Lesson Plan-Robert Frost

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School: SCHOOL Grade Level: 9
Teache NOVELYN N. Learning

Teaching Date May 08, 2024

Quarter: 4th Quarter
and Time: (10:30-11:00)

A. Content The learner demonstrates understanding of how Anglo-American
Standards literature and other text types serve as means of preserving unchanging
values in a changing world; also how to use the features of a full-length
play, tense consistency, modals, active and passive constructions plus
direct and indirect speech to enable him/her competently performs in a
full-length play.
B. Performance The learner competently performs in a full- length play through applying
Standards effective verbal and non-verbal strategies and ICT resources based on
the following criteria: Focus, Voice, Delivery and Dramatic Conventions.
C. Learning React to lay value judgment on critical issues that demand sound
Competency analysis and call for prompt actions
D. Specific At the end of the lesson, the learner will be able to:
Objectives a. Justify his stand on the critical issues being presented.
b. recognize the significance of taking immediate and decisive steps in
addressing critical issues.
c. Recognize essential values from the material viewed; and
d. Respond to the critical issues
E. Learning Code
F. Teaching Inductive approach and Collaborative learning
A. References
1. Teacher’s
Guide Pages
2. Learner’s
Material Pages
3. Textbook Pages
4. Additional  English Fourth Quarter Learning Activity Sheets
Materials from  Tagalog Lang. (2016, June 19). Benjamin P. Pascual.
learning https://www.tagaloglang.com/benjamin-p-pascual/
Resources 
B. Other Resources PowerPoint Presentation, TV, chalk & board, video clips, and printed

IV. PROCEDURES Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Preparatory Hello and welcome to another
activities lesson in English 9! As we begin a
new day of learning, may I request
everyone to stand for an opening
prayer to be led by Gian.

Lord, thank you for this opportunity

to learn. Please help us listen
attentively and concentrate on our
teacher. Assist us in remembering
what we have learned and using
them to improve the world. In the
Name of Jesus, Amen.
Amen. Good morning, class!
Good morning, ma’am.

Before you sit, kindly arrange your

chairs and make sure there are no
plastics or papers on the floor. Is
everyone present?
Yes, ma’am.
Very good! Before we further
proceed, let us go over our
classroom rules. First, if you wish
to be called upon, simply raise your
hand. Next, don't use electronic
devices unless absolutely
necessary. Finally, respect each
other. Are these rules clear?

Very well, class. Yes, ma’am!

B. Review
previous  
C. Presenting the A. Motivation
Lesson  To start, I will present some  Yes, ma’am!
scenarios on the different
issues that you might have
encountered in your day-to-
day lives. Then as a group,
you must take your own
stand on the issue by
deciding what action you
would do if you were in that
position. In determining
which group will answer,
you’ll pass a ball and once
the music stopped, the
group that is holding it will
be the one to lay their
judgment. Are you excited?

 Scenario 1: Your best friend (Students’ answers may vary)

accidently broke your
teacher's most expensive
vase. This vase is also your
teacher's favorite item and
the one she values the most.
When the teacher saw her
broken vase, she was
devastated and demanded
to know who did it, but no
one responded. Do you
intend to tell your teacher
the truth?

 Scenario 2: There has been

an issue that the Pantawid
Pamilyang Pilipino Program
(4P’s) does not really serve
its purpose of improving the
health, nutrition, and
education aspect of 4P’s
beneficiaries. This is due to
the reported cases of
parents who use the money
in gambling purposes.
Furthermore, many families
rely on the cash given by the
government and thus, do not
exert anymore effort to look
for jobs to sustain their
needs. Do you agree that
this program be removed?

 Scenario 3: You learned

that your elder sister, a
graduating student in college
is pregnant. She decided to
abort the baby since she
doesn't want your parents to
be disappointed. She is
therefore requesting your
assistance in carrying out
the plan. What will you do,
as her sister?

 Great! Your stand on these

issues are truly remarkable.

D. Discussing the
new concepts  In relation to our main topic (Students raise their hands)
and practicing today, we will go over a
new skills #1 short yet very interesting
story! Who is excited to hear
the story?

 Superb! Now, who could tell

me the title of our story
based on this picture?

(paste a picture of a wallet on the


 Anyone? Yes, George!

 Exactly! Our story is titled,
“The Wallet,” written by  Ma’am, “Wallet!”
Benjamin Pascual. Who
among you is familiar with
him?  No one, ma’am.

 Okay, so before digging into

the story, let us first find out
about the person behind this

 Well, Benjamin P. Pascual

was born in Laoag, Ilocos
Norte on January 16, 1928.
He started writing in the
1950s, until he became a
comic and copy editor in
Liwayway magazine from
1956-1981.These are some
of his works. Kindly read

 Hiwaga
 Sariwang Damo
 Matandang Kabayo
 Ang Huling Unos
 Huling Kahilingan
 Utos ng Hari (novel)
 He is noted for translating  Landas sa Bahaghari
Omar Khayam's Rubaiyat  Di Ko Masilip ang Langit
into Ilokano and editing the
"Pamulinawen" along with
Jose Bragado. After
decades of hard work,
Benjamin P. Pascual was
honored by the Unyon ng
mga Manunulat sa Pilipinas
(UMPIL) in 1994 for his
contributions to Philippine
literature. Thus, one of his
contributions is the short
story "The Wallet," which we
will learn today. Are you

 Good! So each one of you  Yes, ma’am!

will receive a copy of the
story. Each group is given a
chance to read by following  Yes, ma’am.
the given sequence. Read
only the passage assigned
to your group. Is that clear?

 Good! Let us start with the

title. Everybody, read!

 It was a hot Sunday morning  “The Wallet” by Benjamin

when Aling Marta went to Pascual
the marketplace to buy meat
of pig, chicken, and fresh
vegetable for her daughter’s Amidst the bustling of the people, and
graduation party. the noise of buyers and sellers, and
chatter of passers-by, Aling Marta as
bumped by the scruffy-looking young
boy, clothed in a greasy shirt and
tattered pants and his face was riddled
by sweat and grime. Easily irritated,
Aling Marta shouted at him; the child
only apologized and simply ran off.
Marta only let the boy go with a scoff.

Upon paying for her supplies, she
reached down her sundress pocket for
her wallet only to find out that it is
gone. She was shocked by this, and
suddenly, like a beam of light, she
realized the scruffy boy might have
taken it. She hurried along the crowds
looking for that boy. She then found
him sitting on a corner near the
outpost of the local police service.

She yelled at the boy, “Where’d you
put it!?”

The boy was surprised, “What do you

“You took my wallet! Now give it back!”
her anger rose.

She then took the boy by the neck and
brought him to the nearby outpost.
She explained the situation to the
officers. She kept insisting the kid to
give back her lost wallet but he kept
on denying it. Calmly the officer took a
journal and jotted down the details and
the profile of the boy and Marta.

Aling Marta was irritated by the
process of interrogation, so she took
matter into her own hands. She
gripped the boy’s arm tightly, almost
clotting his blood from the intensity.
She screamed and yelled while the kid
fought out of her clasp. From the fear
and confusion, the kid ran off the
outpost. The officers and Aling Marta
chased after him.

The kid reached the freeway and in an
instant, he was run over by a car. He
was thrown off the pavement forced by
the impact. The officers took control
and brought him to a hospital. Still
raging amidst the incident, Aling Marta
still insisted the boy to give back her

With every ounce of energy, he had
left, he kept on explaining that he is
innocent. And in that moment, the
boy’s head tilted with his eyes closing.
The nurse took his pulse but there was
none. There was a long silence in the

Aling Marta returned home by noon,
carrying her purchases, exhausted
from what had happened. She was
met by her husband, somewhat giving
her a confused look.

“How did you get those? How’d you
pay for them?” he asked.

“I paid for this with my money, of

“But how?” his husband continued.
“You left your wallet here at the table. I
was going to give to you but you were
already gone.”

By that remark, Aling Marta’s heart fell
down the ground like an anvil. She
nearly collapsed, and the voice of the
young boy whom she accused kept on
 Now, let us discuss the
echoing in her mind. She only thought,
details of the story. In the
“Why!? Why!?”
beginning, we all noticed
that Aling Marta has a plan  Aling Marta planned to go to
to accomplish during the the market to buy meat and
day. What is it? vegetables.

 Right! and what is that for?

 Very good! As a mother  It is for her daughter’s

whose daughter is set to graduation party.
graduate, Aling Marta feels
happy and excited. So she  While Aling Marta is on her
wanted to make this moment way, she was bumped by a
memorable for her daughter dirty-looking young boy. This
by making special meals for made her so upset.
them. So, what happened
 So, what was Aling Marta’s

 Indeed, though the boy  She scolded the boy then

apologized, he still received continued on her way.
a negative reaction from
Aling Marta. What went  When Aling Marta was about
next? to pay her purchases, he
realized that her wallet is
 That was so unfortunate! missing.
What did she do after
realizing she doesn’t have  Aling Marta suddenly
money at the moment? remembered about the boy
who bumped her. She then
thought that the boy stole
 her wallet.

E. Discussing the
new concepts
and practicing
new skills #2 In-text citation

 In-text citation

 In-text citation has two

elements: Author and Date.

 You’ve got it. Given the

elements of in-text citation
and its example below, what
does in -text citation mean,
Group 3?

The adverse consequences of

vaping for youth includes
nicotine addiction and impaired
brain development (Oliveros,

 Yes. That’s why it is called

“in-text” or within the body of
 For in-text citation, the
your paper. In this example
surname of the person who
above, let’s say Jivvah
wrote the paper where
Oliveros authored a study on
you’ve got the information
the effects of vaping among
and the year when it was
youths in 2023. So if you
published are included in the
get some information from
her work and use it in your
research paper to let others
know the adverse effect of
vaping, the in-text citation
should appear like that in the
box. But why do we have to
put the name of the author in
 So that the readers will
that text or sentence, Group
easily determine that the text
was written by somebody
 Impressive! Furthermore, in-
text citation has two types.
What are these, class?


Parenthetical Narrative

 Good. Look at these

examples and observe how
they differ based on the
manner they were written.

Parenthetical citation
1. Extreme heat events cause injuries
and even deaths (Sinuto, 2023).  Parenthetical citation and
narrative citation.
2. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle
may lower the risk of diseases linked
to aging (Fernandez, Rosendo, &
Cruz, 2024).

Narrative citation
1. Sinuto (2023) said that extreme
heat events cause injuries and even
2. Fernandez, Rosendo, & Cruz,
(2024) said maintaining a healthy
lifestyle may lower the risk of
diseases linked to aging.

 What differences do they

have, Group 1?

 That is right. How about

narrative citation, Group 4?

 Excellent! Anymore? Yes,

Group 5.

 For a parenthetical citation,

 Outstanding! So those are both the author and the date,
the steps in generating in- separated by a comma,
text citations for published appear in parentheses.
 For narrative citation, the
author appears in running
text and the date appears in
parentheses immediately
after the author’s name.

 The author and year in

Parenthetical citation appear
at the end of the sentence
while for narrative citation,
they are found in the

 To test how much

F. Developing knowledge you have gained
mastery/leads throughout our lesson, may I
to formative
call upon three volunteers
from any group to write a
parenthetical citation and a
narrative citation using the
given information below.

Published People who

sentence consume tea per Parenthetical citation:
day had a lower  “People who consume tea
risk of death. per day had a lower risk of
Authors Mike Acedillo death” (Acedillo & Balinton,
Andrew Balinton 2016, p.34).
Year March 15, 2016
published Narrative citation:
Article Tea: Hydration and  Acedillo & Balinton (2016)
title other health found that “People who
consume tea per day had a
Pages 34
lower risk of death” (p. 34).

 Awesome!
G. Finding practical  Why is it crucial to have in-  Being aware of the negative
applications of depth understanding of effects of plagiarism will
concepts and plagiarism, its effects, and make us more responsible
skills in daily
preventative measures? learners. Regardless of our
subject or course, we learn
to become self-reliant and
less dependent on others.

 In addition, coming up with

 That’s absolutely right. How our original ideas will
about the others? improve our critical thinking.
For instance, in the field of
food technology, we are able
to come up with novel food
products that will satisfy
consumers by utilizing our
own concepts rather than
just following the traditional
way of cooking.

 In mathematics, we can
come up with a new and
 Nice! How about in other
easier way of solving
subjects, Lance?
mathematical problems if we
let our minds think outside
the box.

 True enough!

H. Generalization  Again class, what is  Plagiarism is the act of

plagiarism? copying words or ideas from
someone else without giving
credit. It is considered as
academic dishonesty or
literary theft.

 We can avoid plagiarism if

 That’s correct. As we acknowledge the author
researchers, what are the by writing in-text citations
ways you can avoid and reference list.

 Very well!
I. Evaluating Collaborative Learning
 Write a Parenthetical and (students’ answers may vary)
Narrative citation using the
provided material in your
group. You will have ten
minutes to complete that
task, after which we will
examine each group's work.
GROUP 1 (Business)
Published Leaders who lack
sentence emotional and social
competence lead to
disengagement and
Authors -Kenneth Nowack
-Paul Zak
Year January 15, 2020
Article title Empathy enhancing
antidotes for
interpersonally toxic
Pages 19

GROUP 2 (Health)

Published People exercise less

sentence when demands in
their job or studies
Authors -Katharina Bernecker
-Jule Kramer
Date September 21, 2023
Article title Implicit theories
about willpower
Page 21

GROUP 3 (Technology)

Published Mail sorting output

sentence significantly
increases with higher
use of IT
Authors -Tridas
-Surendra Rajiv
-Kannan Srinivasan
Year December 1, 1997
Article title Information
Technology Impact
on Process Output
and Quality
Page 21

GROUP 4 (Agriculture)

Published Agricultural
sentence production is under
heavy pressure based
upon increasing
world population and
the climate
Authors Burak Ozdogan
Anil Gacar
Huseyin Aktas

Year January 10, 2017

Article title Digital Agriculture
Practices in The
Context of
Agriculture 4.0

Page 86

GROUP 5 (Sports)

Published Sports have become

sentence more important and
achievement less
important in
determining personal
Authors -Melissa A. Chase
-Gail M. Dummer
Year February 23, 2013
Article title The Role of Sports as
a Social Status
Determinant for
Page 4

 Alright, time’s up! Let us now

(students follow the instruction)
check your outputs. Assign
someone from your group to
post the manila paper on the

 Good job, class! You got

perfect scores.

J. Additional  As your assignment, study

activities for how to make a journal
application or reference using APA style.


A. No. of learners who
earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who
acquire additional
activities for
remediation who
scored below 80%
C. Did the remedial
lessons work? No. of
learners who have
caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my
teaching strategies
worked well? Why did
this work?

Prepared by:
Practice Teacher

Checked by:
Cooperating Teacher

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