Unit 1 - Student's 2022

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М.В. Тимченко



First Year



TOPIC: University Education

GRAMMAR: 1. The Noun.
2. The Numeral.
3. The indefinite pronouns some, any; the negative
pronoun no and their derivatives
4. The construction there is / there are.
5. much – many – little – few

Step I



1. a) Read the text about Oxford. Translate the phrases given in italics into

Oxford is the most popular tourist attraction in Britain, after London and
Stratford-upon-Avon. Oxford is famous for its university, which is the oldest in
Britain and the third oldest in Europe. It was founded at the end of the 12th
century. There is no clear date of foundation, but sketchy evidence indicates that
schools existed at Oxford by the early 12th century. By the end of that century, the
University was well established, perhaps resulting from Henry II banning English
students from attending the University of Paris around 1167. Oxford was modeled
on the University of Paris, with initial faculties of theology, law, medicine, and the
liberal arts.
Oxford University has thirty-eight separate colleges. For many years only
five of these colleges were for women. However, since the late 1970s nearly all the
colleges have accepted both men and women.
Oxford is very competitive: annually more than 21,500 people apply for
around 3,300 undergraduate places for entry. The University receives, on average,
more than 6 applications for each available place. It offers more than 350 different
graduate degree programmes.
International students make up almost 43% of the total student body.
Students come to Oxford from more than 150 countries.
Oxford has the largest volume of world-leading research in the country. The
University, including the colleges and Oxford University Press, is the largest
employer in Oxfordshire, supporting around more than 30,000 jobs in the county
and injecting more than £2.3bn annually into the regional economy.
Oxford is not only a university city, it is also a town, where ordinary people
live and work. With almost two million visitors a year, it is very difficult nowadays
for the residents of Oxford to live their daily lives. Sometimes they feel that the
city does not belong to them.

b) Answer the teacher’s questions.

The Plural of Nouns

(Множественное число существительных)

1. Большинство существительных: N+s table – tables
map– maps
2. Существительные с основой на -y:
 гласная + y: без изменений day – days
 согласная + y: замена y на ie baby– babies
3. Существительные с основой на -sh, ch, x, s + es: lash – lashes
match – matches
fox – foxes
glass – glasses
4. Существительные с основой на -o + es: potato – potatoes
piano – pianos
photo – photos
solo – solos
5. Существительные основой на -f/-fe:
 замена f/fe на v + es leaf – leaves
wife – wives
chief – chiefs
cliff – cliffs
hoof – hoofs
roof – roofs
safe – safes
scarf – scarfs / scarves
6. Существительные-исключения: man – men
woman – women
foot – feet
tooth – teeth
goose – geese
mouse – mice
child – children
ox – oxen
7. Существительные, имеющие одинаковую форму sheep – sheep
единственного и множественного числа: deer – deer
mink – mink
swine – swine
(space)craft – (space)craft
fish – fish (mainly about
salmon – salmon
trout – trout
8. Существительные, заимствованные из греческого basis – bases
и латинского языков: bacterium – bacteria

phenomenon – phenomena
9. Составные существительные: N + s/es father-in-law / fathers-in-
 -s/es прибавляется к существительному, которое law
является смысловым ядром play-ground / play-grounds
 -s/es прибавляется к конечному элементу, если forget-me-not / forget-me-
отсутствует существительное nots

2. Complete the sentences with the words from the box in the singular or plural

forget-me-not phenomenon half offspring

leaf life passer-by millennium
mother-in-law aircraft safe cliff
crisis offspring path alumnus
medium table-cloth fruit cage

1. If we want our __________ to have happy, productive and moral __________,

we must allow more time for play, not less. 2. According to The Independent,
NATO faced one of its biggest __________ in several decades. 3. It was a going-
away present, a little “__________”. 4. A married couple in China have realized
their __________ crossed eleven years before they met when the husband appeared
in the background of a picture of the wife. 5. Nearly __________ the countries
have established targets to phase out ozone-depleting substances. 6. The
__________ manufacturer faces further questions over the safety of its largest jet.
7. It’s a trip to the White __________ of Dover. 8. The troops responded with
rubber bullets, also injuring __________ and residents inside their homes. 9.
__________ are traditionally accused of being interfering, overbearing, of visiting
their family too often, staying too long and refusing to accept that anyone could be
good enough to marry their __________. 10. The company supplies towels and
bathrobes for hotels plus __________ and bed linen. 11. The company has been
accused of animal cruelty after a reality TV star posted footage on social
__________ showing two dogs locked in __________ in the brand’s London shop.
12. Tobacco __________ and tobacco products constitute a relatively dynamic
sector in world commodity trade. 13. Next time you bite into a slice of watermelon
or a cob of corn, consider this: these familiar __________ and vegetables didn’t
always taste this way. Humans have been tweaking the genetics of our favourite
produce for __________. 14. Police reports indicated that all the burglarized
homes had a security system and hidden __________. 15. I entered economics
because I wanted to understand and do something about these __________. 16.
The University is providing an expanding array of career services, including panels
of __________ experts.

Key-2: 1 – offspring; lives; 2 – crises; 3 – forget-me-not; 4 – paths; 5 – half; 6 –

aircraft; 7 – Cliffs; 8 – passers-by; 9 – Mothers-in-law; offspring; 10 – table-cloths;
11 – media; cages; 12 – leaf; 13 – fruits; millennia; 14 – safes; 15 – phenomena; 16

– alumni.

The Plural of Nouns (continued)

10. Существительные, имеющие только одну

 парные существительные (согласуются с jeans, spectacles (glasses),
глаголом во множественном числе) etc.:
e.g. These trousers are too
long for you.
 названия наук, учебных предметов, видов mathematics, economics,
спорта, заболеваний с основой на –s politics, gymnastics,
(согласуются с глаголом в единственном числе) athletics, diabetes, measles,
rabies, etc.: e.g.
Mathematics is one of the
most difficult school
 Обратите внимание: существительное statistics e.g. Statistics is a branch of
согласуется с глаголом в единственном или mathematics. (наука)
множественном числе в зависимости от There are no reliable
значения: statistics for the population
in this period.
11. Существительные, имеющие только форму advice, accommodation,
единственного числа и согласующиеся с глаголом chess, evidence, furniture,
в форме 3 лица единственного числа: information, knowledge,
luggage (baggage), means,
money, news, progress,
research, scenery, traffic,
trouble, weather, work;
hair, fruit, etc.: e.g. Mark's
advice was useful. – Совет
Марка был полезным. /
Советы Марка были

 Чтобы указать на один совет, одну новость и т.п. a piece of advice, a piece of
используется слово piece: news, etc.
12. Существительные clothes, people, police имеют e.g. Her clothes are old-
форму единственного числа, но согласуются с fashioned.
глаголом в форме множественного числа: The police were in time.
There were many people at
the festival.
13. Существительные, употребляющиеся в форме
как единственного, так и множественного числа с
изменением значения:
 competition (конкуренция) – a competition e.g. The works of Tolstoy
(соревнование) have been screened many
 experience (опыт) – an experience (случай, times.
переживание, впечатление) My trip to China was a
 fish (рыба – пища) – a fish (рыба, рыбка, рыбина) fabulous experience.
 fruit (фрукты) – a fruit (плод, фрукт)
 glass (стекло) – a glass (стакан, бокал, рюмка)
 hair (волосы) – a hair (волос, волосок)
 iron (железо) – an iron (утюг)
 people (люди) – a people (народ, нация)
 paper (бумага) – a paper (газета, документ,
письменная работа)
 room (место, пространство) – a room (комната)
 time (время) – a time (отрезок времени; «раз» –
указание частотности)
 work (работа) – a work (произведение)
14. Существительные – названия веществ, e.g. Borjomi is a mineral
образуют форму множественного числа для water.
обозначения сорта/вида или порции вещества: (In a restaurant) Two
coffees and an ice-cream,

3. Complete the sentences using the substitution table:

Model: The work was so interesting that I didn’t want to stop it.

news important
information interesting
advice useful
furniture good
The weather is / was so heavy that…
progress hard
luggage great
traffic serious
work beautiful
trouble sweet

4. Translate into English.

1. Где деньги? – Вчера я положил их в сейф. Посмотри – они ведь там? 2.
Отец дал Сондре только один совет, но это был очень полезный совет: думай,
прежде чем действовать. 3. Чья эта одежда? Почему она такая мокрая и
грязная? – Это одежда Максима и Павла. Они только что вернулись из
похода. 4. Советы выпускников нашего университета полезны для
первокурсников. 5. Мы узнали эти сведения позавчера. Они очень важны для
нашего доклада. 6. В доме моих родителей много мебели, а в моей квартире –
только самые необходимые предметы. 7. Какая вчера была погода в
Лондоне? – Было тепло и солнечно. 8. Волосы Деллы были длинными и
красивыми, но она решила продать их, чтобы купить рождественский
подарок мужу. 9. На этой улице всегда оживленное движение. 10. Я надеюсь,
что в следующем месяце вы сделаете значительные успехи в учебе. 11. Есть
какие-нибудь новости из дома? – Пока нет.

Noun as an Attribute

Существительное может употребляться в функции определения:

e.g. a sports car – спортивный автомобиль
a government official – правительственный чиновник

5. a) Read and translate into Russian:

Women leaders, business ethics, nursery school, health-food store, animal rights
campaign, Revolution Square metro station; an Antarctic research expedition; the
Middle East situation; Edinburgh [ˈedɪnbərə] music festival; the Nobel prize
[ˌnəʊbel ˈpraɪz] winners; the World Trade Organization; the British Atomic
Energy Corporation; a Foreign Office spokesperson.
b) Translate into English.
коллекция университетской библиотеки; программа космических
исследований; телевизионная развлекательная программа; всемирный
фестиваль молодежи; победители Олимпийских игр; упражнения из
учебника грамматики; Санкт-Петербургский государственный университет.

The Possessive Case of Nouns

(Притяжательный падеж существительных)

Одушевленные существительные

Единственное число: ’s Множественное число: s’

’s s’
 Ben’s book – книга Бена  the boys’ aunt – тетя мальчиков
 Lily’s sister – сестра Лили  Greg and Jane’s sons – сыновья
 Dickens’s / Dickens’ life – жизнь Грега и Джейн (притяжательный
Диккенса падеж к группе лиц)
 the school-girl’s friends –друзья  Tolstoy’s and Chekhov’s works –
школьницы произведения Толстого и Чехова
 Elizabeth II’s (the Second’s) (притяжательный падеж к
coronation – коронация Елизаветы каждому из членов группы лиц)

Неодушевленные существительные

1. Притяжательный падеж употребляется с существительными,

 отрезок времени (today, tomorrow, yesterday, this month, last year, etc.): e.g.
today’s TV programme – сегодняшняя программа телевидения
 страну: e.g. Russia’s history – история России
 организацию: e.g. the committee's decision – решение комитета

2. С остальными неодушевленными существительными употребляется фраза

the … of…:
the legs of the table – ножки стола
the first part of the novel – первая часть романа
the friends of his wife’s brother – друзья брата его жены
 Обратите внимание на употребление существительного в единственном
числе в следующих моделях:
a two-day visit – двухдневный визит
an eighteen-year-old student – восемнадцатилетний студент
three-hour business negotiations –трёхчасовые деловые переговоры
a multi-million dollar investment – многомиллионная инвестиция

6. Use the suggested word combinations in sentences of your own.

Model: – Bitsy / her life
– Bitsy’s life was dull and uneventful.

Kevin / his job; Sarah / her vacation; Harry and Lily / their children; Michael / his
career; Nigel / his boss; Clara / her wedding party; the company / profit; today /
accident; the country / its population; O’Henry and Jack London / their stories;
China / its industry.

7. Translate into English.

1. Расскажи мне о жизни твоих брата и сестры. 2. Дом моих родителей
находится на Озёрной улице. 3. Свадьба Елизаветы II состоялась в 1947 году.
4. Завтрашняя дискуссия должны быть очень интересными. 5. На прошлой
неделе Алиса сделала доклад о промышленности Шотландии. 6. Романы
Диккенса и Тэккерея (Thackeray) были очень популярны в XIX веке. 7.
Вчерашняя вечерняя программа на канале «Наука» была посвящена
российским Нобелевским лауреатам. 8. Лектор рассказал о программе
космических исследований России.

The Numeral
(Имя числительное)

Cardinal Numerals
(Количественные числительные)

1–12 one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven,
13–19 thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen
десятки twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety
дюжины, a dozen (one dozen), two dozen_, three dozen_, etc.
сотни, тысячи a hundred (one hundred), two hundred_, three hundred_, etc.
миллионы, a thousand (one thousand), two thousand_, three thousand_, etc.
миллиарды a million (one million), two million_, three million_, etc.
a billion (one billion), two billion_, three billion_, etc.

 Обратите внимание:
two dozen eggs – две дюжины яиц
three hundred pages – триста страниц Точное число
five thousand miles – пять тысяч миль

НО: dozens of eggs – десятки яиц

(в английской культуре – дюжины яиц)
hundreds of workers – сотни рабочих
thousands of pages – тысячи страниц Неточное число
millions of people – миллионы людей
billions of dollars – миллиарды долларов

Составные 21 – twenty-one; 34 – thirty-four; 45 – forty-five, etc.

числительные 136 – one hundred and thirty-six; 2,948 – two thousand nine
hundred and forty-eight
 Обратите внимание:
 десятки и единицы пишутся через дефис
 перед десятками употребляется союз AND
 перед разрядами «тысяча», «миллион», «миллиард» ставится запятая
Простые дроби
1/2 – one half
1/3 – one third; 2/3 – two thirds
1/4 – one fourth; 3/4 – three fourths, etc.
Десятичные дроби отделяются от целого числа точкой
1.4 – one point four
2.36 – two point three six
7.296 – seven point two nine six
2.01 – two point nought one
1.001 – one point nought nought one
0.5 – point five
0.0004 – point nought nought nought four

Количественные числительные употребляются для обозначения номеров
домов, квартир, страниц, транспортных маршрутов, обозначения адреса;
артикль в этом случае не употребляется:
e.g. Bus 31; page 14, Room 255; etc.
Linda lives at 8 Green Street (number eight Green Street).
BUT: Harry lives in Park Lane.
Количественные числительные употребляются для обозначения года
410 – four hundred and ten в 20-е годы – in the ’20s (twenties)
1900 – nineteen hundred в 20-е годы ХХ века – in the 1920s (nineteen
1215 – twelve fifteen twenties)
1805 – eighteen oh five в начале 70-х годов XIX века – in the early
1951 – nineteen fifty-one 1870s
2001 – two thousand and one в конце 30-х годов XVIII века – in the late
2015 – twenty fifteen 1730s
в середине 60-х годов XX века – in the mid-
в начале «нулевых» – in the early noughties
(«нулевые» / noughties – о периоде 2000–
2009 гг.)

8. a) Read:
 27 steps; 193 pages; 275 schools; 4,901 students; 58 houses; 307 rooms; 1,356
applicants; 102 towns; 725 words;
 1/3; 2/5; 3/8; 1.2; 2.36; 8.01; 0.002; 0.3; 0.35; 8.128; $4.13;
 in 1265; in 1812; in 449; in 1612; in 1147; in 1905; in 1800; in 1707; in 988; in
b) Translate into English:
в начале 20-х годов XIII столетия; в середине 50-х годов XVIII века; в конце
80-х годов XIV столетия; в середине 60-х годов XX века; в начале 70-х годов
XIX века; в конце 90-х годов XVII столетия; в середине 30-х годов XV века; в
начале 40-х годов XVI века; в начале двухтысячных; в конце 20-х годов XXI

Ordinal Numerals
(Порядковые числительные)

1–12 (the*) first/1st; second/2nd; third/3rd; fourth/4th; fifth/5th; sixth/6th;

seventh/7th; eighth/8th; ninth/9th; tenth/10th; eleventh/11th;
* Артикль the относится к последующему существительному:
e.g. James lives on the 10th floor of a new block of flats.
13–19 (the) thirteenth/13th; fourteenth/14th; fifteenth/15th; sixteenth/16th;
seventeenth/17th; eighteenth/18th; nineteenth/19th

десятки (the) twentieth/20th; thirtieth/30th; fortieth/40th; fiftieth/50th;
sixtieth/60th; seventieth/70th; eightieth/80th; ninetieth/90th
от 21 (the) twenty-first/21st; thirty-seventh/37th; forty-second/42nd; fifty-
third/53rd; sixty-eighth/68th; seventy-fifth/75th; eighty-ninth/89th;
обозначение  В английском языке для обозначения века (столетия)
столетия используют арабские цифры:
e.g. the 19th century; the 21st century, etc.
 В русском языке для обозначения века (столетия)
используют римские цифры (окончания не допускаются!):
e.g. XVIII век; XXI век.
 В.C. / BC (Before Christ) – до нашей эры:
e.g. Julius Caesar raided Britain in 54 BC.
A.D. / AD (Anno Domini) – нашей эры:
e.g. The Roman legions left Britain in 410 AD.

обозначение April 25 – the twenty-fifth of April

дат 3 October, 1984 – the third of October, nineteen eighty-four
 Обратите внимание:
 В русском языке при написании даты сначала
обозначается число, потом месяц, а затем год:
12.02.2002 – the twelfth of February, two thousand and
 В американском варианте английского языка при
написании даты сначала указывается месяц, затем
число, а после этого год:
12/02/2002 – the second of December, two thousand and

9. a) Read the dates:

 July 4, 1971; on March 26, 1980; October 14, 1066; on January 9, 1905; June
11, 1649; on May 1, 2001; February 12, 1900; on September 7, 1315;
November 3, 2012;
 13.10.1013; 13/10/2013; 05.06.1978; 05/06/1978; 11.09.1992; 11/09/1992;
08.11.2015; 08/11/2015.
b) Answer the teacher’s questions.

10. a) Read out the following short texts:

 Officials warned that America would run out of money to pay its bills on 2
August. There was a risk that the US government would not agree to increase
its debt ceiling above the legal limit of $14.3 trillion (£8.86 tn).
 A Scottish couple, Colin Weir, 64, and his wife Chris, 55, have been unveiled
as Europe's biggest ever lottery winners, scooping £162 million ($262 million)
in the EuroMillions jackpot. The money took them into 430th place in this

year's Sunday Times Rich List for Britain, nine places beneath footballer David
Beckham and his fashion designer wife Victoria Beckham, who have an official
fortune of £165 ($266 million). The win makes them richer than former Beatle
Ringo Starr, who is worth £150 million ($242 million), and singer Tom Jones
who is on £140 million ($226 million), according to the Rich List. The
EuroMillions lottery, launched in 2004, is now played by nine countries across
Western Europe: Austria, Belgium, Britain, France, Ireland, Luxembourg,
Portugal, Spain and Switzerland.
 b) Read the names of currencies:

RUB/RUR Russian rouble/ ruble /ˈruː.bəl/

GBP Great Britain pound £
EUR euro/EURO /ˈjʊə.rəʊ/ €
USD United States dollar $
CHF Swiss franс Fr
JPY Japanese yen (pl. yen) ¥
CNY Chinese yuan / renminbi (sg.) /juˈɑːn/ /ˈrenmɪnbi/ ¥ / CN¥
NRY Turkish lira /ˈlɪə.rə/ TL
EGP Egyptian pound £E
INR Indian rupee /ruːˈpiː/ ₹
BRL Brazilian real /reɪˈɑːl/ R$
ZAR South African rand /rænd/ R

c) Read the sums as in the model:

Model: $215 – two hundred and fifteen dollars

R$1,200; 83,900; ₹1,625; CN¥98,715; R789; Fr3mln; $262,000; £E178,000;

¥539,000,000; €483,190; £1,500; TL364.


11. Get ready to retell the text about Oxford (exercise 1).

12. a) Complete the sentences. 

There are about ______________________________ (337,5 миллионов
американцев), and nearly ________________________(76 миллионов) of them
go to school. This includes ___________________(пятилетнюю) Marlene at her
kindergarten, _______________________ (семнадцатилетнего) Leroy at his high
school, ___________________________ (двадцатидвухлетнюю) Eliza at her
college and _____________________ (сорокалетнего) Nick, who is taking a part-
time course in painting. The U.S. ranks 10th among industrial countries for
percentage of adults with college degrees.

With almost _______________ (90%) of high school graduates,
_____________ (35% американцев) aged over 25 get Bachelor’s degree,
_________________ (13,05% американцев) get Master’s degree, and
_________________ (3,5% населения страны) can boast their Doctorate degree.
Americans have always believed in ___________________ (образование),
but in a special, American way. _______________________________ (основная
задача школ) was to turn _______________________________ (миллионы
детей-иностранцев) into Americans. Since they came from __________________
(десятков зарубежных стран) it was not easy. American schools were the
“melting pot” in which _______________________ (различия) were forgotten.

b) Write three special and alternative questions.

c) Get ready to discuss the text in class.

13. a) Look up the current rate of exchange and fill in the table below.

¥100 JPY
£1 GBP
$1 USD
€1 EUR
₹100 INR

b) Make sure that you can say it in a proper way.

Model: – On September 1 (the first of September) one Swiss franc was equal to …


14. Discuss the problems raised in exercise 12.

a) Ask and answer special and alternative questions.
b) Answer the teacher’s questions.

15. a) Retell the text about Oxford.

b) Fill in the gaps with phrases from the text.

applying for modeled on at the end

competing for on average famous for
banned from resulting from make up

1. The town packed with art galleries is also _____________ its restaurants; there's
even an annual festival of gastronomy. 2. Most disasters ______________ snow
and ice are covered under standard insurance policies, but there are exclusions
which may turn your drama into a crisis. 3. Two out of every five 18-year-olds in
the UK are ________________ a place to study at university this year, along with
record numbers of students from China and India, according to figures from the
university admissions service. 4. Up to four students are __________________
each place to start university this autumn, official statistics show. 5. A fight broke
out _______________ of the US college basketball game between Kansas State
and University of Kansas on Tuesday. 6. Cruise ships will be ________________
docking in the country until 30 June. 7. Weighing only 60 milligrams, with a
wingspan of three centimeters, the tiny robot's movements are
_________________ those of a real fly. 8. In Madagascar, children as young as
five _________________ more than half the number of miners digging for mica,
heat-resistant mineral, which is used in everything from makeup to car paint. 9.
Recent research shows that air pollution has made life expectancy 3 years shorter


Indefinite and Negative Pronouns

(Неопределённые и отрицательные местоимения)

1. Неопределенные местоимения some и any употребляются
 с неисчисляемыми существительными в значении некоторое
количество: e.g. You need some milk to make this cake.
 c исчисляемыми существительными в единственном и множественном
числе в значении некоторый / некоторые; некий, какой-то: e.g. Some
birds fly to the south in winter. There is some young man asking for you.
2. Oтрицательное местоимение no употребляется с исчисляемыми и
неисчисляемыми существительными в значении никакой, нисколько, никакое
количество: e.g. There is no time to talk, we must continue working.
в утвердительных предложениях: e.g. Linda +
SOME bought some nice clothes in Paris.
в просьбах, предложениях и т.д.: e.g. Shall I ?
bring you some coffee?
в вопросительных предложениях: e.g. Are ?
there any students in the room?
в отрицательных предложениях в значении –
никакой, нисколько, никакое количество: e.g.
There isn’t any time left.

ANY в придаточных условных и дополнительных: if

e.g. Tell me if you have any questions. I wonder
if there will be so many guests at the party.
в утвердительных предложениях в значении +
любой: e.g. You can call me any time.
NO в отрицательных предложениях: e.g. There is –
no butter for the cake. There are no more
questions to ask.

16. React as in the model. Use the hints.

Model: T – Sue wants to make a cake. (butter)
St – She needs some butter for the cake.

flowers advice furniture

snack wine sleep

17. Repeat and add a sentence logically connected.

Model: T – Jack hasn’t got any English books. (to buy)
St – Jack hasn’t got any English books. He should buy some.

to get to borrow to read to find

to buy to earn to listen to to learn

18. Answer as in the model and add a sentence logically connected:
Model: T – Which bus do I have to catch?
St – Any bus. They all go to the centre.

Derivatives from SOME, ANY, NO, EVERY

(Производные от SOME, ANY, NO, EVERY)

- BODY somebody anybody nobody everybody

- ONE someone anyone no one / none everyone
- THING something anything nothing everything
- WHERE somewhere anywhere nowhere everywhere

19. Choose the right word.

1. There’s (anything/nothing) in the mail for Ms. Trass this morning. 2. There isn’t
(anything/nothing) in the mail for Mr. Johnson this morning. 3. They can’t blame
(anyone/no one) but themselves for this mishap. 4. (Anyone/someone) called the
boss earlier, but the assistant doesn’t know who. 5. Isn’t there (anywhere/nowhere)
to eat out at this time of night? 6. Can I ask you (anything/something)? 7. There is
(anyone/someone) on the phone to speak to you. 8. You can do
(anything/something) you like, as long as it doesn’t disturb the neighbours. 9.
Unfortunately I know (anything/nothing) about the new project.

20. Complete the sentences with the derivatives of some, any, no.
1. This language isn’t easy to learn. __________ can learn to speak it in a very
short time. 2. Classes were over and there was hardly ____________ in the
classrooms. 3. Where shall we go after classes? – I’m awfully hungry. Let’s go
___________ for a meal. 4. I’m going out now. If _____________ phones, tell
them I’ll be back after 8 o’clock. 5. The travellers slept in a park because they had
__________ to stay. 6. Why are you looking under the table? Have you dropped
_____________? 7. Brenda slaves at her books for hours on end. She never goes
out _____________. 8. There is ____________ at the door. Will you go and see
who it is?

Constructions there is/there are and it is/they are

There is / there are

Конструкция there is / there are употребляется для сообщения о наличии
чего-то/кого-то в определённом месте или в определённое время. При этом
место или время является постоянным, а предметы/лица могут меняться:
e.g. There is a telephone (a photocopier/a printer, etc.) on the desk.
 Обратите внимание на то, что глагол согласуется с ближайшим

There is a bank and several shops in Park Street.
There are several shops and a bank in Park Street.
It is / they are
Конструкция it is/they are употребляется для сообщения о том, что
определённый предмет/лицо находится в каком-то месте. При этом
предмет/лицо является постоянным, а место может меняться.
e.g. Where is the photocopier (the telephone/the stapler)? – It is on the desk.
Where are the files? – They are on the shelf.
Безличные предложения с формальным подлежащим it употребляются для
 состояния окружающей среды: e.g. It is very noisy in the room. – В
комнате очень шумно.
 погодных условий: e.g. It often snows here in winter. – Зимой здесь часто
идет снег.
 времени: e.g. It is 3 o'clock. – Три часа. / It is late. – Поздно.
 расстояния: e.g. It is two miles from here to the nearest station. – Отсюда
до ближайшей станции два километра. / It isn’t very far from here to the
nearest bus-stop. – Отсюда недалеко до ближайшей автобусной

21. a) Read and underline the construction there is / there are (in different

This is what different people who live in Oxford think about the city.
 Simon Perin is a second-year undergraduate at Merton College, one of the
oldest Oxford colleges, which was founded in 1264.
‘Oxford is a great place to be as an undergraduate but sometimes you almost
feel you are living in a goldfish bowl. Everybody wants to see what Oxford
students look like and how they live!’
 Milagros Santos from Brazil is a student at a language school in North
Oxford, where she is studying for her FCE (First Certificate in English
‘I like Oxford. There is so much history here. The buildings and the river are
beautiful. There is anything you like here – good shops, restaurants and
cinemas. There are parties every night and I sometimes go to them. In fact, I
think Oxford is more fun than London.’
 Jack Peters, who works in a car factory in Cowley, a suburb of Oxford, has
lived in Oxford for twenty years.
‘Oxford has changed a lot. There weren’t so many tourists twenty years ago.
But now in the summer it’s dreadful. There are cars and people everywhere and
hundreds of tourists. Oxford isn’t the same any more.’

b) Answer the teacher’s questions.

22. Paraphrase using there is /there are. Explain the difference between the
two sentences:
Model: T – The park is next to the underground station.
St – There is a park next to the underground station.
(The first sentence says where the park, a particular one, is. The second sentence
says what is next to the underground station – some park.)

23. Answer the questions using there is/there are and across from, around the
corner from, between, next to.
Model: T – Excuse me, is there a hospital in this neighbourhood?
St – Yes, there is. There is a hospital in Queen’s Street,
across from the school.

1. in Main Street / the park; 2. in Princess Street / the bank; 3. in Cherry Lane / the
library and the gifts shop; 4. in Marshall Street / the parking lot; 5. in King Street /
the butcher’s; 6. in Portsmouth Road / the supermarket and the news-agent’s; 7. in
Blackrock Road / the health centre; 8. in Crawford Street / the gym; 9. in St.
James’ Street / the university library

24. Answer the questions using there is / there are and some, no, not enough,
not any, not many, not much, not a single.
Model: T – Is there enough room for the guests in their house?
St – No, there is not enough room for the guests in their house.

25. Answer the teacher’s questions using the hints:

Model: T – What is the weather like today? (chilly)
St – It is chilly.

1. noisy; 2. warm; 3. two miles; 4. (open-ended answer); 5. cold; 6. late; 7. 300

metres; 8. autumn.


26. Insert some, any, no and their derivatives: 

1. Hamburg isn’t ______________ near Munich. 2. There is ______________
standing in front of Jane’s window. Can you go and see who it is? 3. Does
______________ mind if I open the window? 4. I didn’t feel hungry, so I didn’t
eat ______________. 5. Hassan was upset about ______________ and refused to
talk to ______________. 6. This device is very easy to use. ______________ can
learn to use it in no time. 7. I was too tired to do ______________ work. 8. Can
you give me ______________ information about the places of interest in the town?

9. If there are ______________ words you don’t understand, use a dictionary. 10.
With the special tourist train ticket, you can travel on ______________ train you

27. Complete the sentences with there is/there are (not), there was/there were
(not) or it is/was (not). 
1. The talks lasted long as _______ a lot of problems to discuss. 2. ________ a
heavy blow and then ________ quiet. 3. When we got to the gallery, ________ a
queue. ______ a very long queue, but it was moving quickly. 4. We saw a tall
building. ________ a high-rise block of flats. 5. ________ late today. We’ll start
the work tomorrow. 6. The detective couldn’t see anything. ________ completely
dark. 7. ________ a rally in the city centre yesterday. Buses didn’t run.
8. ________ a pleasure to sit in front of the log fire on a cold winter evening.
9. How far ________ from London to Leeds? 10. ________ a lot of talk about the
changing climate these days. 11. ________ Keith’s birthday yesterday. We had a
party. 12. I wanted to visit the museum but _________ enough time.
13. “________ time to go?” “Yes, ________ nearly midnight.” 14. A few days
ago ________ a storm. It caused a lot of damage. 15. ________ anything on
television, so I turned it off. 16. ________ an accident in Queen Street but
________ very serious. 17. ________ something you can hardly understand, you
are too young. 18. Why start out at 6, ________ much too early. 19. ________
enough time for walking, let’s take a taxi. 20. Belinda has just told me a secret,
but________ a secret that everybody knows.

28. Translate into English. 

1. За углом есть школа. Школа находится за углом. 2. В городе несколько
театров. Театры находятся в центре города. 3. В театре много детей. Дети
сейчас в театре. 4. Существует несколько способов решения этой задачи.
Способы решения этой задачи приведены на странице 123. 5. В прошлом
году в нашем саду совсем не было птиц. 6. В этой галерее есть несколько
картин 17 века. 7. У нас нет достаточно времени, чтобы выгулять собаку.
8. Новый ресторан находится напротив аптеки. 9. В их саду нет цветов, там
только старая яблоня и несколько кустов. 10. В чае недостаточно сахара.
Добавь немного, пожалуйста. 11. В книге нет картинок. 12. В аудитории не
было ни одного студента. 13. В Великобритании существует несколько
частных и десятки государственных университетов. 14. Напротив
университета находятся студенческое общежитие и спортивный клуб. Клуб –
между общежитием и библиотекой. 15. В университетском музее есть
десятки экспонатов, которые рассказывают об истории университета.
16. Китайский язык сильно отличается от японского. Разве ты не знаешь? Это
же два совершенно разных языка. 17. Мне очень жаль, но сегодня не будет
никакого концерта. Возможно, он состоится в следующую субботу.

29. a) Read the text “Independence Days: My Perfect Imperfect Gap Year”.
b) Give the English for the following words and phrases:
первокурсник; воспринять новость; расходы на жизнь; возражения; до того
момента; он дал мне понять; рассматривать что-либо как угрозу; стажировка
(практика); по-своему (в своем роде); испытывать унижение; накопить
деньги; путешествовать (перебираться) с одного острова на другой; (лишь)
как пример; средний балл; оглядываясь назад; успеваемость.

Step II



30. Choose the right word:

1. After the journey Peter told us about his (experience / experiences). 2. Look,
there is (hair / a hair) on your collar. 3. Look at the picture: it is one of Levitan’s
(work / works). 4. His (experience / experiences) helped him to solve a very
complicated problem. 5. In the 1940s many (people / peoples) of Europe fought
against fascism. 6. He has a lot of (work / works) to do every day. 7. There were
many (people / peoples) at yesterday’s conference. 8. John looked at Alice’s (hair /
hairs) with admiration (восхищение).

31. Insert the proper pronouns and the forms of the verb to be:
1. Where ______ my clothes? – _______ _______ in the closet (стенной шкаф).
2. The police _____ looking for the man who stole a picture from the museum.
3. When we came up to the field, we saw many sheep who ______ eating grass.
4. Politics _______ my grandfather’s favourite topic, he can talk about ______ for
hours on end. 5. Your jeans ______ dirty. Why don’t you wash ______? 6. What
______ the news? – Jack is coming from London tonight. 7. Gymnastics ______ a
popular sport. 8. There ______ little furniture in the room, only a few pieces.
(Present) 9. The information you brought ______ very important. 10. His advice
______ always useful. 11. Jane’s hair _____ long and beautiful. 12. There ______
heavy traffic in the centre of London in the middle of the day. 13. My luggage
_____ so heavy that I could hardly carry _____.

Independence Days: My Perfect Imperfect Gap Year

Cross-cultural Notes:

1. gap year – промежуточный год, годовой перерыв в учёбе (обычно между

окончанием школы и поступлением в вуз); академический отпуск.
2. freshman – первокурсник (США).
3. the University of San Diego – Университет Сан-Диего, престижный
частный католический университет в штате Калифорния; основан в 1949
4. a scholarship – стипендия (деньги, выделяемые организацией или частным
лицом определенному студенту для оплаты учебы и материальной
поддержки в период обучения); a grant – 1. стипендия (деньги,
выделяемые государством для материальной поддержки студентов); 2.
грант (деньги, выделяемые государством или частными лицами и
организациями на определенные научные исследования).
5. tuition fees – плата за обучение.
6. a degree – академическая или ученая степень: Bachelor’s degree – степень
бакалавра; Master’s degree – степень магистра; PhD degree соответствует
степени кандидата наук в России. Учиться в бакалавриате / магистратуре –
to study for a Bachelor’s / Master’s degree.
7. in the fall – осенью (Амер.)

Independence Days: My Perfect Imperfect Gap Year

After Kyle DeNuccio

Midway through my freshman year at the University of San Diego, I called

my parents and told them I planned to leave school after the spring semester. They
took the news pretty well considering they had just shelled out more than $50,000
in tuition and living expenses at one of the ritziest private universities in the
country. Here, on the campus situated in the beautiful surroundings, you could
easily graduate unaware that 1 in 10 students at surrounding California State
universities is estimated to be homeless. Thousands struggle to win scholarships to
cover their tuition fees.
I listened to my father’s objections. “If you leave now,” my father said,
“you’ll never go back.” He asked me to get permission from the school so I could
return after a year, and I agreed. This made my departure a gap year – something I
hadn’t considered up to that point.
I certainly wasn’t alone in failing to think carefully before committing to
college. By second semester, most of my friends were less concerned with final
exams than with finding the coolest house to live in the following year. I was
already failing at least one class. And although my grades were not poor enough to
be asked to leave school, I had lost the motivation to do anything but fulfill the
minimum course requirements. I felt guilty for wasting so much money and I
couldn’t see doing the same thing for three more years.

I had managed to avoid thinking about why a degree mattered to me, how it
could enrich my life and what I was really cut out for. A gap year presented itself
as a chance to claim the independence that formalized education had not
encouraged. It was an opportunity to discover a sense of purpose outside of school.
But my father wasn’t convinced that a gap year was the right decision. He let me
know that if I left school, I wouldn’t receive any financial support. At the time, I
viewed this as a threat. Now I see it as a first step toward allowing me the freedom
I needed.
It was difficult to figure out what I wanted to do for the unstructured year
ahead. While working summer jobs to save money, I found an unpaid internship at
Surfer magazine and reported for duty in late August. I slept in my car and rinsed
off in the ocean before work until I found an affordable place to rent and a job at a
gluten-free store where I could work evenings. This wasn’t the kind of job I
wanted to hold for the rest of my working days, not my lifelong dream.
I found few low-cost options for learning experiences during my gap year. In
its own way, my limited options became a rewarding educational challenge. In the
winter, I moved to Puerto Rico only to change a number of low-paying jobs. I
scrubbed dishes in a locally owned hotel restaurant for $5 an hour, found a used
car for $450, and shared a one-bedroom for $400 a month. I ate leftovers off dirty
dishes in the restaurant. I cleaned the deep fryers, the garbage bins and the dirt left
in the bathrooms by hard-partying vacationers. Experiencing this humiliation was a
lot easier knowing I had the freedom to leave at any time. It didn’t make me a
different person but it prompted career reflection like never before.
And I did leave the restaurant behind, as soon as I had saved enough money
to travel for a few months. I bought a plane ticket to Indonesia, rented a motorbike
there, and traveled island to island by ferry. The trip was not without its mishaps.
To name a few: I was bitten by a monkey; got in a motorbike accident; lost a good
amount of skin on my hands, chest, back, legs and feet in numerous brushes with
coral while surfing. I did not want my parents to worry, and so I took care to avoid
mentioning these hiccups in my calls and emails home. What I did mention to my
parents was that I actually looked forward to returning to college in the fall. I had
decided that my major would be economics. Education ceased to be an act of
fulfilling my parents’ wishes.
I experienced many of the benefits that gap years are said to provide:
statistics show that students who take time off before graduating increase their
grade-point averages, drink less when in college, and go on to find more fulfilling
career paths. After graduating, too, I found satisfying work.
Looking back, though, it would be hard to identify anything from that year
as a formula for success. But that was exactly the point. My performance in school
did improve afterward, but I wouldn’t recommend those experiences to others,
there’s just no way the same benefits would follow.
(The New York Times)


1. to consider – 1. рассматривать, обсуждать, обдумывать: e.g. We cannot

consider him for the job. 2. думать, полагать, считать: e.g. I considered Laura
to be my friend. 3. принимать во внимание, учитывать: e.g. When you work
at a project, consider the possible risks. / consideration – рассмотрение,
обсуждение; to be under consideration – быть на рассмотрении: e.g. The
issue is now under consideration. / considerable – значительный: e.g. It is a
matter of considerable importance to all the students.

2. tuition /tjuˈɪʃn/ – 1. обучение: e.g. All students receive tuition in history and
philosophy. 2. плата за обучение (Am. – tuition; Br. – tuition fees): e.g. Few
can afford the tuition of $12,000 a semester.

3. to graduate (from) /ˈɡrædʒueɪt/ – окончить высшее учебное заведение: e.g.

Oscar Wilde graduated from Oxford University. / a graduate /ˈɡrædʒuət/ –
выпускник университета / to leave school – окончить школу; a school
leaver (a school graduate) – выпускник школы

4. to be (un)aware (of sth / that) /əˈweə(r)/ – (не) осознавать (что-либо / что);

(не) отдавать себе отчет (в чем-либо): e.g. Smokers are well aware of the
dangers to their own health. / awareness – осведомлённость: e.g. There is
growing awareness of the link between diet and health.

5. to cover – 1. накрывать, покрывать: e.g. It's getting cold. Cover the child with
something warm. 2. охватывать, занимать территорию: e.g. The report
covered many topical problems. Moscow covers a large territory. 3. покрывать
(расходы): e.g. Theresa is receiving a scholarship which covers her tuition fees.

6. a student – студент, учащийся: e.g. My brother isn’t a doctor yet, he is still a

student. / a student of English – человек, изучающий английский язык; a
university student – студент университета: e.g. Jane became a university
student only a few months ago. / a first-year student – первокурсник,
студент первого курса: e.g. Although Steve is only a first-year student he
plays in the university volleyball team. / a fellow-student – однокурсник,
однокашник: e.g. My fellow-students and I often go out at weekends. / a
classmate – одноклассник; a schoolmate – товарищ по школе: e.g. When did
you last see your classmates?
Note the prepositions: He is a student of law BUT She is a student at Kazan

7. an examination / an exam – экзамен; entrance /ˈentrəns/ exams –

вступительные экзамены / lectures, exams in economics BUT a seminar on
marketing, a report on literature / to take an exam – держать экзамен,
сдавать экзамен; to pass an exam – выдержать экзамен, сдать экзамен: e.g.
All my fellow-students took winter exams, but not all of them passed the

exams; to fail an exam – провалить, не сдать экзамен: e.g. If you don’t work
hard, you will fail your exam in maths. BUT to fail in a subject: e.g. I passed
in history but failed in chemistry.

8. economy /ɪˈkɒnəmi/ – экономика (хозяйство): e. g. the national economy /

economics /ˌiːkəˈnɒmɪks/ /ˌekəˈnɒmɪks/ – экономика (наука): e.g. Jane
studies economics. / economic /ˌiːkəˈnɒmɪk/ /ˌekəˈnɒmɪk/ – экономический:
e.g. the government's economic policy / economical – экономный,
экономичный: e.g. Mrs. Brown is an economical wife / an economist /ɪ
ˈkɒnəmɪst/ – экономист: e.g. Adam Smith was a prominent English economist.

9. major (n.) (Am.) – профилирующий предмет; главный, основной предмет

специализации: e.g. What is your major, economics or political science? / to
major (in) – специализироваться (в): e.g. At college, Nick majored in
microbiology. // minor (n.) – дополнительное направление; непрофильная
дисциплина; вторая специальность: e.g. Jeff is taking two courses in his
minor, sociology. / to minor in – изучать непрофильную дисциплину;
получать вторую специальность: e.g. Stella and I minor in creative writing.

10.to encourage (sb to do sth) – 1. ободрять; вселять мужество, надежду;

воодушевлять: e.g. Mike’s optimism encouraged the team. 2. поощрять,
поддерживать: e.g. The Dean encourages student participation in research
projects. / to discourage (sb from doing sth) – 1. сломить, лишить воли: e.g.
His failures discouraged him. 2. отговаривать, отбивать охоту: e.g. Madina’s
parents tried to discourage her from becoming an actress. / encouragement – 1.
ободрение, воодушевление: e.g. The athlete needs all the support and
encouragement he can get. 2. поощрение, поддержка: e.g. With a little
encouragement from his parents Greg should do well. / discouragement –
разочарование, препятствие, противодействие: e.g. Despite all the
discouragement she faced, Hilda refused to give up painting.

11.finance /ˈfaɪnæns/ /faɪˈnæns/ /fəˈnæns/ – финансы: e.g. the Minister of Finance

/ financial /faɪˈnænʃl/ /fəˈnænʃl/ – финансовый: e.g. New York is one of the
financial centres of the world. / financier /faɪˈnænsiə(rZ) / fəˈnænsiə(r)] –
финансист: e.g. Even as a child, Frank Cowperwood knew he would become a

12.kind – вид, род, тип: e.g. What kind of music do you prefer? / all kinds of
material – всевозможные материалы [Обратите внимание на
единственное число существительного material!]

13.a dream – 1. мечта: e.g. Mike's dream is to become a businessman. 2. сон: e.g.
In her dream she saw herself as a filmstar. / to dream (about) – сниться,
видеть во сне: e.g. He dreamed (dreamt /dremt/) about home last night. / to
dream of/about (sth) BUT to dream of doing something – мечтать, грезить:
e.g. I dreamt of a career in banking. They had the kind of house we could only

dream about. She couldn’t dream of becoming an Oxford student.

14.to differ (from) – отличаться (от): e.g. Your plan does not differ much from
our plan. / different – различный, несходный, иной, другой: e.g. Different
people have different ideas about happiness. After the incident he felt a
different man. / difference – разница, различие, отличие, несходство; e.g. It
makes a great difference to me. – Это совсем другое дело.

15. number – число: e.g. 2, 9 and 15 are numbers. What’s your telephone number?
/ the number of – число, количество: e.g. The number of cars in Moscow is
growing every year. / a number of – ряд, некоторое количество: e.g. There
were a number of foreign delegates at the conference. [Обратите внимание
на то, что в этом случае глагол употребляется во множественном

Useful phrases

1. to be situated in – располагаться, быть расположенным: e.g. London is

situated in the south of England.

2. to be cut out (for sth) – быть созданным (для чего-либо): e.g. Nelly is just
cut out to be a teacher.

3. to look forward to sth / to doing sth – с нетерпением ожидать чего-либо:

e.g. I'm looking forward to a trip to London.

Special difficulties
to learn – to study – to teach
to borrow – to lend
to finish – to end – to leave – to graduate – to be over
except – besides
too – enough


32. Paraphrase, explain or translate:

1. explain: … I planned to leave school after the spring semester.
2. paraphrase: they had just shelled out more than $50,000 in tuition and living
3. explain: one of the ritziest private universities in the country
4. explain: This made my departure a gap year
5. paraphrase: think carefully before committing to college
6. paraphrase: my friends were less concerned with final exams than with
finding the coolest house to live in
7. translate: I was already failing at least one class

8. explain: to claim the independence that formalized education had not
9. explain: to discover a sense of purpose outside of school
10. paraphrase: It was difficult to figure out what I wanted to do
11. paraphrase: I … reported for duty in late August
12. explain: I found few low-cost options for learning experiences
13. explain: a rewarding educational challenge
14. translate: I ate leftovers off dirty dishes
15. paraphrase: it prompted career reflection like never before

33. Give the Russian for:

on the campus; beautiful surroundings; an affordable place to rent; low-paying
jobs; a used car; bathroom (Am.); mishaps; a formula for success.

34. Answer the teacher’s questions.

1. When was the University of San Diego founded? What kind of university is it?
2. How did Kyle’s parents take the news that he was going to leave the university
after his freshman year? 3. How did his departure turn into a gap year? 4. What
were Kyle’s fellow students mostly concerned with? Do you think they were
typical American students? What makes you think so? 5. What proves that Kyle
had no motivation to get higher education? 6. What did Kyle’s father do to
encourage his son to return to university? How did Kyle see it at the time – as a
threat or as an encouragement? Was Kyle aware of the challenges he would have
to face? 7. What forced Kyle to seriously consider his future career options? What
did he tell his parents about his plans for the future? How did his attitude to
university education change? 8. According to Kyle, what are the main benefits of a
gap year? Why do you think the writer wouldn’t recommend his experiences to
others? 9. Today, many young people take university education for granted. Did
you think carefully before committing to university? What determined your
choice? Have you had any career reflections yet? 10. Given an opportunity, would
you take a gap year? Why? What would you do during your gap year?


35. Get ready to retell the text “Independence Days: My Perfect Imperfect
Gap Year”.

36. Insert prepositions where necessary: 

1. Alice, a student _____ Moscow University, majors ______ philosophy. 2.
Students regularly have seminars _______ different subjects. 3. At the next lesson
Margaret is going to make a report ______ the History of English Literature. 4. I
hope nobody fails _______ English. It is most unpleasant to fail ______an exam.
5. The Browns live _____ Victoria Avenue. – Do you know their exact address? –
Yes, they live ______ 3 Victoria Avenue. 6. A young person who does not
graduate _______ college has limited employment options. 7. People are becoming
increasingly aware _______ environmental issues. 8. A number of failed attempts
discouraged the team _______ adopting new methods in the future. 9. Children
differ _______ adults in their physical and psychological development, and their
emotional and educational needs. 10. Perhaps Zara isn’t cut _______ _______
family life. 11. I look forward _______ our realizing these opportunities together.

37. Translate into English.

1. Севастополь – старинный русский город, расположенный в Крыму. Он был
основан Екатериной II как русская крепость на берегу Черного моря. В
Севастополе есть несколько университетов, а также ряд колледжей. Число
студентов в городе довольно высоко. Студенты специализируются в области
судостроения (shipbuilding), экономики, финансов, менеджмента,
машиностроения (engineering), права. 2. Каждый год тысячи абитуриентов
(applicants) сдают вступительные экзамены в МГУ. Многие студенты
мечтают получить степень магистра. 3. Михаил – студент третьего курса
Санкт-Петербургского государственного университета. Он учится бесплатно
(его обучение оплачивается государством). Его родители – биологи,
выпускники этого же университета. Михаил мечтает стать микробиологом,
и родители поддерживают его стремления (aspirations). Он не
рассматривает никаких других вариантов карьеры.


38. Retell the text.



1. Местоимения-прилагательные much, little употребляются с

неисчисляемыми существительными: e.g. much work, little time

2. Местоимения-прилагательные many, few употребляются с

исчисляемыми существительными: e.g. many houses, few books

3. В неофициальной речи обычно употребляют

 a lot (of) в утвердительных предложениях: e.g. After the tour, Linda
told us a lot of interesting things.
 much, many в вопросительных предложениях: e.g. Did you see many
places of interest in Rome? It didn’t take sue much time to make dinner.

 little, few – мало: e.g. There is little time left, hurry up.
 a little, a few – немного, несколько: e.g. There is a little time left, I can tell
you about my plan.
 some of – кто-нибудь из, некоторые из  none of – никто из
 any of – никто из, любой из  one (two) of – один (двое) из

39. a) Complete the sentences with much, many, little, few:

1. _______ people go to the Antarctic for a holiday. 2. There is _______ furniture
in the room, only the most necessary pieces. 3. Please don’t make so _______
noise. 4. There isn’t _______ sugar left, go and buy some. 5. How _______ rooms
are there in your country house? 6. Max made _______ mistakes and passed the
examination well. 7. We haven’t got _______ potatoes. 8. Hurry up, we have
_______ time left. 9. _______ people enjoy walking in rainy weather. 10. _______
famous English writers described country life.
b) Translate into English.
1. Мало кто знает о детстве этого музыканта. 2. Нам известно очень немногое
о жизни этого человека. 3. Многие певцы мечтают учиться в Италии. 4. У нас
осталось мало молока, пойди купи еще. 5. Немногие любят купаться в
холодную погоду. 6. Было много сказано о наших достижениях, теперь
давайте поговорим о наших проблемах. 7. Не говорите так, вы многого не
знаете. 8. Она так много говорит, что я быстро устаю в ее присутствии.

c) Complete the sentences with much, many, little, few, a little, a few:
1. I’ve got _______ Spanish books, but not _______. 2. Please give me _______
water, I’m thirsty. 3. I have _______ pictures at home, but they are all very good.
4. In fact, we had to wait _______ as John came very soon. 5. If you wait _______
longer you will get the results of your test today. 6. There were not many people at
the bus-stop at that hour, only _______. 7. I know very _______ about this writer,
better ask somebody else. 8. Unfortunately there are _______ books on this
problem in our library, you will have to turn to a specialized library. 9. We are
making _______ progress but not _______ . 10. We are making _______sales but
not _______.
d) Translate into English.
1. Ты не мог бы немного помочь мне? 2. У меня мало времени, но я могу
немного рассказать тебе о наших планах. 3. Позвольте мне сказать несколько
слов о результатах экзаменов. 4. В этом городе очень немного людей ходит
на концерты классической музыки. 5. В этом году у нас мало времени на
обсуждение подобных вопросов в аудитории. 6. Очень мало студентов
интересуются этой проблемой. 7. Он привел несколько примеров
использования этого прибора (machine).

40. Answer the teacher’s questions using

a) a lot of, lots of, a good deal of, a great amount of, a great number of,
plenty of:
b) only a few/a little, not many/ not much, a bit of, little/few:

41. Complete the sentences with

a) a lot (of), much or many:
1. She doesn’t have ________ time to herself these days. 2. He’s very popular. He
always has _________ people at his house. 3. We don’t get on very well, as we
haven’t got_________ in common. 4. One needs __________ of courage to be a
firefighter. 5. Have _________ new people joined the club this year? 6. I hope we
didn’t make ___________ noise when we came in last night. 7. She’s eaten too
__________ sweets so she doesn’t feel well. 8. Not ___________ children believe
in Christmas any more.

b) (a) few (of), (a) little(of), the few (of), or the little (of):
1. Although the play is set in Italy, _________ of the characters are Italian. 2. Jim,
Bill, and Sue were just ____________ those who came to say goodbye. 3.
Unfortunately, ___________ is known about the writer’s early years. For example,
we know just _________ about his education. 5. As we didn’t have enough money,
_________ us used to go out at weekends. 6. I’m sure you’ll learn to play squash,
but it will take ___________ time. 7. Stephen and ___________ his fellow-
workers were waiting for us in the pub. 8. The exhibition had little publicity, but
____________ people who came were greatly impressed.


42. Listen and draw a conclusion using to be founded:

Model: T – In 1945 the countries of the Anti-Hitler coalition and their
allies proclaimed the establishment of the United Nations
St – The United Nations Organization was founded in 1945.

43. Answer as in the model and explain why:

Model: T – Are your interests different from your friend’s?

They are quite different. I love arts and my friend loves
St – sports.
 They are very much the same. We are both fond of

44. Answer the teacher’s questions using to take/pass exams, to take lessons, a
subject/a class, to major in, classmate/schoolmate, fellow-student.

45. Translate into English using to graduate from, to become a university

student, to leave school, to major in, a subject, to cover a territory.


46. Complete the sentences with 

a) much, many, a lot (of), plenty of:
1. We have _________ time, don’t hurry. We’ll make it. 2 _________ people were
walking down the street despite the early hour. 3. She has gone through
___________ in these past y1ears. 4. Life is very bland and uneventful in these
parts. There are not ____________ people around. 5. She had __________ hot and
cold water and enjoyed a proper bath after a long journey.

b) little/a little, few/ a few:

6. If you think ___________ I’m sure you will change your mind. 7. The journey
was dangerous. ___________ of the travellers reached the Pacific coast. 8.
___________ tea won’t do you any harm. 9. _____________ did he know about
what future held for him. 10. _______ by ________ he overcame his identity
crisis. 11. _________ of his friends decided to join him. It was too dangerous.
12 ._______ more of that and he thought she would break down. 13. __________
remarks from Michael made her very cross. 14. Ann was taken aback
___________ . She had not expected the scene. 15. She felt _________ ashamed.

47. Translate into English: 
1. Инспектор, у вас много фактов об этом несчастном случае (accident)? –
Боюсь, что у полиции очень мало сведений. 2. Добраться до стадиона было
очень легко, так как на улице было не много транспорта. 3. Летом Тому было
очень скучно, потому что только немногие его друзья остались в городе. 4.
Этим летом было много дождливых дней? – Нет, всего несколько. 5.
Туристам музей очень понравился, потому что там было огромное
количество произведений современной живописи. 6. У меня очень много
работы, и я не знаю с чего начать. 7. Шерлоку Холмсу не понадобилось
много времени, чтобы найти убийцу (murderer). 8. Сколько соли вы кладете в
это блюдо? – Совсем немного. 9. Вы написали много статей по этому
вопросу? – Нет, немного. 10. Шел сильный дождь, поэтому на улице было
мало прохожих.

48. a) Complete the sentences with the phrases from the box. Learn the
phrases from the box. 

to be good at a subject to attend classes to hand in (a paper)

to catch up with the class to do well in a subject to work hard (at sth)
to fall behind the class to miss classes higher education

1. _______________________ is becoming more and more popular in this

country. 2. Are you aware of the requirement to ____________________ your
project paper by the end of November. 3. If Bachelor students
___________________ the subjects they major in, they have a good chance to
study for a Master’s degree. 4. During the academic year all students have to
_________________ so as not ____________________ the class. 5. They must
_______________________ because if they _____________________ they will
have _____________________ so that they don’t fail the exams. 6. As a rule, the
students who ___________________________, help their fellow-students who fall

b) Speak about your own university studies using the phrases from the box.

Step III



49. Write a translation dictation.

50. Answer as in the model and add a sentence logically connected with your
Model: T – What kind of music do you like?
St – Oh, I like all kinds of music. Everything depends on the
situation and on my mood.

51. Paraphrase the sentences using a number of or the number of.

52. Translate into Russian:

1. Jack presented his graduation paper so well that he got his degree with
Honours. 2. The university graduated 850 students last year. 3. Max’s friends got
so tired of his tricks that they decided to teach him a good lesson. 4. Julie, you
swim so well! You must have taken lessons from a dolphin. 5. The subject matter
of my report is the economic development of England in the 15th century. 6. The
teacher lectured the boys for being lazy. 7. Cecily’s guardian insisted that she
should study political economy, but the girl hated it. 8. He was a man learned in
the law. 9. He laughed to cover his nervousness. 10. This book does not fully cover
the subject. 11. All things considered, it turned out much better than projected. 12.
There is growing awareness in the international community that drug trafficking
funds terrorism. 13. Mr. Adams was a keen student of Islamic culture and

53. Speak about your university studies (see exercise 48).

54. Answer the questions.

55. a) Skim the text and answer the questions which follow.

Meggie Gan

to sweep (swept) – подметать mature /məˈtʃʊə(r)/ /məˈtjʊə(r)/ – зрелый

cancer /ˈkænsə(r)/ – рак (мед.) income – доход

to read up – заниматься, учиться, to be / to feel pressed for time – ощущать
готовить уроки недостаток времени

* * *
 (1.5 min.) 
Five nights a week Meggie Gan works as a school cleaner. On a wage of
£4.03 an hour, the 18-year-old girl from China sweeps floors, empties bins and
washes out toilets.
She does this work willingly in the knowledge that the work will help her to
pay for her education. Now she is studying on a scholarship of £9,500 a year at
Bruton School for Girls in Somerset. She has just been offered a place at
Cambridge, but the fee and living costs for a foreign student will be £14,000 a
year. That’s why she works every weekday evening as a cleaner at her school and
does a restaurant waitress’s job during her holidays.
“I am tired sometimes, as I am always pressed for time and often read up till
late at night,” says Meggie, who has been in England less than 18 months. “But it
is a hard year for everyone who wants to go to university. And I think it has made
me a more experienced and mature person. I am also proud I am making money for
myself and my mother back home.”
Three years ago, Meggie sent letters to a dozen schools in England. “I began
studying English at the age of six,” she wrote. “I don’t have any difficulties in
studying academic subjects in English, and could be treated as normal English
students. My father died of cancer and my mother’s income is not enough to pay
all the school fees. As I consider myself a good student, I hope I can get a
scholarship.” Thus, she was admitted to Bruton School.
* * *
1. Where is Meggie from?
2. How many days a week does Meggie work? Where does she work?
3. Where does she intend to study?

b) Scan the text for details.

c) Answer the teacher’s questions.


56. Discuss the following issues:

 what made you choose this particular university and this faculty for studies;
 how you see your future career;
 what kind of work you would like to do after you graduate;
 what qualities are necessary for the profession you have chosen.

Use the words and word combinations listed below:

a (bank) manager to run a company efficient [ɪˈfɪʃnt]
an economist to go into business hard-working
a financier to be in the diplomatic service intelligent
a diplomat to do analytical work smart
a politician to assist [əˈsɪst] sb cautious [ˈkɔːʃəs]
a businessman to travel all over the world honest [ˈɒnɪst]
a businesswoman to work in the field of


 The oldest university in Europe is the University of Bologna
/bəˈləʊnjə/ founded in the 11th century.
 Oxford University was established in 1214 when it received a
charter from the Pope and by the end of the 13th century four
colleges had been founded: University, Balliol, Merton and St.
Edmund Hall.
 The word Oxbridge stands for Oxford and Cambridge, the two
oldest English universities, both founded in the medieval
 St Hilda's College, which was originally for women only, was
the last of Oxford's single sex colleges. It has admitted both
men and women since 2008.
 ‘Redbrick’ universities were founded in the late 19th century to
feed the growing British industries with engineers. They were
built of local material, often red brick, in contrast to the stone
of older universities.
 The oldest American university is Harvard University, which
was founded in 1636 and named after its first benefactor, John
 Ivy League /ˌaɪviˈliːɡ/ is a group of 8 long-established
distinguished colleges and universities of the eastern USA:
Brown University, Columbia University, Harvard University,
Cornell University, the University of Pennsylvania, Princeton
University, Yale University and Dartmouth College. The name
goes back to the ivy which grew up the walls of old English


57. Translate into English. Check yourself by the key.

1. Московский государственный 1. Moscow State Institute of

институт международных International Relations is situated in
отношений расположен на юго- the South-West of Moscow.
западе Москвы.
2. Он находится в ведомстве 2. It is supervised by the Ministry of
Министерства иностранных дел Education and the Ministry of Foreign
Российской Федерации. Affairs of the Russian Federation.
3. История университета восходит к 3. The University’s history goes back
1944 году, когда он был основан как to 1944 when it was founded as the
первый институт для подготовки first institute to train personnel for the
кадров для дипломатической diplomatic service.
4. Помимо российских студентов, в 4. Besides Russian students, there are
университете много иностранных many international students.
5. Выпускники университета 5. The graduates of the University
работают в разных странах. work in different countries.
6. Среди них – видные 6. Among them, there are prominent
государственные деятели и statesmen and politicians, economists
политики, экономисты и and businessmen, writers and
бизнесмены, писатели и journalists.
8. Университет возглавляет ректор, 8. The University is headed by the
имеющий дипломатический ранг Rector who has the diplomatic rank of
посла. an ambassador.
9. (В университете) также есть 9. There are also Vice Rectors and
проректоры и деканы, которые Deans who head Schools, also known
возглавляют факультеты. as Faculties.
10. Старейшие факультеты – 10. The oldest faculties are the School
Факультет международных of Economic Relations, the
отношений, Факультет International Law School, the School
международных экономических of International Journalism, the School
отношений, Факультет of Governance and Politics, the School
международного права, Факультет of International Business.
международной журналистики,
Факультет международного
бизнеса, Факультет управления и
11. Занятия начинаются в 9 часов 11. Classes begin at 9 o'clock in the
утра и длятся до двух или четырёх morning and last till two or four in the

часов дня. afternoon.
12. В середине дня есть часовой 12. In the middle of the day there is an
перерыв на обед. hour break for lunch.
13. Студенты могут пообедать в 13. Students can have lunch in a
столовой или перекусить в кафе. canteen or have a snack in a café.
14. Университетская библиотека 14. The University has an impressive
располагает внушительной collection of books including rare
коллекцией книг, включая редкие books and manuscripts.
книги и рукописи.
15. Библиотека обеспечивает 15. The library provides remote access
удалённый доступ к различным to various online resources and
онлайн ресурсам и электронным electronic databases.
базам данных.
16. Университетский городок 16. The campus covers a large
занимает большую территорию. territory.
17. Там расположено общежитие, 17. There is a dormitory (or a hostel),
спортивный центр и автомобильные a sports centre and parking lots.
18. Студенты могут заниматься 18. The students can do sports and
спортом и брать уроки вождения. take driving lessons.


Key – 48:
1 – higher education; 2 – hand in; 3 – are good at; 4 – work hard; to fall behind; 5
– attend classes; miss classes; to catch up; 6 – do well in a subject.

In the exercises below choose the right word in task A and translate the sentences
into English in task B.

1. except – besides

except – кроме, за исключением, исключая

besides – кроме, помимо, в довершение к

A. 1.… London, the tourists went to York. 2. Everybody … Charles, agreed to take
part in the discussion. 3. What shall we do for the next lesson … reading the text?
4. I have read all the books advised by the Professor … the last one. 5. He had
nothing for breakfast … a cup of tea. 6. Did you have anything … salad for dinner?
7. … swimming he does skiing and fencing. 8. She does not do any sport …

B. 1. Кто, кроме этих студентов, принял участие в обсуждении? 2. В тот день

мы закончили почти весь перевод – кроме последней страницы. 3. Кроме
Тауэра туристы побывали в Британском музее и Национальной галерее. 4. Во
время своей поездки в Великобританию нам удалось побывать во всех ее
частях, кроме Северной Ирландии. 5. Какие еще английские книги, кроме
«Повелителя мух» (Lord of the Flies), вы будете читать в этом семестре?

2. to borrow – to lend

to borrow (from)– брать взаймы

to borrow a book from a library – взять книгу в библиотеке

to lend (lent, lent)– давать взаймы

A. 1. May I … your dictionary for a day or two? – I’m sorry, I can … it to you
only for tomorrow. 2. I don’t remember who I … my book to. – Don’t you? I … it
from you a month ago. 3. Agnes often … money from her friends but never … hers
to anybody. 4. You needn’t buy this book, you can … it from the university

B. 1. Можно мне занять у вас немного денег? 2. Есть люди, которые любят
брать на время вещи у друзей, а я никогда не делаю этого. 3. Ты не дашь мне
взаймы 100 рублей до завтра? 4. Сходи и возьми эту книгу в библиотеке. 5.
Клара иногда дает деньги взаймы, но никогда сама ни у кого не занимает.

3. too – enough

too – слишком, чересчур

enough – 1. достаточный;
2. достаточно, довольно
 Обратите внимание на порядок слов:
прилагательное/наречие + enough: e.g. The film was interesting enough.
enough + существительное: e.g. We have enough time.

A.1. The sofa is … for three people to be seated comfortably (big). 2. They haven’t
got … to go to Spain for a holiday (money). 3. Let me help you, the box is … to
carry it alone (heavy). 4. Let’s go for a swim. The water is … (warm). 5. Put the
bottles into the fridge. The juice is … to drink in such hot weather (warm). 6.
There weren’t … to sit on, so some people had to stand (chairs). 7. We know him
… to trust him (well). 8. The news is unbelievable! It’s just … to be true (good)!

B. 1. Здесь слишком жарко. Открой, пожалуйста, окно. 2. У нас достаточно

времени, чтобы подробно все обсудить. 3. Ребенок слишком устал, чтобы
продолжать играть. 4. Он достаточно умен, чтобы все понять. 5. Она
достаточно быстро переводит, чтобы закончить статью к пятнице. 6. Было
слишком рано звонить Алисе: она еще спала. 7. Нам не хватило на всех книг,
поэтому пришлось послать одного из студентов за ними в библиотеку. 8.
Марии хватит денег, чтобы купить новое пальто.

4. to finish – to end – to leave – to graduate (from) – to be over

to finish (sth by/with sth) – кончать, заканчивать, завершать (что-либо чем-

либо); e.g. They finished (the meeting) by singing the national anthem (гимн).

to end (with/in sth) – кончаться, заканчиваться, завершаться (чем-либо):

e.g. The letter ended with the following words: “Give my love to everybody”.
When did the war end?
dead end - тупик

to leave school (also: to finish school) – окончить школу

to graduate from college/ university/ institute – окончить колледж,

университет, институт (высшее учебное заведение)

to be over – окончиться [состояние!]: e.g. The lesson is over.

A.1. He … Oxford and went to the East with an archeological expedition. 2.
Thousands of teenagers … school last June. 3. What did the film … with? 4. Stella
… the London School of Economics and decided to go into politics. 5. There were
some urgent papers and I … work late yesterday. 6. As soon as the lesson … come
to the entrance – I’ll be waiting for you. 7. The road … here. 8. When we came to
the theatre, the first act … . 9. We … the pie, there is nothing left. 10. He … his
days in peace. 11. We had an excellent dinner, with a glass of old brandy to … up
with. 12. Although I … school thirty years ago, I still meet my classmates quite

B.1. Как правило, подобные фильмы заканчиваются свадьбой. 2. Как только

Берта закончила университет, она поехала работать врачом в Индию. 3.
Когда ты собираешься сегодня закончить работу? – Около 8 часов вечера. 4.
Когда они пришли, концерт уже закончился и люди выходили из зала на
улицу. 5. Хотя мы закончили школу 30 лет назад, мы до сих пор помним
наших учителей.

5. to learn – to study – to teach

to learn – учить (что-либо), заучивать, выучивать; e.g. to learn a rule / a

language; научиться чему-либо

to study – учить (что-либо), изучать; e.g. to study philosophy / art

to teach – учить, обучать (кого-либо); e.g. to teach students

A. 1. I am planning … English Literature next year. 2. How can I … you? You

know more than me. 3. I'd like … to play tennis. 4. Foreign languages are now …
even to five-year-olds. 5. The girl has hurt her right hand and now she … to write
with her left hand. 6. Mr. Simpson is a lawyer and wants his son … law.

B. 1. Прежде чем включить новую стиральную машину, Молли внимательно

изучила инструкцию. 2. Наш старый учитель всегда учил нас уважать людей.
3. В прошлом году он учился лучше, чем в этом году. 4. Если он не выучит
все правила, он не сможет сдать экзамен. 5. Где она научилась так хорошо
кататься на коньках? 6. Он изучал эту проблему многие годы. 7. Кто учил
тебя английскому языку? – Моя мама. – Она хорошо говорит по-английски,
да? – Да, она учила его в институте иностранных языков, а потом работала
два года в Англии.


1. A. 1– besides; 2 – except; 3 – besides; 4 – except; 5 – except; 6 – besides; 7 –

besides; 8 – except.
B. 1. Who took part in the discussion besides these students? 2. (On) that day we
finished doing almost all the translation except the last page. 3. Besides the Tower
the tourists visited (went to) the British Museum and the National Gallery. 4.
During our trip to Britain we managed to visit (to see) all its parts except Northern
Ireland. 5. What others English books besides “Lord of the Flies” are you going to
read this term?

2. A. 1 – borrow; lend; 2 – lent; borrowed; 3 – borrows; lends; 4 – borrow.

B. 1. Can I borrow some money from you? 2. There are people who like borrowing
things from their friends, but I never do it. 3. Could (Can) you lend me 100
roubles till tomorrow? 4. Go and borrow this book from the library. 5. Clara
sometimes lends money but never borrows it herself from anybody.

3. A. 1 – big enough; 2 – enough money; 3 – too heavy; 4 – warm enough; 5 – too

warm; 6 – enough chairs; 7 – well enough; 8 – too good.
B. 1. It is too warm here. Will you open the window, please? 2. We have got
enough time to discuss everything in detail. 3. The child is too tired to go on
playing. 4. He is clever enough to understand everything. 5. She translates quickly
enough to finish the article by Friday. 6. It was too early to phone Alice, she was
still asleep. 7. We did not have enough books for everybody, that is why we had to
send one of the students to the library to fetch them. 8. Mary had enough money to
buy a new coat.

4. A. 1 – graduated from; 2 – left; 3 – end; 4 – graduated from; 5 – finished; 6 – is

over; 7 – ends; 8 – was over; 9 – have finished; 10 – ended; 11 – finish; 12 – left/
B. 1. As a rule, such films end with a wedding. 2. When Bertha graduated from
university, she went to India to work as a doctor. 3. When are you going to finish
work today? – At about 8 in the evening. 4. When they came, the concert was over,
everybody was going out of (was leaving) the concert hall. 5. Though we left
school thirty years ago, we still remember our teachers.

5. A. 1 – to study; 2 – teach; 3 – to learn; 4 – taught; 5 – is learning; 6 – to study.

B. 1. Before turning on the washing machine, Molly carefully studied the
instruction. 2. Our old teacher always taught us to respect people. 3. Last year he
studied better than this year. 4. If he does not learn all the rules, he will not be able
to pass the exam. 5. Where did she learn to skate so well? 6. He studied that
problem for many years. 7. Who taught you English? – Mother did. – She speaks
English well, doesn’t she? – Yes, she does. She learned it at the Institute of foreign
languages and then worked in England for two years.


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