ILF ME SPC 0808 005 Valves Specification
ILF ME SPC 0808 005 Valves Specification
ILF ME SPC 0808 005 Valves Specification
Date: 15.02.2018
Date: 15.02.2018
This Copy is signed electronically
ILF-ME-SPC-0808 005
Contract No. PD-0113.018-2
3 General 10
3.1 Environmental Condition 10
3.2 Area Classification 10
3.3 Type of Protection 11
3.4 Conflicting Requirements, Exceptions 11
3.5 Vendor’s Experience Qualification 11
4 Design 11
4.1 General 11
4.2 Valve Bodies 12
4.3 Globe Valves and Gate Valves 13
4.4 Ball Valves 13
4.5 Check Valves 14
4.6 Butterfly Valves 14
4.7 Needle Valves 14
4.8 Main ESD Valves 14
4.9 Safety Valves 15
4.10 Valve Operation 16
4.11 Locked and Interlocked Valves 17
4.12 Stuffing Box 17
4.13 Blowout Proof Stems / Shafts 18
4.14 Fire Safe Design 18
4.15 Seat Leakage 18
4.16 Instrumentation 18
5 Material of Construction 20
5.1 General 20
5.2 Stem Packing 21
5.3 Austenitic Stainless Steel Valve 21
5.4 Soft Valve Seatings 21
5.5 Bolting 21
6 Fabrication 22
11 Documentation 29
11.1 General 29
Compliance with this specification does not relieve the Vendor from meeting the
requirements of the Employer or his nominated representative when stipulated in the
Material Requisition.
The intent of this specification is to describe the minimum acceptable parameters for the
design, manufacture, inspection and testing of the equipment. The absence of any
specifications shall imply that the best engineering practices shall prevail, utilizing the best
quality workmanship and materials.
2.2 Definitions
Term Explanation
Third Party Any organization, authority and/or person other than the
Employer, Consultant and Contractor
Term Explanation
2.3 Abbreviations
Term Explanation
EN European Standard
QC Quality Control
API 594 Check Valves: Wafer, Wafer-Lug and Double Flanged Type
Steel gate, globe and check valves for sizes DN 100 and
API 602
smaller, for the petroleum and natural gas industries
API 607 Fire Test for soft seated quarter turn Valves
EN Standards
BS EN 1473 Installation and Equipment for Liquefied Natural Gas Design for
Onshore Installation
EN ISO 15761 Specification for Steel Gate, Globe, and Check Valves DN100
and Smaller for the Petroleum, Petrochemical and Allied
EN ISO 17292 Metal Ball Valves for Petroleum, Petrochemical and Allied
International Standards
ISO 21049 Pumps - Shaft sealing systems for centrifugal and rotary pumps
MSS SP-55 Quality Standard for Steel Castings for Valves, Flanges,
Fittings, and Other Piping Components
European Conformity
3 General
Employer will construct and operate a world-scale gasoil and liquefied gas tank terminal in
the harbour area of Ain-Sokhna, Egypt. This terminal will also serve as the main supply to
the Egyptian network for Gasoil & LPG.
4 Design
4.1 General
Valves shall be designed for safe and reliable service of 30 years with minimum
maintenance. All valves must be accompanied with a certificate guaranteeing the
satisfactory operation for a period not less than 10 years.
All valves shall comply with the definition given in the datasheets for each type of valve
and with the requirements of the codes specified therein.
Cavity relief shall be required for trunnion design ball valves and NOT for floating valves.
The cavity relief shall be to the upstream side of the Ball.
Upstream sealing, Trunnion Ball valves shall have a test port into the body cavity between
seats to allow seat testing as per API 598.
General criteria for seat selection (if not otherwise in data sheets):
- -196°C up to 180°C soft seated, reinforced(R) PTFE/Devlon, all ratings
- >180°C metal seated, hard chromium plated ball, stellite reinforced seats
- Class 600: Trunnion design, 1” with hand lever, 2" and above should be equipped
with a manual gearbox
Threaded valves shall not be used in plugged process vents and drains.
The sealing system shall be primary metal seated (secondary with soft seated gasket) and
of double sealing piston type seats.
The seat material shall be Stainless Steel and seat inserts of Devlon/RPTFE.
Cavity relief valve shall be provided to relief cavity over pressure.
The Vendor is responsible for the choice of appropriate material for the spring and this is
to be implemented in such a way as to ensure the function of the spring under all
operational conditions. Similarly, a material appropriate for the working conditions must be
chosen for the closed housing cover and the lifting cap, whereby gray cast iron is
Materials and material pairings for guides and moving parts must be suitable for the
application and there must be no impairment of the function of the safety valve as a result
of corrosion or differing heat expansion.
No non-ferrous metals may be used. This is valid also for a connected control unit and
additional loading.
Small parts and components that come into contact with the medium or under operational
stress (temperature, pressure) are to be produced from a material that at least complies
with that of the housing.
The gaskets must correspond with the application. The material for the valves has to be
taken from the relevant datasheets.
All metal seated valves shall be of “Fire Safe Design” confirming the requirement of API
607 or EN 10497.
Valves specified to be of fire-safe design in the data sheets shall be fire tested in
accordance with API-6FA. Alternative testing if proposed shall be agreed with the
Fire tests shall be witnessed and certified by Third Party.
A copy of the qualifying fire test certificates shall be included in the Vendor’s bid to cover
the full range of valves required.
4.16 Instrumentation
All instrumentation supplied as a part of the valve shall be in accordance with project
specification ILF-IN-SPC-0801 Instrumentation – Field Instrumentation – Specification.
selector switch for the operation modes Local/Off/Remote, lockable with pad or key
adjustable torque switches for both rotating directions,
min. one (1) limit switch for open position, equipped with 1NO+1NC con-tact, voltage
free contact
min. one (1) limit switch for closed position, equipped with 1NO+1NC con-tact, volt-
age free contact
min. four (4) free configurable contacts (NO or NC), voltage free contact
facilities to indicate the following failures
Phase power failure
Phase sequence not correct
Loss of control circuit
Valve jam
Valve stopped in mid travel
Over torque in open and close positions.
Following indication lights are required, as a minimum:
fully open
fully closed
LCD display
Digital communication such as Modbus,Profibus
The contacts shall be voltage free and suitable for 230 VAC, 1.5 A and 24 VDC, 1 A
All wiring shall be brought to an easily accessible, segregated terminal board. The wires
must be suitable labelled according to the wiring diagram.
Cable entries shall be threaded ISO to suit cable size. In minimum three (3) entries with
cable gland must be provided and one (1) spare EX plug for unused entry.
Safety factor of 1.5 shall apply for actuator sizing.
5 Material of Construction
5.1 General
General material selection shall comply with the document ILF-ME-SPC-0822 Piping Ma-
terial - Specification. The material selection of the body (including bonnet and/or bottom
flange), external bolts, studs and nuts, etc. shall be in accordance with the document ILF-
ME-SPC-0823 Piping Classes - Specification. The material for the valves has to be taken
from the relevant datasheets listed in section 2.5.
All material used shall be selected in accordance with code requirements and industry
standards for good workmanship.
All materials shall be new and unused.
Materials for all parts stressed by the medium should be chosen in compliance with the
acknowledged rule of technology, so that they are appropriate for the specified operational
conditions Substitution
Where pressure-retaining parts have been specified as forged, substitution of castings is
not permitted without written authorization from Employer (see Section 4.2).
Substitution of materials for materials specified on the purchase order or in the valve
purchase description is not permitted without written authorization from Employer.
5.5 Bolting
Bolting material shall be suitable for the specified valve service and piping class/pressure
Bolting material for low temperature service shall meet the requirement of ASTM A320.
6 Fabrication
The valves shall be fabricated in accordance with this Specification and shall meet the
requirements of API 6D.
All procedures for manufacturing (including welder qualification, welding, weld repair, post-
weld heat treatment) and quality control, as well as a manufacturing time schedule, shall
be subject to approval by the Employer or its representative prior to fabrication of the
The Vendor shall develop and submit for Employer/Contractor approval a quality plan and
an ITP prior to start of any design and/or manufacturing work. The quality plan and ITP
shall demonstrate that the Vendor’s proposed procedures will ensure compliance with this
Specification. It shall identify all manufacturing and quality check operations in a logical
manner, indicate the correct procedure, specification or code acceptance criteria and pro-
vide a means by which the Employer/Contractor and/or any Employer/Contractor’s
representative may indicate their surveillance requirements.
The Vendor shall give sufficient notification to allow Employer/Contractor presence (at
least 30 working-days) of any inspection hold points indicated by the Vendor on the quality
control and inspection plan to attend the inspections without delay.
The Vendor provides warranty regarding material, dimensions, manufacturing and proper
execution for the whole scope of supply including parts of sub-contractors for after contract
award agreed period.
Furthermore, the Vendor warrants the construction and compliance with all applicable reg-
ulations and all of the accompanying order execution rules. Parts that do not meet the
above requirements and not mentioned in the list of deviations have to be replaced free of
The Employer or his designated engineer reserves the right to witness following inspec-
tions and all related efforts of vendor shall be included in valve price:
Attend pre-inspection meeting
Inspect raw material and review related documentation including certification. Re-
view and endorse all drawings and design calculations where applicable.
Inspect fit up, alignment, and assembly stages wise inspection; review & verify
WPS/PQR/WQR, review NDE operators‟ qualifications to ASNT level 2, review
and witness NDE procedures, review radiographic films and provide Interpreta-
tions, review and verify any other special processes.
Gasket surfaces (bonnet and end connection) shall have no scratches, pin holes,
dents, or other types of damage. Serrations shall be clearly defined on flange fac-
Perform in-process and final dimensional checks for size, location, orientation and
Review and Endorse final ITP, all quality activities and test certificates.
The NDE shall meet the requirement of ASME B16.34, ASME BPVC V & VIII.
Additional NDE requirement of API 6D Annex G shall be met as applicable by the valve
data sheet.
7.2.1 Castings
Magnetic particle examinations shall be in accordance with the procedure and acceptance
standards of ASME B16.34 Mandatory Appendix II. Liquid penetrant exam-nations shall
be in accordance with the procedure and acceptance standards of Mandatory ASME
B16.34 Appendix III.
Magnetic particle examinations shall be in accordance with the procedure and acceptance
standards of ASME B16.34 Mandatory Appendix II. Liquid penetrant examinations shall be
in accordance with the procedure and acceptance standards of Mandatory ASME B16.34
Appendix III.
The impact testing values shall be as per valve data sheets and corresponding piping
The test method shall be V-notch technique in accordance with ASTM a 370 or ISO 148-1.
A minimum of one impact test, comprised of a set of three (03) specimens. Shall be
performed on a representative test bar of each heat of the material in the final heat-treated
If a test fails, then a retest of three additional specimens removed from the same Test
coupon (TC), with no additional heat treatment, may be made, each of which shall exhibit
an impact value equal to or exceeding the required average value.
Impact testing for bolting material shall meet the requirement of ASTM A 320.
Nuts from materials that have been impact tested shall be marked with the letter “L”.
7.9 Repairs
Casting repairs shall be made in accordance with the ASTM specification to which the
casting was procured. Repair of castings by impregnation with metallic or non-metallic
materials is not permitted.
7.10 Modifications
The Vendor shall not, under any circumstances, make the following modifications to a
valve to bring it into conformance with the valve purchase description without the approval
of Employer. The modified valve shall maintain the manufacturer’s warranty.
Adding an extended bonnet (gas column)
Inserting resilient seats
Commissioning and Start spare parts, lubricants, special Supply with delivery
up tools and handling gear
First Year of Operation spare parts, lubricants, special Supply with delivery
tools and handling gear
2nd & 3rd year of Opera- spare parts and lubricants provide list incl. price
tion for each item within
9.5 Shipping
All equipment, material and spare parts shall be sufficient packaged and shall be shipped
as a common delivery. The material, especially loose parts and spare parts shall be clearly
labelled according to the designation.
Actuators shall be coupled with the respective valve before shipping
Before shipment, a final inspection shall be carried out to verify whether the scope of sup-
ply is correct and complete according to the purchased order, including component
identification, painting, preservation and documentation.
Each valve shall be suitably prepared and secured in order to prevent damage during
shipment and storage.
A manufacturing record and certification dossier for each valve with ancillary and spare
equipment, supplied not later than the date of shipment, and containing:
Material and test certificates for pressure containing components
Record of all test within scope of supply
Test certification for pressure-containing equipment as required
Safety certification of all electrical components
Calibration certification of all instrument (if any)
Proof test certificates for swivels and couplers.
11 Documentation
11.1 General
Upon placement of the Purchase Order the Manufacturer shall submit as a minimum the
following drawings, documents and specifications for the client approval:
a) aAssembly drawings with overall dimensions including all features and including
valve operator. Complete dimensional details of the support foot (where applicable)
shall be in-dicated on these drawings.
b) Detailed sectional drawing showing all parts with reference numbers and material
c) Welding, Heat Treatment, Inspection and Testing Procedures
d) Quality Control Manual and Quality Control Plan
Manufacture of Valves shall commence only after approval of the above documents. Once
the approval has been given by the Contractor, any changes in design, material and
method of manufacture shall be notified to the Contractor whose approval in writing of all
changes shall be obtained before the valves are manufactured.
The Vendor shall note that changing the model or specification of valve and/or actuator is
not accepted under any circumstances after submission of purchase order.
Prior to shipment, the manufacturer shall submit following to the Client:
a) Test Certificates
b) Manual for Installation, Maintenance and Operation of the valves
All documents and drawings supplied shall be in English language.
Required documents are listed in the correspondent valve requisition documents.
Final inspection certificate according to EN 10204 – 3.2 on seat set pressure test
(notified body).
Certificate according to EN 10204 – 3.1 of seat leakage test.