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QB WTT 5 Units

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Department of AERONAUTICAL

IV Year / VIII Semester

Question Bank
Course Code: AE3701


CO Level
1. What is called aero-elastic similarity? CO1 K1
2. What do you mean by dimensional analysis? CO1 K1
3. Dimensional analysis is particularly useful for what purpose? CO1 K2
What are the different laws on which models are designed for
4. CO1 K1
dynamic similarity?
5. What are the different types of forces acting in moving fluid? CO1 K1
6. Define Reynolds number. CO1 K1
7. Define Mach number. CO1 K1
8. What are types of similarity? CO1 K1
9. Differentiate open jet and open circuit wind tunnel CO1 K1
10. What are the different section loss coefficients? CO1 K1
11. Write down the Classifications of Wind tunnels CO1 K1
12. What are the key parts of wind tunnel? CO1 K1
13. What do you mean by calibration of a subsonic wind tunnel? CO1 K1
14. Define energy ratio of a wind tunnel. CO1 K1
How does an industrial wind tunnel differ from conventional
15. CO1 K2
aeronautical tunnel?


With a neat sketch explain the operation of closed circuit continuous

1. CO1 K2
supersonic tunnel. Discuss its advantages and disadvantages.

2. Discuss briefly about the losses in subsonic wind tunnels. CO1 K2

Explain the design parameter-power consideration for wind tunnel in

3. CO1 K2
Explain the design parameter-section loss coefficient for wind tunnel
4. CO1 K2
in detail
Explain in detailed about power losses in wind tunnel with necessary
5. CO1 K2
Discuss the various types of similarities that should be satisfied
6. CO1 K3
between a model and prototype of an Aerofoil and Aircraft wing
Define the following non-dimensional numbers: force coefficient,
7. Euler number, Reynolds number and moment coefficient. How do CO1 K2
the model scale effects influence the wind tunnel test results?
Derive Mach number and Reynolds number as relevant non-
8. dimensional parameters in the flow over an airfoil from non- CO1 K2
dimensional analysis

9. Explain the various type of similarities in detail. CO1 K2

Derive the lift force in terms of Reynolds number, Mach number &
10. Froude number from dimensional analysis & discuss their CO1 K2
importance in model testing.


CO Level
1. Name the factors which influence the design of supersonic tunnels CO2 K1
2. What do you mean by a transonic wind tunnel? CO2 K1
What are the difficulties associated with testing of models at
3. CO2 K1
transonic speeds?
4. What are the major disadvantages of Blow down type wind tunnels? CO2 K1
5. What is the use of thermal ballast in a supersonic tunnel? CO2 K1
What are the methods of operation are adopted for blow down
6. CO2 K1
tunnel operation?
7. Compare between Intermittent and continuous wind tunnels CO2 K2
8. What are the advantages of blow down wind tunnels? CO2 K1
9. Compare between in draft and pressure driven tunnels CO2 K2
10. What are the advantages of Induction type tunnels? CO2 K1
11. What is the use of thermal ballast in a supersonic tunnel? CO2 K1
12. Idendify the losses in supersonic tunnels CO2 K2
13. What are in draft wind tunnels? CO2 K1
14. How to determine Flow Angularity in supersonic wind tunnel? CO2 K2
What are the required assumptions for calculating the running time
15. CO2 K1
of a tunnel?


With a neat sketch explain the operation of closed circuit continuous

1. CO2 K2
supersonic tunnel. Discuss its advantages and disadvantages.

2. Explain the purpose of second throat in supersonic wind tunnels CO2 K2

Draw a typical hypersonic tunnel circuit and explain the operation.
3. CO2 K2
Discuss the special problems associated with it
Explain the operation of the intermittent type supersonic wind
4. tunnel with neat sketches and explain the importance of the second CO2 K2
Explain the special problems in testing of models transonic wind
5. CO2 K2

6. Explain the transonic wind tunnel with neat sketches. CO2 K2

Explain the construction and working of the following wind tunnels

7. i) Blow down tunnels. CO2 K2
ii) In draft and induction tunnels.
With the aid of a neat sketch explain the hypersonic tunnel circuit.
8. CO2 K2
How is it different from supersonic tunnel?

9. Explain the helium based hypersonic wind tunnel with neat sketch CO2 K2

Why do you need a ventilated test section for a transonic wind

10. tunnel? Explain in detail some of the possible ventilation CO2 K3


CO Level
1. Explain why heated and dry air is used in hypersonic wind tunnels?
What is the pressure and temperature range in the hypersonic wind CO3 K1
2. Write note on Hypersonic Wind Tunnels. CO3 K1
3. What are gun tunnels? CO3 K1
4. What is a shock tunnel? CO3 K1
5. What is a shock tube? CO3 K1
6. List some special purpose wind tunnels CO3 K1

7. What are called Hotshot wind tunnels? CO3 K1

8. Name few Experimental facilities that have been developed to CO3 K1
simulate realistic flow conditions at high speeds
9. What is force balance? CO3 K1
10. What are the techniques for generating store separation date? CO3 K1
11. Classify Experimental technique for store separation. CO3 K1
12. Define CTS? CO3 K1
13 Write note on Suction type Tunnel CO3 K1
14. What are the techniques for generating store separation date? CO3 K1
Classify Experimental technique for store separation. CO3 K1


Explain in detail blockage correction in closed circuit wind tunnels CO3 K2

1. for the wind tunnel calibrations.
Draw the sketch of three dimensional flow direction probes and CO3 K2
2. explain its uses in the calibration of flow direction in wind tunnel.
Explain six component balance and pyramid type balance. CO3 K2

How velocity calibration is carried out in low speed wind tunnel. CO3 K2
4. Explain the constant temperature hot wire anemometer with a neat
Evaluate in detail about Intake tests, Store carriage tests and CO3 K2
5. separation tests with respective tests..
How velocity calibration is carried out in low speed wind tunnel. CO3 K2
6. Explain the constant temperature hot wire anemometer with a neat

7. Explain the operation Gun tunnel and Shock tunnel. CO3 K2

Give the Classification of wind tunnel & explain about hypersonic

8. CO3 K2
wind tunnel.
Explain in detail the scaled dynamic separation and point prediction CO3
9. K2
methods used for studying store separation characteristics.
How are the separation studies carried out using wind tunnels? CO3
10. K2
Explain in detail with suitable sketches.


CO Level
1 Name the instruments for unsteady pressure measurements CO4 K1
2 What is the purpose of Pitot - static tube? CO4 K1
3 What are the problems in unsteady pressure measurements in wind CO4 K1
4 List any two methods used for unsteady force measurements. CO4 K1
5 What is intake test? CO4 K1
6 What are the parameters can be result from intake test? CO4 K1

7 What are general design considerations? CO4 K1

8 Explain in brief about pressure & internal flow models. CO4 K1
9 Explain about steady state pressure instruments. CO4 K1
10 What is the use of pressure transducers? CO4 K1
11 What is force balance? CO4 K1
12 What is the use of pressure transducers? CO4 K1
13 What are the main sources of error in wall static pressure CO4 K1
14 What are the factors that must be at a minimum while designing a CO4 K1
15 What are the basic components of measurement system? CO4 K1


Explain in detail the working of any one type of pressure transducer CO4 K2
1. with neat circuit. What are the advantages of pressure transducers
over other pressure measuring devices?
Explain modern three component balance for force and moment CO4 K2
2. measurements in wind tunnel with neat sketches.
With aid of schematic diagram explain the construction of CO4 K2
3. compound balance. Name and sketch at least three types of flexures
and three types of force element fastenings techniques.
What is meant by pressure transducers? Explain the working of CO4 K2
4. pressure transducer with suitable sketches.
Distinguish between internal and external wind tunnel balances. CO4 K2
5. Briefly explain how force measurements are carried out using an
external strain gauge balance
Explain with neat sketches any two methods used for unsteady CO4 K2
6. pressure measurements.

Explain in brief about Store release method with necessary plot & CO4
7. K2
8. Discuss the working principle of Pitot tube with a suitable diagram K2

Explain the procedure involved in the unsteady pressure CO4

9. measurements over an airfoil. Draw the Cpmean, Cprms profiles K3
over NACA 4412 airfoil at angle of attack of 15 degrees.
What are the problems associated with Pitot tube? How the CO4
10. K2
problems are rectified. Discus.


CO Level
1. State the principle behind Lase Doppler Anemometer CO5 K1
2. What are the limitations of smoke flow visualization methods? CO5 K1
3. List the merits and demerits of pressure sensitive paints CO5 K2
4. What is the principle behind optical flow visualization techniques? CO5 K1
5. How electrical techniques are used in flow visualization? CO5 K1
6. What is the primary objective of tuft flow visualization? And what CO5
is the disadvantage of this method?
7. What is the advantage of laser induced fluorescence over absorption CO5
8. List the main categories of instrumentation and control for wind CO5
9. Explain about Hot wire anemometry? CO5 K1
10. What are the optical methods of flow visualization? CO5 K1
11. What is an Interferometer? CO5 K1
12. What is schlieren system? CO5 K1
13. How Oils are used in flow visualization? CO5 K1
14. What do you mean by DPIV? CO5 K1
15. Explain Shadowgraph technique? CO5


Explain the shadowgraph system of flow visualization with neat CO5

1. K2
Explain the merits and De-merits of hot wire anemometer and laser CO5
2. K2
Doppler anemometer with sketch.
Explain principle, construction and working of LDA. CO5 K2

Explain the Velocity measurements using Hot wire anemometry. CO5 K2


Explain concept of Laser Doppler Anemometry and describe the CO5 K2

5. construction and working of three dimensional LDA system.
Explain the basic principles of Shadowgraph method of flow CO6 K2
6. visualization with a neat diagram. Mention the advantages and
limitations of this method.
With neat illustration explain the basic principles of schlieren CO5 K2
7. method of flow visualization. What are the advantage and
limitations of the method?
Explain the interferometer method of flow visualization with neat CO5 K2
8. diagram.
Explain Tuft grid visualization with neat sketch. What are the CO6 K2
9. materials that can be used as tuft for this technique?
Explain the phenomenon of separation of flow over a 2D wing with CO6 K3
10. the help of liquid paraffin generated smoke wire technique with
good sketches. What are its merits over Kerosene generated smoke

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