Biomimetic Artificial Water Channel Membranes For Enhanced Desalination
Biomimetic Artificial Water Channel Membranes For Enhanced Desalination
Biomimetic Artificial Water Channel Membranes For Enhanced Desalination
Inspired by biological proteins, artificial water channels (AWCs) can be used to overcome the performances of traditional desali-
nation membranes. Their rational incorporation in composite polyamide provides an example of biomimetic membranes applied
under representative reverse osmosis desalination conditions with an intrinsically high water-to-salt permeability ratio. The
hybrid polyamide presents larger voids and seamlessly incorporates I–quartet AWCs for highly selective transport of water.
These biomimetic membranes can be easily scaled for industrial standards (>m2), provide 99.5% rejection of NaCl or 91.4%
rejection of boron, with a water flux of 75 l m−2 h−1 at 65 bar and 35,000 ppm NaCl feed solution, representative of seawater
desalination. This flux is more than 75% higher than that observed with current state-of-the-art membranes with equivalent
solute rejection, translating into an equivalent reduction of the membrane area for the same water output and a roughly 12%
reduction of the required energy for desalination.
ater scarcity is one of the important challenges of our the creative strategies for addressing such scale-up challenges is to
time1,2. Membrane-based technologies have a tremen- combine the PA material, known for its scalability via the integra-
dous role in addressing this challenge by allowing effi- tion within a typical roll-to-roll processing system, with the highly
cient water purification and desalination3. Desalination membranes permeable and selective AWCs. The key challenge in the construc-
allowing the transport of water while rejecting solutes are used in tion of such a hybrid material is the required adaptive gentle inter-
seawater reverse osmosis and brackish water reverse osmosis. action between PA and water channels, preventing the formation
Thin-film composite (TFC) polyamide (PA) membranes pre- of defects.
pared via interfacial polymerization (IP), have served as standard Herein, we report the incorporation of AWCs within scalable
for seawater reverse osmosis and brackish water reverse osmosis biomimetic membranes that outperform the classical reverse osmo-
over the last 40 years4. The control of the film morphology5–7 or the sis membranes. The new strategy leads to a greater fundamental
incorporation of nanofillers8–10 have both been shown to increase understanding of how incorporation of AWCs, starting from their
water permeability while generally leading to lower selectivity, as colloidal self-assembled superstructures, can be optimized at the
the resulting defects in the active layer affect the solute retention. nanoscale to facilitate the selective transport of water mainly occur-
To overcome the selectivity-permeance trade-off while keeping a ring through channels. One novelty here is related to the identifi-
water permeance of at least 2–4 l m−2 h−1 bar−1 (ref. 11), completely cation of unexpected sponge-like superstructures of the hybrid
new approaches would be required. PA–AWC materials. Moreover, all other selective channels or mate-
Biological aquaporins12,13 exhibiting high water permeability and rials previously reported in the literature23–27 remain applicable in
total ionic rejection, have been embedded in artificial bio-assisted principle, while the biomimetic membranes reported here have
membranes. Nonetheless, there are many challenges to over- been tested and applied under seawater desalination conditions
come with the goal to preserve their activity at high-salinity and with representative pressure and crossflow conditions of full-scale
high-pressure conditions, or to obtain high-density aquaporin-based systems. The relatively straightforward quantification of biomi-
membranes14. Parallel to these investigations, straightforward metic imidazole-quartet, I–quartet AWCs, relevant to subsequently
synthetic biomimetic artificial water channels (AWCs) have been construct reverse osmosis membranes on a larger scale based on
proposed15,16. The development of AWCs17–21 has increased the pros- such probes, is a particularly important strategy.
pect of using these materials in desalination technologies, since
their structure can be tuned to control the water translocation in Kinetic formation of AWC–PA membranes prepared via IP
a biomimetic fashion22 with near-perfect selectivity23. Flat-sheet Our fabrication strategy of AWC–PA layers is adding one
films (>cm2) embedding graphene, carbon nanotubes24–26 or pil- preliminary step to the conventional IP4 method (Fig. 1a):
lar[5]arenes27 have led to large improvements in water permeance Hexylureido-ethyl-imidazole (HC6) was dissolved in a ethanolic
(20–65 l m−2 h−1 bar−1), but their salt rejection is typically limited aqueous solution, followed by sonication to obtain a colloidal AWC
with little interest for seawater desalination. These results are related aggregate that was dispersed onto the active surface of a commer-
to important scale-up challenges in translating molecular transport cial polysulfone (PSf) support before starting the traditional IP
to performant metre-scale membranes. We postulate that one of procedure. During the IP, the AWCs can produce highly dispersed
Institut Européen des Membranes, Adaptive Supramolecular, Nanosystems Group, University of Montpellier, ENSCM, CNRS, Montpellier, France.
Department of Environment, Land and Infrastructure Engineering, Politecnico di Torino, Turin, Italy. 3King Abdullah University of Science and Technology,
Biological and Environmental Science and Engineering Division, Advanced Membranes and Porous Materials Center, Thuwal, Saudi Arabia. 4King Abdullah
University of Science and Technology, Core Laboratories, Thuwal, Saudi Arabia. 5Lehn Institute of Functional Materials, School of Chemistry, Sun Yat-Sen
University, Guangzhou, China. ✉e-mail: [email protected]
Colloidal AWC–MPD
sponge crystals C
Nanoscale self-assembly
b d e
c f g
Fig. 1 | Membrane preparation and SEM characterization. a, Synthetic procedure to obtain the biomimetic TFC–HC6 membrane and hypothetical
mechanism: impregnation 1 of the PSf ultrafiltration support with an aqueous/ethanolic solution of HC6, followed by the impregnation 2 with an aqueous
solution of MPD monomer and then the impregnation 3 with a hexane solution of TMC monomer to begin to the IP and obtain the composite PA TFC–HC6
membranes incorporating AWCs. b,c, Representative SEM micrographs of cross-sectional (b) and top view (c) of the uppermost layer of TFC–HC6 films.
Magnification, S-4,800 ×100.0 k. Scale bars, 300 nm. d–g, SEM micrographs of cross-sectional (d,f) and of the surface (e,g) showing compact structures of
control TFC membranes (d,e) and the formation of large voids at the PSf–PA interface of TFC–HC6 membranes (f,g). The elemental analysis was performed
for each membrane by using EDX. Magnification, S-4,800 ×50.0 k in d,f; S-4,800 ×25.0 k in e,g. Scale bars, 600 nm in d,f; 1,200 nm in e,g.
crystalline phases that are probably cross-linked with growing PA 0.1 w/w% solution of trimesoyl chloride (TMC) monomer during
oligomers into hybrid nanoparticles of 30–40 nm in diameter and the ensuing IP; the membranes thus formed are referred to as ‘opti-
integrated into the PA after a controlled aggregation/crystallization mized TFC–HC6 membranes’. The reference TFC membranes were
process. The morphology of the layer depends on the density of the prepared with the same procedure.
AWC nanoparticles interacting with the surrounding PA matrix. To gain insight into the mechanism of formation of colloi-
To improve the homogeneity of the AWCs distribution, different dal aggregates, we monitored different samples using dynamic
IP protocols were investigated. In the best procedure, the AWC light scattering (DLS). When 0.2 ml of water was added to a 1-ml
solution was left to sit on the PSf for 60 s and a 2 w/w% solution of ethanolic solution of 0.5% HC6, a reversible formation of aggre-
m-phenylenediamine (MPD) monomer was made to react with a gates (Dh = 600–800 nm) was observed, which was followed by a
a b
PA ridge-and-valley
PSf suport
e f
Fig. 2 | Morphological TEM characterization of the membranes. a,b, TEM cross-sectional images of the pristine PA on porous PSf support (a) and detail
of the top layer (b) of the TFC–HC6 membrane with high magnification (membranes stained with OsO4). Scale bars, 200 nm. c, 3D reconstruction TEM
tomography of TFC–HC6 membrane in different tilting angles. d, Instantaneous screen shots of TFC–HC6 membrane tomography at a fixed angle: the
PA layer formed on the surface of the PSf porous support (not visible) is marked in green. The less dense grey brighter spots, which could correspond to
the AWCs–PA nanoparticles are marked in purple and represent an occupied relative volume of 20%. Scale bar, 200 nm. e,f, Schematic representations
of the selective transport of water (blue spheres) versus ions (green and red spheres) across compact pristine TFC (e) and AWC-embedded TFC–HC6
membranes with a larger surface area (f).
TFC membrane
20 99.6 Control TFC
with HC6
0 0 99.5
1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
Water permeance (l m–2 h–1 bar–1) Water permeance (l m–2 h–1 bar–1)
d e f
100 10 100.0
Obs. rej. Feed: brackish water Optimized TFC
90 95.0% ΔP = 18 bar Optimized TFC membrane
membrane 99.8
with HC6
80 8
Inverse solute permeability
with HC6
Measured flux (l m–2 h–1)
brackish water
TFC with
membrane membrane
10 membrane
0 0
Commercial 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
brackish water
Water permeance (l m–2 h–1 bar–1) Water permeance (l m–2 h–1 bar–1)
Fig. 3 | Performance of the membranes in the desalination of seawater and brackish water. a–c, Seawater. d–f, Brackish water. a,d, Experimental water
flux and observed solute rejection of control TFC membranes, commercial membranes and TFC–HC6 membranes incorporating AWCs at 0% recovery.
The filtration conditions were: 65 bar applied pressure with 35,000 ppm NaCl feed solution at pH 8 for seawater desalination; 18 bar applied pressure
with 5,800 ppm of NaCl feed solution at pH 7 for brackish water desalination. b,e, Selectivity–productivity trade-off graphs plotting the inverse solute
permeability coefficient of the membranes as a function of their respective water permeance; the solid line depicts the proposed TFC upper bound
relationship. c,f, Calculated real rejection of the membranes as a function of respective water permeance. The feed solution temperature in all the tests was
27 ± 1 °C. Obs. rej., observed rejection.
redispersion via ultra-sonication for 15 min. (Supplementary of the two minor (<10%) polymorphs (2θ = 3.62° or 4.09° (100))
Fig. 2a). Small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) profiles provided (Supplementary Fig. 6).
information and confirmed that, no structures smaller than 150 nm The match between the distances of the ordered rows observed
were detected for diluted HC6 (Supplementary Fig. 3). For more in the transmission electron microscopy (TEM) micrograph and
concentrated solutions of 1.0–2.0% HC6, smaller aggregates the periodicity of lamellar sheets in X-ray single crystal struc-
(Dh = 70–200 nm) were observed after adding 2–6 ml of water to ture indicates that the nanoparticles have a crystalline layered
1 ml of HC6 ethanolic solution, without any visible precipitation arrangement of I-quartets. We propose that this phenomenon
(Supplementary Fig. 2b,c). Smaller aggregates (Dh = 70 nm) were occurs in the first step of membrane synthesis when the solution
obtained when a 2 w/w% aqueous solution of MPD was used instead is poured on the surface of the PSf support. Subsequently, the IP
of pure water (Dh = 200 nm), reminiscent of H bonding between procedure entails the contact of the support with an aqueous solu-
colloidal aggregates of AWC and MPD (Supplementary Table 1). tion of MPD and aggregated phases of AWC–MPD are formed.
Additional SAXS experiments performed on samples of 1% HC6 in Specifically, a heterogeneous nucleation is promoted by H bond-
5:1 ethanol:water, on addition of water to shift the ratio to 1:1 indi- ing between MPD and colloidal AWC, as shown by DLS analysis.
cate the presence of mass-fractal structures with a roughly 15-nm We did not observe a massive crystallization process, indicating
radius of gyration and Porod slope around three (Supplementary that this colloidal solution does not form an solid interlayer as
Table 2 and Fig. 4). These conditions simulate those corresponding previously observed for other solid carbon nanotubes, graphene
to the best results for the nanoaggregates formation and IP mem- oxide or metal–organic frameworks fillers28. Then, the membrane
brane preparation in this study. is immersed in the TMC hexane solution where the IP between
To better explain the hybrid particles formation and their inte- MPD and TMC occurs roughly 10 s at the organic phase side of the
gration into PA, it is important to consider their nano-crystallization interface. In this step, the diffusion of the preformed AWC or MPD
from water and ethanol solutions. The X-ray powder diffraction colloids to the organic phase is disfavoured compared with the dif-
patterns of bulk crystalline powders obtained from colloidal sus- fusion of MPD molecules, but they may interact with growing PA
pensions are indicative of lamellar phases, with the main diffraction segments via H bonding. This process results in the formation of
peaks at 2θ = 3.46° (100), 6.95° (200) and 8.04° (300), corresponding cross-linked hybrid AWC–PA nanoparticles. They are embedded
to interplanar distances of 25.4, 12.5 and 8.4 Å, respectively20,22, and into the incipient PA layer formed on top and surrounding the
60 99.0 60
40 98.0 40
Permeate flux 2.4
30 97.5 30
(l m–2 h–1)
20 97.0 20 Retentate
–2 –1 –1 flow rate (m3 per h)
10 A = 2.45 l m h bar 96.5 10
(measured with ΔP = 65 bar)
0 96.0 0 1.6
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 20 30 40 50 60 70
Applied pressure (ΔP)
60 60 2 65.1
Long-term operation
specific energy = 69.8
Surfacant pH 11.5
4.66 kWh per m3
6 bar 15 min
As prepared
20 20
0.4 99.2
10 0.2 10 99.1
0 0 0 99.0
0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Cumulative permeate volume (l) Recovery (%)
Fig. 4 | Application of the membranes in typical seawater desalination operation. a,b, Experimental water flux, observed solute rejection, feed and
permeate stream concentrations as a function of recovery and cumulative permeate volume; here, the filtration conditions were: 65 bar applied pressure
with 35,000 ppm NaCl feed solution at pH 8 and a final recovery of 50%. A is the intrinsic water permeability. c,d, Validation of the vessel-scale model for
SW30XHR commercial membranes (c) and outcome of the application of the model for the commercial membranes (d) and for the TFC–HC6 membranes
incorporating AWCs; here, the profile of permeate flux within the vessel is plotted as a function of (solid lines) space, that is cumulative membrane area,
or (dashed lines) recovery rate. e, Experimental water permeance in tests comprising a stepwise increase followed by a stepwise decrease of applied
pressure. f, Experimental performance of membranes subjected to mechanical or chemical stress; here, the filtration conditions were: 65 bar applied
pressure with 35,000 ppm NaCl feed solution at pH 8 and recovery of 0%.
nanoparticles. The new type of hybrid material is therefore gen- a diameter of roughly 20–40 nm and are homogeneously enclosed
erated via a nucleation or IP mechanism, which is supported by (30–40 spots per 100 µm2) within the PA (Fig. 2b). The PA layer was
experimental results reported here. preferentially stained with OsO4 or RuO4 to improve the contrast of
Scanning electronic microscopy (SEM) showed the presence of the PA regions distributed around the brighter spots, which appears
the sponge-like nanoparticles incorporated within the PA layer of darker or more grey in the TEM images of TFC (Fig. 2a) and TFC–
TFC–HC6 membranes (Fig. 1b,c), while they were not observed for HC6 membranes (Fig. 2b). These areas are also clearly visible in the
pristine membrane TFC. Close inspection of the SEM cross-sections RuO4 stained two-dimensional images (Supplementary Fig. 7) and
and membrane surfaces (Fig. 1e,g) reveals a typical ridge-and-valley tomography (Supplementary Fig. 8) TEM images.
surface morphology28–31. However, the features observed with the The presence of AWCs is corroborated by results obtained with
incorporation of AWC are clearly larger than those of the pristine attenuated total reflectance–Fourier transform infrared spectrom-
TFC membrane (Fig. 2d,e). This is also confirmed by atomic force etry (Supplementary Fig. 10) and energy dispersive X-ray (EDX)
microscopy results (Supplementary Fig. 5). The TEM confirmed spectrometry (Fig. 1e,g and Supplementary Table 3): (1) in addition
that, compared to reference pristine TFC layers (Fig. 2a), which to the vibrational bands of the PA of the TFC membrane, Fourier
have an homogeneous thickness of roughly 250 nm, the TFC–HC6 transform infrared spectra of TFC–HC6 contain the –CH2–,as
layers (Fig. 2b) have alternating thinner (around 250 nm) and and –CH2–,sym stretches in the range 2,750–2,957 cm−1, as well as
thicker (around 500 nm) layered regions, a morphology that might urea-NHC=O and imidazole stretches at 1,612 and 1,579 cm−1,
also contribute to a higher surface area. It is also clear that we have indicating the incorporation of the HC6 within PA; (2) the sharp
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