19 - Preposição - OK
19 - Preposição - OK
19 - Preposição - OK
Cultures of the world 04 In “... because of the lushness and diversity of it all”, what does the
word it refer to?
Local knowledge provides a foundation for global understanding. Wade
Davis has lived among some of the most remote peoples on the planet, studying (A) land. (D) 10,000 senses.
their cultures and the many different ways we humans have of communicating (B) Brazilian psyche. (E) lushness and diversity.
and expressing ourselves. Here he celebrates the diversity of Brazil. (C) Amazon rain forest.
“I’ve spent a lot of my life in cultures other than my own, and I’ve come 05 What is the concept underlying Davis’ statement: “It’s like trying to
to see that every language is a reflection of its culture. When you learn waltz to salsa music”?
a new language, you become part of its culture. It actually changes who
you are, how you move and speak and see the world. You start to take on (A) Insolence. (D) Independence.
the cadence and rhythm of the language, the body language as well as (B) Incompatibility. (E) Inaccuracy.
the verbal language. I think it’s physically impossible to speak Brazilian (C) Equality.
Portuguese, for example, without having your body melt into a different
rhythm. Of alI the languages I’ve heard, it’s the most sensual and melodious. 06 What is implied in the sentence: “If the body language is wrong, it
When you speak it, you start to use your hands more, to move with the doesn’t matter whether you have the grammar and vocabulary right.”?
language, to reach out to the person you’re talking to. I’ve watched travelers
in Brazil who can speak Portuguese but don’t let their bodies move with it. (A) Communication in Brazilian Portuguese is not facilitated by body
If they carry themselves stiffly, the way they do in their home culture, the language.
Brazilians simply don’t understand them. It’s like trying to waltz to salsa (B) Knowledge of grammar and vocabulary is sufficient to understand
music. If the body language is wrong, it doesn’t matter whether you have Brazilian Portuguese.
the grammar and vocabulary right. You won’t be understood.” (C) Body language is not a feature of Brazilian Portuguese.
“I call Brazil the ‘land of the 10,000 senses’ because of the lushness (D) Body language and grammar knowledge cannot help communication
and diversity of it alI. Just the Amazon rain forest alone fills the senses in Brazilian Portuguese.
with its sounds, smells, colors, even its silences. The vastness of that (E) Knowledge of grammar and vocabulary alone will not suffice to
forest in the north of the country hovers in the Brazilian psyche, as does communicate in Brazilian Portuguese.
the country’s rich mix of races and mythologies. They infuse the Brazilian
world and make it somehow magical.” 07 Among the feelings listed below, the one which best characterizes
Wade Davis’ impressions on Brazil’s language and culture is:
(National Geographic. Mission Programs Insights on Brazil)
(A) skepticism. (D) happiness.
01 Mark the option which best summarizes the introductory paragraph: (B) benevolence. (E) anxiety.
(C) fascination.
(A) Davis’ knowledge of his own culture enables him to understand other
peoples’ culture. 08 What aspects of the brazilian language have mostly impressed Wade
(B) Davis’ experiences in different countries give him a better understanding Davis?
of the world.
(C) Davis’ experience in Brazil allows him to understand Portuguese better. (A) Its 10,000 senses. (D) Its grammar and vocabulary.
(D) Davis’ understanding of the world contradicts his cultural values. (B) Its sensuality and melody. (E) Its richness and cadence.
(E) Davis’ knowledge of his native language allows him to understand the (C) Its lushness and diversity.
world better.
09 According to the author, what “infuse[s] the Brazilian world and makes
02 According to Wade Davis, Brazilian Portuguese is the most sensual it somehow magical” are:
language because:
(A) Brazil’s 10,000 senses, sounds, smells, and colors.
(A) there are different rhythms in Brazil. (B) the vastness of the countryside and the country’s mythology.
(B) Brazilians’ bodies melt into a number of different rhythms when they dance. (C) the Amazon’s vastness and Brazil’s mix of races and mythology.
(C) body language is an important tool to communicate. (D) the Amazon’s lushness and diversity.
(D) grammar and vocabulary sound right when body language is wrong. (E) the vastness of Brazil’s forests and the richness of races and mythology.
(E) Brazilians use their hands and body a lot when they speak.
10 Choose from the options below the one which does NOT reflect Davis’
03 The sentence “The vastness of that forest in the north of the country impression on Brazilian Portuguese:
hovers in the Brazilian psyche, as:
(A) cadence. (D) melodious.
(A) remote probability. (D) time reference. (B) sensual. (E) stiffly.
(B) exemplification. (E) contrast. (C) rhythm.
(C) comparison.
Inglês – Chapter 19
Preposição During
During é usado com datas conhecidas, como, por exemplo, Natal,
Preposições relativas AT e ON localização Páscoa ou períodos que já foram definidos:
no tempo
AT e ON são usados principalmente para se referir a pontos fixos no during the Middle Ages (durante a Idade Média)
tempo, enquanto IN localiza um evento dentro de um período e tempo. during 1941 (durante 1941)
During / For
At Usamos DURING para explicar “quando” ocorre alguma coisa e FOR
Usa-se AT com hora, idade, nomes de festas e feriados, em algumas para explicar “quanto tempo” ela dura.
expressões de tempo em que se subentende a expressão “quando” (no He was ill for a week, and during that week he ate nothing.
fim de semana, no almoço, no jantar, etc.):
In time e on time
In time passa a ideia de “com tempo suficiente”:
at midnight (à meia-noite)
If you don’t go now, you won’t arrive in time for lunch.
at breakfast (no café da manhã)
On time passa a ideia de “pontualmente”:
at the weekend (no fim de semana) (no inglês americano também é
The plane took off on time.
possível usar “on the weekend”/”on weekends”)
at Christmas (no Natal) Importante
at the time (na hora) Não use proposição quando houver pronome demonstrativo ou termos
at the beginning (of) (no começo) (de) como last, next, every, all:
at the end (of) (no fim) (de)
Duração de Tempo
Usa-se ON com nomes de dias (da semana ou mês) e de datas
especiais (quando se fala especificamente da data): For é usado para se referir a período de tempo:
I’m going to London for a week.
on Christmas Eve (na véspera de Natal)
on September 19th (no dia 19 de setembro) Since
Since assinala o ponto inicial de determinado período de tempo:
Importante It has been raining since I got up.
Quando você quiser falar sobre um período de um dia específico, use
ON. Por exemplo:
From… To
* on the morning of September 19th (na manhã de 19 de setembro)
From… TO pode ser usado para marcar o início (FROM) e o término
(TO) de uma atividade ou acontecimento.
In The conference lasts from September 21 st to October 2nd.
Usa-se IN para localizar um evento em um período de tempo (por
exemplo, um determinado período do dia, do mês, do ano – como as
estações). Until / Till
Pode-se ainda utilizar IN para décadas, anos e séculos: Until / Till podem ser usados em vez de TO quando se estiver falando
de tempo:
in the morning (de manhã) The conference lasts from September 21 st until/till October 2nd.
in 1948 (em 1948)
in the fifties (nos anos 50) Until ou By?
in the end (finalmente) Until é usado para falar de uma situação que continuará “até”
determinado momento:
I’m going to study English until 9 o’clock.
Outros usos de In
By é usado para dizer que uma ação irá acontecer em um momento
IN pode ser usado também para indicar quantidade de tempo:
específico ou, possivelmente, antes de um momento específico no futuro.
I arrived there in less than 20 minutes.
I must finish my project by Friday at 5 o’clock.
Up to
Within tem um significado muito parecido, sendo um pouco menos
específico: Up to é empregado em relação a tempo, principalmente na fala:
We’ll be there within an hour.
78 Vol. 3
I can stay with you up to the end of June. Usa-se ON com ônibus, aviões, navios, trens, bicicletas e cavalos.
Usa-se IN com carros e barcos pequenos.
From… Through We get on a horse.
From… Through é usado no inglês Americano com o significado de We get on a bus.
“até”, com sentido de inclusão: Get in the car.
I’ll be in London from Monday through Wednesday.
IN refere-se a lugares, ressaltando sua área, sua extensão, seus limites
e seu volume. É usado normalmente com edifícios, cidades, países, etc.: 01 Sam sat ...... many friends and listened to the singers ....... two hours.
in the office (no escritório)
(A) among – to (C) next to – at
(B) between – for (D) among – for
On the road x in the road
On the road é usado para expressar a ideia de “a caminho”, “viajando”, 02 My parents live .... a house .... the end ..... the street.
e In the road, para referir-se apenas ao lugar:
(A) at – at – of (C) on – in – at
How long were you on the road?
(B) in – in – of (D) in – at – of
They were standing in the road.
Inglês – Chapter 19
03 They all agreed ..... going ..... bus Jane wanted to go ..... foot. 12 Bob can always be met .... the same coffee shop .... Friburgo.
04 Many people find it is difficult to watch TV and study ....... the same 13 In “He stayed there FOR fifty-two years”, the preposition FOR is
time. equivalent to:
80 Vol. 3
23 She usually reads the newspaper ..... breakfast. (A) of (D) off
(B) by (E) in
(A) at (C) for (C) on
(B) in (D) on
31 Mark the correct sequence of prepositions to complete the following
24 My son was born ..... May 8th ..... 1991. sentences.
(A) in – in (C) at – in
I. Will you lend me your book ..... a few minutes?
(B) in – on (D) on – in
II. Mary will wait for me .... 5 o’clock.
25 They will arrive ..... lunch. III. My German is improving day ..... day.
IV. I will write this letter ..... pleasure.
(A) before (C) on
(B) in (D) from (A) in – for – for – of
(B) for – until – by – with
26 The plane was flying high .... the clouds. (C) for – in – in – in
(D) since – until – in – with
(A) on (C) in (E) in – for – by – of
(B) above (D) out
32 This book is divided ... two parts.
27 Her ring is made ..... gold.
(A) onto (C) in
(A) with (C) from
(B) of (D) into
(B) of (D) to
33 She had to borrow some money…. the bank.
28 Winter begins ..... December 22nd ..... the United States and the
temperature is sometimes .... zero.
(A) at (D) from
(A) before – of – beneath (B) into (E) to
(B) by – on – down (C) by
(C) within – for – through
(D) in – at – under 34 She was angry ……. Brian.
(E) on – in – below
(A) to (C) from
29 Brian insisted ..... helping Mary ..... her homework. (B) with (D) at