Chapter 11 - Parkin Economics
Chapter 11 - Parkin Economics
Chapter 11 - Parkin Economics
290 CHAPTER 11 Output and Costs
◆ Decision Time Frames production. We call the fixed factors of production the
firm’s plant: In the short run, a firm’s plant is fixed.
People who operate firms make many decisions, and For Campus Sweaters, the fixed plant is its factory
all of their decisions are aimed at achieving one over- building and its knitting machines. For an electric
riding goal: maximum attainable profit. But not all power utility, the fixed plant is its buildings, genera-
decisions are equally critical. Some decisions are big tors, computers, and control systems.
ones. Once made, they are costly (or impossible) to To increase output in the short run, a firm must
reverse. If such a decision turns out to be incorrect, it increase the quantity of a variable factor of production,
might lead to the failure of the firm. Other decisions which is usually labor. So to produce more output,
are small. They are easily changed. If one of these Campus Sweaters must hire more labor and operate its
decisions turns out to be incorrect, the firm can knitting machines for more hours a day. Similarly, an
change its actions and survive. electric power utility must hire more labor and operate
The biggest decision that an entrepreneur makes is its generators for more hours a day.
in what industry to establish a firm. For most entre- Short-run decisions are easily reversed. The firm
preneurs, their background knowledge and interests can increase or decrease its output in the short run by
drive this decision. But the decision also depends on increasing or decreasing the amount of labor it hires.
profit prospects—on the expectation that total rev-
enue will exceed total cost. The Long Run
Cindy has decided to set up Campus Sweaters. She
The long run is a time frame in which the quantities of
has also decided the most effective method of organiz-
all factors of production can be varied. That is, the long
ing the firm. But she has not decided the quantity to
run is a period in which the firm can change its plant.
produce, the factors of production to hire, or the price
To increase output in the long run, a firm can
to charge for sweaters.
change its plant as well as the quantity of labor it hires.
Decisions about the quantity to produce and the
Campus Sweaters can decide whether to install more
price to charge depend on the type of market in
knitting machines, use a new type of machine, reorgan-
which the firm operates. Perfect competition,
ize its management, or hire more labor. Long-run deci-
monopolistic competition, oligopoly, and monopoly
sions are not easily reversed. Once a plant decision is
all confront the firm with different problems.
made, the firm usually must live with it for some
Decisions about how to produce a given output do
time. To emphasize this fact, we call the past expendi-
not depend on the type of market in which the firm
ture on a plant that has no resale value a sunk cost. A
operates. All types of firms in all types of markets
sunk cost is irrelevant to the firm’s current decisions.
make similar decisions about how to produce.
The only costs that influence its current decisions are
The actions that a firm can take to influence the
the short-run cost of changing its labor inputs and the
relationship between output and cost depend on how
long-run cost of changing its plant.
soon the firm wants to act. A firm that plans to
change its output rate tomorrow has fewer options
than one that plans to change its output rate six
months or six years in the future.
To study the relationship between a firm’s output REVIEW QUIZ
decision and its costs, we distinguish between two
decision time frames: 1 Distinguish between the short run and the long
■ The short run 2 Why is a sunk cost irrelevant to a firm’s current
■ The long run decisions?
that more and more workers are using the same cap-
ital and working in the same space. As more workers
are added, there is less and less for the additional
workers to do that is productive. For example, if
Campus Sweaters hires a third worker, output
increases but not by as much as it did when it hired
the second worker. In this case, after two workers are
hired, all the gains from specialization and the divi-
sion of labor have been exhausted. By hiring a third
worker, the factory produces more sweaters, but
the equipment is being operated closer to its limits.
There are even times when the third worker has
MP nothing to do because the machines are running
0 1 2 3 4 5 without the need for further attention. Hiring more
Labor (workers per day)
and more workers continues to increase output but
(b) Marginal product by successively smaller amounts. Marginal returns are
diminishing. This phenomenon is such a pervasive
Marginal product is illustrated by the orange bars. For exam- one that it is called a “law”—the law of diminishing
ple, when labor increases from 2 to 3 workers a day, mar- returns. The law of diminishing returns states that
ginal product is the orange bar whose height is 3 sweaters.
(Marginal product is shown midway between the quantities As a firm uses more of a variable factor of produc-
of labor to emphasize that marginal product results from tion with a given quantity of the fixed factor of
changing the quantity of labor.) The steeper the slope of the production, the marginal product of the variable
total product curve (TP) in part (a), the larger is marginal factor eventually diminishes.
product (MP) in part (b). Marginal product increases to a
maximum (in this example when 1.5 workers a day are You are going to return to the law of diminishing
employed) and then declines—diminishing marginal product. returns when we study a firm’s costs, but before we
do that, let’s look at the average product of labor and
the average product curve.
294 CHAPTER 11 Output and Costs
2 grade
FIGURE 11. 3 Average Product
(sweaters per day per worker)
Average product and marginal product
6 Maximum 1
C product
D 0
First Second Third Fourth
4 B E Semester
AP Marginal and Average Grade Curves
1 Explain how the marginal product and average
0 1 2 3 4 5
Labor (workers per day)
product of labor change as the labor employed
increases (a) initially and (b) eventually.
2 What is the law of diminishing returns? Why
The figure shows the average product of labor and the con- does marginal product eventually diminish?
nection between average product and marginal product. 3 Explain the relationship between marginal
With 1 worker, marginal product exceeds average product, product and average product.
so average product is increasing. With 2 workers, marginal
product equals average product, so average product is at its
maximum. With more than 2 workers, marginal product is Campus Sweaters’ product curves influence its
less than average product, so average product is decreasing. costs, as you are now going to see.
Short-Run Cost 295
Total Cost
25 TFC
A firm’s total cost (TC ) is the cost of all the factors
of production it uses. We separate total cost into total
fixed cost and total variable cost. 0 5 10 13 15
Output (sweaters per day)
Total fixed cost (TFC ) is the cost of the firm’s
fixed factors. For Campus Sweaters, total fixed cost
includes the cost of renting knitting machines and Total Total
normal profit, which is the opportunity cost of fixed variable Total
Cindy’s entrepreneurship (see Chapter 10, p. 267). cost cost cost
The quantities of fixed factors don’t change as out- Labor Output (TFC) (TVC) (TC)
(workers (sweaters
put changes, so total fixed cost is the same at all per day) per day) (dollars per day)
Total variable cost (TVC ) is the cost of the firm’s A 0 0 25 0 25
variable factors. For Campus Sweaters, labor is the B 1 4 25 25 50
variable factor, so this component of cost is its wage
C 2 10 25 50 75
bill. Total variable cost changes as output changes.
Total cost is the sum of total fixed cost and total D 3 13 25 75 100
variable cost. That is, E 4 15 25 100 125
A 0 0 25 0 25 — — —
. . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.25
B 1 4 25 25 50 6.25 6.25 12.50
. . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.17
C 2 10 25 50 75 2.50 5.00 7.50
. . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.33
D 3 13 25 75 100 1.92 5.77 7.69
. . . . . . . . . . . . .12.50
E 4 15 25 100 125 1.67 6.67 8.33
. . . . . . . . . . . . . 25.00
F 5 16 25 125 150 1.56 7.81 9.38
1. Spreading total fixed cost over a larger output The shape of the ATC curve combines these two
2. Eventually diminishing returns effects. Initially, as output increases, both average fixed
cost and average variable cost decrease, so average total
When output increases, the firm spreads its total cost decreases. The ATC curve slopes downward.
fixed cost over a larger output and so its average But as output increases further and diminishing
fixed cost decreases—its AFC curve slopes returns set in, average variable cost starts to increase.
downward. With average fixed cost decreasing more quickly than
Diminishing returns means that as output in- average variable cost is increasing, the ATC curve
creases, ever-larger amounts of labor are needed to continues to slope downward. Eventually, average
produce an additional unit of output. So as output variable cost starts to increase more quickly than
increases, average variable cost decreases initially but average fixed cost decreases, so average total cost
eventually increases, and the AVC curve slopes starts to increase. The ATC curve slopes upward.
upward. The AVC curve is U-shaped.
298 CHAPTER 11 Output and Costs
The figure shows the total product curve, TP, as a graph THE SOLUTION
of output (sweaters per day) plotted against labor (workers ■ Start with the worker-operated checkout system.
per day). It also shows the total variable cost curve, TVC, as Fixed cost is $1.00 per hour and variable cost is
a graph of total variable cost (dollars per day) against output. $10.00 per clerk. So the total cost schedule is
The only difference between the TVC curve here and that in
Checkout clerks 1 2 3 4 5
Fig. 11.4 is that we’ve switched the x- and y-axes.
Checkouts per hour 12 22 30 36 40
Total cost (TC) per hour 11 21 31 41 51
Short-Run Cost 299
MC Checkouts per hour 12 22 30 36
2.50 Marginal cost (MC) 0.83 0 0 1.67
Average total cost (ATC) 1.42 0.77 0.57 0.75
■ Figure 2 graphs the MC and ATC values at each
1.50 ATC
output rate.
1.00 ■ Figure 3 compares the ATC of the two systems.
You can see that the self-checkout system has
higher ATC at low output rates and lower ATC at
high output rates. The reason is that self-checkout
0 10 20 30 40 50
Output (checkouts per hour)
has a higher fixed cost and lower variable cost than
the worker-operated system.
Figure 1 Operator Checkout
Cost (dollars per checkout)
2.00 MC 2.00
1.00 ATCSelf
0 10 20 30 40 50
0 10 20 30 40 50
Output (checkouts per hour)
Output (checkouts per hour)
Figure 2 Self-Checkout
Figure 3 ATC Compared
300 CHAPTER 11 Output and Costs
■ Technology 6 AVC
Variable cost Cost that varies with the output level; cost of
a variable factor of production
Average fixed cost AFC Total fixed cost per unit of output AFC = TFC ÷ Q
Average variable cost AVC Total variable cost per unit of output AVC = TVC ÷ Q
Average total cost ATC Total cost per unit of output ATC = AFC + AVC
capital, which is a fixed factor, and less labor, which is upward and shifts the MC curve upward but leaves
a variable factor. Another example is the use of ATMs the AFC and TFC curves unchanged. For example, if
by banks to dispense cash. ATMs, which are fixed capi- truck drivers’ wages or the price of gasoline increases,
tal, have replaced tellers, which are variable labor. Such the variable cost and marginal cost of transportation
a technological change decreases total cost but increases services increase.
fixed costs and decreases variable cost. This change in
You’ve now completed your study of short-run
the mix of fixed cost and variable cost means that at
costs. All the concepts that you’ve met are summa-
small outputs, average total cost might increase, while
rized in a compact glossary in Table 11.2.
at large outputs, average total cost decreases.
Prices of Factors of Production An increase in the
price of a factor of production increases the firm’s
costs and shifts its cost curves. How the curves shift 1 What relationships do a firm’s short-run cost
depends on which factor price changes. curves show?
An increase in rent or some other component of 2 How does marginal cost change as output
fixed cost shifts the TFC and AFC curves upward and increases (a) initially and (b) eventually?
shifts the TC curve upward but leaves the AVC and
3 What does the law of diminishing returns
TVC curves and the MC curve unchanged. For
imply for the shape of the marginal cost curve?
example, if the interest expense paid by a trucking
company increases, the fixed cost of transportation 4 What is the shape of the AFC curve and why
services increases. does it have this shape?
An increase in wages, gasoline, or another compo- 5 What are the shapes of the AVC curve and the
nent of variable cost shifts the TVC and AVC curves ATC curve and why do they have these shapes?
302 CHAPTER 11 Output and Costs
4 15 20 24 26
The Production Function 5 16 21 25 27
Table 11.3 shows Campus Sweaters’ production
function. The table lists total product schedules for Knitting machines 1 2 3 4
four different quantities of capital. The quantity of
capital identifies the plant size. The numbers for
plant 1 are for a factory with 1 knitting machine— The table shows the total product data for four quantities
the case we’ve just studied. The other three plants of capital (plant sizes). As the plant size increases, the
have 2, 3, and 4 machines. If Campus Sweaters uses output produced by any given quantity of labor increases.
plant 2 with 2 knitting machines, the various For a given plant size, the marginal product of labor dimin-
amounts of labor can produce the outputs shown in ishes as more labor is employed. For a given quantity of
the second column of the table. The other two columns labor, the marginal product of capital diminishes as the
show the outputs of yet larger quantities of capital. quantity of capital used increases.
Each column of the table could be graphed as a total
product curve for each plant.
Diminishing Returns Diminishing returns occur with and increases the number of machines from 2 to 3,
each of the four plant sizes as the quantity of labor output increases from 18 to 22 sweaters a day. The
increases. You can check that fact by calculating the marginal product of the third machine is 4 sweaters
marginal product of labor in each of the plants with a day, down from 5 sweaters a day for the second
2, 3, and 4 machines. With each plant size, as the machine.
firm increases the quantity of labor employed, the Let’s now see what the production function
marginal product of labor (eventually) diminishes. implies for long-run costs.
Diminishing Marginal Product of Capital
Diminishing returns also occur with each quantity Short-Run Cost and Long-Run Cost
of labor as the quantity of capital increases. You can As before, Campus Sweaters can hire workers for $25
check that fact by calculating the marginal product a day and rent knitting machines for $25 a day.
of capital at a given quantity of labor. The marginal Using these factor prices and the data in Table 11.3,
product of capital is the change in total product we can calculate the average total cost and graph the
divided by the change in capital when the quantity ATC curves for factories with 1, 2, 3, and 4 knitting
of labor is constant—equivalently, the change in machines. We’ve already studied the costs of a factory
output resulting from a one-unit increase in the with 1 machine in Figs. 11.4 and 11.5. In Fig. 11.8,
quantity of capital. For example, if Campus the average total cost curve for that case is ATC1.
Sweaters has 3 workers and increases its capital Figure 11.8 also shows the average total cost curve for
from 1 machine to 2 machines, output increases a factory with 2 machines, ATC2, with 3 machines,
from 13 to 18 sweaters a day. The marginal product ATC3, and with 4 machines, ATC4.
of the second machine is 5 sweaters a day. If You can see, in Fig. 11.8, that the plant size has a
Campus Sweaters continues to employ 3 workers big effect on the firm’s average total cost.
Long-Run Cost 303
In Fig. 11.8, two things stand out: average total cost of 13 sweaters a day is $7.69 a
sweater. With 2 machines, on ATC2, average total
1. Each short-run ATC curve is U-shaped.
cost is $6.80 a sweater. With 3 machines, on ATC3,
2. For each short-run ATC curve, the larger the average total cost is $7.69 a sweater, the same as with
plant, the greater is the output at which average 1 machine. Finally, with 4 machines, on ATC4, aver-
total cost is at a minimum. age total cost is $9.50 a sweater.
Each short-run ATC curve is U-shaped because, as The economically efficient plant for producing a
the quantity of labor increases, its marginal product given output is the one that has the lowest average
initially increases and then diminishes. This pattern total cost. For Campus Sweaters, the economically
in the marginal product of labor, which we examined efficient plant to use to produce 13 sweaters a day is
in some detail for the plant with 1 knitting machine the one with 2 machines.
on pp. 292–293, occurs at all plant sizes. In the long run, Cindy chooses the plant that mini-
The minimum average total cost for a larger plant mizes average total cost. When a firm is producing a
occurs at a greater output than it does for a smaller given output at the least possible cost, it is operating
plant because the larger plant has a higher total fixed on its long-run average cost curve.
cost and therefore, for any given output, a higher The long-run average cost curve is the relationship
average fixed cost. between the lowest attainable average total cost and
Which short-run ATC curve a firm operates on output when the firm can change both the plant it
depends on the plant it has. In the long run, the firm uses and the quantity of labor it employs.
can choose its plant and the plant it chooses is the The long-run average cost curve is a planning
one that enables it to produce its planned output at curve. It tells the firm the plant and the quantity of
the lowest average total cost. labor to use to produce each output to minimize
To see why, suppose that Campus Sweaters plans average cost. Once the firm chooses a plant, the firm
to produce 13 sweaters a day. In Fig. 11.8, with 1 operates on the short-run cost curves that apply to
machine, the average total cost curve is ATC1 and the that plant.
304 CHAPTER 11 Output and Costs
The Long-Run Average Cost Curve GM produces 100 cars a week, each worker must per-
Figure 11.9 shows how a long-run average cost curve form many different tasks and the capital must be gen-
is derived. The long-run average cost curve LRAC eral-purpose machines and tools. But if GM produces
consists of pieces of the four short-run ATC curves. 10,000 cars a week, each worker specializes in a small
For outputs up to 10 sweaters a day, average total cost number of tasks, uses task-specific tools, and becomes
is the lowest on ATC1. For outputs between 10 and highly proficient.
18 sweaters a day, average total cost is the lowest on Diseconomies of scale are features of a firm’s tech-
ATC2. For outputs between 18 and 24 sweaters a day, nology that make average total cost rise as output
average total cost is the lowest on ATC3. And for out- increases. When diseconomies of scale are present,
puts in excess of 24 sweaters a day, average total cost the LRAC curve slopes upward. In Fig. 11.9,
is the lowest on ATC4. The piece of each ATC curve Campus Sweaters experiences diseconomies of scale
with the lowest average total cost is highlighted in at outputs greater than 15 sweaters a day.
dark blue in Fig. 11.9. This dark blue scallop-shaped The challenge of managing a large enterprise is the
curve made up of the pieces of the four ATC curves is main source of diseconomies of scale.
the LRAC curve. Constant returns to scale are features of a firm’s tech-
nology that keep average total cost constant as output
increases. When constant returns to scale are present,
Economies and Diseconomies of Scale the LRAC curve is horizontal.
Economies of scale are features of a firm’s technology
Economies of Scale at Campus Sweaters The
that make average total cost fall as output increases.
When economies of scale are present, the LRAC curve economies of scale and diseconomies of scale at
slopes downward. In Fig. 11.9, Campus Sweaters has Campus Sweaters arise from the firm’s production
economies of scale for outputs up to 15 sweaters a day. function in Table 11.3. With 1 machine and 1
Greater specialization of both labor and capital is worker, the firm produces 4 sweaters a day. With
the main source of economies of scale. For example, if 2 machines and 2 workers, total cost doubles but
Produce More to Cut Cost
Why do GM, Ford, and the other automakers have
expensive equipment lying around that isn’t fully
used? You can answer this question with what you’ve
learned in this chapter.
The basic answer is that auto production enjoys
economies of scale. A larger output rate brings a
A Long-Run Decision
for Amazon
Around the world, Amazon has approaching 200 fulfilment centers and more than 150 million
square feet of space where employees and robots process thousands of orders a day. Since
2017, Amazon has opened 20 facilities in Arizona. How does Amazon know when to open a
new filfullment center and when to expand an existing one?
Read these headlines and news clips and then explain how Amazon makes its decision.
■ In 2020, Amazon’s 1,298,000 employees processed ■ This center can fill 300,000 orders per day at an average total
around 1 billion orders from its 295 fulfillment centers. cost of $1 an order. (This cost doesn’t include the cost of the
items shipped.)
■ Two of Amazon’s fulfillment centers are in Arizona in
Goodyear and Tucson. ■ If Amazon increased the output of this center to above
300,000 orders per year, its marginal cost would increase
■ The number of orders processed by Amazon increases
sharply, which would increase average total cost.
every year, and the firm must decide how to meet the
growing demand for its service. ■ Amazon can avoid the higher average total cost by build-
ing its new Goodyear center.
■ Amazon can increase the number of orders it fills either by
increasing the output of its existing centers or by building ■ Figure 2 shows Amazon’s average total cost with a new
more centers. center.
■ Amazon has decided that the least-cost way of increasing ■ Amazon will pay the same wages and employee benefits
output in Arizona is to open a new technology-intensive and use the same technologies in Goodyear as in Tucson,
center in Goodyear. so the new Goodyear center has the same average total
cost curve as the Tucson center.
■ Amazon could have processed a greater number of orders
by hiring more workers and installing more robots in ■ The Tucson center’s average total cost curve is ATC0, so
Tucson. when the new center is opened, Amazon can fill 600,000
■ But the Tucson center would have become congested and orders at a cost of $1 an order on ATC1.
the cost of filling an order would have increased. ■ By building a new center, Amazon is expanding along its
■ By building the Goodyear center, Amazon can increase its long-run average cost curve (LRAC).
output at a production cost that is the same as in its other ■ At small outputs, the average total cost of filling an order
centers. is lower at one center than at two. And at large outputs,
■ We don’t know Amazon’s costs, but we can gain insight into the average total cost is lower at two centers than at one
the firm’s decisions with an example using assumed costs. large center.
■ In Fig. 2, Amazon experiences constant returns to scale
■ Figure 1 graphs the (assumed) marginal cost (MC) and aver-
age total cost (ATC) curves for Amazon’s Tucson fulfillment (an assumption, but not unlikely).
Cost (dollars per order)
3 3 By increasing plant size,
Amazon can process more
MC rises sharply orders at lower cost on ATC1
and pulls up ATC
as output increases ATC ATC 0 ATC 1
above 300,000
2 orders per day 2
1 1 LRAC
Figure 1 Amazon's Short-Run Cost Curves Figure 2 Amazon's Long-Run Cost Curve
308 CHAPTER 11 Output and Costs
The table provides data about a firm’s short-run 1b. TFC equals TC at zero output, so you can fill in the
costs. It shows the firm’s total cost, TC, and mar- TFC column as $12 at each quantity of output.
ginal cost, MC, at five levels of output, including 1c. Because TC = TFC + TVC , you can fill in the TVC
zero output. column as TVC = TC − TFC . For example, at 1 unit
Output MC TC TFC TVC ATC AFC AVC of output, TVC = $22 − $12 = $10.
1d. Average cost equals TC ÷ output , so to fill in the
0 $12 ? ?
ATC, AFC, and AVC columns, divide the numbers
$10 for TC, TFC, and TVC by the output level. For ex-
1 ? ? ? ? ? ? ample, ATC at 3 units of output is $30 ÷ 3 = $10.
2 ? ? ? ? ? ? Output MC TC TFC TVC ATC AFC AVC
$6 0 $12 $12 0
3 ? ? ? ? ? ? $10
$22 1 $22 $12 $10 $22 $12 $10
4 ? ? ? ? ? ? $2
Questions 2 $24 $12 $12 $12 $6 $6
1. Fill in the cells marked “?” to record the firm’s costs: $6
TC, TFC, TVC, ATC, AFC, and AVC at each 3 $30 $12 $18 $10 $4 $6
output. $22
2. Draw a graph of the total cost curves, and a graph 4 $52 $12 $40 $13 $3 $10
of the average and marginal cost curves.
Key Point: Given a firm’s total cost at zero output
Solutions and its marginal cost at each output, by using the re-
1a. Begin by using the fact that marginal cost, MC, is lationships among the cost concepts, we can calculate
the change in total cost, TC, when output increases the total costs and the average costs at each output.
by 1 unit. This fact means that TC at 1 unit equals 2. The key figure (a) graphs the total cost curves and
TC at zero units plus MC of the first unit. TC is $12 the key figure (b) graphs the marginal and average
at zero and MC of the first unit is $10, so TC at 1 cost curves.
unit equals $22. The rest of the TC column is calcu-
Key Point: The marginal cost curve intersects the two
lated in the same way. For example, TC at 4 units is
average cost curves at their minimum points.
$52, which equals $30 + $22 .
Key Figure
Cost (dollars per unit)
60 40
30 20
20 ATC
10 AVC
0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4
Output (units per day) Output (units per day)
(a) Total Cost Curves (b) Average and Marginal Cost Curves
Summary 309
Key Terms
Average fixed cost , 296 Economies of scale, 304 Short run, 290
Average product , 291 Law of diminishing returns, 293 Sunk cost , 290
Average total cost , 296 Long run, 290 Total cost , 295
Average variable cost , 296 Long-run average cost curve, 303 Total fixed cost , 295
Constant returns to scale, 304 Marginal cost , 296 Total product , 291
Diminishing marginal returns, 293 Marginal product , 291 Total variable cost , 295
Diseconomies of scale, 304 Minimum efficient scale, 305
310 CHAPTER 11 Output and Costs
Use the table in Problem 20 and the following 28. After you have studied Economics in the News on
information to work Problems 23 and 24. pp. 306–307, answer the following questions.
a. Explain the distinction between the short
If ProPainters doubles the number of students it hires run and the long run, and identify when
and doubles the amount of equipment it leases, it Amazon would want to make each type of
experiences diseconomies of scale. decision.
23. Explain how the ATC curve with one unit of b. Explain constant returns to scale. Why does
equipment differs from that when ProPainters Amazon reap constant returns to scale in the
uses double the amount of equipment. example with the assumed costs on p. 307?
24. Explain what might be the source of the dis-
c. Amend the graph in Fig. 2 on p. 307 to illus-
economies of scale that ProPainters experiences.
trate Amazon’s ATC1 and LRAC curves if it
Use the following data to work Problems 25 to 27. experiences economies of scale.
The table shows the production function of Bonnie’s 29. Marriott is Testing Contactless Check-in
Balloon Rides. Bonnie’s pays $500 a day for each bal- Via Kiosks
loon it rents and $25 a day for each balloon operator Marriott is testing its new contactless arrival
it hires. kiosks, eliminating the need for face-to-face
check-ins. The kiosks help speed up the check-in
Output process.
(rides per day)
Labor Source:, April 11, 2021
(workers per day) Plant 1 Plant 2 Plant 3 Plant 4
a. What is the total fixed cost of operating one
10 6 10 13 15 contactless check-in kiosk?
20 10 15 18 20 b. Explain how the fixed costs, variable costs,
30 13 18 22 24 and total costs differ if you check in at a hotel
40 15 20 24 26 using a contactless kiosk or check in with an
50 16 21 25 27 employee at the front desk.
Balloons (number) 1 2 3 4 c. Sketch the marginal cost and average cost
curves implied by your answer to part (b).
25. Graph the average total cost curves for Plant 1
and Plant 2. Explain why these two ATC curves Use the following news clip to work Problems 30, 31,
differ. and 32.
26. Graph the average total cost curves for Plant 3 Macy’s Plans to Open Smaller Stores
and Plant 4. Explain why these two ATC curves Macy’s CEO Jeff Gennette believes that Macy’s has
differ. high potential outside of malls and in smaller for-
27. a. On Bonnie’s LRAC curve, what is the average mats. The department store chain is planning to test
cost of producing several smaller Macy’s stores outside of malls.
Source:, September 2, 2020
(i) 15 rides a day?
(ii) 18 rides a day? 30. Thinking of a Macy’s store as a production plant,
explain why Macy’s is opening smaller stores. Is
b. Explain how Bonnie’s uses its long-run average
Macy’s decision a long-run decision or a short-
cost curve to decide how many balloons to
run decision?
31. Is Macy’s expecting to benefit from economies
of scale or does the firm think there are disec-
onomies of scale? Explain your answer.
32. Draw a graph to illustrate Macy’s average total
cost curves for a small format store and the
regular Macy’s store.