Action Responsible/Accountable Unit Timeframe Estimated Budget Budget Source
What actions/activities must be (FD) for the
Who is responsible When must the How much will it cost Where will the funding
OUTPUT 1 completed
Posting theto implement
status the policy?
of academic action/activity?
classroom through social media action/activity be to implement the come from? (internal
completed? action? and external funding
Activity 1 Posting updates and status through school Schoold Head, Advisers, facilitators 07/24/2023 None None
page (DepEd Tayo Naic ES Cavite
OUTPUT 2 Seek help from the stakeholder through voluntary manpower
Activity 1 School Head, Advisers, PTA 11/9/2023 3,000 School Fund
Send invitation letters through members and officers
Email,text messages and fb
Activity 2 Set a meeting with advisers. School Head, Advisers, PTA 09/22/2023 None None
members and officers
Data collection method/ Data Responsible Office in data Schedule/Frequency of User(s) and use(s) of data Responsible office for data Frequency of data Audience of M&E Communication Reporting
Objective Statement Indicators Description of indicators source collection data collection collected Data analysis to be used analysis analysis results strategies to be schedule/frequency
To build enough academic classrooms Percentage of Program
Goal and repair dilapidated and classroom accomplishment of classrooms Refers to the number of school
buildings with 28 classrooms NSBI reports School Facilites/Property
Custodian End of school year Top Management, School
Heads, Stakeholders
Quantitative and Qualitative
School/Division Engineering
Department once every quarter Proponents and
Social Media
once every quarter
in poor conditions.. repaired/built School Heads,
SDO Proponents
There will be enough classrooms for Number of Functional Refers to the number of School Facilites/Property Top Management, School Quantitative and Qualitative School/Division Engineering once every quarter NSBI, SOSA and once every quarter
Outcome NSBI reports End of school year and School
the learners Classrooms classrooms Custodian Heads, Stakeholders Data Department Social Media
school head,
Posting updates and status Number of posted ads Refers to the number of Activity proposal, school facilites
Activity 1 through school page (DepEd Tayo regarding the academic school personnel oriented memorandum, Activity Program Owners Once Administrative Officer Quantitative and Qualitative School Office/Division Once coordinator, school updates and Status Once
classrooms status Completion Report Data Engineering Department personnel and
Naic ES Cavite Province) on the status of FACE
target participants
Seek help from the stakeholder No. of quality assured Refers to the number of Feedback report on the
OUTPUT 2 through voluntary manpower implementation and school implementation and M and E submitted implementation and Program Owners Once/as need arises Program owners Quantitative and Qualitative School Office Once Program owners FGD As need arises
plan plan reviewed and quality M & E plan Data
assured by School Head
Feedback report on the Quantitative and Qualitative once only /as need Program owners
submitted implementation and Program Owners School Office FGD
M & E plan Data arises
Refers to the number of School Head, School
Activity 2 Set a meeting with advisers. No. of approved approved implementation and 09/22/2023 Facilities Coordinator, Once
implementation and M&E plan M and E plan consolidated for program owners
submission to higher office
Refers to the number of and Division Memorandum, Top management, Program PIR, Focus Group
M&E reports accomplished Program Owners As scheduled Quantitative and Qualitative School Office Once After the scheduled
Output 3 Meeting with Stakeholders M and E reports Agreement Contract, M&E Program Owners, School Owners, School Discussion,
Data M &E
accomplished report Head Head Meeting
Refers to the M and E report
Top management, management, PIR, Focus Group
Activity 1 Present the agenda and the project No. of M&E conducted produced to measure the M and E report Once Quantitative and Qualitative School Head, PSDS's once As scheduled
Program Owners Program Owners, School program Discussion,
proposals. operationalization of M and Data
Head owners, PSDSs, Meeting
E plan
school head