Zain - 2ND Pre-Quarterly in Health
Zain - 2ND Pre-Quarterly in Health
Zain - 2ND Pre-Quarterly in Health
I. Write the letter of the following food groups if the statement tells about it.
a. Go Food
b. Grow Food
c. Glow Food
___________1. They are rich in vitamins and ___________8. They help you maintain good
minerals eyesight and healthy skin.
___________4. Foods that provide the body ___________11. Helps you grow tall and
with energy. strong.
___________5. They prevent many ___________12. Gives you energy for work
diseases. and play.
___________21. Self-management skills are only about taking care of our skin.
___________25. Eating foods rich in vitamin A, like squash and carrot, is beneficial for our
___________28. We should clean our nose with pointed objects to ensure it is clean.
___________30. Visiting the dentist should be done once a year for dental checkups.