Tuvsudcybermedicaldevices US
Tuvsudcybermedicaldevices US
Tuvsudcybermedicaldevices US
and IEC 81001-5-1
What You Need to Know
White paper
In today’s highly connected world, cyberattacks against critical systems and equipment are becoming an all-too-frequent
occurrence. Insurance industry consultancy Embroker notes that cybercrime increased 600% during the Covid-19
pandemic of 2020 and that the number of cyberattacks worldwide is expected to double by the year 2025.1
The issue of cybersecurity is a special concern for several industries, including the medical device industry. Quality
healthcare depends on secure access to advanced medical technologies that use software and communications
protocols to actively exchange vital patient information with other medical systems and devices. Cyber breaches
impacting medical devices put the safety of individual patients at risk and severely compromise the quality of healthcare
for people worldwide.
To help address the growing challenges of software-related cybersecurity concerns linked to medical devices, the
International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) has published IEC 81001-5-1, “Health software and health IT system
safety, effectiveness and security—Part 5-1: Security—Activities in the product life cycle.” The standard is expected to
gain Harmonized Standard status under the European Union’s (EU) Medical Device Regulation (2017/745, MDR).
In this white paper, we’ll discuss the state of medical device cybersecurity and provide details on the scope and
requirements of IEC 81001-5-1. We’ll also discuss the implementation timeline for the standard, and how device
manufacturers can integrate the standard’s requirements into their product development activities.
According to some
estimates, approximately
30% of the world’s data
volume is currently
being generated by the
healthcare industry
alone, greater than
the amounts of data
generated by the
manufacturing sector, Like other data sets, health-related by a leading medical device
financial services, or data includes confidential information manufacturer. The recall was
that can be misused when accessed issued after it was determined that
media and entertainment
by those with malicious intent. a vulnerability in the device design
entities. Names and addresses of patients, would allow unauthorized third
medical conditions and diseases, parties to modify the pacemaker’s
prescribed drugs, and therapies, programming commands.5
To begin, health-related information and even details about insurance
generated in connection with the care coverage are just some examples of ■
In 2018, a medical syringe pump
and treatment of an average patient sensitive data collected by connected was found to have a critical
is approaching 80 megabytes of data medical devices that are vulnerable to vulnerability that would allow an
each year,3 an estimate that doesn’t cybersecurity threats and breaches. attacker to direct the operation
include data generated by the rapidly of the pump when connected to a
growing number of consumer-oriented Then there are a number of highly terminal server.6
healthcare apps. According to some publicized incidents in which hackers
estimates, approximately 30% of the have uncovered cybersecurity ■
In late 2019, the U.S. FDA identified
world’s data volume is currently being vulnerabilities in connected medical 11 separate vulnerabilities in a
generated by the healthcare industry devices or device software that would third-party software component
alone, greater than the amounts of potentially allow them to gain remote that supported network
data generated by the manufacturing access and control their operation. communications. The vulnerabilities
sector, financial services, or media Examples of such incidents include: would potentially allow anyone to
and entertainment entities. And take remote control of a device
healthcare data is expected to ■
In 2017, the U.S. Food and Drug using the software, change its
experience a compound annual Administration (FDA) issued a recall function, or cause information leaks
growth rate (CAGR) of 36% between of an estimated 465,000 implantable or logic flows that could interfere
now and 2025.4 cardiac pacemakers produced with device function.7
IEC 81001-5-1 also includes several potential security threats, and offers that can be used in support of
informative Annexes that can help details on several approaches that submissions for 510(k) and PMA
manufacturers and developers meet can be used to develop an accurate review. But, regardless of the
the standard’s requirements. Annex B threat model. standard’s actual effective date,
guides the implementation of life cycle connected device manufacturers and
activities to help ensure the security IEC 81001-5-1 is expected to be developers of health software can
of health software. And Annex designated by the EU Commission gain significant benefits from meeting
C provides a detailed discussion as a harmonized standard under the the requirements of ISO 81000-5-1 in
of threat modeling, a systematic MDR with an anticipated effective current and future product designs.
approach for analyzing the security of date in May 2024. The standard is
a device or an application to facilitate also likely to be recognized by the
the identification and prioritization of U.S. FCC as a “consensus standard”
Our expert technical professionals bring our extensive and in-depth issues, enabling them to bring
conduct these security-related tests experience in the medical device connected medical devices and health
and services in our state-of-the-art industry to help our clients solve software to market.
testing facilities. In every case, we their most challenging cybersecurity
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