Rubric Grading For PE

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Level PE Uniform Participation

5 Yes (Mandatory) Max Participation

4 Yes Partial to Max Participation

3 Yes Partial Participation

2 Yes Very Little Participation

1 Yes No to very little Participation

0 No dress None

To earn a 5/5, the student must change for PE and have maximum participation. If they choose not
to change into their PE uniform, they start at a 4/5. When they are observed to be not participating
then they go down one level. If they forget their gym shoes they may have a 0/5 for the day or an
alternate assignment. Physical Education is a participation class meaning you must be in class to
earn points unless doing a written assignment. Students that are not in class for authorized
absences (AUT) will not earn any points, however, makeups are always allowed and encouraged
but not mandatory. All unauthorized absences (UNA) must be made up to earn credit in Physical

Deerfield High School Physical Education Grading Rubric

Promoting Lifelong Physical Literacy through purposeful movement

5 4 3/2 1

Participation Consistently gives best effort daily Gives best daily effort most of the Puts forth best effort some of Off task, and requires ongoing
Personal models a high level of participation, time, good level of participation, the time, minimal participation intervention with regard to
Responsibility self motivated, committed to displays quality movement during during activity, lower levels of participation avoidance.
improving personal fitness, activity, on task, maintains personal positive interaction. Consistently late or unexcused
encourages others. Excellent fitness. Good attendance, almost Inconsistent attendance/or from class and unprepared for
attendance, always on time and always on time and prepared for PE frequently tardy to class. PE class activity.
prepared for PE class activity. class activity. Inconsistent preparation for PE
Changes for PE. class activity.

Performance/ Demonstrates consistent excellent Demonstrates improvement and A developing level of skill, Requires ongoing intervention t
Psychomotor understanding of skills, strategies understanding of skills, strategies and strategy and activity to achieve minimal levels of
and the value of activity concepts. activity concepts. On-task most of the development. Inconsistent activity development and
High level of on-task activity. time. levels of on-task behavior. consistently displays minimal
effort to put forth best effort.
Rarely on-task.

Knowledge/ Excellent knowledge of safety and Good knowledge of safety and game A developing knowledge of Requires ongoing
Cognitive game rules, boundaries, scoring, rules, boundaries, scoring, game rules, boundaries,scoring, intervention to achieve
game concepts, strategies and concepts, strategies and physical game concepts, strategies and minimal knowledge of rules,
physical activity concepts. activity concepts most of the time. physical concepts. boundaries, scoring, game
strategies and physical
activity concepts.

Character/ Respectful of all classmates, helps Supportive of all students in class On task and follows directions Requires ongoing
Affective others when needed, consistent and most of the time, follows directions, an some of the time. Inconsistent intervention to ensure safe
positive activity and interaction active listener, follows safety rules, attention to safety, rules, and respectful interaction with
during class. Follows safety rules, treats equipment with care, stays on respectful interaction with regard to rules, equipment
treats equipment with care, models task during activity. students in class. and others during class.

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