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Triptico Mitologia

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The mythological

creatures of the
A Journey to Philippines
the Legends reflect a rich
and Myths of cultural tradition
the and a deep respect
P ilippine for the natural
Archipelago world and the
supernatural. Each
of these legends
has its own
meanings and

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Tomas Roja
Renato Cabrera
Mateo Olivares
1. Aswang 2. Kapre 3. Tikbalang
Description: The Kapre is an arbo- Description: The Tikbalang is a
Description: It is described as a
real giant that lives in the large being with a human body and a
nocturnal being that can change
trees of the Philippine jungles. He horse's head. He is known for his
shape and feeds on human blood or
is said to be friendly but abilities to disorient travelers and
flesh, often fetuses or children.
mischievous. lead them down wrong paths.
Appearance: Commonly depicted Appearance: He is described as a Appearance: He has the body of a
with a human appearance during tall, hairy man who smokes a large tall, thin man, but with the head
the day and a monstrous form at cigar. His skin is dark and he has and legs of a horse.
night. an imposing appearance.
Legend: They are famous for their
Legend: The Aswang is believed to Legend: Although the Kapre is not ability to fool people, especially in
be an ordinary person during the usually dangerous, it is believed to the dark or on lonely roads.
day, but transforms into a mons- play practical jokes on travelers
Means of Protection: Wearing an
trous being at nightfall to hunt and hide in trees, causing people to
amulet made of horse hair or wea-
its victims. get lost.
ring a piece of clothing inside out is
Means of Protection: Offering to- believed to protect against Tikba-
Means of Protection: People often bacco as an offering can appease lang.
wear amulets, make noise or wear the Kapre. It is also recommended
garlic cloves to protect themsel- not to ignore their presence and
ves from Aswang. maintain a respectful attitude.

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