Sociology Organic Farming Climate Change and Soil Science Eric Lichtfouse 2024 Scribd Download
Sociology Organic Farming Climate Change and Soil Science Eric Lichtfouse 2024 Scribd Download
Sociology Organic Farming Climate Change and Soil Science Eric Lichtfouse 2024 Scribd Download
Climate Change The Science Impacts and Solutions Second
Edition A. Barrie Pittock
Sustainable Agriculture Reviews
Volume 3
Series Editor
Eric Lichtfouse
Cover illustration: Market in Uzbekistan. Cover picture was kindly provided by Dominique Millot,
Dijon, France. Copyright: Dominique Millot 2009.
vi Contents
Index.................................................................................................................. 465
Chapter 1
Society Issues, Painkiller Solutions,
Dependence and Sustainable Agriculture
Eric Lichtfouse
Abstract Here I tackle three major issues, climate change, financial crisis and
national security, to disclose the weak points of current remedies and propose sus-
tainable solutions. Global warming and the unexpected 2008 financial crisis will
undoubtedly impact all nations. Treating those two critical issues solely by pain-
killer solutions will fail because only adverse consequences are healed, not their
causes. Therefore, all sources of issues must be treated at the same time by enhanc-
ing collaboration between politicians and scientists. Furthermore, the adverse
consequences of globalisation of markets for energy, food and other goods have
been overlooked, thus deeply weakening the security of society structures in the
event of major breakdowns. Therefore, dependence among people, organisations
and nations must be redesigned and adapted to take into account ecological, social
and security impacts. Solving climate, financial and security issues can be done by
using tools and principles developed by agronomists because agronomy integrates
mechanisms occurring at various space and time levels. Agriculture is also a cen-
tral driver for solving most society issues because society has been founded by
agriculture, and agriculture is the activity that provides food, renewable energies
and materials to humans. I present a to-do list summarising the major practices
of sustainable agriculture based on about 100 recently published review articles.
The practices are agroforestry, allelopathy, aquaculture, beneficial microorgan-
isms and insects, biofertilisation, biofuels, biological control, biological nitrogen
fixation, breeding, carbon sequestration, conservation agriculture, crop rotation,
cover crops, decision support systems, grass strips, integrated pest management,
intercropping, irrigation, mechanical weed control, mulching, no tillage, organic
amendments, organic farming, phytoremediation, precision agriculture, seed
invigoration, sociology, soil restoration, suicidal germination, terracing, transgenic
crops, trap crops, and urban agriculture.
E. Lichtfouse (*)
INRA, Department of Environment and Agronomy, CMSE-PME, 17, rue Sully,
21000, Dijon, France
e-mail: [email protected]
E. Lichtfouse (ed.), Sociology, Organic Farming, Climate Change and Soil Science, 1
Sustainable Agriculture Reviews 3, DOI 10.1007/978-90-481-3333-8_1,
© Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2010
2 E. Lichtfouse
Mahatma Gandhi listed seven blunders of humanity: Wealth without work, Pleasure without
conscience, Commerce without morality, Worship without sacrifice, Politics without principles,
Knowledge without character, and Science without humanity.
Treating solely negative effects without treating sources will undoubtedly fail in
the long run. Therefore, I strongly advice politicians and other policy makers to
treat the source of the adverse effects. This can be done by closer collaboration
1 Society Issues, Painkiller Solutions, Dependence and Sustainable Agriculture 3
with scientists. It is indeed unacceptable that almost nothing has been done to
counteract global warming before 2007, knowing that the Nobel Prize winner
Svante Arrhenius has clearly predicted in 1896 – more than a century ago – that
temperature will rise of about +5°C as a result of fossil fuel burning (see
Lichtfouse 2009b and references therein). In the next section, I discuss depen-
dence, another critical and overlooked factor, and its implication on the security
of our society.
Globalisation of the market for food, fuels and other goods has undoubtedly
induced positive effects such as lowering prices and fostering collaborations
among citizens and nation. However, it has also induced serious dependence
problems such as a sharp increase of maize prices in Mexico following the fast-
rising use of maize as biofuels in northern countries. Another striking example is
the peak of petroleum prices that has impacted almost all nations. A recent failure
of the European electricity grid resulting in thousands of home without current for
several days further illustrates the weaknesses of global dependence. We also
know that crop control with pesticides is contaminating drinking water, even many
years after the ban of those pesticides (Barth et al. 2009), and so on. As a result,
though we live at a time of outstanding technology, the excess of dependence cre-
ated by wild globalisation has strongly weakened our society. In case of major
catastrophic events, the society structures were probably more secure 100 years
ago because most people were farmers, producing and consuming locally. The
fundamental sources of our actual society issues are evidenced in the visionary
article by Dr. Rattan Lal, entitled Tragedy of the global commons: soil, water and
air (Lal, 2009b).
Though this is a very sensitive topic because dependence is the basis of most
public and private organisations, the adverse effects of dependence have been
largely overlooked because benefits such as growth and profit have predominated
until now. Environmental, social and security impacts have indeed not been taken
into account. Therefore, we should rethink dependence. More specifically, the pro-
duction of food, fuels and other goods, their transportation and their selling should
be redesigned and controlled to lower dependence among people and nations. For
instance, producing and consuming food more locally will both reduce dependence
and decrease the ecological footprint of long-range transportation. Switching partly
to renewable, locally produced energies will also produce a similar positive effect.
Of course, less dependence does not mean no dependence and no collabora-
tion among people and nations. The degree of dependence should be adapted to
the nature of goods or energy, their transportation, selling, ecological footprint,
and social impact. Some goods may be distributed globally without weakening
the nations, others may not be so. Obviously, the southern, poorest nations
4 E. Lichtfouse
should be at the same time supplied with food and helped to produce their own
food and energy. Scientists and policy makers should therefore study, assess
and enforce the relevant level of goods circulation. Here, the tools developed by
agronomists to build sustainable farming systems should be particularly useful
because agriculture is the foundation of society (Lal, 2009c; Lichtfouse et al.
2009a). Agronomists are indeed experts at deciphering mechanisms occurring
at various scales, from the molecule to the global scale, and from seconds to
Agronomy should thus be used as a core tool to build a sustainable society.
Table 1.1 gathers the major practices of sustainable agriculture, and their main
benefits. It should thus help readers to build rapidly an overall vision of the current
innovative tools and approaches to build a sustainable world.
Table 1.1 Practices of sustainable agriculture. Most citations are review articles published in the
following books: Sustainable Agriculture (Lichtfouse et al. 2009b); Sustainable Agriculture
Reviews, vol 1 Organic farming, pest control and remediation of soil pollutants (Lichtfouse,
2009c); Sustainable Agriculture Reviews, vol 2 Climate change, intercropping, pest control and
beneficial microorganisms (Lichtfouse, 2009d); Sustainable Agriculture Reviews, vol 3 Sociology,
organic farming, climate change and soil science (Lichtfouse, 2009e, this volume)
Practices Benefits References
Agroforestry Carbon sequestration Carruba and Catalano (2009)
Homestead agroforestry Diversification Etchevers et al. (2009)
Disease control Lal (2009e)
Employment Malézieux et al. (2009)
Food security Miah and Hussein (2009)
Higher biodiversity Palaniappan et al. (2009)
Higher relative plant density Spiertz (2009)
Less soil erosion Zuazo and Pleguezuelo
Mitigate climate change (2009)
Nutrient recycling
Pest control
Water quality
Allelopathy Adaptation to climate change Aroca and Ruiz-Lozano
Biofumigation Decreasing costs (2009)
Biopesticides Drought tolerance Biesaga-Kocielniak and
Hormones Food security Filek (2009)
Plant growth regulators and Increase water uptake Farooq et al. (2009a, b)
other biochemicals Less pesticides Kalinova (2009)
Weed control Khan et al. (2009b)
Martínez-Ballesta et al.
Runyon et al. (2009)
Wu et al. (2009)
Aquaculture Diversification Palaniappan et al. (2009)
Food security
Recycling farm wastes
1 Society Issues, Painkiller Solutions, Dependence and Sustainable Agriculture 5
Lal R (2009e) Soils and food sufficiency. In: Lichtfouse E, Navarrete M, Debaeke P, Souchere
V, Alberola C (eds) Sustainable agriculture. Springer, pp 25–49. DOI 10.1007/978-90-481-
Lal R (2009f) Mother of necessity: the soil. In: Lichtouse E (ed) Sustainable agriculture reviews,
vol 1. Springer, pp 5–9. DOI 10.1007/978-1-4020-9654-9_2
Lamine C., Bellon S. (2009) Conversion to organic farming: a multidimensional research object at the
crossroads of agricultural and social sciences. A review. In: Lichtfouse E, Navarrete M, Debaeke
P, Souchere V, Alberola C (eds) Sustainable agriculture. Springer, pp 653–672. DOI 10.1007/978-
Latour X, Delorme S, Mirleau P, Lemanceau P (2009) Identification of traits implicated in the
rhizosphere competence of fluorescent pseudomonads: description of a strategy based on
population and model strain studies. A review. In: Lichtfouse E, Navarrete M, Debaeke P,
Souchere V, Alberola C (eds) Sustainable agriculture. Springer, pp 285–296. DOI 10.1007/978-
Lichtfouse E (2009a) Sustainable agriculture as a central science to solve global society issues. In:
Lichtouse E (ed) Sustainable agriculture reviews, vol 1. Springer, pp 1–4. DOI 10.1007/978-
Lichtfouse E (2009b) Climate change, society issues and sustainable agriculture. In: Lichtouse
E (ed) Sustainable agriculture reviews, vol 2. Springer, pp 1–7. DOI 10.1007/978-90-481-
Lichtfouse E (ed) (2009c) Sustainable agriculture reviews, vol 1. Organic farming, pest control
and remediation of soil pollutants. Springer. 418 p. DOI 10.1007/978-1-4020-9654-9
Lichtfouse E (ed) (2009d) Sustainable agriculture reviews, vol 2. Climate change, intercropping, pest
control and beneficial microorganisms. Springer. 513 p. DOI 10.1007/978-90-481-2716-0
Lichtfouse E (ed) (2009e) Sustainable agriculture reviews, vol 3. Sociology, organic farming,
climate change and soil science. Springer. In press
Lichtfouse E, Navarrete M, Debaeke P, Souchère V, Alberola C, Ménassieu J (2009a) Agronomy
for sustainable agriculture. A review. Agron Sustain Dev 29:1–6
Lichtfouse E, Navarrete M, Debaeke P, Souchere V, Alberola C (eds) (2009b) Sustainable agricul-
ture. Springer. 920 p. DOI 10.1007/978-90-481-2666-8
Malézieux E, Crozat Y, Dupraz C, Laurans M, Makowski D, Ozier-Lafontaine H, Rapidel B,
Tourdonnet S, Valantin-Morison M (2009) Mixing plant species in cropping systems: con-
cepts, tools and models. A review. In: Lichtfouse E, Navarrete M, Debaeke P, Souchere V,
Alberola C (eds) Sustainable agriculture. Springer, pp 329–353. DOI 10.1007/978-90-481-
Marais GF, Botes WC (2009) Recurrent mass selection for routine improvement of common wheat. A
review. In: Lichtouse E (ed) Sustainable agriculture reviews, vol 1. Springer, pp 85–105. DOI
Martínez-Ballesta MC, López-Pérez L, Muries B, Muñoz-Azcarate O, Carvajal M (2009) Climate
change and plant water balance. The role of aquaporins. A review. In: Lichtouse E (ed)
Sustainable agriculture reviews, vol 2. Springer, pp 71–89. DOI 10.1007/978-90-481-2716-
Marvier M (2009) Pharmaceutical crops in California, benefits and risks. A review. In: Lichtfouse
E, Navarrete M, Debaeke P, Souchere V, Alberola C (eds) Sustainable agriculture. Springer,
pp 191–201. DOI 10.1007/978-90-481-2666-8_13
Miah G, Hussein J (2009) Homestead agroforestry, a potential resource in Bangladesh. A review.
In: Lichtouse E (ed) Sustainable agriculture reviews, vol 3. Springer, pp 437–464. In press.
This volume
Mir SA, Qadrri SMK (2009) Decision support systems: concepts, progress and issues. A review.
In: Lichtouse E (ed) Sustainable agriculture reviews, vol 2. Springer, pp 373–399. DOI
Morel JL, Chaineau CH, Schiavon M, Lichtfouse E (1999) The role of plants in the remediation
of contaminated soils. In: Baveye Ph et al. (eds) Bioavailability of organic xenobiotics in the
environment. Kluwer, The Netherlands, pp 429–449
16 E. Lichtfouse
Nguyen C (2009) Rhizodeposition of organic C by plants: mechanisms and controls. A review. In:
Lichtfouse E, Navarrete M, Debaeke P, Souchere V, Alberola C (eds) Sustainable agriculture.
Springer, pp 97–123. DOI 10.1007/978-90-481-2666-8_9
Palaniappan SP, Chandrasekaran A, Kang DS, Singh K, Rajput RP, Kauraw DL, Velayutham M,
Lal R (2009) Sustainable management of natural resources for food security and environmen-
tal quality. Case studies from India. A review. In: Lichtouse E (ed) Sustainable agriculture
reviews, vol 2. Springer, pp 339–372. DOI 10.1007/978-90-481-2716-0_12
Pati FM, Clay DE, Carlson G, Clay SA (2009) Non-isotopic and 13C isotopic approaches to cal-
culate soil organic carbon maintenance requirement. A review. In: Lichtouse E (ed) Sustainable
agriculture reviews, vol 3. Springer, pp 189–216. In press. This volume
Rodiño PA, Santalla M, De Ron AM, Jean-Jacques Drevon JJ (2009) Co-evolution and migration
of bean and rhizobia in Europe. A review. In: Lichtouse E (ed) Sustainable agriculture reviews,
vol 3. Springer, pp 171–188. In press. This volume
Rodriguez L, Lopez-Bellido FJ, Carnicer A, Recreo F, Tallos A, Monteagudo JM (2005) Mercury
recovery from soils by phytoremediation. In: Lichtfouse E, Schwarzbauer J, Robert D (eds)
Environmental chemistry. Springer. pp 197–204
Roger-Estrade J, Richard G, Dexter AR, Boizard H, Tourdonnet S, Bertrand M, Caneill J (2009)
Integration of soil structure variations with time and space into models for crop management.
A review. In: Lichtfouse E, Navarrete M, Debaeke P, Souchere V, Alberola C (eds) Sustainable
agriculture. Springer, pp 813–822. DOI 10.1007/978-90-481-2666-8_49
Runyon JB, Tooker JF, Mescher MC, De Moraes CM (2009) Parasitic plants in agriculture: chemi-
cal ecology of germination and host-plant location as targets for sustainable control. A review.
In: Lichtouse E (ed) Sustainable agriculture reviews, vol 1. Springer, pp 123–136. DOI
Sadok W, Angevin F, Bergez JE, Bockstaller C, Colomb B, Guichard L, Reau R, Doré T (2009)
Ex ante assessment of the sustainability of alternative cropping systems: implications for using
multi-criteria decision-aid methods. A review. In: Lichtfouse E, Navarrete M, Debaeke P,
Souchere V, Alberola C (eds) Sustainable agriculture. Springer, pp 753–767. DOI 10.1007/978-
Saha S (2009) Soil functions and diversity in organic and conventional farming. A review. In:
Lichtouse E (ed) Sustainable agriculture reviews, vol 3. Springer, pp 41–76. In press. This
Sanchis V, Denis Bourguet D (2009) Bacillus thuringiensis: applications in agriculture and insect
resistance management. A review. In: Lichtfouse E, Navarrete M, Debaeke P, Souchere V,
Alberola C (eds) Sustainable agriculture. Springer, pp 243–255. DOI 10.1007/978-90-481-
Wu J. Sardo V (2009) Sustainable versus organic agriculture. A review. In: Lichtouse E (ed)
Sustainable agriculture reviews, vol 3. Springer, pp 41–76. DOI 10.1007/978-90-481-3333-8_3
Scholz V, Heierman M, Kaulfuss P (2009) Sustainability of energy crop cultivation in Central
Europe. A review. In: Lichtouse E (ed) Sustainable agriculture reviews, vol 3. Springer,
pp 109–146. In press. This volume
Shaxson TF (2009) Re-thinking the conservation of carbon, water and soil: a different perspective.
In: Lichtfouse E, Navarrete M, Debaeke P, Souchere V, Alberola C (eds) Sustainable agricul-
ture. Springer, pp 61–74. DOI 10.1007/978-90-481-2666-8_6
Sigua GC (2009) Recycling biosolids and lake-dredged materials to pasture-based animal agricul-
ture: alternative nutrient sources for forage productivity and sustainability. In: Lichtfouse E,
Navarrete M, Debaeke P, Souchere V, Alberola C (eds) Sustainable agriculture. Springer,
pp 495–517. DOI 10.1007/978-90-481-2666-8_31
Spiertz JHJ (2009) Nitrogen, sustainable agriculture and food security. A review. In: Lichtfouse
E, Navarrete M, Debaeke P, Souchere V, Alberola C (eds) Sustainable agriculture. Springer,
pp 635–651. DOI 10.1007/978-90-481-2666-8_39
Stagnari F, Ramazzotti S, Pisante M (2009) Conservation Agriculture, a different approach for crop
production through sustainable soil and water management. A review. In: Lichtouse E (ed)
Sustainable agriculture reviews, vol 1. Springer, pp 55–83. DOI 10.1007/978-1-4020-9654-9_5
1 Society Issues, Painkiller Solutions, Dependence and Sustainable Agriculture 17
Torres JB, Ruberson JR, Whitehouse M (2009) Transgenic cotton for sustainable pest manage-
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Veldkamp A, Van Altvorst AC, Eweg R, Jacobsen E, Van Kleef A, Van Latesteijn H, Mager S,
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Viebahn M, Smit E, Glandorf DCM, Wernars K, Bakker PAHM. (2009) Effect of genetically
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ture. Springer, pp 275–284. DOI 10.1007/978-90-484-2666-8_18
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Zuazo VHD, Pleguezuelo CRR (2009) Soil-erosion and runoff prevention by plant covers. A
review. In: Lichtfouse E, Navarrete M, Debaeke P, Souchere V, Alberola C (eds) Sustainable
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Zuo Y, Zhang F (2009) Iron and zinc biofortification strategies in dicot plants by intercropping
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Alberola C (eds) Sustainable agriculture. Springer, pp 571–582. DOI 10.1007/978-90-481-
Chapter 2
Sociology of Sustainable Agriculture
E. Lichtfouse (ed.), Sociology, Organic Farming, Climate Change and Soil Science, 19
Sustainable Agriculture Reviews 3, DOI 10.1007/978-90-481-3333-8_2,
© Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2010
20 E. Karami and M. Keshavarz
2.1 Introduction
Even though agriculture has made great progress in feeding the ever-increasing
population, still it faces serious problems and challenges. Some of these challenges
such as food production to feed the undernourished and increasing demand for
poverty alleviation have been with us for a long time and will continue to be in
foreseeable future. Food production will have to increase, and this will have to
come mainly from existing farmland. Many predictions are gloomy indicating that
gap between demand and production will grow. Population growth, urbanization,
and income growth in developing countries are fueling a massive global increase in
demand for food.
Sustainability, climate change, and replacing fossil fuels with renewable
energy are relatively new challenges for agriculture. Overuse and inappropriate
use of agrochemicals have led to contamination of water, loss of genetic diversity,
and deterioration of soil quality (Rasul and Thapa 2003). Sustainability is not
only a challenge in itself, but also a new worldview, a paradigm, which has
changed our understanding of agriculture. This new paradigm seriously questions
our conventional ways of solving agricultural problems and challenges. High
external input or “modern agriculture,” which once was the promising approach
to agricultural production, is now considered to be unsustainable. There is con-
sensus that modern agriculture has diminished the importance of farming as a
way of life, and creates certain problems such as ecological degradation (Alhamidi
et al. 2003). There is also a growing skepticism about the ability of modern agri-
culture to increase productivity in order to meet future demand. Sustainable
agriculture as a concept has emerged to address the challenges that are facing
modern agriculture (Karami 1995).
Some researchers define sustainable agriculture primarily as a technical process.
Altieri (1989) defined sustainable agriculture as a system, which should aim to
maintain production in the long run without degrading the resources base, by using
low-input technologies that improve soil fertility, by maximizing recycling, enhanc-
ing biological pest control, diversifying production, and so on. The technological
and to a lesser extent economic dimensions of sustainable agriculture have tended
to be privileged while the social dimension has been neglected. As a result sustain-
able agricultural has suffered from limited adoption. This paper argues that the way
out of current crisis of promoting sustainable agriculture is to shift our perception
from a technocratic approach to a social negotiation process that reflects the social
circumstances and the power conditions in a specific region at a specific time
(Blaschke et al. 2004). If one accepts the argument that the concept of sustainability
is a “social construct” (Webster 1999) and is yet to be made operational (Webster
1997; Rasul and Thapa 2003), then sociology has a great deal to offer toward
achieving agricultural sustainability. Understanding what agriculture and sustain-
able agriculture are, is a prerequisite to understand the sociology of sustainable
2 Sociology of Sustainable Agriculture 21
2.2 Definition of Agriculture
The first point to clarify is: “What is agriculture?,” of course, there is general
agreement about the sorts of things, people, plants, and animals that can be called
agricultural, but this is not good enough if we are seriously interested in topics
such as the role of science in agriculture, the role and importance of agriculture
in the world, and how agricultural efficiency can be improved (Speeding 1988).
Not many attempts have been made to be more precise and it is quite difficult to
arrive at a definition that is both useful and specific. One of the useful definitions
is phrased by Speeding (1988, 1996) as follows: “agriculture is an activity of
Man, carried out primarily to produce food, fiber and fuel, as well as many other
materials by the deliberate and controlled use of mainly terrestrial plants and
The terms “agriculture” and “ agricultural system” are used widely to encom-
pass various aspects of the production of plant and animal material of food, fiber,
and other uses. For analysts with a narrow vision, these terms are limited to the
cultivation of soil and growth of plants. But for others, the terms also include
financing, processing, marketing, and distribution of agricultural products; farm
production supply and service industries; and related economic, sociological,
political, environmental, and cultural characteristics of the food and fiber system
(CAESS 1988). Since agriculture involves economics, technology, politics, sociol-
ogy, international relations and trade, and environmental problems, in addition to
biology it can be concluded that agriculture is social as much as agronomic and
ecological. Taking a broad interpretation, agriculture is a system of processes that
take place within a threefold environmental framework, biophysical environment,
socio-political environment, and economic and technological environment.
Together, these three sets of factors set the broad constraints within which indi-
viduals, groups, and governments engage in production, distribution, and con-
sumption components of agriculture. These three sets of constraints for agriculture
also provide a means of assessing conditions for sustainable agriculture (Yunlong
and Smith 1994).
Agricultural sciences can no longer ignore the human intentionality and social
dynamics that are the roots of our predicament. Although the natural sciences,
and especially the earth and life sciences, remain of vital importance, not least to
monitor and analyze the dynamics of “nature” so as to inform normative frame-
works for sustained land use (De Groot 1992), social sciences must play their role
among the agricultural sciences to analyze human activity as emergent from
intentionality and greed, economic systems, human learning, and agreement
(Roling 1997). We acknowledge that agricultural systems are human systems, so
that “what is sustainable” will also be value laden. Agricultural systems are dis-
tinctive in those changes in values and attitudes of farmers, managers, and other
stakeholders, and externally imposed risk, e.g., climate interaction (Karami and
Mansoorabadi 2008).
22 E. Karami and M. Keshavarz
The human element is not one third of sustainability; it is central to its implementation
(Pearson 2003). The challenge of sustainability is neither wholly technical nor rational.
It is one of the change in attitude and behavior. Sustainability therefore must include the
social discourse where the fundamental issues are explored collaboratively within the
groups or community concerned. We do not do that very well, partly because of increas-
ing populations, complexity, distractions, and mobility, but more because of certain
characteristics of the dominant paradigm that are seen as desirable (Fricker 2001).
Social constructionists and philosophers have shown that we can never truly
“know” nature, as our understandings of nature are shaped by the social and
cultural lenses through which we see the world. This is not to argue that “there is
no real nature out there,” but instead that our knowledge of nature will always be,
at least partly, social (see Cronon1996; Escobar 1996). In opening nature to public
attention specialists have relinquished their authority over the constitution and
meanings of nature and allowed nature to be contested by a much wider variety of
stakeholders (McGregor 2004). After all, the construct of a sustainable future may
look very different to cultures and individuals with a tradition of a “be all you can
be” philosophy as compared with those who ascribe to a “live and let live” philosophy
(Goggin and Waggoner 2005). Environmental imaginaries are highly contested and
can be thought of as the ways in which a society collectively constructs, interprets,
and communicates nature (McGregor 2004).
It is clear that rural sustainability is being undermined by agriculture, particularly
as agriculture is the dominant user of rural land. However, in discussing sustainable
agriculture, the ecological dimension has tended to be privileged while the social
dimension has been neglected. The current economic and ecological crisis for
agriculture has, therefore, opened up the space for a discussion of what sustainable
agriculture might be, and how it might be operationalized. Social sustainability in
much of rural areas is still to be sought through productivity agriculture. Thus, there
continues to be a trade-off between ecological priority areas and the productivity
pressures of the agricultural treadmill (Ogaji 2005).
Many research works underlined the importance of social and institutional
factors for facilitating and achieving sustainable agriculture. Pretty (1995) had
considered that local institutions’ support and groups dynamics are one of the three
conditions for sustainable agriculture. Roling (1994) has used the concept of
platforms to emphasize the role of collective decision-making process in the
ecosystems sustainability. Sustainable agriculture must be socially constructed on
the basis of different perspectives and through stakeholders’ interaction. As Roling
and Jiggins (1998) observed, “ecologically sound agriculture requires change not
only at the farm household, but also at the level of the institutions in which it is
embedded” (Gafsi et al. 2006).
It is culture, which ultimately reproduces the heterogeneous pattern of farming
and the meaning and shape of locality. There is a tendency to assume that as long
as the proposed systems benefit the environment and are profitable, sustainability
2 Sociology of Sustainable Agriculture 23
will be achieved and the whole of society will be benefited. However, what is
produced, how, and for whom, are important questions that must also be considered
if a socially sustainable agriculture is to emerge (Ogaji 2005).
Ikerd et al. (1998) explained that most farmers have not integrated the economic,
ecological, and social aspects of sustainability into a holistic concept of sustainable
agriculture. For den Biggelaar and Suvedi (2000), farmers may have a lack of infor-
mation and awareness about sustainable agriculture and its multiple-dimensions
(Gafsi et al. 2006).
The social dimension of sustainability addresses the continued satisfaction of
basic human needs, food, and shelter, as well as higher-level social and cultural
necessities such as security, equity, freedom, education, employment, and recreation
(Altieri 1992). The provision of adequate and secure agricultural products (especially
food), supplied on a continual basis to meet demands, is a major objective for sustain-
able agriculture (Altieri 1989). In the case of developing countries, more imperative
demands are often basic household or community needs in the short term in order
to avoid hunger. This is known as food sufficiency or carrying capacity problem.
In developed countries, meeting demands more often means providing both a sufficient
quantity and variety of food to satisfy current consumer demands and preferences,
and to assure a safe and secure supply of food (Yunlong and Smith 1994).
The social definition of sustainability commonly includes the notion of equity,
including intragenerational and intergenerational equity (Brklacich et al. 1991).
The former refers to the affair and equitable distribution of benefits from resource
use and agricultural activity among and between countries, regions, or social groups
(Altieri 1989). The latter refers to the protection of the rights and opportunities of
future generations to derive benefits from resources which are in use today (Crosson
1986). Agricultural production systems, which contribute to environmental deterio-
ration are not considered to be sustainable as they pass on to future generations
increases in production costs, together with reductions in income or food security.
The two types of equity are sometimes related. For example, many subsistence
farmers are forced to employ farming practices that provide immediate rewards, but
also degrade the environment and thereby impair future generations’ opportunities
for sustainability (Yunlong and Smith 1994).
Sociologists and other social scientists have played a significant role in the emer-
gence, institutionalization, and design of sustainable agriculture. Sociologists and
other social scientists have done particularly significant research on the adoption of
resource-conserving practices. They have also made major contributions through
their research into identifying user needs and implementation strategies relating to
sustainable agriculture technology (Buttel 1993). For many scholars, sustainable
agriculture lies at the heart of a new social contract between agriculture and society
(Gafsi et al. 2006).
24 E. Karami and M. Keshavarz
This paper argues that sociology and the other social sciences play an equally
important and constructive role in understanding and achieving agricultural sustain-
ability. Buttel (1993) suggests that this kind of application of sociology may be
referred to as the sociology of agricultural sustainability. The major contribution of
the environment-development debate is the realization that in addition to or in con-
junction with these ecological conditions, there are social conditions that influence
the ecological sustainability or unsustainability of the people–nature interaction
(Lele 1991). Sometimes, however, sustainability is used with fundamentally social
connotations. For instance, Barbier (1987) defines social sustainability as “the abil-
ity to maintain desired social values, traditions, institutions, cultures, or other social
characteristics.” This usage is not very common, and it needs to be carefully distin-
guished from the more common context in which social scientists talk about sus-
tainability, viz., and the social aspects of ecological sustainability.
Sustainability as a social vision is, on the one hand, not only potentially accept-
able, but does, in fact, meet with correspondingly broad approval across all societal
groups and political positions, nationally and internationally. On the other hand, sus-
tainability’s conflict potential cannot be overlooked. As soon as relatively concrete
goals or even strategies of societal action for attaining sustainability are put on the
agenda – at the latest – it becomes obvious that the usual antagonistic societal values
and interests are lurking behind the programmatic consensus (Grunwald 2004).
Despite the diversity in conceptualizing sustainable agriculture, there is a consensus
on three basic features of sustainable agriculture: (i) maintenance of environmental
quality, (ii) stable plant and animal productivity, and (iii) social acceptability.
Consistent with this, Yunlong and Smith (1994) have also suggested that agricultural
sustainability should be assessed from ecological soundness, social acceptability,
and economic viability perspectives. “Ecological soundness” refers to the preservation
and improvement of the natural environment, “economic viability” to maintenance of
yields and productivity of crops and livestock, and “social acceptability” to self-reliance,
equality, and improved quality of life (Rasul and Thapa 2003). Sociology of
sustainable agriculture deals with the following issues:
Paradigms used to interpret sustainability
Sociological models developed to explain attitudes and behaviors toward
Adoption of sustainable agriculture practices
Gender and sustainable agriculture
Social impact assessment and sustainable agriculture
These issues will be briefly dealt with in the following sections.
There are many different schools of thought about how to interpret sustainability
(Colby 1989). Sustainable development incorporates the idea of transformations of
relationships among people and between people and nature. Batie, however, believes
2 Sociology of Sustainable Agriculture 25
trying to achieve “good practice” on their farms, balance environmental, physical, and
commercial factors in their decisions about their farming system. Clark (1989)
suggested that farmers’ decisions about whether to take advice about conservation
were affected by three distinct dimensions: the policy environment facing farmers, the
advisory structures in place, and the personality of the farmer.
Discussions of the value to be attributed to the preservation of a natural system
invoke two distinct sources of value: extrinsic and intrinsic values. Extrinsic value
arises from the fact that the environment increases the satisfaction or utility of
humans. In this utilitarian philosophy, nature has value insofar as it is useful or
agreeable to humans. The intrinsic value of a natural system exists irrespective of
its usefulness or amenity to humans. This view explicitly grants rights to exist to
nonhuman species or to the environment as a whole. The intrinsic value approach
may thus require decision makers to make decisions knowingly counter to their
own present on future interests (Pannell and Schilizzi 1999).
Potter (1986) finds any change in the countryside to be, “both ‘determined’ by
policy, institutional, and family influences and ‘intentioned’ by the farmer acting as a
problem-solving individual.” This study differs from most previous studies of farm-
ers’ conservation behavior as it does not explicitly consider farmers’ investment in
conservation (Potter 1986); instead, it is concerned with how and why farmers man-
age the existing features on their farms (hedges, field margins, woods, and trees). This
difference is crucial as there is considerable evidence (Potter 1986; Pieda 1993) to
suggest that most farmers have a “creative” rather than “preservative” view of conser-
vation. Most of the previous research shows that advice on tree planting, pond cre-
ation, and woodlands is most commonly sought, and that leaving seminatural areas
undisturbed is not seen as conservation (Beedell and Rehman 2000). Newby et al.
(1977) found that farm size alone could not explain farmers’ attitudes toward conser-
vation as larger farmers were both more hostile (agri-businessmen) and more sympa-
thetic (gentleman farmers) to conservation than farmers in general. This finding has
led further investigations on the topic to consider both a farmer’s interest in conserva-
tion and his financial constraints as factors that determine his attitude to conservation
(Gasson and Potter 1988). In studying voluntary land diversion schemes, Gasson and
Potter (1988) found that the financially least constrained and most conservation ori-
entated farmers were the most receptive to the schemes, asked for below average
compensation for the land diverted and offered the most acres.
The way farming is presently practiced across the world and the impact of agri-
culture on wetlands is determined, to a great extent, by the levels of environmental
awareness, knowledge and attitudes of farmers, and stockbreeders (Oakley 1991).
A stronger “utilitarian” attitude to the natural environment has been found among
farmers owing vulnerable ecosystems compared to other population groups (Wilson
1992; Pyrovetsi and Daoutopoulos 1999). Gigerenzer (1996) pointed out that social
context of behavior, such as values and motivations, play an important role in the
rationality in peoples’ decisions. Thus attitudes have causal predominance over
behaviors (Heong et al. 2002).
There is consistent evidence in the literature indicating a relationship between
farmers’ attitudes toward environment and their farming practices (Fairweather and
28 E. Karami and M. Keshavarz
Religious and
Quality of life
spritual values
Feasibility of
sustainable agricultural Access to resources
practices Control
Sustainable Agricultural
Fig. 2.1 Theoretical framework of factors influencing farmers’ sustainable agricultural attitudes
and behaviors (From Karami and Mansoorabadi 2008). According to this theoretical framework,
farmers’ action is guided by two kinds of considerations: attitude toward sustainable agriculture
and presence of factors that may further or hinder performance of the behavior
While many more farmers now seem to have a better awareness of the negative
environmental and social consequences of conventional and social consequences on
30 E. Karami and M. Keshavarz
conventional agricultural systems, this has not translated into a major shift toward
the adoption of sustainable practices (Alonge and Martine 1995).
As farmers increasingly confront declining per capita return arisen from minia-
turizing land holdings caused by steadily growing population, they are required to
make additional efforts to increase agricultural production. They will thus adopt an
agricultural system only when it is both economically and environmentally suitable
(Rasul and Thapa 2003).
The adoption of sustainable agriculture strategies/technologies has received
frequent attention in recent years, both by producers and consumers. Despite
economic and noneconomic disadvantages of conventional agriculture, farmers have
been slow to adopt these practices, and adoption appears to vary widely by region
and crops (Musser et al. 1986).
Attempts to explain the low adoption rate have been many and varied (Alonge
and Martine 1995). Lovejoy and Napier (1986), for instance, blamed the little success
achieved by past efforts to encourage farmers’ adoption of sustainable agricultural
innovations on what they termed the American penchant for attempting a techno-
logical fix for every problem. They contended that past efforts have concentrated
on telling farmers of the negative environmental impact of their production systems
in the hope of engendering attitudinal change and as a consequence the adoption of
Best Management Practices. They pointed to the futility of such an approach,
observing that findings of past research showed that farmers continued to use prac-
tices that degraded the environment even when they: (1) were aware of the negative
environmental impact of their agricultural practices; (2) believed they had a social
responsibility to protect the environment; and (3) had favorable attitudes toward
soil and water conservation (Alonge and Martine 1995).
Much of the research effort in adoption of sustainable agriculture has been
fragmented, with little coordination and integration. Several issues have not been
adequately treated in previous studies. While research on sustainable agriculture
systems has produced information on several alternative practices, little substantive
research has investigated the structure of belief and motivation that drive farmers’
decisions about sustainable agriculture systems adoption (Comer et al. 1999).
Such findings have raised questions about the relevance of the traditional diffus-
ing model for explaining the adoption of conservation technologies. Critics argued
that while the study of the adoption and diffusion of technologies under the rubric
of the classical adoption–diffusion model have contributed immensely to the under-
standing of the adoption process as they relate to commercial farm technologies and
practices, the model may not provide full explanation of the adoption process when
applied to sustainable agricultural practices (Alonge and Martine 1995).
Hence, the need for new perspectives has been called for in the study of the
adoption and diffusion of sustainable agriculture, with focus on access to, and quality
of information (Lovejoy and Napier 1986), the perception of innovations, and the
institutional and economic factors related to adoption (Alonge and Martine 1995).
Some studies have concluded that it is likely that the successful adoption of conser-
vation practices would be influenced more by a farmers’ attitude and perception,
than any other factor (Alonge and Martine 1995).
2 Sociology of Sustainable Agriculture 31
Tenancy (rather than ownership) has been found to be negatively related to the
adoption of sustainable practices. However, economic pressures may override
incentives for conservation associated with land ownership. Membership in differ-
ent types of farm organizations may be representative of, or may influence, farmers’
perceptions of acceptable farming practices and knowledge of sustainable practices
(Nazarko et al. 2003)
The sustainability debate has taught that economic, social, and environmental
problems and, more importantly, their solutions are as much cultural as technological
and institutional. Cultural diversity, therefore, offers humanity a variety of ways of
developmental interaction and avoids the difficulties associated with any monocul-
ture, namely, loss of material for new paths of economic, social, and environmental
evolution, and a danger that resistance to unforeseen problems is lowered (Jenkins
2000). In addition to culture, study of the linkage between environment poverty and
sustainable agriculture to provide a more realistic picture of the situation has been of
great interest to researchers (Karami and Rezaei-Moghaddam 1998; Karami 2001;
Karami and Hayati 2005; Rezaei-Moghaddam and Karami 2006).
Women’s survival and that of their household and communities depend on access to
and control of natural resources, such as land, water, forest, and vegetation. They
perform the majority of the world’s agricultural work, producing food for their
families, as well as other goods that are sold in national and international markets.
Women are traditionally the prime participants in the agricultural systems. In agricul-
tural production, the relationship of workers to the production process is different
from other types of capital production because it largely flows with the rhythm of
biological processes (Meares 1997). Family-based farming adds another element to
the relationship of workers to production; that is, boundaries are significantly blurred
between the household and the enterprise. Thus, “the unit of production – the agricul-
tural enterprise – is coterminous with the unit of reproduction – the farms household.”
Such muddy waters make understanding women’s and men’s work on the farm
complex and these difficulties may render women’s work “invisible” (Meares 1997).
Women have learned to manage these resources in order to preserve them for
future generations (Atmis et al. 2007). Although, the impact of attitude and behavior
of rural men on sustainability of agriculture is often acknowledged, the importance
of women’s attitude in shaping agriculture is ignored (Karami and Mansoorabadi
2008). Because women’s different and important contributions to the farm and
family are not institutionally recognized and addressed by the sustainable agriculture
movement, the movement’s goals, vision, and activities are gender-specific, dominated
by men’s participation and contributions (Meares 1997; Karami and Mansoorabadi
2008). Government and institutional policies often fail to recognize the importance
of women’s access to natural resources. While research has shown that agricultural
productivity increases significantly when female farmers have access to land and
2 Sociology of Sustainable Agriculture 33
technology, women own less than 2% of all land. Women’s access to and control of
resources is far from guaranteed (Pearl 2003). Women suffer most from environ-
mental disasters and reduced availability of forest products. It is the women and
children who collect fuel wood, animal fodder, decayed leaves, and other forest
products. Furthermore, they are held responsible for tending sheep, goats, and other
domestic animals owned by their families (Boo and Wiersum 2002; CFAN 2005).
Some of the issues that have been addressed by sociologists with regard to
women’s impact on sustainable agriculture include the following:
• The social construct of gender makes a difference in how farmers perceive
quality of life. This social construction, in turn, affects participation in the
sustainable agriculture movement. Traditional gender roles assign different
responsibilities to women and men. This has resulted in political, cultural, and
economic barriers that restrict women’s access to natural resources. For example,
women are frequently excluded from decision making. Community leaders may
not invite women to meetings related to resource use, or expect only the men to
present their concerns. Lower levels of literacy and education among women
may further restrict their participation (Atmis et al. 2007).
• At the root of these gendered differences in quality of life is the fact that life
goals and daily experiences for male farmers within the family have changed
significantly as their involvement in the movement has intensified. Much of
what men emphasize in describing quality of life reflects the values the sustain-
able agriculture movement itself espouses: self-empowerment, social justice,
balance in economic gain and environmental health, creativity, and autonomy in
decision making and problem solving (Meares 1997).
• In many developing countries agriculture is vital for sustainable rural development
and recognized as a main means for reducing poverty and ensuring economic
growth. In this sense, reducing poverty in rural areas depends significantly on
sustainable agricultural development. However, agricultural development should
be considered not only in increasing production, but also in developing rural
society that includes women (Akpinar et al. 2004). Women seldom have direct
access to, or control of, privately held resources, therefore, they are more likely
than men to be attuned to common resources and their condition (Chiappe and
Butler 1998). Even when women do have legal ownership of land, they are less
likely than male owners to make land-use decisions. Women’s responsibilities in
the domestic sphere give them a different perspective on sustainability. Some
authors (Chiappe and Butler 1998) argue that women’s limited access to and
control over resources – financial, manufactured, human, social, and environmental
– often limits their ability to put their values into practice. Women’s concern for
quality of family is a key part of sustainability. Chiappe and Butler (1998) suggest
that not only do the women think that farming in a sustainable manner can
improve the health of their families and environment, but also claim that sustain-
able practices decrease labor time and increase free time to spend in other more
valued activities, such as vacationing with the family. Improving the health of
the family often involves using safer farming practices, in particular applying
fewer or no chemicals (Karami and Mansoorabadi 2008).
34 E. Karami and M. Keshavarz
• The view that women are closer to nature because of their nurturing and caring
role (biological determinism) is another basis for assuming sustainability role
for women. On the basis of empirical evidence (Mishra 1994) it would be more
precise to say that women are closer to nature because of the gender-based division
of labor, and their role in attending to the everyday needs of the household.
Women are the primary natural resources managers, and they posses an intimate
knowledge of the environment (Karami and Mansoorabadi 2008). Others argue
about women’s spirituality and how it mediated and required their honoring of
nature. Sustainability will require reconnect with the spiritual roots of humanity
(Ikerd 2001). Often, women sensed a strong connection between alternative
agriculture and their families’ spiritual values and beliefs. Spirituality and
religion are viewed as “women’s work” in many cultures, despite men’s formal
religious leadership. Women’s understanding of harmony with nature empha-
sized spiritual elements. The transcendence of spirituality is embodied in their
active choice to work with nature rather than overcoming it. In some cases, these
values and beliefs were deeply rooted in their religious backgrounds (Karami
and Mansoorabadi 2008).
• Generally, past studies concluded that young women with high levels of income
and education and with liberal political views are the most likely to consider
environmental protection a priority (Brody et al. 2004). Most research finds slight
evidence that women are more environmentally concerned or possess stronger
environmental attitudes than men; however, gender does not appear to be as
significant a predictor of environmental concerns or attitudes as other sociodemo-
graphic variables (Brody et al. 2004; Karami and Mansoorabadi 2008).
• It is clear that farm women are not a homogenous group. Their position and role
in family farming depends on how they participate in the productive process and
is contingent on power relations in the household, on personal aspirations,
and on other individual characteristics. It is nevertheless useful to observe
the element of typological homogeneity amid the heterogeneity of groups
characterizing the female farm population. Such observation may help clarify the
differences at the level of roles and relationships, the better to interpret notable
variations in women’s behavior and predict future tendencies (Kazakopoulos
and Gidarakou 2003).
(Momtaz 2005). Cultural impacts involve changes to norms, values, and beliefs of
individuals that guide and rationalize their cognition of themselves and their society
(Burdge and Vanclay 1995). Some have tried hard to define social impact assess-
ment as a process. For example Vanclay (2002) believes that social impact assessment
is the process of analyzing (predicting, evaluating, and reflecting) and managing
the intended and unintended consequences on the human environment of planned
interventions (policies, programs, plans, and projects) and any social change pro-
cess invoked by those interventions so as to bring about a more sustainable and
equitable biophysical and human environment.
Social impact assessment, is an overarching framework that encompasses all
human impacts including aesthetic (landscape, development, economic and fiscal,
gender, health, indigenous rights, infrastructure, institutional), political (human
rights, governance, democratization, etc.), poverty-related, psychological, and
resource issues (access and ownership of resources) (Vanclay 2002). The value of
social impact assessment in social development, policy making and planning, public
involvement, conflict management, and sustainable development has been acknowl-
edged (Barrow 2000).
In line with the triple bottom-line approach from sustainable development
(Vanclay 2004), the social impact assessment is of particular importance in consid-
ering the social sustainability of agriculture. There is no doubt that the social impact
assessment is as important, in some cases even more important than the assessments
of biophysical and economic dimensions of sustainable agriculture (Pisani and
Sandham 2006). There have been many agricultural development projects in devel-
oping countries focusing on rural area in arid and semiarid lands in the past 3 decades.
These have faced numerous social challenges such as a growing sense of rural
households’ dissatisfaction, negative attitudes, and conflicts with the project and as
a result unsustainability (Ahmadvand and Karami 2009).
The three main goals of sustainable agriculture are economic efficiency, envi-
ronmental quality, and social responsibility (Fairweather and Campbell 2003).
Certainly, social sustainability is a core dimension of sustainable agriculture. Social
impact assessment is necessary to provide information on social sustainability of
agricultural development. It makes agricultural sector more inclusive by involving
key stakeholders. It makes agricultural projects more socially sound by minimizing
or mitigating adverse social impacts, maximizing social benefits, and ensuring that
the projects are in line with sustainable development (Becker 2001). It has consid-
erable potential to give social criteria their rightful place alongside economic and
environmental criteria in sustainable agriculture. Social impact assessment is
important in sustainable agriculture development, because it helps planners, agri-
cultural development project proponents, and the impacted population and decision
makers to understand and be able to anticipate the possible social consequences on
human populations and communities of proposed agricultural development activi-
ties or policy changes. Social impact assessment should provide a realistic appraisal
of possible social ramifications and suggestions for project alternatives and possible
mitigation measures (Burdge 2004). For sustainable agriculture development,
perhaps more than any other application, social impact assessment must integrate
36 E. Karami and M. Keshavarz
2.5 Conclusion
Agricultural sustainability can no longer ignore the human dimension and social
dynamics that are the core elements of agricultural development. Although the
agricultural and ecological sciences are of vital importance, social sciences must
play their role to analyze the human dimension, which is central to understanding
and achieving agricultural sustainability. Sustainable agriculture is a philosophy
based on human goal and an understanding of the long-term impact of our activities
on the environment and other species. Sociology of sustainable agriculture has
contributed to our understanding of sustainability by the following:
• Offering different schools of thought (paradigms) about how to interpret and
achieve sustainability. There is a need for a shift in paradigm if sustainable agri-
culture is to be realized. A paradigm shift in agriculture is a change from one
way of thinking about agriculture to another. Sustainable agriculture is a complex
system, which requires changes in the hard system as well as soft system.
• Exploring the relationship between farmers’ attitudes and their sustainable farming
practices. In this regard sociologists have provided theoretical framework and
empirical models to explain the relationship between sustainable agricultural
attitudes and behaviors. These frameworks are used to guide policy makers,
development agents, and researchers on how to design and implement sustain-
able agriculture.
• Investigating the potential of diffusion and other alternative adoption models in
explaining and predicting sustainable farming practices. Although, studies have
found that cultural, economics, demographic, and attitudinal variables are impor-
tant in explaining farmers’ sustainable behaviors, the findings in this regards are
not conclusive and further investigations are needed to develop more robust
models with greater validity.
• Raising awareness regarding women’s role in sustainable agriculture. The neglect
of women’s role is due in part to the assumption of separation of family and
work. While in family farms the workplace and the family are often indistin-
guishable. Women concern for quality of family is a key part of sustainability.
It is clear that farm women are not a homogenous group. Their position and role
in sustainability is determined by their level of participation in the production
process. There is a general agreement that women’s actions from local to the
global policy-making arenas are a driving force for sustainability of agriculture.
Sociologists have explored how women advance sustainable agriculture and
2 Sociology of Sustainable Agriculture 37
made the role of women visible. It can be concluded that there is support for the
thesis that women play an essential role in advancing sustainable agriculture.
• Informing practitioners, researchers, and decision makers regarding the value of
social impact assessment in achieving agricultural sustainability. Social impact
assessment suggests what social changes are likely and what measures may be
needed to establish supportive social institutions crucial for promoting and sus-
taining sustainable agriculture.
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Chapter 3
Sustainable Versus Organic Agriculture
Abstract Awareness and concern for problems related to environmental quality are
growing at a steady pace: climate change, biodiversity, soil fertility decay and above
all food quality and pollution are everyday subjects for debates and discussions. The
complexity of the problems and the uncertainty about many basic data quite often
make discussions inconclusive; even indications issued by scientific authorities are
sometimes misleading, and the problems are exacerbated by the frequent influence of
ideological positions. In an endeavour to contribute to clarify agriculture-related
environmental issues, a review is made here of the principles of sustainable agricul-
ture and of the ways to deal with them. The need is emphasized for a system approach
which is able to reconcile economic-productive, environmental and social aspects,
the three ‘pillars’ of sustainability, permitting to consider simultaneously the numer-
ous factors concurring to determine the most appropriate production strategy, and the
necessary flexibility in selecting and combining such factors is also outlined. A criti-
cal overview is made of the possible options for improving the sustainability of the
four principal groups of agricultural operations: cultivation, fertilization, irrigation
and pest control. For each of them, the sustainability level of various possible courses
of action is estimated as resulting from their expected impact on the three ‘pillars’ of
sustainability and indications are given to avoid risks deriving to agricultural sustain-
ability from misconceptions of non-scientific approaches, including some typical of
organic farming. For cultivation, the adoption of some form of conservation tillage is
suggested and the various possible options are critically examined. The conclusions
for fertilization are that generally the best solution is a blending of organic and min-
eral fertilizers and that food quality is not influenced by the origin of the fertilizer.
Criteria for optimizing irrigation system design and management are illustrated, with
reference to energy input, soil protection against erosion and salinity build-up, and reduc-
tion in production risks. For pest control, integrated pest management approaches
J. Wu
Beijing Research Center for Grass and Environment
V. Sardo (*)
Department of Agricultural Engineering, University of Catania, via Santa Sofia 100,
95123, Catania, Italy
e-mail: [email protected]
E. Lichtfouse (ed.), Sociology, Organic Farming, Climate Change and Soil Science, 41
Sustainable Agriculture Reviews 3, DOI 10.1007/978-90-481-3333-8_3,
© Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2010
42 J. Wu and V. Sardo
including proactive activities and the parallel reduction to the possible extent of syn-
thetic pesticide applications result in the most sustainable solution. Emphasis is given
to those aspects of sustainability, such as soil and water conservation, energy savings,
CO2 balance, which are often overlooked, yet are an important component of sustain-
ability. It is argued that an effective, long-term sustainability of agriculture must pri-
marily gain farmers acceptance and therefore selected solutions must guarantee profit
levels and productivity while not increasing risks. It is concluded that since the con-
cept of sustainability is fundamentally dynamic, site- and time-specific, proposed
solutions are expected to be flexible, custom-tailored for the single farms and open to
technological and scientific progress, avoiding any pre-concocted paradigm and dog-
matism; as a consequence, it is evidenced that some rigid principles typical of organic
farming are not compatible with sustainable agriculture.
3.1 Introduction
3.1.1 The Problem
data bases, linear programming and geographic information systems (GIS) (Kropff
et al. 2001).
The four points listed by FAO in the Framework for the Evaluation of
Sustainable Land Management (FESLM) (Smyth and Dumanski 1993) to assess
sustainability in land management are: (1) production should be maintained; (2)
risks should not increase; (3) quality of soil and water should be maintained and
(4) systems should be economically feasible and socially acceptable. They are
reasonable and generally accepted, with the only caveat that in view of the fore-
cast of increase in world population from 6 to 10 billions, by 2050 production
should not only be maintained (point 1) but increased accordingly, while of
course eliminating to the possible extent any areas of undernourishment.
Commenting them, Tisdell wrote: It appears to be important from an ecological
and economic point of view not to have preconceived ideas about the most appro-
priate agricultural system to achieve sustainability. However it would seem that
if FESLM is adopted, it would often be a system requiring external inputs but not
necessarily at a high level (Tisdell 1996).
Illustrator: Ed Emshwiller
Language: English
illustrated by EMSH
The boy was lying on the floor of his cell asleep when the sheriff
came back with a platter of food. Derwin unlocked the door quietly,
brought the food in and set it on a table in one corner of the cell. As
quietly, he let himself out again. Standing in the corridor, with the
locked door again between them, he called, "Wake up!"
The boy's body did not move, but his eyes opened wide. With their
instant awareness they were like the eyes of a big cat in a zoo, but
without the cat's easy hatred. "Your dinner's on the table," Derwin
The boy rose swiftly to his feet and looked around him. He saw the
food, went over and began eating. He used his hands, eating the
meat first, in great wolfing bites. When the meat was gone he ate
the potatoes. He tasted the moist cabbage salad, but did not eat it.
Derwin watched him for the few minutes it took. "I guess they never
taught you to use a knife and fork," he murmured, half to himself.
The boy came to the cell door and grasped the bars in his big hands.
He looked at Derwin, and his expression was the same expectant
one that had been so disturbing earlier.
The sheriff had stepped back, out of reach, as the boy approached.
"Did you want something?" he asked.
The boy made no reply.
"Can you understand what I say?" Derwin asked.
After a brief, puzzled pause the boy nodded.
"You can?" Derwin asked doubtfully. "I know you mutants had some
way of communicating with each other, without speaking, but I
thought the profs at the University decided you couldn't understand
us." He seemed to make a sudden decision. "I'll be right back," he
Derwin returned to his office and picked up his desk chair, carried it
to the corridor opposite the boy's cell and sat down. "If you do
understand what I say, maybe we can have some kind of confab.
Can you speak?"
The boy made no reply.
"No, I guess you can't," Derwin said. "Or they'd have found out
about it before this." He considered a moment. "How about us
setting up some kind of code," he suggested. "I'll ask questions, and
you nod if I'm right, and shake your head if I'm wrong?"
The boy made no answer except for his continued expectant gaze.
Derwin shrugged. "O.K. If you can't, you can't. The profs had a
theory that you couldn't understand what they said, but that you got
some of the meaning of the words from the sound and the
Still there was no response.
The sun was directly overhead when Derwin climbed out of his car,
pushing his game leg stiffly ahead of him. He went up the flight of
steps at the front of a large, white house and pressed the button
beside the door. He rang three times without an answer.
On the way back down the steps he heard the sound of iron on iron
coming from the back of the house. He walked around and found an
old man with stooped shoulders throwing horseshoes at a peg set in
the ground.
"Good afternoon," Derwin said.
The old man paused in his throwing and nodded in reply.
"I'd like to talk to you again about your sister's death," Derwin said.
"I presume you heard that we caught her killer?"
The old man sighted a shoe carefully and threw at a farther peg.
"Will you tell me again just what happened?" Derwin asked.
"I was sitting with her when he came in." The old man had a red
face and neck, with a border of white just above the collar line. "He
hadn't knocked. At least I didn't hear him. Just all at once he was
standing by the bed, smiling. I was going to say something, but he
looked at my sister, then at me, and he seemed so young, and kind
of fresh-looking, that I just smiled back. Then he sat on the bed
alongside Louise, and put his hand on her chest, and she closed her
eyes, and her moaning stopped—for the first time in almost a week.
I didn't know until after he'd gone that she was dead."
"How did it happen you didn't report her death to my office? We only
learned about it from the doctor."
The old man's attention seemed absorbed by something on the roof
of a neighboring house. He stood for several minutes, then slowly
looked down at his hand in mild surprise. He had been gripping, and
twisting an iron shoe in his hand so hard that a corner had cut a
ragged gash in the meaty forepart of his thumb. Blood flowed from
the cut down the end of the shoe and dripped sluggishly to the
Irritably the old man tossed the shoe aside and took a handkerchief
from a rear pocket of his trousers and wrapped it around the injured
thumb. "I was glad she died," he said half-defiantly.
Derwin's eyebrows raised questioningly.
"That may sound heartless." The old man's voice was mild now. "But
it isn't. My sister had cancer—had it bad. She was dying from it. And
she was suffering horribly. Even drugs gave her no relief toward the
last. During her periods of consciousness she begged the doctor to
give her something so she could die, but he wouldn't. I asked him to
put her out of her misery, too. But he wouldn't listen to me either.
"Mr. Derwin...." The old man brought his face closer to Derwin's.
"Every human being should have the right to die. When the time
comes that medicine can't help them any more, and they have
nothing to look forward to, except suffering, they should be allowed
to die if they want to." Abruptly he turned his back and walked into
the house.
Dusk was edging into darkness when Derwin reached the home of
the boy's third victim. The family lived in an upper duplex
apartment. A large wreath hung on the apartment door. The woman
who answered his knock was middle-aged, with dark hair and dark
eyes, and quick, nervous hands. "Come in," she invited listlessly, as
she recognized the sheriff.
Derwin followed her to a chair in the front room and sat down. "Can
you give me any details of your husband's death that you might not
have remembered when I was here before?" he asked.
"You've got to see that that maniac pays for his killings," the woman
spoke rapidly, excitedly, ignoring the sheriff's question. "If you don't,
I'll...." Her voice broke and she began to cry. After a few minutes
she wiped her eyes with a square of tissue which she took from her
apron pocket. "I'm all right now," she said. "What do you want to
"Anything you remember. You might tell me first what time of day it
"About the same time in the evening as now," the woman answered.
"We had already finished eating. George was lying here on the
davenport and I...."
"Pardon me a minute," Derwin interrupted. "How ill was your
"He was too sick to work, though he could still get around a little. He
had silicosis of the lungs, you know."
Derwin nodded. "Go on, please."
The woman needed no urging. Apparently she enjoyed talking.
"Where was I? Oh, yes. I heard something scratching at the door—it
sounded like a cat—and I went to see what it was. The boy was
standing there, smiling. I didn't know who he was then. He looked
so young, and so sweet-like, that I didn't ask what he wanted; I just
let him come in.
"When George saw him I thought, at first, that he knew him,
because he sat up straight and spoke to the boy. He said something
like, 'So you've come?' He looked glad, as though he was happy.
Then he changed and looked scared. But he didn't say anything
more, and neither did the boy. Finally he sort of relaxed, and sighed,
and let himself ease back on the davenport. He asked me to make a
pot of coffee, and I left and went into the kitchen."
The woman stopped and blew her nose. "That's all, except that the
boy was gone when I came back—and George was dead."
Derwin looked down at the hat on his lap and searched for a way to
express what he wanted to say. At last he looked up. "Some people
believe the mutants killed only people who were very sick—people
who had no chance to live anyway, and probably wanted to die
quickly?" His voice rose doubtfully as he finished.
"That's not true." There was no expression in the woman's flat voice.
"I read where they killed some that weren't sick at all. And how
would they know how sick the others were? Or if they wanted to
"How about your husband?"
"George did suffer quite a bit. But I'm certain he never wanted to
"Was there any chance that he might have recovered from his
particular illness?"
"The doctors said not, but what right did that boy have to play God
and kill him? And how do any of us know that there won't be a new
treatment or a new drug discovered, maybe next week or next
month, that could have saved George? What justification can you
have for a cold-blooded murderer like that?"
Derwin looked down again at his hat and shifted his feet
The woman said, "George had a pension that supported us. But it
stopped when he died. How am I going to live now? Who's going to
support my children—or take care of them while I work?" There was
still no emotion in the woman's voice, but tears which she
disregarded ran down her cheeks.
Derwin stood up. "I don't know," he said. "I was just wondering if
what seems wrong to us might not seem right to him," he
The boy went directly from the jail to the railroad tracks, nearly a
mile past the depot. He hid in the weeds along the track until a slow
freight passed, then climbed into the open door of a boxcar.
The string of freight cars was cut out of the train in the St. Paul
yards. The boy stayed inside his car until several hours after dark,
when he left his hiding place and went along the Mississippi, past
Carlson's Landing, and up to the post office. There he stopped and
seemed to be deciding what he should do next.
A half block away a policeman was checking the tires of parked cars.
The boy saw him and began walking rapidly in the opposite
direction. He hesitated at the street corner, then walked boldly out
into the lighted area of the intersection. He had nearly reached the
opposite sidewalk when he heard a shout behind him. He began to
run. A police whistle sounded shrilly.
When the boy entered the park he appeared to wander casually,
with his interest centered on no particular person or place, but his
steps took him down a diagonal walk that led to the young mother
and the carriage. The child of about six inside the carriage had a
large head that wobbled spasmodically above its thin frame.
The boy walked past the mother without attracting her attention,
and bent toward the child.
A terrified scream at his side jerked him erect.
"The beast!" The woman screamed with all the power in her lungs.
She sprang at the boy, still screaming, and dug clawed fingers into
his cheeks. "Get away from him, you beast! You horrible beast!"
Fear blossomed up into the boy's face at the woman's scream. He
pushed her aside and glared wildly about him.
The nearest exit from the park was just ahead. Swiftly he put his
head down and scurried through the exit. Once in the street he
increased his speed and ran for six blocks, past the auditorium, and
across Seven Corners, until the breath whistled in his throat. As he
staggered to a stop a police siren sounded behind him.
The boy forced his tired legs to move again and sprinted down an
alley that opened to his left. Halfway through the alley he heard the
screech of tires behind him—and the police siren was at his back. He
came to a low fence bordering the alley, between an apartment
building and an older, private, home. Without pausing he rested a
hand on the fence railing and vaulted over.
Beneath him as he hung suspended he saw a child's large sand box.
His right foot, with his weight behind it, landed on the handle of a
toy wagon, and his ankle twisted painfully under him. He sprawled
forward, ripping the skin of his forearm on the side of the sand box
as he fell.
As quickly as he was able he pulled himself to his feet and limped
across the yard, past the small house, and out into the street. The
police siren still sounded behind him, and now another started up in
the block ahead.
He turned to the right and ran with all the speed he could command.
A block ahead loomed the Mississippi. With his last remaining
strength he stumbled toward it.
A police car arrived just as he dived into the murky water.
Two policemen scrambled from the car and ran toward the river
bank. Sergeant Robert Kirk pulled his pistol from its holster as the
boy's head reappeared above the water.
"Halt!" he shouted. "Halt or I'll shoot!"
The boy never paused.
Kirk brought the gun up and sighted along the barrel. The boy's
head came in line with the small v of the sight. "For the last time,
The boy's head turned up. His wet blond hair shone in the sunlight.
Kirk squeezed the trigger.
Simultaneously with the report, the boy's hair sprang upward in
startled protest; his arms gave one reflective jerk, and his face
turned toward the sky.
Slowly, slowly, the white features sank beneath the water.
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