Independent Study Packet 2nd Grade Week 1
Independent Study Packet 2nd Grade Week 1
Independent Study Packet 2nd Grade Week 1
Study Packet
Reading Read for 20 minutes and answer 3 of the questions on the sheet on another piece
of paper or in a journal. Challenge: Try not to repeat a question!
Independent Reading Questions
The Boy Who Pete's Pets Summer What is Soil? Find the Main
Cried Wolf Vacation Idea:
Math Math Coffee Telling Time: Monster
Math Puzzle Shop Five Minute Monster
Boxes Math Intervals
Studies Guest Speaker Career Interview (Choose any adult)
Parent/Guardian Signature:
Day 1
Main characters:
Cause Effect
The boy tricks the
villagers by
screaming, “Wolf,
For example: Grandma chops apples for a pie.
Write two sentences about this picture. Don’t forget the capitals!
Pineapple Math
Add the numbers.
25 71 54 30
+ 43 + 26 + 32 + 18
51 47 68 32
+ 46 + 22 + 10 + 54
70 83 25 69
+ 17 + 16 + 44 + 20
48 36 57
+ 31 + 52 + 21
Day 2
Pete loves animals. He dreams of becoming a veterinarian when he
grows up. But in the meantime, he has quite a few pets to take care of at
Pete's dog is named Shadow. He's a black poodle. Pete takes Shadow
on walks up and down the block. Shadow likes when Pete rubs his belly.
Amy is the name of Pete's cat. She's shy but very loving. Amy spends a
lot of the day napping on the window sill. Pete can always make her purr
when he pets her back.
Pete als o has IO fis h, 3 hamsters, and 2 lizards . He's hoping to own
a parrot some day. Pete's really happy to have so many great pets!
4 15 2 15 5 11
5 20 4 1 10 9 20
3 1 10 8 20 6 1 14
14 8 23 20 13 12 18 14 13
3 16 5 15 8 17
7 13 3 16 1 15
8 16 9 14 4 13
12 16 17 12 20 13 19 7 19
2 15 8 13 16
4 14 2 15 6 1 11
6 16 5 17 9 18
14 16 15 15 19 11 16 13 16
Day 3
Chuck’s Vacation
Look at at
Look each
drawing, andand
writewrite a caption
a caption for picture.
for each each picture.
caption should
should describe whatyou
describe what yousee
in in
thethe photograph.
Name Date
Chuck’s Vacation
Look at at
Look each
drawing, andand write
write a caption
a caption for each
for each picture.
shoulddescribe whatyou
describe what yousee
thethe photograph.
Ice Cream Shop
Write each sentence using correct
capitalization and punctuation.
50 c 20 c 15 c
Chocolate sundae Hot chocolate Carrot cake
30 c 25 c
Strawberry cake Milkshake
1. Mary ordered and . She gave you $1. How much change would you
give her?
2. Nancy ordered . She gave you $1. How much change would you
give her?
3. Toby ordered . He gave you $1.50 . How much change would you
give him?
give him?
Day 4
Telling Time:
Math Five Minute Intervals
Let’s study the earth by learning about the part of it that we are most familiar with:
the soil. Soil is found on the upper-most layer of the earth’s crust.
What is soil?
Soil is a mixture of four main ingredients: weathered rock, organic matter, air
and water. The weathered rock can be in the form of sand, silt, clay, pebbles or
larger rocks. Organic matter can be anything from old leaves, dead animals
and plants, to microorganisms—tiny living things, like bacteria. The last two
ingredients are air and water. Without air and water, the microorganisms found
in soil cannot live, grow, or help dead matter to decay.
11 12 1 11 12 1 11 12 1
10 2 10 2 10 2
9 3 9 3 9 3
8 4 8 4 8 4
7 6 5 7 6 5 7 6 5
11 12 1 11 12 1 11 12 1
10 2 10 2 10 2
9 3 9 3 9 3
8 4 8 4 8 4
7 6 5 7 6 5 7 6 5
11 12 1 11 12 1 11 12 1
10 2 10 2 10 2
9 3 9 3 9 3
8 4 8 4 8 4
7 6 5 7 6 5 7 6 5
Recess Opinion
Main idea:
Concluding sentence:
Name: Date:
My Opinion:
Reason #1:
Sentence Starters
Introducing Giving Reasons Concluding
In my opinion... For example... Everyone should...
My favorite... Most importantly... As you can see...
The best... Another reason... All in all...
I feel... In particular... Clearly...
Name: Date:
Na me Da te
Sentence Scramble
First, unscramble the words to write a statement. (a)
Then use the same words to write a question. (b)
Remember to capitalize and punctuate!
they will
bed can a
dog my on b
sleep the
should the a
postcard he b
tart eat a
the I b
can jam
Monster Madness
Find the Missing Pieces!
10 4 + __ < 10 2 + 9 = __
8 __ + 7 = 14 12 - 4 < __
8 - 2 > __ 14 + 3 > __
4 6 + __ < 13 3 - __ < 5
7 10 - 3 = __ 15 + __ = 20
Fiction Texts
• Choose a sentence that describes a character, setting,
or action in an interesting way. Why did the author
choose to use those particular words to tell the story?
Which words in the sentence are the most important and why?
• What patterns do you notice in the story? Cite at least three pieces
of evidence to support this.
• After reading a chapter, tell about the most important idea from the
story. Fine one or two sentences in the text that show this important idea.
• How does the author use dialogue to tell the reader what is happening? Give an example from
the text.
• If you don’t know what is going to happen next, make a prediction. Give at least one piece of
evidence from the text about why you predict that.
• What is the tone of the book? (Is it serious, funny, magical, sad?) Find at least two phrases or
sentences that make the reader feel this way.
• What lesson is the author trying to teach the reader? How do you know? What in the book tells
you that?
• What details in the text describe one of the characters for you?
• Is there a point in the story where things make a big change? What is it?
Nonfiction Texts
• How do the pictures in your text help you understand what you are reading? Give an example.
• How do the captions in your text help you understand what you are reading? Give an example.
• Pick a diagram, chart, or graph in your book. What is it trying to teach you? What conclusions
can you draw from it?
• Is there a glossary in the back of the book? What word can you find that you didn’t know
before? Why is that word important to understanding the book?
Name: _______________________________ Date: ______________________
You can ask follow-up questions to get more information and details. For example:
Name Date
Job Job
Life cycle of a Plant
Plants are living organisms. They use light from the sun to make their own
food in the form of a sugar called glucose. This process is called photosynthesis.
Plants also get nutrients from the soil through their roots. They breathe in
carbon dioxide and they breathe out oxygen.
Cut out the pictures on
page 2 and paste them
in the correct order in
the life cycle.
Life Cycle of a Plant
A plant starts out as a seed buried in the ground. As water falls on the seed
and the sun warms it, its hard shell opens and it starts to grow out its roots.
As the plant grows, its stem bursts through the soil. Then, leaves start to
grow out of the stem. As the plant gets bigger it will begin to grow buds,
which later sprout into flowers, and sometimes those flowers turn into fruit!
As bees feed on the nectar, they pollinate the plants, allowing more seeds
to be made and scattered to grow again.
What is a Solid?
A solid has a certain size and shape. Can you circle
all of the solids?
Ice cubes
Bird nest
What is a Liquid?
Liquids change shape depending on their container.
Circle all of the liquids.
Fried chicken
Watercolor paint
Science What is a Gas?
Gas has no shape or size. Circle all of the gases.
Study Packet
Use these answer keys
to check your work!
Name: Date:
Answer Key
The Boy Who Cried Wolf
Once upon a time, in a beautiful village
near lush rolling hills, there was a boy who
watched over the village’s sheep. Being
alone up in the hills was very boring. To
liven up his day, the boy thought it would
be fun to scare the villagers and scream,
“Wolf, wolf!” The villagers grabbed whatever they could,
and ran up the hill to scare off the wolf.
The setting is a beautiful village near lush rolling hills.
Main characters:
The main characters are the boy, the villagers, and the wolf.
Cause Effect
The boy tricks the The villagers do not believe the
villagers by
boy when the wolf really comes,
screaming, “Wolf,
wolf!” so the sheep are all scared away.
For example: Grandma chops apples for a pie.
Write two sentences about the picture. Don’t forget the capitals!
25 71 54 30
+ 43 + 26 + 32 + 18
68 97 86 48
51 47 68 32
+ 46 + 22 + 10 + 54
97 69 78 86
70 83 25 69
+ 17 + 16 + 44 + 20
87 99 69 89
48 36 57
+ 31 + 52 + 21
79 88 78
Answer Key
Read the story and fill in the best answer for each question below.
Pete loves animals. He dreams of becoming a veterinarian when he
grows up. But in the meantime, he has quite a few pets to take care of at
Pete's dog is named Shadow. He's a black poodle. Pete takes Shadow
on walks up and down the block. Shadow likes when Pete rubs his belly.
Amy is the name of Pete's cat. She's shy but very loving. Amy spends a
lot of the day napping on the window sill. Pete can always make her purr
when he pets her back.
Pete als o has IO fis h, 3 hamsters, and 2 lizards . He's hoping to own
a parrot some day. Pete's really happy to have so many great pets!
Math Puzzle Boxes Answer Key
Each puzzle contains the numbers 1-9. Each column and each row add up to the
number given outside the boxes. Put the correct number in each box to complete
the addition equations without repeating any numbers.
4 2 9 15 7 6 2 15 2 5 4 11
7 5 8 20 5 4 1 10 9 3 8 20
3 1 6 10 8 3 9 20 7 6 1 14
14 8 23 20 13 12 18 14 13
3 9 4 16 8 5 2 15 8 2 7 17
1 5 7 13 3 6 7 16 5 1 9 15
8 2 6 16 1 9 4 14 6 4 3 13
12 16 17 12 20 13 19 7 19
2 5 8 15 4 8 1 13 8 5 3 16
9 4 1 14 2 6 7 15 6 1 4 11
3 7 6 16 9 5 3 17 2 7 9 18
14 16 15 15 19 11 16 13 16
Answer Key
50 c 20 c 15 c
Chocolate sundae Hot chocolate Carrot cake
30 c 25 c
Strawberry cake Milkshake
1. Mary ordered and . She gave you $1. How much change would you
2. Nancy ordered . She gave you $1. How much change would you
3. Toby ordered . He gave you $1.50 . How much change would you
Bicycle Ride
Write each sentence using correct
capitalization and punctuation.
Answer Key
Reading Find the Main Idea Answer Key
Find the main idea in the paragraph below. Write the main
idea in your own words in the space provided. Then, write
a concluding sentence for this paragraph.
Concluding sentence:
This unique capability is one of the reasons sharks are such successful predators.
Na me Da te
they will
sleep the
can jam
Answer Key
3 11
7 9
4 15
6 2
7 5
8 10
Life cycle of a Plant
Answer Key
Plants are living organisms. They use light from the sun to make their own
food in the form of a sugar called glucose. This process is called photosynthesis.
Plants also get nutrients from the soil through their roots. They breathe in
carbon dioxide and they breathe out oxygen.
Cut out the pictures on
page 2 and paste them
in the correct order in
the life cycle.
What is a Solid?
A solid has a certain size and shape. Can you circle
all of the solids?
Ice cubes
Bird nest
What is a Liquid?
Liquids change shape depending on their container.
Circle all of the liquids.
Fried chicken
Watercolor paint
Science What is a Gas?
Gas has no shape or size. Circle all of the gases.