Been 2010 CPT in Practice CPT10
Been 2010 CPT in Practice CPT10
Been 2010 CPT in Practice CPT10
ABSTRACT: Many empirical and theoretical CPT interpretation methods are broadly
accepted and used in practice. These approaches tend to consider whether the cone
penetration is drained or undrained, and then will consider the soil as either “sand” or
“clay,” respectively. Most fundamental research into the CPT and its interpretation
considers penetration through sands or clays separately, and includes verification tests
in materials with close to ideal sand or clay behavior. However, in our engineering
practice over the past five years, we have encountered several instances where the
soils are not typical and the usual methodologies are inadequate or lead to inconsis-
tent conclusions. This paper describes three of these case histories and our approach
to using the CPT in each case.
than in developed urban areas of North America and Europe. Due to the scale and lo-
cation, the cost of site investigation for our projects is high, but contracting agencies
still have a tendency to squeeze the budget and minimize spending on geotechnical
testing. However, the most important consequences for CPT interpretation stem from
the location of our projects. First, because of the remote locations, it is difficult to get
high-quality laboratory testing on undisturbed samples. Ideally testing would be car-
ried out in field laboratories on site, but it is costly to exercise good quality control
and to provide geotechnical oversight of the testing on site. The preferred option is to
ship samples to permanent laboratories for advanced testing and to pay the (un-
known) penalty of sample disturbance during transport. Another significant issue in
remote sites is a complete lack of local experience and prior knowledge of what me-
thods and approaches are suitable for the soils in the region; for example, what typi-
cal values of Nkt, the coefficient relating tip resistance to undrained shear strength in
Equation 1, might be appropriate.
Our experience is therefore that site-specific relationships for the CPT interpreta-
tion are always needed to determine soil properties from the CPT. The CPT is a very
good tool to give an indication of soil behavior, continuous vertical profiles, variabili-
ty between locations, and of course undrained shear strength of clays and density or
state of sandy soils. However, the CPT can only be used with confidence when sup-
ported by all of the other tests and information at our disposal from the site investiga-
tion. There have been several instances where the soils are not typical sands or clays,
and the usual methodologies are inadequate or lead to inconsistent conclusions. In
this paper, we will discuss three examples where traditional CPT methodologies were
not sufficient for the location of the project or the type of soils encountered. We will
present the data and discuss our methodologies for using the CPT results in conjunc-
tion with the other tests.
The first example is a site where the soils of interest were residual soils derived from
weathered basalt. The soil column is typically 15 m thick overlying the weathered ba-
salt bedrock profile. Near the ground surface, these soils lack texture or traces of the
parent rock and consist of brown to red and yellow, high plasticity silts. At a slightly
greater depth, the residual soils transition to weathered basalt and are typically dark
brown, black and dusky red, high plasticity silts. The liquid limit of all these soils is
generally greater than 50, and the plasticity index is such that they plot below the A-
line on the Casagrande plasticity chart. According to the Unified Soil Classification
System (USCS) in ASTM D2487, these soils have the abbreviated descriptor MH,
and are called elastic silts (or high plasticity silts outside the USA).
and the plasticity index (PI) ranges from 9 to 47. The average undrained shear
strength (cu) measured in UU tests is approximately 120 kPa, with relatively wide
scatter and a standard deviation of 88 kPa. The high standard deviation is an indica-
tion of a large variability within this residual soil, which may be attributed to sam-
pling disturbance, failure along micro discontinuities, natural variability, and maybe
other factors. It is also noted that stiffer soils in the profile are difficult to sample, and
therefore UU tests are considered to be representative of the weaker parts of the soil
column. The groundwater table at this site was at a depth of about 8 m at the time of
drilling and CPT testing.
Water content (%) Liquid limit Plasticity index SPT N-value cu (kPa)
0 20 40 60 80 20 60 100 140 0 10 20 30 40 50 0 10 20 30 40 0 200 400 600
Depth below ground surface (m)
Figure 1. Soil properties at the residual soil site in West Africa (in undrained shear strength plot circles
indicate UU test results and squares indicate pressuremeter test results).
and Wride classification is preferred in this instance because of the potential for de-
saturation of the pore pressure stone during penetration above the ground water lev-
el). Figure 3 shows the CPT measurements on a soil behavior chart, which further il-
lustrates the soil classification.
organic soil
sands: clean to silty
organic soil
sands: clean to silty
Figure 2. CPT profile at residual soil site (soil behavior type Ic shown for both Jefferies and Davies,
1993, and Robertson and Wride, 1998, equations)
7 1. Sensitive fine grained
2. Organic soils – peats
3. Clays – clay to silty clay
Normalized Tip Resistance, Q
0.1 1 10
Friction Ratio, F (%)
Figure 3. Plot showing where data falls on the Robertson (1990) classification of soil behavior types.
2nd International Symposium on Cone Penetration Testing, Huntington Beach, CA, USA, May 2010
The soil behavior type indicated by the CPT for this residual soil seems to be ap-
propriate despite being different from the soils used to develop the CPT charts. While
the material is classified as an elastic or high plasticity silt based on its Atterberg lim-
its, the mechanical response of the soil is similar to that of a clay, i.e. the engineering
parameter used for characterization of its strength during static loading is undrained
shear strength.
As illustrated in Figure 4a, a relatively simple technique was used to estimate Nkt,
the empirical parameter required to calculate undrained shear strength (cu) in triaxial
compression from CPT. Nkt is defined in Equation 1, where qt is the cone tip resis-
tance and σv is the total geostatic vertical stress. We varied Nkt until the CPT graph of
2nd International Symposium on Cone Penetration Testing, Huntington Beach, CA, USA, May 2010
undrained shear strength with depth on Figure 4a provided the best visual match to
the UU tests on samples from nearby borings. A value of Nkt = 16 provided the best
match. It is apparent that the small number of pressuremeter measured undrained
shear strengths (abbreviated as PMT in Figure 4a) are higher than UU test results, and
this approach of using UU tests as a reference might be somewhat conservative in this
soil, i.e. Nkt could be less than 16.
qt v
Nkt (1)
Given that the bearing capacity exceeded the design load even using conservative
values, settlement of the tank, and hence modulus of the residual soils, became the
focus of the interpretation. In situ test information on modulus was available from
shear wave velocity (Vs), pressuremeter tests, and CPT-based empirical relationships,
in addition to laboratory tests. As a first step, we noted that laboratory tests suggested
moduli that were significantly lower than those suggested from in situ tests. When we
identified this distinct difference between the results, we did not consider the labora-
tory values further when selecting design parameters, as they were likely affected by
sampling bias (i.e. selective sampling and sub-sampling of laboratory specimens) and
sample disturbance. Figure 4b shows the range of shear modulus estimates from:
• Gmax determined from downhole shear wave velocity measurements, Gmax =
ρVs2, where ρ is the mass density of the residual soil determined from tube sam-
• G from shear wave velocity with a degradation factor of G/Gmax = 0.2 to approx-
imate 1% shear strain.
• Gur determined from the slope of an unload/reload cycle during a pressuremeter
• G from the CPT considering the constrained modulus, M, from Equations 2 and
3 with αM = Q when Q ≤ 14 and αM = 14 when Q > 14. (Robertson, 2009)
M (1 2 )
G (2)
M M qt v (3)
The final CPT-based method results in much lower modulus than the degraded
shear wave velocity method and the pressuremeter, while the pressuremeter and shear
wave velocity methods give similar results.
The above derivation of G from the CPT passes through the intermediate step of
constrained modulus M. However, there are direct correlations between Gmax and tip
resistance for cohesionless soils, for example Equation 4 (Robertson 2009)
Gmax G qt v 0.0188 10 0.55 I c 1.68 qt v (4)
While Equation 4 would not strictly be applicable for undrained, cohesive soils, Fig-
ure 5 shows a comparison between Gmax from Equation 4 and Gmax derived from the
shear wave velocity. As before, the CPT gives significantly lower values than from
shear wave velocity measurements, but not as low as when using Equations 2 and 3
for cohesive soils. Schnaid (2005) has suggested that such differences might be the
result of aging or cementation in cohesionless soils, which is also plausible for resi-
dual soils but caution is needed in its implementation. There may be factors related
2nd International Symposium on Cone Penetration Testing, Huntington Beach, CA, USA, May 2010
to pore pressures and drainage that affect the interpretation in cohesive versus cohe-
sionless soils.
We decided to use the pressuremeter and shear wave-based values, since they re-
sult from direct measurement of shear modulus. In contrast, the CPT measures a
complex mix of shear strength and stiffness response to the cone penetration and the
CPT-based method is indirect. This choice to use the pressuremeter and shear wave
values was justified during subsequent monitoring of tank settlements during hydro-
testing and operation of the facility, as settlement predictions compared favorably
with measurements.
Gmax from Vs
Figure 5. Comparison of Gmax from for residual soils from a) shear wave velocity and b) CPT correla-
tion for cohesionless soils (Equation 4)
2.4 Summary
The residual soil case history is interesting in that CPT correlations are typically de-
veloped for sedimentary soils, not for residual soils. The soil behavior index, Ic, is
appropriate in this case; undrained clay-like behavior was observed in laboratory tests
and was correctly identified by the CPT, but the CPT was incapable of showing that
the material was a highly plastic silt, rather than a clay. The estimated Nkt value of 16
or less to determine undrained shear strength is well within the band of expectation
for CPTs in stiff clays and presents no surprise. However, the problem of using the
CPT to estimate modulus in an atypical soil is also highlighted. The CPT primarily
results in shearing of the soil, and its use to estimate modulus is limited, to some de-
gree, to how well modulus and undrained shear strength are related. Even for sedi-
mentary materials, there is a wide range of modulus to undrained shear strength ra-
tios, and there is no reason to believe that a residual soil should fall within the same
2nd International Symposium on Cone Penetration Testing, Huntington Beach, CA, USA, May 2010
In this section, we present an example of a nearshore organic clay layer that was in-
vestigated for a large gas processing site. The engineering considerations for this
project included undrained shear strength for slope stability and compressibility.
CPTs and soil borings were advanced through the organic clay layer and samples re-
covered for testing. Index tests were carried out on most samples, however, it was
impossible to acquire sufficient undisturbed samples for laboratory compressibility
and strength testing to characterize the material fully. Given the paucity of data, we
relied on calculations of preconsolidation pressure and shear strength using CPT tip
resistance and empirical relationships, but verified that the choice of Nkt, k, and
SHANSEP parameters were compatible.
The clay was deposited in what was likely a mangrove area of a bay within the
estuary of a large river. Based on the condition of the soil, it is unlikely that the clay
was subjected to mechanical preconsolidation in this quiescent depositional environ-
ment. The clay was lightly overconsolidated due to aging and creep, but not due to
prior overburden stresses.
Jefferies and Davis (1993) and the Robertson and Wride (1998) systems. Figure 9
shows the organic clay on the Robertson (1990) soil behavior type chart, indicating
an accurate behavior type classification. (The material is not a peat and the organic
content is relatively small.)
2 2
Depth below seabed (m)
4 4
6 6 6
8 8 8
10 10 10
12 12 12
14 14 14
Figure 6. Plot of moisture content, unit weight and liquidity index with depth, estuarine organic clay.
Plasticity index
20 MH
0 50 100 150 200
Liquid limit
Figure 7. Plasticity chart showing location of organic clay on Casagrande plasticity chart.
2nd International Symposium on Cone Penetration Testing, Huntington Beach, CA, USA, May 2010
' p
cu cu
' v ' v OCR 1 ' v
sands: clean to silty
clayey silt to silty clay
clayey silt to silty clay
organic soil
organic soil
Figure 8. Plots of tip resistance, friction ratio, normalized pore water pressure, and soil behavior index
(according to both the Jefferies and Davies and the Robertson and Wride systems).
2nd International Symposium on Cone Penetration Testing, Huntington Beach, CA, USA, May 2010
The term S varies slightly as a function of the failure mode (testing method, strain
rate), but may be considered to be constant in this case. Ladd and De Groot (2003)
recommend S = 0.25 with a standard deviation of 0.05 (for simple shear loading) and
m = 0.8 for sedimentary deposits of silts and organic soils (Atterberg limits plot be-
low the A-line), excluding peats and clays with shells. S may take a value of approx-
imately 0.30 to 0.35 for triaxial compression loading (e.g. Ladd and DeGroot, 2003).
Only certain combinations of the empirical parameters Nkt (tip resistance to cu), k
(tip resistance to OCR), and S and m are compatible with all of Equations 1, 4, and 5.
Substituting Equation 1 and 5 in Equation 6 to determine the appropriate combination
of parameters gives:
1 m
qt v
Nkt S k
The left hand side of Equation 7 is a constant for a given soil layer, therefore, the
magnitude of this constant may be calculated by first selecting an appropriate value
for m and then by plotting the right hand side of the equation, as shown on Figure 10
for eight CPT soundings, where m = 0.85 was chosen. Significant variability in the
data is noticeable on Figure 10 due to variability of the tip resistance around the
project site. The median value of the right hand side of Equation 7 is 1.45, estimated
from the measured data which are plotted on Figure 10 and shown as a bold vertical
line. Therefore, the constants Nkt, S, and k on the left hand side of Equation 7 should
be chosen accordingly.
Since there is no single solution to Equation 7, different scenarios or combinations
of parameters were considered for engineering analyses. Table 1 shows combinations
of compatible parameters, where m = 0.85 in all cases, that were used to calculate cu
and σ´p for subsequent stability and settlement analyses. Nkt and S were selected and
the value of k calculated corresponding to the median of the data, Figure 10. Scenario
A has a typical value of S for strength in simple shear, but although k has a reasona-
2nd International Symposium on Cone Penetration Testing, Huntington Beach, CA, USA, May 2010
ble value, the magnitude of Nkt appears to be too large for a soft, lightly overconsoli-
dated clay. The combination of Scenario B in Table 1 has a reasonable value of Nkt
and S for triaxial compression, but k appears to be high. Scenario C has high Nkt, rea-
sonable S for triaxial compression, but low k. Scenario D has reasonable Nkt and k,
but S appears to be too high. Consideration of these four scenarios provided bounds
on the settlement and stability calculations that would have been much broader if this
approach had not been adopted.
Depth below Seabed (m)
Figure 10. Plot of CPT tip resistance term on the right hand side of Equation 7, with the median value
shown as a bold vertical line.
3.4 Summary
The standard of practice to develop empirical factors to correlate undrained shear
strength and preconsolidation pressure to CPT tip resistance is to use site-specific la-
boratory test data. However, with only a handful of unconsolidated undrained triaxial
tests and consolidation tests available, there was an insufficient amount of data.
Therefore, we found ourselves in the undesirable situation to have to rely heavily on
index test data, experience, and judgment to select appropriate values for Nkt, k, and
SHANSEP parameters. Obviously, interpreting the CPT without laboratory test data
is a process that introduces significant uncertainty in the choice of engineering para-
A procedure was developed to verify the compatibility of the choice for Nkt, k, and
SHANSEP parameters through the manipulation of Equations 1, 5, and 6. We rec-
2nd International Symposium on Cone Penetration Testing, Huntington Beach, CA, USA, May 2010
ommend the application of this verification process to analyze CPT data, as it is use-
ful even when a good quantity and quality laboratory test data are available.
The value of the parameter Nkt typically depends on the value of OCR and clay
plasticity (e.g. Karlsrud et al., 2005). Given that the SHANSEP parameters depend
mostly on the index properties of the clay layer (and it is reasonable to assume that
they do not vary within a clay layer), then the value of k should also vary with OCR
within the layer, a somewhat circular proposition. Thus, it appears that neither k nor
Nkt should be constant in a clay with varying OCR (the changes in k and Nkt could,
however, be inversely proportional). The normalized tip resistance, Q, could be used
as a clue to changes in Nkt and k, but we have not explored this in any detail.
A comprehensive laboratory test program should always be completed to deter-
mine the values of Nkt, k, S, and m. A comprehensive laboratory program should in-
clude a sufficient number of oedometer tests to determine the overconsolidation pro-
file as well as undrained shear strength tests to determine the SHANSEP parameters
S and m for each clay soil. In addition, undrained shear strength measurements at in
situ conditions or on undisturbed samples consolidated to the estimated in situ
stresses are required to provide another (direct) check on Nkt and as a check on the
SHANSEP tests and procedures. Despite the experience on this particular project, the
CPT should not be used as the sole measurement.
This example considers a thick offshore silt deposit in about 140 m of water where
we had information to a depth of about 100 m below the seabed. The full depth pene-
trated consisted of recent marine sediments, which typically presented as grayish
green silt interbedded with fine sand and shell fragments. The soil properties and CPT
results are presented in Figure 11 and Figure 12. The CPT was a downhole wireline
device with a 1.5-m stroke, and the small stroke unfortunately results in some spikes
and some discontinuities in the profile. Looking at both the CPT and soil classifica-
tion tests, there are essentially three substrata, all silts; an upper silt, a high plasticity
silt and a lower silt.
Upper ML Silt
Depth below seabed (m)
MH Silt
90 Lower ML Silt
Below 80 m, the plasticity drops again to that of low plasticity (ML) silt. The li-
quidity index is very close to 1, with a liquid limit between 30 and 38, and natural
moisture content between 29% and 38%. The plasticity index is between 27 and 29.
The CPT records show the presence of abundant sand lenses.
organic soil
Upper ML Silt
Depth below seabed (m)
Lower ML Silt
Figure 12. CPT profile at marine silt site.
1. Sensitive fine grained
2. Organic soils – peats
3. Clays – clay to silty clay
Normalized Tip Resistance, Q
4. Silt mixtures – clayey silt to silty
6 clay
5. Sand mixtures – silty sand to sandy
6. Sands – clean sand to silty sand
7. Gravelly sand to sand
10 4 8. Very stiff sand to clayey sand
9. Very stiff fine grained
0.1 1 10
Friction Ratio, F (%)
Figure 13. Plot showing where data for marine silt falls on the Robertson (1990) classification dia-
2nd International Symposium on Cone Penetration Testing, Huntington Beach, CA, USA, May 2010
in deeper offshore waters, and may have been transported to these shallower depths
by deep seabed currents. However, microscopic examination of the silt grains indi-
cated nothing unusual; this was a textbook siliceous silty material. Assuming then
that both the CPT tests and the laboratory testing and soil descriptions were accurate,
we concluded that these offshore silts were indeed strongly bedded, but that the pri-
mary difference between each layer was its strength and stiffness, rather than its visu-
al appearance or soil classification. This variability in strength and stiffness was rea-
dily apparent in the CPT, although it may be muted by the influence of layering on
CPT parameters. The denser or stiff silt layers exhibit drained “sand-like” behavior,
while the less dense, less stiff silts exhibits “clay-like” behavior.
was used to determine values for the constants m and k, and then the state parameter
was calculated directly from Q. Figure 14 shows that the silt has a state parameter
generally smaller than ψ = -0.1 in the upper 40 m of the profile, and at greater depths,
the state parameter lies between about 0 and -0.1. Under static loading, the silt is ex-
pected to be dilatant at these states, but under the high seismic loading possible at this
site, it is predicted that high cyclic pore pressures could be generated. A design pro-
file for state parameter in the depth intervals that are predominantly sand-like is
shown on Figure 14, noting that a less negative state parameter indicates looser ma-
terial and that the line is therefore at about a 10 percentile exceedance level.
cu (kPa) ψ
0 250 500 -0.3 -0.1 0.1
Depth below seabed (m)
UU Triaxial
Figure 14. Plots of undrained shear strength and state parameter for marine silt (Nkt = 14 for undrained
shear strength when Ic(J&D) >2.4)
4.4 Summary
This case study presents an interesting quandary for pile design. It is possible either
to treat the whole soil profile as a nearly uniform silt (based on the soil properties)
and select design parameters accordingly, or to try to determine what percentage of
the profile is clay-like and what is sand-like, and then select appropriate sand or clay
parameters for each soil type as was done above. It may not be important which ap-
2nd International Symposium on Cone Penetration Testing, Huntington Beach, CA, USA, May 2010
proach the designer chooses, but it is certainly important to use a combination of the
information from the examination of the samples, laboratory testing, and the CPT to
present a wider picture of the soil composition.
The experiences described in this paper confirm the much repeated advice that the
CPT cannot be used in isolation and requires an appropriate program of sampling and
laboratory or related testing to confirm the selected soil parameters.
The residual soil example yielded an Nkt = 16 for undrained shear strength, which
is well within the expected range for soils of the same plasticity. However, the mod-
ulus would not have been predicted well from the CPT and the example highlights
that the CPT should not in general be used to determine parameters through indirect
correlations. Application of a seismic CPT can be helpful in this context.
Classical soil behavior could be expected for the lightly overconsolidated estuarine
clay site, and thus OCR and undrained shear strength are related through the relation-
ships suggested by Ladd and Foote (1974). As a result, only certain combinations of
parameters Nkt and k are compatible and were used in the absence of extensive labora-
tory strength testing during the early stages of this project.
The marine silt case provides a particular challenge for interpretation, both be-
cause of the layering and because it is a silt (i.e. not a clearly identified sand or clay).
The material behavior type index does, however, provide a rational basis to separate
sand-like from clay-like behavior in the CPT profile, and undrained shear strength
and state parameter profiles were then developed corresponding to clay-like and
sand-like behaviors.
It is also apparent from these conclusions that there are many soils that do not easi-
ly fit the idealized “sand” or “clay” behavior, on which much of soil mechanics de-
pends. Therefore, the geotechnical engineer needs to have a flexible approach. In ad-
dition, without laboratory testing, visual examination of the samples and
consideration of the geological history of the soil, the CPT can easily mislead in
terms of soil type, strength and particularly modulus.
The authors wish to thank their clients for allowing us to use the data from their re-
spective projects for this paper, in particular for Mr. Jim Collins of Marathon Oil
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2nd International Symposium on Cone Penetration Testing, Huntington Beach, CA, USA, May 2010
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Robertson, P.K. (1990) Soil classification by the cone penetration test. Canadian Geotechnical Jour-
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Robertson, P.K. (2009) Interpretation of cone penetration tests – a unified approach. Canadian Geo-
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