SF1686 23 24
SF1686 23 24
SF1686 23 24
(2) The function T (x, y) = x2 + 2x + 4y 2 − 8y gives the temperature in position (x, y).
(a) Compute the directional derivative of T (x, y) from (1, 3) towards (4, 2) (2)
(b) Give the direction that gives the most rapid change of T (x, y) at (1, 3). (2)
(c) Give the degree two Taylor polynomial of T (x, y) at (1, 3). (2)
Lösning. a) The gradient is ∇T = (2x + 2, 8y − 8), so ∇T (1, 3) = (4, 16). The length
one vector ⃗u starting at (1, 3) and pointing at (4, 2) is √110 (3, −1). The sought directional
derivative is ⃗u · ∇T (1, 3) = √110 (12 − 16) = − √410 .
b) The maximal change of temperature is obtained in the direction ∇T (1, 3) = (4, 16).
c) It has to be a shift of x2 + 2x + 4y 2 − 8y, that is f (x − 1, y − 3).
eftersom −k̂ är den utåtriktade enhetsnormalen på ytan D. För att beräkna vänsterledet
behöver vi divergensen:
∇ • F = 2x + 2y
Den första termen 2x ger noll, eftersom den är udda i x, och integreras över området R
som är symmetriskt kring x = 0. Den andra termen 2y ger också noll, på motsvarande
sätt. Vänsterledet blir därför noll, så vi får relationen
F • N̂dS = F • k̂dS = (y + 2)dS.
Termen y är udda men integreras över området D, som är symmetriskt kring y = 0, d.v.s.
ger noll. Flödet blir således
F • N̂dS = 0 + 2 dS = 2A = 2πr2 = 2π · 12 = 24π.
4 SF1686 – Lösningsförslag till tentamen 23.10.25
(6) Let γ(t) = (γ1 (t), γ2 (t)) with 0 ≤ t ≤ 2π be a parametrisation of a smooth, simple
closed curve C. We assume the curve C is positively oriented with respect to the compact
region R enclosed by the curve.
(a) Show that (3)
Z 2π
γ1 (t)γ2′ (t) − γ2 (t)γ1′ (t) dt.
Area(R) =
2 0
(b) For each integer k > 1 the function
γ(t) = (k cos(t) − cos(kt), k sin(t) − sin(kt)) 0 ≤ t ≤ 2π
parametrises an epicycloid curve Ck . The curve Ck is a piecewise smooth, simple
closed curve that encloses a compact set Rk that looks like a flower with (k − 1)
pedals. Show that Area(Rk ) = πk(k + 1). (3)
Lösning. Let F1 (x, y) = −y andR F2 (x, y) = x and let F = (F1 , F2 ) be the planar vector
field. Then the curve integral C F · dr reads
Z 2π Z 2π
F (γ(t)) · γ (t)dt = (−γ2 (t)γ1′ (t) + γ1 (t)γ2′ (t)dt.
0 0
We also have by the Theorem of Green that the curve integral also equals
∂F2 ∂F1
F · dr = ( − ) dA = 2 dA = 2Area(R),
C X ∂x ∂y X
which proves the first statement.
We use that formula to compute the area of Rk . We have that γ ′ (t) = (−k sin(t) +
k sin(kt), k cos(t) − k cos(kt)). Therefore the area of Rk is
1 2π 2
(k + k − (k 2 + k)(cos(kt) cos(t) + sin(kt) sin(t)) dt.
2 0
Using partial integration, twice, we get that
Z 2π Z 2π
cos(t) cos(kt) dt = k cos(t) cos(kt) dt.
0 0
R 2πk > 1 we must have that the integral is zero. One computes in a2 similar way that also
sin(kt) sin(t) dt = 0. It then follows that the area of Rk is π(k + k).