Financial Markets and Operationsb - Com-290
Financial Markets and Operationsb - Com-290
Financial Markets and Operationsb - Com-290
Name : .....................
Instructions to Private candidates only: This question paper contains two sections. Answer SECTION I
questions in the answer-book provided. SECTION II, Internal examination questions must be answered in the
question paper itself. Follow the detailed instructions given under SECTION II
Part A
Answer any ten questions.
Each question carries 2 marks.
14. Explain briefly about the important regulatory authorities in Indian financial system.
19. "Mutual funds are good investment opportnity for inexperienced investors". Explain.
20. Briefly elaborate the use of margin money in case of futures contracts.
22. "Government securities play an essential role in developing and regulating Indian capital
market". Analyse the statement with regard to different types of government securities.
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