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Sem 1 Syllabus

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(Approved by AICTE, New Delhi and Recognized by DTE, Maharashtra)

An Autonomous Institute Affiliated to Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur
Accredited by NAAC with A+ Grade
Shraddha Park, B-37-39/1, MIDC, Hingna-Wadi Link Road, Nagpur-440016 (INDIA)
Phone Nos.: +91-07104-236102 Fax: +91-07104-236100
Email: - [email protected] Web: - www.ghrietn.raisoni.net

Department of MCA
Course Contents:
MCAL101: Operating System Concepts
Continuous Evaluation Scheme
Teaching Scheme Theory Practical
Total Credits
Th. Tu. Pr. TAE CAE ESE Int Ext Total
3 - - 3 3 20 30 50 - - 100

1. To understand the concepts and functions of operating systems.

2. To understand Processes and Threads and various scheduling algorithms
3. To analyze various memory management schemes.
4. To understand I/O management and File systems.
5. To be familiar with System Protection & Security.
1. Describe the important computer system resources and the role of operating system in
their management policies and algorithms.
Course 2. Understand the process management policies and scheduling of processes by CPU
Outcomes 3. Describe and analyze the memory management and its allocation policies
4. Identify use and evaluate the storage management policies with respect to different
storage management technologies.
5. Understand System Protection mechanism, Security environment and threads.
Unit Content Hours
Computer System Overview-Basic Elements, Instruction Execution, Interrupts, Memory
Hierarchy, Cache Memory, Direct Memory Access, Multiprocessor and Multicore
I Organization. Operating system overview-objectives and functions, Evolution of 10
Operating System. - Computer System Organization Operating System Structure and
Operations- System Calls, System Programs, OS Generation and System Boot.
Processes – Process Concept, Process Scheduling, Operations on Processes,
Implementation Of Processes Inter-process Communication; CPU Scheduling –
Scheduling criteria, Scheduling algorithms, Threads- Overview, Multithreading models,
II Implementing Threads In User Space & Kernel, Hybrid Implementation ,Threading 10
issues; Process Synchronization – The critical-section problem, Synchronization
hardware, Mutex locks, Semaphores, Critical regions, Monitors; Deadlock – System
model, Deadlock characterization, Methods for handling deadlocks, Deadlock
prevention, Deadlock avoidance, Deadlock detection, Recovery from deadlock.
File System Interface and Implementation: Concept of a File- Attributes of a File,
Operations on Files, Types of Files; Structure of File; File Access Methods-Sequential
III Access, Direct Access, Indexed Sequential Access; Directory Structure: Single Level 10
Directory, Two Level Directory; Tree Structured Directories; Allocation Methods-
Contiguous allocation, Linked allocation, Indexed allocation, Performance comparison;
Free Space Management, Directory Implementation.
Memory Management requirements, Memory partitioning: Fixed and Variable
Partitioning, Memory Allocation: Allocation Strategies (First Fit, Best Fit, and Worst
IV 10
Fit), Fragmentation, Swapping, and Paging. Segmentation, Demand paging Virtual
Memory: Concepts, management of VM, Page Replacement Policies (FIFO, LRU,
Optimal, Other Strategies), Thrashing
System Protection: Goal of Protection, Access Matrix & its implementation, Access,
V Access control technique. System Security: Security Environment, Design Principles of 10
Security, system and network threads UserAuthentication.

1. Operating System Concepts (8th Edition) by Silberschatz, Peter B. Galvin and Greg
Gagne, Wiley Indian Edition (2010).
Text Books
2. Modern Operating Systems (Third Edition) by Andrew S Tanenbaum,Prentice
Hall India (2008).
1. Kernighan & Pike: "UNIX programming Environment", 2/E, PHI-EEE, 2001.
2. W Richard Stevens, Stephen A Rago, "Advanced Programming in the UNIX
Reference Books Environment"; 3/E, Addison Wesley Professional, 2013.
3. W. Stallings: "Operating Systems: Internals and Design Principles", 7/E, PearsonPub.,
On-line TL -
24MCAL102 : Database Management Systems
Continuous Evaluation Scheme
Teaching Scheme
Theory Practical
Total Total
Th. Tu Pr. TAE CAE ESE Int Ext
3 - - 3 3 20 30 50 - - 100

1. To understand the basic concepts and the applications of database systems.

2. To master the basics of SQL and construct queries using SQL.

Course 3. To understand the relational database design principles.
4. To become familiar with the basic issues of transaction processing and concurrency control.

5. To become familiar with database storage structures and access techniques.

1. Describe the basic concepts of DBMS and various databases used in real applications.

2. Design relational database using E-R model, normalization and nonprocedural structural query
Course languages for various database applications
3. Apply concepts of Object Based Database, XML database and non-relational databases

4. Explain the concept transaction management and Concurrency management for

real applications
5. Elaborate the concept Backup and Recovery Systems
Course Contents:

Unit Contents Hours

Basic concepts- 12
Introduction, A Historical Perspective, Database and Need for DBMS,
I Characteristics, Users, Views, schema, 3-tier architecture, Introduction of
Parallel, Distributed Databases. Models (Relational model, Object Models),
Advantages and disadvantages of each model
Data Modeling and Relational Database:- 10
Introduction to the Relational Model, Entities-attributes, Relationship,
II Attributes, relationship set, Keys, Codd’s rules, Generalization, aggregation, ER
diagrams, Normalization (1 NF, 2 NF, 3 NF, BCNF), Introduction to SQL,
DDL, DML Queries.
Databases and applications: - Obstacles using Relational Data Model & 12
III Emergence of Special Databases, Object Oriented Databases (OODBMS),
Feature, Advantages of OODBMS Architecture, ODL, OQL, OODBMS Vs
RDBMS, Object Relational Database, Schema, Mapping, XML, Structure of
XML Data, XML Document Schema, Querying and Transformation,
Application Program Interfaces to XML, Storage of XML Data, XML
Transaction and Concurrency: - 10
IV Concept of transaction processing, ACID properties, States of transaction,
Serializibility and testing for serializibility, Concurrency control, schemes,
Locking techniques, Timestamp based protocols, Granularity of data items,
V Backup and Recovery Systems:- 10
Failure classifications, Recovery & Atomicity, Log base recovery, Recovery
with concurrent transactions, Failure with loss of non-volatile storage, Database
backup & recovery from catastrophic failure, Remote backup system

1. Database Systems Concepts: Silberschatz, Korth, Sudarshan, McGraw-Hill.

2. An Introduction to Database Systems: Bipin C. Desai, Galgotia.
Text Books 3. An Introduction to Database Systems: C.J.Date, Narosa.
4. Data base Management Systems, Raghu Ramakrishnan, Johannes Gehrke, McGraw
Hill Education (India) Private Limited, 3rd Edition.
1. Introduction to database systems C.J.Date, Pearson
2. Database system concept Korth, TMH,5th Ed.
Reference Books 3. Principles of Database Management James Martin, PHI.
4. Database Management systems Ramakrishna &Gehrke, McGrawHill,3rd Ed.
5. Database Management Systems Bipin Desai, Galgotia Pub.

On-line TL -
24MCAL103: PHP
Continuous Evaluation Scheme
Teaching Scheme
Theory Practical
Total Credits
Th. Tu Pr. TAE CAE ESE Int Ext Total
3 - 2 9 5 20 30 50 25 25 150

1. Gain the PHP programming skills needed to successfully build interactive, data driven sites
Course 2. Use the MVC pattern to organize code
3. Test and debug a PHP application

4. Work with form data, regular expressions, handle exceptions, and validate data, MYSQL
and Database

1. Understand basic PHP syntax for variable use and standard language constructs, such as
conditionals and loops.
2. Understand the syntax and working with concept different concepts of functions
Outcomes 3. Understand the paradigm for dealing with form-based data, both from the syntax of
HTML forms, and how they are accessed inside a PHP-based script.

4. Understand to deal with Error handling, file type processing and state management as
well as processing images.

5. Developing and understanding the working MYSQL and Database connectivity

Course Contents:

Unit Contents Hours

History of PHP, Apache Web Server, MySQL and Open Source, Relationship
I between Apache, MySQL and PHP (AMP Module), PHP configuration in IIS,
Apache Web server BASICS OF PHP: PHP structure and syntax, Creating the
PHP pages, Rules of PHP syntax, Integrating HTML with PHP, Constants,
Variables : static and global variable, Conditional Structure & Looping, PHP 12
Operators, Arrays, for each constructs, User defined function, argument
function, Variable function, Return Function, default argument, variable length

Variable Function, String Function, Math Function, Date Function, Array
II Function, and File Function. User defined function, Systems defined function,
Parameterized function, Non parameterized function, Dynamic parameter in
function, Variable scope, Passing Argument in function, Static function.


III FORM element, INPUT elements, Processing the form, User Input, Adding
items, Validating the user input, Passing variables between pages. Files, 10
Creating and deleting file, Reading and writing file, Working with file, Creating
and deleting folder, Working with regular Expression Basic regular expression,
Matching patterns, Finding match, Replace match.

IV Error types in PHP, Generating PHP errors, Exceptions, Parse errors, State
Management: - Cookies Session, Destroying cookies and session Http 08
management, Sent mail Images with PHP: Working with GD Library, File types
with GD and PHP, Compiling PHP with GD, Creating the image table,
uploading the image.
MySQL structure and syntax, Types of MySQL tables and storages engines,
MySQL commands, Integration of PHP with MySQL, Connection to the
MySQL server, Working with PHP and arrays of data, Referencing two tables,
Joining two tables. WORKING WITH DATABASE: Creating a table,
manipulating the table, editing the database, inserting a record, deleting a
record, editing data Understand process of executing a PHP-based script on a
1. Beginning PHP, Apache, MySQL Web Development - Elizabeth Naramore, Jason
Gerner, Yann Le, Scouarnec, Jeremy Stolz, Michael K. Glass, Gary Mailer - By Wrox
Text Books Publication

2. PHP, MySQL and Apache - Julie C. Melone By Pearson Education

1. Beginning PHP 5.3, by Matt Doyle - By Wrox Publication

Reference Books
2. PHP and MySQL Bible – Tim Converse and Joyce Park with Clark Morgam By
On-line TL

Sr. No. Name of Experiments

1. Write a program using Conditional Structure.

2. Write a program using array which accepts five values and print the values.

3. Write a program using Looping Structure with concept of Functions

4. Write a program in PHP for type casting of a variable

5. Write a program in PHP to display Multiplication Table using nested for loop

6. Write a program In PHP to Sort an array using Bubble Sort function

Design the personal information form ,submit and retrieve the form data using php $_POST,$_GET,$
REQUEST variable

8. Study of Cookies and Session In PHP

9. Study Of Mysql DDL,DML,DCL Commands

10. Design Login Form and Validate that form using PHP Code

11. Write a PHP code to create database & table in Mysql

12. Write a PHP code to insert ,delete,select the data from database

13. Design a from which upload & Display image in PHP

14. Write a PHP Code to make database connection, Create Data Base, Create Table In Mysql

15. Write a PHP code Insert, Delete, Update, Select the Data From Data Base
MCAL104: Discrete Mathematics & Graph Theory
Continuous Evaluation Scheme
Teaching Scheme
Credits Theory Practical
Total Total
Th. Tu Pr. TAE CAE ESE Int Ext
3 0 0 3 3 20 30 50 - - 100

1. Use set notation, including the notations for subsets, unions, intersections, differences,
Complements cross products, and power sets. Use mathematically correct terminology and
notation. Write English sentences for logical expressions and vice-versa.

2. Determine if a logical argument is valid or invalid. Apply standard rules of inference including
Modus Ponens, Modus Tollens, Transitivity, and Elimination.

Objectives 3. Define and use the terms function, domain, codomain, range, image, inverse image, preimage, &
composition. Define Relation & algebraic structure
4. Understand basics of counting, generating functions, Recurrence relation and solution of
recurrence relation.
5. Understand Graph and Tree terms, and be able to relate these to practical examples.

1. Understand the basic principles of sets and operations in sets and Prove basic set equalities.

2. Write an argument using logical notation and determine if the argument is or is not valid.

3. Demonstrate an understanding of relations and functions and be able to determine their

properties. Lattices, Partial Order Relation and Boolean Functions.
4. Understand the terms Combinations, Permutations, Pigeonhole principles, Recurrence

5. Model problems in Computer Science using graphs and trees.

Course Contents:

Unit Contents Hours

Fundamental: Sets and Relations, Operations on sets, Addition Principle: for 2 Sets
and 3 Sets, Matrices, Boolean Matrix Operations, Mathematical Logic: Statements
and notations, Connectives, conditional statements, Well-formed formulas, Truth 10
I Tables, tautology, equivalence, implication, Normal forms. Mathematical
Inference & Predicate Theory
Theory of inference for the statement calculus: Rules of inference, Consistency,
proof of contradiction, Automatic Theorem Proving. Predicate calculus: Predicative 10
II logic, Free and Bound variables, The Universe of Discourse. Inference theory of
predicate calculus involving quantifiers.
Relations & Algebraic Structure
Properties of binary Relations, equivalence, transitive closure. Lattices, Hasse
Diagram. Functions: Composition of functions, Inverse Function, Algebraic 10
structures: Algebraic systems, examples and general properties, Semi groups and
monoids, groups and sub groups, Boolean algebra.
Elementary Combinatorics
Basics of counting, Combinations & Permutations with repetitions, Pigeon hole
principles and its application. Recurrence Relations: Generating Functions,
Function of Sequences, Calculating Coefficients of generating functions, 8
Recurrence relations, solving recurrence relation by substitution and Generating
functions, the method of Characteristic roots, and solution of homogeneous
Recurrence Relations.
Graph Theory: Basic Concept of Graph Theory, Sub graphs, Euler Path & Circuits,
V Hamiltonian Path & Circuits, Trees: Introduction, Trees and their properties, 10
Spanning Trees, Directed trees, Undirected Trees, Minimal Spanning Trees.

1. Discrete Mathematical Structures by Kolman, Ross and Busby, PHI Publication.

2. Discrete Mathematics with Applications to Computer Science, J P Trembley and R
Manohar, TMH, 2008. (Units I and II).
Text Books
3. Discrete Mathematics for Computer Scientists and Mathematicians, second edition, J. L.
Mott, A. Kandel, T.P. Baker, PHI

1. Elements of Discrete Mathematics- A Computer Oriented Approach, C.L.Liu, D.P.

Mohapatra, 3rd edition, TMH.

Reference Books 2. Discrete and Combinatorial Mathematics- An Applied Introduction-5th Edition– Ralph.
P.Grimaldi, Pearson Education.

On-line TL https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc21_cs34/unit?unit=58&lesson=59
Material https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc21_cs34/unit?unit=89&lesson=90
Continuous Evaluation Scheme
Teaching Scheme
Theory Practical
Total Credits
Th. Tu Pr. TAE CAE ESE Int Ext Total
3 - 2 9 5 20 30 50 25 25 150

1. To write programs using abstract classes.

2. To write programs for solving real world problems using java collection frame work.
Objectives 3. To write multithreaded programs.

4. To write GUI programs using swing controls in Java.

5. To introduce java compiler and eclipse platform.

6. To impart hands on experience with java programming.

1. Understand the programming entities like Variables, Operators, Inheritance,

Course Packages and Tokens.
Outcomes 2. Implement exception handling and Thread Programming.
3. Develop application using AWT components and apply Event handling.
4. Implement JDBC-ODBC, TCP/IP, RMI.
5. Implement Servlet and JSP.
Course Contents:
Unit Contents Hours
Java and Internet, Features of java 8
security, portability, multithreading, etc, Bytecode, Datatypes, variables and
I Arrays, Operators, Classes : declaring objects, methods, constructor,
overloading constructor, garbage collection, finalize() method, static variable
and method, final variable, command line argument. Inheritance: super
keyword, final with inheritance. Packages and Interfaces.
Exception handling 8
Overview, types, Uncaught exception, try -catch block, multiple catch, nested
II try, throw, throws, finally, bulit-in and user- defined exception. Multithreading
: Life Cycle, Thread class and Runnable Interface, isAlive(), join(),Priorites,
Synchronization : sleep() , run(). Interthread communication : wait(), notify(),
notifyAll(), deadlock. String Handling.
Wrapper classes, Applet 12
III Applet Class, Architecture, Life Cycle, Display methods, HTML APPLET
Tag, Passing parameter to Applet AWT : working with Windows, Controls,
Layout Manager, Menus. Swings. Event handling
IV Architecture, JDBC-ODBC bridge driver, SQL Package, ResultSet and its
methods. Networking : Socket, Reserve socket, Internet Addressing,
InetAddress, TCP/IP client socket, TCP/IP server socket, URL, URL
Connection, Datagram. RMI : Introduction, Architecture, Remote Interface,
java.rmi. server package, class naming, creating Rmi server and client
,transmitting files using rmi, client side callback, RMISECURITYMANAGER
class, RMI Exception, Stub and Skeleton
V Servlet 6
Life Cycle, Tomcat, javax. servlet package, reading servlet parameter,
javax.servlet.http package, handling http request and response with HTTPGET
and HTTPPOST, cookies,session tracking. JSP : Introduction, Types of JSP
tags, Application using JSP and Servlet. JavaBeans : Advantages of Beans,
BDK, JAR files, Introspection, Developing Beans using BDK.

1. Complete Reference by Herbert Schildt (TMH)

2. Programming with Java By C Muthu (McGraw Hill)
3. Black Book on java.

4. E. Balagurusamy

1. Java for Programmers, P. J. Deitel and H. M. Deitel, 10th Edition Pearson education.
Reference Books 2. Thinking in Java, Bruce Eckel, Pearson Education
On-line TL
Sr. No. Name of Experiments
Write a program in Java to create a class for employee record with two constructor, first default
1 constructor to initialize all variables, second constructor to accept the employee details and a method
to display employee details.
Write a program in Java that has Boolean function returning a string to display whether it is a leap
year or not.
Write a program in Java that has overloaded methods. The first methods should have no arguments.
The second method should accept one string argument and the third method should accept one string
3 and one integer argument. The first method should display “Delhi is an Important City” twice. The
second method should display “Bombay is a beautiful city” thrice and third method should display
“Chennai is a peaceful city” four times.
Write a program in Java that creates an abstract class called Shape. Create subclasses that calculate
and displays area of rectangle and triangle.
5 Write a program in Java to accept values for multithread.
6 Write a Program to demonstrate multiple inheritance through interface.
7 Write a Program to illustrate exception using multiple catch statement.
8 Write a Java Program to create Lamp using applet.

9 Write a Program to create an application which shows the menu.

10 Write a Java Program for creation of input dialog box.

Create an application to retrieve information(author id, name, address, city)
about the author who living in the city where the city name begins with the letter “n”.

12 Write a Program to Delete Record from Employee Table Whose Salary is greater than 20000.

13 Write a program to reading servlet parameter.

Write a program in java to insert product information in product table using html and jsp. Following
is Product.html :
Enter the Product Details

Product Id
register reset

15 Write a program to creating a application using JavaBeans.

a) Write a server application which read the message from client & returns it after Prefacing (prefix) it

16 with text “the server got this”.

b) Write a client program sends the message “Hello” the server & read what the Servers send back.
24MCAL106: Technical Writing & Drafting
Continuous Evaluation Scheme
Teaching Scheme
Theory Practical
Total Total
Th. Tu Pr. TAE CAE ESE Int Ext
1 - - 1 1 10 15 25 - - 25

1. To develop skills that will enable to produce clear and effective scientific and technical
2. To help the students to develop skills needed to successfully communicate in a modern world
Course through written materials.
3. To enable the students with the confidence to use written communication in their workplace
and personal experience beyond college.
1. Students will understand how to follow the stages of writing process and apply them to
technical and workplace writing tasks.
2. Students will understand the basic components and forms of technical writing.
Course 3. Students will be able to read understand and interpret material on technology.
4. Students will be familiar with basic technical writing, concepts and terms.
5. Students will be able to produce effective scientific and technical documents at their workplace

Course Contents:
Unit Contents Hours
Technical and Scientific writing,
Scientific writing, technical writing purpose, form and style, web sites and tools 3
I used, types of technical documents.
Technical report writing
Types of technical reports, format of technical reports, fonts, pagination, spacing 3
II and margins. Formatting, proofreading and finalizing report
Purpose, types of proposals, style and format of project proposal, sample proposal
III template, types of research proposal, format of research proposal. Research
papers/articles, Manuals, White papers.

1. Dr.Pratibha Mahato and Dr. Dora Thompson ,Functional English for Technical students
,Himalaya Publishing House
2. S. D. Sharma, A textbook of Scientific and Technical Communication Writing for Engineers
and Professionals.
1.Technical Communication, 9th edition by Mike Markel.

Reference Books -

On-line TL -
24MCAL107: Soft Skills
Continuous Evaluation Scheme
Teaching Scheme
Theory Practical
Total Total
Th. Tu Pr. TAE CAE ESE Int Ext
1 - - 1 1 10 15 25 - - 25

4. To equip students with effective speaking and listening skills in English.

5. To help them develop their soft skills and people skills, which will make the transition from
Course college to workplace smoother and help them to excel in their jobs.
Objectives 6. To enhance students’ performance at Placement Interviews, Group Discussions and other
recruitment exercises.
6. Develop their personal traits.
7. Understand and converse with their higher authorities/ subordinates/ other / persons
8. Expose their personality effectively.
9. Develop good relations/ contacts with different types of persons concerned.
10. Develop skill of impromptu speech as well public speech.

Course Contents:
Unit Contents Hours
Communication & Team Management
Importance of Communication, Non Verbal Communication, Personal Appearance,
Posture, Gestures, Facial Expressions, Eye Contact, Space Distancing.
Decision Making, Problem Solving, Negotiation Skills.
Time Management & Group Discussions :
Types of Time, Identifying Time Wasters, Time Management Skills.
Purpose (Intellectual “ability, Creativity, Approach to a problem, Solving, 3
II Tolerance, Qualities of a leader), Group Behavior, Analyzing Performance.

Job Interviews:
Identifying job openings, Preparing Resumes & CV, Covering Letter, Interview 3
III (Opening, Body-Answer Q, and Close-Ask Q), and Types of Questions.

1. Rizvi, M Ashraf. Effective Technical Communication. McGraw - Hill.

Books 2. Mohan Krishna & Meera Banerji. Developing Communication Skills. Macmillan.
1. Krishnaswami,N and Sriraman, T., Creative English for Communication, Macmillan.
Reference Books

On-line TL
24MCAL108: Non-Relational Database (MongoDB)
Continuous Evaluation Scheme
Teaching Scheme
Theory Practical
Total Total
Th. Tu Pr. TAE CAE ESE Int Ext
1 - 1 2 1 10 15 - 25 - 25

1. To understand the concepts and functions of Non-Relational Database i.e., MongoDB

Course 2. To understand CRUD operation and different operator used in database.

Objectives 3. To import and export data from non-relational database.
1. Describe the principles of NoSQL databases and the advantages of MongoDB over relational databases.
Able to do CRUD operations: create, read, update, and delete data in MongoDBs.
2. Use different methods in MongoDB with various operators and create model data for MongoDB.
3. Describe the Import and Export data from the Database.

Course Contents:
Unit Contents Hours
Introduction, Installation
Basics of MongoDB: Database, Collection and Document, Cursor, Data Types,
MongoDB Query, MongoDB CRUD Operation, MongoDB Methods, Create
Database using Mongo Shell.
MongoDB – Comparison Query Operators, $cmp Operator, $gt Operator, $lt, $eq,
$lte, $gte, $ne, $in, $nin
Logical Operator, Arithmetic Operators, Array Expression Operators, String
Expression Operators, Model data.
Indexing in MongoDB
MongoSB- Index Types, Compound Indexes, Text Indexes, Multikey Indexes. 3
Export data from MongoDB, Import Data from MongoDB.

1. Practical MongoDB Aggregations, Paul Done | Published Sept. 2023, Developer Professional
Text Book.
Books 2. MongoDB Complete Guide by Manu Sharma
Reference Books https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/mongodb-an-introduction/

On-line TL

Sr. No. Name of Experiments

Create database using MongoDB name Employee and performed following operations:
a. Add a column Emp_name to the Employee table.
b. Insert any five records into the table.
c. Update the column details of job.
d. Rename the column of Employee_sal with Emp_sal table using alter command.
Create database using Department table and performed following CRUD operations:
a. Create Operations
2. b. Read Operations
c. Update Operations
d. Delete Operations
Create with given database and performed with following operators:
Database: Student
Collection: example
Document: two documents that contain the details of the shapes in the form of field-value pairs.
a. $cmp
3. b. $gt
c. $lt
d. $eq
e. $lte
f. $gte
Create database using Department table and performed following CRUD operations: Create
Operations, Read Operations, Update Operations, Delete Operations
Create table called Customer Table.
a. Insert records into the table.
b. Add salary column to the table.
c. Alter the table column domain.
d. Drop salary column of the customer table.
Delete the rows of customer table whose cust_city is „hyd‟.
24MCAL109 : Web Development
Continuous Evaluation Scheme
Teaching Scheme
Credits The Practical
ory Total
Th. Tu Pr. TA CA ESE In Ex
s E E t t
1 - 1 2 1 10 15 - - - 25

1. To describe common terminologies related to HTML and recognize

Correct HTML syntax.
2. To define the styling and layout of web pages, making them more visually
Appealing, user-friendly, and accessible.
Course Objectives
3. To develop skills to add interactivity to web pages with JavaScript.
1. The student be able to create a static Web Pages for developing
web applications.
Course Outcomes 2. The student will be able to style web pages effectively.
3. The student will be able to create their own interactive and dynamic website.

Course Contents:

Unit Contents Hours

HTML Basics: Intro to HTML Syntax The HTML, head, title, & body tags
Headings, paragraphs, & marquee tag, formatting tag, href tag The break tag
I The image tag & source attribute, create table using height, & alt attributes, list
creation, create form using HTML.
CSS Basics: Introduction, syntax, comments, color, margin. Border,
II Height, Width, font, icon, link, list, table.
JavaScript Basics : Introduction , add java script in html , statement , syntax
III , output, comment, data types, operator, variables, conditional statement, 10
looping statement , function, array, functions.
1. Web Designing and Publishing by prof. Satish Jain (BPB publication)

Text Books 2. Brian P. Hogan, HTML5 and CSS3, Shroff Publishers.

• 3. Learning Web Design: A beginner's Guide to HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Web
Graphics. Jennifer Robbins

Reference www.geeksforgeeks.org


1 Write a program in HTML to illustrate the use of Formatting tags => BOLD, ITALIC,

2 Write a paragraph centrally aligned and change the color of text to BLUE and Background to
YELLOW. The size of the font should be 6.

3 Write a program in HTML to illustrate the below given formats.

a) The page should contain a paragraph which is centrally aligned.
b) FIRST line of the paragraph should be BOLD and ITALIC.
c) STRIKEOUT the Second Line.
d) Underline and change the color to RED, of the third line.
e) Change the font size of the fourth Line to 5.
f) Change the color of the text to GREEN.
g) Two horizontal lines below the paragraph.
4 Write a program in HTML to link two files.
a) The name of the first file is LINK1.HTML and that of second file is LINK2.HTML.
b) LINK2.HTML should contain a Back link also.
5 Write a program in html to create a registration form using form tag
6 Write a program in Java Script which should prompt the user to enter the result of Question- What
is the result of 10+10? If entered data is correct raise a message- Congratulations‖. If the answer is
wrong then the program should display Sorry, try next time, and the program should exit. Note –
Make use of If- Else.

7 Write a program in Java Script which raises a Message: Welcome To Our Website‖ as soon as the
Site is loaded. It should also display a message: -Thank You ― when the user switch over from the
8 Write a program using CSS to create a table and demonstrate how to use different font
Continuous Evaluation Scheme
Teaching Scheme
Theory Practical
Total Credits
Th. Tu Pr. TAE CAE ESE Int Ext Total
2 - - 2 1 10 15 - - - 25

1. To understand data warehouse concepts, architecture, business analysis

and tools.
Course Objectives 2. To understand data warehouse building and architecture

3. To be familiar with the OLAP models & Tools.

1. Design a Data Mart, Schema and Data Warehouse for any organization.
2. Solve basic statistical calculations on data and describe the aspect of
Course Outcomes data warehouse Building & Architectures.

3. Apply fundamental knowledge of On-Line Analytical Processing suitable for

data warehousing.
Course Contents:

Unit Contents Hours

Introduction to Data Warehousing: What is Data Warehousing?, Operational

Database, Data Warehouse Development Life Cycle Models, Data warehouses 10
versus Data Marts, systems, Data warehousing Marts and Metadata, Data Cude.

Data Warehouse Design, Benefit of Data Warehousing, Relational Database

technology for Data Warehouse:- Type of Parallelism, Data Partitioning,
II Database Architecture For Parallel Processing, Share Memory, Share Disk &
Share-Nothing Architecture.

Need for OLAP, Multidimensional Data Model, Schemas for Multidimensional

III Data Model, OLAP Guideline, OLAP Operations, Data Cube Computations, 10
OLAP Servers, major, OLAP models- ROLAP and MOLAP.

1 . Data Warehouse, Data mining & OLAP, by Alex Bareson Stephen J. Smith
T Text Books by McGraw Hill Education.

1. Data Warehouse, Data mining & OLAP, by

Reference Books Alex Bareson Stephen J. Smith by McGraw
Hill Education.
24MCAL111: Advance Excel
Continuous Evaluation Scheme Exam Hours
Teaching Scheme
Credits Theory Practical
Total Total
Th. Tu Pr. TAE CAE ESE Int Ext
1 - 1 2 1 10 15 - - - 25

1. Mastering Excel Functions: understanding of essential Excel functions.

Course 2. Data Management: Learn techniques for importing, cleaning, and organizing data efficiently.
• 3. Advanced Data Analysis: Develop skills in statistical analysis, pivot tables, and data
summarization to derive meaningful insights.
• 4. Data Visualization: Create sophisticated charts and graphs to present data clearly and
1. Describe how to effectively use formulas, functions, and data analysis tools.
Outcomes • 2. Able to create powerful charts: Develop skills in creating visually appealing and informative
charts and graphs.
3. Manage data efficiently: Gain knowledge in sorting, filtering, and managing data sets for
better organization.

Course Contents:

Unit Contents Hours

UNIT – I 10
Introduction and Importance of Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Excel Fundamentals:
I Excel Layout, copy paste special, working with numbers, basic functions, add,
insert, hide, unhide advance fill, customize views, comparing data from different

UNIT – II 10
Microsoft Excel Basic & Advance Functions: Basic functions: Sum, Average,
II count, Min, Max, Conditional Formatting, Filter table, sorting, conditional sorting, ,
Advance Table, Advance Filter, Sort & Subtotal.

III Formulas & Function: Date function, Text Function, Logical & statistical functions,
Illustrations (Pictures, Shapes, SmartArt), Working with Charts (Graphs), Pivot
table, import & export, shortcut Keys in Microsoft Excel.
1. Excel 2019 All in one
Text Books
2. Microsoft Excel 2019 Bible

1. Quick start guide from Beginners to Experts

Reference Books
2. Excel 2019: Pivot table data crunching

On-line TL
24MCAL112: Natural Language Processing
Continuous Evaluation Scheme
Teaching Scheme
Credits Theory Practical
Total Total
Th. Tu Pr. TAE CAE ESE Int Ext
1 - 1- 2 1 10 15 - - - 25

1. To learn about common terminologies related to NLP.

2. To learn about models for Sequential tagging and parsing

Course Objectives
3.To learn about Sentimental Analysis

1.The student will be able to do Language Modeling

Course Outcomes 2. The student will be able to do Parsing

3.The student will be able to do Sentiment Analysis

Unit Contents Hours

Introduction and Basic Text Processing, Spelling Correction, Language
I Modeling, Advanced smoothing for language modeling, POS tagging.

Models for Sequential tagging – MaxEnt, CRF, Syntax – Constituency Parsing,
Dependency Parsing, Distributional Semantics, Lexical Semantics


Topic Models, Entity Linking, Information Extraction, Text Summarization,

III Text Classification, Sentiment Analysis and Opinion Mining
1. Dan Jurafsky and James Martin. Speech and Language Processing:
An Introduction to Natural Language Processing, Computational Linguistics
and Speech Recognition. Prentice Hall, Second Edition, 2009.
Text 2. Chris Manning and Hinrich Schütze. Foundations of Statistical Natural
Language Processing. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA: May 1999.

3. Steven Bird, Ewan Klein, Edward Loper: Natural Language Processing with Python.
O'Reilly Media, Inc. June 2009

Online www.geeksforgeeks.org

Practical List
1 Write a program in python for text processing

2 Write a program in python for Language Modeling

3 Write a program for Text Summarization

4 Write a program for Text Classification

5 Write a program for Sentimental Analysis

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