Manajemen Pengadaan Dan Kontrak Rantai Pasok
Manajemen Pengadaan Dan Kontrak Rantai Pasok
Manajemen Pengadaan Dan Kontrak Rantai Pasok
1 Procurement 2 Outsourcing
The process of acquiring The practice of contracting
goods, services, and external providers to handle
resources needed to support certain business functions or
a business's operations and processes.
3 Key Objectives
Cost reduction, access to specialized expertise, increased flexibility,
and improved efficiency.
Peran Strategis Pengadaan
Peran strategis pengadaan dalam rantai pasok sangat penting untuk
meningkatkan efisiensi, fleksibilitas, dan daya saing perusahaan.
Berikut beberapa peran strategis utama pengadaan :
1. Mengurangi Biaya
2. Memastikan Keberlanjutan Pasokan
3. Meningkatkan Kualitas Produk
4. Meningkatkan Fleksibilitas
5. Mengelola Risiko
6. Inovasi dan Pengembangan Produk
Strategic Procurement in Supply Chain Optimization
Strategic procurement can help identify Rigorous supplier evaluation and Proactive planning and contingency
cost-effective suppliers and negotiate management ensures consistent measures can help minimize supply
favorable terms. product/ service quality. chain disruptions.
Tugas Bagian Pengadaan
The procurement department plays a key role in acquiring goods
and services that meet the company's needs efficiently and cost-
effectively. Its responsibilities include planning and identifying
requirements, selecting and negotiating with suppliers, and
managing contracts to secure favorable terms. Additionally, the
department maintains relationships with suppliers, monitors
procurement activities for compliance, and coordinates quality
checks upon receipt. It also handles procurement documentation,
reporting, and cost analysis to find savings opportunities,
ensuring smooth operations and supporting financial goals
In-house vs. Outsourcing
1 Assess In-house
E valuate your current resources, expertise, and infrastructure to
determine core competencies.
2 Identify Gaps
Determine which functions or processes could be better
handled by external providers.
3 Weigh Outsourcing
Consider cost, quality, and strategic alignment when deciding
what to outsource.
Proses Pengadaan Barang/ Jasa
Mencakup berbagai tahapan yang bertujuan untuk memastikan bahwa
barang dan jasa yang diperlukan diperoleh dengan harga kompetitif,
berkualitas baik, dan tepat waktu.
1. Identifikasi Kebutuhan
2. Permintaan Persetujuan
3. Penelitian dan Pemilihan Pemasok
4. Negosiasi dan Kontrak
5. Pengawasan dan Pemantauan
6. Penerimaan dan Pemeriksaan Barang/Jasa
7. Pembayaran dan Penyelesaian
8. Evaluasi Kinerja Pemasok
Kriteria dalam Pemilihan Supplier
Kriteria dalam pemilihan supplier sangat penting untuk memastikan bahwa
pemasok yang dipilih dapat memenuhi kebutuhan perusahaan secara optimal.
Berikut adalah beberapa kriteria utama yang sering digunakan dalam pemilihan
1. Kualitas Produk
2. Harga
3. Ketepatan Waktu Pengiriman
4. Kapasitas Produksi
5. Reputasi dan Stabilitas Finansial
6. Kemampuan Teknis dan Inovasi
7. Dukungan Layanan dan Responsivitas
8. Kepatuhan terhadap Regulasi dan Etika
Supplier Selection and
Vendor Management
Supplier Criteria Vendor Management
Quality, cost, delivery, financial Ongoing performance
stability, sustainability, and monitoring, clear
alignment with your values. communication, and
collaborative problem-solving.
Relationship Building
Foster strong partnerships with key suppliers to enhance supply chain
Outsourcing Models and
Contracted Services
Outsource specific functions or processes to external providers.
Relocate business activities to a different country to leverage cost advantages.
Shared Services
C entralize and consolidate common business functions across the organization.
Mitigating Risks in Outsourced Operations
3 Transparency
Maintain visibility into your supply chain and communicate your
sustainability efforts.
Continuous Improvement in Procurement
Performance Tracking Supplier Collaboration Technology Adoption
Regularly review and analyze Work closely with vendors to streamline Leverage procurement software,
procurement KPIs to identify areas for processes and implement innovative automation, and analytics to drive
improvement. solutions. greater efficiency.
1. Jelaskan peran peran strategis pengadaan dalam rantai pasok?