Marketing I Course Outline 24 25

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Marketing I-Course Outline

Description of Units of Study

I. Orientation to Marketing Education (One Week)
A. Class Information-Grading, Projects, Attendance, etc.
B. Responsibilities and Rules of the Classroom
C. DECA, An Association of Marketing Students
D. Cooperative Education

II. American Economic System (Six Weeks)

A. Explain the definition of Economics
B. Supply and Demand
C. Competition
D. Role of the Government
E. Basic Principles of the System
F. Profit and Risk
G. Other Related Topics

III. Introduction to Marketing and Basic Marketing Concepts (Five Weeks)

A. Define Marketing
B. Explain the Marketing Functions
C. List and Define the Five Utilities
D. Benefits of Marketing to Society
E. Reasons for Studying Marketing
F. Explain the Marketing Concept
G. Define Market Segmentation
H. Marketing Mix

IV. Selling (Six Weeks)

A. Explain the Definition of Selling
B. Explain the Sales Process
C. Explain the purpose of selling in our society
D. Determining Needs and Product Presentation
E. Handling Customer Objections and Questions
F. Closing the Sale and Following up with the Customer

V. Product Planning (Five Weeks)

A. Explain the Product Planning
B. Branding, Packaging, and Labeling
C. Extended Product Features
VI. Promotion (Six Weeks)
A. Define Promotion
B. Advertising Media and Internet Advertising
C. Preparing Print Ads
D. Visual Merchandising and Display
E. Publicity and Public Relations
F. Social Media

VII. Risk Management (Three Weeks)

A. Explain the Nature of Risk Management
B. Discuss the various types of business risks
C. Identify the ways businesses handle business risks

Student Evaluation: Daily Assignments, Quizzes, Unit Tests, Research Projects, Oral
Presentations and Demonstrations, Group Projects, and Participation.


 Grading scale for 2024-25 See Syllabus

 Student involvement
 Extra credit not offered
 Academic dishonesty-parent contact and discipline referral

As a student in my class, you are responsible for your learning. If you ever have
questions/concerns, please do not hesitate to see me! The more you put into this class
the more you will receive in return.

Resources: Guest Speakers, DECA Related Activities, Marketing Essentials Textbook,

Instructor, and Videos.

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