Ba-Bba-Bcom Ll.b-Ii-Family Law I

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CBCS/B.A./BBA/B. Com ll,L.B. [Hons./2nd Sem.

/CC04/ CC0612023

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B.A./BBA/B.Com. LL.B. Honours 2nd Seme ster Examinat ion, 2023

Favfir,y L,tw-I
PnrBn Coor: CC04/CC06
Time Allotted: 3 Hours Full Marks: 100

The figures in the margin indicate full marl<s.

.dnswer Question No. 7 and any four from the rest

1. (a) Who are Hindus?

(b) A child is born of Hindu parents. The child is brought up as Hindu. Subsequently
mother converts to Christianity. Give reason for your answer.
(c) Write an explanatory note on two main schools of Hindu law and state the l0
dist inctions between them.

2. (a) What are the grounds for 'Divorce' under the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955? 10

(b) Explain 'Divorce by Mutual Consent'. l0

3. Discuss the rules relating to succession to the property of a Hindu Female under 20
the Hindu Succession Act, 1956.

4. (a) Under what circumstances can a Hindu wife obtain maintenance from her t6
husband? ..
. .rl
(b) Whether a bigamous marriage is allowed under the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955 or
not? your answer with decided cases.
5. (a) Define essential conditions of a valid adoption under Hindu Law. 12

(b) Discuss the legal effects of adoption on the adoptive family and the family of 4
birth of the adoptive child.
(c) Is there any importance of ceremonies for an adoption?

6. (a) Distinguish between natural guardian and testamentary guardian. 5

(b) Discuss the powers of testamentary guardian, in relation to minor's person as well 15
as minor's estate, as laid down under the Hindu Minority and Guardianship Act,

2531 Tum Over

CBCS/8.A./BBA/B. Com./LL. B./Ilons./2nd. Sem-/ CCO 4 I CC06 12023

7. Write short notes on any four of the foltowing: 5x4 :20

(a) Sapinda relationship
(b) Full blood, Half blood and Uterine blood relationship
(c) Judicial separation
(d) Requisites of a valid adoption
(e) Prohibited RelationshiP
(f) Joint family property and separate property.


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