Compliance and Financial Management Workshop: 27-28 December 2023 PKF T R Upadhya & Co
Compliance and Financial Management Workshop: 27-28 December 2023 PKF T R Upadhya & Co
Compliance and Financial Management Workshop: 27-28 December 2023 PKF T R Upadhya & Co
Relevant Amendments in Tax
by Finance Ordinance, 2080
Amendments in Income Tax Act
Change in tax slab rate for remuneration income exceeding Rs 5,000,000 for resident natural
person. (Annexure 1 (1) of Income Tax Act)
Slab Couple Not Tax Rate Slab Couple Not Tax Rate
Couple Couple
1st 600,000 500,000 1% or 0% 1st 600,000 500,000 1% or 0%
2nd 200,000 200,000 10% 2nd 200,000 200,000 10%
3rd 300,000 300,000 20% 3rd 300,000 300,000 20%
4th 900,000 1,000,000 30% 4th 900,000 1,000,000 30%
5th Above 20 Lakhs 36% 5th 3,000,000 3,000,000 36%
6th Above 50 Lakhs 39%
Amendments in Income Tax (IT) Act
New provision for Method of Tax Accounting for Employment Income (Section 22 (2) of IT Act)
If a natural person receives a lump sum payment for past years due to employment after a court case has been
settled, accounting for tax purposes shall be done on an accrual basis in the relevant income year and not on
cash basis.
Existing Provision:
Payment of Transportation / Carriage Services or Rent on Transportation / Carriage Services Vehicle = 2.5%
New Provision:
Payment of Transportation /Carriage Services or Rent on Transportation / Carriage Services Vehicle = 2.5%
Payment of Transportation / Carriage Services or Rent on Transportation / Carriage Services Vehicle to VAT
Registered Person = 1.5%
Amendments in VAT Act
Reverse VAT transportation and Carriage Service (Section 8(2Ka) of VAT Act)
Regardless of whether a person is registered under the VAT Act or not, if they hire or receive carriage/transport services
from an unregistered person, they are required to assess and collect tax on the taxable value as per the provisions of
this act and the rules established under it. This should be done at the time of payment or receipt of the service,
whichever occurs earlier. <Reverse VAT Deposit Revenue Code - 33317>
If a person obtains an ineligible refund of VAT under the diplomatic VAT refund outlined in Section 25(1) (Ka),
(Ka1), and (Ka2) through an automated electronic medium, a penalty of 25% on the taxable amount can be
imposed by the tax officer.
The Finance Bill 2080 has introduced significant changes in Schedule 1 of the VAT Act 2052 removing
more than 150 items <16 page details available at IRD site> (goods and services) from the schedule
and now VAT shall be attracted to such items. Some of item for which VAT will be attracted now
onwards are:
- Air Travel Service, Hire Charges on Transportation Services, Carriage Service and Local Cargo
- Trekking and tour package related service
- Decorative flowers
- Potatoes, onions, Apple (other than domestically productive as per IRD notice issued 2080/8/22)
- Peas, few other vegetables and beans, Apricot, Cherries, few other fruits
- Coffee, Maida (other than wheat, melsin)
- Kerosene
- Meat of goats, fish, few other meat products
New Fees under Finance Ordinance
Luxury Fee (Section 21 of Finance Ordinance, 2080)
Luxury fee shall be levied at the rate of 2% on purchase amount for Services provided by five star and above
hotels and luxury Resorts (on availing of service)
Foreign Tourism Fees shall be levied at the rate of 5% on the payment made by Nepali Tourist going abroad.
Such fee shall be collected by Foreign Tour Package Seller at the time of sale of the package and firm or
company at the time of booking of travel expense incurred for taking related person on foreign tour for
business promotion.
Session Break
Current Rules and Regulations under Tax
Income from Employment (Salary Tax Calculation)
Withholding Taxes
Withholding Tax Payment and Filing
Tax challenges for Not-for-Profit Organizations
Income from Employment
As per Section 8 of the Income Tax Act, 2002, remuneration received from the exercise of
employment in any income year shall be considered as income from employment.
Inclusions - Sec 8(2)
a. Wages, salary, leave pay, overtime pay, fees, commission, prizes, gifts, bonuses and other
b. Personal allowances including the cost of living, rent, entertainment and transport allowance;
c. Reimbursement of costs incurred for personal purposes;
d. Payment for the agreement to any conditions of employment;
e. Payments for redundancy or loss or termination from employment;
f. Retirement payment and retirement contributions;
g. Quantification of benefits, vehicle facility (0.5% of basic salary) & accommodation facility (2%
of basic salary), subsidized loan facility.
h. Other payments and benefits made in respect of the employment.
Income from Employment (contd.)
Income from Employment (contd.)
a. Contribution to Approved Retirement Fund: Actual amount
1/3rd of
b. Remote Area Allowance Deduction: up to Rs 50,000 as per remote area specified by GoN
c. Investment Insurance Premium: Premium paid or Rs 40,000 whichever is lower
d. Medical Insurance Premium: Premium paid or Rs 20,000 whichever is lower
e. Housing Insurance Premium: Premium paid or Rs 5,000 whichever is lower
Income from Employment (contd.)
Tax Rates
1. Regular Remuneration
a. Non- Resident: 25%
b. Resident
Slab Couple Not Couple Tax Rate
1st 600,000 500,000 1% or 0%
2nd 200,000 200,000 10%
3rd 300,000 300,000 20%
4th 900,000 1,000,000 30%
5th 3,000,000 3,000,000 36%
6th Above 50 Lakhs 39%
2. Non-Contributory Retirement Payments – Like Leave Encashment paid at the end of the service:
15% (final withholding tax).
3. Contributory Retirement Payments from approved retirement fund - 5% of amount above NPR 5 lakhs or
50% whichever is higher. (this is withheld by retirement fund)
Salary tax calculation for the period July 2023 to June 2024- Registered under SSF
Particulars Employee (A) Employee (B)
Single (Female) Couple (Male)
Amount (per annum) Amount (per annum)
Basic salary (A) 1,800,000 960,000
Allowances (Including Dashain) (B) 330,000 176,000
*Tax after 10%
Employer Contribution-20% of woman rebate
360,000 192,000
Basic salary (C)
Gross salary (D)= A+B+C 2,490,000 1,328,000
Employment Contribution – 31% of Contribution
558,000 297,600
basic salary (E) Deduction: Lowest
Insurance Premium (F) 40,000 27,500 of following
1. 1/3 of gross salary
CIT deposited (G) - 145,000
2. NPR 500,000
Deduction claimed (H) 540,000 470,100 3. Actual Contribution
Adjusted Taxable salary (I)= D-H 1,950,000 857,900
Total tax (J) *328,500 31,580
Net Pay (K)= D-E-G-J 1,621,500 826,320
Salary tax calculation for the period July 2023 to June 2024- Registered under SSF
Employee (A) Employee (B)
Particulars Slab Rate Single (Female) Couple (Male)
Amount (per annum) Amount (per annum)
500,000 / 600,000 1% or 0% - -
200,000 / 200,000 10% 20,000 20,000
300,000 / 300,000 20% 60,000 11,580
Session Break
Withholding Tax on Services/ Contractual Payments
VAT invoice/ Service not
attracting VAT
1.5% on the amount before
addition of VAT
Service provider resident
No VAT invoice (for service
attracting VAT)
WHT on Service 15%
TDS 15%
Import of service attracting VAT Reverse charge
VAT @ 13%
WHT on contractual payments
exceeding Rs 50,000 Construction contract, supply of
labor and goods
Tax on Rent
House Rent
Payment of house rent to a natural person: 10% rent tax to be deposited at the local
authority (municipality, ward office)
Payment of house rent to other than natural person: WHT 10% (to be deposited at
Withholding Tax Payment and Filing
Payment of TDS
Due Date: 25th of the following month (Nepali calendar) under appropriate revenue codes
Tax Return
D4 tax return required if annual income exceeds Rs 40 lakhs
Challenges of Taxation for I/NGOs in Nepal
Inadequate knowledge among tax authorities about accounting and financial practices & policies of
Less flexibility in accounting due to head office/donor accounting policy and system.
Process of obtaining tax exemption certificate.
Unavailability of PAN/VAT bills in remote project areas
Timely deposit and filing of TDS in remote areas.
Administrative procedure of tax return filing of NPOs
Mismatch in tax return filing due to cash and accrual basis of accounting
Session Break
Financial Management and Control
Essentials of Financial Reporting
Common Audit Observations
• Budgetary Management
• Cash and Bank
• Advances
• Disbursements
• Procurement
• Fixed Assets and Inventory Management
Common cost allocation
Essentials of Financial Reporting
Follow the Generally Accepted Practices, applicable Nepal Accounting Standards and laws
prevailing in Nepal.
Adequate and appropriate policies to be formulated and implemented regarding: financial
management, internal controls, procurement, human resources, others as specified by donor.
For statutory reporting the accounting period corresponds with the FY of Nepal - Shrawan (mid
July) to Ashad (mid July). For donor reporting - period as per the donor agreement.
All the transactions are to be coded properly in line with the funds with project manual.
Book-keeping to be maintained in a licensed accounting software and regular data back up system.
The accounts shall be closed every year after making the year end adjustments.
Vigilant financial analysis of budget, liquidity position, donor dependency, direct vs indirect cost,
project unit costing.
Accounting records and related supporting to be retained for at least six years or retain the
documents for longer period as per the donor requirement.
Inadequate market research for budgeting (inflation, market rates, past data)
External factors (festive season, rainy season) not considered for budgeting
Poor communication for budget preparation/ revision among various levels of staff, stakeholders
Variance reporting not prepared timely. Unusual (zero) variances not justified
• Petty cash used for transaction limit • Payments made through bearer cheques or
exceeding the policy staff/board member advance instead of account
payee cheque/ bank transfer.
• Petty cash used for unauthorized • Dedicated bank account not maintained as per
purposes donor requirement
• Reconciliation of petty cash books • Blank cheques signed.
inconsistent/ inadequate • Bank reconciliation statement not prepared
monthly & not approved.
• Inadequate monitoring/ verification • Stale cheques not reversed.
• Petty cash not maintained within the • Unusual/unreconciled items in BRS not properly
office premises/ lack of security identified
measures • Bank interest not utilized as per donor
• Failure to replenish petty cash timely
• Dormant accounts not closed, if not required.
• Shortfall/excess petty cash on physical • Signatories not updated after change in
verification authorized personnel.
• Copy of cheque not maintained
Advance request not filled, Proper estimation of advance/ detail breakdown not documented
Unutilized advance not deposited timely/ not deposited in organization’s bank account
Expenditure not incurred within the budget line/ not accounted under appropriate budget head
Expense not approved from appropriate authority, self approval, appropriate authority levels not
Expenses incurred outside the project period, expenses not related to the project
1 3
2 4
Procurement Plan
Key Questions
Requirement Identification
Goods and Services of What? How Check, Analyze & Authorize PR
Much ? When? Where?
existing stocks/assets could be utilized Check Budget Head Check the same item is in the stock or not?
analyze Lease vs. Purchase Check the availability of Is there any alternative to optimize value for money?
Keep in Mind budget Authorized by procurement officer /admin head
Analysis of best available Choose the most relevant Procurement officer/admin head is responsible to
alternatives both in terms of money budget head confirm the items subject to procurement is budgeted
value and quality and corresponds to the program need.
09 10 11
Receive & Check Invoice Prepare & Authorize Pay your Supplier
Payment Voucher
Receive invoice from supplier Make payment to supplier
On confirmation of the
Finance Officer/Manager check the correctness of Invoice received, Ensure deduction for Tax and other
invoice details with quotation, PO and prepare payment voucher retentions if any as per contract
GRN, verify quantity & rates. terms
Authorize the payment voucher
Check accuracy for bill amount Obtain receipt acknowledgement
by the appropriate authority
arithmetical and VAT including other from the supplier against the
details in invoice invoice raised
Close the PO/Contract
Adequate system of vendor / bidder Procurement system and policy should promote
evaluation and management. Including on site fairness, integrity and transparency, best
and desk review, vendor due diligence, effective value for money, environmental considerations
communication with vendor, market knowledge. and management conflict of interest.
Inconsistencies in the dates of the Unusual similarities in offers of Financial statement or other information
documents or illogical sequence of candidates participating in the indicating that two tenderers participating
in the same tender are related or part of a
dates. same tender.
same group.
- Offer dated after the award of contract
or before the sending of the invitations - Same wording, sentences and
where financial statements are provided, the
to tender. terminology in offers of different
notes to the financial statements may
- Offer of the winning tenderer dated tenderers
disclose ultimate ownership
before the publication date of the - Same layout and format (e.g. font
of the group. Ownership information may
tender or dated significantly later than type, font size, margin sizes, indents,
also be found in public domain
offers of other tenderers paragraph wrapping, etc.) in offers of
- Offers of different candidates different tenderers
participating in the same tenders all - Similar letterhead paper or logos
having the same date - Same prices used in offers of
- Dates on documents not different tenderers for a number of
plausible/consistent with dates on subcomponents or line items
accompanying documentation (e.g. - Identical grammatical,
date on the offer not Plausible / orthographical or typing errors in
consistent with the postal date on the offers of different tenderers
envelope; date of a email not - Use of similar stamps and
plausible/consistent with the printed similarities in signatures
date of the email)
Single allocation base (less complex, requires less time and effort)
Single allocation rate can be used for allocation of common cost which is derived based on weighted average of
various cost drivers or based on single key cost drivers like direct staff, direct cost .
Labor Act, 2017
Regular: Persons hired for work or service other than work based, time based, casual or piece rate
Work Based: Persons hired for rendering a specific service.
Time Based: Persons hired for rendering service for a definite time period.
Casual: Persons hired for seven days or less than seven days a month.
Part-time: Persons hired for 35 hours or less than 35 hours a week
Other compliances
Employment Agreement - term based agreement, necessary terms of service and benefits
Annual Increment of Salary – At least ½ day salary.
The performance appraisal of its employees once in a year
Employee age not less than 18 years
Compulsory retirement after 58 years
Labour audit to be done annually by any person defined under the act or own employee possessing such
Organization shall maintain required detail of employee / personnel file. Also, employer shall maintain
record of remuneration and attendance for at least 5 years.
Probation period max 6 months.
Final settlement amount to employee within 15 days of date of separation by any reason.
Contributions based Social Security Act 2017 (SSA) provides for the compulsory listing of employers. SSA
compulsorily requires the employer to enlist all employees in the SSF within 3 months of registering itself. In
case of new employee, within 3 months from the date of employment.
SSF may direct the employers to get its employee listed within prescribed time frame. It would be responsibility
of the employers to comply SSF’s direction. Non-compliance of SSF’s direction would attract penalty of NPR
50,000 as per section 51 of the SSA.
An action has been initiated by SSF to get it implemented by force through all level of regulators
The employer shall deduct 11% of basic remuneration of the employees and contribute additional 20% of the
basic remuneration of the employee itself and deposit a total of 31% to the SSF into the employee’s SSF
account within 15 days from the end of the Nepali month.
SSF can recover the contribution from the employer for failure of deposition with 10% interest within the 15
days from end of each month., In case the employer has misappropriated the amount to be deposited in SSF
the employer is subject to fine up to the amount involved (or Rs 100,000 if the amount cannot be determined)
or imprisonment up to 1 (one) year or both.
Contribution under Labor Act Vs SSA
* Pension scheme becomes mandatory for employees registered into SSF from 16 July 2021 (i.e. 1st Shrawon
2078) and eligible for pension only if the employee’s age turns up 60 years and contributes to SSF at least for
180 months.
** Only the old-age security scheme is refundable. Other scheme’s benefits are non-refundable but subject to
claim as prescribed.
Retirement payment:
100% lump sum payment of accumulated fund (including return from the fund):
- to the contributor at the time of retirement or termination of employment
Benefits - In case of death of contributor – to the nominee
Loan Facility
80% special loan of the total available fund will be allowed to the contributors who has contributed
to the fund for a continuous period of 3 years as per the Investment procedures 2077 of SSF.
- Case 4: contributor completes 60 years of age without contributing for 180 months
Can choose either Lump sum payment of the amount contributed to the SSF including the return
on the fund or life time Monthly pension as computed in case 1.
Contribution 20% (out of 28.33%) deposited (excluding additional amount transferred to retirement scheme
to the fund after written application to consider deposit in excess of 3 times minimum wages)
Benefit for disability due to employment related accident and occupation related diseases
- temporary disability: 60% of basic salary for the entire period of unavailability
- permanent partial disability: 60% of basic salary for life time pension based on proportion of
- permanent partial disability: 60% of basic salary for life time pension
<The limit of the payment of the pension benefit in case of disability shall not be less than 60% of
the NG minimum basic salary>
- Contributor who suffers accident shall be eligible to avail the benefit per this scheme from the
date of contribution. It will end after contribution is stopped.
- Benefit related to occupation related disease can availed only after making contribution for the
period of 2 years. It will remain available for 2 more years after contribution stopped
Employer will be relieved from all statutory obligations once the required contribution is deposited into SSF.
Employees’ families will be secured from future untoward, if any.
Tax benefits: 1% SST will not be applicable on first slab/threshold. Standard deductions limit increased
maximum of 5 lakhs compared to existing 3 lakhs (without SSF). At the time of retirement, funds disbursed
from SSF will attract 2.5% tax (above NPR 5 lakhs) i.e; 5% of amount above NPR 5 lakhs or 50% whichever is
higher (the provision is same as existing).
Loss to employees due to certain conditions for insurance under the scheme.
Employees registering after 15 July 2021 by default come under the pension scheme, hence cannot get lump
sum payment.
Any Questions?
right people
right size
right solutions
PKF T. R. Upadhya & Co. is a member firm of the PKF International Limited family of legally independent firms and does not accept any responsibility or liability for the actions or inactions of any
individual member or correspondent firm or firms.