': 3.1, 'Four': 4, 'Five': 5}
Question 25
capitals = {'USA':'Washington, D.C.', 'United Kingdom':'London',
'China':'Beijing', 'Japan':'Tokyo', 'France':'Paris'}
del capitals['China']
capitals['Germany'] = 'Berlin'
capitals['Malaysia'] = 'Kuala Lumpur'

{'USA': 'Washington, D.C.', 'United Kingdom': 'London', 'China': 'Beijing',
'Japan': 'Tokyo', 'France': 'Paris'}
{'USA': 'Washington, D.C.', 'United Kingdom': 'London', 'Japan': 'Tokyo',
'France': 'Paris'}
{'USA': 'Washington, D.C.', 'United Kingdom': 'London', 'Japan': 'Tokyo',
'France': 'Paris', 'Germany': 'Berlin', 'Malaysia': 'Kuala Lumpur'}
Chapter 5: Making Your Program Interactive
Question 1
Determine the output of the following program without running the code:
a = 10
b = 4
print(a, "-", b, "=", a-b)

Question 2
Rewrite the print() statement in Question 1 to display the same output using
the % operator.
Question 3
Rewrite the print() statement in Question 1 to display the same output using
the format() method.
Question 4
Determine the output of the following program without running the code:
print('''Date:\nJan 11, 2019
Venue:\nConvention Center
Number of Pax:\n30''')

Question 5
print('This is a single quotation (') mark and this is a double
quotation (") mark.')

The code above will result in a syntax error. Make the necessary amendment
to correct it so that we get the following output:
This is a single quotation (') mark and this is a double quotation (") mark.
Question 6
The code below shows the last few lines of a program:
print('Day 1 (%s): %s' %(day[1], venue[1]))
print('Day 2 (%s): %s' %(day[2], venue[2]))
print('Day 3 (%s): %s' %(day[3], venue[3]))
print('Day 4 (%s): %s' %(day[4], venue[4]))
print('Day 5 (%s): %s' %(day[5], venue[5]))
print('Day 6 (%s): %s' %(day[6], venue[6]))
print('Day 7 (%s): %s' %(day[7], venue[7]))

The lines before them are missing.

Add the missing lines so that the program prints the following output:
Travel Itinerary
Day 1 (Tuesday): Tokyo to Osaka
Day 2 (Wednesday): Osaka
Day 3 (Thursday): Kyoto
Day 4 (Friday): Kyoto to Nara
Day 5(Saturday): Nara to Osaka
Day 6 (Sunday): Osaka to Tokyo
Day 7(Monday): Tokyo
Hint: You need to use dictionaries in your solution.
Question 7
Write a program that uses the input() function to prompt the user to enter an
integer. Store the user's input into a variable called num1.

Next, prompt the user to enter another integer and store the input into another
variable called num2.

Use the print() function to display the following message:

You entered * and ^
where * and ^ represent the two numbers entered by the user.
For instance, the program may behave as shown below (user input is in bold
Please enter an integer: 5
Please enter another integer: 12
You entered 5 and 12

Question 8
Use the input() function twice to prompt users to enter two integers and
store the inputs into two variables called in1 and in2.

Use the int() function to cast the inputs into integers and store the results
back into in1 and in2.

Calculate the average of the two numbers and assign the result to a variable
called average. The average is found by adding the two numbers and
dividing the result by 2.

Use the print() function to display the message

The average is *
where * represents the value of average, correct to two decimal places.
For instance, the program may behave as shown below (user input is in bold
Please enter an integer: 3
Please enter another integer: 10
The average is 6.50
Question 9
Write a program that prompts the user to enter his/her name.
The program then prompts the user to enter his/her favorite number using the
prompt below:
Hi *, what is your favorite number?:
where * is to be replaced by the user's name.
Finally, the program displays the message
*'s favorite number is ^.
where * represents the user's name and ^ represents his/her favorite number.
For instance, the program may behave as shown below (user input is in bold
What is your name?: Jamie
Hi Jamie, what is your favorite number?: 111
Jamie's favorite number is 111.
Question 10
Write a program that uses a dictionary to store the following information
about a city and the country that it's in.

City, Country

Chicago, USA
Los Angeles, USA
New York, USA
Osaka, Japan
Tokyo, Japan
Shanghai, China
Moscow, Russia
Paris, France
London, England
Seoul, South Korea
The program then prompts the user to enter a city name from one of the 10
cities above. Based on the user's input, the program displays a message
telling the user which country the city is located in.
For instance, the program may behave as shown below (user input is in bold
Cities: Chicago, Los Angeles, New York, Osaka, Tokyo, Shanghai, Moscow,
Paris, London, Seoul
Please enter a city name from the list above: Osaka
Osaka is located in Japan.
Question 11
Write a program that prompts the user to enter 5 numbers, separating the
numbers with commas. Calculate the sum of the 5 numbers and display the
numbers entered and the sum to the user.
For instance, the program may behave as shown below (user input is in bold
Please enter 5 numbers, separated by commas: 23, 1, 12, 4, 5
You entered 23, 1, 12, 4, 5.
The sum is 45.
Hint: You can use the built-in Python method split() to work with the
string input.
For instance, the statement

uses a plus sign (+) as the delimiter to split the string


into the list

['1', '24', '51'].

For our question, you need to use a comma as the delimiter.

Chapter 5: Answers
Question 1
10 - 4 = 6
Question 2
print("%d - %d = %d" %(a, b, a-b))

Question 3
print("{} - {} = {}".format(a, b, a-b))

Question 4
Jan 11, 2019
Convention Center
Number of Pax:
Question 5
print('This is a single quotation (\') mark and this is a double
quotation (") mark.')

Question 6
day = {1:'Tuesday', 2:'Wednesday', 3:'Thursday', 4:'Friday',
5:'Saturday', 6:'Sunday', 7:'Monday'}
venue = {1:'Tokyo to Osaka', 2:'Osaka', 3:'Kyoto', 4:'Kyoto to
Nara', 5:'Nara to Osaka', 6:'Osaka to Tokyo', 7:'Tokyo'}
print('\nTravel Itinerary\n')
print('Day 1 (%s): %s' %(day[1], venue[1]))
print('Day 2 (%s): %s' %(day[2], venue[2]))
print('Day 3 (%s): %s' %(day[3], venue[3]))
print('Day 4 (%s): %s' %(day[4], venue[4]))
print('Day 5 (%s): %s' %(day[5], venue[5]))
print('Day 6 (%s): %s' %(day[6], venue[6]))
print('Day 7 (%s): %s' %(day[7], venue[7]))

Question 7
num1 = input('Please enter an integer: ')
num2 = input('Please enter another integer: ')
print('You entered %s and %s' %(num1, num2))

Question 8
in1 = input('Please enter an integer: ')
in2 = input('Please enter another integer: ')
in1 = int(in1)
in2 = int(in2)
average = (in1+in2)/2
print('The average is %.2f' %(average))

Question 9
name = input('What is your name?: ')
favNum = input('Hi %s, what is your favorite number?: ' %(name))
print('%s\'s favorite number is %s.' %(name, favNum))

Question 10
cities = {'Chicago':'USA', 'Los Angeles':'USA', 'New York':'USA',
'Osaka':'Japan', 'Tokyo':'Japan', 'Shanghai':'China',
'Moscow':'Russia', 'Paris':'France', 'London':'England',
'Seoul':'South Korea'}
print('Cities: Chicago, Los Angeles, New York, Osaka, Tokyo,
Shanghai, Moscow, Paris, London, Seoul')
city = input('Please enter a city name from the list above: ')
print('%s is located in %s.' %(city, cities[city]))

Question 11
userInput = input('Please enter 5 numbers, separated by commas:
inputList = userInput.split(',')
print('\nYou entered %s,%s,%s,%s,%s.' %(inputList[0],
inputList[1], inputList[2], inputList[3], inputList[4]))
print('The sum is %d.' %(int(inputList[0]) + int(inputList[1]) +
int(inputList[2]) + int(inputList[3]) + int(inputList[4])))
Chapter 6: Making Choices and Decisions
Question 1
State which of the following statements are true:

(a) 2 > 5
(b) 9 < 11
(c) 7 >= 3
(d) 8 <= 8
(e) 10 != 12
(f) 6 == 3
(g) 4 > 2 and 7!=9
(h) 3 > 1 and 9==9 and 1 > 2
(i) 2 > 3 or 5 > 1
(j) 3 > 1 or 5 == 5
(k) 3 > 1 or 10 != 8 or 9 < 2

Question 2
Determine the output of the following program without running the code:

num = 5
if num == 1:
print('num is 1')
elif num == 2:
print('num is 2')
print('num is neither 1 nor 2')

Question 3
Use the input() function to prompt users to enter an integer and use the
int() function to cast the input into an integer. Store the integer into a
variable called userInput.

Next, write an if statement to perform the following tasks:

If userInput is positive, use the print() function to display the number


If userInput is negative, multiply the number by -1 and assign it back to

userInput. Next, use the print() function to display the new value of

Finally, if userInput is zero, use the print() function to display the message
“You entered zero”.
For instance, the program may behave as shown below (user input is in bold
Example 1:
Please enter an integer: 5
Example 2:
Please enter an integer: -2
Example 3:
Please enter an integer: 0
You entered zero
Question 4

Use the input() function to prompt users to enter an integer from 0 to 100
inclusive, cast the input into an integer and store the integer into a variable
called testScore.
Use an if statement to display the grade that corresponds to testScore based
on the following table:

70 to 100: A
60 to 69: B
50 to 59: C
0 to 49: Fail
Smaller than 0 or greater than 100: Invalid

For instance, the program may behave as shown below (user input is in bold
Example 1:
Please enter an integer from 0 to 100 inclusive: 20
Example 2:
Please enter an integer from 0 to 100 inclusive: 54
Example 3:
Please enter an integer from 0 to 100 inclusive: -5
Question 5
Determine the output of the following program without running the code:

num = 5

print('Orange Juice' if num == 5 else 'Peanut Butter')

Question 6

Use the input() function to prompt users to enter an integer, cast the input
into an integer and store the integer into a variable called num1.
Write an inline if statement to print the message “Odd” or “Even” depending
on whether num1 is odd or even.

Hint: num1 is even if the remainder is zero when it is divided by 2.

For instance, the program may behave as shown below (user input is in bold
Example 1:
Please enter an integer: 9
Example 2:
Please enter an integer: 18
Question 7

Given that myNumbers = [1, 21, 12, 45, 2, 7], use a for loop to print the
elements in the list one by one.
Question 8

Given that marks = [12, 4, 3, 17, 20, 19, 16], use a for loop to find
the sum of the numbers in the list. Use the print() function to print the sum.
Question 9

Given that classRanking = ['Jane', 'Peter', 'Michael', 'Tom'], use a

for loop and the enumerate() method to display the following output:

1 Jane
2 Peter
3 Michael
4 Tom

Each line consists of a number, followed by a tab and a name.

Question 10
Given that testScores = {'Aaron':12, 'Betty':17, 'Carol':14}, write a
for loop that gives us the following output:

Aaron scored 12 marks.

Betty scored 17 marks.
Carol scored 14 marks.
Question 11
Determine the output of the following code without running the code:
ages = {'Abigail':7, 'Bond':13, 'Calvin':4}
for i, j in ages.items():
print('%s\t%s' %(j, i))

Question 12
Determine the output of the following code without running the code:

message = 'Happy Birthday'

for i in message:
if (i == 'a'):

Question 13
Determine the output of the following code without running the code:

(i) for i in range(10):

print (i)
(ii) for i in range(2, 5):

(iii) for i in range(4, 10, 2):


Question 14
Explain what is wrong with the following code:

i = 0
while i < 5:
print('The value of i = ', i)

Modify the code so that it produces the following output:

The value of i = 0
The value of i = 1
The value of i = 2
The value of i = 3
The value of i = 4
Question 15
Determine the output of the following code without running the code:
i = 5
while i>0:
if i%3 == 0:
print(i, 'is a multiple of 3')
print(i, 'is not a multiple of 3')
i = i - 1

Question 16
Write a while loop that repeatedly prompts users to enter a number or enter
“END” to exit.
After the user enters the number, the while loop simply displays the number
entered. If the user enters “END”, the program displays the message
“Goodbye!” and ends.

For instance, the program may behave as shown below (user input is in bold

Enter a number or END to exit: 3


Enter a number or END to exit: 123


Enter a number or END to exit: -2


Enter a number or END to exit: END

Question 17
Write a while loop that repeatedly prompts users to enter a positive integer or
enter -1 to exit.

After the user enters the integer, the while loop should display the sum of all
numbers entered so far. If the user enters -1, the program displays the
message “Goodbye!” and ends.

For instance, the program may behave as shown below (user input is in bold
Enter a positive integer or -1 to exit: 3
Sum = 3

Enter a positive integer or -1 to exit: 5

Sum = 8

Enter a positive integer or -1 to exit: 1

Sum = 9

Enter a positive integer or -1 to exit: -1

Question 18
Modify the code in Question 17 so that if the user enters a non positive
integer (other than -1), the program displays the message “You entered a non
positive integer” and does not add the number to the sum.
For instance, the program may behave as shown below (user input is in bold

Enter a positive integer or -1 to exit: 3

Sum = 3

Enter a positive integer or -1 to exit: 5

Sum = 8

Enter a positive integer or -1 to exit: -2

You entered a non positive integer
Enter a positive integer or -1 to exit: 4
Sum = 12

Enter a positive integer or -1 to exit: -1

Question 19
Write a program that prompts the user to enter two integers.
Suppose the integers are p and q. The program then prints p rows of q
For instance, the program may behave as shown below (user input is in bold
Please enter the number of rows: 5
Please enter the number of asterisks per row: 10
Note: By default, the print() function adds a new line at the end of its
output. If you do not want that to happen, you have to pass in end = '' to the
print() function. This will remove the new line. Note that '' is made up of
two single quotes, not a single double quote.
For instance,

gives us
print('A', end = '')
print('B', end = '')

gives us
Question 20
Write a program that prompts the user to enter a short message. The program
then replaces the first three occurrences of the letter “a” in the message with
“@” and subsequent occurrences of the letter “a” with “A”. Finally, the
program displays the new message.
For instance, the program may behave as shown below (user input is in bold
Please enter a message: Python is an excellent language to learn for both
beginners and experienced programmers
Python is @n excellent l@ngu@ge to leArn for both beginners And
experienced progrAmmers
Question 21
Write a program that uses a for loop to prompt the user to enter 10 numbers.
The program then finds the smallest and largest number and displays the
result to the user.
For instance, the program may behave as shown below (user input is in bold
Please enter number 1: 5
Please enter number 2: 12
Please enter number 3: 2
Please enter number 4: 3
Please enter number 5: -1
Please enter number 6: 5.7
Please enter number 7: 11
Please enter number 8: 111
Please enter number 9: 0
Please enter number 10: -3.9
The smallest number is -3.9
The largest number is 111
Question 22
Write a program that prompts the user to enter two integers, a and b. The
program then calculates the product of all integers between a and b inclusive
and displays the result to the user.

For instance, the program may behave as shown below (user input is in bold
Example 1:
Please enter the first integer: 10
Please enter the second integer: 13

10*11*12*13 = 17160
Example 2:
Please enter the first integer: 11
Please enter the second integer: 6

Question 23
Modify the program in Question 22 to satisfy the two rules below:

Rule 1

If 0 falls within a and b, it is not multiplied with the other numbers.

For instance, if a = -3 and b = 2, the program performs the calculation
(-3)x(-2)x(-1)x1x2 without multiplying 0 with the other integers.

Rule 2

If the product is smaller than -500 or greater than 500, the program stops
calculating and displays the message “Range Exceeded”.
For instance, the program may behave as shown below (user input is in bold
Example 1:
Please enter the first integer: -3
Please enter the second integer: 2

Example 2:
Please enter the first integer: 11
Please enter the second integer: 6
Range Exceeded
Question 24
The code below leads to an infinite loop. Try modifying the code using the
break keyword to exit the loop when users enter -1.

while 0==0:
userInput = input('Press any key to continue or -1 to exit: ')
print('You entered', userInput)

Question 25

Modify the code below using the continue keyword so that even numbers
are not printed:
for i in range(10):
print('i = ', i)

Hint: A number is even if the remainder is zero when it is divided by 2.

Question 26

The factorial of a number n (denoted as n!) is given by the formula

n! = n(n-1)(n-2)(n-3)...(3)(2)(1)

For instance, 5! = 5x4x3x2x1 = 120

Write a program that calculates the factorial of a number entered by the user.
The program should first prompt the user to enter a positive integer.
Next, the program checks if the input is positive. If it is, it calculates the
factorial of that number and displays the result on the screen. Else, it displays
the message “The number you entered is not positive”.
For instance, the program may behave as shown below (user input is in bold
Example 1:
Enter a positive integer: 4
Example 2:
Enter a positive integer: -2
The number you entered is not positive
Question 27
With reference to Question 26 above, modify the program using a try-
except statement so that if the user did not enter an integer, the program
displays the message “You did not enter an integer”.
For any other errors, the program displays the error messages pre-defined in
For instance, the program may behave as shown below (user input is in bold
Enter a positive integer: abcd
You did not enter an integer

Question 28
Given that proLang = ['Python', 'Java', 'C', 'C++', 'C#', 'PHP',
'Javascript'], write a program that uses a try-except statement to prompt
the user to enter an integer.

The program displays “Out Of Range” if the user enters an integer that is
beyond the index of the list.
For any other errors, the program displays the error messages that are pre-
defined in Python.
If no error occurs, the program displays the item from the proLang list based
on the index.

For instance, the program may behave as shown below (user input is in bold
Example 1:
Please enter the index: 3
Example 2:
Please enter the index: 10
Out of Range
Example 3:
Please enter the index: asdfa
invalid literal for int() with base 10: 'asdfa'.
Question 29
With reference to Question 10 in Chapter 5, modify the code so that the
program repeatedly prompts the user to enter a city name or enter “END” to
Based on the user's input, the program displays a message telling the user
where the city is located in.
If the user enters a name that is not from the 10 cities listed, the program
notifies the user that no result is found.
For instance, the program may behave as shown below (user input is in bold
Cities: Chicago, Los Angeles, New York, Osaka, Tokyo, Shanghai, Moscow,
Paris, London, Seoul
Please enter a city name from the list above or enter END to exit: Shanghai
Shanghai is located in China.
Please enter a city name from the list above or enter END to exit: Berlin
Sorry, no result found.
Please enter a city name from the list above or enter END to exit: END
Hint: You can use a try-except statement to handle the error when the user
enters a city that is not found.
Chapter 6: Answers
Question 1

(b), (c), (d), (e), (g), (i), (j) and (k) are true

Question 2

num is neither 1 nor 2

Question 3
userInput = int(input('Please enter an integer: '))
if userInput > 0:
elif userInput < 0:
userInput = -1*userInput
print('You entered zero')

Note: In the first line of the code above, we use input('Please enter an
integer: ') to prompt the user for an integer. This gives us the input as a
We pass this string to the int() function to cast it into an integer.
Here, we do the prompting and casting in one step. We can also break it
down into two steps as shown below:
userInput = input('Please enter an integer: ')
userInput = int(userInput)

Question 4
testScore = int(input('Please enter an integer from 0 to 100
inclusive: '))
if testScore > 100:
elif testScore >= 70:
elif testScore >= 60:
elif testScore >= 50:
elif testScore >= 0:

Question 5
Orange Juice
Question 6
num1 = int(input('Please enter an integer: '))
print('Even' if num1%2 == 0 else 'Odd')

Question 7
myNumbers = [1, 21, 12, 45, 2, 7]
for i in myNumbers:
print (i)

Question 8
marks = [12, 4, 3, 17, 20, 19, 16]
sum = 0
for i in marks:
sum = sum + i

Question 9
classRanking = ['Jane', 'Peter', 'Michael', 'Tom']
for index, rank in enumerate(classRanking):
print('%d\t%s' %(index+1, rank))

Question 10
testScores = {'Aaron':12, 'Betty':17, 'Carol':14}
for i in testScores:
print(i, 'scored', testScores[i], 'marks.')

Question 11
7 Abigail
13 Bond
4 Calvin
Question 12
Question 13

(i) 0 (ii) 2
1 3
2 4
3 (iii)
4 4
5 8
Question 14
The while loop is an infinite loop because i will always be smaller than 5.
The correct code should be:
i = 0
while i < 5:
print('The value of i = ', i)
i = i + 1

Question 15
5 is not a multiple of 3
4 is not a multiple of 3
3 is a multiple of 3
2 is not a multiple of 3
1 is not a multiple of 3
Question 16
userInput = input('Enter a number or END to exit: ')
while userInput != 'END':
userInput = input('Enter a number or END to exit: ')

Question 17
sum = 0
userInput = int(input('Enter a positive integer or -1 to exit:
while userInput != -1:
sum += userInput
print('Sum = ', sum)
userInput = int(input('Enter a positive integer or -1 to exit:

Question 18
sum = 0
userInput = int(input('Enter a positive integer or -1 to exit:
while userInput != -1:
if userInput <= 0:
print('You entered a non positive integer.')
sum += userInput
print('Sum = ', sum)
userInput = int(input('Enter a positive integer or -1 to exit:

Question 19
p = int(input('Please enter the number of rows: '))
q = int(input('Please enter the number of asterisks per row: '))
for i in range(p):
for j in range(q):
print('*', end = '')

Let's look at an example of how this code works.

Suppose p = 3 and q = 5.
The outer for loop
for i in range(p)

for i in range(3)

and loops from i = 0 to i = 2.

The inner for loop
for j in range(q)
for j in range(5)

and loops from j = 0 to j = 4.

This inner for loop is responsible for printing the asterisks. In our example, it
loops from j = 0 to j = 4 and prints 5 asterisks (*****) using the line
print('*', end = '').

Once that is done, the inner for loop ends and the line print() is executed to
move the cursor to the next line.
The outer for loop then increases the value of i by 1 and uses the inner for
loop to print 5 asterisks again.
This is repeated from i = 0 to i = 2.
Once that is done, a total of 3 lines of 5 asterisks will be printed on the
Question 20
message = input('Please enter a message: ')
j = 0
for i in message:
if i == 'a':
j = j + 1
if j <= 3:
print('@', end = '')
print('A', end = '')
print(i, end = '')

Note: In the solution above, we use j to keep track of the number of

occurrences of “a”. Each time “a” occurs, we increment j by 1.
Question 21
for i in range(10):
userInput = input('Please enter number %d: ' %(i+1))
#Assign the first user input
#to largest and smallest
if i == 0:
largest = userInput
smallest = userInput
#From the second user input onwards,
#compare user input with
#current largest and smallest
elif float(userInput) > float(largest):
largest = userInput
elif float(userInput) < float(smallest):
smallest = userInput
print('The smallest number is %s' %(smallest))
print('The largest number is %s' %(largest))

Note: In the solution above, userInput, largest and smallest are all
strings. Hence, we need to cast them into floats first before we can do any
Question 22
a = int(input('Please enter the first integer: '))
b = int(input('Please enter the second integer: '))
'''if b is smaller than a, we swap the two numbers'''
if b<a:
temp = b
b = a
a = temp
product = 1
for i in range(a, b+1):
product = product*i

Question 23

a = int(input('Please enter the first integer: '))

b = int(input('Please enter the second integer: '))
'''if b is smaller than a, we swap the two numbers'''
if b<a:
temp = b
b = a
a = temp
product = 1
for i in range(a, b+1):
if i != 0:
product = product*i
if product > 500 or product < -500:
product = -1
if product == -1:
print('Range Exceeded')

Question 24
while 0==0:
userInput = input('Press any key to continue or -1 to exit: ')
if userInput == '-1':
print('You entered', userInput)

Question 25
for i in range(10):
if i%2 == 0:
print('i = ', i)

i= 1
i= 3
i= 5
i= 7
i= 9
Question 26
number = int(input('Enter a positive integer: '))
if number <= 0:
print('The number you entered is not positive')
factorial = 1
while number>0:
factorial = number*factorial
number -= 1

Question 27
number = int(input('Enter a positive integer: '))
if number <= 0:
print('The number you entered is not positive')
factorial = 1
while number>0:
factorial = number*factorial
number -= 1
except ValueError:
print('You did not enter an integer')
except Exception as e:

Question 28
proLang = ['Python', 'Java', 'C', 'C++', 'C#', 'PHP',
index = int(input('Please enter the index: '))
except IndexError:
print('Out of Range')
except Exception as e:

Question 29
cities = {'Chicago':'USA', 'Los Angeles':'USA', 'New York':'USA',
'Osaka':'Japan', 'Tokyo':'Japan', 'Shanghai':'China',
'Moscow':'Russia', 'Paris':'France', 'London':'England',
'Seoul':'South Korea'}
print('Cities: Chicago, Los Angeles, New York, Osaka, Tokyo,
Shanghai, Moscow, Paris, London, Seoul')
city = input('Please enter a city name from the list above or
enter END to exit: ')
while city != 'END':
print('%s is located in %s.\n' %(city, cities[city]))
city = input('Please enter a city name from the list above
or enter END to exit: ')
print('Sorry, no result found.\n')
city = input('Please enter a city name from the list above
or enter END to exit: ')

Note that in the solution above, we have the statement

city = input('Please enter a city name from the list above or
enter END to exit: ')

in both the try and except blocks.

An alternative way is to use a finally block. A finally block is used for
statements that should be executed regardless of whether the try or except
block is executed.
The alternative solution is presented below:
cities = {'Chicago':'USA', 'Los Angeles':'USA', 'New York':'USA',
'Osaka':'Japan', 'Tokyo':'Japan', 'Shanghai':'China',
'Moscow':'Russia', 'Paris':'France', 'London':'England',
'Seoul':'South Korea'}
print('Cities: Chicago, Los Angeles, New York, Osaka, Tokyo,
Shanghai, Moscow, Paris, London, Seoul')
city = input('Please enter a city name from the list above or
enter END to exit: ')
while city != 'END':
print('%s is located in %s.\n' %(city, cities[city]))
print('Sorry, no result found.\n')
city = input('Please enter a city name from the list above
or enter END to exit: ')
Chapter 7: Functions and Modules
Question 1
Write a function called greetUser() that simply displays the message “Hello
World” to users.
After coding the function, write a statement to call the function.
Question 2

Write a function called greetUserByName() that prompts the user for his/her
name and displays the message
Hello ^
where ^ represents the name entered by the user.
After coding the function, write a statement to call the function.
Question 3

Write a function called displayMessage() that has one parameter greetings.

Within the function, use the print() function to display the value of

After coding the function, write a statement to call the function using 'Good
Morning' as the argument.

Question 4

Write a function called calculateQuotient() that has two parameters a and

b. Within the function, write a return statement to return the value of a/b.

After coding the function, write a statement to call the function using 12 and
3 as the arguments. Assign the result to a variable called result and print the
value of result.
Question 5
Modify the function in the previous question to include error handling using a
try-except statement. Return -1 when an error occurs. Call this new function

After coding the function, write a statement to call the function using

(i) 12 and 3 as the arguments,

(ii) 5 and 0 as the arguments,
(iii) 'abcd' and 2 as the arguments.

For each of the cases above, assign the result to a variable called result and
print the value of result.

Question 6
Write a function called absValue() that accepts a numerical input (the input
can include decimal values).
If the input is zero or positive, it simply returns the number.
If the input is negative, it multiplies the number by -1 and returns the result.
If the input is non numerical, it returns -1.
After coding the function, call the function with the following inputs and
print the results:

Question 7
Determine the output of the following code without running the code:
a = 1
def displayNumbers():
a = 2

Question 8
Explain what is wrong with the following code:

def functionwithb():
b = 1

Question 9
Determine the output of the following code without running the code:

def calProduct(a, b, c = 1, d = 2):

product = a*b*c*d
print (product)
calProduct(2, 3)
calProduct(2, 3, 4)
calProduct(2, 3, 4, 5)

Question 10
The statements below show the function teamMembers() being called with
different arguments:
Function Call
teamMembers('Joanne', 'Lee')

The team members are Joanne, Lee, James and Kelly.
Function Call
teamMembers('Benny', 'Aaron')

The team members are Benny, Aaron, James and Kelly.
Function Call
teamMembers('Peter', 'John', 'Ben')

The team members are Peter, John, Ben and Kelly.
Function Call
teamMembers('Jamie', 'Adam', 'Calvin', 'Danny')

The team members are Jamie, Adam, Calvin and Danny.
Code the teamMembers() function to get the outputs shown and run it to
verify that your function performs correctly.
Question 11
Determine the output of the following code without running the code:

def findSum(*a):
sum = 0
for i in a:
sum = sum + i
findSum(1, 2, 3)
findSum(1, 2, 3, 4)

Question 12
The statements below show the function printFavColor() being called with
different arguments:

Function Call
printFavColor('Yellow', 'Green')

Your favorite colors are:

Function Call
printFavColor('Orange', 'Pink', 'Blue')


Your favorite colors are:

Code the printFavColor() function to get the outputs shown and run it to
verify that your function performs correctly.
Question 13
The statements below show the function printNamesAndGrades() being
called with different arguments.

Function Call
printNamesAndGrades(Adam = 'C', Tim = 'A')

Name : Grade
Adam : C
Tim : A
Function Call
printNamesAndGrades(Sam = 'A-', Lee = 'B', Joan = 'A+')


Name : Grade
Sam : A-
Lee : B
Joan : A+
Code the printNamesAndGrades() function to get the outputs shown and run
it to verify that your function performs correctly.
Question 14
Explain what is wrong with the following code:
def varlengthdemo(*b, a, **c):
for i in b:
print (i)
for j, k in c.items():
print (j, 'scored', k)

Modify the varlengthdemo() function so that the statement

varlengthdemo('Jeremy', 2, 3, 4, Apple = 'A', Betty = 'B')

produces the following output:

Apple scored A
Betty scored B
Run the function to verify that it performs correctly.
Question 15

Write a function called sumOfTwoNumbers() that has two parameters, target

and *b.
The function checks if there exists any two numbers in b that add up to

If two numbers are found, the function displays an equation showing the
If no numbers are found, the function prints the message “No result found”.
For instance, the statements below show the function being called with
different arguments.
Function Call
sumOfTwoNumbers(12, 3, 1, 4, 5, 6, 13)

No result found
The function prints “No result found” for this example as it is unable to find
any two numbers from 3, 1, 4, 5, 6, 13 that add up to the target 12.
Function Call
sumOfTwoNumbers(5, 3, 1, 4, 2)

For this example, even though there can be more than one way to get the
target 5 (1 + 4 and 3 + 2), the function is only required to display one
Try coding this function and run it to verify that it performs correctly.
Hint: You can access the numbers in b using the list notation. For instance,
for the function call
sumOfTwoNumbers(5, 3, 1, 4, 2)
target = 5
b[0] = 3
b[1] = 1
b[2] = 4
b[3] = 2

Question 16
The statements below show the function capitalsOfCountries() being
called with different arguments.

Function Call

capitalsOfCountries(Germany = 'Berlin')

The capital of Germany is Berlin.
Function Call
capitalsOfCountries(USA = 'Washington D.C.', China = 'Beijing')

The capitals of USA and China are Washington D.C. and Beijing
Function Call

capitalsOfCountries(Japan = 'Tokyo', Indonesia = 'Jakarta',

France = 'Paris')


The capitals of Japan, Indonesia and France are Tokyo, Jakarta and Paris
Code the capitalsOfCountries() function to get the outputs shown and run
it to verify that your function performs correctly.
Note that the outputs produced by this function differ depending on the
number of countries passed in. For instance, if there's only one country, the
singular form is used (e.g. capital, is).
You can use the len() method to find the number of items passed in to the
capitalsOfCountries() function.

In addition, recall that you can use the enumerate() method to determine the
index of the item that you are accessing when you loop through a dictionary.
For instance, if the dictionary is
capitals = {'USA':'Washington, D.C.', 'United Kingdom':'London',
'China':'Beijing', 'Japan':'Tokyo', 'France':'Paris'}

and we use
for i, j in enumerate(capitals):

to loop through the capitals dictionary, i gives us the index of the current
item while j gives us the dictionary key of the item.
In other words, when i = 0, j = 'USA'.
Question 17
Suppose you have a file called myfunctions.py with the following code:

def func1():
print('This is a simple function')

def func2(message):

The statements below show three ways of using functions from

myfunctions.py inside another .py file stored in the same folder. Write down
the correct import statement for each of them:





Question 18

Now suppose we want to use func1() and func2() from the previous
question inside a .py file that is NOT in the same folder as myfunctions.py
and that myfunctions.py is stored in the C:\PythonFiles folder.
What code must we add to this new .py file so that we can continue to use the
two functions?
Chapter 7: Answers
Question 1
def greetUser():
print('Hello World')

Hello World
Question 2
def greetUserByName():
name = input('Please enter your name: ')
print('Hello %s' %(name))

Example of Output (user input is in bold italics)

Please enter your name: Jamie
Hello Jamie
Question 3
def displayMessage(greetings):
displayMessage('Good Morning')

Good Morning
Question 4
def calculateQuotient(a, b):
return a/b
result = calculateQuotient(12, 3)

Question 5
def calculateQuotient2(a, b):
return a/b
return -1
result = calculateQuotient2(12, 3)
result = calculateQuotient2(5, 0)
result = calculateQuotient2('abcd', 2)

Question 6
def absValue(a):
num = float(a)
if num >= 0:
return a
return -1*a
except Exception as e:
return -1
result = absValue(12)
result = absValue(5.7)
result = absValue(0)
result = absValue(-4)
result = absValue(-5.2)
result = absValue('abcd')

Question 7
Question 8
b is defined inside functionwithb().
Hence, it is not accessible outside the function when we try to print its value
using print(b).
Question 9
Question 10
def teamMembers(a, b, c = 'James', d = 'Kelly'):
print('The team members are %s, %s, %s and %s.' %(a, b, c, d))
teamMembers('Joanne', 'Lee')
teamMembers('Benny', 'Aaron')
teamMembers('Peter', 'John', 'Ben')
teamMembers('Jamie', 'Adam', 'Calvin', 'Danny')

Question 11
Question 12
def printFavColor(*color):
print('Your favorite colors are:')
for i in color:
printFavColor('Yellow', 'Green')
printFavColor('Orange', 'Pink', 'Blue')

Question 13
def printNamesAndGrades(**grades):
print('Name : Grade')
for i in grades:
print('%s : %s' %(i, grades[i]))
printNamesAndGrades(Adam = 'C', Tim = 'A')
printNamesAndGrades(Sam = 'A-', Lee = 'B', Joan = 'A+')

Question 14
The varlengthdemo() function has a formal argument (a), a non-keyworded
variable length argument (*b) and a keyworded variable length argument
When declaring the function, the formal argument must come first, followed
by the non-keyworded argument and the keyworded argument (in that order).

The correct code is:

def varlengthdemo(a, *b, **c):
for i in b:
print (i)
for j, k in c.items():
print (j, 'scored', k)
varlengthdemo('Jeremy', 2, 3, 4, Apple = 'A', Betty = 'B')

Question 15
def sumOfTwoNumbers(target, *b):
length = len(b)
for p in range(length-1):
for q in range(p+1, length):
if b[p] + b[q] == target:
print(b[p],'+',b[q],'=', target)
print ('No result found')
sumOfTwoNumbers(12, 3, 1, 4, 5, 6, 13)
sumOfTwoNumbers(5, 3, 1, 4, 2)

Let's look at an example of how this function works.

Suppose target = 5 and b = [3, 1, 4, 2]
The first line in the function sets length to 4 as there are 4 numbers in b.
The next line for p in range(length – 1) becomes for p in range(3).
This causes the for loop to run from p = 0 to p = 2.
When p = 0, the next line for q in range(p+1, length) becomes for q
in range(1, 4), which runs from q = 1 to q = 3.

This means that the next line

if b[p] + b[q] == target:

becomes the following three if statements:

if b[0] + b[1] == target
if b[0] + b[2] == target
if b[0] + b[3] == target

Essentially, this means that when p = 0, we take b[0] (which is the first
number in b) and add it to the subsequent numbers in b one by one. If any of
the additions equals target, we have found the equation we need and can
exit the function.
On the other hand, if we cannot find the equation that we need, we repeat the
loop with p = 1. That is, we take b[1] (the second number in b) and add it to
the subsequent numbers in b one by one.
We keep doing this until we reach p = 2. After p = 2, if we are still unable
to find an equation, we've come to the end of the function and simply print
the message “No result found” to notify the caller that we are unable to find
the equation needed.
Question 16
def capitalsOfCountries(**capitals):
if(len(capitals) == 1):
print('The capital of ', end = '')
print('The capitals of ', end = '')
# Print the country names
for i, j in enumerate(capitals):
if i == 0:
print(j, end = '')
elif i == len(capitals)-1:
print(' and %s' %(j), end = '')
print(', %s' %(j), end = '')
if(len(capitals) == 1):
print(' is ', end = '')
print(' are ', end = '')
# Print the capitals
for i, j in enumerate(capitals):
if i == 0:
print(capitals[j], end = '')
elif i == len(capitals)-1:
print(' and %s' %(capitals[j]), end = '')
print(', %s' %(capitals[j]), end = '')
if len(capitals) == 1:
print(' respectively.')
capitalsOfCountries(Germany = 'Berlin')
capitalsOfCountries(USA = 'Washington D.C.', China = 'Beijing')
capitalsOfCountries(Japan = 'Tokyo', Indonesia = 'Jakarta',
France = 'Paris')

Most of the code above should be self-explanatory except for the

enumerate() method.

The enumerate() method lets us know the index of the item that we are
accessing in an iterable. For instance, in the code
for i, j in enumerate(capitals):
if i == 0:
print(j, end = '')
elif i == len(capitals)-1:
print(' and %s' %(j), end = '')
print(', %s' %(j), end = '')

we use the enumerate() method to determine which item we are accessing

from the capitals dictionary.
If it is the first item (i == 0), we print the country name.
If it is not the first item but is the last item (i == len(capitals)-1), we print
the word “and”, followed by the country name.
If it is neither the first nor the last item, we print a comma followed by the
country name.
For instance, if
capitals = {'USA':'Washington, D.C.', 'United Kingdom':'London',

this segment of the code prints the following output:

USA, United Kingdom and China
Question 17
(i) import myfunctions
(ii) import myfunctions as f
(iii) from myfunctions import func1, func2
Question 18
import sys
if 'C:\\PythonFiles' not in sys.path:
Chapter 8: Working with Files
Question 1
Create a text file called ch8q1.txt with the following text:

Top Students:

Write a simple program to read and display the first four lines from
ch8q1.txt. The output should not have any blank lines between each line.
For this question, you can assume that ch8q1.txt is in the same folder as your
.py file.
Question 2

Suppose we have a text file called ch8q2.txt that contains an unknown

number of lines. Each line contains an integer.

Write a simple program to read the integers from ch8q2.txt and sum all the
positive numbers. Display the result of the sum.

Next, create the ch8q2.txt file as follows:


Run your code to verify that it works as intended. For this question, you can
assume that ch8q2.txt is in the same folder as your .py file.
Question 3

What is the difference between the 'w' and 'a' mode when using the open()
function to work with files?

Question 4
Write a function called getNumbers() that repeatedly prompts the user to
enter an integer or enter “Q” to quit.
Write the integers that the user entered into a text file called ch8q4.txt,
overwriting any previous data. You need to ensure that the user did indeed
enter an integer before writing the value into ch8q4.txt.
Next, write another function called findSum() that reads from ch8q4.txt, adds
up all the integers and returns the result.
Finally, call getNumbers() and findSum() and print the result returned by

For this question, you can assume that ch8q4.txt is in the same folder as your
.py file.
For instance, the program may behave as shown below (user input is in bold

Enter an integer or type Q to exit: 1.11

Input is not an integer and will be ignored
Enter an integer or type Q to exit: 1
Enter an integer or type Q to exit: 12
Enter an integer or type Q to exit: 123
Enter an integer or type Q to exit: -1
Enter an integer or type Q to exit: asfa
Input is not an integer and will be ignored
Enter an integer or type Q to exit: -11
Enter an integer or type Q to exit: Q

Question 5
Create a text file called stars.txt with a single line of 100 asterisks.

Use a for loop to read from the file and print the following output:

For this question, you can assume that stars.txt is in the same folder as your
.py file.
Question 6

Suppose you have a folder on your C:\ drive called images. Inside the images
folder, you have a file called happy.jpg.
Write a program to read from C:\images\happy.jpg and write its content to a
new file called newhappy.jpg.
For this question, you can write newhappy.jpg to the same folder as your .py
However, your .py file and happy.jpg should not be in the same folder (i.e.
your .py file should not be in the C:\images folder).
Next, write code to change the name of the new file from newhappy.jpg to
happy.jpg and delete the original happy.jpg file from C:\images.
Chapter 8: Answers
Question 1
f = open('ch8q1.txt', 'r')
for i in range(4):
line = f.readline()
print(line, end = '')

Top Students:
Question 2
f = open('ch8q2.txt', 'r')
sum = 0
for line in f:
if int(line) > 0:
sum = sum + int(line)

Question 3
The 'w' mode is for writing to an output file. If the specified file does not
exist, it will be created. If the specified file exists, any existing data on the
file will be erased.
The 'a' mode is for appending to an output file. If the specified file does not
exist, it will be created. If the specified file exists, any data written to the file
is appended to the file (i.e. added to the end of the file).
Question 4
def getNumbers():
f = open('ch8q4.txt', 'w')
userInput = input('Enter an integer or type Q to exit: ')
while userInput != 'Q':
num = int(userInput)
f.write(userInput + '\n')
print('Input is not an integer and will be ignored')
userInput = input('Enter an integer or type Q to exit:
def findSum():
f = open('ch8q4.txt', 'r')
sum = 0
for line in f:
sum = sum + int(line)
return sum

Question 5
f = open('stars.txt', 'r')
for i in range(9):
line = f.read(i+1)

Question 6
from os import rename, remove
oldfile = open('C:\\images\\happy.jpg', 'rb')
newfile = open('newhappy.jpg', 'wb')
msg = oldfile.read(10)
while len(msg):
msg = oldfile.read(10)
rename('newhappy.jpg', 'happy.jpg')
Chapter 9: Object Oriented Programming Part 1
Question 1
class Car:
def __init__(self, pMake, pModel, pColor, pPrice):
self.make = pMake
self.model = pModel
self.color = pColor
self.price = pPrice
def __str__(self):
return 'Make = %s, Model = %s, Color = %s, Price = %s' %
(self.make, self.model, self.color, self.price)
def selectColor(self):
self.color = input('What is the new color? ')
def calculateTax(self):
priceWithTax = 1.1*self.price
return priceWithTax

Copy the code above into a file called car.py. Within the same file, but
outside the Car class, write code for each of the following tasks:

(a) Instantiate a Car object called myFirstCar with the following values:

make = 'Honda'

model = 'Civic'
color = 'White'

price = 15000

(b) Print a string representation of myFirstCar using the __str__ method.

You should get

Make = Honda, Model = Civic, Color = White, Price = 15000

as the output.
(c) Update the price of myFirstCar to 18000 and print a string representation
of it again.

(d) Update the color of myFirstCar to “Orange” using the selectColor()

method and print a string representation of it again.

(e) Use myFirstCar to call the calculateTax() method and assign the result
to a variable called finalPrice. Print the value of finalPrice.
Question 2
(a) Write a class called Room that has four instance variables, size, view,
type and basicRates.

Within the class, you need to have the __init__ and __str__ methods.

(b) Next, write an instance method called calculateRates() within the Room

The calculateRates() method has a parameter (in addition to self) called

day. Based on the value of day, the method multiplies basicRates by a
certain factor.
If day equals 'Weekends', it multiplies basicRates by 1.5
If day equals 'Public Holidays', it multiplies it by 2.
If day equals 'Christmas', it multiplies it by 2.5.
For any other values of day, it multiplies it by 1.
After multiplying, the method returns the result.
(c) Next, outside the class, instantiate a Room object called room1 with size =
132, view = 'City', type = 'Double' and basicRates = 120 and print a
string representation of room1.
(d) Use room1 to call the calculateRates() method, using 'Public
Holidays' as the argument. Assign the result to a variable called newRates
and print the value of newRates.
Question 3
(a) For the code below, add a property called bonus for the instance variable

class HumanResource:
def __init__(self, pName, pSalary, pBonus):
self.name = pName
self.salary = pSalary
self._bonus = pBonus
def __str__(self):
return 'Name = %s, Salary = %.2f, Bonus = %.2f' %(self.name,
self.salary, self._bonus)

The getter method of the property simply returns the value of _bonus.

The setter method, on the other hand, allows us to set the value of _bonus. If
we try to set it to a negative value, the setter method should display the
Bonus cannot be negative.

(b) Outside the class, instantiate a HumanResource object called chiefOps

with the following values:

name = 'Kelly'
salary = 715000
_bonus = 0

(c) Use the bonus property to set _bonus to -20 for chiefOps. Verify that
you get the message “Bonus cannot be negative”.
(d) Next, use the bonus property to change _bonus to 50000. and use the
getter method of the property to verify that _bonus is set correctly.
Question 4
class NameManglingDemo:
def __init__(self):
self.__myData = 1

In the code above, myData is preceded by two leading underscores. What is

the mangled name for myData?
Question 5

(a) What is the difference between a class variable and an instance variable?
With reference to the code below, list the instance and class variable(s).

class Book:
message = 'Welcome to Books Online'
def __init__(self, pTitle, pAuthor, pPrice):
self.title = pTitle
self.author = pAuthor
self.price = pPrice
def __str__(self):
return 'Title = %s, Author = %s, Price = %.2f' %(self.title,
self.author, self.price)

(c) With reference to the Book class in part (b), determine the output of the
following code without running the code:
aRomanceBook = Book('Sunset', 'Jerry', 10)
aSciFiBook = Book('Viz', 'Lee', 10)
aRomanceBook.price = 20
Book.message = 'Books Online'
Question 6

(a) Write a class called Student that has two instance variables, name and
marks, and one class variable, passingMark. Assign 50 to passingMark.

Within the class, you need to code the __init__ and __str__ methods.

(b) Next, write an instance method called passOrFail() within the Student
class. This method returns the string “Pass” if marks is greater than or equal
to passingMark or “Fail” if marks is lower than passingMark.

(c) Outside the class, instantiate a Student object called student1 with name
= 'John' and marks = 52 and use it to call the passOrFail() method.
Assign the result to a variable called status1 and print the value of status1.
(d) Instantiate another Student object called student2 with name = 'Jenny'
and marks = 69 and use it to call the passOrFail() method. Assign the
result to a variable called status2 and print the value of status2.
(e) Update the value of passingMark to 60 for all instances of the Student
class and call the passOrFail() method for student1 and student2 again.
Assign the results to status1 and status2 respectively and print the two
Question 7

(a) What is the difference between an instance method, a class method and a
static method?

(b) In the code below, which is an instance method and which is a class

class MethodsDemo:
message = 'Class message'
def __init__(self, pMessage):
self.message = pMessage
def printMessage(cls):
def printAnotherMessage(self):

(c) Given that md1 = MethodsDemo('md1 Instance Message'), what are the
two ways to call the class method?

(d) Add a static method called printThirdMessage() to the MethodsDemo

class that simply prints the message “This is a static method”.

(e) What are the two ways to call the static method in part d?
Question 8
Create a class called Movies that stores information about movies. The class
should store the following information: the title of the movie, its genre, the
main language it is in, the director(s) and the year it was first released.
The class should also have the __init__ and __str__ methods.
In addition, the class should have a property that allows users to get and set
the genre of the movie. The setter method should only allow users to set the
genre to 'Romance', 'Action', 'Drama', 'Thriller' or 'Horror'. If the user
tries to set the genre to anything else, the setter method should display an
appropriate error message to the user.
Next, we need an instance method called recommendMovie() that
recommends users a new movie to watch based on the genre of the instance
used to call the method.
If the genre is 'Romance', the movie 'First Date' is recommended.
If the genre is 'Action', the movie 'Mutant' is recommended.
If the genre is 'Drama', the movie 'The Awakening' is recommended.
If the genre is 'Thriller', the movie 'Mr K' is recommended.
If the genre is 'Horror', the movie 'A walk down Dawson Street' is
This method should display the recommended movie on the screen.
Save the code above into a file called movie.py.
Next, create another file called main.py and import the Movies class into this
Instantiate a Movies instance called mov1 with the following information:
Title of the movie = 'And so it begins'
Genre = ''
Main language = 'English'
Director = 'Robert Kingman, Joe Patterson'
Year it was first released = 2019
After creating mov1, set its genre to 'Fantasy'. This should fail. Next, set the
genre to 'Romance' and print a string representation of mov1.
Finally, use mov1 to call the recommendMovie() method.
Chapter 9: Answers
Question 1

myFirstCar = Car('Honda', 'Civic', 'White', 15000)


myFirstCar.price = 18000

Make = Honda, Model = Civic, Color = White, Price = 18000

What is the new color? Orange
Make = Honda, Model = Civic, Color = Orange, Price = 18000
finalPrice = myFirstCar.calculateTax()

Question 2
(a) and (b)
class Room:
def __init__(self, pSize, pView, pType, pBasicRates):
self.size = pSize
self.view = pView
self.type = pType
self.basicRates = pBasicRates
def __str__(self):
return 'Size = %s sq ft\nView = %s\nType = %s\nBasic Rates =
USD%s' %(self.size, self.view, self.type, self.basicRates)
def calculateRates(self, day):
if day == 'Weekends':
return 1.5*self.basicRates
elif day == 'Public Holidays':
return 2*self.basicRates
elif day == 'Christmas':
return 2.5*self.basicRates
return 1*self.basicRates

room1 = Room(132, 'City', 'Double', 120)

Size = 132 sq ft
View = City
Type = Double
Basic Rates = USD120
newRates = room1.calculateRates('Public Holidays')

Question 3
class HumanResource:
def __init__(self, pName, pSalary, pBonus):
self.name = pName
self.salary = pSalary
self._bonus = pBonus
def __str__(self):
return 'Name = %s, Salary = %.2f, Bonus = %.2f' %(self.name,
self.salary, self._bonus)
def bonus(self):
return self._bonus
def bonus(self, value):
if value < 0:
print('Bonus cannot be negative')
self._bonus = value

chiefOps = HumanResource('Kelly', 715000, 0)

chiefOps.bonus = -20

Bonus cannot be negative
chiefOps.bonus = 50000

Question 4

Question 5
A class variable belongs to the class and is shared by all instances of that
class. It is defined outside any method in the class. We can access it by
prefixing the variable name with the class name.
An instance variable, on the other hand, is defined inside a method and
belongs to an instance. It is always prefixed with the self keyword.

title, author and price are instance variables.
message is a class variable.
Books Online
Books Online
Question 6
(a) and (b)
class Student:
passingMark = 50
def __init__(self, pName, pMarks):
self.name = pName
self.marks = pMarks
def __str__(self):
return 'Name of Student = %s\nMarks = %d' %(self.name,
def passOrFail(self):
if self.marks >= Student.passingMark:
return 'Pass'
return 'Fail'

student1 = Student('John', 52)
status1 = student1.passOrFail()

student2 = Student('Jenny', 69)
status2 = student2.passOrFail()

Student.passingMark = 60
status1 = student1.passOrFail()
status2 = student2.passOrFail()

Question 7
An instance method has an instance of the class as its first parameter. self is
commonly used to represent this instance.
A class method, on the other hand, has a class object (instead of self) as its
first parameter. cls is commonly used to represent that class object.
A static method is a method that is not passed an instance or a class object
(i.e. it is not passed self or cls).
To call an instance method, we use the instance name.
To call a static or class method, we can use the class name or instance name.
printAnotherMessage() is an instance method
printMessage() is a class method.

md1.printMessage() or MethodsDemo.printMessage()
Class message
Class message
class MethodsDemo:
message = 'Class message'
def __init__(self, pMessage):
self.message = pMessage
def printMessage(cls):
def printAnotherMessage(self):
def printThirdMessage():
print('This is a static method')

md1.printThirdMessage() or MethodsDemo.printThirdMessage()
This is a static method
This is a static method
Question 8
class Movies:
def __init__(self, pTitle, pGenre, pLanguage, pDirectors,
self.title = pTitle
self._genre = pGenre
self.language = pLanguage
self.directors = pDirectors
self.year = pYear
def __str__(self):
return 'Title = %s\nGenre = %s\nLanguage = %s\nDirectors =
%s\nYear = %s\n' %(self.title, self._genre, self.language,
self.directors, self.year)
def genre(self):
return self._genre
def genre(self, value):
if value in ['Romance', 'Action', 'Drama', 'Thriller',
self._genre = value
print ('%s is an invalid genre.\n' %(value))
def recommendMovie(self):
recommendations = {'Romance':'First Date',
'Action':'Mutant', 'Drama':'The Awakening', 'Thriller':'Mr K',
'Horror':'A walk down Dawson Street'}
print ('You may also like the following movie: %s.' %

from movie import Movies
mov1 = Movies('And so it begins', '', 'English', 'Robert Kingman,
Joe Patterson', 2019)
mov1.genre = 'Fantasy'
mov1.genre = 'Romance'

Fantasy is an invalid genre.
Title = And so it begins
Genre = Romance
Language = English
Directors = Robert Kingman, Joe Patterson
Year = 2019
You may also like the following movie: First Date.
Chapter 10: Object Oriented Programming Part 2
Question 1
Create a file called shape.py and save it onto your desktop. Add the following
code to the file:

class Shape:
def __init__(self, pType, pArea):
self.type = pType
self.area = pArea
def __str__(self):
return '%s of area %4.2f units square' %(self.type,
class Square(Shape):
def __init__(self, pLength):
super().__init__('Square', 0)
self.length = pLength
self.area = self.length*self.length

The code above consists of two classes – Shape and Square.

Square is a subclass that inherits from Shape. This subclass only has one
method __init__, with two parameters self and pLength.

Within the method, we first call the __init__ method from the parent class
(using the super() function), passing in 'Square' and 0 as arguments.
These arguments are used to initialized the instance variables type and area
in the parent class, which the subclass class inherits.
Next, we assign the parameter pLength to a new instance variable called
length. In addition, we calculate the area of a square and use it to update the
value of the inherited instance variable area. (Note: The area of a square is
given by the square of its length).

Study the code above and make sure you fully understand it.
a) Next, we need to add two more subclasses, Triangle and Circle, to
shape.py. Both subclasses have one method: __init__.
You need to decide on the appropriate parameter(s) for these methods.
Both __init__ methods should call the __init__ method in the parent class
and pass in appropriate values for the inherited instance variables type and

In addition, they should have their own instance variables and contain a
statement for updating the value of the inherited instance variable area.

Try modifying the Square subclass yourself to code the Triangle and Circle


A triangle is defined by its base and height and its area is given by the
mathematical formula 0.5*base*height.

A circle is defined by its radius and its area is given by the mathematical
formula π*radius*radius.

π is a constant represented as math.pi in the math module. You need to

import the math module to get the value of π.
b) After coding the subclasses, create another file on your desktop and name
it shapemain.py.

Within shapemain.py, import the classes in shape.py and instantiate one

instance of each subclass using the following information:

A Square instance called sq with a length of 5.

A Circle instance called c with a radius of 10.

A Triangle instance called t with a base of 12 and a height of 4.

c) Use the print() function to display information about each instance.

Question 2
In this question, we shall modify the Shape class in Question 1 by adding one
more method to it - the __add__ method.

This method has two parameters, self and other, and overrides the +
operator. Instead of performing basic addition, the + operator should return
the sum of the areas of two Shape instances. In other words, if one instance
has an area of 11.1 and another has an area of 7.15, the __add__ method
should return the value 18.25.

Add the __add__ method to the Shape class in shape.py.

Next, use the print() function in shapemain.py to verify that sq + c gives
you the sum of the areas of sq and c.

Question 3
In this question, we'll try to use the __add__ method in Question 2 to find the
sum of the areas of sq, c and t.
Try doing print(sq + c + t) in shapemain.py. What happens? You get an
error, right?
This is because the + operator is trying to do sq + c first, before adding the
result to t.
However, notice that sq + c gives us a numerical value, which is the result
of sq.area + c.area.

When we try to add sq + c to t, we get an error because the + operator is

unable to add sq + c (which is a float) to t (which is a Triangle instance).
If you study the __add__ method, you'll see that the + operator expects both
the arguments (for the self and other parameters) to be instances of the
Shape class (or instances of subclasses of the Shape class).

To overcome this, we need to change the __add__ method. Instead of

returning a numerical result, we need it to return a Shape instance so that we
can pass this result to the + operator again to do further additions.
To do that, we'll change the

return self.area + other.area

statement in the __add__ method to

return Shape ('New Shape', self.area + other.area)

Next, in shapemain.py, try doing print(sq + c + t) again and verify that

you get a new Shape instance (type = 'New Shape') whose area is the sum
of the areas of sq, c and t.

Question 4
In this question, we need to create a class called Student.
This class has 4 instance variables: name, id, course_enrolled and

Within the class, we need to have an __init__ method to initialize the 4

instance variables. We also need to have a __str__ method.
Try coding this class yourself.
Next, we'll inherit three subclasses from Student.
The first subclass is ArtsStudent. It has an additional instance variable
called project_grade.
The second subclass is CommerceStudent. It has an additional instance
variable called internship_company.
The third subclass is TechStudent. It has two additional instance variables
called internship_company and project_grade.
Try coding these three subclasses yourself. Each subclass should override the
__init__ and __str__ methods in the parent class. They should also use the
super() function to reuse code from the parent class.

Last but not least, we need to add the __lt__ and __gt__ methods to our
parent class. These are special methods in Python that allow us to make
lt stands for “less than” while gt stands for “greater than”. They override the
< and > operators respectively.

Add these two methods to the Student class so that they allow us to compare
the annual fees (stored in the instance variable annual_fees) of two instances
and return True or False accordingly. For instance, if we have the following
student1 = ArtsStudent('Jim', 'A19001', 'Psychology', 12000, 'In
student2 = CommerceStudent('Ben', 'C19011', 'Marketing', 15000,
'Cool Mart')

student1 > student2 should give us False as the annual_fees of student1

is lower than that of student2.
In contrast, student1 < student2 should give us True.
Once that is done, save the file as student.py on your desktop. Next, create
another file called ch10q4.py on your desktop and import the classes in
Instantiate three instances with the following information and print a string
representation of each instance:
ArtsStudent instance named as1
name = 'Peter Johnson'
id = 'A19012'
course_enrolled = 'History'
annual_fees = 11000
project_grade = 'A'
CommerceStudent instance named cs1
name = 'Alan Goh'
id = 'C19111'
course_enrolled = 'Digital Marketing'
annual_fees = 13400
internship_company = 'Digital Consultancy'

TechStudent instance named ts1

name = 'Larry Faith'
id = 'T19126'
course_enrolled = 'Computer Science'
annual_fees = 21000
project_grade = 'A'
internship_company = 'Kyla Tech'

Finally, use the > or < operator to compare the annual fees of ts1 vs cs1.
Use an if-else statement to display the message
The annual fees of a technical student is higher than that of a commerce
if the annual fees of ts1 is greater than that of cs1.
Else, display the message
The annual fees of a technical student is lower than that of a commerce
Chapter 10: Answers
Question 1
import math
# Shape class
class Shape:
def __init__(self, pType, pArea):
self.type = pType
self.area = pArea
def __str__(self):
return '%s of area %4.2f units square' %(self.type,
# Square subclass
class Square(Shape):
def __init__(self, pLength):
super().__init__('Square', 0)
self.length = pLength
self.area = self.length*self.length
# Triangle subclass
class Triangle(Shape):
def __init__(self, pBase, pHeight):
super().__init__('Triangle', 0)
self.base = pBase
self.height = pHeight
self.area = 0.5*self.base*self.height
# Circle subclass
class Circle(Shape):
def __init__(self, pRadius):
super().__init__('Circle', 0)
self.radius = pRadius
self.area = math.pi*self.radius*self.radius

from shape import Square, Circle, Triangle
sq = Square(5)
c = Circle(10)
t = Triangle(12, 4)


Square of area 25.00 units square
Circle of area 314.16 units square
Triangle of area 24.00 units square
Question 2
shape.py (added to the Shape class)

def __add__(self, other):

return self.area + other.area

print(sq + c)

Question 3
shape.py (the modified __add__ method)
def __add__(self, other):
return Shape ('New Shape', self.area + other.area)

print(sq + c + t)

New Shape of area 363.16 units square
Question 4
# Student Class
class Student:
def __init__(self, pName, pID, pCourseEnrolled, pAnnualFees):
self.name = pName
self.id = pID
self.course_enrolled = pCourseEnrolled
self.annual_fees = pAnnualFees
def __str__(self):
return 'Name = %s\nID = %s\nCourse Enrolled = %s\nAnnual
Fees = %s' %(self.name, self.id, self.course_enrolled,
def __lt__(self, other):
return self.annual_fees < other.annual_fees
def __gt__(self, other):
return self.annual_fees > other.annual_fees
# ArtsStudent subclass
class ArtsStudent(Student):
def __init__(self, pName, pID, pCourseEnrolled, pAnnualFees,
super().__init__(pName, pID, pCourseEnrolled, pAnnualFees)
self.project_grade = pProjectGrade
def __str__(self):
return super().__str__() + '\nProject Grade = %s' %
# CommerceStudent subclass
class CommerceStudent(Student):
def __init__(self, pName, pID, pCourseEnrolled, pAnnualFees,
super().__init__(pName, pID, pCourseEnrolled, pAnnualFees)
self.internship_company = pInternshipCompany
def __str__(self):
return super().__str__() + '\nInternship Company = %s' %
# TechStudent subclass
class TechStudent(Student):
def __init__(self, pName, pID, pCourseEnrolled, pAnnualFees,
pProjectGrade, pInternshipCompany):
super().__init__(pName, pID, pCourseEnrolled, pAnnualFees)
self.project_grade = pProjectGrade
self.internship_company = pInternshipCompany
def __str__(self):
return super().__str__() + '\nProject Grade = %s\nInternship
Company = %s' %(self.project_grade, self.internship_company)

import student
as1 = student.ArtsStudent('Peter Johnson', 'A19012', 'History',
11000, 'A')
cs1 = student.CommerceStudent('Alan Goh', 'C19111', 'Digital
Marketing', 13400, 'Digital Consultancy')
ts1 = student.TechStudent('Larry Faith', 'T19126', 'Computer
Science', 21000, 'A', 'Kyla Tech')
if ts1 > cs1:
print('The annual fees of a technical student is higher than
that of a commerce student.')
print('The annual fees of a technical student is lower than
that of a commerce student.')

Name = Peter Johnson
ID = A19012
Course Enrolled = History
Annual Fees = 11000
Project Grade = A
Name = Alan Goh
ID = C19111
Course Enrolled = Digital Marketing
Annual Fees = 13400
Internship Company = Digital Consultancy
Name = Larry Faith
ID = T19126
Course Enrolled = Computer Science
Annual Fees = 21000
Project Grade = A
Internship Company = Kyla Tech
The annual fees of a technical student is higher than that of a commerce
Project 1
Now that you have completed the exercises for all the chapters, let's work on
two projects.

Spelling Out Numbers Part 1

The first project is easy to explain; we need to write a program that spells out
any integer up to 3 digits (i..e any integer less than 1000). For instance, if the
user keys in 729, the program should display
Seven Hundred and Twenty Nine
You can use any of the concepts you've learned in the previous chapters. Try
coding it yourself. If you are stuck, you can refer to the suggested solution for

Suggested Solution
# Defining the printText() function
def printText(userInput):
unitsMapping = {'0':'', '1':' One', '2':' Two', '3':' Three',
'4':' Four', '5':' Five', '6':' Six', '7':' Seven', '8':' Eight',
'9':' Nine'}
tensMapping = {'0':'', '2':' Twenty', '3':' Thirty', '4':'
Forty', '5':' Fifty', '6':' Sixty', '7':' Seventy', '8':'
Eighty', '9':' Ninety'}
teensMapping = {'10':' Ten', '11':' Eleven', '12':' Twelve',
'13':' Thirteen', '14':' Fourteen', '15':' Fifteen', '16':'
Sixteen', '17':' Seventeen', '18':' Eighteen', '19':' Nineteen'}
# Getting the length of number
numLength = len(userInput)
numText = ''
# Getting the digits for each place value
units = userInput[numLength - 1] if numLength >= 1 else '0'
tens = userInput[numLength - 2] if numLength >= 2 else '0'
hundreds = userInput[numLength - 3] if numLength >= 3 else '0'
This comment block is to be replaced
with code in Part 2
Leave it as it is now
#Printing the hundreds
if (hundreds != '0'):
numText = numText + unitsMapping[hundreds] + ' Hundred'
#Adding "and" where necessary
if (int(userInput) > 99 and int(userInput)%100 != 0):
numText = numText + ' and'
#Printing the tens
if (tens == '1'):
numText = numText + teensMapping[tens+units]
elif (tens == '0'):
numText = numText + unitsMapping[units]
numText = numText + tensMapping[tens] + unitsMapping[units]
#Returning the resulting string
return numText
# Getting user's input
userInput = input('Enter an integer smaller than 1000: ')
while True:
userNum = int(userInput)
if userNum > 999:
userInput = input('Number is too big. Enter an integer
smaller than 1000: ')
except ValueError:
userInput = input('You did not enter an integer. Enter an
integer smaller than 1000: ')
# Calling the printText() function

Run Through
In the code above, we start by defining a function called printText() that
has one parameter - userInput.
Within this function, we initialize three dictionaries: unitsMapping,
tensMapping and teensMapping.
The unitsMapping dictionary maps digits to their English equivalents. For
instance, '3' is mapped to ' Three'. The only exception is '0', which is
mapped to an empty string. A space is added before the English spelling of
each digit as we always add a space to separate words in our English
Next, let's look at the tensMapping dictionary. This dictionary maps the tens
digits (except when the tens digit is 0 or 1) to their English spelling.
For instance, if the number is 24, the tens digit is 2.
The tensMapping dictionary maps the string '2' to ' Twenty'.
Finally, the last dictionary is the teensMapping dictionary. This dictionary
maps numbers between 10 to 19 (inclusive) to their English equivalents (with
space added).
After we finish creating the dictionaries, we use the len() function to get the
length of userInput. This length will tell us whether userInput is a one
digit, two digits or three digits number.
We also initialize a variable called numText as an empty string. numText will
be used to store the English spelling of our number.
Next, we use three inline if statements to extract the digits in userInput.
Note that userInput is a string. In Python, we can treat strings as lists of
characters when assessing them.
For instance, if userInput = '327', we can access the individual characters
in userInput as follows:
userInput[0] = '3'
userInput[1] = '2'
userInput[2] = '7'

As numLength equals 3 in the example above,

userInput[numLength - 1] = userInput[2] = '7'

In other words, userInput[numLength – 1] gives us the units digit.

Similarly, userInput[numLength – 2] gives us the tens digit and
userInput[numLength – 3] gives us the hundreds digit.
After extracting the digits, we are ready to use the dictionaries to map them to
their respective English spellings.
The mapping for the digit in the hundreds place is quite straightforward.
The '3' in '327' is mapped to ' Three' and concatenated with ' Hundred'
to give us ' Three Hundred'.
Next, we determine if we need to add the string ' and' to numText. We need
to do that if the number is greater than 99 and not a multiple of 100
(userInput%100 != 0).
For instance, if the number is 482, we need to add ' and' as the number is
read as “Four Hundred and Eighty Two”.
On the other hand, if the number is 82, we do not need ' and' as the number is
read as “Eighty Two”. Similarly, if the number is 300, we do not need ' and'
as it'll just be “Three Hundred”.
After deciding if we need to add ' and', we move on to map the digits in the
tens and units places. This is more tricky.
If the digit in the tens place is '1' (e.g. '315') , we need to concatenate the
tens digit with the units digit (tens + units) to get '15' and use the
teensMapping dictionary to get the English spelling
We then concatenate this with numText (which currently has the English
spelling of the hundreds digit) and assign it back to numText.
On the other hand, if the digit in the tens place is '0' (e.g. '305'), we only
need to map the units digit (unitsMapping[units]) and concatenate it with

Last but not least, if the tens digit is not '0' or '1', we need to map the tens
digit and the units digit using the tensMapping and unitsMapping
dictionaries separately and concatenate them with numText.
With that, the function is almost complete, we simply need to return the value
of numText.
Now we are ready to call the function and print out the result.
We first prompt the user to enter an integer smaller than one thousand.
We then use a while True loop to try casting the user's input into an integer.
A while True loop is basically a loop that runs indefinitely. This is because
writing while True is equivalent to writing something like while 1==1.
Since 1 always equals 1, the while condition will never evaluate to False.
Hence, the loop will run indefinitely.
If we are unable to cast the user's input into an integer, the except
ValueError block will be executed and the user will be prompted to enter an
integer again. This is done repeatedly until we get an integer.
Once we get an integer, the try block checks if the integer is greater than
999. If it is, we prompt the user to enter an integer again. If it is not, we have
gotten a valid input and can exit the while True loop. To exit the loop, we
use the break statement.
Once we break out of the while True loop, we simply call the printText()
However, as the string returned by the printText() function
(printText(userInput)) has a space before the first word, we need to use
the built-in string method strip() to strip this space first
Once that is done, we pass the result to the print() function to print it out.
Clear? Try running the code yourself to see how it works before moving on
to Part 2.

Spelling out Numbers Part 2

In Part 1 of this project, we learned to spell numbers that are smaller than
In this second part, we are going to spell numbers up to 999,999 (i.e. any
integer smaller than 1,000,000).
Try modifying your solution for Part 1 to allow the program to spell up to
999,999. For instance, if the user keys in 123456, the program should display
One Hundred and Twenty Three Thousand Four Hundred and Fifty Six

Suggested Solution
In the solution presented below, we’ll modify our program in Part 1 using a
concept known as recursion. This allows us to solve the new problem by
adding only a few more lines of code to the previous solution.
Before we present our solution, let's look at what recursion means.
Simply stated, recursion refers to a function calling itself during its execution.
Let's look at an example.
1 def factorial(n):
2 if (n == 1):
3 return 1
4 else:
5 return n*factorial(n-1)

This example shows a function that is used to calculate the factorial of a

number (line numbers are not part of the code and are added for reference
purpose only).
Recall that we wrote a function to calculate factorial in Chapter 6 Question
26? This is an alternative and much shorter method to achieve the same
You can see that this function is calling itself on line 5 with the argument n-

Let's look at a concrete example of how this works. Suppose we want to find
the value of 4!.
To do that, we call the factorial() function as follows:
result = factorial(4)

Here, we pass in 4 as the argument.

As 4 does not equal 1, the function skips lines 2 and 3 and goes on to execute
lines 4 and 5.
When it reaches line 5, it has to return 4*factorial(3).
In other words, it has to execute the factorial() function again, with 3 as
the argument this time.
When it does that (i.e. when it evaluates factorial(3)), the function skips
lines 2 and 3 again (as 3 does not equal 1) and goes on to execute lines 4 and
When it reaches line 5, it has to return 3*factorial(2). This means that it
has to execute the factorial() function yet again, with 2 as the argument
this time.
This keeps repeating as shown in the manner below:
= 4*factorial(3)
= 4*3*factorial(2)
= 4*3*2*factorial(1)

When it finally reaches 4*3*2*factorial(1), something different happens.

As the argument to the factorial() function is now 1, the function no longer
executes line 5.
In other words, it stops calling itself. Instead, it executes lines 2 and 3 and
returns the number 1.
Hence, 4*3*2*factorial(1) becomes 4*3*2*1, which is the answer that we
As you can see, a recursive function will keep calling itself until a certain
condition is met. In our example, the condition is when the argument is 1 (n
== 1). This is known as the base case of the function. A base case is a case
that ends the recursion.
Clear? Good!
Now that we understand recursion, let's go back to our project.
Let's analyze how we spell a number greater than 999. Suppose we want to
spell 123456.
We spell it as “One Hundred and Twenty Three Thousand Four Hundred and
Fifty Six”.
Notice that the first three digits (123) can be spelled using the printText()
function we wrote in Part 1?
This makes it a perfect case for us to use recursion.
We can call the printText() function within the printText() function itself
to help us spell the digits in the thousands place.
Let's look at how we implement this.
We need to make some modifications to the previous printText() function.
Replace the comment block
This comment block is to be replaced
with code in Part 2
Leave it as it is now

in the printText() function with the code below:

thousands = userInput[:numLength - 3] if numLength > 3 else
#Printing the thousands
if (thousands != '0'):
numText = printText(thousands) + ' Thousand'

Here, we first use a slice ([:numLength - 3]) to get the digits in the
thousands place.
Suppose the number is '123456'. The slice [:numLength – 3] becomes [
:3] as numLength equals 6.

This gives us the 1st, 2nd and 3rd elements of the list. In other words, we get
'123', which are the digits in the thousands place.
After we get the digits that we want, we add an if statement to execute the
This if statement runs only if we have digits in the thousands place.
In our example, as thousands = '123', the if statement will run.
This statement evaluates printText('123') and concatenates the result with
' Thousand'.

With that, the modification to the printText() function is complete.

Next, we need to modify the while True loop to allow users to input
numbers greater than 999.
To do that, change
if userNum > 999:

if userNum > 999999:

Next, modify the instructions for the input() function to prompt users to
enter an integer smaller than 1000000 (instead of 1000). We need to modify
the instructions thrice as we called the input() function thrice.
That's it! You can now try running the function and enter numbers greater
than 999. Everything will work as expected.
Project 2
Finding nth term of sequences
For this project, we are going to write a program to help us generate formulas
for finding the nth term of linear and quadratic number sequences.

Linear Sequences
A linear sequence is one where the difference between successive terms is
always the same. This difference is known as the common difference.
For instance, consider the sequence 3, 7, 11, 15...
The difference between successive terms is constant:
11 – 7 = 4
15 – 11 = 4
Our job is to generate the formula for getting the nth term of any given linear
sequence so that we do not have to keep adding the common difference to get
the term that we want.
For instance, for the sequence above, the nth term (denoted by Tn) is given by
the formula
Tn = 4n – 1

To get the 6th term (denoted by T6), we simply substitute n = 6 into the
formula (T6 = 4*6 – 1) to get 23 instead of having to add 4 twice from the 4th
term (15 + 4 + 4 = 23).
So how did we get the formula above?
The nth term of any linear sequence is given by the formula Tn = an + b,
where n refers to the term number (e.g. for the 5th term, n = 5). We need to
figure out the values of a and b, which is different for each linear sequence.
To get the value of a, we subtract the first term from the second term. In other
a = Second Term – First Term
To get b, we subtract a from the first term. In other words,
b = First Term – a
I'll skip the math behind these formulas as we do not need to know the math
for our coding purpose.
Clear about linear sequences?

Quadratic Sequences
Good! Let's move on to quadratic sequences.
A quadratic sequence is a sequence where the difference between successive
differences is constant.
Confused? Let's consider the sequence 2, 9, 18, 29, 42...
The difference between successive terms is not constant:
18 - 9 = 9
29 - 18 = 11
42 - 29 = 13
However, the difference between successive differences is constant:
11 - 9 = 2
13 - 11 = 2
This difference is known as the second difference. A quadratic sequence is
one that has a constant second difference.
The formula for the nth term of a quadratic sequence is given by Tn = an2 + bn
+ c, where n refers to the term number.
The formulas for finding a, b and c are
a = (First term + Third term - 2*Second term)/2
b = (8*Second term - 5*First term - 3*Third term)/2
c = 3*First term - 3*Second term + Third term
Our task for this project is to write a program that does the following:

1. Read from a .txt file (sequences.txt) and convert each line in the file into
a list of integers. If the line cannot be converted, display an appropriate
message to inform the user.
2. If the line can be converted, check if the list is a linear or quadratic
3. If it is either a linear or quadratic sequence, derive the formula for the nth
term and print out the formula.
4. If it is not a linear or quadratic sequence, display an appropriate message
to inform the user.

The sequences.txt file contains the following content:
1, 3, 5, 7
1, 3, 6, 10
1, a, c, d
1, 4
5, 8, 1.2, 4.1
2, 9, 18, 29, 42
3, 6, 8, 10, 12
You can do it using any approach you like.
The suggested solution below uses object oriented programming to illustrate
how to use classes in our programs. It'll also demonstrate how to use abstract
methods in our classes. Note that the code uses Python 3.4 and above. Hence,
it will not work properly if you try to run it on a version older than Python

Suggested Solution
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod

class Sequence(ABC):
def __init__(self):
self._numberList = []
def __str__(self):
return '\nSequence = %s' %(self._numberList)

def findFormula(self):
def numberList(self):
return self._numberList

def numberList(self, value):
if all(isinstance(x, int) for x in value):
self._numberList = value
print('\n%s is not a linear/quadratic sequence'%(value))

class Quadratic(Sequence):
def __init__(self):

def __str__(self):
return super().__str__() + '\nThis is a quadratic sequence'
def findFormula(self):
a = (self.numberList[0] + self.numberList[2] - 2*self.numberList[1])/2
b = (8*self.numberList[1] - 5*self.numberList[0] - 3*self.numberList[2])/2
c = 3*self.numberList[0] - 3*self.numberList[1] + self.numberList[2]
return ('T(n) = %sn^2 + %sn + %s' %(a, b, c)).replace('+ -', '- ')

class Linear(Sequence):
def __init__(self):
def __str__(self):
return super().__str__() + '\nThis is a linear sequence'

def findFormula(self):
a = (self.numberList[1] - self.numberList[0])
b = (self.numberList[0] - a)
return ('T(n) = %sn + %s' %(a, b)).replace('+ -', '- ')

import sequencesolver

def getList(sequence):
list1 = sequence.split(',')
sequenceList = list(map(int, list1))
return sequenceList
return -1
def isQuad(numberList):
if len(numberList)>=4:
diff = numberList[2]-2*numberList[1]+numberList[0]
for i in range(1, len(numberList)-2):
if (numberList[i+2]-2*numberList[i+1]+numberList[i] != diff):
return False
return True
return False
def isLinear(numberList):
if len(numberList)>=3:
diff = numberList[1]-numberList[0]
for i in range(1, len(numberList)-1):
if (numberList[i+1]-numberList[i] != diff):
return False
return True
return False

quad = sequencesolver.Quadratic()
linear = sequencesolver.Linear()
f = open ('sequences.txt', 'r')

for line in f:
myList = getList(line)
if (myList == -1):
print('\n[%s] is not a linear/quadratic sequence' %(line.strip()))
if isLinear(myList):
linear.numberList = myList
elif isQuad(myList):
quad.numberList = myList
print('\n[%s] is not a linear/quadratic sequence' %(line.strip()))

Run Through
The sequencesolver.py file starts by importing ABC and abstractmethod from
the abc module.
abc stands for “abstract base classes” and is a built-in module that provides
the infrastructure for defining abstract classes in Python.
Don't worry about what abstract classes are at the moment. We'll come back
to them very soon.
After importing the module, we declare a class called Sequence that inherits
from the ABC class. The ABC class is included in the abc module and is used to
create an abstract class.
So what is an abstract class?
Simply put, an abstract class is a parent class that contains an abstract
method. An abstract method is a method that has no body and must be
implemented in the derived class. Abstract classes cannot be instantiated.
Confused? Let's start with a simple example of an abstract class.
Suppose we have a class called Pets and intend to derive three subclasses –
Dogs, Cats and Rabbits – from this class.

We want all three subclasses to have a method for displaying the vaccination
requirements of the pet. How can we enforce that?
We can declare an abstract method called displayVaccination() in the
parent class (Pets).
When we do that, we are indicating that we want any subclass derived from
the Pets class to implement this method. If the subclass does not implement
the method, it cannot be instantiated.
Note that we do not need to implement the abstract method in the parent class
(Pets) itself. This makes sense as “pets” is an abstract concept and different
types of pets have different vaccination requirements. Hence, we cannot
display the requirements of a “pet” per se.
In order to indicate that a parent class is an abstract class, it has to inherit the
ABC class. In our code, the Sequence class inherits the ABC class.

It has one abstract method called findFormula(). To indicate that

findFormula() is an abstract method, we have to add the @abstractmethod
decorator before it.
Within the method, we did not add any code to it except for the pass
statement. This statement is kind of like a dummy statement. It does nothing
other than to satisfy a syntax requirement.
This is because Python expects us to add an indented block after we declare a
method. If we do not do that, Python will give us an error that says “expected
an indented block”.
To prevent that, we just have to add the pass statement.
Alternatively, we can also add an indented comment as shown below:
def findFormula(self):
'Implement in subclasses'

Besides declaring the findFormula() method, we also coded the __init__

and __str__ methods for the Sequence class.
The __init__ method initializes the instance variable _numberList to an
empty list and the __str__ method returns a string representation of the class.
Next, we added a property for the instance variable _numberList.
The setter method uses the all() function to check if value is a list of
The argument
isinstance(x, int) for x in value

loops through value (using for x in value) and uses the built-in Python
function isinstance() to check if x is an integer.
We pass this argument to the all() function.
The all() function is another built-in Python function that returns True if
isinstance() returns True for all values of x.

This is the easiest way to check if all elements in a list are integers.
Alternatively, we can loop through and check the list ourselves using the
code below:
allIntegers = True
for x in value:
if (isinstance(x, int) == False):
allIntegers = False
if (allIntegers):
#Do something

This achieves the same result but is a longer way to do it.

After we verify that all elements in value are integers, we assign value to the
instance variable _numberList using the statement
self._numberList = value

On the other hand, if value is not a list of integers, we print a message to

notify the user that the input is not a sequence.
With that, our Sequence class is complete.
Next, we declare two subclasses – Linear and Quadratic – that derive from
the Sequence class. These two subclasses implement the findFormula()
method according to the formulas given in the project description above.
Once that is done, the sequencesolver.py file is complete.
Now we need to create another file called main.py and import the three
classes (Sequence, Linear and Quadratic) using the statement
import sequencesolver

We then declare three functions – getList(), isQuad() and isLinear().

The getList() function has one parameter – sequence.
Inside the function, we use a try-except statement to perform the following
First, we use the built-in Python method split() to split sequence into a list
of substrings, using ',' as a delimiter. We assign the resulting list to list1.
Next, we use the map() function to convert list1 (which is a list of strings)
into a list of integers.
The map() function is a built-in Python function that applies a function to all
the elements of an iterable (such as a list). It accepts the names of the
function and the iterable as arguments and returns the result as a map object.
Here, we use the map() function (map(int, list1))) to apply the int()
function to all elements in list1.
As the map() function returns a map object, we use the built-in list()
function to convert it into a list.
As you can see, the map() function is a convenient way to cast all the
elements of a list into integers.
Alternatively, if we do not use the map() function, we can also do it as
sequenceList = []
for x in list1:

This is a slightly longer way to achieve the same result.

After we get the input as a list of integers, we return the list. If any of the
steps above fails, our try block generates an error and we return -1 as the
result. With that, the getList() function is complete.
The next function is the isQuad() function. This function has one parameter
numberList and checks if numberList contains a quadratic sequence.

In order to do that, let's consider the following quadratic sequence: 2, 9, 18,

29, 42...
A sequence is quadratic if the second difference is constant.
In other words, we need to check the second differences for all the numbers
in the sequence.
For the first three numbers in the sequence above, we can calculate the
second difference as follows:
18 – 9 = 9
Second Difference = 9 – 7 = 2
For the 2nd to 4th number, we calculate it as follows:
18 – 9 = 9
29 – 18 = 11
Second Difference = 11 – 9 = 2
From these two examples, we can derive a formula for getting all the second
differences in the sequence.
Suppose we have a list called num. We can get the 1st second difference by
num[1] – num[0]
num[2] – num[1]

In other words,
The 1st second difference
= (num[2] – num[1]) - (num[1] – num[0])
= num[2] – 2*num[1] + num[0]

For any element at index i, we can generalize the equation as:

Second difference
= num[i+2] – 2*num[i+1] + num[i]

Let's consider the isQuad() function shown below (line numbers are added
for reference):
1 def isQuad(numberList):
2 if len(numberList)>=4:

3 diff = numberList[2]-2*numberList[1] + numberList[0]

4 for i in range(1, len(numberList)-2):

5 if (numberList[i+2] - 2* numberList[i+1] + numberList[i] != diff):

6 return False
7 return True

8 else:
9 return False

In our isQuad() function, we first check if numberList has at least 4

elements (line 2). Without 4 elements, we will not be able to determine if the
second difference is constant.
If numberList has less than 4 elements, we return False (lines 8 and 9). Else,
we do the following (lines 3 to 7):
We first use the first three elements to get the 1st second difference and assign
this to a variable called diff (line 3).
Next, we loop through the list (line 4) to check if any of the subsequent
second differences differ from diff (line 5).
If any of them does, the sequence is not a quadratic sequence and we return
False (line 6).

After looping through the entire list, if we do not find any second difference
that differs from diff, we return True (line 7).
With that, the isQuad() function is complete and we move on to the
isLinear() function.

The isLinear() function is much easier to code because the difference can
be calculated by subtracting any number from the next number in the
For instance, if the sequence is 4, 7, 10, 13...
We calculate the difference by subtracting 4 from 7 (7 - 4 = 3) or 7 from 10
or 10 from 13.
Other than that, the isLinear() function follows the same logic as the
isQuad() function.

Once we finish coding the three functions, we can start generating our
We first instantiate a Quadratic object called quad and a Linear object
called linear.
Next, we open the sequences.txt file and loop through it line by line. Each
line is read in as a string.
We then use the getList() function to convert the string into a list of
If we are unable to convert the string into a list of integers (myList == -1),
we inform the user that the string is not a sequence.
Else, we use the isLinear() and isQuad() functions to check if myList is a
linear or quadratic sequence.
If it is a linear sequence, we assign myList to the numberList variable of
linear and use the print() function to print a string representation of the
Next, we use the instance to call the findFormula() method. This gives us
the nth term formula as a string. We pass the resulting string to the print()
function to print the formula.
On the other hand, if myList is a quadratic sequence, we do the same as
above using the Quadratic object quad.
Finally, if myList is neither linear nor quadratic, we inform the user.
With that, the program is almost done. Once we finish looping through the
file, we simply close it using the close() function.
If you run the program, you'll get the following output:
Sequence = [1, 3, 5, 7]
This is a linear sequence
T(n) = 2n - 1
Sequence = [1, 3, 6, 10]
This is a quadratic sequence
T(n) = 0.5n^2 + 0.5n + 0
[1, a, c, d] is not a linear/quadratic sequence
[1, 4] is not a linear/quadratic sequence
[5, 8, 1.2, 4.1] is not a linear/quadratic sequence
Sequence = [2, 9, 18, 29, 42]
This is a quadratic sequence
T(n) = 1.0n^2 + 4.0n - 3
[3, 6, 8, 10, 12] is not a linear/quadratic sequence

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