10.1007@s00167 020 06334 5
10.1007@s00167 020 06334 5
10.1007@s00167 020 06334 5
Autograft type affects muscle strength and hop performance after ACL
reconstruction. A randomised controlled trial comparing patellar
tendon and hamstring tendon autografts with standard or accelerated
Riccardo Cristiani1,2 · Christina Mikkelsen1,2 · Peter Wange1,3 · Daniel Olsson4 · Anders Stålman1,2 ·
Björn Engström1,2
Purpose To evaluate and compare changes in quadriceps and hamstring strength and single-leg-hop (SLH) test performance
over the first 24 postoperative months in patients who underwent anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction (ACLR) with
bone-patellar tendon-bone (BPTB) or hamstring tendon (HT) autografts and followed either a standard or an accelerated
rehabilitation protocol.
Methods A total of 160 patients undergoing ACLR were randomised in four groups depending on the graft that was used
and the rehabilitation protocol (40 BPTB/standard rehab, 40 BPTB/accelerated rehab, 40 HT/standard rehab, 40 HT/acceler-
ated rehab). Isokinetic concentric quadriceps and hamstring strength at 90°/s and the SLH test performance were assessed
preoperatively and 4,6,8,12 and 24 months postoperatively. The results were reported as the limb symmetry index (LSI) at
the same time point. Linear mixed models were used to compare the groups at the different time points.
Results An average quadriceps strength LSI of 78.4% was found preoperatively. After ACLR, the LSI first decreased at
4 months and then increased from 6 to 24 months, reaching an overall value of 92.7% at the latest follow-up. The BPTB
group showed a significantly decreased LSI at 4, 6, 8 and 12 months compared with the HT group. No significant differences
between the graft groups were found at 24 months.
An average hamstring strength LSI of 84.6% was found preoperatively. After ACLR, the LSI increased from 4 to 24 months
in the BTPB group. In the HT group, the LSI first decreased at 4 months and then increased from 6 to 24 months. An LSI
of 97.1% and 89.1% was found at the latest follow-up for the BPTB and the HT group, respectively. The HT group showed
a significantly decreased LSI at all follow-ups compared with the BPTB group.
An average SLH test LSI of 81% was found preoperatively. After ACLR, the LSI increased from 4 to 24 months, reaching
97.6% overall at the latest follow-up. The BPTB group showed a significantly decreased LSI only at 4 months postopera-
tively compared with the HT group. No significant differences in any of the three tests were found between the standard and
accelerated rehabilitation groups for either of the graft groups at any time point.
Conclusion Muscle strength and SLH test performance recovered progressively after ACLR overall, but they did not all fully
recover, as the injured leg performed on average less than 100% compared with the uninjured leg even 24 months postop-
eratively. After ACLR, inferior quadriceps strength and a poorer SLH test performance were found at 4, 6, 8 and 12 months
and at 4 months, respectively, for the BTPB group compared with the HT group. Persistent, inferior hamstring strength was
found at all postoperative follow-ups in the HT group. Rehabilitation, standard or accelerated, had no significant impact on
the recovery of muscle strength and SLH test performance after ACLR in any of the graft groups.
Level of Evidence Level I.
IRB Ethical approval for this study was obtained from the
regional ethics committee, Karolinska Institutet, Diarienumber
Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy
Keywords Anterior cruciate ligament · ACL · Hamstring · Patellar tendon · Limb symmetry index · Quadriceps strength ·
Hop test · Hamstring strength · Muscle strength · Graft
Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy
Fig. 1 Participant randomisation. ACL anterior cruciate ligament, BPTB bone-patellar tendon-bone, HT hamstring tendon
Number of patients 40 40 40 40
Age at surgery, mean ± SD 29.3 ± 6.4 28.5 ± 5.5 28.0 ± 6.3 28.8 ± 6.3
Male gender 25 (62.5) 34 (85) 29 (72.5) 27 (67.5)
Injured knee, right 18 (45) 23 (57.5) 21 (52.5) 20 (50)
Time from injury to surgery, 6.6 ± 2.9 6.1 ± 4.2 3.8 ± 2.8 4.6 ± 3.5
mo, mean ± SD
Medial meniscus resection 4 (10) 3 (7.5) 5 (12.5) 7 (17.5)
Lateral meniscus resection 9 (22.5) 9 (22.5) 10 (25) 12 (30)
Cartilage injury 13 (32.5) 9 (22.5) 15 (37.5) 10 (25)
Over the 2 postoperative years, 6 patients (3.7%) sustained All the procedures were performed by four surgeons who
an ACL graft rupture (BPTB/standard rehab = 1; BPTB/ were all familiar with both techniques and performed
accelerated rehab = 3; HT/accelerated rehab = 2) and 4 ACLRs on a daily basis. A routine diagnostic arthroscopy
patients (2.5%) sustained a contralateral ACL rupture (1 and eventual meniscal surgery were performed first, fol-
in each group). A total of 5 patients underwent a surgi- lowed by the ACLR. For the patients randomised to the
cal operation on the contralateral knee or lower limb, 3 BPTB group, the central third of the patellar tendon with two
patients underwent arthroscopy on the ipsi-lateral knee, bone blocks was harvested through a longitudinal incision.
2 patients became pregnant and 1 patient sustained a foot The BPTB autograft was between 9 and 10 mm in diameter.
fracture. These patients were not included in the analysis The bone defects of the patella and the proximal tibia were
after the occurrence of the event. In addition, a variable not bone grafted and the defect in the patellar tendon was
number of patients at each follow-up were unwilling to left open, but the paratendon was sutured with a No. 2–0
participate. The number of patients available at each fol- Vicryl absorbable suture. For the patients randomised to the
low-up in each group is reported in Fig. 1. HT group, the graft was harvested through a longitudinal
Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy
1-3 weeks
1-6 weeks
7-8 weeks
7-12 weeks
9-12 weeks
Increase closed kinetic chain exercises and start open Increase running programme and plyometric exercises,
kinetic chain exercises with full ROM, increase maximum closed and open kinetic chain exercises,
balance/proprioceptive training, start running and cuttings and perturbation training, sports-specific drills
plyometric exercises, cycling, start perturbation training
and sports-specific drills
5-6 months
Full ROM
No pain or effusion during physical activity
Regain balance, proprioception, co-ordination and neuromuscular control
LSI ≥ 90% for isokinetic quadriceps and hamstring strength tests and single-leg-hop test
ACLR anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction, LSI limb symmetry index, ROM range of
incision over the pes anserinus. The sartorius fascia was and the gracilis tendons were harvested using a semicircu-
incised parallel to its fibres and both the semitendinosus lar tendon stripper. The tendons were cleaned and looped
over a No. 2 Vicryl absorbable suture to create a double
Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy
graft, which was pretensioned up to 20 lb. The HT autograft with a tape measure. The patients were initially given a ver-
was between 7 and 9 mm in diameter. The femoral tunnel bal description of the test and they were allowed to perform
was drilled using a transtibial technique in all cases. One practical trials until they felt confident about the test. Three
7 × 20 mm and one 9 × 20 mm metal interference screws trials were performed for each leg, always starting with the
were used to fix the BPTB autograft on the femoral and contralateral uninjured leg. The best trial for each leg was
tibial sides respectively. The HT autograft was fixed using registered.
a Rigidfix Cross Pin device (DePuy Mitek, Raynham, MA) The limb symmetry indexes (LSIs) of the peak quadriceps
on the femoral side and an Intrafix device (DePuy Mitek, and hamstring torque and SLH test were calculated as involved
Raynham, MA) on the tibial side. Both grafts were fixed at limb/uninvolved limb × 100 [9, 29].
a knee flexion angle of approximately 20 degrees.
Statistical analysis
A linear mixed effect model was estimated, fitting a separate
The patients followed a standardised or accelerated reha- model for each of the three studied outcomes using the lmer
bilitation programme, depending on the randomisation. All function in the lme4 R-package. The model included factors
the patients underwent supervised rehabilitation 2–3 days a for graft, for rehabilitation and for time and all interactions.
week. The patients randomised to the standardised rehabili- The models were additionally adjusted for gender, meniscus
tation programme were supervised at Sportskadekliniken, resection (yes/no) and cartilage lesion (yes/no). The results
Stockholm, Sweden, whereas the patients randomised to are presented graphically as estimated marginal means
the accelerated rehabilitation programme were supervised with the Kenward Roger method for degrees of freedom.
at Capio Artro Clinic, Stockholm, Sweden. The rehabilita- Contrasts are also presented, first comparing the two graft
tion programme was carefully followed with frequent checks groups and then, within each of the graft groups, comparing
on the milestones (Table 2). the two rehabilitation groups. A difference in increase of 30
kilopond-metre was considered to be clinically significant.
Isokinetic strength and single‑leg‑hop test To achieve a statistical power of 85% and an alpha of 5%, a
performance assessment sample size of 19 patients in each study group was required.
The results are presented with 95% confidence intervals
The patients underwent an isokinetic strength and SLH test and p-values. The significance level in all analyses was 5%
performance assessment using a standardised protocol pre- (two-tailed).
operatively and at 4,6,8,12 and 24 months postoperatively.
All the tests were performed at our outpatient clinic and all
the patients were assessed by a single physiotherapist (C.M.). Results
Isokinetic concentric quadriceps and hamstring strength were
measured bilaterally at 90°/s using the Biodex System 3 (Bio- Quadriceps strength
dex Medical Systems, Shirley, New York, USA). The test was
performed in a range of motion between 90° and 10° of knee An average quadriceps strength LSI of 78.4% was found pre-
flexion, always starting with the contralateral uninjured knee. operatively. After ACLR, the LSI first decreased at 4 months
Prior to the test, the patients warmed up using a stationary and then increased from 6 to 24 months, reaching 92.7%
cycling ergometer at low resistance for 10 min. The patients overall at the latest follow-up. The BPTB group showed a
were given a verbal description of the test and 2–3 practical significantly decreased LSI at 4,6,8 and 12 months compared
trials were allowed before testing. Each patient performed 5 with the HT group. No significant differences between the
maximum quadriceps and hamstring contractions with each graft groups were found at 24 months. No significant dif-
leg. The patients were encouraged verbally during the test. The ferences were found between the standard and accelerated
peak quadriceps and hamstring torque values (highest achieved rehabilitation groups for either of the graft groups at any of
values) were registered. the time points (Fig. 2a–c).
The SLH test [24] was performed with the patient standing
on one leg and being instructed to jump straight ahead as far
Hamstring strength
as possible and land on the same leg. The test was considered
successful if the landing was stable. If the patient landed with
An average hamstring strength LSI of 84.6% was found
an early touchdown of the contralateral limb, experienced loss
preoperatively. After ACLR, the LSI increased from 4 to
of balance or took additional hops after landing, the hop was
24 months in the BPTB group. In the HT group, the LSI
repeated. The hop distance was measured from the starting
first decreased at 4 months and then increased from 6 to
line (toe touching the line), to the heel on landing and recorded
Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy
a b
110 110
LSI quadriceps strength 90°/sec
LSI quadriceps strength 90°/sec
Pre- 12 24
4 mo 6 mo 8 mo
op mo mo
HT stand 78.9 75.8 81.6 86.1 90.5 91.2
HT accel 77.5 77.4 82.9 90.3 92.8 93.5
Fig. 2 a–c LSI (mean and 95% CI) for quadriceps strength at 90°/ tion and HT/accelerated rehabilitation (c) groups at each time point.
second from preoperative to 24 months postoperative and compari- BPTB bone-patellar tendon-bone, CI confidence intervals, HT ham-
son between BPTB and HT groups (a) BPTB/standard rehabilitation string tendon, LSI limb symmetry index. *Only significant P values
and BPTB/accelerated rehabilitation (b) and HT/standard rehabilita- are reported
24 months. An LSI of 97.1% and 89.1% was found at the at all follow-ups (4, 6, 8, 12 and 24 months) compared
latest follow-up for the BPTB and the HT group respec- with the BTPB group. No significant differences were
tively. The HT group showed a significantly decreased LSI found between the standard and accelerated rehabilitation
Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy
a b
110 110
<0.001 <0.001 <0.001 0.002
LSI hamstring strength 90°/sec
LSI hamstring strength 90°/sec
Pre- 12 24
4 mo 6 mo 8 mo
op mo mo
HT stand 82.9 79.3 85.4 84.2 86 87.1
HT accel 86.4 79.6 88.1 86.9 89.5 91.6
Fig. 3 a–c LSI (mean and 95% CI) for hamstring strength at 90°/ tion and HT/accelerated rehabilitation (c) groups at each time point.
second from preoperative to 24 months postoperative and compari- BPTB bone-patellar tendon-bone, CI confidence intervals, HT ham-
son between BPTB and HT groups (a), BPTB/standard rehabilitation string tendon, LSI limb symmetry index. *Only significant P values
and BPTB/accelerated rehabilitation (b) and HT/standard rehabilita- are reported
groups for either of the graft groups at any of the time Single‑leg‑hop test performance
points (Fig. 3a–c).
An average SLH test LSI of 81% was found preopera-
tively. After ACLR, the LSI increased from 4 to 24 months,
reaching 97.6% overall at the latest follow-up. The BPTB
group showed a significantly decreased LSI at 4 months
Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy
a b
110 110
100 100
LSI single leg hop test
LSI single leg hop test
Pre- 12 24
4 mo 6 mo 8 mo
op mo mo
HT stand 82.1 84.1 91.3 94.6 95 95.9
HT accel 83.9 86.8 90.9 95.7 98.1 99
Fig. 4 a–c LSI (mean and 95% CI) for single-leg-hop test from pre- ated rehabilitation (c) groups at each time point. BPTB bone-patellar
operative to 24 months postoperative and comparison between BPTB tendon-bone, CI confidence intervals, HT hamstring tendon, LSI limb
and HT groups (a), BPTB/standard rehabilitation and BPTB/acceler- symmetry index. *Only significant P values are reported
ated rehabilitation (b) and HT/standard rehabilitation and HT/acceler-
Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy
postoperatively. After ACLR, the BPTB group reported control, confidence in the limb and the ability to tolerate
inferior quadriceps strength and a poorer SLH test perfor- loads related to sport-specific activities [17]. They are also
mance at 4,6,8 and 12 months and at 4 months respectively recommended to evaluate the patient’s readiness to return
compared with the HT group. On the other hand, the HT to sport after ACLR [29]. The SLH test for distance is con-
group reported persistent, inferior hamstring strength at all sistently reported in the literature as a means of quantifying
postoperative follow-ups compared with the BPTB group. knee performance after ACLR [9, 17, 24, 29, 30]. In the
Rehabilitation, standard or accelerated, had no significant present study, we found an average deficit of approximately
impact on the recovery of muscle strength and SLH test 20% in this test in the injured leg in comparison with the
performance after ACLR in any of the graft groups. uninjured leg preoperatively. However, after ACLR, the SLH
Muscular strength recovery is one of the primary goals test performance improved progressively, reaching almost
after ACLR. Muscular asymmetries are associated with a symmetry (LSI of 97.6%) overall at the latest follow-up. The
higher risk of ACL graft rupture and knee re-injuries after BPTB group showed an inferior SLH test performance only
return to sport [11, 15]. In particular, quadriceps weakness at 4 months postoperatively compared with the HT group.
is a major concern after ACL injury and reconstruction. No significant differences were observed between the graft
Quadriceps muscle strength is associated with patient- groups at the later follow-ups. One interesting finding was
reported knee outcome and satisfaction [8], as well as with that, overall, for both graft groups, the SLH test failed to
osteoarthritis development after ACLR [20]. In the present show the same level of deficit than quadriceps strength. Pre-
study, we found an overall significant decrease in quadriceps vious studies have suggested that patients are able to com-
strength LSI before ACLR. Previous studies have reported pensate quadriceps muscle weakness with hip and trunk
a reduction in the maximum quadriceps moment during muscles for hopping [23, 33].
walking [6] and quadriceps atrophy [14] after ACL injury. Interestingly, we found that the type of rehabilitation,
After ACLR, quadriceps strength recovered progressively standard or accelerated, had no significant impact on the
in all patients. However, the pattern of recovery was greatly recovery of muscle strength and SLH test performance
affected by the graft type, with the BPTB group show- after ACLR in any of the graft groups. Some investigators
ing significantly inferior quadriceps strength at 4,6,8 and recommended the use of early open kinetic chain exercises
12 months compared with the HT group. No significant dif- after ACLR, owing to the potential for early postoperative
ferences were found between the graft groups at 24 months increases, especially in quadriceps muscle strength [7, 10].
postoperatively. However, quadriceps strength did not fully However, despite the earlier introduction of open kinetic
recover compared with the uninjured leg overall, even at the chain exercises in the accelerated rehabilitation groups
latest follow-up. A recent study [16] showed that individuals (4 weeks vs. 3 months postoperatively for accelerated and
with ACLR demonstrate differences in neural excitability standard rehabilitation protocols respectively), we have not
and smaller quadriceps muscle volume compared with con- found any significant differences with regard to strength and
trols, even at an average of 6 years after surgery. hop symmetry for either of the graft groups.
Hamstring weakness is another concern after ACLR. Contrasting results have been reported in terms of the
Hamstring muscle strength deficits might be a risk factor for recovery of knee muscle strength after ACLR with BPTB
ACL re-tears, since they act as agonists to the ACL by resist- and HT autografts at postoperative follow-ups ranging from
ing anterior tibial translation [13, 28]. It has been shown that 3 to 24 months after ACLR [2, 5, 18]. Comparisons with
hamstring activation reduces the loads on the ACL [25, 32]. previous studies are difficult to make, because of differences
In our study, an average hamstring strength LSI of 84.6% in time intervals from injury to surgery, surgical procedures
was found preoperatively. After ACLR, the LSI increased and preoperative and postoperative rehabilitation protocols.
progressively from 4 to 24 months in the BPTB group, while Moreover, a serious lack of standardisation in testing pro-
it first decreased at 4 months and then increased from 6 to cedures (different dynamometers, angular velocities, mode
24 months in the HT group. However, the HT group showed of muscle contractions, number of repetitions and range of
a significantly reduced LSI at all follow-ups (4, 6, 8, 12 and motion) is present in previous studies. In their Cochrane
24 months) compared with the BPTB group. In the case review, Mohtadi et al. [19] reported an overall trend toward a
of HT graft ACLR, hamstring weakness has always been loss of quadriceps strength and hamstring strength for BPTB
a matter of concern. Ageberg et al. [1] showed persistent and HT autografts respectively after ACLR. However, the
hamstring strength deficits even 3 to 5 years after ACLR authors highlighted the fact that many trials comparing the
performed with an HT graft. two grafts ran a high risk of bias and had poor methodo-
Single-leg-hop tests are well established and have shown logical quality, stating that there was insufficient evidence to
high reliability after ACL injury and ACLR [12, 29, 30]. draw conclusions about differences between the two grafts
These tests are performance-based measurements used to in terms of functional outcome.
assess the combination of muscle strength, neuromuscular
Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy
The present randomised, controlled trial showed that systematic review, Sharma et al. [27] reported that the addi-
asymmetries in muscle strength and hop performance are tion of gracilis harvest reduced hamstring strength by only
persistent even 24 months after ACLR performed with either 3.85% relative to an isolated semitendinosus harvest. Finally,
of the 2 grafts. For this reason, rehabilitations protocols we did not assess the relationship between changes in mus-
should be implemented and more time needs to be spent on cle strength/hop performance and patient-reported outcome
muscle strength rehabilitation. The choice between BPTB measurements, but this was not an aim of the current study.
and HT grafts strongly affects the pattern of recovery of mus-
cle strength. The use of the BPTB graft was associated with
an inferior quadriceps strength LSI at 4,6,8 and 12 months Conclusion
postoperatively compared with the HT graft. On the other
hand, the use of the HT graft was associated with an inferior Muscle strength and SLH test performance recovered pro-
hamstring strength LSI at all postoperative follow-ups in gressively after ACLR overall, but they did not all fully
comparison with the BPTB graft. The implications relat- recover, as the injured leg performed on average less than
ing to the impact of graft choice on knee muscle strength 100% compared with the uninjured leg even 24 months
are important to consider. The graft for ACLR should also postoperatively. After ACLR, inferior quadriceps strength
be chosen based on potential strength deficits that it would and poorer SLH test performance were found at 4,6,8 and
be good to avoid within the sport/activity practised by the 12 months and at 4 months respectively for the BTPB group
patient. Moreover, rehabilitation should be customised, tak- compared with the HT group. Persistent, inferior hamstring
ing the type of graft used into account, as each type of graft strength was found at all postoperative follow-ups in the HT
generates intrinsic muscular deficits. In particular, patients group. Rehabilitation, standard or accelerated, had no sig-
undergoing ACLR with the HT graft require more attention nificant impact on the recovery of muscle strength and SLH
to the recovery of hamstring strength, as indicated by the test performance after ACLR in either of the graft groups.
persistent strength asymmetries at all postoperative follow-
ups. Deficits in hamstring strength might contribute to the
higher ACL re-rupture rate observed with the HT graft com- Funding Open access funding provided by Karolinska Institute.
pared with the BPTB graft [26].
The principal strength of this study was the randomised Compliance with ethical standards
design. The surgical procedure, rehabilitation and the
Conflict of interest Each author declares that no possible conflict of
assessment of muscle strength and hop test performance interest (financial or not financial) exists in connection with this study.
were standardised. Finally, the impact of 2 different types
of rehabilitation (standard or accelerated) on the recovery Ethical approval This study was approved from the Regional Ethics
of muscle strength and hop performance after ACLR with Committee, Karolinska Institutet, Diarienumber 2001–044.
either a BPTB or an HT graft was assessed.
Several limitations are present. The use of LSIs to evalu- Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attri-
ate muscle strength and hop performance after ACL injury bution 4.0 International License, which permits use, sharing, adapta-
tion, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long
and reconstruction is often discussed as a possible limita- as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source,
tion. The use of the uninjured leg as a “control” may not provide a link to the Creative Commons licence, and indicate if changes
be wholly appropriate. Patients may reduce their physical were made. The images or other third party material in this article are
activity after ACL injury and during the first months after included in the article’s Creative Commons licence, unless indicated
otherwise in a credit line to the material. If material is not included in
ACLR and this can lead to a loss of muscle strength in their the article’s Creative Commons licence and your intended use is not
uninjured leg as well. On the other hand, it is also possible permitted by statutory regulation or exceeds the permitted use, you will
that patients may gain strength in their uninjured leg during need to obtain permission directly from the copyright holder. To view a
the rehabilitation period, making the operated leg appear copy of this licence, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/.
relatively weaker. However, LSIs are still the most used and
validated outcome for measuring muscle strength and hop
performance after ACL injury and ACLR [1, 8, 9, 12, 15, References
17, 24, 29, 30]. All the HT ACLRs in this study were per-
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Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy
Riccardo Cristiani1,2 · Christina Mikkelsen1,2 · Peter Wange1,3 · Daniel Olsson4 · Anders Stålman1,2 ·
Björn Engström1,2
* Riccardo Cristiani Aleris Sports Medicine and Orthopedics Sabbatsberg,
[email protected] Crafoords väg 6, 11382 Stockholm, Sweden
1 Unit of Medical Statistics, Department of Learning,
Department of Molecular Medicine and Surgery, Stockholm
Informatics, Management and Ethics (LIME), Karolinska
Sports Trauma Research Center, Karolinska Institutet,
Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden
Stockholm, Sweden
Capio Artro Clinic, FIFA Medical Centre of Excellence,
Sophiahemmet Hospital, Valhallavägen 91,
11486 Stockholm, Sweden